!f!T''" ! fill . & k. . VOL. VII. Professional Cards. J. W.SAIN.-M.D., fjlias looaied at Liucolnton aud of fers bis services as physician to the, citiieoa of Liucolntou and surround iug couutry. QWill be found at night at the Lin colotou Hotel. March 27. ISO I IV Bartlett Shipp, ATTORNEY AT LAW, LINCOLNTON, N. C. Jan. iJ, 1&91. ly DIC NT I HP. LINCOLMKIN, N. C Teeth extracted without pain by the use of an anaesthe tic applied to the gums. Pos tively destroys all sense of pain and cause no after trouble. Iguarautee to give satisfac tion or no charge. , call from you soli Jted. Aug. 4, 169a. . Jy. UU Tat BARBER SHOP. Newly fitted up. Work awaj neatly done. Customers politely waited upon. Everything pertain iug to the tonsorial art is doue accprdiug to latest styles. IIsNBY Tatlok. Barber. E, W, HOKE, Livery & Feed Stables, Two Bl-cks wet 'f Uotrl Lincoln. LINCOLNTON, N- C Teams furnished on short no tice, Prices moderate. Pat ronage solicited, fipglieh Spavin Liniment removes aii tard, peft or cailoqs-ed lumps and bleuu-di-fi from hows, blood spavins, curbs, sj. lints eweeney, rin-bono, stifles, sprains, ail swollen ibroats, coughs etc. Stive iy u?e of one bottle Warranted the mo?? wonderiul blemish cure ever known. Soni tjJ.ii Lawing Drujt;inLincolntoii N C OON DREWS Wbo'eale and Retail Dealers in FUHKITUIBIE PIAN OS EB APS, Oak Bedroom siuIm ot ten pieces, iio.ii $iHOH 3150 00 Farlor Suits of sU pieces from 2-.5 to 200.00. SIDEBOARDS from SIO.00 to 375-00 EXTENSIONS TABLES from H 00 lo 940.00. China Closets $15 00 to 345 00. Renter $taM$s $1.00 tii 3.00. Easels and Picture $3 00 10 $20 00. ' 1 COUCHES and LOUXGES $7 50 in $45 00. ilus:c racks nud Cb n-t-. $1 50 to $12.00. Revolving B ik Gin aud Roll Top D-kn him1 -tH -Cbair, $5 00 t $4000. Oa-t-.v 50 00 lo $150 00. l'uuy. S-J-'o 0 to 300.00. This is a great sale and you make a great mistake if you fail to take advantage of it ALL letters promptly answer ed. Write at once fur particu lars, i 16 ami 18 Wen Trade St, CHARLOTTE, JV- C Jan. 26, 1894. illMl J Caveats, and Trnd-.-M arks obtained, nd all fat- ent bus.ncsscon.iucttr.l (..r MooERTt Ftcs. ' Our Orncr is Oposi-tt U. S. Pateht omcc a"'' wc rn" "c f.itcut i.i less tiiue Mian those remclr frorn Washington. . J Seiwi mock-l, ijiawiiit; or photo., with derip- , tion. We a.tvise, if patentable or not, tree of Ltsaipe. Our fee not clue till patent is eiured. A Pampmict, "How to Obtain i'atenis,'' with ,coa of same in the U. S. and lureig a count lies ' sei.tlrte. A.jie.s, J ;C.A.SNOW&CO.: OfP. Patcnt Office. Washington. O. C. I M J KN TION I tins rcvonitli.ni.e.l I i V KNTluN I O.h woriij during the last bait' century. S',,t Juast Him-ri ti wimd' i-s id inventive jirorms is a rii-tbol tinl fy-teui work tht cn be performed all over tbf cu'urv without aepHratinif tl.f V..ik.r C, it, t i r I...HIHM 's'v ,,. -i-.il; in y . -ii. .i,, 1 1..-w..rk ; 'itl.r s' X . yi iiriiT or oi., n.i .c(-i i rtlilit3 require! -'fipit i n t in lt-i; yun ! "tart-ol fro 'ut tliis i,t and roiiiifi t- us find we wi l end i.n ti. i-, -..i..ei hin 1 "i.-iit vaMp an l iui.irtn-- t yoi;, that will start you in rm-in'-.ss. wl.ifdi will tiri mr 'you in more ui .ney ri-lit vay, tlian nnytiiini - in th'i world irnm n t ti t t'rp. Addrns Tr ip Ar . - .o.'ii-ta. M ain When Bahy was t.lvk, we rav(j tier C'asloria. Wien sun was a Child, bh. cried for C'ostoria. When she heoamj Miss, she clun to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castxria. BUCKLEY'S AKNIC.a HVK The bstSilve m tbe world for cuts and bruises, sores, salt rheum, fever sores, tet-er.ou-ipped bands, chilblains, corns, and ill skin eruptions, ar.d positively cure Pilis, or no pay required. It is guaranteed tj!iiv! perl'.ict salisfactinn.or ninny refun -d. prj.-.; J."i cciit per box For ale by J 1 fjvw:n-. rv!;;ian and rm'ii-U' Makes life miserable. All other ailments arc as nothing in com parison. Women especially know its suffering, and few escape ita torture, THE RELIEF AND CURE IS Many people take pills, whicl gripe and purge, weakening thd hody. jVroro take Simmons Liver liegulator, liquid or powder, be cause raoro pleasant to take, doe not grij' and. is a mild laxative, that uho ionr. up the system. The relief is quick. It is Nature's own remedy, purely vegetable. "I iit-ver found niiytlilny; to do mo any Hood until I usi d .Simmons Liver Regula tor. It. hiis t..'i ii tln-e years Ninoe 1 Jlrs used It mid 1 have Hot had Kick Headache muit. 1 M ut iny .i--tcr (who had from one to two attacks of Sick Headache every neidO oiic-hall oi u package, and she had hot had it. Mine."-1'. .S. iMoHKid, lirowii Vil It-, W.Va. KVFItY l'ACKAflE-W Han our 7, Stamp In red on wrapper J. Jtt. ZK1L1N .V CO., Philadelphia, Pa. The Question if Life Assurance is not "Can you afford it ? " but " Can you afford t do without it ? " Woodwards, S. C, Ju.lv 3, 1S93. Mr.VV.J. Roddky, Rock Hill, S. C. Dear Sir: I have- before me a statemeut of the various options of fered in Yottlement of iy maturing Toutine policy in the Equitable Life Assurance Society. I have con cluded to accept the surplus aud continue the policy. The results are highly satisfactory and 1 heartily commend the Kquitable Society and the Tontine svs-tem insurance as practiced by it, to persons desiring sate aud profitable life insurance. Yours respectfully, T. S. ERICE. The-above letter is but one selected from many received from happy policyholders in the Equitable Life It's a word to the wise a con vincing proof to the doubtful. For full particulars address W. J. RODDEY, Manager, Department of the Carolina, ROCK HILL, 5. C. ALL FHVX. Tin 3 who have use.1 Dr: K ir-'s New Discovery know it value, and tlio?e who have not, have now the opportunity to try it Fn;e. Gall on th.o advertised Di-uizcit and ret ft Trial Battle Free. Send your name and address 10 II. K. Buckln & Co., Cbicairo, and get a ample box of Dr King's JNew Life J'ills Free, as well as a copy ofGulde'to Ileulth and llousehold Instructor, Free All of which is guar auteed to do you good and cost you noth ing. JM Lawing, Druggist. SCK-HEADACHE LINCOLNTON, A VI' a Y Ofr' LOVE UAH. a rtortiM ru Soldier Ieet Ilia Southern llrldo ATler Tblr U YearM MepnrMtlon. I 1 Dfctrar 1803, Company I lvlit-nth N.w Y.Tk Regimpat, uhs s'Hiio.iH I Uoaanka Inland, 1 dm S Hte, rtud Mr. Jotin P. D m- uiii', iheu a lifiiulsoturi oju iuati if 2o einrH, wai n private iu thai MiuiiMuy. lid iuL tberrt Mind Mar. can't Siooe, 1 bu a pretty jrirl ot i'iireii suinoier.H, ana a tuutaal .tilmiiiMtoa moo 11 spritng up between ht-DK lie HdliYHied her, aud ou ihe niht Lfore Cbristtnaa ot tbat Huy were bappdv uwiird. '"'in Hllt-r the mnrria e the coin l 'iy via iriltMl ro IMycuouih, an.1 M s. DdUhioLr Weut with her bus iMtid, hut hi P juoutb they aepa a l, Mr. Dunriiug giving ha wt'e .oi,e hu I s-at her back to her la Lei on Koacrtke, where abe was lo'd to leuiaiu uutil be returned tor he! if he outlived the war. '! he company theu proceeded to O outnbu, where Mr. Donning wa8 tk u prisoner and sent to Ander '. ville, where be remained until tl end of the war. Being released ft on prison, be proceeded to seek o matioo of hit wife, but be was in fi ued in tbe me in time that bis ocde had been drowned while at te mpting to cross Kitty Hawkbay. Tl is information was not only b night to bm by mail, bat by Ccp;stinA. G. Caitwright, of bis 0 tpariy, who married Miss Lov K j r.de, also at. Hoaooke, about it s .' tim-an 1 bad go?Je back for h-r witr. lieltiv.nj her lead Mr. Danniog inourii'-d the loss of his wife and :0L.du-ied 11. t ti leturu to the scene of Hiiot t wi'dd-d life, oiuc? then he hH lived in New Yoik aud Penu y!.'.ir) a, where he hid been a muc ef sl'ul dealer in stock. Owing io f tc a- endif-t; of his short married li'fe Mi Eunninir would never eyen it:k d marr.ing aaio, and Mrs. L Kiii; g would uot heleive that her 1 u h 1 J was dead, attd tor this rea" son remained sing'e. I 1 July l-i-t she wag induced to Pl 'y lor a peninn, aud in this way s!e aaeei tallied that ber husband si " t : lived ud 'was given his ad- drsM l" th authoritied at Wash in-.' ( n- She at once wrote to him and ri'tvirtd a replj, and the re H i'; ,18 a hrintiY reunion, he hav ing come lo u.tet her. Mr. Duiiiiiny af once reeon zed hih w.fo ot 'thirty ears ago, but it W:;s several iidnufe-j before she c Mild lorogiii. " (he whiie-hairtd o'l nun her war lime lover. When vitdted they told their nto- ry net wet-ii HtiJiiei ani tears, u: i hey were teis ot happiness. The old man broke dowu entirely when he Hixika of the wrong he had inno renily thine bis wife, imt he prom ised to make amends with the best of i'b? e until neparared hy death in reality They will return to his old home in New York. Mr. Dauuing wear a badge bearing the name of hi i o upany, Post 150, Pa. G. A. R, to which he belongs. Norfork Lundnark. It is Iu tit r to sutler than to sin. IllO.'s Horn. Sriength alone knows conn ct Weak! ess in btlow even d-feat,aud 1- lorn vanquished. Madame Siccti'hiite. Kaiireiiee of profession and pubi ic tv of conduct are tar sa'er than i -nb'iiMtv rf profession and rt-ti-dii e ot couduct. Outlook. The Christian knows himself to be ki'ii'. hu er tetuseth rot to he . j 1 v ::iu'" servant. Yenninq. A' o-e all ihings be cheerful hap 10 , l-t-p -fol. Some Christians aL I wys ferl bid when they feel welh b?.,riU'e they fear they'll feel worse afteiwjrd. Rest Islander. T: ouprh tbe artist beaoty g'rucc-oji-s into bfe. Patriotism dies with out tbe patriot. Justice disappears unless championed by the propbe' of rigiiteoosuess Dr. E. W. Don ald. Subscribe for tbe Cotjrieb- N. C, FRIDAY, FEB. 2, 1894. Honda to telueJ. Wasbiogtm DiHtchea 17th The following In the text of a cir cular which Secretary Carlisle is tued today : "By virtue of tbe authority cou taiued ia'the act entitled Au act to provide tor the resumption of 8pe oiefl pj meuiM. approved Jauuttry 14. 1875, the HacreUry of the Treaa ur heieh ott'-rs for public sub Mi'.ripiiou an itjrtue or the United dcaiea 10 the amount of $50,000,000, iu eilb registered or coupon lorui, iu denominations of $50 and up ward, redeemable iu coiu at the pleasure of tbe government after ten years from t he'd ate ot tbe hnue and bearing interest, payable quar- e ly in co n, hi the rate of 5 pi annum. ''Proposals fo the whole or any 11 'j . t- sf rkA.A k. ;n t... ... .1 i u w iuvsc uuuug win 00 rcumeu 1 at 1 he Treasury Department, omce of 'he 8euretaty, until 12 o?clock uo n on tbe 1st day ot February, 1893. Proposals should state tbe dtnuuut of bonds desired, whether reistered or coupon, and tbe pre miun which rne sobacriner propo e hi pay, the plueo where it is de sir d thar tbe bonds shall be deliv ered, and the office, whetuer that of tietreasuferofheUoiteaatats,jtbe M0(aic record of tbe creation, wl -e it will be mon convenient tor tne t .lluiDeness of all miracles con tb. subscriber to deposite the tail fd in lbe HCriprure reCord, toe atroantof bis subscription. Fail j ua, Tu connection between the uro o specify the above Particulars prci( Jetic- Christ and the Messiah, rT cause the proposal to be reject whose advene fulfilled tbe enct ed As soon as practicable after cov$ ,i0UlS ot ancieui prophecy, and thf ?.st day of February, 1894. the jeval other ' fepics iucb aa ha;e allotment of bonds will be made to l far ,j3hed tbe staple of much ban- lighest bidders therefor, but no prc;Ds,ii will be considered at a low er ;j-iice than llild, wbich Is the tqt ivaleut of a 3'per cent, bond at par, aud the right to reject any and all proposals is hereby expressly re served. In case the bid entitled to allotment exceed tbe bonds to be allotted prorata Notices ot the date of delivery of the bonds will be sent to the sub scribers to whom allotments are ma j as soon as practicable and with in ten days the date of such uoiioe subscription must be paid in United State gold coin to tbe treasurer or aasistant treasurer ot the United States as the subscriber has designated, and if uot k paid the proposal may be rejected. "The bonds will be dated Febru ary 1, 1894, and when payment is made therefor accrued luterest n ti.'th principal and premium from Feoiuaiy 1, 1894, to aate ot pay menr, at the rate of interest realized a the subscriber on ua investment, wi!l be added' Ad proposal shouid be addressed to ths Secretary ot tbe Treat-ury, Washington, D. O , aud should be distinctly marked -Proposals for subscriptions for saoactiptions to 5 per ceut bonds.' "J. G. Carlisle, Sec' Yon can find tbe age ot any per 8011 aud the mouth iu which he is horu by a queer trick that was well known by oar fathers and mothers iu the days when they went to the old log " cabin school-t oue and spent their morniugs in telling rid dles and playiGg all sorts of practi- jca' jokes. .Ak the person whose age you to tell to take the number of the month id which he was born aud multiply it by two. January is counted as number oop, February as Dumber two, and so through the year. To ibis product he must add five, and tht'n multiply the amount by fifty. To ibis lat number he must add bis present age, aud from the sum subtract the number of days there are io a year, or 3Gi. All the work up to this poin' ina!st be done by the ptrsouwith out letting auyoue see bis figure ; out now ou ash. nun io what number be has found, and to that number yon add 115. The result obtained by this last op?r-iiou contains the information waiite l. Point off two figures 00 the r:h and the Dumber will be the si!e soaeht : while thenumberl on t. left of the point wili give tbe montt in which the ferson was bore X. Y. Jress. Ir. Siarr Tu klrH 11 u IntlUel. A few days ago. an infidol passing through the city heard the wme ot Dr. Starr mentioned with strong words ot commendation ny aome ot bin admirere. "Who iM this new libtt" acked the infi lei. "lie is the pastor ot tbe Washing ton Street Methodist oburoh in this city," was tbe reply. '1 aou'd like to meet him, and prod him with a few questions.' "All right,' was the auawer ; he seemH to be very come at able, and I will ariautfrt an interview." The Doctor was noon found. ''Nothing would make me happier thrtu to inert thia pilgrim deM-en danr of 'be, uibti 1. en h tiavelrd soii.e distance, eighteen htmdieii ye-.r ago, to rind the trull-," caid nnd in a few momenta the two we:e engaged in a very auimate aud enteriHiniiig discussion. The model fled heavy guns, tie was a ll read mau and Meemed to tie v.-ty frank and honest iu his de fence of wbac he b-lieved to be trutj Tbe doctor was ai bis best Qd ck ao a DAsb and bubbling over with good humor, be answered ar. guia int after argument relating to r i 2 aud debate among unbeliev ers dating tbe last two hundred yea-s lbe traveller suddenly became codkmous at this stage ot tbe dlv. cus i.u, that be had waked up the wrc o? passenger. With the per spim-.iou dripping from hiscbteke and ctber evident signs of discom fort, e rose up and said : ' Well air, I have you uow, bow can yon pro t your Christ to be a divine Savor!' Tha Coctor, calm as a summer sun. Ham, replied, quoting tt-xc aU ter text to pfbve the divinity of tbe all" ooquering Gallilean. This did not satisfy the strauger. Said tbe doctor, iheu, "will you accept my own 'estimouy to a fact which is as crt;iiu as that God aits on bis ihrone to. day. Cettainh," said tbe skeptic. "Well, bir," said the doctor, there was a lime wheu I longed 10 know that I was a saved mau. Hu tnau tmviois were plentiful, but I did not want then. Like cadavers they are apt :o spoil after they ate cut up. I hea'd of a Divine Saviour there is but oue. In tbe word of God I searched to fiud out what I must do 10 be saved. At every 1 ipoint that Divine Saviour met me. I saw that if I would accept Him as my Saviour, iu accordance with LI is own divine method oi approach, that I could be instantaneously con scious of my personal salvation. That is exactly what I did and in a moment in the twinkling of an eye, I felt that if all tbe written tes timony were 10 be blotted out I still bad tor my own satisfaction, the completes evidence that mortal man can ever harea positive heart experience absolutely clear and ac ceptable to my mental conscious oess an enduring testimony which a thousand worlds cannot kuock don. 1 know that my Christ is divine because the work done withi in the limitations of my spiritual being conld have been wrought by none ave a God The Doctor rose to a lofty height ot el quence in bis conversation, -a he nnroile J hi "experience" iu the oJd fa8bio0pd Methodist way. Ams 0Eg lbe bystanders wbo had gath iere(ja number began to about t ..gorv to Q0d r and jt looked as if 1 thev were about to start a camp meeting right there on tbe street. Tb infidel staggered under tbe adver? termination of tbe debate ml 1 anrj ?r:rted toward bis hotel, stat- iog t'is.t he had about finished bis business in this City. Ja it before be left, the Doc' or rema l:ed: 4 Look bete my friend I iavj baeu informed that you are a comtitrctal traveller. 1 don't knowe bv Dr. J. X. Uwing, DruCw wbatjou have been talking among your customer around town aud I know nothing of yoor line of trade ; but let me tell you, it you I ave, or thodox brimstone for sa'e you bad better find trie es-iot co-tt ot tt tie fore you reach the next world Then tbe traveller travelled and tbe Doctor went home Ptterelurg Index. Iloya Ntop. When we Mprak from nj.tniei.ee w know whereof we speat. When I see young men with their to eat h reeking witn fumes ol liquor it car ries me back to a j ortiou ot my ex perienoe. Wheu I was aome eigbs teen years old, I was with tome wild fellows and commenced rued. d i jf with wiike. The. result was oue Saturday ngbt we nil ot'u oruuk that we did not know which of the boye we were. It baa two tfiect and one result on me. Tbe first effect wmh, I was luseusible. The secoud, I waa so sick 1 thought 1 would die. N iw the result ; it cured me of whiskey drinking. Since that tlu?e wbiskev and I have beep enemies. I tbank God for th two effects of whiskey 00 nynelf j for if it bad not been for that, I might, have been lying in a drunkard's grave and burning iu a drunkard's bell.. Boys, yaung men, st op and think: of tbe terminus ot the Ircnkard. For if you allow it to get tbe upper band of jou, oh how sad the ending I Gd made you for a nobler our post than to bam in ibe flan es of heLV There is no escaping it if yon alio v liquor to master you ; for He says no drunkard csn euter ih kingdom of God. Boys, stop, think, before it is too lale. Don't, for the love, of heaven, dotrt go on drinking that fiofd that will rain both scul and body and brtak the hearts of a food father and loving mother wbo has loved and sberisbed yoa from Infancy, and are now pry iug God's richest blss iogs opon you. Touch not, taste Dot, handle not, tbe unclean thing." May. God Almighty grant that every young may ponder these thought well and listen to the voice ot reason. Fall out with tbis de moa that is ruining so many noble yoang men tbat is tb hope of tbi fair land of ours. C. S. Churcnill.in Christian Advocate. A petition was presented iu tbe House of Representatives, Wednes day, from the iron mine owoeas ot St. Louis county, Minnesota, pray ing that iron ore might not e put on the free list. . They went two hundred miles from home to find a Republican Representative 10 pre sent their petition, instead f pre senting it through their own . Rep resentative, who happened to be a Democrat. While the mau two hundred miles a way, who knew very little abont tbe irou mining indus try of St. Loais county, put in a touching plea for protection to that Minnesota "infant," the gentleman wbo represent tbe iion producing district made a vigorous' argument against protection, and coutended that tbe infant was cot oolv able to stand aloof, bat was ablebodied en ough to toddle around and take care of itself, and that It could get along better without protection tnan with it. Toat petition calls to mind some peculiar features of this iron ore tartness- Tbe manufacturers at Sparrow Point, Maryland,' who are anxious for fee ore, allege, a-u-ong other things, that there is no necessity tor a protective tariff on iron ore, tbe only tlect ot wbich fa to keep up tbe piice and bamr e the steel aud iron manuffc uring industry, and they cite the ta?e 0 ;bese Minuesota mines, in par tica lar where tbe iron . is o near the surface and so abuodaot that it can be blasted wi'h dynamite and shov elled cpon tbe csrs with steam shove's, making tbe cost of mioiDg merely DomiDal. Ttuse are some of tbe fellows bo are whining for protection. Wilmington Star. BUCEiES'S ARNICA 8A.LVE. The jest salve In Uij world for cat bruise?, fores, u'.cerf. U rheum, fever seres, tter. c hepped baoda, cbilblainN, cores, f nd all skin efVptions, and positive ly core, piles, or no pay required. It v suaran .ed to give perfect satutactioo, or monev refunded, rnce per oox. toi NO. 41 The '.Southern NtMieV zlne. Leading railroad offioers, repre senting about 30,000 wilea of Sou thern roada, discuaa "The South and Imuiigratiou'' iu the Jauuarr lasue ot tbe Southern St aits mi?a , zine, and te.ll of the prominiug ut iook Tor a great Southward move ment of well-toido Nortneru and Western farmera. Nearly every road reporta a large increase in the enquiries reoeited atiout the opjor tuultiea aft" rded by tne S.mjIi, and there aie many ieporti ihr the tide ot immigratitui is 1 timing to the south iu a way lint would sciroely have beeu deemed oasible a few years ago. Thia great movement is commencing jut at the right time, for, as shown by an aitlele 011 on "An Economic Change iu South eru Far tn iug," the agricultural iu terest ot tbe South ure nearer ou a cash basis than ever eioce the war. In this article it la ahou bo-w S u ihein faimera have gradually cba iged from tbe system of raising all (Oi'ton ou credit and buinir their fooustuffi to a cash basis and producing at home their corn and bcoti. tbu saving to tbe South tbe million of dollars tbat have there fore annually gone Weat lor food sni p!ie4 for men and beast. The January iasue of the Southern Stages continue the puMic-Uiou of letteia irom Northern and Western farmers who have nettled In the South, giv ing heir viewa. based on their own exptriencef, an to tbe advantages offtfied by the South for farmeis. Tbee letter a are attracting much attention, and their publication is doing great good iu convincing Western fai mera who have never beL South ot the attractions of tins section. Under special depart ment introduced in ibis issue ti e Southern States covers everything of inte'eMt periaiuiug to real estate in tbe entire South, reporting all im portant ealea of properties and giv ing tbe views sf leading agents a ti the real estate outlook in diffeie. t Southern cities, and a summary or all important matters for the month tbat relate to lbe progress of thia section. Every man interested the S 'Utb, or every ann wbo won d 1 like to know atiout tbe Soutb.sbou'd ee a copy of this Southern States tuagttz'ue. It m pu'lihed by tie Fanufacturer's Record Publishing Co., of Baltimore, which will seud a sample copy upon receipt of fifteen cents iu stamps. rX"lie Wo 111 a 11 In IluMlnen. A young woman tacea a sucueaa ion of hard trials when she turns 10 a business carter, writes Elward W. Bok in an article on tbat moat Interesting of subjects. ''Women in Business Lite.'' in tbe April Ladies' Home Journal. It la easisr for her to think tbat she can do what she sees others doing than it is for bei to do it. It is not so easy to be compelled 10 rise at a certain hour day after day whether oue feels like it or iiot ; to eat a hasty breakfast, or, let me say, rather to bolt It ; to go oat in tbe biting frosts - of the winter and the torrid beats ol tbe summer: to leve tbe comforts ot borne behind, aud those dearest tud nearest to us to be compelled; to write wneu the eyes will scarcely k-ep open from the ache in tbe head; to eat either a cold lunch spread ou the knee or mingle with tbe elements in a cheap restaurant to see the wardrobe running behind, wjtb no time to sew or replenish it ; to go tbroagh the strain of a long day's work only to return Lome at eventide often too tired to eat j feel too exhausted to do aught in tbe evening bat to remain home and sek early rest to gain strength, for ibe morrow, to go through tbe same routine of mental and pbysN cat aoguish. Will any one ca'l this a life of independence ? Christain Gauirdian. The murderer DeGraff, wbo is non id jail at Winston, says that he is ready to go an 1 that bin spiritual bocse is iu order. In this respect be ha? the advantage ot many a mau wbo if pot a criminal but has bad eveiy dvantge to bcoroe shin ing lig .it and fails continually to .em oiace .