M E 1LIK 0 IL K 43 V M 1 33 EL LINCOLN COURIER F B MTAltKETTi:, fcDlTOU ANDTROrUlh-TuI fiNTBBBD IN TttK Post OKfUIE AT fclXOOLNTON AS , UfcWOSD CI ABM M1L 5w6scnrtoCaA i Advance. year r 1-5 luuutbs u 4 laoatui; .....50 Het of Advertising. Oueincb, one time. $1.00 ; 25c foi eacu uubsexjueu luseriiou. Two iDobes, od time, $ 1.60 ; 50 ut tor eaob obsequeut lusei-liou Turee inches, one time, fL'.OC 7lj ceuta for eacU aohseqaent inner yu- . n Four incbeH; one time, $z.:u 11.00 for each aiibuwiueut inaeitiou. Bpeoial rates lor one-hall and eae-fourtb. oolamn ; also, for any adTeitUement continued longer lean two months. - ' TutRL havk BKE2f auaignmeut s by the wholesale at Greensboro,' i'nyttteville, Winston and other joints, ou account of the failure wf the English Syndicate to com ply with the term of the bale of WADiSiiOKO 11 Ad ONE eatJO of mail pox. We hope it will stop at that and that the fearful and iyatiisoriie disease will not tind its way into other towns in the State. he C. F. vt V. V. Uaihoad. We are tony for thete men, but it frequently happens that the hook is too weak to catch the largest ilblri that bwims in speculative wa- Tut Hickory Mercury says, Editorially: "The most contemp tible elauder that au be hurled into (rod's face i to build a tine House of Worship, dedicate it to Hie filory and then hll it with a membership of liars, thieves, drunkards and servants of the devil." The same issue contains the proceedings of a political meeting hld in a church, and the editorial of The Mercury "Made an amusing talk concerning his paper and its aims." AV ill the brother rise and explain ? Marian Blilkk seems to be haviug a rough time of it of late. We do not belong to the party he represents and we( have no in clinations in that 'direction, but we are of the opinion that some of the accusation brought against him of late have been too highly colored. We have refrained from copying uiauy liUle squibs con cerning him for fear of misrepre sentations. We do not admire his political principles and we w ill use all just means to give him a downfall in that particular, but we have always regarded him as a FoLiiE gentleman. 4 uiu room. Brw. Cwok, of Thb Standard, at Concord, has plenty" of bone in his office whether the sinew is there or not. He says one of his tyvos had a tooth pulled that was two inches in length and one and three fourth inches tn diameter. That tooth would measure about tve and one fourth inches in cir cumference. Suppose this typo lias 2$ teeth, w e know he is minus pue, according to Mr. Cook's statement, and each tooth meas ures in proportion to the one ex tracted, theu the entire length of boue in that boy's mouth is four aud two third feet aud the cir cvmterence of all combined would be about twelve and one fourth feet Now. will Krother Cook please give ug the size of the boy and the dimension of his mouth ? A F e w" fa err sT JLet The Charlotte Obeerver .Vote Tlieiu aud llecllly Home HUtakee Contained Therein. Liucolnton has some old citi zens and soie who have been very careful in recording facts. We have been handed some dates which have been very carefully preserved, and we feel that we are ate in giving them as facts. The cold Friday, so often spoken of, uab iu u35 aim not jn ng The Observer has it. It was in the month of February. The largest freshet within the memory of the living, was in 18H. The meteors fell in 1S3S. TUe Servile iuserrection, in South Hampton, Va., was iu 1832. The dry season was in 1845. The deep snow was in the winter of 1856 and 1857, when most all the deer were kill ed Who can tell anything about Hie deep snow that fell about 100 years ago? The average depth was live feet. The Liucolntun readers of the Ousekvek would be pleaded to have these dates given through the columns of that live paper. WaMUluffloii Letter. Correspondence of Co l ei 8. Washington, Jan. 22, 1894: Chairman Wilson has aarpneed ftome people by the adroitness he has displayed in piloting bis tariff bill through the amemdment rocks. He has tun aground bat oncewhen the Hoaue voted down an amend meut endorsed by the Ways and Means committee, proposing to postpone until next tall the time tor the free wool clause of the bill to take effect aud adopted one making that clause go into effect upon the pahpag of the bill. An attempt will be made to drop the sugar bount, substituting a tax on Hogai; also iu diop the bounty leaving su gar free. Attempts will also be made to put irou aud ooal ou the dutiable list, and to make the income tax au amendment to the tariff bill. AU of thete changes are opposed by the Wrtja aud Means committee, aud ctmtriuau Wilson is confident that noue of them will be made.allhougb ueveral ot his colleagues ou the committee are in doubt as to the eugar clause and the income tax amendment. It is understood that the lepuol cau vote will be cast eol idly for the income tax amendment uot because they favor it, but be caune they believe its adoption will weaken the eutire bill iu the Senate. The republicans iu the House are not voting on their convictions just now, but to develop democratic die seutiop. Senator Morgan gave ex -Minister Steven?, who at last found time be tween his alleged bad health and nis lecture eugagtnieuts to appear before the Senate committee ou Foreign Relations aud give hie tes timony, a uiot rigid cross-exatmna tiou concerning bis coudact while U. S3. Minister to Hawaii, and brought out the acknowledgement that Mr. Stevens was trom the first a rabid aunexatiouist,'and that he wiote those much talked about lets U:s to Mr. Blame, asking instruc tious in case of the overthrow of the queeu, with tne lull expectation tbt such an event would, take place during his term of office, jast as Mr. lilou ut's report chaiged him with having done. Under ordinary circumstances the impudent and in sulting letters written by Piesident Dole of tbti provisional government to Minister Willis would arouse great public indignation, but what could he expected when publicans in prominent United States papers are considered. Auy sort of misrepresentation seems to go dowu with the anti administration papers. For in stance. ' Mr. Hastius, who was in charg of the Hawaiian legatlou here duriug Minister Thuiston's ab seuce, was uot invited to the Htate dinner given by President aud Mrs. Cleveland to the diplomatic corps, and straightway the auti-adtninisi nation pa pei a made it the basis for a lot of filly stories alleging that the invitation ws withheld because the administration was unifier dly to the preeeut Hawaiian goetu ment. Au inqoiry at the Sate De partmeut, through which these in vitations ate always sent, would have shown the coucoctors if these stoiieu that liastiugs did not fill an official position which entitled him to an iuvitatton, but seueatioW, uot fact.", are what tbase people want. Mhat. Mrs. Cleveland has not lost auy of her immense popularity with the people was showu by the lare attendance at her first public rt-cep tion, held at the White House Ht nrday afternoon. There were mora people who desired to pay their re spect8 to her -than attended the crushes at the public receptions held by her. when she was a bride, and hba received them just as gracionly as aberiid wheu the whole tiresome lusiness was au enjoyable novelty to her. A member of the cabinet who was asked what he thought of (be acj veie criticiaui publicly made by democrats in Cougie.srt of the pro posed b nd issue, said : "I ginat the right, ot tiee speech which I demand for myself to eif eiy man, but I must sav that, these criticisms would have cmae with better grace had the men who indulge in them shown any real disposition to prevent the issue of bonds in the only practical manner by providing the money Jbat tiey knew as well as secretary Carlisle did the Treasury must have if it would ! pi df frfidivK !,,eJ'y- ; turu I '! I'jli r-, - t : - o' r j WrtV. The aduiiHi-! i tun ;ul nut. i wieh to imu bMd-", and ony !- elded iu il t mi when it ter.me hp- ' pareut Ihut (JoligieH-4 would nut -,f , ! told imiutd ate teller, and a'ter Im coming fully ftitififid ol Hh leyal rght to do so under the lnw of 18. 75 It is not lelie here that eih er of the several resolution thnt have been"ln trod need in thV Senate concerning this i-sun ot bonds will be passed,' or that the passage ot either ot tht m or ot 11 'pieseutHtive Baile)'i re-iohitioii by the llnuse Houldnfftcr. the mat'er i(i ' illr way. The.ffern lor the 85O,o00,00o bonds to be issued have gone away op iu the hundreds ot millioiiR, and the premium offiel will make the interest equivalent to 2 1 2 percent, or lower. v Much regret is felt in the Senate ar Senator Walthall's le-ignaTioni and the hope is expresned on al Bides that hl.s health will improve sufficiently for him to resume his seat at the beginning of . the next term, to which he has alrdndy been elected. THE J 41 1, Kit CIIOKi:i TO ii:4Tir Tbrottleil II y Two Prisoners. Boxbobo, Jan. 22 The peaceful little town of Roxtoro was wi d with excitement Sunday tnornn.g. The jailer Mr. Willis Koyster, accom pauied ty Pete, a little negro boy a bout eight years old, went, into fhn jail to feed the prisoner. Mr. Hoys-, ter opened the cell door to hand in a broom for the prisoners to sweep out the cell with, aud when he uu- looked the door the two prisoners, Logan Meadows and Jasper Robert sou, rushed out and jumped on hun - aud after throwing or knocking him down choked him to death. Th", theu told Pete ii he made, any Iiish they woald kill him, alter which they locked him up with the h.idy Of the jailer and made their encaped About -9 o'elock, some three-qmi-teas of an hour atterwani3, te succeeded iu making: himself ho nd and the news bpietd like tvtld'tiie all over towu, aud in a vei few mi it uteti more tLau 100 men, armed with ! shot gung, 1 itlee and piatoin, eome ou horseback and iu t u.L'gies, and h large number on' foot, fatted in pursuit of the fugitives and succeed - ed in capturing i.oih by. 1 o'clock. They had only tsone about 21 milte, but were completely lnken down. Tbey were lodged in j-.i and for several hours loud thieaig oMynch. ing were heard ou ail bidet, a la'e crowd fioui the conntiy hawiig gathered iu who t-etu.td. ;u the mood tor such a trolio At 1 o'clock at night the cr urf home :ed was rung violently, ..ut contiay to all expectations the piteoueis ?.ei- not disturbed, and it is hoped now that tecliug has subbided. The coipuer'a juiy rendered vereict of wilful njmder aainbt them both. Mr. ivsiti. the jaiu r was a quiet, p actable old gent e man and bis juduUence to tne uz ere cost him his life, as it woa ue-,'-ligenca ou his part 111 opening the outtr cell betoie fcttiug that the piiauueis- bad gone into I I t 11 ca'e and the door hcktd, as it?-re is pruwsion made tor doii g t.i this from ihe t.iutMde -ttfor o(o uu g auo of the doot. O Impel llili filler. The monthly sermon tor Jauuny uudt-r the auspices of the V, M. U. A. wan preached in Umveisity Chapel n Sundy vening by Be.T S, B. Tunei.tine ot the XV. N. C Cotiteietuv, The set moil sustained, the reputation of the preac er. A number t naw inei) hue hxu enrolled since tne holuloy.s anl the register now shows altout foil I uu died names, This is an increi.-e of Dearly thirty per ceL The lose net-a of money and the instauihi y f investments generally Sfem to have turned the a'teution of p irents tos ward an Investment iu education. The diUti ot lien- William H nry Futuey, of Alabani?, n Jan. 1 7th 1894, removes a st liking figure 1 f special inter st. to residetit of Lj?i . Coin county. He was born in Linj colnton, Kov. 9i 1 hot was taken" wheu a bov to Alabama -He was graduated at the University of Ala? bania 111 1844, was 13 L'entenant Fnt Alabama Volnnteers in Mexi can War, and studied law which h practiced lor twenty live years. Prrtioos to 1861 he served iu lowi r Houe of Alabama. Legislature and upon bieakiug out of war iu 1861 enttfed service as captain. Before end ot strngg'e by sucesive pro., moticp he was made br gdter-gen ruii'i l u S .tti IH7 . t-U ifr rlm ,s .1 t l U S. Mmii- I mH'hI i w nl.iiivH h-re be dwlui'itt,' n . leHon to the ie: lit; n.rl..o I'l.u ii.n In Im .ill 1 X-I f-elleiil iHi.MUlrt-ioil ol ut.illtv ftoiil father n mu: His ErandfathiT, Ietei Foruer, was hIno torn in l.io ro'n county, served in K. vo!unn and wa.su Meml-r of ('oiiKr s 1S 13 15 11h Uthr, Dmiel M. F i iij-y, wa a hoUI oi 111. War ot 1812, tour tiinee a member of Coniiss All Huh was before he iemord to AliliaiiM. Ayei'ii IMle, taken hfibr dinner, proinotn digest on. Y ur diugist has Ayer'. Almanac. UllllHllHl ReliMvir C'rp.Me. fur a A man nvm-d Hode died io Wi!iuinvioti Fining nitjht. After h wan Said out, according to the lecieu Nome com ei nation followed Htii'Hi tho-e 1 r B-nr te Hii?e 10 a fuluni h ate id ext ern e of I eiv m 01 Iip'I Snddfiilv, .Mr. H icib 10 1.1 hi- h i hioI told llio. i.ies ent I hat t hei- a h loar-n aid tliHT I he! va.s h hell ; ItiHl he bad bf i to tin. I ; e J and wa nt on hi ry 10 I lie lot inr aiol ih f he ha been vent hark toeaith o tell I hoiii I hi-. ) then (ell I Hfk and e spin il The h'eriew add : This Ih the way if. u fold ui and if i a 1 1 uly le-'naikatde ciicuiustance. The rep m b romes to uo direcily from one who wits oieteut in the roo'u on j the occasion, I I B"b luger-oll im in favor ot an. j "r oul Hrtwftil but ,he We.ut indies, tne Hermudap, theBd' tmir.H. the Harbtidoes and any oth-j er puip'tie" Irtnd that may be lviug ' -r..y uucu . ....... ...1 t., .., t ..1,,..,.. .,.... to ouiet hing. nob ooeeu t oeleive tin re 'i here) is any Hdet, but if he did he would bn iu tavor ot annex in thnt, and then we would have all the v jiieliea of liliuiate.aud wheu ito'i to tk ri m1 e'ej'iiriiie he iUihtll'l lie ill hie ow ii iotinii y. WiliUin'.jton Stiir. Ll.yctH XTO M A KKET. Rsooittd for the COUBIEE every Thuiday morning by Uapfc. B. F Co! ion t)jj Wile? per bn 65 Coin new " ,( 5 Meal 5f) Fiout, Buhr J 1(MJ Ibf 160 Flout Patent " . . 1.80 0 DO Foik 't ib 7 Bacon sides " .N C 10 Bacon hams " ... . . .13 Beef " round 5 Lard " N. C. . . . : . 10 Tallow' u il 5 Chickens. 3 2 to 15 Butter per lb 0 to 18 Honey " " Kggs doz 10 Rags lb 1 11 ides, green " " flidet, dry " Wool, washed Cabbage Applet, dried Peaches dried Peachei dried 1st class. 25 " 2 " " S ' u uupeeled 4 " " peeled .... 5 5i Apples greeu per bu . . Sweet Potatoes " " . . Peas .... '".... lrith u ". . . Onions " " Onion t eta ". . . 80 ... S5 50 50 40 200 Blacberiias (ned, per lb 5 15ees-.viHX per pound.. J6 N w is the ume. 10 reli laige on ions. Don't expect to sell tbemt next IMai&b lor von cu't lo if. lieware. 01 Olutmoiit For Cu tarrti That rontaltiM Mer fiiry, as meicury will surely tlr-stroy the sense ot finell and counoli tely dt- iane tto whole, stem nbeu enter ing it ibiputjli the mucous euifaces. Such articles should never be used exempt on preai riptitiiis from repu table physicians, as the tlamage they will do is leti fold to the qood you can prasibly iye fipm them. Hall' C-ttiMih Cure winufactured iy V .1 Cbei : Co., 'ole?o, O., contain m mercurv, and is taken inteiuail), actiuK diieclly upon the blood and ihii.m.iis mnfrceM id 1 he wstem In buying Hall's (JiUnb (!ijirl)(t.iiirty.iu "et tLe euuine It is tak-n intri nllv, and marie in Toled. (.) 11 Uy f J Cheney & Co., iVs'iuionialf flee. S.S.i'd by Diujis'f, price 75c per b'7lt !e. Jan. 5, 4 ADAIH'S NOTICE. !IviDg qualified 1 a l ninistrator of Val entine Lore de ! ', tll per?ons bavin claims agttjnst f i intestate pa beret hy n tified to pr -ry,i them to the under signed on or hti Jan 20th, 1895, or this notice will be pi?. Jed in bar of their re coyery. ThU I', id of Jan. 1894. Lee Hoovir Adm'r of Valentine Loee. January 19th, 6t NOTICE! A mortgage hating -tn- executed by i, lllirigr anJ wife Mary , Dellmgtr on th 17m day of Miy 1393, and record- ,,ge 19, t. feciire .ayuieni ot a debt then lonirn- ini IVfault ht'ini? U-en rondo ut uiaturity, the sail irrtgte, lv irtu(,t the power vcte-l umier tii ui-irlgtee, wili ell at public nofduii, f'r m-h at Lowesville post tti e. on K-n.liV 6lh day o! b. at 12 oc'ooW not'n the lands descri bed in aid m..rigg situated in Catawba Springs Townhbiji, iJivoln county, adjoin inu; the uds of .Sberol Lt e, Starlint Wmuack, A d r ir and other conuin in tventytbre(-3) aires. This the 16tb day of January 194 J I.wk, Mh?ee. January 19, 4t 8ulM.iloe tot lliA CoURlEU. Ate oti interested in Lincoln county? Tht-n tako the COUBIEE North Carolina ) .Superior court Zdncoln county $ Spring Term 1894 UG. K A. J l', JSO and O A Proctor, E Spencer. V R Clifford V ' K flow aid, J U, and M f A Loekman, Caveators. va J Summon. II () Proctor, Benaanda L'ckuiaa, nJ Levi Lo kinnn. Stale ol North Carolina, to the non-re,-i dent defendadts Umindet Loekman and Levi Loekman, Oiet-tin- : 1'ou aie hereb? suiuuioned to be and appear betore Un Honor Julye of the superior Court of Lin coin Ccunty at the term ol'shid Court to b held at the court House in Lincoln Co on the fourth Mor.d-y tter the tirtt Mon day in .March nest, l-eiug the Hecond day of April 18'.i4 and make yourehe proper jaities to the notion pending in t-aiu couit as atxVH entitle!. You aie further notified that thi-J is an notion begun by the above uaineu eavetttois before the undersigned for the purpose ot vucatin and tetting awide the prbte ot the will ol fly Proc tor now on tile and probated in t-he Supe nor court ot Lincoln county. tn caFeat to which will has been duly filed by said caveators and the actiou transferred t j the Superior court ot Lincoln County for trial at Spring 'I'erm 1694. Witness my hand and oiSeial seal this the 9th day of dn J94- SEAL I C E CHJLD9, C C, Lincoln ci N. C tf Jan. 12, lbJ4. CAUTION. If a dealer oflera W. I)Wga8 bboes at a reduced price, r aajra uphattteni without name atamped on botio di, put hliu do wq as a fraud. wIabies 71.75 W. L. Douglas or iBUAP BEST IN OO Of! VC THE WOULD. W. Li. DOUGLAS Shoe9 are srylisH, sy (it, itf. rl eive better batisfaction at the prices ad.- vertued than aiy other make. Try on pair ftn4 be convinced. The stamping of V . L. Pouglas' name and price on the bottom, which guarantees their value, ave thousand of dqllara annualJjr to those who wear them. Dealers who push Oi? sale of W. L. Douglas Shoes gain customers, which helps to increase the sales on their full lin yuuv uataioifue iretj upon apputatiui4. JJiet-j TV. 1.. DOUGLAS, Brocktou, Mass, fofy by Maudey Btos., Cnerryvble, N, C. THE EPICURE who Avishes the best FAMILY GR0 ERIES an4 the FINEST CONDIMENTS; Should call on B. P. (-Juigq. These goods are always Fresh, aud the QUALITY is the PARAGON of full Hue of gro cer's Drugs always in Stock, Flavoring I Herbs and Extracts: Tropical Fruits, bothdried & green, A nice lot of Chamois Skins, at A low price. Yon need one. or mote, too. D. F. ORIOO. North Carolina 1 In theSuperior Clurt Lincoln Count)' ) K 3 Reinhardt va b- Summons for Releit T S Williams I The Defendent in the above entitled sc tion will take notice that an t tUn enti led 8s above, has this day besn coramencud in the Saperior Couit of Lincunln I'oun y, to recover J urlgement on a note execute t by siid Defendent, to the Plaintiff above named, on -Ian. 1st 1884 for $600 due Jan. 1st !687. And said defendant will take notice, that he is required' io appear at he nat lerm of the Supeiior Curt of said c urly to be held in Lineojuton, N on tne fourth Monday after the fmt Monday in ilarch lfef at the court house of said county, ai. . -nswer or demur to the cm plaint as already filed in srid action or ibe PJaintjff will appiy to the (.ourt lor the leif damanded in said complaint and take judgement by default. Witness my hand land ofppjal seal, this 21st day of Decern tr 1893 "CE Chilis, C 8 Lincoln Cc, 4 (J bical December 22, 1893 AT THE oi m tttt.mil 1 CLEAN SWEEP. A REVOLUTION IN A WINTER STOCK IS even more neces sary than a Change in Politics. There never was, nor can be ' MORE of a Disposition on our Part to Clean Out. 4$ 44$ m Alen'tf CoUk:. Dret.s 8noe puinteil cap toe, " titavy plow aboe, A L4iliees spebdid tieavy I ultou sboe, A few coloied blankets Wit that we will close out at Ladiea untntuued felt hatH that weie $1.00, now ' uairiuimed fed baU ibat wtre 75o,now Beautiful SbaJtd Ostrich tipn tUat were 00 tier buucb, now $1.00 Pr. 1.00 1.00 1.00 5 CM 8 J5cts Ostrich tips that were .75, now .50 Ladles white corded doth uapa only .15c(a A good, heavy bw- only -SOcts IIEEF A SHAif KOUIP EACH TOS W&M UB AID, if you wish to save MONEY. Respectfully, Jenkins Bros. RACKET STORE The Racket this season displays the largest and most complete line of Christmas Goods that we have ever placed before the people. The pretty things that you will find in our lines are not ADOPTED TO THE LITTIE PEOPLE OF THE COMMUNITY, BUT OUR STOCK CON? SISTS OF ALL CLASSES OF GOODS THAT WILL SUIT THE WANTS OF ALL DURING THE .rl0 Vht y0"1,1 fl,idi" line are suflfc foe lSS?"ha big, tte ca4 hem th Worlds ra.r, aol that wo have that. They won't think that they will we any such thpg when thev come t , the Racket to see Chri.tma, goods that we pUc bf0r9 irtem' . are not the only people that carry these good in LinpoLa ton, but we clam to have the largest an4 tfte beat selecte'4 atbek of Holiday goods, and all we ask is to call and see what we hare" We don t piepare vo show you the World's fair or any part of it but -e do expect to place before you the largeat and the finest line of holiday goods that we have ever shown to the people of Lincoln. r r . wishMlg ft'11 W friends and customor a AlERRY ciRlSTMAS, " I Remain Respectfully, J? Lr KISTLERjpROp. The Courier Job Office IS THE PLACE TO GET YOCn DIU HEASSS, LETTER HEADS, KNVEi- PE3. AND ANY THEE KIND OF JOS BK 1TOU WISH. Satigfaclion 'Guaranteed, el tj Promptly. To thet citizens of Nortlj Oft olina and adjoining States : I call your t special attention to my Double Stock Piowe, ottos planteie, Qotlou 4ariow8and Qibbf Flown, the oet on the marker, You can affuri to lose a number of meals, as there is money saved ; but you cannot afford to loe the opportunity ot buying the above mentionel tanning Implements, as there will ba money Ictt 1 still keep the Camel Skin Shoe, and my 13.00 Congress Sboe in Stock. J. e'fsj keep a general line of mershandU and everything a specialty. Kewpi ctfully, Apr. 11 '93. ly. F. A. TOBJ.

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