TIE Ir IN 43 IN JLT E I E M LINCOLN COURIER, LOCAL DEPARTMENT. 18 STABKETTK. Local Editor A Businesa Manager.' . CI1UK0H DIBKUTOKY. 1 fiiBTTUUr.-. Kev. R. Z. Johnston Factor. 1 reaching every 2nd, and 4tu fcuadayi 11 A. M. and u p. rJauday ao&ool every Sunday 5 P. M Sxit for jfoua peopl every Wedueada 6 p i. :nwwBing at iron, Station oa brut fjuaaaya, i 1'. 11. i'reaehing at Paper Mill Auadexayoo aiaauuuaya, r, a. MJoraoour. ttev. 34. T. 8thj, laa" tr.f Preoning every 1st aud ad Sunday 11 A M.,and 7:3a, f. M. Lotuhram Eev J. A. Rudiaill, Fm- loi. itttnpnaga iry it Sunday ; Trinity, every 3d dunday ; Daniel' every 2nd and 4la tJuniay. Hour 10 a. ui. : LniaKRA.!. Kt. L. L. Lohr, Pa tor bt..Mark'n every 2d 8uody ; Cherry Title very 4b bunday. Hour, 10 a. u. Luthkma Ohio hrNoo. Kev. ii. L. WeaUmbarger, plor, Lutheruu Chapel, every ind cyinday at .10:30 u. m. aud 4th Sunday at 3 p iu, JLOeuezer, -2ud iiuday .at 3j ia aud 4th Sunday at 10:30 a m, laboratory Mills', ou 2nd and 4th Sunday at 7 p u- Betriel, 1st aud 3rd Sunday .. at '10.30, a m. Friday 'a School Home, lbt and 3rd Sunday, ii pun. Uaj-iibt. iter. 31. P. Matbeny, Pastor. Piteaching every 3d Wuiiday at 11 A. Al. aud tt.OO P. Jd. Suu.iay S. lio..i ever) Sundy at 3 P. M Piayei mcuiiu evry I'buindny evening l 7-00. Lfi-ooiUL Rev. W.K. VVfctiuoie.hVc? tor- Service every Suuday at II a , i cpt 2d DuudnyH ; at nilil, on let, 2nd and every other 4th rtund ; lloly OouWuuion lat aud 3rd tiuuditya ; ualechldilig ot chlldi ren every 3rd Sunday in I ho P M. All "coraiahy luvited to alleud, Seta Preq. LiNtX)LNTONrN. U.JAN 8 1894 AN Ol IKU. All nubiKititeis- who will cotue ui and pay their back does on aub scriptlou at the ratea of 11.25 and pay one doUar in additioo, Can get the Coubikb one year from date of each payment. All who are op with subscriptioua to date can get one year, pubdcripiiou y paying $1.00 casfi Cn advance. '' Thitt iTToposUlon' is good only foi caih. The commisAiners met on Mouj day and transacted the usual busi ness for such a body... The governor ot Florida seems determined to prevent the Ugbt be tween Mitchell and Cbrbett. Sheriff (Jliue has handed in the public school fund for this year. It will be utilized as far as possible, Married on the 24th Dec. 1893, by L. D. Haynes, Esq., Mi. David Motz and Miss Susie Long. All of this county. The Central Hotel is a new iuB stltQtion in Lincolnton, but the proprietor, Mr. Edwards, is not a new man at the business. Qur typos nave returned to tbe ciSce and have began the New Year in earnest. We hope (o have both of tnem with us next new year, but there are some doubts. An article of interest in regard to the Old Wbite Obuich" that was reieutly burned at this place is too lengthy for our space this week it will appear in tbe next issue. We acknowledge the reception of an invitatiou to attend the mar-; riage ot Miss Mattie Ward to Mr. Jobn Leauder Cobb, at St. Lube's Church on January 17th, at 8 o' clock. We want a load or twq of good wood for our office. There are isev eral paities who have promise) to bring it but so far have not done so- We will not need tbe wood after we are irozen. : 13 ring it in at ooce and prevent a sad ca'astropber We are adding to our list of subscribers almost every day, but occasionally w receive a note "from some delinquent sayiug "Please atop my paper as I don't want it any longer.' All who deoire to stop will p!ease pay up and then we will tjisgontiuue lh& paper to..,them as reqaested, .Mr. J. U. Mills, manager of the Tboma8ville Orphauage, who, with, a number of his orpbaus was to give a series of Eutertaiuments in this county, beginuing at Mt. Zion church Tuesday, the 16th of this month, has been compelled to re call bis appointments. I shali be g'aJ if any person seeiug this will notj!y the people af far as possible that entertainments will not be giv en SI. P- Matbeny. James Angel, a very angelic lame, lives in ueorgetown.; He ivi8 in a rented house. Some dis gsi6cd pa i ties, we learrj, went to him a few dajs ago and called bim out and whipped bim. They told him if he did not pay bis rents they would do bim worse tbe next .. time. Tbe proper ihing for this colored ftpgcl to"dp is to get oat it he can- fv ma rwii, and Ibe panien mai aid the whipping ought to be dealt with. Tbi wy oi doing bun lutsHH h not i he irojr way. - - . Mtl loc Mild Mud Nt4ue. A dog belonging to U en ry Futile tuiMi niiu uu m ii ue iKjy, sou of 8yd Hoffman on Saturday morn. iog. The dog whh killed by a son oi oapi. -6 Yyant. A mad stone oeiouging to J. L. Cobb of tbia town wa Hpplu d to the wound and on firm application it adhered Itru a n.f m... . - .o. u.. ov uimuMH. oeoonu ap plication, BauiH wound 1 hr. and 45 miiiuten. Yifpl appjinatiou on ti e oppose side of arr& 1 ihr. and 10 ininuteH. Btieoud 'applfcation aame mde 25 minute. To atone waa ap piled alternately aftetwaida and would uot adhere- Meaaia. J. . A. Jobnftou, P. P- fiotfman and M. M Lutz witneHed the above. Lincolutou has one ' of the bet boarding housea t bat it has ever been our pasure to enter. We are loathe l tfivH it up but wh feel lhl I is Iini iniioti to board our Millie taintl.v UMhe .way we have Item boarding .tbrreioie we will oin pue of our owu lit wbioh our nn aimly w ill t I he boarders. In speaking of ibis we do uot do ho to the deUirnciU . of other boarding hounet. W have fried tbi und know whereo! we npeak. We can only say; ihj8 that if ail are so well kept an that presided over by Mrs. P. D. Uinoou, the travelling public will be happy when they strike Lin coin ton. Mr. Hioson's house is w.thlu 4 at one's cast of both our de pots, and; isVelMurWtIed. ' I wish to return my thanks to the good people of Lincolnton and Pleasaut Grove churches, and ptber tiiends who participates in the pounding gtvU; - us duiing Christ mas week. ' These expressions are gieatly appreciated by us and make an in, delible impression upon us for good. I must confess tnat I have been agreeably surprised, not only by being pounded, but in the people of Lincolnton in these many ex pressions of kind woidsjand actions toward me. Lincolnton mast no longer be represented.2 I never have lived among a people who were more kind. Andi now as we have entered upon our second year let us stand with renewed energy in the great work of our Master and work together for tbe upbuild ing of His Kingdom and the bles sings of God will rest upou us. M- T. Steele. County Sfatfer, The board of County Cammrs met last Monday. Present R. M Boseman. Chm A Lee Cherry, J E Reinhardt and W M Hull. Tbe following business were had. R M Rose.man aud B C Wood Committee to make settlement of State Taxes with J K Cline, SbrT and County funds with J C Quick, el, made reports which were apj proved. J EA Reinhardt. was ap pointdd a committee on Bridges ou Mt Zion andIron Station Roads P A Reep was appoiuted a commit tee ou Quickie Bridge. Tbe. lollQwiug accoauts were aud ited and ordered to be paid viz ; B O Wood Regr of Deeds . $17.35 services as Clerk &o tor Deo ; P P Baxter $99.20 Tbe - Home bill for Dec; TL Burgiss $Q 85 lumber and and work on bridge ou Island Ford Road; Jeff! Smith $3 50 building rock dam below small bridge this side ot Iron Bridge : J K Cline Sbiff $6:35 Jail lees &u for Do; Jno F Davis $1.00 for examination of Lee Hoke ; F S Starretle $18.83 tor publishing Couut Revenue and Charges, and $14.64 ioT Annual Re port of G,E Cblids ospjJA Ni co J P $1.00 examination of Lee Hoke ; J C Shrum $4 67 dumber tor bridge on Island Ford Road ; J K Cline Snrff $35, tor indignant pu pils in Institution for D. D. & B-. Jenkins Bros $18 for 6 prs blankets for the Home; Ramsaui & Burton 11 AQ Hard Wfttft for COUntV ; J F Wilson $40 interest on 500 note rmm rv.f i 180 rn fii't, 4 1893 : P A Reep $9.00 goods tor county; Dr W Jj Crouse $14 54 Inst on $100 note ; Dr W L Crouse $9.90 Inst so $100 bote; "Dr W D Croase $450 for iledical attention at Tbe Home ; DrV W O Grouse & Co $3.90 medi cine for Home. The following were granted aid : D M Taylor $2.50 ; F T Short $2.50 RW Cline $2 Gerome Yarboro $1.50;O!lie Howard $2.25; Med Amos Reynolds $1,00 ; Med Clem mer ?.5Q. The following J Pa made annua reporta : B p S iHirill, PhiUp Car panter, A G U mill, W P K-l)y; . J A Nixon aud L D IJayn. . Pink Connelly relfeil Poll Tax 1893 or age ; W II Keener re leaaenl Poll Tax:t81)3. ilead ; A u Sixk i erased Poll l ax 1893 tin aJ-- Onuut ol iufiruiity, 11 J Kink-V IrihI was reduced for taxea to $5 45 fier acre Mr John W. IJnvd i.nn-Ad fia years, died in tbia fnu- ii fn i loot v r. - ' i Wednesday. Mr JJoid had been in declining health for some time aiul his death was not unexpected. lie had a policy of 92000.00 in tlte Knights of Honor. The fti neral services were conducted from the BaptUt churh by his pastor. Key M. P. Matbeny. Hia remains were carried toSalefb church, mx. miles north of Lincolnton, for in terment. IeHlb ol' Oapt. Jobn P. II ill.' We are pained to announce the death of Capt John F. Hill which ceurred in Ginvill Florida, last Sat ui day IHoemler, 30 h. Canf. iill was a nativ.i nnd leNidmt of hi count v until tiirn . j . u,..., he movwt to Slatvitle. : Upon Him dnth ol hiH wila two teara hi now w ab.iudoued house keeping and ..re J aidel with bia only surviving chil dren, W. L. Hill of Winston, aud Logan Hill .of. Giiuavitl Florida He had been with hia apn at Gains villa but four weeks when he, was prostrated with pneumonia passing away after a weeks illuesa, having lived beyond his three ecore and teu years. Hia remains were laid to rest in Gainesville. Capt. Hill was a son ot Hev James Hill, a pioneer Metbodiat Minister in ihia sectioi;. Kev. James Hill died in 1828 and was buried in the cemetery of the Meth odist church iu Liocolntoo. Cant Hill lived in tbe communion of the church of his father, and waa al ways active iu promoting its wel fare. He was a volunteer in the late civil war aud raised a company of soldiers in Lincoln county ot which he was commissioned Captain, Au gust 31, 1861. This is known as Hill Company and was attached to the 34th Regiment. Captain Hill was a good citizen, a kindly neighbor, a Christian gen tleman and has many friends in this county who will be saddened to bear of bis decease. An Interesting Occasion. Mr. Editqn Oa Thursday after Christmas there was a "Chriatma Tree" at McKendree charcb, four miles nortn of town. It was an em inent saccess, and was enjoyed bv both old and young. Tbe pastor, Rev. M. T, Steele, was present and made an impromptu addn as. It was replete with good sense aud souod reasouing and was a rare treat to those who heard it. I shall not attempt a description of tbe tree; it is enough to say its branch es were laden with many beautiful presents for the childreu. In the distribution ct the presents the pastor was generously remembered, and his kindly fape beamed with gratitude and love as he received theui from tbe hands c f the com mittee. The writer was not over ooked. He, too received several presents from so me friendly hand Among the number was one on the .grotesque order, and as it was whit tied out of wood it bears tbe ear mtrks of Mr. John Haynes, Sr. Let it be remembered that he is a mem ber of tbe Sunday School, and wbeu the relatives standing of the. scboU ars was read by the Supenntecdent at tbe beginning of tbe exercises, tbe repot t showed that Mr. H. ' had not attended the foar last Suodaya embraced iu the repoit. mere is au inferenoe to be drawn from this. It is possib'e that Mr. HayneS pat in the four days whittling, but as he is a pious, Cbristam man such a thing is hardly probable One ot his neighbors says he would not be guilty of such a thing, and since a big boy has taken his name, it is charitable to clule that he tpent tbe foar days b the rattle and the boy. There is a humorous side to Mr. H and he likes to tease bis friends. Among tbe I rtsenia disttibated I noticed quite a large number labeled "From Mr. Marsh." Inquiry devel oued tbe fact that tbey were from Mr. J. H. Marsh of Charlotte, for merly ot tb'8 county. Such tokens of regard are a manifestation of bis! kiqdjy feeling for bis pld bejae. j The adyent of Christmas with it I attendant leativitief, ia alwata a source or grtai i y to all, especially i:iindi-i. wIlhih young I euru thx. b i- umoi at the cuung f th -M.tl .S uta Clauae. By ibn o iMier, iIih ' i'hriatinaa tteeia ! supposed to be an iiihpuatiou ot bia il uot h in own hamliMoi 'U, and when the jneutbf r of a'huirh gite it cut tbai lb v are going lo live . e thei4 will doQiiiirNn b ii a v viti.i.a of U l S.ni" In til I- ug wauht of the uight preolipg it. U. lTMMIla. ; 'Miss Maine Mr.Uan apent ijon day iu Shelby. Mlas Mary Davis has goue to RckliiglirtUJ. Mr. J.-F. Eudy weul lo Cluster l it week In hia lav, I gnl. Miai Shj bun Wrlla.oi Ga vimti-d felaliV" h. if lat wi k ... Ml au.l viiH. P. S. H ioiiM.or llltkoi, ,ue viitinu iHrtllTea ht r Mien Alice and An uie llair l uialea Nhoit viaii to Keiou, ihia week. Mr. and Mrs, Jn- Manning, o 40harlotte, speut Ghiiatmas iu Liu- ClllltOU. Z M" and. Mir. Uo t. i.daH. ' 8;ie b, HM-ar in. iui..l .u Lu eolMoii. . Vli, rt.,d Mrs T.,I. Uav. ea. of Charlo'l. 4 MNiied Mrs L. T. Wilkie i hi hinl 1..kI wek . M.h. J M Rdeits ai d ci-ild- i u havev oertu vimfing in tlHi. counr.. ny ibis aevk . Piof. D. Mad Ti.ouiotou. aud 1.011, i f StrtibaviJb,, aeiti visiiora in town Ihia; week. . Misa Minnie Setzer who has been iu Chester aome time," re turned home la week. Miss Lucy Abernethy, of Ml. Holly, is visiting her uncle Mr. J. A. Abernethy. Mrs. Hugh Jenkins and Miss Alice Gngg visited in Spartanburg, S. C, last week. Mr. P. O. Carpeuter, ot Maiden N. C, made us a pleasant call cn last Monday. Mr. A. W, Black and Mr. Luih- er Hoyle visited in Liucoln Co. dur ing the holidays. Mr. Wm. McKee, and family, of Belmont, N. C, visited relatives iu Liucoln county last week. Miss Laura Williams ot Falls ton, N. C, visited relatives in and near Lincolnton, this and last week Mi-a Lula Abernethy, who is atteodiug Peace Institute, Raleigh, was at tome duting tbe holidays. Mr. J. M- Robert, the former editor of the Courier, spent Christ mas with his family at this place. Miss i Arrie Gatewood, of the Normal and Industrial School of Greensboro, spent Christmas with Dr. aud Mrs. T. F. Costner. Miss Maggie Plonk accompan ied by ber niece Annie Love Plonk who has been attending tbo 8. E. N. I. at Waco, spent the holidays at home. Tbey returned Tuesday. Mr. Pate, the agent at theC. C- depot, has been laid up with La Giippefor several days Young Mr. Holland, a polite little fel'ow ot alt. Holly, haa been holding the reins for a few days. The Hewiilt ofa Trial. Canneltox, Iod. I have used Simmons Liver KegoUtor, manu factured by J. H. Zeillin & Co., Philadelphia and fouud that for iu digention aud liver complaint it is the best medcine I ever used E. E. Claik. Your druggist sells it iu powder or liquid. The powder to be takeu dry or made into a tea, During the pas?, half century since tbe discovery of Ajer'a Sar-eaparilla-r-the average limit of bu man lile in civilized countries, has been considerably lengthened. Ay er's Sarsaparilla is evefywbete con sideted the standard blood-purifler, the Superior Medicine Popnlar Every wbere. Beginning with a small local safe iu a retail diug store, the Hood's Sarsapaiilla has steadily increased until there is scarcely a village or hamlet in the United States where it. Is unknown. To-day Hood's SarsaparlUa stands at the head in the medicine world, admired in prosperity and envied iu merit by thousands of would-be competitors. It has a larger sale than any other medicine befuie the American public, aud probably greoter than all other Far es panllas and blood panSers com bined. Sui-h success proves merit. If you are sick, ia it not the med icine for jot to irj ? Hood's Sai saparilla Cures. wltea Baby waa rick, tre gate berCartorta. Wha ataevM a CMi, the cried fcr CtorU m - - - Va fiYnas tit rWtnHa. SSitiauaC MB Mrs. J. H. IIorsnvder, 152Pacifio Ava., Santa Crur, Cal.. writes: " When a girl at achool, in Rading. Ohio. I had a severe attack f .r.in fever. On my recovery, I found znynelf perfectly, bald, and, for a loop time, I fearad I ehould be peruaueutly ao. '' FriotulH urged me to- use Ayera Hair Vigor, and, on doing so, -my hair Began to Grow, and I now have a fine a head of hair as one could wish for, beiug changed, how ever, from Monde to dark brown. " After a fit of nick Hess, my hair cauia out in eoinofulla. I used two bottles of AyerVHair Vigor and now my hair ia over a yard long and very full and heuvy. I have recom mended this preparation to other with like good effect." Mrs., 8idney Can, 14C0 Itegina at., llarrhiburg, Pa. "1 have used Ayer'a Hair Vigor for several years and al ways obtained aatU factory results. I know it is the lst preparation fr the hair that ia mad." , C'.T. Arnett, Mammoth 8pring, Ark flyer's Hair Vigor Prl-4 lv Dr. J.C. Ajmr 4 Ou.tUwU, Maw. 4iiiount Paid C'omuilaaioiier, North Caiobn, Lincoln county, Office Register ol 1 eedt, December 5tb,1893. Statement ot amounts paid to members of tbe Board of county Commissioners for the y ear, ending December 1st, 1893; R M Roseman 14 d as Com'r $28,00 " " 8 d as Comit. 16.00 Total, $44.00 A Lee Cherry 15 d as Com'r $30.00 " " ' 2 das aYuomit. 4.00 44 " 416 miles travel, 20,80 Total,. 54,80 J Reinbardt 15 d as Com'r $30.00 " " " 4 das as Comit, 8 00 " 182 miles travel. Total, P A Reep 14 days as Com'r. " " . 156 miles travel. Tata!, A M Hull If days as Com'r . 4 days as Comb. u 312 miles travel 9.10 $47.10 $28.00 7.80 $35 80 $30 00 800 15.60 Total, 853.60 I, B. O. Wood, Clerk of the Board of Commissioueip, do hereby certify thai tbeioiegoing statement is true as the same appears on Minutes. Witness my band and seal of said Board in Office of Lincolnton, N. C, day above written. j Seal B. C. W ood, Clerk. NOTICE! On Saturday the "20th day ot January 1894, at 12 o'clock M. at tbe Court House door in Lincolnton, N. C, 1 will sell for cash to the highest bidder by virtue of a Mortgage Deed executed to me by J M Ilouser and wife M E Houser on the 1st day of January 1836, to secure the pay ment of u boud of even date lor $$190 and inter e't on the satna up to ibis date, tbe lands decribed'in siid mortgage contain iag;ar.ut 45 acres and lying in -North Brook township Lincoln Oo. cn tho was ters of Indian Creek and aJj inng the jands D F Beam Dee'd and others. Said mortgage is duly registered in book 61 page 5b' for mortgages for Lincoln Co- in tbe registers office for the same, to which relet fiuee U hereby made for more part.cu- lar deacription of said property. ' This 20th day of Dec. -1693. Dorah A. Hocskb, M'tgee. S O Finlkt. Atty. Dec 22. 1893 " tls. MTGEE'S LAND SALE! A mortgage having been executed by John Scronce and wife to L F Wi 1-ton dated Oct. 37, 1590 and recorded In Lin Cftln'County KegUtery Book 5 pages t61 etc to secure the payment of adebttan 'contracted, likewise" a mortgege bay bg been executed by tbe same parti- embrac ing the same land to r.. A. Keep aaieu Jan. 7tb 1893 and recirded in Lincoln Co. Kegiaiery Book 63 p-iees 29 etc. to secure a debt to him. Default having Iwen made in tbe pay ment of both Paid debts at maturity - the said mortgage bv virUie.of.. the power in them vested under said mortgage will sell at public auction, for cash, -at the 'our House door in Lincoln County, on Mon day 5th day of February 1894 at 12 o'clock noon the lands described in stia. mor Rages situated in Howards criek.townsh.ip ot Lincoln county ad!oining the als at J A Roberts, Elizabeth Houefer wd others con-. t5ni.ir area more or leta. This 27th 4y of December Jf Mtgce; ' PARiir, Mtge. Jan. 5$h 1894 4C Subscribe for tbe CotmiB AUTUMN HANGS THE LUCKY HOKSE-SHOE OVER OUR DOOR. It Means good LuCk for Every buyer who gets inside our Store this Season Come and see the New Goods, the clean eoods. the bright, fresh, stylish array of GOOD Sk to S war.d SOUND VALUES that are go ougr counter atpr,ces that will sweep them off jj;!': our hno of popular election, made up ol KS'te1 q"law tUt will plee you u Dre8S good. xlTfc FJ?11"' "a,r-.''oe. ULderwear, Notion.,. JtTc, Don't fail to Bi. tu t.'vervinmir tii kvn ' fiX " , t,IC luweflt Pml ever named for uoneat goods, we conGdently expect a liberal sbare of your Datrooage becaiS y.ii cannot afford to pass um by jl your doilar T. ... , Hu hHld kw ,u ciiioot ufS id f w. h JNO. L..C0BB. SOots On NEW GOODSI $15,000 Vorth of (Goods DUPLICATE STOCK. W Thv ELZ V' Ve d ' ,,0.lia at all. Oouiequently we can aell cheap. We buy in large quanuuea; haviag two Urge utore- to supply, we are in.a position ta L DRY GOODS I W?S ' ??? T8t haTe- 0ur ,ioe ot n rua fr0B 4 4 to 5 CU for the latent K . h utinv 10 the very stylea at 6J to 74c per yd- Did you know w sell xor 4c pel yd. lot cashmere 28 in wide at IrA c per yd, worth IScti Bis lot tere25cw.rth49c. Big lot Hen rietta8 p.r 20c. worth 80c g , JEANS JEANs Our all wool Home Spun cannot he equaled for 20oent batatas. iinV.iTr r": .u"r;e.l: nwvivTS.5uniwr are wyi m clotbinc AND Overcoats goods came in tbia wetk. 60 Mtn'a and Bojs'luiU 1 Biij lot of new worth 8 00. They are bummer? Ki? lot tnem. IPAOTg FAWS, FAOTSa We are headquarters . for p n as we are on all otter goods SHOES, SHOES, SHOES. We can't he downed on hoe. Our 1 60 shoo atill lor W) J" 9k Our woiiiau' U grain still goe tor 90o. Our children's mHobh are -in frr 60c. Our mens hi lur 75c Women's Dongola button lr I 00, ais very fine DonoUs lor 1 23 wortb 1.75, you 2.00 any where. See us helore y0u Hardware I Big lot guns and Revolvers, double barrel 18,0i. an w xoreuana TaraMwriu KevolverH here. We are lookiug fwr a tig lot ol very cehp. 25 boves of ;40c tobacco that we are selling for 25c per lb. Tbia;i a JO 11 and you will make innf-y to buy Home ol it. Our line of coUee and sugar is always c mplele and you wlli do well to aee us before buying. 10 Boxes of tbo9 60c Ax mine in to day, don't fail to get one. W'hn you need yarnes it will pay you to come to Maiden to eee us, we don't rob you the .first time you tradej; but dnly Rive you bargains that will pay you to look alter. fhanKing you for liberal patronage, we are, Respectfully. 1893 1893. The largest & finest Lot of French Candies that has ever been in LINCOIjNTON, Will be found at AW RliEDY'S. I also bavt a yz lot ot Ftot Htirk Ciudy, Ornge. ii iaiot, FiKn.NutH, Citron, Oarreotit See. fend in fact everything nice to make you euioy Cbiiittmas. CALL, BUY and BE HAPPY. VERY TRULY, A W- REEDY. MONEY TO LO AN OULOXG TIHE and EAHY TBMS in anoovvnta of not less than $S004KX Secured by first mortgages on Real Estate, pay ment made by annual install- j menta. iiQ Nov. 1st eacH year. Apply to .S G. FINLEY AttV at Law Lincolnton. N.C. i r j ! -tla.o3l.oo Our all wojl Kirjjare 'ol oia?c underwear came in this week. $x.uu any wnere. DOTS' UltS fur 15 (tO nri.1 .-. :VI overcoats worth more money than we ak f ,t VVomans Olove rraica button for 9ic. Worn- Our Mans fine Coazress fjt .2H will cost buy. breech loading guaa Xor $7. 60 t 10 00 and lor i.W, flams aa U & W, will cart you 5.00 Oranges.and uaudiei for Xun hat we wil D. J. Carpenter $ Bros. Maiden, N. C. THE LINCOLN FOUNDRY & MACHINE WORKS Are still running and are prepared to repair Engines, 8AWMILL8, THRESHERS, COttOU gins and cotton ioll MACHin ebt etc., at living prices, yill also keep on h&nic a full stock of castings, such as plow points, of all kinds and sizes, hangers, and pulleys ; will also give prices on wood-split pulleys. Will have a good line of piping and fitv tugs of all kind. Will also have a good Black Smith to ao all kinds of Blacksmith work. An? on having any work to be done in oar line will do well to call on me tor good work and Rock Bottom Prices. Orders from a distance will receive PK0MPT ATTENTION. Give ac a trial and be convinced. YOUB4 TO 8ERVE, L-B. STUTTS. Lincoln Toundry & Machine Works. Feb. 10, 1898. IT LIME Important Notice. Tbe tftm Ma cteapttt lime in America es& be ktH in y quantity on applidttoa to tbe Agwitat ri.C. R. R. Station. Incofnton, N. C Aug 61892 U