m hi rrtvj win irr i in ii Li ar.. r ! n . n ir ill . tw ., .NWWW1 WV ...... J 1 I !l I f 1 I I ! I I I I I 11 I VOL. VII. LINCOLNTON, N. C, FRIDAY, DEC. 15, 1893. NO. 36 Professional Cards. ..... J. W.SAIN, M. D., Has located at Liucolntoa and of fsrs hit services as physician to the ci tixe a a ot Lincolnton aud surround In if country. tjWill be found at night at the Lin colaton Hotel. Mroh 27. 1891 17 Bartlett Shipp, ATTORNEY AT LAW, LIN0OLNTON, N. C. Jan. 9, 1691. ly DENTIST. LINCOLN ION, N. 5 Teeth extracted without pain by the use of un anae.sthe tic applied to the gums. Posi tively destroyrt all sense of pain aud cause no after trouble. lguarautee to give satisfac tion or no charge. call from you-solicited. Aug. 4, 1893 ly. GO To BARBER SHOP. Newly fitted up. Work away neatly done, customers politely waited upon. Everything pertain ing to the tousorial art is done according to latest styles. HxifRY Tayloh, Barber. E. W. HOKE, Livery & Feed Stables, Two Blocks west of Uotel Lincoln. LINCOLNTON, N- C Teams furnished on short no tice, Prices moderate. Pat ronage solicited. Ejigliah. Spavin Linimeat removes all fcaxd.soft ot calloused lumps and blemish es Irea borea, blood spavins, curbs, splints swcej, ring-bone," stifles, sprains, all iwollea throata, coughs etc. Save $50 by ue of on bottle. Warranted the ipo3t wonderful' blemish cura ever known. Sold fey J. ii. Lawinfc DrutjgistLincolnton N C. VTUm Baby mm efcfc, gar ner Owrtortv. WtITiClJ3dhecxlelfor OasiorU t2 t m ftfton. aha clung to Oactorte. TSra iw ta CAi-m, the ffava ILem Castor lWh on Human and norses and all am l&als curd ia 80 minutes by Woolforda anitary Lotion. This never fails. Sole by J M. Lawing Druggist Lincolnton. N C CtcU, and Trdo-Markt obtaioed, ad all Pat-J ant feuaioa conducted tor Moocrati Fti- our Omki is OrroaiTt U.S. PflTOrirfCt J aad w can mcui p atcuc iu Us uue iha tbose Waatar Stiml model, auvfwg or puuw., " f -1 ta. We adTie, U pawntable or not,tre olj rT Out fto not du till patent issecurod. Hr.wtn Obtain rtteoia,' witB fefMsi id the U. S. and foreign coaatries now T "VT TKNTlON I naa revolutionized 1 il Y ENTION I the world during the kwt half century. Not least among tbe wondera of inventive progress is a method had system ot work ttmt can be performed H over the country without separating the worker! from tbeir home9. Pay lib eral; any one can do the work; either sex, 'young old; no gpeeial ability required Cf ital not needed; you are started free. Cat IhU cut and return to u and we will ai you rre, sometbing of great value tad importance to you, that will start you la biuiaeM, which will bring you in more money riht away, than anything else in Le world. Urand outfit free. Address True S o;. Augusta. Maioe ScleBtlflo Amsrlcto Ag8ncy for OAV2ATS. TRADI MARKS DESIGN PATKMT9 COPYRIOHTt. OtoJ I Jr crAteo voA fr Handbook writ to Uta a oo aa Bboadwit, itw Yobk. t bara for Mcarlug patat in JLmarlco. rwrr rr t tin out br u U brooht be for ynf-it fiaatfUce given tree ot charge taVbe cicnttffc Urrtt etrcltloa of aay sclestlfio paper in tbe Irft $LMu mould. Addrew KCNN A CO, rcau&aaas,01 Broad wax. lw TorlClU. Ii" you feel freak end all worn out take imOTO'S IRON BITTERS II r 5 pp. Patent Orncc. Washington. D. C. 8TATEMEM OP C?OU2TT BEVE!HJl3 AND CUABGE1 OF LINCOLN COCNTY HL C. FOR THE TEAR ENDING DEC. 3, 1803. 1 Deo 1 1892. To balance on hand Dec 1 1892. ' 164 00 Revenue from A. Nixon shff on general taxes ' 1892 5,000.00 1892, Dec: 1 Rev from P F Baxter on rents 1891 & 1892 1893 Jan 14 Rev from E T Childa error in ticket to 11 Rameaur 44 May 1 Rev from hire of Lizzie Lin gafelr u Sept 6 Error in voucher 44 Oct 20 Rev from Adam Canipe hire of 1) Canipe 44 Nov 6 Melchi Rhodes 85.00 30 .05 2.00 25.00 bor'd money 600.00 44 " 7 Rev from J K Cline ah'if photo- . . ' grapher t 5.00 4 Rev from J K Cline sh'f P B Lance Peddler 5.00 "4Rv from J K Cline sh'ffTeet's Show 10.00 44 44 44 Rev -from JK Cline ah'ff Laray Entertainment 3.00 " ""Rev from J K Cline sbff mar riage licence 72.15 u 44 41 Rev from JK Cline sh'ff S M Abra'm Peddler 30.00 ' 27 Rev from JK Cline soIf Jury Tax 19.35 u it it ReV from j K Cline sh'ff Mer chant Tax 116.4S t: " SRev Caroline Rhodes Jborro'd m6ney 100.00 " 4 21 Rev'nue C E Childa c a c St vs Starnes 4.50 " " 4C Rev'nue C E Childs c s c t va ThadensLuU 2.70 u u tt Ren'nue q Childs c a o St vs Alex Little 1.10 " 4' " Rev'nue C E Childs c s c St va Fred Hunter 5.70 j Total Revenue $6201.33. Toe following accounts have been ! audit d an 1 ordered paid for the year eudiog Dec. 1st 1893. Dec. 5, 1892. To T C Wt tuuore, 1000 printed ordjis $3.00 "EK Evan9 stove pipe for O h 4 65 " Jenkiut Bros Blankets &e for couoty 7 40 "PA Rf-ep, 45 lbs tobac co for tf e Home 9 90 44 P F Baxrtrr Tbe Home bill tor Nov 77.11 "BO Wood, calculating tax 1892, services as Clerk Skc 255.60 "DM Tayfor. soppoit of infirm daughter 1 mo 2 50 "E T Childs, 40 yda sheeting for the co- 2 60 Philip Carpenter, Reg- igtr r in Keep precinct 186 " J M Roberts, printing labels for Ballot Boxes ' .50 " W F Kelly J P Reijia- trar in Denver precmct 1.68 ' W M Adeiholdt, 2 aleepere, lor River bridge 3 60 "BE Hamrick D S arret aud delivery Elam Maybew 6-95 A Niron SbiC, Jail feea for Nov. 65 45 CE Childa esc filing & recording anstracta ' - ot voters &q' 9-86 WVL Grouse M D Med- ----- icat attention The ' , Home & Jail 17 00 " W L Cr0U8e & Co med ioine for tbe Home & Jail 14 5 V Good8on, Registrar in ore Bank precinct 1.41 Jan. 2 1693. 44 PF Baxter, Tb Home bill for December 73 65 A NIxoh SbfT chnreyiog election retnrni to Hickory &o 9.94 'BK Evans, stoye plpe Sbrtt & Registers offioea 1.40 44 J K Cline Shiff, Jail feea & i for Deo. 44 Cfi Childs to Etlw-trda & Brougbfen book for County Treasury. 44 CE Childa, Blanks &c 44 Henry Houer J P Regs iatrar iu Heafuera pre clnct P A Keep, shingles and nailrt tor the Hm 4t VV L C rouse & Co medi Huh for the Home & jail 44 F T Short, 1 mo support of infirm daughter 44 I M Taylor 1 ino uup port of iufirm eou 49.10 550 5 05 3,87 14 93 3 50 2-50 2 50 44 J JU Koberia pub. ret port o a o 44 J M Kobe 1 18 pub Co Bov & Charges . 'J B Tutberow winding Town Clock 3 mos 44 a W Rlaoton services as 'Registrar -BO Wood Bgr ot DeedA services a Clerk &c Feb 6,1393 44 P F Baxter, tbe Home bill tor Jan 44 W L Crouae & Co, medi cine tor Home & Jail 17,00 24-50 4.00 1.92 35 40 76.90 10.20 41 Dr Jno Sain services at tbe Home & Jail 7.00 'BO Wood services as Clerk &c for Jan 11.30 44 J A Nixon services as Registrar..- 76 " Harrill, printing Home black-road orders 3.10 44 E K Evan 9, repairs on Jail istove... 50 u J P Lynch, work on Bridge; Reinhardts . . . 19.00 "DM Taylor 1 mo sup-. port of infirm daughter 2.50 FT Short 1 mo support ot infism son 2 50 44 J K Cline Sbff Jail fees &o 37.50 44 TPJenka, coffin John Willis -3 50 44 C E Childs to Edwards & Broughton tor sta tionary .23.32 March 6, 1893 14 L D Haynes timber for causeway on Yorkville road 4 P F Baxter tbe Home ,400 bill for Feby 96.78 "4 A W Reedy i gal ink 150 44 K M Beal repairing road at Moz bridge L00 44 Jno K Cline Sbff Jail leea &c Febv..-. ...33 20 44 Jno W Sain M D at in- , auest, Joo Taylor 13 00 44 J B H Ueim coroner heldiog Ipquest John Taylor H-8Q 44 J H Bisaoer Juror at In qaest Jno Taylor 3.70 "EH Cauble Juror at input Jno Taylor 3.70 44 J C Shrum juror at in quest Jno Taylor 3 40 44 Levi Shrum juror at in quest Joo Taylor 3.60 44 Joo O Hoke juror at in quest Jno Taylor 3 40 Hiram Shrum juror at inquest JnojTaylor 3 65 44 W L Crouae & Co medr icioe for county. 9.35 B C Wood, ter vices as clerk &o for Feby 7.60 P A Beep, 'shingles for the Home 2,25 DM Taylor, support ot daughter 1 mo 2 50 F T Short support of on 1 mo 2 50 44 J Will Mclotoeh DS conveying C iaa Jobn- sou to Jail oww 41 O C Detter plank lor Weaver bridge 2.25 44 Joo L Cobb goods tor co. . .153' E T C Hilda goods for co . . 3 92 44 J O King D S serving 1 road order 4 44 David Mecham to use B ' O Cobb $ fees state vs 45 PA Parker x.u R M Beal D S summons- Ing 6 jurors lnqnes Jno Taylor .1.80 April 3, 1893 ' 44 P F Baxter Home bill for Maroh .'. ....103.25 44 L W Hojle repairing bridge Leooards Fork. . . .1,25 44 W L Crouae & Oo medK cine for Home & Jail, mrh .... 6.85 44 P D Hinson 2 lbs lime ; - foi Hem.- & Jail 3.40 44 Koi!ur & Burton hai'M ware for county..: 6.45 44 P A Rfp toqaooo for the Home .....14 63 44 B O Wood services as cleric for March 8.55 44 J K Cline hfl Jail Tees , &.i for March 78.40 4 J H Tutberow to im of A Nix -ii windiutf clock 3 uiooths 4.00 4, H O Proctor, S C Little & Sidnev Bal carrying i Jobu Luckey to Wt-st- Hospital 10 45 Juo B Ballard timber tor Public road 2 00 44 J K Cline to use R L NicboU D S McDowell Co tor arrest and des livery of Lizzie Linger fe!f & Jane Cauipie. . . .36.84 4- W L Crouae M D for sei vices at Home &, Jail 14.00 44 C P Smith coffiu for Juo Staton 3.25 44 Reinhaidt & Moiriaon lumber tor bridge .... 6 35 44 W L Garrison tree for foot log across creek at L A Dfllingers 1 50 44 O T Chapman by peti tion, fine of J P court remitted., ..10.00 44 R W t line 1 mo support 2 00 44 J L Kistler goods for Jail 1.55 44 Walker Evans & cogs well co 3 Record Book pages 6970 and 71 51.34 W S Davidson M D ex-, aminatloc Jno R Lock, ey Insane 5.00 44 J A Nixon J P examin ation Joo R Lackey Insane 1-00 44 G L Heavner D S serv j ing 1 road order .40 44 Jno F Davis J P exam ' ioation of John R Luckey Insane 100 -FT Short support in- lirm son 1 mo 2.50 DM Taylor support in firm daughter 1 mo 2 50 May 1 1893 44 C E Childa c's c for Edwards & Brough ton for blanks. ........ .6.35 4' C E Childs c s c for recsrding report of Grand Jury &c 10.39 " J K Cline Shff jail feea &c for April 90.15 44 P F Baxter Home bill fof April... 8 .60 44 Philip Carpenter J P examination David Bollinger Insane . .1.00 44 T P Jenks building Weaver -bridge 20 00 44 Henry Rhodes J P ex amination David Bol linger Insane 1.00 44 C Motz& Son iork on bridge and furni ture for Home & jail. . .23.70 44 B C Wood services as clerk .11-20 44 P A Reep shingles for Home V. ...28.30 44 DW Robinson Atty services and opinion in Law 5.00 44 W L Grouse MDExm David Bollinger, ser vices Home .and Jail. . .11.50 44 W W Wells work on iail 7.00 44 Shrum Bro3 lumber for public road 1.59 44 Jenkins Broa Blankets for Hnme 3.95 44 J H Tutherow to P D Hinson winding clock 1 mo 1.33 "DM Taylor support. infirm daughter 1 mo 2.50 44 F T Short eupport in firm son 1 mo 2.50 ' R W Cline support himself 1 mo 2.00 Term 1803. ' No 1 St vs F P Asbury . . $4.21 " 2 " 3 Mrs David Yoder . .3:28 Bat Goodman & Sarah Goodman . . 6.28 Alice Rendle man alias Alice Moore Elijah Rendle man alias Elijah Moore 10.78 J P Lockman 1.33 Laurence Black. . 4.78 ft 5 ' 6 " i y 8 " " 9 " " 10 ' " 11 " " 12" "13 " 4' " John Smith 4.83 " James Wise. . . 2.40 " James Beam 2.30 "JL tHarkey 28.95 " Jim Morrison 6.63 " J L Harkey 10.63 ' WnMotz, Cald well Motz and LRJFutnam 4.78 No 14 st vs Daniel Linger felt (fc Jane Cani- pie No 15 st vs Daniel Canipie & Lizzie Linger felt 21.72 .32.57 No 16 st vs Charlie Johnaon '12.33 No 17 st vs Philip Massagee 15.08 No 18 st vs Frank Jolly 3.78 To C E Childa esc certi fying 18 bills 4.05 June fita, 1698. To P F Baxter the Home bill f jr May & tor sta ble &o 44 G W Heafner sills for Home stables 44 Rmsaur and Burton hardware for tbe Lome 44 D P Yount d s. convey ing Frank Little to Lin coin jail "JK Cline sheriff sam- mooiog 5 list takers -44 3 C L ttle 220 ft lumber for public road ( Jas D Davis removing rocks from public road 14825 690 6.11 3.40 3 00 2.73 16.15 44 P A Reep shingles and nails for tbe Home BO Wood for Edwards and Brooghted bound tax book and official Seal 4.05 9.75 "BO Wood services as clerk 44 O Mot & Son putting 3 glass in court bouse 44 T F Costner M D medf cat services to Tim Ab' ernetby 44 J P Sifford coffin for Jude Ballard "PB Bess services as Registra Bess chapel precioct 44 D J Bpam lumber for Home stable "LB Stutts 2 Iron win dows in the jail 44 G W B'anton j p exam- ioation Will Hubs In sane 44 D M Taylor support in firm daughter 1 month l J fl Tutberow winding clock 1 month 44 F T Short support of in- firm son 1 month 44 R W Cline support of in. firm eelf 44 J K Cline Sheriff -all fees for May 44 R M Roaeman town tax for Dr. Sfaudenmyer . July 3 1893. 27 15 300 15.00 5.00 2.6'i 33.68 35.00 1.00 2.50 133 250 500 52.50 County Liable Sprtag 2.73 To P F Baxter the Home bill for June 44 W L Croose M D ser vices at tbe Home JK CHoe sberfi jail fees for June 44 S S Morris services as liet taker, Ironton John F Davis J P list taker Catawba Spring 44 John F Davis J P exam ination of Avery LUtle iosaoe 44 Leroy Long M D exam ination of Avary Little Insane it n M Dellmger coffin Med Clemmer 44 W L Crouse & Co Med icine for home and jail "AM Win gate repair oo court bousa 44 S W McKee J P exam ination 2 ioaaoe persons i. 0 E Childs tor Edward & Brougnten Record. 93.40 2468 40.00 28 3400 1.00 5.00 3 00 13.05 book ULD Hayces J P Hating ttzes Liuoolntoo town ship 4 T P Jnks J P Itetiog taxea North Brook township 44 O E Cbilda O a O t- tionary for couoty 44 Calvin Shrum lumber for jail 44 J FRflnhanlt repairs on Kiticaid bridge 44 D M Taylor support of Infirm daughter 1 mo. 44 F T Sbort support of ins firm son 1 month 4 R W Clioe support of im firm self one month 44 Oaf henu C'emoiHr sup port 2 clitM it-u of Med OU nmu-r 44 B C Wood for Edwards it diongbion Posiou record 44 B O Wood for services as C'etk for June 44 O Motz & Son coffiu for pauper July 10 1898. 44 Philip Qarpeutr J P listing taxes Howards cieek 44 R M Rosemau & D W Robioeou cleaning Staudentuayie house 44 P A Reep goods for the home 4 Wm Lee Davidson bbl lime for jail August 7 1893. 44 P F Baxter tbe home bill 700 36 00 35 00 4 55 150 700 2.50 250 200 2.00 1.50 9 60 400 28 00 3.00 .85 1.60 106 72 44 L P Sift jrd J P.examin ation Haney Little inaue 100 44 P A Reep tobacco for tbe home 8,80 44 J A Askew 100 lbs chlo ride of lime for j-il 8 00 44 Frank Gillemore snp port of family 1 mo. 44 B C Wood services as . clerk 41 JK Cline sheriff jail feea July 44 J.X Cline sheriff con veying Ada Pember- ton to hospital 44 W L Crouse & Co. med icine for the Home 44 J H Toutherow wind ing clock 2 months 44 Beam Bros. & T P : Jenks sleepers for bridge at Bes 44 S V Goodaon J P ex amination Mrs. Wil liams & Pemberton 44 Catherine Clemer sup port of Med Clemers ' childred one month 44 1) M Taylor support ot firm daughter 1 mo. 44 F T Short support of 8.00 21.80 13.95 36.75 5.35 2.7G 2.00 2.00 3.00 2.50 infirm son 1 month 44 R W Cline support of infirm self 1 modth 44 D E Rhyne & Co lum ber fc work on bridge September 4 '93. '4 W L Crouse M D med 2.50 2.00 3.91 ical service at the home 13.00 44 C D Weaver work on Crouse bridge 44 P F Baxter the home 2.25 102.10 22.90 5.25 bill 44 P A Reep shingle z;lesjj the Home 44 J K Cline Sh'f jail fees 44 R M Roseman to Caleb Payseur allowance F Gilmor 44 R M Beal carrying prisoners to Gaston couuty jail 44 J L Kistler dress for Claude McCoy 4D J Beam work on bridge near Willie 44 J M Roberta publish ing notice of Election Co. Sup't 4 Jno L Cobb gooda for the home u T P Jenks lumber for jail 44 J Q King serving ten , road orders "DM Taylor support of infirm daughter one .month 44 F T Short support of I infirm son 1 month " Catliarine Clemer anp- 9.90 10.00 00 16.30 2.50 10.92 46.00 LOO 3.00 port of Bled Clemers 3 children 44 R W Cline suppor of' himself one month October 2 1893. 44 B C Wood to Edwards & Bioughten dozen J P docket 2.00 5.40 44 MHShuford Sh'f Gas- ton county jail fees 111.85 "JK Cline sh'ff jail fees for September 20.80 4ThosCWetmore print ing tax notices ' PA Reep shingles for the Home 44 W S Mauney D S ar rest & delivery Burt Hallman .75 53.45 1.80 44 J A Willis making 3 iron windows for jail 30.00 " J H Tutherow for winding clock 2 mos. (Continued to inside.) 1.66 FoKi from H'ooel. Probab'y no modern science pre seats a wider field for speculation than tbat of chemistry, and mora especially, perhaps that branch of the science w hich treats of orgamo compounds. Since tbe day when Wohler overthrew forever tbe no tion that organic sabstanoes were exclusively the prod acts of tbe oper ation of eooalled vital toroe. by his discovery of the synthesis of urea, a . great numbtr of bodies, hitherto obtained only iu nature's laboratory, have been successfully built up as the result of a careful and most minute study of tbeir ex act nature. The discovery ot the preparation ot substances by arti fice, more particularly tbedyeV.br . as a matter of course, influenced very considerably heme and foreign ndostries. What shall, be said. then, when chemistry promises to to solve hard problems of political at d social economy ? Ia an addrees deliverad at Heidi el erg by no less eminent an an tborlty than Victor Meyer, it is n ocaoced that 44we may reasonably here that chemistry wilt teach a to make the fiber or wood 'a. -: Source of human food, then, will be foand if this becomes possible, In tbe wood of our forests, or ven in grafts or straw. The fiber of wood consists essentially of cellolm.. ;CaiVj tSis to mitde to change .- into ', starch T Starch has exactly the , same -per-ceitage ia composition, but, as ev ery one knows, it differs .very moch in its propertie,.Bod tbe nature of its molecule Is probably moch more eomplex. Cellalin is ot little or no di tetlo value, and is . not altered, like starch in boiling water. It readily gives glucose when " d wi th sulphuric; acid, as shown when cotton wool, practically pure cell ul in, In - - immersed in it. atarcu giT. same product when' boiled . ha with weak add. Tbe author further quotes tbe re searches of Hellreigel, which go to bow beyond dispute that certain piants traceform atmoapberfq nit rc en into albumen, and tbat this prt-cesd can be improved by bq! table treatment. Tbe production, there fore, ot starch from oeilalin, to gether with tbe enlorced increase ot albomen in plants, would, he adds, Id reality signify the abolition if tbe bread quest loo. It ma it be borne in mind, however, that theo ry, fascinating and promising though It may be, is not always capable of being followed by a practical reeult. JTkA&w Malay savages know of a plant called by them by a name which signifies fc44 Wonder- wonder." It is a flower, and a flower only, having neither leaves, "'-r root. It is a glcboV- ""t ..tbrsa feet '.": . : : ? a dream of lovlint i - ' - Tieca or de- caled logs az.: 3 A Good JLtver. Keep your liver astive and you'll not suffer witn biliousness there's tbe secret When bilious try . a 25 cent package of Simmons Liver 4.00 Regulator powder. Try It on the tongue or make a tea. Yon'il , take 2.50 no more pills. 3.50 HetttBf etcelc, or children bo wmatbaOA tnjp on, tboedd tak BSOWMs1&01l B1T7KW. It Is itfmnt to take, earn Malaru, ZaO gMrtn yimM7M mA Uw fVnrBlalna. 3.00

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