is. ? 7"- - i w VOL. VII. Professional Cards. J. W.SAIN, M.D., Has located at Liocolutou aud of fers ha services a physiciau to the uitiseus ot Liocolutou aud surround ing couutry. tjWill be found at uighf at the Lin colctou Hotel. March 27,-1891 iv Bartlett Shipp, ' ATTOUNKY AT I, AW, LINCOLNTON, N. C. Jan. 9, 1891. ly XilSNTISr. LINCOLNTON, N (J Teeth extracted without pa in by the use of an anaesthe tic applied to the gums. Pos tively destroys all Bouse of pain aud no after trouble. Iguarautee to give satisfac tion or no charge. A call from you soli Jted. Aug. 4, 1893. ly. T BAUBER SHOP. Newly titted up. Work awayi neatly done. politely waited upou. Everything pertain iug to the tousorial art is done according to latest styles. IIbNEY Ta?lou. Barber. E. W. HOKE, Livery & Feed Stables, Two Block west of Hotel Lincoln. LINCOLNTON, N- c Teams furnished on short no tice, Prices moderate. Pat ronage solicited, Engliih Spavin Linitueqt removes ail bard, soft or calloused lumps and blemish es from horses, blood spavins, curbs, splints sweeney, ring-bone, stifles, sprain?, all ewollea ihroats, coughs etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle Warranted tha most wonderlul blemish cure ever known. Sold Lawin DrusgistUncolnton H (J. E. M. ANDREWS Wholesale and Retail Dealers in OaJi- iSeriraom miih Qt trii piecfes, iro n S-'O 0d t . 3f:l5l 00 Barlor Suits Ji'rCdS, 522 5 , t. 2.J '. S1DE150AKDS fro'n 10 00 i 75 00 EXTENSIONS TABLES t.o u $4 00 ii. 40 U0. (hiiia Closets $15 00 to $45 00. Renter fflabl 1 00 In 5 00. Easels and. Picture' 3 00 to 820 00. COUCHES and LOUXGES 7.50 ,io S45.00. Music racks and Cabinets, $1.50 to 12.00. Revolving Book Cases Qd Roll Top Desks aud offl'6 Chairs, 25 00 to $4Q 00. Organs, 5U 00 to 8150 00- Fianof, S225 00 to 1600.00. This is a great sale and you. inake a great mistake if you fail to take advantage of it ALL letters promptly answer ed. Write at once for particu lars. 10 and 18 West Trade St, CHARLOTTE, X C. Itch n li.ini r, .i-c, Hrxl n MnI. mill ''un't in . f.,is.t.-s t.y V..ull..r.1s tjai.ilary L.-tj..,,. 1 I wrVni 1. Sole by nose IIBMMUA 4 Caveats, and Trad?-M arks obtained, nd all Pt- jent business cor.i.i-tt.l f.,r moderat Fees. JOo Orncc is Opposite U. S. Patent Orrrcc ,anl wecan sc. i;i less time thaothoaei lemotc from Vici, m, . Scud model, (lr.twiii nr photo., with decrip- tion. We a.Hisc. if .:Ut;ntatle or not, free oil charire. Our frr not .., till .i.n ,s i chrpe. Our fee not due till patent is Recurcd. ? J A Pampmict, "Mow to Obtain Patents," with cotl of same in the U. S. auU lyrciizu countries i ;C.A.SNOW&CO.: Grp. PlTrilT Orcirr Ul a rLj... rv Orp. Patent Office, Washington. D. C. IrT7KNTlON n-ts revolution! I l Y KM'.N I 11... VHr',i!urin the last t.iil I i-ouiiii'v. .V t .' Hiimnir tb- wondt rs 'f i'.V' nine r.i;r.s is n method anJ HyHteiii ( work tu a cmi b p-riorinPil all over tin' ociirrv vvithnut m puratini; the Worker- from fl n;ir homes. Pay hlu ml; nny one 'tn -l.i Hie work; pithr box yyunfr or old; no -p -il ability required' o'Hpital not ut ! I; you ;ire t-farted frj Cut this ut and i. iurn to und we will send you tri, (I U,t:i ,)' irr.-nt valP and iuiportnru c .to ou, UiHt will wtart you iu buHinHs, wl.icli will iniiii; you in inor money rihtawny, iun hnjtbinir else in the world. (ii.iimJ outfit lte. Address True &.. A'luu-t:.. Iaitw WTien Baby w as sii-lt. v e pavo hT Castoria. Tin Hb was :i L'tnl l, she rie.l fur Custria. When ehe Ihvuui.' Mihh, sh.- ;hinif to Castoria. When she had ChiMr.-n, sho vetbem Castoria. HUClvL K N '.s A K N I (1 A s A. LV E The bastSnU'.' m tin world for cuts and bruises, oi o-i, s:i it rbiMiin, fever sores, tet er,cli!ii.i.l hiin.U, !.ilMains, come, and all skin erupt i-.n-, "iil positively cure Pile.s, or no pay i' iicd . it is guarar.teed toivi perfect. t. t ion ,or money refun fed. Prioo J." oent- f r box. For fale by J M Lawintr, 1 v hs.i inn and barmncist STIXIMKN CASKS. C. H. Clillorl, N '. Cass-1, Wis., was troubled with ncur:tlyia arid rheumatism his stomach wa- di-i-rdei ed, bis liver was atfected to an hIm muiLT decree, appetite fell away, and h' u u terribly reduced in flesh and strength, 'fbree bottles of elecs trie bitters cured him. Edward Sbeidicrd, Harrisburrr, UL, had running sore on liis 'eij ot eight years' standing Used three tttleof Electric bitters aad s-ev'n bores of Buck lea's arni ca salve, an i h i l is ound and well John Speaker, C.itnwba, O., hd five large fever sores on his le, doctors said he was incurable. One bottle ot electric bitters and one b x of Uuclcn's Arnica Salve cured him entirely, bold at J. Lwing's Drugstore. The Old Friend An-1 ' tlipl-'- t 'frieinl, tliat never fails you, hrinv.h.jn.s Liver Hegu latur", (tlie liod Z) that's what you h.-ar at th-; mention of thi3 excellent Livor medicine, and people should not he persuaded that anything el-e will do. It is tlie oi Liver Medi- jiiifH; is h'tt.v than pills, and takes the du e of Quinine ancl Calonu-1. It act-, directly on tha Liver, Kidn.ys' and Bowels an4 gives new lit'.' to the vvholo by& tem, Thi-"i is th-' medicine you want. Sold hv all druggists iu Liquid, or in r-wder taken dry or made into a te-.i. S-EVBltY PACKAE- , ilaa the 'L Stamp iii .rrd on wrapper x l. 11. ZK1L1N V CO., rtiilaJelpliia, Pft. ForMalaris., LiverTrou ble,or Indigestion, use BROWN " S IRON BITTERS prptes il. o o cjft PRICE 50 CENTS PER BOTTL 600X CF VALUAEIE IKFQrMATION FREE. 4 FOR SALL BY DRUGGISTS. C ffil ri air' 3 'rN l r i- iticn LINCOLNTON, N. C. FRIDAY, JAN. 26, 1894. (Published by request J The Fisher's Child ; or, The Reward of Faith. BY JASPER BISHOP OF WILMItfO : - TON. N. O. In ao linmble cottage on the eea Just Ortck of a inoahd on the Half bidden away In tbe t-btutibrry Ami oat of the cold hia!.- leacb, L vfd Dnna'd Vautt a fiNbeiuiitu . dee tb piido of hio dear wife and child ; But bis virtits to tbe iou in tbe ti! Uge Made hi to crael, intemperate and wild. lie thought not of borne or its com fort Not lo apeak ot neoenhi! dire ; Bit squandered lis earnings fur strong drink, CooHuming hia soul in its fire; Ob, Ibe anguish of Martha, the mother Of dear little inuouent May, As they knelt at the feet of tbeii Savior And prayed for tbe one gone as astray. Ob tbe weight of wo that oppres Heth Tbe heait bowed dowu iu giiet ; And the heart boned down dis trea8etb .When love com s not iu relief ; dhe hud the dear Jove of her cbdd 'Shod from her would never de part j But to be 80 neglected by Donald Was ciusbjug her wouuded heart But Donald's wife wan a Christian, A consort sweet-tempered aod mild ; And the wealth of these virtores she lavished Oa the susceptible mind of her child ; And she knew her health was de clining, She grew weaker aud more faint each dav, And &he prayed, "When I'm goo, dear Father, Wilt thou hear and answer our May f u teb all of our dear one wbo liveth' And levels in teropeiaoce and sin, At the mercy of ibe waves all tbe day long. And at uight at tbe perils of tbe inn Then sH sack lower douou bet pillow Mny'a ueatt lneatLed ibis pran i Vr and o'er, O'i God, ie cae ht eng'h to ba i. If my mother th uM rise no inore.'.l Mir'ha lunitd and paid to hr! daughter, 'It in rowing so dtk auti so dreat ; My ilctiiintr, 1 thiik I am dying ; Oa, how 1 wihh Donald wa bere 1 Minted to see hiui and tell him Lkw I loved hiui till my lates bieath ; A:ol ii ma) be that he will love me Whet, my eyes are closed in death. And ou will tell him, too, dear May How fervently I prayed for him he-e; lb it I thkrf my petition to tb ll. rone of raoe, Iu tbe realms of the blest over there;'1 lier voice grew faint ex and weaker, "Bring him'' were the las't words sue said ; And May bowed ber head on the pillow, For she was alone with ber dead. t-Aloue I ab, bow lonely aod heart sore. In this dreary and desolate borne ; if there's a possible joy ia aucb trials I would feel it, it father would come ; Yes, with God's help, dear mother, I'll briug him To the foot of tbe cross, aud to tbee Then ate bears bis step on tbe gravel . "Thank God, my father is here, And O bow I pray he is sober ;' And he staggered into a chair. He gazed in bis drunken stupor, With no apparent sympathy or feeling ; Ta ii walkt-u to ti.e bedcode of death VVbere hi 4 moiheilees child wa kneeling And as tbedreadtul leality dawned. And bis clouded mind became clear "2 leave killed her? he wailed in bis anguieti, And then gave way to despair. Dr-ar fatbei, my mother baa left ua, Spoke AImy in a TOtce tweet aud low ; But ahe pry-d tor y ou, loved ou . sincerely. And wanted to tell yon so. But tbe could not watt any longer. And with ber last bieatb she said, Bring Aim, then all was so silent I knew that my mother was dead; Ad now if you lov us dear father, For love is wheie. pardon begins, Let us btieei by my mother and at-k God To forgive us our manifold sins.'' And they knelt in that death quiet chamber, Tbe sinner and Christian in pray er ; And the plea that went up from tbe cbildheart 1 tbe most beautiful I'eoore there; And ber eyes were clearer and ' brighter, Though she uttered not a word, And she felt that her burden was lighter For she bad cast it on the Lord. In a quaint and shaded corner Just between tbe cot and tbe bay, Where tbe birds carol sweetly sboctt ber, They laid her gently away. They strewed ber grave with flow ers, And bedewed tbeio with a tear ; Then returned to the borne made desolate By tbe absence ot one so dear. No'v Donald sorely missed tbe link That was toru from life that day ; but be never retained from the use of strong. drink, Aod May never ceased to pray j He plied bis trade on the bosom 01 tbe lestles?, beaving sea : And she prayed tbe prayer of de votion, Father, graut bis safe return to me. Tw-49 a fearful night in winter ; Tbe sea Tolled mountails high ; All earth was shrouded in darkness At d the ail ofebe tempest drew Ugh ; Mav paced the floor in agony S'fjbing, he'd never return to me, For neside the ink darkness Mi. boat could live in that nea. fiur 111 do all I ran to ive bim Fom the tempest's' angry flood I will plf.Lt this light on tbe b i 11 ip. An i I will leave the rest to God ; Then she nastily viiotetbis message Ou the tab!e white and bate, f 1 do not return, dear lather You will come to us over there.'1 Theu she hied her away to the high est peak, Through the cold, the sleet and the rain ; She knelt tbeie exhausted, faint and weak, And buffered from bodily pain ; HaU frozen and helpless she sank in the sand, Iu despair on that bitter cold night, j With one little arm resting under her bead While tbe other bu ged securely tbe light. And Donad saw it and bteered for straight ; This beacon that lighted his way. And saved bim from death on this terrible night, Aud moored his boat safe on the bay : Then be hurried away to tb6 top ot the hill, To see whom bis angel might be 1 Teat had perillsd ber life in this dreadful storm That be might be saved from tbe sea.' Imagine his horror when kneeling to take His child from her damp chilly bed. She still claspad the lamp, still burning and bnght, But little May, his presererT was DEAD, lie took hex up iu his sinewy arms, ' And bore heir away to bis cot 1 And watched by her the whole night through. Sadly bewailing bis lot. lie read the Biblt left open there By the hand now cold in death; The message it wrote, he also read With labored and bated breath ; inen Kneeling by the corpse 0 his child, 'Oh God. teach is to pray ; I am alonejto-night ; when I knelt here before Sh was with me ; my darling May. I cannot pray as she prayed then, For I. have, never learned tlie way ; She that taught May would have taught me too, And I would never have gone astray. But lot me here on my bended knee Make this my fervent prayer : "Help me, oh God, so to live, That I may 00 to tush ovkr TilEBK." He placed her by her mother's side, Just between the cot and the bay ; He placed her there with tender eet care, And visited the spot each day ; On going and returning from his daily toil. He would kneel there in silent prayer, And would say each time "with the help of God My darlings, I'll come to you THERE." A year has passed, another storm Is raging o'er the angry deep : The billows roar ; and the sight of shore No hunwi eye can keep ; The mists gather thickly, dark ness comes on? The billows roll higher and higher. Their crests now break on the. doomed boat's wake, In pillows of liquid fire. And Donald knows his doom is sealed, - ; A s he is tossed about on the vave ; For his boat is swamped in an an gry sea, Where no human power can save : When his comrade saw he was, sinking, No other help could he give, Hallco'd loudly over the water ".Donald, look: to God ad live." Theii he raised his eyes to Heaven V'ith a last and fervent prayer : Martha, May, my darlings I am goitisa to you oyer there. He beholds Martha holding the partals wide, May holding the light on the shore ; kI am coxuro." he whispers, and strangles, Then he sinks to rise no more. The mother and daughter were faithful Till the father found peace in God's love ; Now the trio are happily united In that beautiful city above, Where the lights on the shore are still burning For those east away on life's sea ; At its portals are loved ones wait ing To give welcome to you and me. Here is what Peter Cooper, wbo lived to be oer 90 years old and died worth many millions, said of newspaper: lo all towns where a newspaper is qublished every man should advertise in it, ii nothing more than a card stating bis name and the basineaa be is in. It not only pays tbe advertiser, but it late tb people at a distance know that tbe town in which you reside is a drosperous commauity of business men. As tbe feed is town so the recompenses. Never ball down your sign while yoa edect to do bnainet lie tua Iro in, Kantern Darke Taw portion of N. Carolina la re marKtoie ror its healthful qntet, moral conditioo. , Were it, not for one "heilsbop, located near the pifblio toad about six mllea west of Hickory, oar country woald be raraaise. xoe location ana ier- ctse ot this moral, rotten concern, so ear tha puuliu htgnway, la very au fortunate tor oitinoa io that 00m mautty And tne worst of U ts, il jj legalized by our government ! Bu', lis day oJ eziinotlon ia draw ing nigb, thank God 1 Tb Katherford College, we learn, baa opened with flying ojlorj, and and the number increases dally. Lincoln county ia well represented in this college, and tbe President said Ibe otlo-i tly Miat students (roiu Lino In and Cl"velciid oun tiea weie alway a Uouorable, paying students, Tbe politicians ot Burke are L ready forotsting tor a nominee tor uextN. O. Seuate. Piof, W. E Ab-rnethy one of the intelligent aud ' raiihful Democrats in this District, will certainly be nominated. We have had neither cold nor snow eo far this winter. In some yards, greeu beds are coming cut. We are all sorry here that Kope. Elias has lasigned bis claims for collector. He is certaiuly a worthy, capable gentleman. success to tbe Couwxa aud its Editor. Philo. Slaltleu Letter. Ma. Editob: Kjv, J. A. Hoyle has been confined to bis room with grippe, but is to be seeu on the streets agaiu. Dr-.M. P. Taylor has had an attack of grippe. He is rapidly improving. Maiden has had bat little sickness in the last year A Hue of mercbabdtse has been opened io the Carpenter b'ock. Carpenter Bros, are still hustling hiojs. We have noticed people from far beyond Liocolutou doing their trading with them. People move out and into Maiden Several families who were opetatorw intb) mills have moved to tbe coun:ry, but others have filled the vacancy. Ojt streets are extremely muddy. The j should be locked atterat ooce. Maiden should have elee'ric lights, it woald cost but a triflH if arrang ed t have a connected with the Maiden Mil!?, We nave heard talk of a national bank being established here. It will t dd greatly t tbe convenience of tbe pablic. Mr. Jacob Abernetby has a neb gold mine near town. Pait'ea iiooo tbe North aie no ptotipecting. Lie" thinks that" he can command a nice sum or moi.ey lor bis mine. The mills ate null ruumng on halt timo, altho Uuioo Mill- m-tke very near tbe amount they dii when they run day and night. Mr. Davis is one of tbe best machinist in the Sooth, aud as a superintendent, be hasn't an eqaa. Several parties from tbe Noitb hive been looking around aod ex pect to locnte here soo i. We wel come all wbo wish to locate here. Veiy ReDr. C Maiden. N. C, January 17, 1894. Developing tienlaa. Genius unexpected is no more genius than a bushel of acorns is a forest of oks. There may bo epics in meu's brains, just as there are oaks in acorns, but tbe tree and book must coma out before we can measure them. We very natufally recall here that olasa of grombleis and wishers who spend their time in longing to be higher than they are, while they should be employed ia advancing themselves. How many men woald fain iro to bed dances and wake op Solomons j iou reap what yoa nave sown. These wbo sow dunce seed, vice seed, laziness seed .usually get a trop They that sow wind reap a whirl wind. A mau ot mere "rapacity an developed'' Is only an organized day dream, with a skin on it. A flint and. a genius that will not strike fire are no better than wet jankwood. Ralph Waldo Emerson, NO. 40. For the Coualu. . CJurlel fieiter. Mr. J. P. Bamager wbo has been III for some time la vrs are glad to note epnvateaceut. W. D. Caldwell baa been oouflus ed to bis bed with grip but is on foot again. Oar Fiiend. J. It Link but nsv boarder. Death again visited oar midet thii time It laid its ley toaoh 00 the heart Miss Emma Campbell aud stilled it forevrr. Mr. Jobu P. Almrnetliy bti lia- covered ou hi-t farm wbitt hIiow to be a valuable gtdd mine, whioli haa alieady afXrded muik very fine specimens. We bopa it will ha a Valuable find We would like to ray Noin;hiug th at would iuiereat your n-ad-'in. ' rbe eoiiuwiiL apoU of lue 3ilue '3butord'' agaio declared the ttiian oial and political gos(H-) ot naUaiioit (at the Land mine) lo. Ibe 3rdite aielj but tailed "P'aoco.'' . Should like to say a word ou ti e tariff, for I don't t'link your many- readers are like ibe majority o those Uttla fellows around the "Lit tle Mouotaio' here Great Stater-' meu and know moie aud belte than Coogresit' what lawa abould be enacted for tbe benefit ol thrt people. In our optuion the tartn ia -the foundation of wealth iu the IJiv- ted States, yet f'e farmeis aud country labores all over ibis btoad laud are 10 poverty or ou the rug ged edge of debt and despoudeucy .. ducb were not tte case be'ore the,. enactment of tbe pioieclive tartlT laws Farmers were theu tbe mot . prosperous ol all people. This tar ifl is the direful caue of the multi plication of millionaires iu oue sec tiou aud pauper iu another. Tbe curse (bat bangs like - a pall over the whole country la the eon federation 01 the "McKinley's tl -e Csrt-egies'' aod the millionaire mate ufac'ures. Destroy thetw- comb -- atioi s and tbe necesity for h . trat laws, aud all. the unjust . ao-i. tOolMh laws, enacted by past.- roor.. gses s to deceive the people and . . vastu the revenues aod au era 01 . prosperity will begin. ... Yours lo count. on, Caksar. Cold Weather ItiileH. Ntver lean with the. bck upon aotiing that m cold. Never begit. a journey uutil ibe breakfast has been eateji. : . , . t Never tane warm drinks aod theu immediately go out iu to ihe cold . Ktep tbe back, especially between the shoulder blades, well coveid.;. also tbe chest wellpiotected. Iu s'eepiiig io a cold rooai, 6stab- liab u beblt of breatb:ug through . the Lose and never with the mouth opeu. Atter exereise of auy kind nevm ride iu au open carriage or near it:n window ot a car 1 r a moment ; ir k' : datigerous to health or even to Irfe' When hoarse, hrjeak as little rf- ; posible uotif tbe hoarseueBS is rw covered from, else tbe voice may bvr -permanently lost or diiScultiev ot tbe throat be produced. 4 Merely warm tbe back by the tire" and never continue keeping -tut-'' back exposed to tbe beat nfcer U has become comfortably warm. To do otherw seia debilitating. When going from a warm atmoj pbere ia to a cooler oue, keep, tbe month closed, so that air may - be warmed in its passage through the nose before it reaches the lung.). Never go to bed with cold ur damp feet Never omit regular bathing, for unless the skin is in on ' active condition the cold will cioae the pores and favor congestion and other diseases. Never stand still in cold weather, especially after having taken u slight degree or exercise, aud al ways avoid standing on ice or snow. . or where tbe person is exposed to cold wind. Excfuxnge. , -t- Webster'a Weekly says a citizen . of Keidsville was. in tbe country ' daring tbe holidays and got a whet of apple brandy 21 years old. But ' be has no business to warn to ex.. asperate, everybody by taikiojj aboat it and. Wedster'a Weekly ba no bnsiness giving currency to htV boast. 1