LINCOLN COUKIER, LOCAL DLTAliTAIENT. JTS STAB RETTED r w - Local Editor A Business Manager.' CHURCH DIRECTOR V, furtwLA.noT. u. Z, Johnston ....... Krfliil' nin.f .1 . uaay aaa e r; M. . daQiA dohool ?ery dual? a p r SmtiU fox you&s people avery Wednesday R n III Preachingjat Iroa Sutioa on firet' Bsc. rfS4kaua very 1st and SI Sunday U A. J., and x M. Li7TaaaA,-ttJv J. a. RudUifl, Fac tor. xibptu tot l.i aunday , Trinity, eTery W.oanaay j Uauwi'a every Sad and 4iA dan flay. Uuur lUa. m. ' LuxaaAM. tCf. L. L. Loht, Pastor bU.Mara'a atery i Sunday ; Cherry villa Try a Sunday. Hour, iu a. m. Li;xaruuJf Ohio rtyyoD. Rev. B. L. WfeaWtabareri pastor, Lutheran C imp el, vary iai auaoay at 10. 3 J a. in. and 4 tit tiuii Jay at 3 p m, Jtbenexer, 2nd Sunday atfpiatkQd 4th Sua lay tti 1U:3U m, Laboratory iliii, on, ua ud 4tu Sunday at 7 j ut. Bethel, Uc and 3rd jjaadaya at 10:3J, a m. Friday' School iie, 1st and fcrd Sunday, p a. iUax. Ker. Al. P. MaUieny, Tag tor. Prtactung, avery 3d aundays at 11 A. Al. and 8:00 P. Al. Sunday School erery Sunday at & P. M- Prayer meeting very Thursday eveaia at 7:00. Episcopal Rev. W.K. VVttiaore.Utt:. tor. Service every Sunday at II a u, ex- upt2d fiaujaysj at uiUt, oa 1st, 2ua mud every other 4th Sunday; iloly ooinrii union 1st and 3rd Suadaya ; eaieciuaiijg ol cta'ld reo evry 3rd duudy in th P Al. AH oeraialiy myited to attend, deals Free. UNCOLTOK.N. O.MAH 231894 All sube-cnters who will come op and pay their back dues oa sub scxiptloa at the rates of $1.25 and pay one dollar iu addition, can get ttie COTJBIEB one year from date of gach pajmeat. All who are up with Bubscriptioos to date can get one year1 subscription by paying 91.00 cash in advance. Tela proposition ia good only foi cash. --iiegalar Easter service wi'l-be fcftld at the Episcopal cborch on next TLere is a iittle girl iu Lincoloo too, leai than two years old, tbat koowa the entire Euglibb alphabet. D.rhnn Arnirm I'rwnm 'i'av a BLLira uwiuu A kin ii n nan requested to settle at once the mon y is "needed R. M. Bea.l, Town ilarsball and Tax Collector. - - March has been very quiet m ill demeanor this year, but April a ay show which way the winds blow. Ths wheat fields are making an excellent show and tDe prospects for a boutiful crop were never bet tsr. Harried by P. Carpenter, J. P., on 18th March 1891, Monroe Willis and Eliza Stallings at Jacob Willis1 ln Honarda Crppk Tnmnshin. The Mecklenburg Presbytery ceets at this place April the 20 Spring chickens will haidlw be ripe by tbat time. 'Some of our citizens have been trying their bands at fishing. It ihsy get any fish they send them in the back way. The gardens aie beginning ;to ahoW what kiuds of seed have D?eu planted. We expect to have a mess of beans oat of our garden by 'April iStb. Notice toe change in the ad vertisement of H. 6. Robinson & Co They have a new store and new goods, and everything about them is attractive. While going to mill last week frank Ramsey, met with a painful accident by bis horse running away. The damage sustained is not of a serious nature. ve wan; to lay in some new type tor use on our paper and if those who are in arrears with tbeir subscription will bring in wbat they are due us we will, in a short time, show them a pretty paper. Jno. L Cobb, calls attention to tome special bargains iu this issue. Mr. Cobb is well known to the'peo pie of Lincoln county and needs no introduction at our baud, Call and see his elegant stock of goods. The new Reformed church, at .. Daniels, will be dedicated on the 1st Sunday m April. Rev. J. l. Marphy will preach tne dedicatory sermon, assisted by Rev. Dr. Clapp, of Siswton. Col. W. H. Michal, one of the old landmarks of Lincolntoo, is n a Ytry feeble condition, we are sorry to learn. There seems to be a gen- era! breaking down ot bis entire ystea. Mr. D. B. Rbyne is about com pleting a handsome residence at the Laboratory Cotton Mills. Peo ple do not, generally, prepare a cage ualeei they nave an eye uaieei tney nave an eye upon some mm t t r w v bird to put in. Mr.Rhynehas the cage about rml. There was an important edn cationat mating Jtxehl at Chtrrj villa on lat Sar.ur.lHy. W were in t temiancb long enongli to get a moht ciceneni uiunt-r. li would bnve "beeu a great pleasure fo ns to bave taken iu the entire ser?ice but Capt. mitb, of tbe C. d railioad would not wait for as.- . The papers of the fifate should not give tx-couvlcts (murdeIer) notoriety b? speafcicg of tbeir par ticular fitneeB to fill important pos itions Mnce their txit trom prtsoo. We hare plenty of good honest workmen who have never worn the stripes of a theit or murderer tbat can fill these positions. The Colored, peoule. ot Kim?- doja, a suburban village ot Lincoln ton, bebeve in havitg a gay tiaa. Every. -night-ewries ont from it He sound of bilaiity.1 Sometimes, .the songa are of a religious natur, but generally the same produced by tbeir heels exceeds tbat ot religious fervor. Rev, J. J. Renn, Presiding El der, of Shelby District, preached in tbe Methodist church ou Sunday mghi. to ti attentive aulieucf. Our pcpln are wli pleaeil with him and -hops t'o bavw Ibira wrtb tbetn often. He spent Monday in town acquainting huo&ejf wirb the people aod returned to bis home at Shelby on tbe eveniug mail and passenger, train. On last "Tuesday Drs, Crouse aud Saiu amputated the leg of little ' Wiley, son of John McGinnis, who some time ago got caugjbt in. tbe machiuery at Aderholdt's mill and had bis leg broken. The injury wa of such a nature that the brok n 1 1 L t 1 . . . m, eu uuiuuouiu uoi neai. xne am : putatfou was aboye tbe knee. The little fellow stood the operation well aud is now in a condition to get well.. Having taken the' agency for the Spartanburg Steam Laundry; I will thank yon for your patronage. Collars, Cuffs and Shirts done up in style. Prices are cheaper than any other Laundry in the south Collars 2r;ts., cuflfs per pair -4cts. shirts lOcts. each. Regular price list ou application. Seud in yo;ir work. Satisfaction gairanteed.. J. F. Eudt, Agt. -Services at Sr. Luke's church on Easter Day act follow-; Morn- Prayer aod children a Carols zt sunrise, 6:25 a.. . m. ; Litany, Holy Comtnuaioo. aod sermon at 11 a. ia Evening Prayer and Lecture at.N7:30 a. m. - Service at High Shoals at 3 o'clock p. m. Rev. T. Wet- more will bold ervicfl at St. Steph ens In the morning at 11 o'clock and at Ohurch of Oor Savior - at 3 p.xrfAW. R. WetmoivE v-. ' J- The Gold Top Chair icj.f near Hickoty, N. O., have an"wadvertise meut iu this issue.. . Look it up. Mr. A. D. Vanhorn is the manager of this new industry. Thta husi ness was begun about 18 months ago, and hes grown rapidly. They make an excellent chair and should be patronized bv our people Let os eucourage every home industry Dy giviug our support as far as the industry can supply us. Mr. Jno. L. Cobb of this place has some of his chairs for sale- The best mutual insurance policy against attacks of sickness is to be found taking Hood's Sarsaparilla It you are weak it will make you strong. Educational fleeting. Good talks were made on "How ; kl and Mits Ella Nixon of this to teach perc ntage" by Profe. Cur ' I,a,-'e were married in Iredell coun tiss, Putnam, Moss,' aui George.! tv March 18th 1894, D. A. Barkley, Prof. Curtis ably discussed, "How to teach physiologv in ountr schools.'' Tbe religious exercises were condacted by Prof. George and the school This was tbe morn ing's work. Evening Programme. The subject of Geography was discussed by Profs. Cuttss, Put nam and George Rev. Westeu batger discussed "How to teach reading to beginner.-).'' Prof. George made remarks on 'Can teachers work up a seutimeut in favor of longer fchool tarns!'' Suhjct di8' cussed by Curtias, Putnam and Stroup. Prof. Curtiss delivered a fine address on '-The Public Sys- item." We will have no other meet irjg tb?8 season. Cherry ville, N. C, March 22, 1894. "What's in a name? Well, fiat depends. For instance, tbe name of Ayer" is sofficient guarantee that Ayer's Sarsaparilla is a gen uine, scientific blood-parifier, and xZ 7 T . by 11,6 Rame of 'Sarsaparilla." Ay- ers Sarsaparilla is the standard. noc a snam like so much that goes JTrvinr w it iL I1U. , iU PenonalH. Mr. Ed. Heizer spent tiuuda in Hii-kory, Airs. J. M. K'chardson is in Washington week. Mr. Tboa. Andrews of Charlotte as iu town this week. Mr. J. B. Drlimger, of irouton, was in town Wednesday. P. W. Carpenter, wade us an agreeable call the past week. Mr. L. It. Xount wae a pleasant caller, at our fiiatf this. week. -'Miss Cora Pate.'of Fair Bluff, N. C.,.i8, visiting Mrs. P. J. Pate. Miss Julia Haynes, of Char lotte, is visiting Mrs. A. M. Win gate. J. J. Vann a prommt lawyer of Monroe, died iathat town recently, aged 42 year. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Plonk, of Newton, N. C, visited relatives in aad near Lincolntoo, last week. Mrs. Dr. Crouse, aud Utile soo Stowe, left ou Wednesday for Beth" el, S. O, to visit Mrs, Grouse's fa thdr who is in feeble health. Houd'o Piils ate tl.e bost after dinner Pills assist digestion, cure headache.- Try. a box. 25c. A Big Telephone Llue. The several cotton factories of Catawba, -Lincoln and Gaston comi ties have euiered into an agreement to construct a telephone system to connect each other. This is doue iu order to keep up with all orders. lncaeone ffiictory receives an order fdr a grade of 'goods that it has not on baue, tbe book-keeper can telephone to another factory and get the order filled. The cen tral office of tbe system will be in Holland's drug store in Mt. Holly. It is thought the men interested in this big move will also run" a line trom Alt. Holly to this city, and make this a pay station. Xu case they were to extend tbe line to this city U would put Charlotte in direct and hourly-touch winb three ot the largest and most important couuties in Western North Carolina. Slaideii Letter. Mr. Editor : -Cotton receipts for the last week have -been much heav ier than has been'fbr some time. Maiden is still improving in the way of buildings. Mr. Bill Withers is building a new dwelling in tbe west eud of town. ", ' - A dance will be 'given to tbe young people of this; place . Friday night. This will be the last one of the season. Several of our young people attended a' dance at Mr. Per ry Bost's near town. All who were present enjoyed themselves very much. Miss Laura Carpenter, of near Lincolnton visited her brothers, Carpenter Bros. Several ot our boys , have been up tbe western roatl to seer their bejst girls. "Mr. Jno. Boyd is visiting in Char lotte visiting frieuds. Tbe ladies seem very much pleas ed witb tbe line ot millinery goods Carpenter Bros, have justf received. Tours Very Respt., O. Maiden, N. 0., March 21, 1894. Ayer's Pills are a mild but thor oughly effective cathartic, aod pleasaut to take. Lowesvllle Letter, t ED. COURIER : Mr. W. H. Hen- Eq., officiating. One of Capt. J. G. Moriison's lit tle boy bad tbe misfortune to break his arm Sunday 18th mat. Air. S, J. Lowe and wife have been visiting bore for two or three days. The "gold fever,'' is raging beie Maj. Graham has fine prospects at bis mine, Capt. Morrison is baviog an old vaiu uncovered, which w-g worked by bis father tome to ty or fifty years ago. It is said to be very neb. Mr. h. AL Lowe is prospect ing ou his tamers lauds near Triau gle. He says the prospers are fine, and that tbe gold vein is a large one. He has also beeu open'ug veins on lot owned by Hon. D. K o eaid, bere. Mr. W. T. Lng speaks dt working in his minH again at au early date.- He thinks tbe prospects are very good. Did yoo know that Lowesville was "on a boom" just now I Wrll it is sure. But it is the k'nd of "bootn" that "sticks. It Is not that elastic kind that is killed Dy the rebound, when the debts contracted if -rvt ,m n tt tvt f tit il 1 iiJlN U li) tMU'iiiuiK nit to be paid. Ibn biisineMg nnna f our I own art on a Bound titiiiiioinl with plenry of money io btck them ; and no il?(t$ to pay I). A. Lowe & Sou atti building a ware boofe 30 by fO feet and two Moriea high- How does that niuid f r a rounlrj -o.ioa" roaM-towu Thru Mtoie room ie 50 by 90, lwo Htotien hit;b. Wh believe we are f-tfe in HMyrttu lhattbeydo the largest lueicnautilo l uoiuuse ot any firm iu the oouut, both lor cash and on time. Their trade ex tends from Little Mountain above Denver to Mr. Holly, a distance of 20 miles. ;E. M. Lowe & Co. also do a Urge mercbautil business here. Mr. Price, Faveil of Maiden, has opened a black smith and wood shop -here. : ...- Mr. Jack Huggins, & carpenter, has located here. Also Mr. Smith, a machinist from McAdensville, aud Air. Jas. Steele a painter, ol Char lotte. V Those in position to know,, gay tbat times are easier toau at this time last year. It does not seem to be tbe debts contracted last year that is giving tbe people trouble, hut dbts contracted while rocny wa "flush". No v if we wriio; afraid of being -'mobtied'' by a cfr taiu class ot worthy ritizMis we he lieve we would say that high priced cotton was a curse to Lincoln county. And that it had a great deal to do with bringing ou the'preseut de pressed condilion ot tbe farmer. Had the price remaiued high the would have been different. High priced cotton -drove our corn fields from tbe Until uplands, to tne bottom lands along tbe creeks aod rivers, and then it washed the rieh upland soil, together with eocb clay nnd sand into tbe streams aud bottom landc, aud in many cases rendering tbe bottom. land worth less. The corn that is consumed now on these -once fertile plantations is grown in the far West. The pigs tbat once squealed when tbe farm er appeared with . a well filled corn basket now makes him squeal when his bacon bill is presented. Tbe farmer that can control the Export and Import of bis farm is happy, but when they are controled ty his ' Grocery Merchant' and it comes to exportiug money and im porting farm supplies be is aboat. ready to cry -'hard times.'' We weae taught from early yooth tbat it was brutish to ;kicq a fellow whilst down," aud simply airse to ask If "Pusher" of Reepsville is dead. He has quit talking, and a careful examination of the Mercury fails to satisfy us on tbat point. If be is not already too far gone, we do hope some kind friend will take him in "cut of tbe weather" as he doet not seem to know bow to take himself in With besc wishes for youtselt and successtothe Courier we are. Bill Shanks. Lowesville, N. C, March 20tb, 1894. limit II i m Up. Mr. J. B. Lewis, or Atiauta, Ga., had severe dyspepsia. Phseicians and all other remedies failed to cure him. He tried Tyner's Dyspepsia Remedy, aud afterwards writes ; "The first dose gave re'eif. I re commend it as tbe best dyspepsia remedy ever discovered. I have gained flesh since using it. I vol untarily recommend it to all suf ferers with stomach troubles." For eale by all druggists at 50c par bot tle. March 23, 4t. - Mrs. Judge Peck Dyspepsia Mrs7Judge Peck Tells How She Was Cured Sufferers frcjn Dyspepsia should read tbe fol lowing letter from Mrs. II. iM. reck, wife ot Judga Peck, a Justice at Tracy, Cat, and a writer connected with the Associated Press: "By a deep sense of gratitude for the great benefit I hare received from the use of Flood's SarsapariUa. I have been led .to write the follow ing statement for the benefit of sufferers who may be similarly afflicted. For 15 years I have been a great sufferer from dyspepsia and Heart Trouble. Almost everything I ate would distress me."" X tried different treatments and medicines, bat failed to realize relief. Two years ago a friend prevailed upon me to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. The first bottle I noticed helped rue, so I con tinued takin? it It did me so much good that my friends spoke of the Improvement. I hare received such great benefit from it that Cladly Recommend It. I now have an excellent appetite and nothing I eat ever distresses me. it also keeps np my Hood'sCures Cesh and strength. . I caonot praise Ilood's Sarsaparilla too much." Mrs. H. M. Pxcx. Tracy, California. Get HOOD'S. . Hood'8 Pills are hand nurde, and perfect in proportion and appearance. 25c a Toox. - fu tt tc rr iDL J IL iCL UC()IVI( M4llKr:T Krtioiti-d lor in Courier er Tnuri-Uy uioiuiu j by" J tt. B F Grigg : ' " ('Qtt OA .V . .-.v,-. . 'i .'. Wheat..; lu-r hu..i. .-. .. C Coiii new " ' " "...7!... 4o Meal : 5o rit-ur, Bahr 16 lbs,'. .. 1.50 Ki. ui I'Mieut " 1.65 0 f0 Poik lb .. ..; Bmn sides -".NC . 1 Bdcn hams " : 13 Beef " " round ...... 5 Lard : ' . " N. Cl. i 10 Tallow. " 5 Chick ens 15 to 20 Butter per lb ... . 10 to 18 Hony " " Eggs " doz 8 10 Baisa.w.-wA4 Ihi'.Y; J Hides, green Hide, diy " " Wool, washed " 1st class.. 27 Cabbage " " 2 Apples, dried " , 3 Peaches dried . " 41 un-.led 4 Peaches dried " peelod 5 5 Apples green per bu . 00- Sweet Potatoes " 40 Peas 50 Irish " " .... 50 Onions . " "... ... . 00 Onion sets " .... 100 Blac-herries dried, per lb 5 Bee- ..per pound.. 16 Tennyson on Nprln We have rbo word of Alfrt-d Ten nyson for it tbat in tbeppnng the young turn's fancier ligntiy turn to thoughts of love. It i singular tbat the great laureate omitted to mention ti e fact tbat it is iu tbe spring that a considerable portion of the humau race turn to taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. Pioba'iy noth ing but tho difficulty of finding a good thyme- tor thtf invaluable remedy deterred him. Crtiu it is that tbe old tune domestic remedies are generally discarded in favor ot tbe standard blood purifiea, Hood's Sarsaparilla, which has attained tbe greatest popularity all over tbe country as the tavorite Spring Med icine. It purities the blood and gives nerve, meuta', l odily. and di gestive f?tieogth. Public .School Directory. Supt. A. Nixon, Lincolnton, N. C. BOARD OF EDUCATION. R.Z.Johnston, Chm. Lincolnton. S. V. Goodson, ' I. R. Self. MEETING- OF THE BOARD. First Mondays in January, June; July and September. .Board may remain io session two days at a time wheu necessary and may meet at other times on call of Cbaiunau or request of onw member. EXAMINATION OF TEACIlERS. On secoud Thursdays of Febru ary, April, July, September. Octo ber and December. Examinations may continue through remainder of ot week wheo necessary. County institute iu August. . - lluiilret& of Vitiieeea. Stomach diseases, such as iudi- gestion, dyspepsia etc, are hard to cure with ordinary remedies, but Ty net's Dyspepsia Remedy never tails. Thousand say so who have been cured. It you have a stomach trouble it is your duty to investigate until jou find a cme. Send for book of particular. "How to cure dyspepsia'' free to Chas- O. Ty- er, DrueciKt, Atlanta, G. n 4aBBBBDBBBBHBHaBHBaaEUBaBDaaaaaHQB CAUTION. I r a dealer offer XV. X Douglas Shoes at a redncel price, r av he has them without name stamped on bottom, put him down an a fraud. USips GENT W. L. Douglas S3 SHOE THE WORLD. TV. I.. DOCCTL AS Shoes are stylish, easy ft tin?, and give bcticr talisfaction at the pricts ad vertised than anv other make. Try one pair and be convinced. The siamrtinsr of W . L. Douglas rame and price on the bottom, which guarantee their value, saves thousand of dollars annually to those who wear them. Dealers who push the sale of W. L. Douglas Shoes gain customers, which help; t. increase the sales on their full lira of eoods. They can afTo:. to sell s.1 a less profit, and we believe vou cr.n fave tnr-nrv bv buvir.gali your footwear of the dealer advertise 1 be!or. C.".tcIotn;e f'e; upon f.ppiic.ition. Ailrcs, "VV. IU DOUGLAs, Cro kton. Mast.. Sold b- Mauiev & Hro--., CberryviMe, 2 C. the GOLD TOP CHAIR COMPANY, A- D- Vanhorn, fgr. near Hickory, N, 'C.' call attention to their home made chairs. These chairs aro first clas in every particular. By calling on Jno T CtjD lincolnton, N C yucan he supplied ge will Keep them on hand. Feb. 23 "94. 2t. mm. O TjOTHCnXTGr. . , , . . iM ...... We place on exhibition this week our Spring purchases in Men's Boys' and Chilrens' . Clothing, and ask the critical examination of .the' public both as to price, make-up and ."quality. We are showing many new .fancies In Children's wear, and Mothers will do well to see our s ock before making a,8lngl purchase.. . . Oai claim that we have the best shoe made for the .money hi never been successfully disputed. Do not, " . to call and' see them. " " ' ' We have many goods hougnt much rel6 rvaf Valu and invite you to come and share these cood things with n We 'are' "making a "tpeclal offering of Rnxron A Havv 8hee?iog a 5cts. t For other bargains be Sure io ctll on t v , . . 0oX,IBIB. SPRING GOODS! SPRINGI GOODS ... THE FINEST LOT AiND GREATEST VARIETY OF DRESS PATTERNS. EVER BROUGHT TO LINCOLN COUNTY. Dress GOODS from Silks down. "The best of Irish Liuen, double with, 125 cts. per yd. Cali coes, new style prints, 4 to 6 cts. per yd. 3t in. Ogbinere ifd k..I frotu 3U;t. to T2c. W35 "Will, KT 33iE lUKDjEHSOILD, D..E. RHYNE. . .til"". Laboratory Cotton Mills. LAND SALE- L. L Jenkins, Cashier v ( L: A. 11. Wilkinson ( and M- A. Wilkinson. - dy virtue of a decree of ihe Superior Cburt ot Lincoln County, rerdcred fit tbe Spring Term 1893, in ne above entitled CHU6e, I will, at noon on the 3rd d;J r April 1894, at the Coijrt Jluse d or iu this bounty, sell to the highest fcid -r ' nt public auction the lands e; out in th pleadings of the nlortsaid action : $tiJ janda aro nov owned by L. A. 11. Wilkin son and are well located n Ibu -ionn Denver, Lineoln.Couuty, N- C-, c mi?tirji f about twelve acre on which is &itut' Tho Denver Seminarv surrounded by line arove of trees Terms of aie. wju h stated on day ot sale, This lt day aiarch, 1694. L- B, Wetmors, Commis ioner March 9, tds JUST RECEIVED A fresh lot of D. M. Ferry k Co's celebrated Gar den Seas- ALSO A NICE LOT OF SELECTED NORTHERN SEED IRISH . POTATOES EARLY ROSE, BEAUTY of 'HE BRON & BURUANKS, AT A W IR33IEIDTTS LAND SALE- By virtne o a Trut Ded inid to m; by T L) Kam-uar and o her, Trustee Tbe Lord' Sanctuary Church, A. 1 . K. nfL:ncjln Comtv, 2i. c, bich sd Trust Ded i- dulv registercl in Bok C raze 44 u the office of tbt J'.e'ister I Deed 'f tbj County, 1 will on ilt- 3n day of Arnl rest at n-xjn, at ti.e. Court Ii'us d"or in ih'm Grimy, t.j the highest bilder at public auction, fr ca-h th'i lni tmbraced in aid 7ru?t !-' d, crsi-tinz "f t ne fcre of lnl known Co?tner'fi Grove, adj viuing th- l.nJf.f A Cortnrr and others in tbi coud y. There ii Jc- ated on lid land a large mw church t'uilding, Ti is fill is raide upon "appli cation of W W MoU for whse use nJ tenttit the aforefaid Truat Deed wa eie cutd to secure the payment debt dne to bitu. and which said dbt ii due and un paia. This tl 3-d March 1694. L- B. Wktmohe, Trustee. March 9 :h td?. Parties desiring china paint- ed or burned, would do well to correspond with Miss Bee V- Alexander, Concord, N- C lso work in oil, Crayon, pas-talle.c. i n.. THE LINCOLN FOUNDRY & MACHINE WORKS Are still running and are prepared to repair Engine, SAWMILLS, THRESHERS, COttOD gins, and cotton mill machih ery etc., at living prices. Will also keep on hanK a full stock of castings, such as plow point, )f all kinds and sizes, hangers, md pulleys ; will also give rices on wood-split pulleyd. Will have a trood line of f.rpinfl and fits tings of all kin J s. Will alo have a S4 Black Smith to a- all kinds of Blacksmith work. Anv one having any work b done in ".ur line will do well to cad ofi tsa tor wood work and Bock Bottom FrUe. Orders from a distance will recalf PKOllPT ATTENTION. Give me h trial and be convinced YOURS TO SERVE, L- B. STIJTTS. Lincoln loundry & Machine Works. Feb 10, 1893. tf -LIME Important Notice. The fitief.r hikI chexpHt lime in Aiueriea cuti te haJ i i any quaotlty oa Mppl'C'ition to fh Agent at N. G. R. R. Station, insalnton, N. C. Au- 51892 ti TRUSTEE'S SALE. LAND )o app ica'ion of L. W. floyie and bj virtue of the power in me ve3td by adsfed ol fust executed frch 7th 1891 by Jao. hrum atid wife to me as trustoe to scoure tb pnyrnent of a debt to L W floyle, d fauh having been made in the payment of ai i debt at maturity, 1 will noil at public auction for cn at the Court House door in Lincoln ounty on Monday 2nd day of April 1&94 at coon all the lands described aod conveyed in said trust deed, ooasist ic? of the following tracts which in tbe aggregate ounpoe two distinct and de sirahle tarm) V wit. 1st tract of 87 acre known as part t "The Adam Keener place" conveyed toJobn Sbrum b S. Sherrill cem'r. 2nd tract of 0 acrea conveyed to John Sbrum by Oliver W Weataers ; 3rd tract or 3 ) acres ooBveyr to Jobn Shram by John Moore; 4th tract, of 53 f ;re conveyed to JobnS irBna by Sol m- nShTim ;otb a rrant from the JSJtate io 7470 aat i 20. 1834 for Ci acres Saidi deJ of trut is duly recorded in Lincoln county Kezijtry book 65 paje 101 at (eq , and referti:ce is hereby made to the (am? tor a full knowledge of U terms, ant a particular Jecriptkn of the land tbere in cnveyid- Tbi 15th f Keb. 1894. . Krank Parker, Trurtee March 2, tds. S'ibscrib? for the LINCOLN COTJ" RlKR, -51.25 year. J . Subscribe for the COTJEIEE"