... w tv y . . fl ffllfil iff VOL. VII. LINCOLNTON, N. C., FRIDAY, SEPT. 15, 1893. NO. 22. Professional Cards. J. W.SAIN,M.D.; Has located at Lineolnton and of fers hla services aa physician to tba citizens of Lineolnton and sarroanc ing country. QWiM ba ioand at night at the Lh -colnton Hotel. March 27, 1S91 ly Bartlett Shipp, ATTORNEY AT LAW, lincoln'ton, n. o: 9, 1891. Jan, ly. DENTIST. LINCOLNTON, N. U Teeth etnicted without puin by the use of an anaesthe tic applied to the gums. Pos tively destroys all sense of pain and cause no after trouble. I guarantee to give satisfac tion or no charge . A call from you solicited. Aug. 4, lsy;j. ly. CJO To HAItBHU SHOP. Newly fitted up. Work awayn neatly done, rustomerti politely -waited upon. Everything pertain- Di ing to the tonaorial art is done ouiu.uK in mieai, myies. IIeNBY Taylqh, Barber. I English Spavin Liniment removes all tard, soft or calloused lumps and blemish es from hordes, Mood spavins, curbs, splints sweeney, iiii-hon, -tifles, sprains, all swollen thn.uis, coughs etc t'mve $50 by use oi one bottle. Warranted the most woDderlul Me tniah cure ever Known. Sold by-J. M- Lawing Druggist Lincolnton N C. Itch on human and noises and all am i mals tared in 30 minutes lv Woolford Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Solr by J M. Lawin Drutryi-t Lincolnton. N C 1 ODE LllLLlOn LADIES Are daily riXGiameadinjf the Perfection It Expands ADJUS TABLE 1 Across The Ball 4. Joint. This make The best Fitting, nicest Looking and most comiortsbfe in the world. Prices, f i, f J.50, $3, and $3.50. Consolidated Shoe Co., '; Manufacturers, Lynn, Mass. Shot's Made to Me&rtire. To be found at Jenkins' Bros. Wbea Caby was Bicfc, vra gave tier CastorfcL. VTheo she tras a Child, she cried tor Casioria When ahe became Jliss, she clung to Castorta. When rfie had Children, she gs vc them Castor T "YT TENT10N I has revolutionized 111 V ENTION I the world during the Last half century. Not least among the wonders of inventive progress is a method and system ot work that can be performed all over the eu'intrv without separating the workers from tbeir homes. Pay lib eral; any one can do the work; either sej, young or old; no special ability required Capital nut needed; you are started free. Cut this out and return t" us and we wil send you tree, something ot great value and importance to you, that will start you in business which will bring you in more money richt away, than anything else in the world. Grand outfit free. Addres? True & .. Autrusta, Maine A Scientific American Agency for. IS CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS. OESICN PATENTS COPYRIGHTS, etoJ Ttr Inform at ton and free Handbook write to uvun a co., bkuawv at, hiw York. Caleirt bureau or ttecuriiiff patent Lu America. Bfery patent taken out by s is brought befora Ue pubiio by a uotloe given free of charge In tha worTi. ?LlouaidJf nlumrateJ No luteDleat voao. shouJd be without It. Weekly. S3.UO 1.J six inonthn. Addreb iXCN'N it CO CliLliiitKS. 361 BioaU way, Mew York i mty. BUOKLEN'S AKNICA SALVK The best Salve in the world for cuts and bruises, sores, salt rheum, fever sores, tet er, chapped hands, chilblains, cornB, and all skin eruptions, and positively cure Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refun ed. Price 25 cents per box. For eale by J. M Lawins, Pybsician and Pharmhcist IT SHOULD BEI Ir EVERY HOUSE J B Wilson, 371 Clay St, Sharpsburg, Pa., says he will not be without Dr, King's New Discovsry for consumption, coughs and colds, that it cured his wile who was threatened with pneumouia after an attack of la grippe, when various other remedies and several physicians had done her no ood Kob?rt Barter of Cooksport, Pa., claims King's New D:covery has dose Mm mo-e good than anything he ever used for lung trouble. Nothing like it. Try it. ree trial bottles at Dr. Lawing's drug store. Larse bottles, 50c and f 1. 1 Jlatferus. BY JOSEPH W. HOLDtN. The Wind King from the North cam 3 down, Nor stopped by river, mount or town, But like a Tjoistrou3 god at play,1 v Kesistlesa bounded on his way. He shook the lake and tore the wood. And flapped his wings in merry mood, Nor furied them till he spied afar The white caps fiVh on Hatteras bar. Where the fierce Atlantic landward bowh O'er treacherous sands and hidden ihoals He paused, and wreathed kia horn of cloud And blew defiance long and loud ; ''Come-up! Come up, thou torrid god, That rul'st the Southern sea! Ho! lijshtsning-eyed and thunder-shod, Come wrestle her with me! As tossests thou the tangled cane I'll hurl thee o'er the boiling main!" The angry heavens hung dark and still, Like Arctic night f-n Hecla's hill ; The luermaM.s sporting on the waves, Affrighted, tied to coral caves : The billows checked its curling crest, Aud tremblfng, sank to sudden rest " All ocean stilled its heaving breast.' Reflected darkness, weird and dread, An inky plain the waters spread So motionless, since life was fieJ. Amid the eleineutal lull, When nature died and death lay dull, As though itself were sleeping there Becalmed upon that dismal flood Ten fated vessels idly stood And not a timber creaked ! m silence heid each'hollow hull pave when some sailor, in that nis-ht ; uppressed with darkness and despair; Some seaman, groping for the light, ' Kose up and shrieked. They cried like children lost and lorn : 'Oh, Lord, delivor while you may! Sweet Jesus, drive this gloom away! Forever fled, oh, lovely day? 1 would that I were never born!" For stoutest souls, were terror thrilled, And warme3t hearts with horror chilled. "Come ud! Come, up, thou torrid god, Thou lightening-eyed and thunder-shod, And wrestle here with me!" 'Twas heard and answered : "Lo! I come From azure T&ribes To drive thee cowering to thy home And melt its walls of frozen foaml" From every isle and mountain dell, From plains of pathless chapparel, From tide-built bars, whera sea-birds dwell; He daew im lurid legions lorth And sprang to meet the whiteplumed North. Can mortal tongue in song convey The fury ot that fearful fray ? Uow ship3 were splintered at a blow SaiU shrivered into sheets of snow And seaman hurled to death below! Two gods commingling, bolt and blast, The huge waves on each other cast, And. bellowed o'er the raging waste ; Then sped, like harnessed steed3 afar, Amid the midnight din of war False Hatteras! when the cyclone came Your waves leapt up with hoarse acclaim And ran and wrecked yon afeosv! I Fore'er nine sank ' That lnne hnlt- aiuni Embedded in thy yellow sands An hundred hearts in death then stilled, Are now careised by thee! Smile on, smile on, thou watery hell, And tos9 those skuils upon' the ' shore , The sailor's widow know3 thee well; Uis children beg from door to door And shiver while they strive to tell How thou hast robbed the wretched poor " Yon liplesi skull shall speak lor me, This is Golgotha of the sea! And its keen hungar is the same In winters frost or summer's, flame! When life was young, adventure sweet, I came with Walter Kaleigh's fleet, B it here my scattered bone have Iain And bleached for ages by the main! Tboucn lonely ence sttaDge folks have come Till peopled in my barren home Enough are here. Oh, hied the cry , Ye white-winged strangers sailing - by! The lark that linjers on this wave, : Will find it smiling but a grave! Then tardy mariner, turn and floe, A myriad wrecks are on the lea! With swelling sail and sloping mast Accept kind lieaveu's propitious Mast! Oh, ship, sail on! Oh. ship, sail fast, Till thou, Golgotha' b quick-sands past, Hath gamed the open sea at last. New York Ledger. THE PINK POCKET. BY MAEY KYLE DALLAS. Miss Sara La Rae bad danced alllou a meager day, you would never the evening at a ball at her next have guessed that anything was door neighbors, the Peytons. She wore a pretty pink dress with a little, lace-trimmed . pocket at the side. Her principal partner was young Andrew, Peytpp, who was deeply in love with her bat had never told his love. On this night be had written a letter, which by adroit management he contrived to place in the pink pockei aforesaid. It offered her his haod and heart and ended : "If you do not answer, I shall know that you cannot love me, and shall go away." No answer came to him, Sara bad sent the dress, pocket and all? away in a box to the wardrobe, where she put dresses she waa wea ry of. She had not looked into the pocket and knew nothing of the letter. Andrew Peyton took silence for refasal, and left the country within a month. In a 5 ear, pretty Sara was dead. Nobody knew it, bat she had broken her heart over the departed lover. And so one ro mance ended. Oar etory la of an other. Twenty years had passed. Moss grew on the white stone over the breast of Sally La Rue. And at tLe old La liue place her brother lived a widower, with one daughter. Looking up at La Rue fiom the roadoide, you would assuredly have believed that the people who lived there were rich. It waa the residence, 3 on would uaturally have said tojouself, of people of means. And being ans blessed with real estate, you might have sighed, with a little spice of envy, for folk who owned snch a solid dwelling, such rare old oaks, snob a smooth-shaven, green, vel vet lawn, such a garden, and yes, dwih a gardener. There he was now among the roses ; but when you have three wishes given you by a fairy, it is wise, as the old tale proves, never to wish yourself any body else until you examine into the private a flairs of that individu al. In the story I alluded to, the wisher wished himself "that king there,'' seeing him iu a magic mir ror, aod, behold 1 he was transform ed into a monarch who bad been conquered and was about to be put. to death by decapitation. Thus the envious admirer of his property, who had wished himself Mr. La Kue because he thought him a rich man, would have been greatly astonished to find himself sitting before an old desk, trying in vain to arrange cbaotic papers, which, when in or der, only proved that he was dread fatly in debt ; or to see his daughter waited behind bim, with trembling anxiety, knowing that he could have no dinner but the salt pork be so hated, unless, by chance, he had a a little money about him. If he bad' it all went well j but, alas ! if he bad not, he would turn bis wild, black eyes on her, when she bad spoken twice, or thrice, and with his deli cate, ivorystinted 6ngers running through his fine, curling white hair, would ask her, in tones of Lear-like reproach, where she supposed he could have gotten money f He! It was in the old days of the South when a Southern gentleman might not work, and that wonderful gardener was their only servant He was older than Mr. La Rue, and prouder ot the family. He did the cooking. Be did all the work ex cept that done surreptitiously by Miss Sally ia the privacy of parlor and bedroom. This is a fascination to people of his race in making believe a great deal, and Scipio spoke of his fellow slaves, sold one bv one away from their old home, as though tbey were about the place still, and, through his zaal, La Rue looked as well as ever. He mended the fences, re paired the verandas, kept the lawn and garden in order, trimmed the trees, aud flourished a longhandled duster among the cobwebs that gathered so fast in the long, low hung hall that the spiders loved- Everywhere the rich old furni ture, with little upholstery and much 1 carving about it, resisted decay. Unless you had staid to dinner ou wrong ; ana men tne raoie woum have been set with old china ana good cutlery and silver spoons. Neither did Mr. La Rue's great Panama hat, indestructible and costly, or his welMaundried linen suits tell anything. Other women knew that Miss Sally had not a good gown to her name; but a man woald have thought the afternoon dimity, made out of an extra pair of bedroom cur tains, very good indeed, when she pmned one crimson rose at her throat and another in her black hair. The last of a large family early gathered to the tomb, following tbeir consumptive mother thither only a year or two apart, Misa Sally, at eighteen, was the picturo of health. The lamily sorrows were not hers. All was over when she was born, and life was beforo her, aud her home was lovely, and she felt as much above common folk as a queen. Only asking for house keeping money and having no wardrobe to speak of worried her, nntil the makeshift was concocted Sally had rummaged the garret for years, and had made a cloak out of 1 browu table-cloth lined with th long, flannel petticoat that had been hers as a baby, had raveled footless silk stockms, aud knit them over for herself with cotton tops, and beaux who dropped in of an even lug admired her greatly. It had beeu a tryiog day. Mr. La Rue had been quite tragic since dawn, and, since selling Scipio would no more have been thought of than selling Sally, had decided to part with the horse and carriage. That was a blow. Scipio went un der it ; Miss Sally turned pale, and had not the heart to pat roses in her belt. Mr. La Kue had remaik- ed that it would be just as well not to send the halter away, because he would need that to hang himself with. Bat at teatime they had preserved pesimmons, and bread , aud butter with the beverage. Sal ly found a letter at her plate, and, opening it, read tbis : "Dear Miss Sally : Uncle Andrew is coming home and we are going to give a party for him. He has beeu away twenty years. I never saw him before, aud I have made up my mind it shall be lancy 'Vim in sftmft f-harater. It is not a masked ball. Papa disap proves of maskg, bat it will be fun- "Come early to see the arrivals. Won't you beg your dear father to break through his rule for once, and j )iuue. We should be so honored. He needn't costume, unless be cnooses. The elder people will be allowed to do as they like, but you ?iu$t, my dear. Your loving friend "'Fanny. Op, papal'' cried Sally, all ber sadness gone in au instaut. "You'll come, won't you "You have not stated icha','' re plied Mr. La Rue, with his broadest accent and sternest voice. "To a fancy-dress ball, papa, dear," replied Sally. "I, who sit here waiting tor the complete downfall ot oar family I, who will leave you aoou a beggar orphan go to a fancy ball 1" cried Mr. La Rue. "Not anotbar wo'd I" ' Oh, papa I Then I mustn't go either !" almost sobbed poor Sally "You're a woman," replied ber fattier, "The Turks think women soulless. 1 am not euau but that they ah right. However, I am too poar to give you a ball-dress." "Oh 1 I can make up something out of nothing. It s my one talent,' cried Sally. "But let me tell you the occaaiou. They say your pres ence would be an honor, and you. might like to meet "Not anothah wo'd'' cried Mr. La Rue. His obedient daughter held her tongue, finished her bread and jam, and, having called lor Scipio to clear away, went up into the garret with a candle. "I'll go as King Cophetua's beg garftmaid, in artistic rags, if I can't do better," she laughed. She looked the old bureau through, the old cheats, the old wardrobe, fruitlessly. Several years of goraging bad emptied them. But on the top of the wardrobe, quite out of her reach, stood a long paper box. What might it not contain of rumpled gauze or lace that might be "done up," or silk that might be cleaned T Miss Sally turned on her tiny toes and tipped down the garret stairs. "ScipH she cried the call was popular in Sonthern homes, and bells were rarer than at the North m those , days "come here, and get that box down for me off the wardrobe in the garret. Scip stumped upstairs, set an old table against the piece of furniture, and climbed down. On his way he stumbled aud fell, tbo box bnrst open and spread abroad on the garret floor lay a pink dross of old fashioned silk, a bow of ribbon to match a fan and a gauzy scarf, all little bobs and fringes. Yes, and a little mnalin bag, from which protruded the toes of a pair ot slippers, aud gloves all rose, color and white. "Why 1 has ray lairy grandmother beu hero 1" criod Sally, joyously. "What does it mean ?" "I kin explain it, miss,'' said Scip, "iJat yar dress was worn by yo' aunt. Miss Sara. Dey called her Misa Sally, je' like lev call yo', To cvan yo' was boru. ".She was mighfy pretty jes' like yo', Miss Sally ; jes' like yo An she went to a ball in dis yar dreHS. so bright an libely au' happy. She came home pale an' wau' aud she seut dis drees all folded up iu de box np de garret. Said she never would wear it no mo'. She hated it an' she never did. She died early, Miss Sally dats de story miss." "Poor auntie, I dou't remember her,'' sighed Sally, "but, Scip, I think I'll take the dress down-stairs Tote it dowu for me right away." "YaB'ui, Miss Sally,'' said Scip, "an' jes' 'sense me for offering one wurd of advice: l'se of de opinion dat ef dat yer dress seems to you to be suitable fer dis yar ball you needn't hab no scruples ob con- scieno about wearin' ob it. Miss Sarah would hab de houor ob de family at heart fer you to dress well, and she wasjes" your height. jes7 your build. Dat yar dress will fit you like de skin fits de coon, Miss Sally. ' It did "I'm sure,'' thought the giil, as she tried it on before the glass, "my poor little auntie never, never care. 1 OUlflO'C II J. Big ouv, ....o. . the prettiest, quaintast tbiug. Then Bhe brushed her hair into the smooth, bat's-'wing style of the period, and saw a picture so like tbe portrait of her aunt in the par I jr below that she almost ecreamed She wore it to the ball. How pretty she looked I How quaint ! How sweet! And who ever lacks a compliment when Southern gen tlemen aie near to whisper it ! The sweet intoxicatiou of flattery that is founded on fact had thrilled the girl's young blood before her hostess found the lion of the evening and brought him to the spot where Miss Sally stood among her admirers. A haudsome mau of fortyfivei youug enough in all outward seems ing to be still charming; tall, broad" shouldered, picturesque ; with no gray in his hair as yet, aud with his own spiended teeth. For tbe first time in her lile, Sally's heart fluttered. "Uncle, tbis is my friend, Mies Sally La Rue," seid the voting hos tess- "Sally, dear, Mr. Andrew Peyton.'' Then the pretty creature flut tered away, and the rest of ball was Mr. A.ndrew Peytou to Sally. We all know what that means. For hit part, Andrew Peyton went home with strange sensations in his heart. It seemed to him as if be had onct moro seen his Sara. He had read her name on the mossy tombstone in the graveyard, and the barb of unanswered letter bad rankled iu his heart bis whole life through ; but here, fresh and young agaiut with a look in her eyes that seemed to say to him : "Try, aud see it you can win me.'' she stood in the pr son of Sallie La Rue, her niece, act ually in a gown of the same pattern. He did not kuow it was the very same, with a pink pocket at its side, into which he had slipped tbe Jet. ter twenty years before He dream ed strange dreams that aighr, in which twiu girls in rose color ran before him. One was his love, one a vision ; but whichever be grasped proved to be the ghost, and melted in his grasp to nothing. At dawn he slept. He still slept at eleven o'clock, when Sally, in her dimity morniag robe, made out of disused bed-curtains of her grand mother's, folded the ball dress in its box again. She examined it closely How well they used to sew ; no Blighting as wo slight onr dressmak ing, and this pocket how perfectly i-vey stitch was set. She took out oat the kercheif, and why ! what was this? A letter a little faintly perfumed thing with her name up, ou it : ! Miss Sara La Rce. : Of course she was christened "Sara," though Sallio waa her home name. She opened it, her heart beating wildly. It was au offer of marriage from Mr. Andrew Peyton. What a strange romantic thing to do a man of fiveand-forty a rich man, a man of the world. It was love at first sight, and what she had always longed for. And she knew slip also had fallen in love with him Sho whs surn now All morning Sally was in a dream. That afternoon she wrote this an swer : "Dear Mr. Peyton : On reaching home, I found your letter in my pockei. Since you say silence will mean refusal to you, I reply. But you know f(i littln of me are yon sure your feelings will last. You may call if you like; papa will be lad to tee you ho shall I but be, fore you do, let me tell you I am a poor gii!, indeed. Everything i b'oing from us. Eveu La Rue, I fear Even Scipio sta s with us out ol love, and though my costly dress last night migh make you think I had some money, even that whs an illusion. It was a dress an aunt ot mine, who died young, left behind her, else I could not have been at the ball. I conceal nothing; but you ask me if I like you. Surely as well aa I could like you more ; out we must know each other better "Sara La Rce " Scipio took this note to Mr. Pey ifn, who awoke from his strange dreams to read if. Ha understood Qoro i Mil never found the letter It bad remained in th little pink pocket twenty years for her neice to answer . and he shed tears for tbe lit et time biuee he left his babyhood behind bim. However, he called that evening on tbe new 3-ira La Ru9 ; and they are married now, and his wealth has restored the old place, aud its master is hap' py. And Sally, who loves her hus band so well, will never dream that tbe answered her aunt's love letter. It is a secret buried in the depths of that chivalrous breast ou which she repose-. Two Old-Time Love Iutler. Rural World. In an old book, dated 1802, there jS the following curious love epistle, It affords an admirable play upon w ids : M yd am : Most worthy of aduvira lion ! Af ttr cong;deration and much meditation on the gre;r reputation y.u possess in tbe nation, I have a strong inclination to become your relation. On your approbation of the declaration. I shall make pre paration to remove my situation to a more convenient station to pro less ray admiration . and if such ob lation is worthy of consideration, it will be an aggrndizatiou beyoud all calculation ot the joy aud exnl ta.iou of Yours, Sans Dissimulation. This was the still more canons answer : Sir : I perused yonr oration with much deliberation at the great infat uation of your imagination to show such veneration ou so nlight a foun dation. But, afier examination and much serious contemplation, 1 sup posed your animation was tbe fruit ot recreation, or had sprung from ostentation to display your educa lion by au odd enumeration, or ra ther multiplication, of words ot the same termination, though of great variation fn each respective signifi cation. Now, without disputation, your laborious application in so ted ious an occupatiou deserves com mendation and thinking imitation a sufficient gratification, I am with" cut hesitation Yours. Mary Moderation. Sabscribe for the LINCOLN Cou BiEB, 8L25 a year. For the Courier. Item from It n tit erf or d College. On yesterday we had Ihe moat powerfal storm of wind and rain thi Ia been experienced here sinoe '52 The clouds and wind came from N. E., and kept up one continual blow from 2 A. M., to 7 P. M. The com I es as flat as if a log had been rolled ever it. The corn blades are torn into strings. Corn is certainly great 1.7 injured. To-day, 3Ut inat., it is raining again, though there is no wind. Our community is remarkably tealthy and peaceful. . Alcoholic ll qnors seem to havo "signed us a qaiS c'aim" thanks be to Ood. Our stu dents are a qniet, studious, peaceable set of young people. We have a goodly representation from old Lincoln Co.; and some of the best materials, found in humanity. Rev. Prof. J. K. Aberoethy, our accomplished pen-man, has "stacked his young wife out" at her home and returned to his place in the college We whalf have, to give him op in November ; for he has determined to drop the pen aud take his saddle bags as an Itinerant, Methodist preach er. Prof. Abernethy has beeu our Prof, of Penmanship for a number of yearn, and I am sure he has no superior as to thn Science or Ait of Penmanship in N. C. Vre shall part with him with much regret, and kuow not, as yet, how to till bis place. Ihe college here opened with 50 odd the first week and additious have been made almost daily. Oar Theological class is smaller than last term, becanse. Heven of its number have been licensed to pieach and are making arrangements to enter the regular pastorate. Several families from about Oliu and elsewhere are moving here to educate. We eonld rent a dozen houses just now If we had them. News reached us here yestejday uqon tbe wires that Mrs. Minnie Aiavun.ier formally uf Char lot i.e, nownf Hickory, is dead, x r.oro this death, because she was a uotb It e lady, well known all over these counties. The waldeuses are still increasing in number by tbe addition of families from Turin in Italy. They are an excellent class of peo ple. Success to the "CouKiaR'' aod its auouiplished. preseut Editress. Old Lincoln County is our childhood borne, and we feel a deep interest in ail her public enterprises. Trebok Aug. 31st, 1893. Xo AM Talk ? This query is made by a writer in the magazine of- Natural History, and he then goes on to say : I one day saw a drove cf small black ants moving perhaps to better quarter?. Tt e distance was some 150 yard?. Almost all which came from the old home carried some of the household goods. Some had eggs, some had what may have answered for their ba xm or meat, some had one thing and some another. I sat and watch ed them closely for over an hour. I Doticed that every time two met in tbe way they would bold their heads close to each together aa if gr eting one another, and no mat ter how often the meeting took place tnis same tbiug occurred, as though a snort chat was necessary. To prove more about it, I killed one who was on bis way. Others beiog eye witnesses to tbe morder went with peed, and with every ant they met this talking took place as before. Bnt metead of a pleas ant greeting it waa sad news they had to commuuicate. I know it was sad news, for every ant that these parties met hastily turned back and fled on another course, as much as to eay, "For the king's sake and for your safety do not go there, for I have seen a monster, just behind that is able to destroy ns all at one blow. I saw him kill one of oar family I do not kuow how many more are killed." So the news spread, and it was true. How was tbe news communicated, if not by speech ? LADIES Needing atonic, or children who wantbuflA in up. fhould take BROWN'S IRON BITTERS. It U pletMQt to take, cures Malaria. LnS- CSfUon, milougnegi and Liver ComDlalaia,

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