v h: : i-hi: it. & s ML. VIL LINCOtNTON, N. (J., FRIDAY, FEB. 10, 1894. NO. 43. n! m ' pop h1 ILL 111 ;JI Professional Cards. J.?WiSAiN, M. D., Ua-j huuted i Lwi.-olnton ai.il ol er ka tMrtiuea a phvsician to tho citiieua ptUneolotou and surround jug country. ... 1,.1 Wod t night at the Lin colutou Hotej. : March 27, 18D1- lv DE.Nmi. '" LlNfM.lLN TON, N Teeth extracted without pa hi bv the use of an anaesthe tic applied to t ho gums. I'os tivedy d..stroys all mmi.-jh of pain and cm e tin after tiv.iii.lo. t guarantee to giv. Niir i;,,-. tion or no dinruo. f rail from nii Mli imd BAtUJUb .-!( p .Newly ri ( i I it . H iU r.v . UeatlV d.Oo . 'll-lo . Is polil. ! WaUrd .IpoO. ill e y ! 1 1 i i . .-lir:li iiig to i In? tiiiiKoi ial h i .too tti;orli(i to !tiet?r rJiitfc. HeNEY 1 Ayr ok, Jii r ' e r Itch oil human hh j ii.iie wm1 all uui uiale cured in iiu minutes bv nltonls taciUry Lotion. This nevei fail, .ur by M. .I.wintj Oi ukii?t Luiooinion. N O E. W. HOKE, Livery &. Feed Stables, Twu bl'.rfc.- wt .-f fclmO IjlLOulu. LINCOLNTON, N. C Teams furnished on chort no "tice, Prices moderate. Pat ronage solicited. Eriglih Si'aviri LuaininL removes ali trd, soft or calloused lumps nnd blimi?h es tromhornea, tdood pavinj, curbs, tplir.ts 8teeeaey, rin-bone, stiffs, sprains, ail swollen ttiroat3, coughs etc. ifave $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful blemish cure ever known. Sold byJ.'iu. Lawin;; DruijistLincolnton N (J E. M. ANDREWS Wholesale and JKetail Dealers in Onk i5eilrocan suits ot ten pieces, troai SiJa (0 to ??150.00. Farlor Suits of six p-i-e, from 2S.5 2(iii.n0. SIDEBOARDS frJU) dl.0( le 575 (!( EXTENSIONS TABLES from $4.00 to 40.(J). China Closets 815 00 to 645 00. yl.no to ja.on. Easels and Pictupe' - 50n 10 5f2(K-0. CO UCHKS a n d L 0 1 VS . ?7 i"ii n; '45 (M. MusictH IrsHii i t'-ili nets. 1 50 to $12.00. Kevoivliitr U .k Ciw Mud Roll Top L.-hs .whI 111 v CbaUM, S5 00 to ;40 00 Organs, 50 00 10 150 00. i'uao-s S'j'j" on to $800 Oil. llnVis a great sale and yt.u make a ireat mistake if you fail to take... advantage of it; ALL letters promptly answer ed. Writo at once for particu lars, 10 and 18 W'tittt Trade St, CHARLOTTE, X. C Jan. 26, 1894. SIGK-EMftCHE Mute life ini-emUo. All otter ailraentj are as uullnng in com parison. Women especially know its sufferi:,-, uu lew u eupd iU torture, THE RELIEF AND CURE IS llnny peop-o t.il.o pilh, whkih rii.)aud pur, wvakenintjj the holy. JIore take innaoiu Liver Keimlator, li-jnid or j-owder. Le- aii.ie )nori pl.'.-i.-.'tut to f ik, loes ii t ' '"', ! -'i laild laxative, ttint a! - I i.p tiie :s'ilehi. 'l'he r- l! f ! ,-unii k. It is Nat nnn own l'-uicily, pni-ciy vre;otalle. "I lH-vi i fwnn.l 'in tiling to do any pooilmilil I n l l.iv.-r K.-kuIu- tor. It tiis I i I tin f .ir-: nm-.- J "nt u-l it:i.I I Lav.- i!..t ,-.u .-i- K Htiula. ti; Mil"'. 1 M ,(.! (,vl,.( Iiiul from , to two attacks 4.1 Sick lltiKlaihi2 evrry V. . . 1. ) .-o.-i.ci.a I ;i .ai ivu-.-, ttij.l f-li,-. lJ;,a Hot 1JU1 it .-.nil ." '. MoKlil-s, Jamvii Mil. , V. a. ! r.vrr.v l'ACKAtif-f i Ilagour ' Stamp in re. I on viraiimr. J. kl. Zr.lLIN A' I O., I h.ia.t. lt,!,,', i-M. J ("aveic. ifui 'if i.K'-MarUs obtained, nd all Fat-J ent business. o.Mi.oi.-t, . I tor MoocBATr FEES. Ouo Orncc t? 0"oitc U.S. Patent Office 'and we can Sduie (.atent 1.1 lcos lime tl.au those J reinot from Wuhin'ton. ieaJ model. dr..vin!j or photo., with decrip- Jti.jii. W'c advi-e, if f .atentable or not, free of J civarsre. t)r left not due till patent is secured, t A Pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patents,'' with J cost of same in the U. ". and foreign countries i sent fra. A.idrsi, 0 SC.A.SOW&CO.S Opp. Patcnt Office. Washington, O. C. 1 ' i: Si In) N j ns rovoulioriiiieci i 11NTI"NT j u.m. r..r;d dating the last half ii'nry. M.t lua'st among the wi;indt;is f irivmtive progress is a niethoci and system ot work t't can bo per'oi iisd all over the co'iMtrv without teparalin? the workers from their homes. Tuy )w ral; any one can j. 1 he work; cither aes, yoiin ct old; no speeial ability required Cajiital cot needed; you are started free Cut this out and return to us nnd we wi!J send you fretv fomettuni of great value and importance to you. that will start you in business. whL-h will briai yu in tnorf money rihtaway, thu anything elso ir th world. Grand outfit IVe-. Addre Tr'ie e .. A ju'-ta. Main-1 ii 11 1 inm i ! m 1 11 m i 11 11 1 111 iwm When Baby was s.i,'k, we pave her Castoria. Wui she was a Child, sslie cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she cluti to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. --i:i.0KI..K. '5 Mlir.x v-vLVK Tt.e i -tS.i!vr ot the world for cuts and hrui?v, .re--, -:ih i t t on. . iev- r sore?, tet er.e.. to; ;: 1 u.-i-i is. ot.il U. ns. corns, and tli si: iii erapli.-is" ar.l positively cure Piit'y, r no y r,-iju ire : . II is guarar teed topivu prf.-ct. ji. ifa. tion. or money refun -d. f ric 25 c.it-1 ;: l-ox. For sale ty J SI ,nn;', IMisi'.im hitJ Fhirmficist on't To get vour ii.-uranct? under the Tontine Plan of the EQUITABLE MFE. It is a simple a;-il al5olutcly s-ifc means of mvr.-titif'' , our earnings for future c;ni ; -?:u irs and acquiring the benefit -i T.ii"1 itturar.co at the same time. It insures you a means of support in after years and inures your f.imilv agninst want iu case of your death. Th name of the Equitable Life aloue is an ir..:iel.il agreement of safety. Its scrurlty ; its contraotj; its furpvlua and re.-ourec.-5 are not excelled in the world. We will make all this as plain as day to you if von will send vour address to V. J. KODOEY, Alanager, Department of the Carolinai, ROCK HILL, S. C. ' 1 BUt Kl.:; Thv ,. ... fvrtiip.s) si.resi . !.V': i A " " r:1 ! " n Srt it lh-!il... r sen-?, tetter, tl.ai i.f.l hund&, ehil'.Uit !S, con.s.and hU f!:in erui tions. hi.d iitiitrve ly cures j.ura, or uo pHV retuimi. it is guarantee! to give jeri't .aut;stactk-n, or inone- refunded. 1'riee 25c. i-t-r hoj. For bu: l.V 11. (J. i. . 1.1115'. J'IUr'IL- . .. I I 1 i . I if I ; i. ... i-en iiTrniNi , lfiiigestiu.i, imd f'tomach disorders, use BlinV"S IUO.V 1IITTEHS. Ul dealers ker p it, SI per hottle. Genuine hu "tode-mart- -tossed red linea on wrappfij. mmm Have To Die THE FOURTEENTH OF FEBRUARY. 'fii' rn was -iu in oml fl ottering in tle litilt ton ot Pattieton. Jopri Jnifiin8 was ciitning hump hhiii. Yeats nuo, wtieu'tht oHI red 1 cbooiaouf-e wn filled with ihe I) j.s v;a fills of The town, F binar 4 h whs h." jjM'at hoh?ty a t-tmlrl dde ot It Wil.ti Llool ill Hf?Niot-, .ifn fi jiutioily h.-id tuny, or s.-mc. ;(j', a n .1 p srt v, s 01 ,.,n : o H !'$, :r loi- . o of;,i;fi f.. ; !a frti' , ttn-jn h ;.! J ;t e oli.eil tilNL.' .oii-H I th.t iio , if an tin t duv. m 'In; yvr rilotilil u- it (Hl.-I, M.niJoh tll.lt r U l Ili-Vfl- ! tlHr,Hk Willi h'tty ;tr'i" iod ! ' s fi iiirikn tlii iii livtdy 1 n Clir.. f. 0,1s rtjitia ir1:; o'l M. 1 .O U f'i.tl. 1 1 il'js ,j UMill ' !::,. , .ii.l h , u.:: 1 .-.!..; t- i I i u i hiii - iii-(; 1 I. ft i.nty ,ii.!n-Ilt ii M" ili ll.'l i.hi,.tp t H 1 1 I tt( ! .1 e, i.l-.. ulir-i- i.d4ti! ' 1 . V t. Hit 011 a lit. yiht-v 1.01.1I " 1 i. .! , ami w!ili tCn-li h ..ii t-rt.s.m ft'bar ool.i I'H ii.iUi.-r ? All thu yirh -enr. ii:iu Viileuf ln-, a i-t i!l rite oys viLil ili-y ooul.i . liaiio pl-cetf fn jusr ttifit ltiv. Af he ytt-w oiilei t e custom ieinaiued t extuit-, f.-i lif ana l ad tV W.vle 11, frivol Mr. in .he? tovvii I'hir? mall lidj: winch ratuf in u tiu- H are ttiaf uit.t Irtirly hu.joe-t witii1 nu sihei of lu -tivtj illieOleii io J. J. jeiiiitiiji.s. 1 be saie some f hi- g'ds ttrfd inatilcl and Uft tiie o'An, init ii iiu retuaiiife'.i kept op ihe UtjlO Ii. E'ery b.dy called Lim Jo, and ad he came lacU eir after ye-n tiHeiu msiiy uiihaiixfctl in his love for the oiu ho;ne, aud jat as cordial wim all the oiil friends, tbey dnoideii that t'avtl coj'sd never uj.iu hiai other thau the kindbeatttd fiiend he had ever been. Aiwa 8 impartial in bis treat ment ol tbe young ladiea of the place, he took one to the p:c:u., an other out driving behind the fat obick pony, still anotner on tho hat bor excursion, and a different one np the mountain after blueberries. Everyhody called his mother Auat Judith. iecaue she wa-t euu! a iuveiy o'd lady they sitip!y couldn't help it. A face sweet and beau! Mil in its jootk only :rew mote B.eet and beautiful as the yetas made MiukJt and drew lines heiaioj there. Tbe eye, a'was synpttlijetii., only tilled with deeper li-u; of love as time fid Tfe hair in iilit-r yeais a rich crown for the ! erec: figure, only laid itself in taoiei cauvsii: wavKH about the face j Tru y she had jirown iitaceUd.y. ! An i ivalid. she was cared for bv ! h"? tldest duhter, Martha, v.ho! had. already sent awav lover be- j 'f! en d z :;f "oiscnits iu sixteen cms'.' she would not leave her borne diff' -ent bundle-! v eie spread on just now. I tbe ible be'ore nine" o'ciock, e.ieh Sba did w'ttdi Jo woa'd many and j !,Rt ote conratruug a N rnp hpprop btint: his wife home io live. That " ' the day ami. the' .unusual wouii make ali clear. Mat tba co'iia be happy, and she knew for j do lv awake neatly a!! wigbt try hers. It she couhl love atuoue of be j i"- think what could have rhe villiage girls whom he xnijrht ! brou :ht this avalanche of bread up. choove for awife- Why didn't he j01 ' mid dually cocc'udeti it care or some one ? The year b-i- ,nn?- ,!ci 1,(-t'n rnAr 1 r Pp'cn : foro somethioir had hannened ! ' 'd-, a.-ur the fjirls no- knowing - - i-. Ti'ey had ail sent valentines accerd ing fo the usual custom. Tberv wete eighteen of t heat. Tho nex. mon in, down at the (Tot nets, Jo was talking to Jirnmie Hazrn, and Jun-r e .aaketi carele'sly : "How many this I hue, Jo f" j ''Eightfen spleneid ones ; but I j don't s'po-t' o.-.e of the sender cm nuke a b r-cuit to save h;r life.'' Of course Jim nie uientioned j: las a cmij ioKd to ills idter Ruili. who n.,d t.Ui-k ees and a lively j'd he imm eat a-i f i-t a they iip per of Ins own, and she told the!'wd. Tin ;i h. s iv Ituth, with hrr o do r sills considning It anyiliiup; j bail tfving ihll ab.oit her face lint .. i..l:.. ..ii.1 ll.at -.rw -.4 i. ... t i 1 , W '.a io looked rlosrlv, he !cau-d all the f.utt. r. N-.v R ts h ic uddn't tnakr- hi-cuirs, Hot she had aiways thouoiif Jo jusf a little bet Iter than or iinajy mortals, and toer heel she suddenly tniiirdinfo a ihavehioi come down to id'uits, and theii throw our su.-h a reuaik .... . as that to Her b'othei l tie prop i- . ..ir onnr to hro .llnimi.. ti.ll h r Ituth told the giris at the mxt social, and. with her erea flashtutr i . declared 8h wisnei sne cous.i bane, hot she cou'du't, and she hatel doagb j but if she could make bis- cuits ahe'd make a boshel aud .!.-, rtiiJ tti'U'ht II Vf . UU ' r .1 of Jim-. .u,J ilrlareil sto-w-.i'cJu'i hMn aiioihiT v-aleutiue hb I hi she iiwl. Hat. when'th kuo -Uier vnHif and the pirlnt not t.-t ing the ri'tig at tbeir 1 u-k o a n it, toi k to !pftiiii h m wheo inv t d to piruuvs or other place ot nr.iis-Tj.Mtl-, Jintii va-q ?orry. yot H trt.'l, lia t h- OiOdn'r tstop liking idui all ..t otu-e, evn it sh? tried o t .f.sr. So whi'ii t.h anniversary : 1 o- Kit,. . ee'.lc.l kho would !,-' r-ei.ii as ..iw.s i-nii nor mind j v-j4 !,;., j probably - I Lou-ihtlesixly j satil. X 1.1 ka.-w vhy Im d.itighters ot he oevi'md hon.seholds wern bo iinsious io learn ro innke bread, but ii v.is o t that -v ry ojri in tou i ;-omi' .jr re ;.. h re To ! it a i in o ;.-t . t St. 'i!v'i, t liirlk- Aiid .-, no- bu-h" one ; for IJiii.i Ii z-o deeiaie.l p!p iu'-' rtinl onidii'f :iii(i Murk lo eili.4 I i I . i . . r .vhlrh shli H;llt I !i '. ool: f it. f . iia iv I.'.i. k ind, aii.i which i i.u.iif her tnoie iiiotiey j:an cat oiivis liMomis vvniild Lai n done. V tleniine's oav rougrht nly .iiih v th iitiae tor .Io. atnl he opene.il' it. ".iiiHhMin-; if hhs titfiiils, had 'or. o-teit that it w,ih ,iti lurthday, or ht-(hM iiie ttmnghr it time to ill Of) tne ihl eusM-ni. M- Woudered v ho haci reiiieMilu-ieil him. The I ll-a.l I... .L LI. I .- l.U I. . 1 -...... o ..... c ..,u j i e'.r, b ur hlown and Hiwav.s pink'. ii-nli llaz-n always "vauted a hunch (if the tdu-h rooos by tbe d.xr, atoi ,sl,e lenieinheied mi 'eil hov she hfitird her face in the i is: (itifes he Luid carried to her yes, t lausc have iueii It nth. Puzzled audit litt.ie iioubied-at the deariii id V.l'eiiiliieS. he kllry.- lii.it what 10 wake i f if.- Tii-iu Grae E-mes had : l:i e i to 1 1 s .vtth hici last sorn ioer, giving a good rtasou, of course lu: o.'ie that he ku w couid have nee, i iaid aside. A'ter stipj:er a rattliu waon' d;o'e to tfe door,' and 'ts. driver, t ft 'i koo-'kin', ielt on the step a 'tir. ile directed -to "J. J. Jertniass." "Tfieic. that's theConant's ' vT'g fu.iknow; a;;d this is jenrjie'A va! iune.'' ' 1- le bundle eontumed a dczan of h i tjhte'st i.Mscuit ever een, uDd hi i hvree : vai'entine'I da:ed uot make, lijt biscuits by'i.he doz-n bake. Ato- hot k'o'ck. aud another parcej va-i leoositeil : a:i lher d-ZjiU bis elt! - ?-0 liro- the first that thejv (li j,,,; t !. re. to'e;t nude by the same , and t:'.H i Pyme : You toid the samt 1 dhin'-: h now how To ":joke a od hiscuit: Jn.s; look -at this now. tto'.v ro make to-rnits. But big miud kejir relu.'nitig to Ituth'. vid i n ' in-. ,i iid by and !iy ie decided t iix' it. n didn't need hut one va' u: i-.ie, . sp cirilly if he had plenty of biead So, towaid morning, he dropped ashep iojdteam of being j'hnf ui " :1 toei arid not allowed ! anv'.iunt' hut biscuit- t.t eat or !erp ! on. mid th- only ibiu he could s- e. or u. h s . re ii id : ot . hi -cuii a in :lU f hndes of bio.vn, wh .'a he was tound ts.af :.-m he ihoaht hii: ; or.:y hundred.", of v.lcntines, .-I whtii he ti!'d to Jake them off i i pb'.u.p bis, nif old the at liihr i lbment awd;e L'ui, to find tl4t the ' ,V , l...r Mo l,-..t "'""' " "' '",J !ache.' 1 "I wi?h yr-u'd go ove: to the mills I ,liI3 'oroiug and s-e about Ihe "a.-:-l l jmI. j' -.rli.n l.u fti-ii do vn comj'iainin of fuch a dismal headache. "Tt.e air 'Jl do jou good' aud you caa take. Ruth along. Yoa a! i Uhr iy f hrry ii i'h'deei we'i red wiieti h c iji-to Che door, for hIih had not :ri-'d ro learu bread making, o a o.bave had Iit d- z-n w;th the rest whi-ju she knew muf le refiogin ou ,tbe pant r ? shelves in the Ju iihiL;. hoase, She had told her. se.fah tndted times she iliJut caie, hot it didn't alter the feeling in the leat, ;nd she knew.evry . time she repented it I bit deep d vn iu her hfarf. be did cute a good ded. Yrs, te would go, and as she pinned on I t j unity til ick h if vvifh im re , v-i.iL', f'td tucked her haudd in a wo mult, nl'.ti flionji:f fo herself ftieie ini'if te ho n.- chance toex pl;in why Mtie h.i.lu't 1oiih a well as the n-f-t ol f he gii ia Th-re had heni lirfh snow tills ea o I i. t r.i r: I .w.i n.-ii.t rrid i'o- -: i U i:y .1 t .v M l-t -t. i, jt.. I o .dnid lo I IM I ! fi r'.i ', it.d t ISj ieie :,tt j..ii i.i !!,- bntit mm-. liyl t The iti.ii k hoirje n ia hitih e pir t!, i lie ai' vvnsr'ear. Jo'ri iiefid-s-ehe Otltleil a ftV Riith W -I .- prct y io i... k at, mil io-tu.-ti ei likeij Lei 6' well . 'You haven't heard a wont I eat ! ! ''Well when I ret old and b-eoie' 1 want to li-iv-f a fr-w of my seiojB efr, and mi ml- I hd sa.;h ond ue of lay tyes i UjoituMt I ucu'd let ni'- e i rnf " R-ith l-Hiti d, hut h ' would not look af iota a-iio, lor she had seen tbe love in his e-. es wu n .she did look, and she decided that the view fowyni ihe hi is was he.ttt-r. for bet than the. one mi near at hau i. 'Did you know I had hut one v;;I,-i.line tliJj year ? with a pt-cu itr empha-is'U the, "one." ''Didn't yoa have mote last vai?'' 'Yes, yent ht fole iast I had tU ty, and !ast tar eighteen, a d now thisM'irl am natrowed dowi to on? o Why, didn't tie i;'r!s " 'Yes, seventeen of theru aid. Six een thought L eot bsond the ase of fomat.ee and now ought lo lire on iheeoiids tf life, tnt.tLe sevM.reruth srl thought I might c!in to a little of the romance. I atn Lid there is one still holds to tbe c!d cV.atotn. It isn't niceto, "On ! lam sure the gi'ls dido7; ojs: ; " she stopped, for though she i ijriit. explain the meaning f f he t s.'iiir, could she txplam the otie aientine ? "C usin Albert totd me 1 should n't !;vaN have so many r;dejit!nes. and Le was tight. But it is onlvi . ' "1"'S'J- thwins ar ci.tvere.i wj.'L the e.d Of a Wesson that 1 have ben : . ..-' . , joguf sheeting, nd when rpteoi a !ou:; time learning. Martha sayp .. . . . f, ' " llhf have a . encurnfereuce of iw o- amtneonhavo but one valentine. , fy Jijwe The enfte appa Nov .hat, I have really come down .. poun. to cj-Mfiud that I have never ha.t .L, ,,elth:1 ,KS1R h;s t,ial,wi n bato .e. That 1 hae looked .for j the f in maehme fr.on f.o yeas first, and las; , ight when I , hl(..( ;,t(, thot i-iit wim' U won'd snean if too . . " . - , i- l! ' lret:rom :he gtounn. .-r5iusi vj 'or endiu: a';i var I could hard' ' , - '. - . dti th' v ti'fTS and seatiu-r h;m.:eit njv-n lyveitjog you ard ak if you ,hion bof)v o( t,c5:aM;fif.J., hl. wouk com 5onreelt as my vaieu-1 r. tn,,.(l btm-ell .tr f.r..n fne. Rjth, I Jove yon dearly;! I h'ES I a! wavs have. jj n -e -t ..ci ...v ij. Wokif th w,n;.H ,,iltl p.. fari.v,v hti's. Bu' her heart t,e ,ffiJf t!lH ,,,aM flurtl.r... thrnKh Hsf illoM-VHsber eyes wire lull , fiM i!h. a h.,l f of 'No b coulrt tjay !t,vo hundred f.ef a Move the so. face, she had b-e trying u ever "'"1, (vii.V(tHi f.tv. i . i ... i i. . i i i th-v started. "1 have fell so t.-any j tha. 1 couldn't send when 1 found!' you .i Jn'r tike valentii es "Web, you h-iid von lidu't s'pose one d the gills coaM make biscuits, and we dt-clared wKM like to stnoth j er you iu theru "; i "That explains Jt. 1 eouldn"rj thlL-L vbat I h-id d ne t 1 ring j down a flood ot that kind Wei', 1 1 , . i . i .. . i. .... 'N,., md.ed. 1 like 8 ........ ... i t ! oi'.jj it ! tt.rr iiiin nei-u-i', i'ui neednl just that to show me that I did i.s.o.M, ,1,701! What revolt! wa overwneuuvu ..not i infc. tllt. enlUe distance fion. th- .J lev&l thr e hunU-d and twentv "But I can! make biscuits and ' -If yoa could see the stacks at j .iljll9,l.niH fl3j,!k ap- horre, .ix'.en dozen of them, yon . an(l ,eifI,wi lff. Upon his wouldn't wor.der UmI 9- ! t r i e i he. sank pernaps fifty feet, and emphasis, I'm glad yen an t ! ; ( ,rijnet;ced to t:e aain, un Kuth tinned with laughing e:jnn;. iidtl IevU.hed one thonsand 'Ihen 1 tu-edn't apologiz-f" ttuud then gradually floated je-uch perfrction that be was ante to going to do i h them all "Tkc you home i:h me to ?Piing h n2. He also traveled in eat tLeui. You hareo't aoawtitd circles steeriDg htmBelf by a semi- ; n.r ..ieftovAVi. . . . i . i - "I'm- too young." tint a bright b udi wt- oo tbn face turned aain to lb- hill 6o laughed, liking ber uliv wavh. et sure that be hd seen favor in hfr ys. lie wished he c miM sOr pr ae ' her into tnrninp this way ajf iiu "Yes; I think- I am tK) youQ. Why, I'm only thirty ; but e can both te 'rowinc; ohler n fist as we can, and by next June we shall be oid enough.'' Dh Hi-isImI that her aid wm nee-c-vin in iMnsninm t j. . i i h ui ' s, s ihe stopped ro till Mrs. lUzeu, What .he i ould have seen in his face I cannot tefl, hut she went into the hone with the remark that it ".vooldn't lie the, Ust meal Hutu would eat lu Ihe Jennings house." Ilo htled tor from i,e catri.ioe "'.it. . n. ii ' e . i n .J , o-ni ! Ihe t hrk pony o walk '"eiNoiely in o the t peti c.s.i of tin- ti.ilti, he t-d lititli iiiio (ho bilting.room wl ere his moitier sat in hei ushioio d iaychau, and said: oie llimaltt home a lulet.filie, ninth, r one'lhit I am tritium kee '," an.i while, she drew the. tiiushm lace down "to hy with her tl.it), whitn hniitls aud kisaed it, io vent out hnriiedly to look afier t tie pony and whisper in his ear that he waa so happy. ' M refine Maltha c- tlo way lie stopped to tell her that ituth would ta to' dinner, but his lace must have her n a very telK i'e our, lor he miiiht y.it-t ntj wr have said that she was to ra luii vvi, and Mai Ilia shook hands w a heatf 'I' ii so jhid, Jo." dr A. A. M Roc, in Good Housekeeping. M'oiiderl lit if True. The prublem of flying has b; i n solved, it i- e!.tinir4i,hy a rn h hciru tist in berhn, Olto L.liienthal, who undismayed ty the lailuies ot the humlredi who have preceded him iu the same line of effort, has expe rimented until be can mo claim ap patently with some season, to have achieved success. Tfe Ldlienthal theory is that birds; do n' t exercise crear power in fly:i, but k.eej finar in :he nir L . tho. .articular in which tL -v man o . ,,pjr winsja.. Keasotiinj nnort lines, a, -liyi-hfj -m-ac! .inc. r. s:- bee eon.drufitt d "npors a tjirteiy of aiigl'r-, designed to catch tio- air tr; h? ever dt'ectiot) it m y come, or ttof.) whatever quartet. Tl "e alTatr is Pnilt in aimost ex aC t'U'ta'ii'n of the wings ! a ha' : :'rj" idicafe li's and ! tlv .jre" iv.i.ti' i of !'ow wood, which is toncr-i bu( the : 'er top info ;a'V. would push iv ,.y a boat ftottt fto- Aoer tbH xpetiment. wn:rn s-r - ! isfied biro of the practicability of us thecry-. Mr. Lii!iHtha! !vrd to gr -olual'.v mcteHe ' he a'tnu 'e. land for this purpose tie wnt o fhe sieej. hi!? of Rhi tower, near U th oti'jw, which rise- to U a.ror ! height cf three hundred and t a cry ! feet, its de b-ing; a s'ony chtl'bl most perpftidn nlar. 0 th top ol this hill he built a saiail lower, tnak- f (lotv:: . aHgbted gently upon tbe rt)jj, j ,,if4 pferimeiltH for j several daye, he eventually reached cirt u!ar attachment, doing tbe Same duty -.n rudder hm that dooe by the tad of a bird: To a moderate decree Mr. Liin en'hal app-ars now to bare accom p!;.bed the aerial inovemeDt of the. ttiti', ami ir ouly re-nams to be seen lu'tter he e.ui fJlsriotlv perfect his eysiem to.rise to, great heights, or in remain nlo't with thu (tame ndorauce n lo tho creatures de-sig-ie.l bj t-a'tire for 'that purpose. s The seinniist a drsciiption of the sensation wlnle saliiig through the a. t is c t iftinlx ..1 1 rnolive. He saya In t the lo in j; ot n.i iion i entire- l lost , so i-a y nol lre tf. u, fat igue is it. The ,iI n.-ji. . mKo of any stationary ol j-t t-, vhion himiM nix dicate tuovem in in the human b ing gie- tic Mits ithm that tho earth, iiist.- d ot tt . man hitnself, & 'n motion. A. t;.t, .f..r. .Iulu ; Uii'Kei- C'reafew Itatl INm-IIi.. The Stair svilto fj Midtnai k h- t: I ioiu ail nteoMilr- 'f ete ete solii iiiti-restn'i occur ences at. AlrXan drr rourt last wi-ek. and Judge Whitakoi,iu ace. -rdi.e with hia usual custom, Miceeeded iu tuakinif Hie Alex inder totks hate him moot cordially. Eiiday the toieman of ihe grand jury wnn into the court loom i( h.Miiue pr, Sf iitineur. Ills Iionoi looked at them, and hex ause tto-eounly comt:iisiom-rs were not indicted, iioole the loieuiall put all the prest ntu.ents lave one into the Move. Then he ient tor the other iritit jurors tod wii loi'anding the ).oy had not tinisiied us luisineSs sound yb rotrd I hem a;id told ihcni to o he had no lutther uio for ;io-rn. Whiie ihi. was uoiug on in the court loom Mime one went ;nto the gtand jury loom and found o.i the tabh; a presentment against Judoe Whitaktr lor not being ptesent to ojieii court Monday morning. It was alternant learned that the grand jury had voted ui.an iinoiiily io make! ihe preseutno n', . ":ur whether they w u'd have Oooe so hid they not h. en so sudd.i ly and unexpc' 'jy discharged is not jos VflyktiOWti, Trie news of t la? of.-. : tuj. iit cme to Whitaktr, ;is ,md I e asked to s-e ir. . It was sho n h'tn and he ''A-as bra til to io ::'! ." t?.-o ir t iie pietcea' ment bad o:-ci or ugtii in; o co'ittie wouid h.u ordcied cu iy mcinhei ot the :;iai i jury :ojd. l'.ol ' ilepoit e l t ;; St, r -r i t U'.i'i'-'' wiih heaid to r-' n. ! k1' hai he vv;.iiid aor have t d;e em ioj -.d () coti'se l.e ju i c ual I. e O i'ei o tia- She. AY ii jl. , oiil )l iS W.it .iT all ),Oyf.L U tho' e weuid i lo-noi anyhedj t:i A i X;t..ii-i I o execute tiaj crder !io. - ver, t;ii.i coiiLingcncv did not iris . Ii ,-.atd B -k's j.ucc-.'ssf.jl arliclo :ti tie January r,U'S'nopolitan ''on "Thi Young Man in Eu-itiese" has iiri ri l.plitio il n a tastrtul and ii a in y booklef loni. Hv 10 cenfa' by The tj nits 1'uhiishihg Company, of I ii.adeiphi o' i o lino recraic " .'dr. Ljk has added simi' 14 pageg ..f -1itori:il nM""r anHWeriosr ; "Phre Uuc-i tain Yonno- Men.'7 1 V arveiii J i;verj loIy. ! Ai our leadets shou d Mnd K tho ; Publishers oi Tn- IIon;e, 141 Milk ! Sr.. Boston Mass., and get a set Ot . t n ir b' au ifu! t a m ; i 1 1 i: J.itterud. j Tiiev (mii te us d lor eaibroidery outl'ing or painting. All deirab'e . and good e ze ; hq'm SxlO, others 5.f" niche-. Thr are ninety one , diff'-i nt patter n. an J two alphabets, ; ..(e large forget- me- r:ot" patterc- '.Vi-n this ontfi: the publishers Hend j The Home, ;i 10 pige pap-'T cou- taining Stoii-s, Fashions, Fancy Work, etc., for three ruoutbn, and only afk ;or lo crnts to cover cost of postage on p Uterus ami paper. Our illustrated Premium List of 200 premiums sent free to any address, fake advantage ot this offer now. One Way, "Do way to improve puliti ;s,T' paid Uncle Ebeii. meditatively, "is ter i u b it le-8 hurtabiu' anT run' thinks jin'; less torchlight keroMne, an' mo7 midnight lie, so to spek.'T IFaA iaqton Star. Subscribe for tbe Courier.

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