THE 1LIK001LK (DOUMIEIS. LINCOLN COUKlEIi. J.M. ROBERTS, Kl'llDU A Sit IKOPKlKTOlt. LLxN C( ) I. .i T N , N . C, K fT. b, lK'j'i . IM Ki.'Kl) In Lilt i'osT OKilCti AT XjINOoLWuN AS fctCOND CLASS ilAlL. s i'- ;rij don Cask in Advance. ) (Ml S'l.-O mouth 75 I aai..itl:d OO A'.v'-.i- of Advert iainQ. .!'!. k-'i, one nine. 1.00 j L'5c .0. I'.K-u Miu.veueu laser hod. i o injiied, uug time, 1.50 j 50 t .. . i.u t;v:M subsequent insertion i.oec lectio, one time, 52.00 ";, v .lis lor each babtjeuent iuoer ;r )u '--, one time, 2.50 ur each oabcequent insertion. ... n-oial ialea tor oue-halt and ! iu mil eulutun ; alao, for any c t liserui-at continued longer . o month. M.iuiaitCrttioud and busiuean -. i; i id be directed to the ,vji:iku," Liucolntoo, .. .... o. ';. private natnre, or ; "ihe attentiou of the I . . i l.Isd ouch as have no re- 1 ; .j .h:.s paper, fchould be sent j. ."i Koberta, Asheville, tf. i :i?.o- Vance h speech. xi money is abundant price ' . rtLtn money is scarce th3 .:- ci a:; prodaetB ure low. ..t. he that increases the a ... r.a i f moDey benefits pro-. .:. ; .i aaJ enhances prices and l,cs he that contracts or di the amount of this mouey "legates eve'y thing which is for . ac.uii r:g wages, though by s ot coirjbinatious and defen.. vi .uoiures iu many parts of the i.vaes are affected less thau Tiiy eliHct uj.on ihe condition and vir'oi-iu ot maukind which would 'v.-'.ov!be (if'struction of ODe-half )i tlii.4 cin it ncy it u impossible icrr.iieiy to describe. The imagine '.o: ot pot-t would be required to . ' tr.iv i.s misery ; and only be who of ti-d toiough the horror-laden r.'ic- 1 i in Inferno, or he that ex : : i.;; m .-till bublimer song pors r y i t.i-.: wretcheduesa of man s i-v ,t '.i.oiico and fall, could ade- w:A. i.a torth the evil, the suffer .!.:! Uii: yoirow which would .o 1 to mankind if their wages aod .li;- pi it.--. a of alt their products were d'cii'.i.y:ii id the proportion that v,;:uM 1'iiiow the destruction nf o-o-o'lit (f iIih world's money. Yet, , I-.- pic.-!. of destruction has been . i'. uu ipoetly t-ince 18y, the re of v.Ir.ili ve ee in prices lower in nian t iii.. e tiiau have ever been nwu within the memory of man. I'l.e M'pe.d cf thr Sherman law, vvimmhii -.uiv .substitute providing i.,i the r ntinrd coinage of bilver, ?ho fin! ol" .-i!vr money tor this 1 ('elation, e-tpt as subsidiary I'mit, unifss, indi-ed, a gieat revolu tuoi of the people should restore it, Pb Mi:t di:ie. alter the friiudu'eut dfiinou-t :.;tt ion ot 1873. Any tt-cnnically intelligent man woidd nittiiiully suppose that when a !iv reipured the purchase of silo -v i.olli.m and the issue of treasu i imm-s ;n ptiyment thereof, and i'l iuilfii for tlib coinage of that bullion into silver dollars for the ) 'M))i -ho ol redeeming those notes 5 .1; in corner goia or silver at able in either gold or silver at d,.cieti n of the Secretary of ' 're.-Miiy: it vhs meant tor him 'To -1 cse that discretion in favor, .'er, when t tie interest of the .-my required it. It was con x d dillt reiitly, add i arties would t,t i;' tnose Treasury notes aud - nr. thvm to tne treasury, where were luwoiioly redeemed in 'Van: to mamtata th9 parity ".At tWO metals, therefore only cord that ho.d jp f-.hd permit it to drop out . to auyss, displaying heie : v.ifdom which was diss iy the Irishman who was .. ..ov. . the &haft of a mice in a aud sot scared. He shout- .Juui me up, boys, haul me Dpi k: don't haul nie up, may the i iiy away with me if I don't u "I:t ro;e !'' Laughter, J These ;n .fco claim :o be likewise true ;r;;-nd of silver, but who are mis. X ..o --d by our wear judgment?, ap - ijcU.te this love aud tender care, : u deplore it. Tra y they must love silver much, si tire they chHtie it mnch. And bo the attempt, is now made to the hninhiij touch lo nilver h this panic, moie fruduh nt i ha u u mm the legislation of 187,j ; an J, though 30,000,000 of KoM has come i u within tiib last 30 Ways, aud continue to come, and will coiue judt uo long as we keep foreigneie iu oai dedt,they keep up their clairi or for repeal. If the Sherman law sent out tfold, it aurely has biought it back. If not, what Las made it return ? When the platform denounced the Sherman law an "a cowardly make- fihitt." did it mean a makeshift lor thb ftee coinage of culver, or the Dae of gold !a makeshift for bimetal lism or moraometallism ? "Under which king, Bezoniaa? Speak or die!'' Langhier.J If tne fiarners of that plank meant that it 'Tan a cowaidly maKeshilt lor the free eoiuage of tllver, is not the bill for its repeal, without a lice n it place, a tenter coward and a worse makeshift ? Is not the coin age of 54,000,000 ounces pf-r annum nearer to free coinage than the coin age cf none We are poseessiou of the entire law making department of the gov ernment. The same power which j can t uact this bill into a law could j cact other thiugo promifed, if oniy . liaikis is viiliii'."' Iu ti?cr, there , would be a greaer power ia the hands of the Democracy if this bill weie coupled with provisions carryN iu out the platform, for, in tha"; case, I do not suppose there is r. Democrat iu either House tha: r ra- would refuse to support it. pear, if we are in good faith, wby uot do it now ? Why caoDOt the bankers and stock-brokers wait for the repeal j ot the Sherman law until the re j maiuing legislation which we have , promesed to enact shall be prepared aDd ready ! The last excuse for its repeal, ex ! cept the true oue, which they do ' not give, has been knocked from ! under them. They know it did not ' take gold from this country, be I caue iu the face of their protesta 1 lions they see that gold id returning I in obedieuce to well-known laws of j trade, aud all that they now hang l upou is that they have not "coufi- dence'' in the government of their j country that it will redeem its obh gallon in gold. That is equally fete as the other. Now, supposing, what is hardly supposable, that when we establish free coinage at the ratio of 1G to 1, that all the silver of the world, coined and uncoined, were pouriDg into the United States, in a very short time all the nations which use subsidiary coiu would be out of sil ver ; all the nations which use silver as a full legal tender, and all the peoples ot the world who use silver iu the arts aud for industrial pur poses, would find themselres in the same conditiou, and would have to come to the United States for their supply ot silver. They could buy it from no mau here for less than its coining value ; theiefore, throughout the world, it would at once boeouit' equal to golf, aud it would follow that we would noon have to supply the demand for it ia every country. The idea so sedulously put forth that, we cannot give sliver or any thing else a value by law is false. r fancv there is not a manufacturer ia the United States who has grown rich by high tariff who accede.; to that proposition. It is true the law of supply and detr.aud controls the bullion price of silver as of other things, but it is also true that the demaud is" m the controi of the gov ernment. Silver has never at auy time within the last hundred years fallen ia consequence of more being prodeced than there was auy de maud fcr it has always beeu de-r 1 predated by legislation which has ieduced the demand. ; To permit the passage ot tbjs j without a'taching some other letis- j Jattoa t0 it knowing that that other 1,1011 could not be secured iu ! depeudently and by itseif that we i consciously surrender and torn our j b&cka upou all lne pieases we have : laade t0 lna oeoule. It strikes me. sir, that if we do this we mut do it with our eyes open to the censes quences; we must do it knowing that we are subjecting ourselves to the serious accusations of our con stituents. It seems to ma, sir, that the great Demon Miic pirly, which I liavn al-jh.ilo is bemi: prl tor no oiber ways supported her a ti. ho I tielitn t than to .stave olT vote, it t h not oni.v coiiecf. in its theo ries of govesiuioMit, but devoted to the i.'itfie.-'tM id tho coiniiioii people the tutiStjtw of thtlaud it strine to me, 1 nay, that if wo pass this bill now ucoxioditionally, that this great party will then cease ro be the pno plt'rt friend and become the subser vient tool of combined capital, and will constitute itself in Its legislation the lineal and legitimate successor of the thirty-tbree years ot that Itepubhcau rule which we have al ways heretofore denounced as buib ding up the combinations and cor porations which have welKnigo ab sorbed the wealth of oar country Iu this fair land the thunderbolts of Jove dwell still with those whose voice of God, and the bow of Ulysaea is yet in the people's Lauds, and its quiver is filled with death dealing dans. Its oinugs will yet siu: many a boug of battle to awaken the sleeping people, aud upon every plain and in every valley and upon every mountain side, from shore lo shore of our inclosing seas, they will spring to their feet at the call ing ot that music, with a light cf conflict on their faces and the resolve of victory in their hearts. In tha: day it would be better for some o; those who have joined iu the flghj against the money of the poor "tha . a milistone had been hanged abou their necks aud they had been cas. ! bate tx3peaker R9ed has continn mto the midst of the sea. j ously t-ougbt to make discord among ilany a defeated statemaa of thi i j the democrats, but ap to this time great fight, when he looks iuto thuj he has succeeded iu doing nothing :aces of those who overthrew him ii i except making an exhibition of him - :hat 8trift. will be surprised to be hold not the faces ot his old political enemies, but those of his own indig aant neighbors and heretofore - friends, who will say to him, "Wo ; followed your example ; we ioveC ' vou aud believed the best wav tt serve you was to kill you. Surely the fountains ot the great deep ot humanity are broken up ant the hearts of men are stirred withu them as they have never been stir- red war. before since the The great fight is on; cm: j the! power of money and its allies! throughout tha world have entered into this conspiracy to perpetrate the greatest crime of this or any other age," to overthrow oue-halt cf the Torld's money, and thereby double rhnir own nAAlth hv rh n changing in value ot the other halt, which is in their bands. jQg ln0 temple ot our liberties. To:aotbe mixed up with the silver your tents, O Israeli'' Applause iae8tion 1Q lu Heriee. nieveland and Rah. Rnrh Wasliiiigtoii News. , Correspondence of the Coubisr. j WASHi.NGxox,D.C.,Sept.4,1893 - President Cleveland never worked f harder since he became President . than he has done Biuce his return to j Washington. Iu addition to his. desk work, of itself a task for an or. uinary man, ue uas ueiu important couterences with every member of his cabinet upou matters pertaiuing to their several departments; with uumerous Senators ou the outlook for the passage of the silver repeal bill, and with chairman Wilson, c t the Uouiie Ways aud Means com. mittee upon the new tariff bill, pub lic hearings upon which were totday begun by that committee, to be continued until the 20, inst. In short, Mr. Cleveland has, after his vacation, takeu up his numerous public duties with the vigor which has always characterized his admin istration of public affairs. To see h:m and talk with him two minutes W robi4bl rta m moe PP will convince any man that the talk I !at,118 ut 111 for aPPi"tments about his health being uudermined and broken is arrant nonsense. Ke was overworked j needed rest ; and now that he has had it is all right again. It is now acknowledged by the staunchest opponent of the uncon ditioaal repeal of the purchasing clause of the Sherman silver law that the opposition to repeal is gradually melting away. A majori ty ot the Senators will vote for re peal when a vote can be reached, aud the only delay thiit can arise after all the Senators have ueeu giveu an opportunity to express their sentiments will be by fillibus. tenng. To what extent fillibuster ing will be carried is not yet appar ent, but it is certaiu that a number ot Senators who are strongly op- posed to unconditional repeal such men as Morgan, of Alabama, and Peffer, ol Kansas, will refuse to aid m fillibustering to prevent a vote and Senator Vorbees, who is in charge of the repeal bill, has given notice of his intention to use ex, treme measures, if necessary, to lorce a vote upon the bill, as soon as it becomes apparent that the des It ih now thought tv tho.Mi who la vor rept'Kl that a vote can be reach- ed in two, or at the outside thiee workH. The gambleia ale usually good judge ot the way the wind blows and they are offering odds that the purchasing clause ot the Sheimau law will be repealed be fore the first of October. I saw one bet of $100 to $40 made, the gam bier taking the $100 end, aud later offering to give four t outJ UP to $ 1000, without takers. Still, it is certain that the bill will not pass the Senate without a bitter strug gle, which will piobably be one of the most memorable iu the history ot the Senate. This struggle ia ex pected to begin with a continuous session of the Senate, when the at tempt will be made to wear out the opposition, and thus force a vote. The Lloune is slid debating the piopuseo new rules reported flow the committee oil rules last week, and until they have been adopted no bills can be introduced, except by unanimous consent, and that is Seldom given. Among the most important amusements which the tiouse has abeady added to the j rules is that giving the committee j on Banking and Currency the same privilege that the committee on Ap t propriations and that on Ways and j Means have had that of reporting ' hills at any time. During tne de- i serf. While the democrats have d ffsiences among tnemselves as to l8ome of tue ro,es "ported, they are u:e 10 seme iubiu, uu eino them without Reed's interference, There is very little talk uow about 'the extra sesiou being a snort one There is so much to be done that nearly all of the members have about coiue to the conclusion that it is better to stay through the fall than to lie compelled, to siay here through the entire summer next year. Some thing has got to be done to increase the revenues ot the Government, iu or,e" to vid a big deficit at the i ent of -oe present fiscal year, aod jit is likely that after the repeal bill I ' disposed ot Preesideut Cleveland m biiV8 b0ine ieccomeudatico to cuake ou tne eubiect- xt 18 wish' auu also tnat or secretary uariisie iouon to be prumited to Miss Cleve land returned with the President, aQd the wbole family u nQW com- tortably domlciled at the White House. Mrg ClevelAnd is welUnd ,ooklng 8pleadidiy. aenator Dolph made a 8peech ln fbe yeuate SaturdftY afterD00a iu favor of hi3 bil, appropnating g50o,. 000 to cany out the provisions of the Geary anti-Chinese law that hardly made pleasing reading for the new Chinese minister, who the aame day presented his credentials to Secretary Gresham. JIierry ville Letter. I see a list of 21 storekeepers and gnagers for Gaston and by the way a veiy good selection as lar as it gor-s ; all good Democrats. GMon County furnishes about fifty distiN leries which the Gaston Pemocracy demands should be supplied by Gasfon Democrats. There has Borne of whom I kuow to be sound Democrats and it is expected the Collector will appoint iu the near future- So mote it be. It is rt--moved and indications poiut to the facN that old veterau soldiers are to be ignored in the gift distribu tion ot ofScialjoalronage, and oung er men selected- This ra-iy he a fair view of situation ; but it is doubtful. If ouch a course will or can prove successful to the official duties of the Treasury department and the piosperity and success of Democracy Democracy says, Amen. Iat it it woDldfbe better to occasion ally recoguiz ihe od bent fellows who fought the bloody battles of home and right as well as the sktr mishas for Democratic ascendency let that be done. Toe old soldiers are getting quite thinly settled and have withstood the storms of three core years aod are entitled to re spect on accouut of age if nothing else. We should reward acts per formed, rather than exception of acts not yet done. The maxim of wise men ; was old men for counsel, jouug men for war. Old men, dis eased and mained men have as strong claims if competent to official recognition as auy class ot men can have. But something else. In the 1 iter days ot Republican rnle the 5th collection District of Iuternal Revenue of North Oaroltua was jer rymandered and divisions consoli dated for political purposes alone. '1 he idea ot Catawba, Lincoln aud Gaston constituting oue division is ridiculous, with at least oue hun dred distilleries and oue Dept. Collr. Oollr. Eaves had Lincoln aud Gastou iu one division and this proved too much territory as to my personal knowledge the Dept. did not visit all the distilleries ottener than bieDDtady, when the law di rects that be shall visit all the dia tiileries at least once a mouth and I beleive in the first five days ot the month. Is it expected of Deputy Collector Williams that he visit all the distilleries Cataffba, Lincoln aud Gastou, as the law directs f No. This is a Radical scheme got ton up by Republicans to affect a Democratic administration, and the sooner this wrong is righted ihe better for the service, the party and country. Watch out tor impedi ments obstruction and false light. Euemies always try to deceive and misguide the ship of slate aud cuurcu. Watch what? Watch aud be ready to meet and foil hia foul aXtack. Under Republicun rule store keepers and goagers were imported from the extreme western portion of the state and located iu Gaston oar own dear Gaston and thereby robbed Gaston of her rights of the earnings which was due, and more thau this Cherry ville Township with her dozen or more distilleries had bat three bonded storeKeepers ,.ana gaagers to my knowledge. The lest were imported aud designated meu. I must stop and tax the pa tience of the Courier no farther. Wishing the editor aod all his read era abuodrot success. I have the honor to be Bob Peak Cberryville, N. C, Sept. 3, 1893. might Hnndred I-ives JLust. Charleston, S. (J., Sept. 2 : ) The News d- Courier had a careful j investigation made of the coudition i ot affairs on the coast of South Car , oiina aud fiuds that its reports have not been exaggerated. The loss of life was aggregate 800. Iu the belt of country between Charleston and Savannah the storms wiped up the r r homes as well as the growing crops and left the people in a terrible state. The loss of life and property was found to be greatest on 2bt. lie lena. Ladies Wassa, Coosa, Paris, TJXlwfUSKlc And Dilban Island?. These islands, with Port Royal Is laud, have a population of about 15,000, most of whom are negroes engaged iu raising long staple cot: ton and working in phosphate fields. The estimates at this time as to the loss of life are incomplete. There is uo communication between cer taiu of the islands aud the reports of deaths are slow reaching the cor oner. There aie a great mauy lives lost that will never be report ed as the bodies have beeu covered with sea-.weed or washed out to sea. Coroner Wells, of Beaufoid coun ty, has supplied the following death roll lor Beauford aud Vicinity: Drowned on Wassa Island, 47 ; Ooitin Point, 80; Dawthan, 37; Coosaw Island, 25 ; Chisoliner Is land, 26 ; Hunting Island, 25 ; St. Helena Island, 200; Savannahfield Plantation, 200 ; Beauford, 3 ; Salt Water Bridge, 4 ; Olbhata, 6 ; Grey, hill, 3 , Perry Clear Point, 11 ; La diPB' Island, 27 ; Palis Island, 24 ; Landsend, 20; Kane's Necir, 60; Coosaw Mills. 5 ; on dredges, 5. To tal 758. Other island are to be heard from. Reports show that there is dire dis- tress among the colored people, i Their hemes have been washed away ! and their crops destroyed. There j ii no work tor them to do and they 1 are suffering for food. j Ex-Congressman Elliot says that j "starvation is sure and imminent.'' A relief committee has been organ- j ized, composed of colored and white meu, and an address is being pre- pared calling on the American peo i pie for help. i Shipping has suffered and nine ' teuths of the vessels in the port ot j Port Royal and Beaufort are j wrecked. The phosphate industry j has been temporarily paralyzed by loss o dredges and tugs and dam- ages to drying plants. The health : ol Port Rojal and Beauford, which suffered, 13 being loofced after by lo- ' cal committees. 1 Helping ReauTort H'itu Hon ; ey and Provision. : Charleston, S. O., September 2. j Mayor Ftcken issued a proclama tion calling a public meeting of the citizens to help she Beaufort suffer ers. in lespoutw i v c.ttKeiiH, of ail colors, assembled iu it t'tty hall this morning. Mayor Fickeu pteaided. $1,500 was sub scribed on the spot and large con r I.. .-. .......I.ur tributions ot food and clothiug were J made by inrchautH at the rxoetiog. I Several tugs and steamers offered tueir services and the Savannah Railway offere i free transportation A geueral relief committee was ap pointed with J. B. Barnwell chair man. A geueral canva68 will be made in every ward of the city for money, food and clothing for the aeacoast sufferers. The first relief train departed lor the destitute die trict this afternoon. University ol Aoriti C arollna. Equipment: Faculty of 25 teach ers, 11 buildiugs, 7 scientific labora tiea, library 0130,000 volumes, 31G stndeuts. Instbuotiox : 5 general couises 6 brief courses ; professional courses in law, medicine, engineering and chemisny: optional couises. Expenses: Tuition, Son oer year Strholci!ljiiiti nod loan for Ibt tieedy- Atttlross Fklsh-fnt Wixarox, tb Chapel 11 ill, N 0. UXCoLXTtlX 3XAltlKT, Reported for the Cotjbieb every Thursday morning by Capt. B. F. Grigg : Oottou 7 - per bu Corn Meal Flour, Buhr Flour Patent Pork Bacon sides Bacou hams Beef Lard Tallow Chickens Butter Hooey Eggs Rags Hides, green Hide, dry Wool, washed GO . 60 1.50 1.75 " 100 lbs. 4 (k It ' lb " " N C... 4 it 00 1U 13 ' round 5 4i U 11 10 to 12 per ib 10 to 18 kl " 10 44 doz S 10 " lb . oi "2 " 5 t " 1st class. . 27 " 1 .i u ox -2 " " 4. Cabbage " '... Apples, diit-d " Peaches dried " Apples greeu per bu.. Peaches giteu 4i "-. . Sweet Potatoe.4 " " . . Irish " Onions Onion sets 'k . 40 to 50 to 60 . 40 . .. 40 40 to 50 Blackberries dried, per Ib 03 Bees-wax per pouud.. 16 to 17 I The piices tor dried fruits are re- j markably low this season. As evi dence of this the following quotas t Hons by other markets prevailedoo j ihe 30th August : Fancy a iced ap- ! pies, 3c; Choice. 2c; Dark U ; Qaartered 2c ; Blaekoerriea 3c. Lincoln i CGUMEK ONE FOR S1.00--6 M G5 CTS. ersPiiss Are better known and more general ly used than any other cathartic. Sugar-coated, puivly vegetable, and f ree from mercury or any other inju rious drug, this is the ideal family medicine. Thou-h prompt ami ener getic iu their act mo. the u-e of these pills is attended with only the best results. Their effect is to strengthen and regulate the organic functions, being especially beneficial in the various deranpe vneiits of the stom ach, liver, and bowel:;. Ayer's Pills are recommended by all the leading physicians and druggists, as the most prompt and effective remedy for biliousness, nausea, costiver.ess, indigestion,- sluggishness of the liver, jaundice, drowsiness, pain in trie side, and hick headache; also, to relieve colds, fevers, neuralgia, and rheumatism. They are taken with great U-netit in chills and the diseases peculiar to the South. For travelers, whether by land or sea, Ayer's are the best, and should never be omitted in the out lit. To preserve their medicinal ijileritv in all cli mates, they are put up in bottles as well as boxes. 44 1 have used Ayer's Pills in my family for several years, and always found them to be a mild and excel lent purgative, having a good effect on the liver. It i.s the best pill used." Frank Spillman, Sulphur, Ky. Frepared by Dr. J. C. A yt-r Co., Lowell, Maes. Soid by I)ruegiu Everywhere. Every Dose Effective Pills BAOKET ISTORE. In order' to make room for our fall stock, we will sell the following goods at cost and less, in order to clear them out before the season is over : A hig lot of whit that wera 10, 124 an.l loot-, will . tor 8, 10 and 12ct; A lot of siimmer Worsteds tbnt were 10, 12 nud l.Vts will o for 8, 10 aud 12ct yurd, A U'-w i-ifrs f liht cashmeres tbtt were 2., 3 und rtcU will ga for 20, hm1 ;i0i t. A siiinll lot of snteen thai i was wi.l is ts will r.. f..r 12 and 15c men's tine ttraw imts that ranged from oOc: toSl.CH'i. You tun tke your choice for 45cis. A lot ot cotionade pants cood3 tbtt were 15 and 20cis, will ro tor 12i and 16 2-3et3. yhis is a chance to get goods at slaughter prices. Don't wait theyT are gomir and you will miss getting a bargain. Put up your fiuit while you have it and while you can get your jars for a trifle, ye will ' sell Macon's best quart jars at 'Jocts , ana nan-gaions at ni.ij per dozen. You will get no more at this price, when the lot we have is jrone. RESPEC1 FULLY, JtL KISTLER, PROP BIG FOUR ROUTE TO CHICAGO. 5 Trains a Day 5 Look at the Time Card. ol No 17 No 3 No 7 No 5 Daily Daily Ex -dun Daily Daily a ru 3 30 noon p m p m. Lv (Jin. 800 12.40 7 9 00 a m 7.11 a m 7.S0 p iu 4.56 p m 9.31 p m 9.50 a m G.3G a m 6.55 Ar Fair. 5.2G p m 5 45 p m Ar Oh'yo. 5.15 All dav trains have Parlor car3 aod tuning Ckr9 ; night train9 have Sleepiag 1 Cars and Keclining Chair Cara No. 1 has Through .Sleeping Car Maon and At- j lanta to Chioago ma E. T. V fc G. R. ft. i and A. & !. Ih.uty, The Oig'Foar Kou'.e is positively the onlv line making connect ; lion in Central Union Station, Cincinnati 'vith through trains of the E. T. V. & O. lty., Queen and Creser.t Koute. Chesa peake Ohio Ky , Kentucky Central Ry., and L. & N. K. K. without transfers aud landing passengers at Midway Plaisaace, the main entrance gate t the World's Fair, Be tare your tickets read via the Big Four Route. For full information ad dress D. B. Martin. General Passenger Agent, Cincinnati, O- Ptmples -ANI- Blotches JIRERVWENCB That the blood it urongt and that nature is endeav oring to throu off the impurities. Nothing is so beneficial in assisting nature as Swift's Specific (S. S. Sj Jt is a simple vegetable compound. Is harmless to the most delicate child, yet it forces the poison to the surface and eliminates it from the blood. i.c oni!?cied severe case of blood poiao that unfitted me for business for four years. A tew bottles of Swift's Specinc (S. S. S.) cured. J.C.joNts, City Marshal, Fulton, Arkansas, Treatise ca Blood and Skin Diseases mailed s. bWLTT iiuiJiic Co, Atlanta, Ga. ! NOTICE! 1 I have leased the South I Fork Paper Mills situated at Lineolnton, J C, and can fur J nish book, news, and manilla j papers of the best quality, at j lowest Cash prices, j Send in your orders, and you shall be satisfied.

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