Tft ill . J : . - J- 4 i:.. to. - ;:;-sr4Ufa iiit:r I'-'iJ. " .. . :i.;it, oue Uiit, , r r; inoUcs, oue time, r'-.U, . .ioicaeh u Sequent iui i t luchea; oue tiuae, -J.5J t jr cacti tjilbsequcut, luaeitioii. rates tor outs-bull auU fourth column ; alao, for any ailment continued longer i two months. 7h Li-' el..; Ml v AiixlliarleTliat are Sot lllurle. It serin that theatrical sbows throughout the couutry are being 1K,o:l patronized ol late. They an-u.- 'm noiit, financially, spiritually, or any othrr way toour country and . , t . ; i , i they are snowed uuder the 1,.-'.im it. Aillbefor all coueemfu. Tiif imimu'v apeiit iu ibis way couhl b- u mI io much yieater advautak". in ! iimii - th poor and needy m ll: I I). CI il ii.ijh of Hcaicity ol mowv. lu iuy aupfirluous tbihfj in : way with without detn ;.. i..- C'tutiiiy. The 'ehoici. ? ', '"f Luft'imed with"' iMi-tii; , ., m!'. I La 1 ! '.V cwil .. ., -..t.y 'lii'.ut. li is' a '. . . -: v; li i Vr;in! , . 4.1 :, ' . 0 ' 1 : i . J". .. -tA o ::. r.:c..; r': we C V 'J.; p.: o'.w a . !irf upon Iht1 ; .1 - -u i j Lt'uctuifcS. The vo.Ii; .' .)' I'pi'U to o:ir rational 1:.- y iiiui enterprise., i.-i cinuot be while Federal ie.L" through the imposition of t I iii r.intV, torbidi the Americah niiii.aiacturers aa cheap materia'g ih'iseused by their competitors. li - juite oovious that the enhance cient of the price of our inaonfacN tired pioducts, cesultiug from tbirt p ii'y, not only . confines the- mar ket these products withiu cur own borders to the direct diadv;m ot our inauufactnres, but ;a'so, lDc:'iasft8 their cost to our - citizens, THE INTERESTS OF LABoR arr ivitainly though not indirectly iuvulvi-d in this fealui8 of our tar lil fVNtcm. The aharp: Competition anfi itive struggle among oiirman nfc:.uies to supply the limited kle-' tud hi tor their goods soon rill -ihe;. BarioA- liiaikft to which they are. cor,:i..Mi. Then fo!lo-w3 a snapehvion Of v-.-rk i:i inilU, and factories.; disc of vuiplos, and diatr'enV )!.. of our woiktnuno'T :r offerrdif proved' sisscrt- fn .:i.s.l good I. . -ps would resu't ;.4.vter!2l sr.d l-. 'uvvM iuttiligence of ouc work- in r.;- i 'D e.- : fiCi- Cltie - v',' ,71 a ! 'ft!, i -1. -o: it) tbrir i - ANliK 1IET. -r '-X'M pot been boiling . i-if: ' l j tir;;e. Dt-tQocrats and .. u i'opu.l'cta aud njui brUr t:eeu i:: the pot 80 long . . :L- brolh is becoraiDg stale. - ; y Rtup hd(1 talk abont 8ome i i..- le until the servant can tienh water in the vessels. ' hu the iitE for an election ; ue on we will be found defend 1 i the Bide we think beat, but we Mill 10 reht and pitch our tent to .nrd another rield now. The far . jer is the man we are most inter t sted in just uow. He is the bone a ud kiuew of our laud and wheu he s downed all is dowsed. He is not omnipotent nor omnipresent. Like ihf r men he baj much to learn be loin be graduates, and many places (11 visit before he bees everything. One. of the moat important Iesaons he needs to learn in order to live Msily and comfortably is, not to cultivate so much laud. Prepare ttioioughly ten acres of laud and 3 ou will make more on it than on tweuty aeres poorly prepared. Keep two good cows and care for them properly and jou will have more butter and milk than from a doii poorly kept. Do away with all superfluous cmius and put what they would de ntioy iuto boga, and you will always t uvo meat. Oue acre ot land wil! pro luce all the sweet and Irish po-tHto-.'M an ordinary family will oou r :i'itc from one sedson To another. !'.::,f. nnviliH in vour vtini h ive a few hives ot tees to ( ..; !i vr I he sheets of (ho -;uit am5. 'i;l aiiV-iVrt h iv.' ii'Hiey. It a' 8 oiis' In ;!'. iupolies a r, 1 sue ': , i.'.i,r;s h;tvs' niniu'V. C En c: 'Ze to ut the ;H'd i:.p(" or thi au Jch it iU'a!j? ni.ui.' it 't :ov.' -i b JLti;-. !i--i,::'. n is .,;; rail- u . '. v' f:ni I .1 ' L l' Vt tb f point AZ: eTer; ?.? fir.t tt-at 1: is .lion j t-en-ocratic po'.- ihdis. reform a muouied ir ':"'tcu bi'l 1 to'uhoeJ it: 1 i6 ibiit carries conviction and eamesi'y uiged 10 rys - .-!: i V'te eiii:est possible rno ." ' v eider ".bu' ihe ba-sitess c: .jL:t.ay,n';iy ije i?dt uteti to lit '..?:.:!:. tb-s regular ee-' Cotg-.c--s iluiin th-.- deoio-' - .:l b'-ttr Cvdi;io-n tt-ar'-. . - vu-.' 1 1 '-.r.'.ia e'ssic.; : .. -U;; di- . v : v;jy in-j - - : -t ;.ropcved tcr j ' . : : : ...-.c- ;'.ifl;-d with tbe! . :. : . hs i-. rrio the demo- : ::n -etc vi-ev; of tbe bi!' : i.-y.r; riicsS bj Rei-j '.'v-, of Missc-uf- j -'- '- of Ha- Ways aud I : . a ' Ut'e--"Ir is not simply I o-- oi the tar.ff it is a re-1 . '. u tutitl'. Ttoie will de-' L -i- i' ..LLtrt'irs ro element! . rv-'.zaic . or i'O'uiosicy igaitit ' , -i ticu i a r tudusttry or attack ; ' t-. rjouufacturiuii industries; : the contrary, it is intended and I trpcfdiiy lesult in the rapid .; u tii, development atid expan--n fi of our industries upon a broad u'liional beis, and not upon a nar row hnsis of seltiab, personal, local 01 sectional interestf. While. tak :: away from the mauafacturir 0 i manufactured products, by giv ing' him untaxed raw materia) es sential In his manufactures, we leave t him' all that should be required to enable him to compete with the. worn) in the disposition of his pro ducts.'' The delay paused by the prepara tion ot estimates by the Treaaaiy Departmeut, showing m detail the di'tlerenoe there would be in import duties received by the goverununt under the Wilson bill as compared with those paid under the McKinley 1 iw, has revived amoog democratic the talk of submitting the Wilson bill to'a democratic caucus before it j is reported to the Houee, It is ha?e !-it, determined by caucus whether Ihe bill should be amended thau to j have democrats try to get amend I me a) s adopted on the floor of the "ilou, and that it would also sava j fmy in tlisposing ot the bill.. The TJj.'stiou has not been decided, buUfor dod. L-t those who have moo j i Wging from the talk of memlere,v laid away to rust and caoker j t-ie chances appear to be against j tin n it loose ana wonderful things ! I Je bill being submitted to a canons ! will transpire in a short while. '( H ' -ill ', .1 .jftri' d" ' i i v :.",; ' - U ' i- t5 'i h 1 mi..- sit-in i t c i ii A If hrir. fr fi i oflical soiirc" i'v ba succedei io aoeompiisb- comH.birfg that w:ll nuke b'.x 'jrr'itif-trafjon one of the ui09t di8- , t'tjgulshed in Ani'ericau bfsfory and cue of the most p j ular, iu mtkiug ; n qew treaty ' with China, under j xhich the government of China a- j ree to purchase annually Pilver produced by Americau mines to the j value ol 50.000,000 about our eu- tire product aud to thiowjita mar kets open to our manufactcrerd. It has been the dieaui of European statesmanship for many yeara to get ike valuable Chinese trade for their respective corutries. and 11 President Cleveland Lai euaceeded he has gained the greatest iuttrua- ttonal commeicial triumph of the centuiy, one worth uutold wealth to the people of tne United (States, and cue that will soon give us the com. merclal supremacy of the world. tio much has beeu said, not only by republicans but eveu by some democrats, about the enormous cost of the special ei ami nerd who have boen employed for some months to investigate suspected frauds on the pensiou toll that Secretary Smith's statement; on the hubject, in bis an nual report, is decidedly interesting as well as timely. The much talk., ed of fpecial eiamiuers have un earthened actual frauos iu Iowa, New ilex ico and Virginia alone, which saved the government more money than the eutire cost of salary aud maintainance of all the special Aramintrs aim rvltvrtri hv f ho I 'in ainn r i " ' 'J J .' linrpun tn mt nnlhinc- -Sf Pitnpa bureau, to Bay nothing -Of elsewhere. So the special examln" era ara money savers for the gov I eminent iustead of money wasters, a Seoretaiy Smilh alno called at ten- i lion to the fact Ibat in making aus- ! i MTisiods he had Men ply followed the I j ioi cy that basalaji8 gnideil th L'ensjoa Hereau in dealing VI ltu i . . j inilar -cases. T'm report endorse 1 the appiiii-kiinu. I Mexico air' Ui;h ! rtti 'nood. J-g-'. or tifoto tlt-e :ate w ar. pe p'-c ctv ri-h ? iu nscl ):t t'f and.wht u a he pMii: Laod was iejted it v;is ii'v.-tvc j-;idy, bet ,ocn that ULpVi'satit pc-iivd thinps iivi b(:6n ;p' awry. A -general I'lulion in reuded in rl-r to iv .; fciui-. r c. Aiil ie-ic. J , piil; 4. II til f. i n"y : f ' :i fo ? i ':::' . .-cul-. 1 m ut t: 1 -i-c'; o: 'i o S'-feUS tc for ioaf M-tnv L-ivo n c ities! Ji''r . - dec Tr i-'ain ir, tiud rirt i.L- o:i".i-,ed ir v. i -1 .secrifi-.- t?i" r ilh-t l t'j pi to yood u-.. .' py r qt- in .t ",i,id fj-e"' L'j-ore vo.-L-ey bs b-n t'-lu'r faxe ' tb:sc. u; Tv tt.i' ea". for v ml vpii's rs'. it 'bin i.'V wr!H prop?ri cs'l tberr v d be Lo iit-ed f Mo:b wai i". ot Ih- yrtH?est "'J i b ers ;.t i w'jO do no kfi'iw o v? t. make i t: (.'tjy ')n tbe -,v t -m-j' r i,: , ie-r. Ti: .it- n. din,' -t v i i L ouLt t- In in oiicu fi r. aoo hr)v love iot ir l a- bcorxe I'St1 f i t ihtv have forj-"tf - . tfeir duri- tbey v'. to iLi - fel. b vs. ,Stif preservation 's. indeed, j :! tirs: law with them. Soma if j them aie like a cunn n Jrw we heard of rtcently. There were lour bro! here, tbe eldest of whom wae taken ill, and he bein the wealth iest of them -all, very fjreat interest was manifested in him. He had a dying request to make of tne three broth-is. The fiist wr.i to pnt in the corSn of the dead bi other $500. 00 in gieenbacks, the second 8500.00 iu gold, and. the third man was to pnt in $500 00 in silver, but a happy thought struck him and he aaid put in tuy check for 81500:00 and takes out the thousand doiiars,'.'and this is tie priori pi s exhibited by ma i y men to day. They are just Watching for a chance to get hold of. the cash, not that thry may use it to the, best advantage for the benefit of humau kind, but for the purpose of self aggrandizement?. We brought nothing into this world, and it is an aesored fact that we can take nothing out of it. Tbe moat costly burial outfit, and tbe grandest pomp at tbe fuueral will add nothing to our future re.waid the finest mausoleum in the world will not .preserve tbe soul after it leaves the body, A little moie tiue Qodlineaawill restore lout confidence aud h'ing about a general resolution, l'h- v.- t rT o 1 d fs t o H-i'f : !Mlrt, Ti jio'" h Hi'l l'Ut i' b-is. ouf lif ii-.l 111 f ,,,H -ple wiil approve of it and M. :'Jd n and hi- 10 hinorers will u-ive uo i-HHM! io c:irnil.-lQ of lack it appreciation. . Hit Wit saved Him. Although it is a familiar sa mg , Ibat an Idshuian it hUhh spoiling tor a fijhf, still there is one kind of fihliug to which eveii the brave 008 ul Erin ar sometimes averse '.bat is dueling. Te following story well illustrates t ts fact. ! A certain Irinhman, have been challenged to tight a duel.' aeoepied the conditions after much petbua- i Nion ou ihe pirt of bis Iriends, who telt coufi'Jeut of success. flio an tagonist, a lame man, walked on or u tenet. Wheu the place for the shooting had "Jeen reached, the laioe roan'4 second asked he b sllowed to leau agaitibt a mile-etoitr- which happened to be tbie. The pnvi ledge whi allowed, and ihe lame man took his btand. The Iriehuiau aud his -it-co da drew i ft' io ihe distance agreed upon oie htiudird het. Here Pat's courage suddenly faded hiic, and be shouted to the laue man : "I've a small favor to atk ofje, sor." "What, is it V asked tbe cripple. Pat Huswered : "I told y thot ye might lean agin the milepost, ami uow 1 would like tb privilege of leaning agin the nexi one," Tne laughter which followed spoiled ev-rylwdy's desire for a fight and t. e whole priy went home without a shot being fired. Mot and rrutuk. VViJut aie you living 'or? . What is your mission in He woild ? What is the goal to which jou are niutkliio " ' !. iheiehie a tew I tne miny ' questions that ivciy individun; ' ought to abk hmi-ell. Tub woili ! is ukviiu oil Hi a rpi i iaie. Men ; a'ld women are bein tiansuii! te-1 i fioai 1 1 nit, to etornity eicti li, and i o:hr; lino and till, vacancies, T io Washing ou correspondent of t ir Kic imond Dispatch ss ZiVAt "it us is)vv admitted even ly t ie f:ieiids ol Mr- Rope Kiias, Co -i iclor of Ititeiiuil Revenue tor Ihe NVtta n Di3t- io: North t'a i :iidl ho will not be renominated b t te l.'resideur. The taik here, .icnng Xurtti Cirolinans s ti a .'dr. C-titer wboii he takes hoid - c -ilectoc wili prui t moil if n t 1 the apn-jininieut oi Collector El as .oi:oidob. "lr. Cai ter and Mr. E is ,ue gojd uiends, and ihe lorm ui was on; ol the b ndsmen of the liter." It v-iil be a jr e t mistake, saj'H j he Itichtcocd Stttd is tbe D -tnt- ! jrat- m Conj;res aUow the new ta' ti biil to be tampered with. I: is .he n'Miit ol' he m s c-iteful, d s- ;, interest da d cons'-i v ive. invest i i ;-?at'an by m o l est cdcuUted lo t 1 ousider a matter m inipoiianr. ! i 'The ent he countiy is c o.aideted in I ! lie itisur', nod '.h sreaffBt! ood lo ih u;r-et mmoIm i is the ; ootto. 1: may he inoou veninnt beie ! and itie toceitbii; U cdi- 6s but j thegeieral result of mnkiu ihe 'ost of living Kns will bn attained. That is what tne Democratic party promised, and that ia why it ie put .) T. . .12. i m power- It cotna ,0 tulfilcnent of ! i Lie lieuiocratic uot?lriue of I an ft reform sometbing tbat baa long tieen btld out to the oonntry. FOR CAsH In Advance You can get the LINCOLN COURIER ONE YEAR FOR $100-6 M 65 GTS. Wben your heart is bad, and joor 1 ad ia had, and 3 ou ae bail clean rough, what ia needed V1 asked ft : fim'ay school teacher ot her claaa. I know Ayer'n SarHaparilla," oke up a little girl, whose mother V; id recently beeu restored to health ty that medicine. Snhftcrihe for the Courieb. KT, Reported for the Courier every Thursday morniug by Uapt. B. F Urigg: 'oltou 1 -Vheat )rn new leal colour, Buhr per !iu . . . . ..'. 100 lbs. ... 66 . 40 50 . ....50 . . 1.50 ilour Patent Pork 3acon sides Bacou bams Beet Lard Tallow Chickens Butter M . . 1.80 O.OO " lb..-. 6 U".NC... 10 ...13 44 round 5 N. C. . . . . . 10 u 5 12J to 18 per lb 10 to 18 " 10 doz 15 16 " lb ... 2 . 5 44 1st class. . 27 Honey Eggs Rays Hides, green Hides, dry Wool, washed Cabbage Apples, dried Peaches dried Peaches dried 23 nn peeled 4 4i peeled .... 5 5i Apples green per bu . Sweet Potatoes ' rt . Peas '..'. ......80 . ... 30 50 Irish 44 u 40 50 Onions ' 44 ... ... 40 Ouion sets . " 44 200 lilac berries dried, per lb 4 Beeawax . . . . per pound.. 16 to 17 Now is the time to eli large oa iona. Dou't expect to sell them next March for you can't, do it. "When I was a Boy,' Writes Postmaster J. C. Woodsojst, Forest Hill, W.Va., "I had a bron chial trouble of such a persistent and stubborn character, that tha doctor pronounced it incurable with, ordinary medicines, and advised ine to try Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral. I did so, and one bottlo cured me. For the last fifteen years, I have used this preparation with, good effect whenever I take A Bad Cold, and I know of numbers of people who keep it in the house all the time, not considering it safe to be with out it." "I have been using Ayer'a Cherx Pectoral in my family for 30 years, with, the most satisfactory results, and can cheerfully recommend It aa being spe cially adapted to all pulmonary com plaints. I have, for many years, mado pulmonary and other medicines a special study, and I hare come to the conclusion that Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral occupies a position pre-eminent over other medi cines of the class." Chas. Davenport, Dover, N. J. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Prepared by Dr. J. O. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Ham. Prompt to act, sure to euro ADMR'S NOTICE!"" Ha?in? qualifled as administrator of Avery decM all perf,)D8 UviDf ! claims against said estate are hereby noti fledto present tne same to tne undersigned on or before October 2i8t 1894 or this no tie W'H bft pleaded in hrf their recovery All persons indebted to said estate ae re quested to settle at once. Tbis 16th ot Oct. 1393. D. Chkkbt adm'r ot Avery Clark. Oct. 20 et. Subscribe for the LINCOLN COU RiEB, $1 25 a vear. . Subaurilie.for tbe COUBIEB . ADM'R NOTICE. Nortb Carolina, Lincoln County Hav ing qualified as administrator ot Majy L. Edwards Strain dee'd, late of thin couuty, I hereby notify all persons owing tha ea tate of nir intestate to settle their debts at once. All persons having luiois against deceased must present tbe same to m, duly proven, within twelte months from this date, or this notice will be plead in bar of recovery. Nov. 18, 1893. J A Nuox, adm'r of Mart L E Strajk. dee'd. L B Wetmorc, Atorney. Nov. 24, 6t. ADM'R NOTICE ! Having qnalifled aa administrator c t. a- of WiHis M- Jones all persona having claims against said estate are hereby no tified to come forward and present the tame to the undersigned on or before Nov 4th 1894 or this notice will be pleaded ih bar ot their recovery? This 30th day ot October 1893. J. E. Cropland adm'r o. t. a. Willi Jl Joxxs Not. 3 6fc RIGHT OU Jn these times a merchant nr and expect blo8onw aato try ai (ombe1'. ""he fellow who fo jducking Applei from the Oartl When the public "get on to hiu "The fruit he loved Will turn to dust a? Our success- Such as it is--was tion ol the truth. 'h 22 ia Wool tilling dreaa goods at 10 were 11' I 40 is French tiuitings at wera 90 cts 40 in French Coutelles at 75 ware $1.10 4.4 io QkmeU Hair at 30 were 76ceuU. 48 in Uop S-ctinM at 50 wore G0c t A lot of Ualicoe iu Dreais styles at 3cta. FIFTEEN 15 SPECI&X lOTS THAT WD HAVE THRUST THE ..giilFE INTO UEBPI.X As we wish lo closo ilieni out at once. Lot No. 1 Stiff Hats at $i.OO vere$2 00 Lot No.g Stiff Hata at $1.50 vere $2.75 Lot NO. 3 Soft Fur Hata 75c to $1.50 were $1.25 to .75 Lot No. 4 Soft Fur Hats, Browr at f 1.25 were $2 00 Lot No 5 Black and Orey Wool Hats t 25 Lot No. 6 Black and Gray VYool Hats at 20c. Lot H o. 7 Bays Caps lOct. Lot No. 8 1.00 Corsets, broken sizee, COc. , Lot No. 9 Children's wool Hose at 15c Lot No. 10 Solid Colored Casmere Sha U at 50ct. " Lt Mo. Ui Cottm BlnkeU at 75ots ;ir. ' Lot No. 12 Our 4 00 all wool Blanket a 3 50, Lot No. 13 Our Extra fine all wool Bin iket at 5 00. Lot No 14 Russian'Band Dress Braid i t 25 was 60 . Lot No. 15 Dreis Braids at 15 were 25c. ladies ire call You FECIAL attentioN TO 0U3 STOCK OF STAMPED LINEM GOODS. There is nothing you could give to a.housekeoper that woyld be more acceptable, than one of these Linen pieces, OUR MILLINERY ROOM WILL BE CLEANED OUR THIS WEEK, AND Packed next week, with the GREATEST VARIETY OF ..TTMiAS GOODS- EVER OFFERED BY US. JENKINS BROS BACKET STOKE Arrival of New GOODS, Shoe Department. In this line we have just ree'd a bis lot ot men's, hdis'., misaeg and children's j shoes m end and coarse good. Just what you want tor the winter season, if you want to save money, you should examine this line cf goods before you buy. NOTION DEPT. in this department we have just received a Us; lot of Vindw shades on bast SpriDg tollers. GlazJd Holland Shades 85 inches wide, 6 feet li.n at 30 and 37cts each. Ojjpeaque Shades same size as above, on hit ol spring rolleis, fine eoods lrom 33 tot 3Sc each. It jou want a muff, we are tbe people to get it trout, e can Bell a noe oiai k hair uun lor boc. a i hltti k couey muff for 91 00, a large I Mae grey muff tor $1-50, wouht be cheap at ?2 0U- We cau sell you a cloak aud a ujuff to match. CLOAK EPT. We bave cUsed out tbis teason already a lot o 75 iaiiei el al8, and have just re ceived another lot i.t V5 by Express. Thia lot consists of th- he t styles and colore. Will range in trices from $3 25 to 110.00. If you want a fine cloak for tbe tame mon ey that you will have tj pay for a poor one, at the HACK BT is the (lace to get' tbe good ore. Wo Have Just Received The Largest Lot of Tinware in the Place. If you Want Tinware, Th. RACKET lathe P.a to find Our general Hire is complete and is made up of good -goods, and at the lowest prices. Call and see what we have.' Wt want eggs . We want butter. We want chickens We want ieaa. We want com. . - . . We want your produce and.: will pay .1 hum waneu price lor it. VYnen you bring any thing to t jwb ti Sell, calt and see us. We will pay you lioeral' prices for what you have to sell and sell you goods cheaper than any body.. J. L KISTLER, PROP, WRONG? f just as well plant broomaiick i builla business on mere "bua ows this falacy ma' think he a 13 of uespenies -but he iaa they do it with both feet an4 30 much id ashes at His touch." sever attained by any amplifier n we advertise bargains WliT WE IVBo I 36 in Htriped casbiuered nt 85 war M. 86 in two-to ied suitings at SS fiOo 3 in " 44 W " SOa 30 iu " go &2 in Century cloth at 8 ware 123 Beautiful l..t of I'ark Outing juit rwtiT4 price o anc 1 cnts i.r yard. Tax Notice. 2adRouud. I will meet the citizens ot Lincoln couuty to collect tbe Taxes for 193 as follows Lowe8?ille, Triangle, Denver, Macbpelah Iron Station, Beams Store, Betss' Store, Reep8vill Wed. Nov. 22, 1893. m l .1 . . " xuurs. . " JBQ. Friday " 24, 44 Tues, 28, " Wed. 29, . Thaw. 30, Friday Dec. 1, u Tues. 4 5. Leonard Fork, Wed. 6,' J. K. Cline Sh'ff. Lincoln Oo. Lincolnton, N. O., Noveinber T.lSaS, MTotioe S To the citizens of North Car olina and adjoining States : I call your especial attention to my Double Slock Plows, COttoa planters, Cotton Harrows aud QibWa Flows, the best on the market. You can afford to lose a number oi maaif, as there is money saved ; but you caa&tft afford to lose tbe opportunity ot buying tne above mentioned larming ImplemeirM, M there. will be money lot. i still keep tbe Camel Skin Shoe, ae4 my J3.00 Congress Shoe in Stock. I also keep a general line of mershaadi ouu everyioiDg a specialty. j Respectfully, Apr. 11 93. 3y. F. A. TOBY. Furniture vwww- v p-Jpj ng & gigf MILLS I v E. JAMES, Proprietor, , - " ' ' LiucolutoD, C. ' v . BUREAIH ' . . WARDROBES, LOUNGES, . y.: rr A Of f .-l - f WASDSTANDa,to Re. ftlirf tr nnmn nnA Lnk w- - vaxj.c auu luua mm my furniture before buying else where. ,i . c . Twin Giu . House: Two Firat claBs gins; one 70 and one 40 flaws. Charlotte prices pa!d for cotton. The.flouring and grist milla will be ran regolarly every day froa this time on. dept. 11, 1891. RESPECTFULLY, E JAMES

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