LINCOLN COURIER. F S bTARKErTE, EDITOR AND lROFRlKT- VVTHHKD I2( THE I'OST OFFICE AT Xuhtc.riotionCash, in Advance. SI.-"' yer tuoutbd. . . . . -. -' j of AdvtrhsinQ. ) , i , .,' one liw- ":1-uu -' cnoa It - ran'e th-it many per f. do ail in their power to ovtr frow railroad .corporatiohw wbe; tiiHse roads have been the rai ans to npiift them. We do not"beUev' in giviDfj railroads advantages to the detriment of tb people, bat there are bat few instances in which this is done. It seems that some peo ple try to get hurt on the roads i; crder to bafs an opportunity to tae for damages, and in these suits zn&oy of them obtain more cash ifcaa their eatire; lives are worth If railroad authorities through carelessness, cause a wreck and lives arc lost or injured, then they cagbt to pay a reasonable amount to the iajared and ought not to be co 33 pel led to go to law and spend thousands of dollars in order to de lend their rights. When they go to law 13 nine cases ont of ten they are the losers. There seems to be a prejudice in tbe mind of most peoc pie agaiust railroads and we are un able to eeV why it is so. ' When the North Carolina Central tailroarl was built, there . lived an old man aud his wife iu Homan coanty who were bitterly opposed to the road crossing their land. . Persuasion, money, or auy thing else could not obtain their consent. Tbe road was bailr. This old man and his wife went to the tra.'k each dy and fat upon it to hinder tie cars. Foe a few times the cars were stooped to remove the living: ob. suuciion. Alter awhile the Ol gineeis .vert;:ctod . to pnr more &i.:u vv.itr. ti.uv ci.ue i '. : . ir oi O' f: . K ft a P y ti h a D d c v . n b v ti.-ie & . over nine s a: WuNlilugtou New' C'rrf3iondence of Coiiaic. Washington, Deo. 11,1893: rn-Hident Cleveland was no more ilipturlied tp thft seeming diRcoor .Wwy f-tb nutate i n adoptlL g a i psoluf iou, atkiug for copie of all State dpaitrnmnt documents rfi : iting to Hawaii, than he was bj tsws nseleHHIarnor" which followed nt publication of Secretary Gresu cm ret':omtnendntion on the fiamf! i fiine Wetka ago. Be ton - rfft.IuTir.n was inf rodaed he hat. - - ".': ih it nit of the docu J '"opied for the purpose of tliui to (Joi.iess with, the .".f-t.Age ou the tuoject' Nf- n'eci in his annual njes -::i;r:'y be seut io. Tr . ji ley wiil c ': - -', .':!(! po ;. - ' ' : : Mof t . " V- ; . i ro lej'.ve .-i2ues to c . . i'i a canccs 1 1 L' : . .i k that tlif v-a cli the bill ..ions of onr people Jiv.eipju the hardships : will temporarily impose on -ud, and that in the eDd it i be ge-ie rally regarded as one of bost tariff laws ever placed up- i our. statute books. He looks for n;ncr changes in the bill, both in ti'o House and in the Senate, but r,ot for auy changes in its nnderly i i principles the welfare of the masses rather than that ot the fa vored lew. The internal revenue bill has not been entirely completed, bat it pro bably will be this week. It has been definately decided to donb'e the tax on cigarettes; to tax play ing cards, and to tax inheritances. The income taxis still undecided but tbe probability is that the tax on net incomes of "corporations which wa first agreed opon by the committee, will- remain in the bil!, the understanding, being that ttose members of the committee who fa vor a personal Income tax instead will ba at liberty to offer that a substitute tor the corporation in come tax and. leave it to a majority ot the House to decide vvhlcD, if either of them, shall remain iu the bill, Hepresentative Bryan, of Nebraska, Abo is recognized as the leader o the democrats ou tbe Ways and Means committee who favor the personal income tax, has not abandoned hope of wiinning in the committee. He. said on the Mibject : "The fact that the corpor i;tion tax would bear heavily on many" people with very limited m an--, while the individual .tax voa!d i.e collected from ihe wealthy v.'uri e.;t".;:pe taxation in many forms, lit iijSuence, It the tax . . ,.;whit ou individual incomes the . .'.I Uitu cy the;i j rop6r pro j... Ui which they do .not at pres-; utiCi wcuid not under the cor A .Qompiomifce.kas ' - - 'h 'f'i'd bv 'which both cor ": aa ir dividaiii iucoaifs .1 ; luuli ot ill.; ffork of U-z "' CCUmitt-'" , i :-i . ' ty. tetL invef. . :. " .! rrr- of th :ca' tf ' ' i i ' .. '.'.it'3t V'' :.i :v i- .v.. iv.', t-secii-' i ' v'v" - 'p- - ' ii'u 1 '; iV- Ti-at ' e . .upon the '. of tie rail read or -oufn's before it j;er ii .iujj . - u t i-n -alt -.iJ HmJ'; iuf i a har?t tk as ihe employees of h uh-j . bureaus apfar,lo ha?- morn (Jonr agonal fiienda than any other class of government em ploy ee?. Bern ocTHtfrnr t h e H ou av ar ft de termined thai the bill admitting Utah to Ptatebood - ahull be yaaied, and if the republicans peraiat: in lUibasferiu to pi event a vote upon t, lu Ihey did laaiVfek, it will be made party, question and forced lo a vote under mi wder Irom the 30oumiitee ou iiu 'e. 'ibe otudte will this week begin the coiitiidirratiou ot the election re peal bill. Senator Hill will lead the democratic forces. TATEM.ENT OF (JOfAiTY KEVE.ME AXD CRARGE i OF LIXCOLX COUXTY N. . FOIi 1UK YEAIt EXOIX oC H Childs for Ed wards &: Hrouirhton !;.- 'et i-iier. 6c . . . " c: for .Ed- ' ,11.1'-. .5 1 OU o ..18. -i 12; ;:i J uil . . . f C lilds . go ids The -Homo..... : : t M Koseman, coiHu for Tom Linney.:.. J 0 ' Lee building bridge at Capt Bre- vards D M Talor support. of infirm daughter 1 mo P T Short support of ins . firm t?ou 1 month B W Cline support of ini ' firm self one month Catherine Clemtn r nap- port 2 children of Med Clemmer F A Tobey tinware for Jail.. G L Heavner D S gerving 16 Road or ders .... R M Rosenian shin gles for Jail. T P Jenks lumber for bridtie across ditch at 'Hulls -XRorids.: B U. Wood Regr of Deeds services ' as clerk making . Tax list kc J K Cline ShfY serving - Roads orders. ...... o.v. 6 1893 A W Beedy j gal ink . . II S Sellers D S for ar rest and delivery Jno Jackson John P Cornwell rail ing approach to. Iron bridge R M Real work on Jail. Jenkins Bros. Blan kets for Jail (2 pairs). R M BealD 8 arrest & delivery of John Short' C E Childs esc re cording J urors fcc P AReep Goods for the Home. W 1' Finger plastering county jail. .V. ; . . W L Gilleland paint ing county Jail...... P Baxter the Home Bill for Oct. 1 0 Wood services as " clerk for Oct J :K .01 ine ShlT Jail feelor Oct Ramsaur & Barton Hardware fur county. .1 L Kistler 1 pr shoes C.awde McCoy ,F .' ; ' ' s;-port ia lir;a l . .'.'.v, ; . . i :v pporl itl ' 1 iixit - . . . U, ,:., i;I If). ' .,ilp ..:.!.!. era .25. . .8. :90.0C 2.50 2 50 2 00 3.00 ...35 .6.40 11.25 .1.50 .215.82 .80 ..150 .3.40 .4.00 . 4.00 .2.00 .5.75 .4,75 .42.38 .27.87 . .3.50 .99.60 .1035 ,79:70"" .6.5' .1.1 i . oh piittiim .ndo.. ir. Jail . L Crouse Sz Co edicine for the Home .15.60 Geronie YarWo 1 uw support' of'; himself . lj0;j! Oouuij' iliiibiinieH raii'Terur't 18tt3fciiirior O'oiit-I No. 1 St vs Iro IxAve " : tk 2 u " Pveels Black 9.2$ -3 fohn -P CunmeB 3.1)1 ' 4 44 u Ira L we .7S 5 lk :ilk Ohrisf. Slierri'il M04 " 6 " Ai William Lloke 3.9S u Tud Uuggins 4.941 James Ballard 7.05 j Lemuel Wet more 3.0" ' k' A Lee Sain 18.4.).. 8 9 " 10 4i " Epbm SciYince 27.S ) .;" 12 . . " Jolin.Short 13 '',,"i8aml (ioodson o.o : 15:1 ) u 14 i "15 ' Joliu Ramsaur .7i " Jones HHddleton 7.9 u. Will Sterens & John Jackson 10.9 u George Bess 11.34 k Claude McCoy . . 7.31 4 Burt-Hallman 12.60 4 John Smith " 15.18 u Robt: Roseman 5.50 17 18 " 20 " u 2 Certifying 21 bills ; C E ; , hilds c s'c " ' 5.25 $4u:i.l(; ! North Carolina MHce Bel Corns. Lincoln County Dec. 5th 1S93 L B. C. Wood Clerk of the. 1 i rJoanl of Commissioners hereby ertily the foregoing is a truo .statement fd' Revenue and Charg- of Lincoln County for the year -jnding'Dec. 1st, 1893 (except, piy :1 members of the Board) as tak n from tlie minutes "of board Also that the following is a lis! f the indebtedness of the county n account of borrowed money?, s diown by Treasurers books.- -" li. 'C: Wood, C lerk. The following is a lisrt of the indebtedness of Lincoln CDiinU on acc( icc( u it of borrowed money a.' j vn by Treasurer's books Mo show Dec. 1st, 1893. : . 1391, Sept 24 F A Tobey $500 0( 44 Oct 1 J M Lawing 500.0(' 500 0C 100.00 400.00 500 0t 500.00 500.f0 4' Dec 3 W L Crouse " 4- 8 J M Lawing I 1892, Aug 1 J C Cobb Sept 7 J M Lawing 44 Oct 3 Ceph. Quickie 150.00 c '' 4 Caleb Motz 500.00 u iOW L Crouse 100.00 " 21 Ed Rhode, 150.00 1893 Nov 6 M Rhodes 600.00 (i " 8 Cal. Rhodes 100,00 Cr. by interest paid as follows: 1892 Nov 12 F A Tobey "" -l 26JM;Lawing 1893 Oct 0 F A Tobey 4' JC Cobb 44 Nov 0 Ed Rhodes " 9 J M Lawing 35.00 35.00 35.00 S0.CO 20.00 209.43 FOR CAsH In Advance You can get the Lincoln COU11IEK ONE YEAR FOR 31 00--6 M. 65 CTS. 'UBISHEDakd edited F. S. STARRETTE, LINCOLNTON, N. C. LINCOLXTOX 3IARKET, -T-rjv.. - Reporteti for tbeTCouBlEE every Thursday morning by- Capt B. F i ungg : Cotton 71C Wheat Com new Mea'l ' ' -Flour. Buhr per ba .. 65 40 50 ...50 UK) lbs. Floor. Patent, l'ork, Bacon sides Bacon hams lb...... - .NC - 10- tv It r, lilV' . . .IT " 4 round 6 44 ': X. C 10 " 5 12tol8 per lb .... 10 to lfe Heel Lard Tallow Chickens.' Butter r Houey Eggs Rags Hides, green Hides, dry : Wool, washed Cabbage ! Applet, dlled I'eaches elrird ! Peaches dried 10 doz... ' lb. . . . ii 4 " 15 16 ' 24 5 41 1st class it 44 27 2 44 "f 2i 5 4 44 uu peeled 4 4 J 44 4 peeled . . . .5 5 j ApplH greeu per bu .... ; Sweet Potatoes " .80 SO Peas - Irish , 44 . . Ouioiis . . "... Onion et8 4V 4. . - . Blabeirie-i diied, per lb .50 40 59 40 200 4 Hees-ax . . . per . ponud . . 16 to 17 Now is the time to sell large on ions. Don't expect to sell them next Mri!ch for voi en't ilo it. AVFR'Q Sarsaparilla S. P. Smith, of Towanda, Pa., whose constitution was. completely broken down, is "cured by Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Rewrites: "Tor eight years, I waa, most of th time, a great sufferer from constlpa tlon, kidney trouble,. and indiges tion, so that my constitution seemed to be completely broken down. 'I-was induced to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, And . took nearly seven . bottles, with such excellent results that, my stomach, bowels, and kidneys are in perfect con dition, and," in 'all 'their functions,--as regular as clock-work. ' At the time I begau taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla, my weight was only 129 pounds; I now can brag of 159 pounds, and was never in so. good health. If you could see me be fore and after using, you would want me for a traveling advertisement. I believe this preparation oi Sarsaparilla to be the best in the market to-day." Ayer's Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., LowU, AuuC Cures others, will cure you To the Qitizens of North Car olina and adjoining States : I call your especial attention to my Double Stock Piowe, Citroc plantein, Cutlou bariuwBand Qibbs i'lows, the test ou iLe market. : : You can afford to lose a number oi meats, ms there is money saved ; but you cannot afford to lose the opportunity ot buying the above mentioned larming lmpleqpems,- &s tbere will be money lot t. 1 still keep tbe Camel Skin Shoe,. and my $3.00 Congress Shoe in Stock .. I also keep a genera line of mercbandU and everything a specialty. . . .Re.-p ctlull, Apr. 1 1 '93. ly. F. A. TOBY. ADM'R NOTICE. Korth C'arolina, Lincoln Cpunty Hftv iag qnalified as administrator of Maiy L. Edwards Strain dee'd, late of this county, 1 hereby notify all persons owing the- es tate of mv intestate to settle their debt3 at once. All persons having claims against diceas-d must present tue same to.aae, duly proven, within twelve months from this date, or this notice will be plead in bar of recovery. Nov. 18, 1893. J A Nixox, adm'r of Mary L E StRAty, dee'd. L B WETMORRr.Atorney. - ' Xov. 24, 6t, ADM'R NOTICE 1 ! -J V , Having qnalified as adtninL-Ujator c t. ai of Wiliis AI- Jones all persons having c'aims against said estate are hereby no tified to come forward and present the same to the undersigned on or before'NoT 4th 1894 or this notice wiUb! pleaded 'in oar of their recovery? This 30th day .of October 1S93. J. E. Ckonland adm'r c. t. a. Willis M Jokes Hov. 3 6t . clear . . bt Jlomcj imK i I & MENTAL !w -g STR0K8 energyIJSP- nerves f ONGE WETGREETYOU " The Gran J and glorioufl Ch" make this season brighter. nearer. . .Out. JVluae turns common prose to rnyme, a sort o' bopjeiy ChriBtmas jhime :not iu.. poetic ptyle sljbjime, but, may be. somewhat- cheaper Vou ltoV we've always tried befonh tn store, with all its stock and strft" galore, into a place where more f and inoie. the people's hearts ;row lighter." "So far the Court its Course may ken ; ' We're goirife to do :hkt Thing again." Our Christmas' stock is too hrge to try to give you anything like a correct idea ol our sto'el . So we will have to be content ) with merely giving yon an outline of our stock. It consists of the following: : I A Beautiful line of' Paper Machete ware; and Celluloid Good . . Handsome stock of Leather Goods. -- And the Prettiest a id cheapest istbek of; books and booklets ou ever saw. Big Lot of ollsver: MEAP., , ; AND A CRE4T MANY OTHER C OODS TOO NUMEROUS TO MEN- ? TION. . . .--:-r-Xhe best way to get an id :a of our immense stcck of Xmaj goods is to call and see it and !ear our prices.. WE ARE ALREADY LE1NG OVER RUN WITH RACKET STORE The Racket this season displays the largest aud rrioscoraplete line of Christmas Goods that we have ever placed-: before the people. The pretty things that you will 'find in our fines are not ADOPTED TO THE LiTTlE PEOPLE Or7 THE COMMUNITY, BUT OUR STOCKTON SLSTS OF ALL CLASSES ""0E GOODS' THAT WILL SUIT THE WANTS OF ALL DURING THE lb goods tt you will Una in uur liao r suitiWs for the LiUi. the his. b oil ,'h., '-Ti -ne,J'1" " "j3 V noi irBS in mlke tbe'people believe fbf we an thou u i'"- ,nl thal hi" ,b:i'- Ttl't think that they wi'J see ear such thing when the come t . the Rackc: to see Christma. goods that we .lace before Ve are not the. only people jtilat carry thesq goods in.fXincoLu ton, but we claim to have the kVgestahd:the best selected stocK of Holiday goods, and all we is to: call andee wharf we have. We don t prepare lo show 'you tadorld'sfalpwinypart of it but we do..xpect to place before; joulhe..Krflesrand'te finest line of holiday goods that we have1 ever sKbwiiH&-tiiepeople of Lincoln. . .. .. -''- - " . f r-.-.- r wishing all my friends aiitf cuViomore a MERRY (XHRlSTSfAS; : , - ' 1 Remain il&spefiilly, ; Jk.GrJL.JOSr - ;stmas time'iS omrng nearer anil j We've done our best to turn thi CHRISTMAS BUYING. JENKINS BROS J..L- KISTLER, PROP