LINCOLN COURIER, LOCAL DEPARTMENT. JilSSMATTIK McLEAN, Looal Editor & Business Manager.' CHJKCU DlltKUTOKY. FK3BTTOUN. Ke?. R. Z, Johnston Pavor, reachin every 2nd, ana 4til fcaudays 11 A. hi. and 8 r M. puad. denol very riuncUy 5 p. jj. Sarvitw tor younjf. peopl evry Wadieady 6 p m. .freuching ' at Iron Station on first buudAya, a i 21. x're&uning at Papar Mill Academy on itUdUBdaya, 3f. Al. ilBjttquiSf. Key. M. T. btdale, l'as fcor. . reaJJ"i very ut aad 3d Sunday, 11 A M., and 7:3u, f. M. Lutmjsras. itev J. A. Kudiaill, Pas tor. iicUipJiugt etery 1st Sunday ; Trinity, very tfjauuaay j Daiual'ii every ad and 4la bJuiay. iloar lu a. ua. LunuAi. Ker. L. L. Lour, Pastor ct.4Aira'j ory i!U buuday ; Cfcttrryville evry 4u jjuuday. Hour, lU . ai. LuiusnAJ' Uai rtvNuu Uev. 11. L. WejwaUiKr, i'Mtor, Luiunau Chapii, my cry 2nd ouuuay al 10:30 a. uj. and 1th tikUiday at 3 p ui, iLboueor, jud Munday at a ii iu auj 4tti Sunday m lo.3u a m. IUjrttWry Ainu, uu Jud and 4tu Sundays at p iu. flomm, iai ana 3rd Sundays at ' ii 'A., n III hVl.lnu'j M-.K.. I II 1 . ...ww,.... j - -'v.uu(ji uu use, 1 ; 1 and drd Sundajs, 3 p in. HAffiaf. Kov. -H- 1. Matheny, Pastor. PieacLm ,Very 3d tunday at 11 A. M. ui 3 uu f. Al. ."Sun. lay IS.hoo fcVfei) 3U.u.lay at 6 P. M I'linci mceliiL cv'wlji i.'Uui?Uay evonlng al 7:00. klrisot.PAL. liav. . II. vVetuiuro,K(-c. U-r- Set vic-e ovcry :iuu3ay at 11 n i, eis 2d 'Undnye ; at nlni, uu lat, 1 and every other 4tU uud; lluly Coiumuni"i: 1st and 3rU tinudaya , caitolnaing -t ch0d ren every 3rd .-Sunday m tht t M. All cordiahy lnytod to attend. Seala Fieo. llNJ( ) iLNTOii , N. crbc 107 183 Ail bub'CrittiB who will come up and pay their oack dues on aub acriptiou at the ratea of $1.25 aud pay one dollar in addition, can get the COURIER one year from date oi such payment. All who are up with subscriptions to date can get one ytjar aubdctip'iou by paying 1.00 cash in advance. This proposition is good only fot cash. Separate cars nave been provi ded for negroes on all railroads iu Kentucky. There was another fatal acci dent on the Big Four railroad in Ohio'this week- Subscribers will please come prepared to pay their subscription coort week. It is said that tho President has determined to discontinue his pub lic receptions. There has beeu a fearful storm i ut Mobile and New Orleans this week, causicg great loss of life aud piop- erty. Mr. D. E, Khyce ha given the contract to Mr. flarrill. of NewtoD, for a hoadsome residence at the Laboratory Cotton Mills. Rev. M. P. Matheny has ar ranged to serve the church at Kids ville another year, being called lor an indefinite time. Miss Virgie Turbpfill ''made a serious mash" fast week iu a a stra pie way. She run her ringers through the punting press. It is reported that the Bessemer Ore Trust has secured control of the magnetic property at Cranberry, N. C. Tne price ia t?a:d to be !jl,000 000. Dr. J.B Little, of Newtou wid be in Lineolutou all of court week al the reaideuce of Mr, Ed. T. childe, by request of several parties wishing Dental work We are sorry that Mr. O. A. liamsaur has found that it will be to bis iuterest to leave Lineolutou. aud will move his familv to char lotte uext week- Dr. L, A. Orowel, a promi neut joung physician of Lincoln ; county, led to the hymeneal altar, ou tue 2Sth ult., Mias Dora Lore ot Catawba county, Mr. Juo. T. Cochram who has bteu mexchaudising m Denver has dosed out and Mill move back to Piemmings iu G itawba county from which he came to Deuver two years ago. 1), J. Carpenter & Bro, of Maid to, X C. are effenug bigger bargaius iu clothiug and dry goods in Uft everything than any firm in the country. The county Board of Education at their meeting in September de voted a page of their Records to the memory of Mr. L T. Wilkie, late Treasurer of this county. Mr. W. A. Davis, of Lancaster! S. 6'., who has been taking pictures ior the Lincolntoo people for the last six weeks, has moved his tent and outiit to Lowreysville, S. C. We were iu eiror last week in aunounciug that Lincoln 8uperior Court would convene on the 2od Monday in October. We should have.said tbe3rd Monday 16tu. Yellow fever is breaking out in be towns adjacent to Brunswick Ga Hhere are many new cases at Brans wick, and every precaution ia hem A taken ho preivent the spread of lhe diNease. Sheriff Clitie went down Dallas laat week and brought to up the Lincoln county priaonera from ! traalou couuty jail, aud lodged thtiain.' proceeding with bad : in the jail here which haa beeu res novated. The 4th quarterly conference for the Lineolutou Circuit will con vene at Pleanant Grove Church, Oct. L'l and22. On the youth Fork Circuit at Palm Tree Church, Oct. 28 aud 21).' Judge Connor will retire from the Superior court Bench to private life alter the present term of court, in Robeaon county. It is thought that Mr. Jacob battle, of Kocky Mount, will be hia successor. What id the matter witn our Sheet lam pa T The people are kiujuuk iiiou way in aarKneas onj the aireeta and collidiug with each other to the danger of some body's CoriMirOaltV "Let theie be lij;ht.' Our good paper man J. A.' Ask ew haa given up hia lease 011 tho Paper tmila and removed hia lamily to iue Neuse Pa," r mil a near lii- le;gU. NVrt regiet. to loan ao genial a buaineaa man fiom our communi- ty. but uruch is hie." Any one wishing rnouuments or totnbatonea made abould call ou or write to Mr. J. Thoa. McLean at this place, aa he baa norae orders to fill and will be engaged iu thia kiud of woik lor a short whiie, would like to get other orders. The arrest of tntf ludian Dr. iu Denver recently haa stirred up a good deal of reeling among the peo- pie, the country people especially taking sides with the Dr. and com - plaiuing at the treatment he re. ceived at the bauds of the villiagera. Mrs. B. E. Jenkins aud family have moved into their new home in east Lineolutou which they purchas ed from Mrs. Woodcock, of Asuevtlle. The residence fo'meiy occupied ty them ia being couverted into a handsome store room by Mr. A. W. Reedy. We have received from tbe Bancroft Company, Auditorium Baildiug Chicago, part three of the 4,B-ok of the Fair," by Hubert If. Bancroft, which is publKshd Jn 2." parts of forty pages each at 1.00 i part. It i haudsomely gotten up aud will be quite an additioa to un librarv. The eveut of next week will be- ) tho mnrriflffH nf fr VVm P. flrimpn ot Raleigh, to Miss Elisabeth Just:cj: of Lincolntoo, which will take plact? in St. Lake's Episcopal church at nonn Wednesday. Oct. 11th. The ; ceremony will be perormed by Rev. W, R. WTetmore. The bride and groom will leave the same al ternoo'j for Chicago. The people of Basic City, Y;' have offered Evangelist Fife a beau tiful piece of ground, containing eight acrea, iu the centre of The town, ou which to build a aummer Bible training school, similar in ntyle to Moodyvs Northfieild school. Iu addition to the laud was added a gift of 5000 lo build the school, ll is very likely that Mr. Fife will es tablish tho Bchool. Why can't Lineolutou have a hank i Other towns no larger than ours Lave bauka and why can t we ? Surely the business men are. put to great iuconvenience in sending their money to other towus for banking. As for ourselves our subscribers pay up we shall have no use (or a bank unless it be to bury out of sight a lot of old c count-. Hurry np with the bauki aud In the meantime let our sub Hcribers iurnish us orne boodle' lo put in it when it comes. Supt.-elect lias Qualified. This is to say : That A. Nixou has qualified as Supt- of Pub. Inst. Lincoln county, aud the office work was turned over to him ou Monday Oct. 2. I take pleasure in making this announcement and request Pub. School Committees aud teach ers to report to Mr. 2'ixon and con fer with him on all school matters and file with him all business re quiring the attention of the Board of Education. He will distribute Blanks for aunual census returns iu November and the appreciations tor the curreut school year will be made at the next regular meeting uf the Board on 1st Monday in Jan uary 1894. The next examination day will find the Sopt. in the offb-'e on that day. All correspondence through the mails will hereafter be! directed to the Sopt, so well known throughout the county and to whom the board has turned over the of fice. K. Z, Johnston, Chm, toiiniy 33 -altera. The UiMrd of dnnty Cornrnia s ouim.s f;i-i 111 lobular order lt -lotida. K. M- Roseiuann Cbra. present and p: ending. The follow JJenort of l. Al. Koeman Chm. and li C Wood ih committee ap. point d to inn k- he: t lenient with r ppN-entutite ol the latt L. T. Wll kie Trea-uier, was filed approved and ordered apread upon the min utea Li M Uoseinau Chm waa ap pointeil a conuniitee to have the eastern approach lo iron bridge baniatered. Davnl Ciierry waa authorized to ro have. bad place in Yorkville road below Triangle, repaired, and draw on County Treasurer for one aif of expenses not to exceed $10 A Xiion Co Sopt u' Pub luat. elect hied oath of oHi.. wJn'h waa ap proved. V Hub waa appointed eomiijiUee lo have bridge near Jeuka Woolen Mi Is repaired. The Treasurer was authorized to pay interest on note outstaudiug against eouuty. Jo" A Stanley's land, wa9 rediieed- , r hont $1000 to j.s;775. Adolpims Sh.iil was released from poll ux 1S'.;; on account ot defective ' es. The to! lowing mIN were audited and ordere 5 paid : Edwards & Mroaghtorj $5.40 cne liail dozen Ju.ticea dockets ; M H Shutord Sininir Gaston Co. 8111.55 board eic for Lincoln County pna oners: J K Cline Sheriff 820 80 I Jtl lees for- S'pt ; Thos C Wetmorfe U.75 printing rax notices ; P A Keep s.3 45 Shingles for county jali and j gooda for The Home ; W S Mauuey j y arrest ami delivery of j prisoner ; J A Willis 30 for 2 iron j windows tor jail ; J &H Tutherow 2.GG windiug town clock 2 mo.; Edwards and Broughtou $18 38 Records, l.hiuks ete for C 9 C's of ri-'e ; E iwarda aud Broughton $2.25 ;j boxas pens; C E Chiids 85 00 cer tifying olliciai lotda S:c to Auditor; A.Lee Viu try to one O lie Aber nethy !2.2. for her support; C Mot A. Sou $21.55 work on county Jail ; P F Baxter S121-C0 The Home bill for Sep: ; Mrs. Doty $ 75 haul ing for Ja;i ; E T Chiids S25.02 jL-oods for Tne Home; R M Rose man be paid 8-05 Coffin &c for Tom Liuuey ; J G Lee 90 building bridge at Cpt A F Brevard ; D M Taylor $2.50 '-upport infirm daugh- ter ; l' i buort support iuurm 'SOU; R W G'iine 82.00 support Of .sell ; Mrs. C C'.emmer S3.00 sups ?oi t o; 2 children ; G L Heavner SG.40 10 ro;sd orders; ;R M Rose- au $11.25 shingles tor Jail; F A Tooey $.35 tin wire lor jail;' T P Jenks 61.50 lumber for bridge aoross diic.h nea- II X ll'ads; J E Chne Soil' $ 80 seriug2 roads or dera ; F C Wood Regr. of Deeds $215.32 2 f months services as Clerks computi.'ig t;-x &c. Xt'W &lvertisenient8. Jenkins Bros., have received their Fall and Winter stock of Drese Goods, Wraps, aud Millnery, which i- equal if not superior to any stock they i.iive previously carried, and that is sa; a good deal. Read what J hey ki on the subject. 1). J. Carpenter & Bros., of Mai den, offer soijje rare bargains iu thi:i week's issue. They have the ! largest 'oek ot general mercnan- liise over oiToied iu that section, and ;iro ai'lling so cheap that they are drawing cnsto.ners from other towns. You will find au entire col juin(i telling what they will do. .r n Oaickle is low located in J ( Lincolntoo, and occupies the house vaCated by ( W. Ward & Co. He j devils iu general merchandise and want:; ail kinds of couutry produce. A young man has lost a trinket -v Inch he values fioin association a-jd oilers a reward for its recovery. Case JSall. The Lineolutou aud fronton Base hall clubs crossed bats at Iron Sta tion, last Saturday in'a match game, and in a very close game the Lin eolutou boys came ofl victors. Score ; 5 to 4 Score by ionic gs : 12 345G7S9 Lincolnlon. 0 0 0 0,0 0 0 0 5 0-5. Iroutou 000 000 2 2 00-4. A Card. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Askew wish to extend to the people of L'DColnton their kindest regards aud feelings for the maay expressions of regret of their moving away. They have found the people exceedingly kind, and m ide many warm friends from whom they regret to part. Subscribe for the Couriee Mr. Jidm E idy is in Chester 8. c, this week. -Misb Jessie Alexander is visit ing relatives at Denver. Mr. Pi ice, id Chailoite waa here this week ou business. M ; W. T. Massey, of Tnz ih 8. o., la vieitiug Mis Piessly. Ml. S epheu Herndon. ot cokes bury, 3 C. la at Dr, Lawing'a. Mr. Ben, J. ilotz, of Oxford, Ala., is visiting relatives here. Vt. Tom Canaler, of Kings Mountain, viaited here this week. Messrs. Davenport and Fite, of Mr. Holly, spent Sunday iu Lincoln too. Miai Sallie Badger Hoke haa re turned from a visit to Mrs. Z. B. Vance at Gombroon. Mra Kemp B. Batehelor, of Baltimore ia heie and will remain until after the marriage next. week. Mrs. Hugh Jenkins, who haa beeu visiting her mother iu Wash ington city, has returned home. Messrs. J. O. Wells and Sher wood Merchaut, of Newberry, S. O, left Thursday for home after a visit here ot two weeka. Misti Julia Hayuea, has returned to her home in Charlotte atler a visit of several weeka to her aunt, Mrs. A. M. Wiogaie. Rev. Mr. Shuford, of the Gei tnau Reformed church, occupied the pulpit in the Methodist church here last Sunday night. Mr. Clarence Cannou who has been visiting his sister, Airs. F. L. goffmao. at this place, returned to (7barlotte Monday. Those of our legal fraternity who are attending Castou Coort this week are Messrs. B. C. Cobb and D. W. Robinson. Mr. John L. Cobb returned Saturday froiu Chicago. While north he purchased his usual select stock of fall and winter goods. Capt- J. W. McCombs ou re turning from the World's Fair stop ped over iu Lincolntoo, spent last Friday with his cousin Miss Kate McGiunis. Rev. M. P. Matheny left yes terday to attend the Catawba River association which meets with St. John's chhurch iu Burke county this week. Mr. Propst of Yorkville S. C. representing the Travelers' Ins. Co. of Hartford Conn, wan in town Wednesday looking after some bus iness in this line. (7adet R. Zeddie Johnston re turned last week to the Naval Ac ademy at Annapolis, Md. He was accompanied as far as charlotte by bis sister Miss Jennie. Mrs. Hall aud her children of Winston, N. C, who have beeu spending the summer aat their old home near Lowesville returned to Winstou this week. Mrs. Perry S. Hayuea, of Hick ory is visiting her mother, Mrs Fan nie Alexander. She brought with her little Lena Stuttn, who has been in Hickory some time. Mrs. Richard L. Oweoby aud little sou and Miss Lula Detter are visiting lu AsheviSle this week. Rev Oweoby has charge of Miss Detter's school during her absence. Rev. Mr. Terrell and family of Denver who have been spending a mouth with frieuds iu the moun tains have returned home. They report a very pleasant time. Mrs. S. W. Huff and little daughter Jnlia who have; beeu'wilh Mrs. HuiTs father, Maj. W. A. Gra ham, rt turned to Raleigh Monday with Mr- Huff who came up Saturn day; Rev. C. S. Cashwell the pastor Elect of the Baptist church in Hick ory with his family spent Tuesday night in towu on accouut of missing connection. M r. Cashwell is a young man of line promise as a preacher and Hickory is to be congratulated on securing such an addition to the moral forces of the city. Misses Flora and Bettie Gra ham are preparing to go to Char lotte where they are to act as brides maids to their cou&in Miss Bettie Graham, the daughter of Dr. Joseph Graham, who is to be married on tie 26th of this mouth to Prof. Mc LaaD, organist of the second Bap tist church Atlanta, Ga. Another Wort lay Example. I wish to say in your very excel lent paper for the benefit of his many friends, that Mr. E. Jl. Darr who left tnis county about thirty five years sgo aod weut to Arkan sas, be then being a very youog man, has lately sent Maj. j. R. Blackburn ten dollars to be spent as he thinks best lor the benefit of McKendree church on the Lincoln ton cicuit W N C coulerenc , where hia father Hnry R. Deri, Ina grinl f.thei , John B a- kbuin and oin. i kiuilH d h! ep. His father, llem R. Drrr being the second person md his grandfather. John I tt;tck burn, the Ural pet sou iuned u. the graveyard at MeKeadree Chaich. And now alter a UpM of 35 years Ihe no'ile son remembers the Inst letting place of a dear father and the home of hia youth and gav e ot his tnetUM for the benefit of the sa cred place, the place where he de lighted to go in his boyhood days. Who ele will do likewise ? Friend. For the Cocrikk. UiilYtTMity Notre, The number of students now reg istered in all departments of the University is iu all 3G1, the largest number since tne pal in v days of 13t 00 aud the decade previous. There haaenteied thiayeai, however, the largest Freshman class in the history ot the institution. The money appropriated by the last Legislature has been wisely spent in refitting the buildings and putting in wafer system. The encouraging faet in thia year's attendance is the number ot men from other States. Twelve or fifteen are here from South Carolina, and others are here from Minneaot to Florida aud from Pennsylvania to Texas. Ii. M. T. Lot. A small locket with onyx back and photo iuside. Finder will please return to this office. Liber al reward. Direct Route To Tlie World Fir. The Richmond and Danville Rail road is selling round trip tickets to Chicago at very low ratea, aud will give jou choice of route via. Knox' yilleand Cmciunati or Louiavdb, via. Atlanta aud Chattanooga; via Charlottesville and Cincinnati ; or via. Richmoud acd Washington Also, a very low rate ticket either going or returning via. Niagara Kails with stop-over privileges. T'lere is nothing saved by going ou excureioa traiua, as some rale is charged on trains of this kiud as on regular tiains ot the Richmoud and Daaville Railroad. Three through passenger trains each way, daily good connections quickest time to Chicago only one night on the road. For rates schedules or other in formation, call on or address aoy ticket agent of the Richmond and Danville Railroad, or Chas. L. Hop kins, Traveling passenger Ageut Charlotte N. C. Dissolution. The busiuess carried ou under the name ot C. Motz & Son is herea by dissolved by the withdrawal ot C. Motz name. Aoy unsettled bus' nesa of O. Motz & Son will be S"t- tied by W. W. Moiz. Caleb Motz, W. W. Motz. Sept. 25, 1893. Tax Notice! I will attend as follows to receive the Taxes for 1893 : Lowesville, Tuesday 10th Oct. 1S93. Denver, Wednesday 11th " " Iron Sta., Thursday 12th ' Reepsville, Friday i'7th " " Bess' Store, Tuesday ,31st li J. K. Cline Sh'ff, Lincolnlon, N. O., Sept. 29, 1892. University of North Carolina. Equipment: Faculty of 25 teach ers, 11 buildings, 7 ecient'flc labora ties, library of 30,000 volumes, 31G students. Instruction: 5 geueril courses G brief courses ; professional courees in law, medicine, engiueeriug and chemistry: optional courses. Expenses : Tuition, 60 per year Scholarships and loans for tb needy. Address Fbesidfnt Winston, tf. Chapel Hill, N C. NOTICE! I am now located In Lincoln on occupyi ng the house vaca ted bv C. W. Ward. I can and will save you mon ey on Dry Goods, Notions. and all kinds of GROCERIES. I will deal in all kinds of coun try produce chickfns, eggs, fec. Bring tjiem to me. Examine my Stock before , buying elsewhere. luurs nesptjuu uny; J. C. Quickie. OUR STOCK IS BOUND TO GO! W'o Havolaid In a Very Large stock of Seasonablo Goods. WE BOUCHT GHEAP-WE SELL CHEAP. A lt of poods turned quick at a close margin is plontj- good en ough for us. Now is the time to buy a. No. J, Goods (none bet ter on earth,) at very close manufacturers' prices. We bus ii oss to live, we live to do business, and the way to do it is To oiler the very best grades of goods at Prices that make them Jump. Commencing right now we are going to give bargains to all comers until the goods are gone. WHERE DO YOU COME IN ON THIS BIG UHANUE? The re must be Something you need in our line, there can't bo a better time or place to buy it. TWA T PA UP GontlemarTs OUTFITTER UilU. Ll. LULD, and FURNISHER. DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, .NOTIONS, SHOES AND HATS LINC0LNT0N. LIME Important Notice. The tineet aud cheapeat lime in America can be bad in auy quantity on application To the Agentat N. G. R. R. Station, incolnton, N. C. Aug 61892 it AUlGllcIass idustruteJ monthly mag azioe in the home is no longer a iuxu ry. It is a neosaaity, and to meet the da niandi created tv this necessity, 1HE COSMOPOLITAN MAGAZINE, giving yearly, as it does, 153ti pages of reading by the hblest living authors, with over 1200 illustrations by clever artists, has stepped into the breach, with a reduction in us price that has startled the literary world Tne coubkr, fully alive to the needs of its patrons has made special arrangmnts with this super o mouthly, wnereby u will receive orders for yearly subscriptions to both publications combined for the sum of $2.00. 16 cents a Mouth f 2 00 a year LINCOLN COURIER and COSMOPOLITAN MAGAZINE. The price of tba great illu'trated month' lies in the past has been $3 00 and $4.00 a year, and they were to be fouud only in the more pretentions homes. Our offer tur Dishes a help to all families, no matter how modest their means, to keep m touch with the greatest minds of the worlds, as The COSMOPOLITAN Has today the strongest regular staff of any listing periodical Send ordeis to courier office Liocolnton N. C. How a Tula X VVe offer One Hundred Dollar Reward for any case ot Catarrh that cannot; be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props. Toledo, Onto. We the u undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, aod beleive him perfectly honorable in all business transact, ious and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Drug, gists, Toledo, O. Wa-dmg, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, To ledo, Ohio. Ball's Catarrh Oatarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly up ou the biood aod mucous surfaces of the system. Price, 75c. pr bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimon ials free. Sept. 15, lm. FACT That AVER'S Sarsaparilla cures otheu of Scrofulous Diseases, Erupt'hJf.s, Pails, Eczema, Liver and Kidney Diseases, Dyspepsia, Rheu matism, and Catarrh should be con vincing that the same course of treatment will gtkl you. All that has been said of the wonderful cures effected by the use of AVER'S Sarsaparilla during the past 50 years, truthfully applies to-day. It is, in every sense, The Superior Medicine. Its cura tive properties, strength, effect, and flavor are always the same ; and for whatever blood diseases AYER'S Sarsaparilla is taken, they yield to this treatment. When you ask for AVER'S Sarsaparilla don't be induced to purchase any of the worthless substitutes, which are mostly mixtures of the cheapest in gredients, contain no sarsaparilla, have no uniform standard of ap pearance, flavor, or effect, are blood purifiers in name only, and are of fered to you because there is more profit in selling them. Take Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Haa. Sold by all iJnigjiew; Price $1; fix bottle, $5. Cures others, will cure you BROWN7 S"lR0N"B I flERs" Cures Dyspepsia, In digestion & Debility. NORTH CAROLINA. A W liEEDY. m :dkalkk IN Griro ceries Of every kind. The best New York and other markets afford I have but one price and that is the lowkst. Satis iaction Guaranteed. Call and see me. VERY TRULY, A. W- REEDY. Furniture Factory Floring & grist MILLS! E. JAMES, Proprietor, L ucolulon, C. BED3TEADS, BUREAUS, WARDROBES, LOUNGES, TABLES. WASilSTANDS.Ac Be sure to come and look at my furniture before buying elsewhere. Twin Giu Ubmse. Tw l-Vst-olass gins; one 70 and oi." in . aw.-. Charlotte prices f a d for e' tton. The flouring and griar nulla wilt be run regularly eery 1 from this time on. S-it. 11, 1S91. RESPECTFULLY, E JAMES MONEY TO LOAN OnLOxrj time and easv term in amouuts of not les thin $300.00. Secured by lirst mortgages onReal Estate, pay ment mide hy annual iitall ments. Due Nov. 1st. each year. Apply to .SC. FINLEY. AU'y at Lav,. Lincolnton, N.C. To the citizens of Xorth Car olina and adjoining States : I call your especial attention to my Double Stock Plows, cotton planters, Cottou I lanowa ami Gibba Plows, the best on the market. You can afford to lose a number i inoals, as there is moey saved ; l.ut you cannot afford to loe the opr-ortunitv ot l.uyint; th j above meutioneJ tarin.'ng I mpl'jK-nu, a ther will be noney l-t I still keep the Camel Skm Shoe, and my 13 00 Congress Sh"e in St k I aUo kp a general lirjof i;i rJiandi acd everything a specialty. Ke"pet!u!! . Apr. 1 1 '93. ly. F. A. TOBY. THE LINCOLN FOUNDRY & MACHINE WORKS Are still running and are prepared to repair Engines, SAWMILLS, Til RES HERS, COttOIl gins and cotton mill MACinn EEY etc., at living prices. rill also keep on han a full stock of castings, such as plow points, of all kinds and sizes, hangers, and pulleys ; will also give prices on wood-split pulleys. Will have a eood !ine of piping and fitv tmg of all kinds. Will also have a r d Black Smith to do all kiDia of Black-'rnith work. Anv one havirjg any wrk t j be done in our line will do well to ca.I on me for good work and Kok xn Prie-s. Orders from a distance will rtceiy PKOMPT ATTENTION. Give me a trial and be convinced. YOURS TO SERVE, L- B. STUTTS. Lincoln Foundry & Machine Works. Peb. 10, 1893. tr

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