Aflfilif'iff 'III VOL. VII. LINCOLNTON, N. C., FRIDAY, DEC-22, 1893. Professional Cards. J. W.SAIN.M. D., Pallas located at Lineolntou and o fere his services ad physician to th citizens of Lineolntou and surround-1 iug country. fVViH be toand at uight at the Lie elutou Ilotel. Maroh 27, 1891 lv 759 7G4 7C5 814 817 a Bartlett Shipp, ATTORN KY AT LAW, LINCOLNTON, N. C. Jan. 9, 1891. ly. D n T I s r. LINCOLN ION, X. C Teeth extracted without palu by tlift use of mi anaesthe tic applied to the gums. Pos tively destroys all sense of pain and cause no after trouble. Iguarautee to yive satisfac tion or no charge. fK call from you solicited. Aug. 4, 1S93. ly. 819 881 856 . 857 858 862 859 CitO id BAKBElt SHOP. Newly fitted up. Work awa. neatly done, customers politely waited upon. Everything pertain ing to the touHorial art is done according to UteBf styles. HeNEY TAylok. Barker. E. W. HOKE, Livery & Feed Stables, Two Blocks west of Hotel Lincoln. LINCOLNTON, N. C Teams furnished on short no tice, Prices moderate. Pat ronage solicited, English Spavin Liniment removes all Lrd, soft or calloused lumps and blemish es trom horses, blood spavins, curbs, eplints aweenej, ring-bone, etifles, sprains, all swollen tiroata, coughs etc. Save $50 by oe of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful blemish cure ever known. Sold by J. M. Lawing DruggistLincolnton U. YThta Batrj tu sick, va gave Her CSorfa. Wheo sh itm a ChUi, she cried for Castoria When ehe bee? mo JUsa, she clur.g to Caetorla. VTbco aiwlad CWliren, she gave them CastorV Itch on human and norses a nl all ani mala cured in 30 minuter by Woolfords 924 Unitary Lotion. This never fnib. !S!c by 924 J M. Lawing DruggUt Linolnton. N C nw. i rl r'i 1 h rfrj ! V 1 Vs$ j r j 15 1 1? I KZA 1 CTeaU, aad Trade-Marks obtained, nd all Fat- j ant buainasa conducted tor MoOERATt FEES. Our ornct is Opositc U.S. patent orFfctJ and w can aeevre paieot iu les.3 time tUaa those rcmoUtrom aiUDRton. Scad cad modl, drawing or photo., with descrip-j CloQ. We advise, if patentable or not, iree 01 tbArre. Our in not due tin patent is secur ea. 0 m ..ytu.rr "How to Obtain Patents," with ct ol la the U. S. aod foreign countries 5 1 Mat free. Address, c.A.srjow&co. OP. Patent Ornct, Washington, D. C. J T TKNTlON I Mas revoiutiomaed 1 IN V ENTION I the world daring the last talf fentury. Not least among tbe wondcM of i&ventive progress is method aii system ot work tbat enn be pertormed all over tbe country without separating tbe workeri from their homes. Pay lib eral; ny one oan do the work; either sex, young or old; no speeial ability required Capital not needed; you are started free. Cut thi oat and return to us and we will Mad you tree, something of great value aad importance to you, that will start you ia buune&s, which will brin you in more money riyhtaway, than anything else in the world. Grand outfit fre. Addres? True & c, Augusta, Maine SclenUfic Amsncan Afiency 1 ii CAVEATS TRADE MARKS, OZSICN PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, etc. Tot lnfrmfctton and free Handbook write to MCXN CO.. ba Bkoauwat, iew York. borea for seturlD patents In America. Sttrr PMQt tim out by us Is brought befor tsa p uttic by a nuilce glvea free of charge Lu tha Scientific mertcau L its tit rireulatton of any scientific paper in tn Wfarid. aplnOidir liluatmeJ. No Intelligent ouku tbouia t wnnoul it. eeiy, ?j,uw Fnw: ILWalx ifloaths. AddrsfS UUN.N 3t CO lBUBi8, Stii Broadway, Wew York Ciu. JN 4 CO BROWN'S IRON BITTERS Cures Dyspepsia, In digestion & Debility r7a r M I m IMIJ II A c- ANNUAL REPORT OF C. E. CHILDS, CLEUK SI P EIIIOU UOBBT. North Carolina) Lincoln Countv l honorable Ctkairmun and Board county CommUHonere Lincoln co if C 1 hereby report the following fundi in Kamla Ji.' . c Pagk, No. CASE. btate Ts Cliff Marshall 44 44 4 757 37 41 50 51 68 74 a 77 " Kichard Hill J B Luckey Bh'ff u Henry S Leonhardt F 1 Osborne Sol 44 " " 4 44 .4 .4 4 ' Milton Lynch Ianner Petkins S W ' L J Skidmore J V McBall shif U U 1. ii ' it . u J " Major Ross r ' . Thadeous Lutz 8l2 82 97 J C Bess Adm'r Pricilla Heasner vs Jno Voder et al J Y Elliotte D S . . . 5 40 G6 State vs Philip Caruenter John Yoder et at Philip Smith S W assigned to R M Roseman 3.40 834 99 Barbara Cincaid et al exparte JO King juror 1.00 I, ' , ' " ' " " " surveyor 2.00 8od 101 In the matter of Avery Clark Ex- , Parte RS Proctor juror 1.50 k In the matter of Averv Clark Ex parte 30 State vs Zeb Wilson 31 44 32 38 33 42 56 ' Henry Carpenter. " Sarah Smith S W 70 '4 Dave Harwell R H Dellinger S W . . . .30 44 44 Jeff Huilstetler J A Smith S W 12 30 4i John Scronce A R Yoder D S 30 4' Jetr Hutfstetler J M Burns-S W. 5.80 44 44 JMRendleinanAdm'r 864 872 872 881 .4 44 896 S Dellinger vs W E Howard & wife, CO MA Thompson D S . . .60 56 L M Rendleman Adm'r S Dellinger vs .W E Howard '& Wife CO M H Shu fork sh?ff 'l.20 66 4 Philip Carpenter F I Osborne sol 4.00 kt J B Juckey sh'ff 30 JMBurnsSW 1.20 20 A Lee Cherry vs A H King Execu tion of Wna King vs Walter King J Walter King and s Mrs o J iving 902 905 26 29 4( State vs Fred Hunter " Jelf Smith 4t 4( 44 44 4' 44 " 44 14 44 . . " Alex Little State vs Alex Little State vs Alex Little State vs J W Lane (4 50 50 00 52 919 919 919 920 922 54 W A Campbell vs Robt Dellinger etal J F Herman c s c ... .1.00 922 54 W A Campbell vs Robt Dellinger et al Welbarn A Campbell 12.76 922 34 W A Campcell vs Robt Dellinger et al Mary- Dellinger 922 54 W A Campbell vs Robt Dellinger etal Caroline V Moore 922 54 W A Cambell vs Robt Dellinger et al Belzora A Potts . 492 5i W A nnmoll ire T?r.Vif Tlnl liner an 0t i - 922 54 W A Campbell vs Robt Dellinger et al Larkin R Potts. . 922 54 W A Campbell vs Robt Dellinger etal Lucy Ann Potts. 54 W A Campbell vs Robt Dtllinger et at. Heh-3 John Potts 922 56 State vs Tol Maunev J B Luckey sh'ff .32 56. . . .State vs Tol Mauney Anna McCoy S W. . . .2.10 57 Winnie Shipp et al vs B Johnston etal J Will Mcintosh 1.20 57 Winnie Shipp et al vs B Johnson 925 et al 925 57 Winnie Shipp et al vs B Johnson A 1 t 817 74 St vs S J Scidmore ' jsigiJed to B F Grigs. 857 31 State vs Henry Carpenter i Jno Thomas 8 . w assigned j to R M Roseman S56 30 State vs Zeb Wilson $231.53 The following amounts due parties reported last annual re port, this being second report of same. Execution Docket. Page, No. case. to whom due, ' am't. ' 7C0 43 State vs John Pollard JYElIiotDS .45 " 44 " u John Hammett H P Kilbao DS ,30 810 61 Rohert Stubbs J O Shrom Ds 30 811 63 " Luther Pel kins VAMcUee CSO . 123 811 63 " Lather Perkins J P Carpenter D S .50 811 63 " " Lather Perkins Geo Stabbs S W as- signed to Jas Hiueoo 1.10 831 95 " " Jno H & And'son Branch J W Moore D S 60 832 96 J F WarUck va Frank Roberts et al A R Yoder D 8 120 832 96 u ' Frank Robeits 17.96 832 96 4 " 44 " k aeiri of Worth Roberts The follrwing amounts due parties, reported in my two former an nual reports, this being the third report of same. execution Page. No. case. to whom due. am't 594 34 44 " W W Dixon J A Peeler D S .30 640 39 " RM Mundy VV P Detrum D S .15 641 40 " Henrv FNixou W P Dettum .15 653 53 44 Philip Bangle TJLeonaidDS ' 100 691 40 44 44 William Hoke L T McLean D S 1.15 727 39 44 44 Abe Connor Peter Coob S W 2.20 $4,95 In the following cases defendants paid parts of costs of amounts paid pro rata part due as follows : Execution Pags. No. case. 556 65 State vs J P Alia Dock Lockmau 837 103 Nora Leonard, Zeb, Agacttas 837 103 Davie F L Crawford by their 837 103 guardian W W Bridges 837 103 ts L A Lockman et al (Continued - . . 1 TO WHoil DUE . T W Baxter S W T O T C'W 1.1U f l.yo 4.00 4 ft) .00 .30 .30 ED Johnston DS DA Lowe J P 79 WA Armstrong DS... 1.00 F I Osborne Sol 5.00 CM Jetton Constable. . .30 . ... J B I .ufkv tfh'ff 1 OO A A Kellv Juror 1.50 Alice Smith S W ,70 Sarah Smith S W 70 Alice Smith S W. .... ..70 J Mrfe S J Kinsr .50 J W Mcintosh D S. .60 A B Black S W 1-301 E J BlackS W 1.30 Ellis Avery SW ....1.23 ? . rLawson Heavner s w 1.30 DA Lowe SW 3.70 DA Lowe S W 3.70 Jno F Davis J P 2.00 Aaron Goodson S W. ;2.10 12.76 13.T6i 12.76 I Tiii:nr tx- io ri' jJX JL UllB J..4U 12.76 ' . 12.76i i IO o): AG Thompson D S 2.40 .30.25 2.00 . T.- TI xue xiuirs 1JH Hoyle S W as- 2.07 ( Jno Thomas s w assigned jtoRM Rosmari . . 2.07 & Widow Elizabeth 17.96 S41 61? liocuet. Jiecket. TO WH01I DUE. AM T L B Camp D S 60 J W Lany 8 W 1.10 Jono Gabriel D S 1.02 6 7 J B Lackey sh'ff .37 1-7 JANixonJuror 1 14 2-7 to inside.) ' A Lively Miurt:f egro It bo i Claims To lie 123 Tears Old. Oae of the oldest, it fiot the very oldest, men in America lives inn little shanty on the banks of the Osage River at Osage City, Mo. Be in a negro and bis name is Rich- AM'xjard Hoops, According to. th 1.40 i statements 'of Lfoops, whiob are eunpor'ed hv accessible records. Iih wa born i 01ml nam county, N C, D cemher 20, 1770, mxm! thus Uiks lea tbiiu a montb t the com pletion of hjr 1231 year. Born h slave, he was lakn to Missouri by his owuer, John P. Ilayden, while a m.ere boy. A few years later he was sold to the mn whose name he iiiv lt-Hrs nd lived with hirn nem Yinna, Ma'ie :mnty, until ihe mancipation of ihe sHve.. Smee thai t!uae he has lived at Westima :it, ut for ihe -iist iwentyrfive 3nrs I) .is made bis home st Og loops is renarkably well preset v ed and Uvph alone, in his shanty. He fihe" a f.'ieat deal lor the bi' c tttiwli l hat fr quent the ws'.ers of i he Osage aud is never happier than . when he cau catch a big one and make oup ol ntft head. He is still able to do some woik, and it was only a lew years since that b contrtc ed with a faimt r in the vicinity of hit home to iemove the stumps aud roots off a newly cleared tract of laud. He fulfilled his eoti uacf, doing all the work h'mself. Bis miod is slid clear on many ol theeveuts that nappeued towaid the close of the last century, and recalls with great prid that he OLce held the horse of General Greeue, of Beveluliouary fame. In apptarauce Hoops iesemhles mammy ; his kiu looks like parch uini and he is toothless and hair le, but his step is remarkably firm and his eyes. bright and clear. As stated, he lives alone, having no relatives as far as known. He is a member and regular attendant of the African Methodist Episcopil Church, His neighbors take a great interest in him and do him man ac' 8 of kihdnes", and he would not hive to work, as the.v would supply his simple wants gladly, but he i independent, and says that he pio po8ea to earI1 owu jiviug for many years yet. His boae stands - under the approach to the Missouri . Pacific Railroad bridge across th : Osage, and except when absent on j jjs fishing trips "Uncle Hoops,'' as j nulled, ean b found a't home, i . -, - , He has the record of his birth, and there is but little douot that he -s ti e oldest person in the country. j Y. Herald Senator- Vance Favors Tlie Income Tax, - Senator Vance, of North Carolina, k been in towu hee' .for. two da s, a?id speaking o! revenue' and tirilT legislation said': " "There 18 throughout the south an almost unanimous sentiment in favor of an income tax, and 'this question will be brought op wb-n th-? tariff bill i . up.aer dlgoussion. Iy own opinion is tbafc an Yncome tx of some character will :, be en grafted upon the tariff measure be fore it passes Congress. What form iu will take it is now impossible to say, bat some of tbe best mind in both branches of Congress are di rected to the sobject, and it is safe to say they will evolve a ati6factory. Dasis which will receive a hearty Southern euppotr. " "It will be necessary to adopt some means of raising the enormous revenue r quired to sujport th government wheu tariff re'orm is effected. Some say tnis sbould'be done by raising the tax on whiskey and tobacco. Expeiieuce, however, has shown that this is not always practicable. Statistics piovo that less revenue i derived from a high tex on sprrltsand tobacco than fiom a moderate tax. The reason tor this is that consumption. falls " off as the tax becomes piotnbitory. There is no taker way to raise revenue than by taxing incomes, notwithstanding the objection tbat has been orged tbat it will be class legislation. Such arguments are based on sophistry, ja8 n Cah be easily shown that an income tax ia the moat equitable an' jut of all meUux'H of rais.r-g public revena.' RicJjnd Dispatch. Fiiinuoittl Condifiou Conutrj. of iiie lo yiew of the fact th it the couu try has over one' hundred ' aad twelve millions mote money in cir- cuiaiion tnau it h,u ver mm i Prewdeut ClereUifi intimation that ! I there U no immed.ate need of ue ue 7, eglsiation oa (nv carren y wdi w;h i w... l i I. . . i t i the oullness of trade and lover ! .1; t. i vA 1 1 1 .. ; pfices tbat nave resulted from tne i panic very mn-b less money of courne is needed to exchange - and ommodit.' His sugrgrfitin th t tne Secretary of t'ho Tre.ii' b- nuth r?;' ' 10 1 Mle ooii-irf :i ' : -v ih e O ' S t r u o meet era' in geto'e w ill lii.-u'-d it bs be the subject of det-a" e, aa : 1 1 alo so bts r uet that 'ha President I e vested wirb authority to nvife 1,1), n nations to a in-vv hiver (oau-r life '.it any lime when t?re shi.U'd '.e a fair rosiect v.t acc'mp 's -lug an Mitef national agreement u the sub ject of t'oiuae.'' The foreign trade statistics cited in the iiiefr-S'ig wil' attrHCt, renewed attentin to t e unfavorable rature ot the past ear's eommeree. Im pons ot meiehandise decrr-asd! about forty million dollars, w nde exDOrts ot merchaudiNe decreased ., u 1 1 i t. 1 more thau one hundred and eighty , two millions. I't esideut Cleveland derlares the couyiction which ir "hired by every intel-igenl stuiUu; ot the 8!tnat;ou tha- the i liiia tffec's of repealing the onpu srry Sliver Purchase law. .will be most salutary and f ir reaching. iv '. Herald. It Pays to Take a Xo-ffspaper. Some papers aru not of much ac cojnt as to app-34ria-:e never but I took one that did uot pay me i:t some way, more thau I paid for if Oue time an o'd friend started a l:t tlepaper away down in southeast Georgia and sent it to me, and 1 sab-cribed jnst to encouraged just to encourage him, ajjd after awhile it published a notice that au ?.d ministrator had an order 10 eel! several lots at public outcry, and oue of the lots was in my county, So I inquited about the Jot and wrote to my trieud to a'ttcd ib' g ile aRl run lt cp t0 firty doIla'P. jje oiJ ,5 h d rre ff the lot for g30 aJMl j g0; it to H ,t jc;rr, t oirw .1 ,. I ..i-i ft.Q sl.or U .ijLyy, HUU ?U A liiuu vuu v--. h bv taking thar, paper My father told use thar, when lie was a youas'oan he-s.'i.w a not c in a paper tbat a school tec'ier ws. wau'ed away oti in s distant cou) ad he went tbo'rt audoiThe situ-J ationand a little iri was.:. en j aji attcr avvhi)eh.e -Slew op j tlJfrjt y sweet 'u"&"-gyeTtj and he tell' in lov't? .'th br and jnarr;eiU'r,crn up. Tnw prit.ce m o-, i.ow ber now, if 'be hjuln'c- taken lha; '.er. U know the n. mes of the own paper, what do pou reckou wou'd ,lB 0f tne esfab'ishmeut, nn.i pio :i- ua urcu v. . have been soaiB other &Uovf or ma be uot at all ? .AdvRo-to life Ii!jU'rej. Dr. Dale' givQs . some advice in; Good Korks to:tuOse-.wijo have been injured by mtsrepreseutaticu or-cfhei-wise; 'a follows : 1 ,v"lfjman injurps you, do no1 k.ii rvfc.r-tt.. Xor'must vcu.ta! t knH tr r. mepi. What is your motive- for 'reakiar; about the injury! Do :ybu :. w -ant to get your friends to ttiktf"-'s?des with you against.. . the: -flerid?-r ? TC'o.u'want'to-oialre tiict o'.- lBfW4iimselt"taV sid'es wit'i ou against the ; enc. . l i e tteop'e kH0tfyot. tilhi.v tTD Z hi'inore 'r- ."" . ... .- 'GfiV readeis. '- wi'l find . biramou.- Luer ReUtor'advert'ised in thes columns' ye'adverti?e-H ai d us ,1,'aud we commend it as a s-ate aud exceiltnt medicine. We became aequamttd with it in Georgia whte it is a standard family medicine We do not deny tbe merits of other preparations but simply state tbat tfcis oue commands confidence. From the "Journal," Lanesboro, Minn. ....l,t.M1v1n.rrc.itfiilH i!?alUSu Jte '- t- .' " i . ' A remedy wrong oer, tne naroeryuv ui. aiJ(1 that tJftci... 't. ufLMtnnrl,4' nis'-lau-t.' ;isno Another BltfGuc. Another of tae big thirteen inch sjuns-ba iustteeu eomplettd at the Washington (D. C) gun lactory, making the fifth gnu of the culiber now ready for naval purpo.s. Twelve m all are to be asse ai'!i d, which are to be mounted u Ha bHtMeBbiPs Mashu.e, India' aT mill r-, C , .. t .I,. i S"". ' m.wuer nnd Oregon. Five of tha ... i '-re tunsuen and readv tor : tli e P'otmij; ground at tri .a lnJia;:H Head. 1 he rnoufit- for one ate ti i is'Vdj'aml as soon as tlie gun an CB be transport, d . u ,tle 1 ?t0,Bac lh W1" U" h"UL This gun reqaires 550 pounds of J oowovr for a full chaige. The pro jj"'lilei: hliriH weighs 1 h"0 pounds j a:i.J c i! ! e t'-f . u ! 1 ii ! e-u mil1-. I 1 lie .m j v n fn .1 rus. n -. .: t- - n . oi !n,00 And the j)WiSer a-'ni t o i $175 more making e-ich iior ii d- j t'itreent 8675. Whei k is takt-n ji'itu corjsuierutiou th-tt the Il'e t; j this gun i not over 5'0 icunds mid Hiat the gun and ram-rge cost ."fiM 000 it w ill be apprecati d tt.t :ot many shots can be wasted. A Moonshine Diiillery. About 6 o'clock on Tuesd-v morn" ing a mau went i it t tin? police a-a-tion lu Union Market and told th" sergeant at the that at 76 Cannon street an illicit di-ti let af m full blast, and that ' t that moment, a gang of men were at wo k n the subterranean sti'l houe-. The informant refused to g've J -me and hum" ! awuv. Djtee.tive I Breunan and Farrel with six p )lic 1 j 'ii'.'ii well? out at once and s-urou'id led the pl.iee. Breunan demanded alTiittanc?, hut received 1. r jf-pS)U-se-. Several times he r-; d the demand, aud knoeked loud on tbe door. JStUJ lo response Then he. broke open th tbo". The men had esc-iped, but they had left behind all the apparatus of a distiilery so common m th menu tamoai regions of western Virginia and eastern Kentucky. Ihese were die copper still, the long copper worm, three fortv-irallou vats of sour mash and a targe vat of "low 'vine," and a sixty gallon o:.per boiler filled wifh ho' wiVt ev-ry-thiug indicated that the st'.ii hoi b en iu operation for several mouths Tbe room was rilled ith fou' ii rielliug sieam, whi''h vtroe fioni the vats of warm mash. All around the nVot was strewn overa'is and boots, which the fleeing men had ha-tily thio-fn off. The men bad shaped through a stair c te that led ii into tno hall of the tpnmfi 'house. The po;;e s-.-nt for t he U -deit'State revenao oSi::es -ird ? j ;v sltof t fiiae D"put.v s:7ark n?id GearVair:. f C.;'.''.!of v and t ok i'ybse,i:!0n. I AVa-tcii was kept ou tae j l ie an i .,v Yesterday, l.-K the owu -r d'd?. jisaurM luudv. .Thv-tenHnt i-i owuh! bv J. . I v'- who is wlf-6 proprietor of die Ir- v-iu Dancing Hall in lit com- Mr-e. He reuted the bssement five nonth-i a,ro, but th'e tenant's name is with held by tbe police. TuegreateSi mystery about this moonshine tstoblishrnent i-J how- the opt rtore,: u anffge!- to piy their ti a;e lor so Ions without detection i for the ulact was located m the Lomn :f . double ten-m-nt house ia which about fifty famiue ! were doroicded. N. Y. Sun. A Q L A u i & x c 1 U K v" TEST . . .. .. : j- For a Quarter- of a-' "cetjlut'v Dr. Kin.- - ITii!!iunsr VF;o l ave received benerit fiom iu j?te-tKy t it? wonderful curHti powers that La3 stood tho - test s ir. cxoeritnent. .acn oo'tie is p U'v.v . ir:irent-ei to ive rehet. t r i'.ys incnv l?.-ui Ka rAf.,na.i It is admitted t- r.r-.V. ! rejiabie for'aushs anl Colds. Trial bottfes Free at Ur. J. M. Lnwicg Dr Store. Lare nzi 50c. anl 11.00 Iu Alleghany county, at a corn shucking, the o.her day Sam Bow er.s engaged in a Iriendiy wrestle with his nephew, aud donug the senffle tbe latter accideotly stuck a hn kory wood com bnsker into Bowirs arm near the wrist. Tbe wound wai not thoaght serious, bat blood poisoning Bet in which result ed in the death of Bowers. SMlcldv bj TakluK liojig' Henry Habel, a tailor, who has work.'d for Mr. Geo N. Walters, of this city , quite a loug while, com mitted buicide lat night by taking rough on rats. - He left bis family here last wuiamer aud wen to Geor gia, where he concluded tnat one wife was uot enough and took uuto aitiiselr' another help-met. He're ifntly le turned to Riliagh, but at "ii- ins'tigHtioif ot ftivN'i 2, some t quines ere inde,a.i : the aufhoi Met of - G orgia 'rer&p'.ed here Mitr had "him arreti d. Thi- was iliH t-an Re of hts rasb de.-d lat .i'ght. ' AJter le::rnin!T that he hd taken :he tn-Msou the anthofirpes had him r -i v.-d to hi4 vt,e, whi'fo h" di d ni-AHt- -i or ..-k . ,j s n.orni"1"'. i urn 1 1.; Ou r a l.t -. h the eg! ni. r ver irany : e'.'ple m. jd 1 esoi'it ions. Th it they Jt al vaH keep them has furnished ma terial lor jests and ridjeuJe many a time ami oft Indeed, there are P'-rsons who abstain from promises or pieTenses of reform because they have been made the subjects of coil' tempi uous remarks and sueerp. It. is h very good idea to try to do better even though oue fails by the I at side. The effort is commend' r.ble. and. that it is made shows that 1 j tbeie ready is a germ ot goodness ( in the individual. It is a part and p4c-d of the work of life to try time and again before one makes a sue cess ot most of the good things or -bis world. Tuere is a tende'- a;EQ,lg ,iIoas Wegs ,,e0ple, esp-J' ly l':ose ho are ose uo are routl ot eayiri "harf! atifi cutting ridicule all attempts ar. improvement or re form. No one ctu imatine ho many oin perscris bave g ,u down to ruin ou tbis account. '!'" S'-nitive to bear birig made fur) they neglect opportunities and slni. miTJS 0f do'ng better imply cu-e they have not tbe courage to f ce tire ra'lery of their tellow?. Jr. s h poor sort v.i muaen)er.t, Ihis jt;: !:!dj: gim of the better f life. The fi)aro retort, attention exiled t oaletlliu; Ibey see fit to t'-rr;i "tioody goodness," a flippant icmrrk about turning over a new leaf nod vvoiftt ot all, a ileterinined and systematic attempt to break down good resolution, are and Save for many years been the bane of the life of 3 oung men. Turnipcr one' back o?i evd and ! joll'iwing after good is Dot the ea-i" I -.t thing i:i the wothJ, atnl wh-re J :,s is loursd who has found 'is j the courage to uttempt it. business indeed to try t tf e good ies'jlut:on' that 1 1 . ' It is ueles" to argue;Jbat Hie iu-t i'u liny sene our brother's keen Pdslt)ly we roay;not b in a d-n-ct wav, but tquallv we 41 . ,-. . '',"" Atto ajuHt desf rover. Ojo cm s'MreVly men of-otherwise good serine and sound idH's cVn lend themselves to the b:s!uetV of 'ridiculing; those who would put' away eyil habits. The fe v dollars pnid to some. writer for some joke'thar, in.tkes nglitof geu iTi:e fjooilhH muMt seem K the an if 'they 'can ilook down upon arrd judge' terrestrial thicge iike a ot-b'ood-money,, the price ot more than a life. It would be tar more .becoming if men who call themselves good aod honest men would put away forever Irom theif tonguesall expressions that tend to discourage reforms or or to check' the impulse (or good rhat almost al ays, at some period of hti caree" ossessiou cf ever-- i for 1 could, ;n way, give iJv . sent, and try to as.-. jot only to turn te leal . e jeginning of the year bnt to stand at his shoulder, if need be, and puc a helping hand if peradventure there seems to be danger tbat the breeze of adversity or the blasts of misfortune may blow it back. N. 1 ; Ledger.

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