f IE ILINIfNBUMEIB. LINCOLN COURIER, LOCAL DEPARTMENT. FS STABKETTK. Editor & Proprietor. CUUROH DIRECTORY". pMBTTBaiAH. Ka?. R. Z, Johnston, Fior. Preaching Tery 2nd, and 4th Bundaya 11 A. 21. and b P. M. iaalay Sohoxil erery duaday 5 p. M. Sr?it9 for youn peopla every Wednesday g p m. preaching at Iron Station on first uadaya, 3 P. M. Hkbodut Rer. . M. T. Steele, Par tor. Preaching every 1st and 8d Sunday, 11 A. 41., and ':30, r. il. Luthkiuj iiv J. A. Budiaill, Pas tor, iietapniige at try let Sunday ; Trinity, e?ary Sd Sunday ; Daniel 'a every Sad and 4lfe iSoai&y. if oar 10 &. m. LuiaKaAM. Rev. J. J. George, Pa&tor Bt, Mark'a Tery 2d duaJay ; Cfaerryville e?wy 4n aonJay. Hour, 10 a. is. Luthbilo' Ohio Htmod. Rev, B. L. "Weetenbarger, pastor, Lutheran Chapel, every 2nd Sunday at 10:30 a. m. and 4th ttunoay at 3 p in, hbenezer, 2nd Sunday fcl b p m aud, 4th Sunday at 10:30 a m. Laboratory All lid, on 2nd and 4th Sundays i 7 p m. iiuthel, 1st and 3rd Suadttya at 10, Jo, a in. .Friday '0 School House, lit and 3rd Sunday, It pm, Bapiwt. Rev. D. M. Austin, Pastor. Pitching every 3d Sundays at 11 A. M. aud 8.00 P.M. Sunday School evory buiiday at 3 1. Al Prayer meeting tvry 1'uureday eveniuir at 7:0U. IkriacuJ'AL. Rev. VV.R. Wttinore.Kt ( tor- Services every Sunday at 11 a ia, ex- cej.t 'id Sundays ; at niht, on 1st, 2nd and every uihur 1th Sunday; lioly Communion Lit and 3rd Sundays ; catechising ol childt rtn every 3rd Sunday in the P M. All curuiahy invt;d to attond. Snata Free. LINCOLNTON, N. O. MAY 4, 1894. AN OF FEU. All 8ubciibei8 who will come up and pay their back does on sub scription at the rates of $1.25 and pay one dollar in addition, cau get the Courier one year from date of aucb payment. All who are op with eubaciiptiona to date can get one year subscription by paying $1.00 cash in advance. Tbis proposition is good only fot cash. Fleaae lake Notice. Again wo would ask those who are in arrears with their subscrip tions to come up and settle, in part, if not in full. We cannot Stop our expenses and if wo can only get enough to carry U9 along without going in debt wo will be satisfied' for the present. We know tims are very stringent ju3t We have been at considerable expense recently in trying to give our patrons a readable paper, and wo are anxious to make other im provements. Let each one send in a pmaii nine jusi nuw, uuu uui ( burden will be made lighter and j yours will not be perceptibly greater. We hope this appeal will bo all that is necessary. We do not like to make such an appeal publicly, but we cannot make a personal j visit to each subscriber just at this time, though we hpe to do so as errly as possible. now, but when blackberries and itrawbernes ripen finances will be easier. Our paper must be paid for each week in advance, and the worthy girls who labor in our office week after week must have money to buy their spring hats drc, F. A. Tobey. Land Sale. J E OroNLAnd. Execution Sale. J K Cline. EL 3. Robinsom. General Mer chamiise. Look up and read Capt. Tobey,s advertisement in this issue and then go to see him We are compelled to leave out some communications this week for want of i-paee. Mr. Arthur Miller of Lincoln ton and Miss Lottie Thompson, of Denver, were married last Wednes day. Rev. I. L. Murphy, of Hickory will preach in the Metnodist church on the third Sunday night in this month. Rev. Geo. A. Sparrow, of Gas tun Co., preached a good sermon at the Presbyterian church on Sun day night. The Dudley Lumber company of Granite Fall?, N. C. have an important notice in this issue. Read and then benefit thereby. . All parties desiring to contri bute to the tund for a Statute to the memory of Hon. Z. B. Vance will find the proper papers in the Courier office. -Some scoundrel forced an entrance into ths Paper mills near this place a few days ago and stole about 18ft of belting. He may find it quite dear to him yet. Mr Jno. L. Cobb showed us a curiosity in the person of a radish this week. We say person, be cause the radish had the body and lower limbs ot a person con plete. Mr. Jno. P. Coulter, of Newton has opened up a jewelry establish ment in Dr. Crouse's Drug Store. He comes among us well recom mended and we extend to him a cordial welcome. We have several communica tions that wo are compelled to leave over for the next issue. If our people will give us their finan cial support we will enlarge so as to leave nothing over for a next issue. Dr. . W. H. Wakefield, of Winston, N. C., will be in Lin colnton, at the Lincoln Hotel, on Tuesday, May 8th for one day only. Practice limited to Eye Ear, Nose and Throat. Glasses furnished. John P. Coulter, of J.R. Par sons Harological Insitute, of Per via. 111. hasHttt up in our Town for the purpose of repairing watches, or any thing in the jewelry line. All who des'ro work done will please give him a call. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Communion service will be at Unity church next Sunday. Rev. R. W Boyd will assist the pastor, Rev. J. J. Kennedy. Rev. T. R. Sampson, returned Missiona ry will deliver an address at Unity on the following Thursday, May 10th- Public cordially invited. A fine property for sale near the town of Lincolnton is that of th3 Paper Mill, 500 acres of well wooded land, many dwellings, and a magnificent water power. This property is only a short distance from the Lincolnton Lithia Springs. Confer with the Editor of The Courier. Parties desiring to attend the Southern Baptist Convention to be held at Dallas Tex., can now make the trip at a small cost. The rate from Lincolnton and return is only $34. 15. Tickets will be on sale May 7th, 8th and 9th limited to a continuous passage in each direct ion, with final limit thirty days from date of sale, 3t. A severe storm prevailed at Iron Station last Sunday afternoon duricg the funeral of Mr. Monroe Lineberger in the Presbyterian church. Rev. Geo. A. Sparrow preached on Saturday and Sunday and conducted the funeral. The rain wind thunder and lightning made it peculiarly distressing and several horses fell from the shock in the grove. Died Suddenly. Mr. J, W. Bean, a former resi dent of Lincolnton but more re cently of Gastonia, came to this place last Saturday to visit his children who still reside here. He had been in feeble health for some time and came herewith the hope of being improved. He stopped m ith his davghter, Mrs. Mary Doty. On Sunday he suffered some severe internal pains, and on Monday morning about two o'clock he was stricken with convulsions from which he died at 2:20 o'clock. His wife was telegraphod for and arrived on the 10 o'clock train Monday. His remains were laid to rest at one o'clock on Tuesday. The funeral services were conduct ed by Rev. E. F. Jones, of Gaston ia. Mr. Bean was 65 years, 5 months and 8 days old. He leaves a wife 3 sons and 6 daughters to mourn his loss. Win. IT. Sftcbal, Son of Jacob and Catharine Ramsaur Michal was born in Rutherfordton N. C. Sept. 17 1820 and came to Lincolnton when he was 14 years old and began busi ness herd as a clerk with the late Col. John Hoke, his grand uncle. On the 17th. Nov. 1850 he was married to Isabelle Ramsaur, to whom were born five children. His life long friend and brother-in-law and one month his senior, has been with him in business and nearest to him all these years. In July 1890 his wife was taken from him and the shadow of this bereavement so saddened his life, that he was unable to bear the dis tresses that came to him in the lat ter years. Infirmities increased and shut him in till great weak- ness entirely prostrated him and he died April 29 1894, aged 74 years His funeral was conducted on Monday afternoon by his pastor from the Presbyterian church. Messrs. J. A. Abernethy, A. Nixon, Dr. Thos. Costner, S. W. McKee, H. E. Ramsaur, R. S. Reinhardt, pall bearers, followed by his old gentlemen friends in pairs to the grave. Thus has passed away one of the conspicuous land marks of the town. He was a merchant here for 60 years, whose business integ rity gave commercial credit wherevei his name was known. Reliable and successful, he served his patrons faithfully and none ever conducted or deserved a bet ter business. He was wll con nected with the old families of the county and a cheerful supporter of he best that has been thought and done here for half a century. He has been in the Presbyterian church and its oldest Elder and till 1887 the Superintendent of its Sunday School. Constant in at tendance upon the services of his church, liberal in its support, kind to the poor and a thoughtful con tributor tothe benevolent agencies of the church and the trusted friend of his pastor for more than 22 years. "After the pain and sickness, The tears are all wiped away; After the deep heart sorrow, An end of every strife ; After the daily crosses. A glorious crown of life." ''He came to his grave in full age, like as a shock of corn cometh in its season." ''A woll insbeep'i clothing"' the substitute offered by tbe 'cutter" as being just as good as Ajer's Sarsap arilla. If you don't want to be bir.. ten, insist upoa having Aver't Sar sapanila, even if it is a little dearer. Depend on if, wili be cheaper for vou in the eud. Personals. Mr. C. H. Odell returned home last week. Mr. John Michal, of Hickory was in town tbis week. Miss Flora Eudy, of Charlotte, returned home last week. Mis3 Kato Carroll, of Shelby is visiting friends in town. Rev. M. P. Matheny, of Gas tonia was in town on Monday. Miss Esdale Shaw of Rocking ham was in Lincolnton this week. Miss Eva Sumner, our post, master visited Charlotte this week. H. M. Massagee, near Lin colnton, made us a pleasant call this week. Dr. W. A. Pressley, of Rock Hill, S. C. is a Lincolnton visitor this week. Mr. J. P. Cauble, who has been visiting in Charlotte, returned home Wednesday. Col. Wm. Lee Davidson the agent of C. & L. R. R., attended the Pearson meeting at Yorkville S. C. this week. Misses Prue Crouse, May Da vidson and Jennie Johnston have gone to Yorkville S. C. to attend he Pearson meeting. Messrs C. D. IIuss and father Henry Huss made us a pleasant call on yesterday. They are resi dents of Johnstown N. C. Rev. M. T. Steele has gone to the District Sunday School Con vention at El Bethel near King's Mountain but will return to fill his appointment on Sunday. Honor Roll ol Piedmont Sem inary Tor the Month End' IntT April 27lli 189. HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. Knox Johnston, 1.00 Walter Keener, 99 Lila Wilkie, 97.8 Johnnie Carpenter, 97.6 Jennie Armstrong, 97.5 Curtis Bynum, 97.2 Minna Bynum, 95. Roy Roseman, 95. Daisy Reinhardt, 94.2 Annie Davidson, 94. Bessie Davidson, 94. Lannie Quickie, 93.8 j Nettie Cauble, 93.5 ' Charley Wood, 93. i Tom tVilkie, 92.2 Bright Crouse, 92. KarlDetter, 91.4 Georgie Bartlett, 91. PRIMARY DEPARTMENT. Lena Reinhardt, ?9.5 Kate Hoke, 98.5 Bessie Cauble, 98.4 Sallie May Quiokle, 97.5 Mamie Starrette, 97. Kate Roseman, 96.8 Sallie Doty, 96.3 David Quickie, 95.5 Fay Quickie, 94.1 Isabelle Tobey, 93. Orvis Bartlett, 91.2, Bessie Childs, 90. Myra Summer, 90. Kate Burgin, 90. Mary Neal Roseman, 90. Fred Heim, 90. John Abernethy, 90. Eugene Pate, 90. Tbe Bonipg On Tour Face. Are caused bv impure blood, and will never be well unless you cleanse it aDd build it op In richness and parity. Botanic Blood B!m, tbe great blood purifier ana tonic, is what you need. Ooe bottle will clear your complexion and purify your blood. Try it. Price 1,00 per bottle. For sale by druggist. Origin Spring Days. Tbe spring should be pre-ouiineut ly a season ot contentment, happi ness and hope. Iu these bright and pleasant months tbe country should enjoy its highest degree of tranquili ty and prosperity. Botapring, it is well known, in often a period of dis cs nnlort and dis'uibanoe in tbe pbuical fjsteuj. Important organs ot the body boo -me torpid 01 irieg ular in their action, and the fact is instantly reflected in the mental condition of tbe individual. A dis ordered liver means disordered nerveo and a dull and untf ady brain. Anything which will bring tbe physical system into harmony with budding Naturs con fern an e normous benefit upon tbe nation, besides tbe mere allaying of physi cal discomfort. Hood's Sarsaparil la does this, as thousands of grate ful and happy men and women can testify, and increased use of tbis standard spring medicine is of more real practical importance in promo ting health and quiet in the busi ness world than reams of abstract theorizing. There is more Catarrh in this section of tbe country than all other diseases put together, and until tbe last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many jeaie doctors pronounced it a locai dis ease, and prescribed-local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure wjih local treatment, pronounced it lucorable. Science has proven ca tarrh to be a c: nstitutional disease and therefore requires constitution at treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure mannfrc ared by F. J Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., is the only consti tutional cute on tbe market It is taken internally in doses from 10 drcps to a teaspoonful. It acts di lectly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one buudred dollars for any case it fails to cure, aend for circu'ars and testimonials. Addres, F J Cheney & Co., Toledo, O ErSold by Druggits, 75c April 13 h 4'. The Courier Job Office IIS IPI.AC5E T 61ST U1 BH.Ii IIABS9 ILETf EH HEADS EKVEI P ES. A KB ANY (OTHER MIKB OF JOB YU WISH. Satisfaction Guaranteed, ed to Promptly. LiUis May BntUy Born ajQenius Dlieac Threatens to Cut Chort a Noble Career ut Mood's arsaparltla Restore Good Health. Lmu Mar Batfay U an aMomptfc&ed elooa Uoilsi aad natural bom ipMku o ealy in .m,, ot ao- She U tat oaly oMld tamper uoe fcct ur fcfor tl pubila. Hat gealiu, howarar did not axampt bar from an attack of a iiaa of ttatlood. Her own wordibest tell the torn " C. I. Hood ft Co.. LowH, Haas. : " 1 aaartlly Join with the many thousand that are recommending Hood'e 8araparilla. I had Oontlnued to Grow Worse. I wai pereuadea finally by a friend to try Hood'e ftareenarUla. The um of one bottle aoted HoodsCures f actively aDon the blood - - - - ij improve. After the ue of three bottlee the gathering owvlMtf'l 0t V ,ormer rouble. I ? w?rmjr.. oa1 Wiu alweye remain a true friend "r, ShelbynUe, Indiana. ot HOOD'S. Hood8 Pills aot eaally, yet promptly aad aeieatly, onthe liver and bowels au. LWCOLTOX Miltlt JT ReDorted for the Courier every Thursday morning by Uapt. B. F Grigg : Cotton 7 Wheat per bu CO Corn new 45 Meal 50 Flonr,BQhr " 100 lbs.... 1.50 Flour Patent " " . . 1.65 0 00 Pork lb C Bacon sides u " .N C 7 Bacon hams " " 13 Beef " "round 5 Lard N. C 10 Tallow " 5 Chickens 15 to 20 Butter per lb 10 to 18 Honey " Eggs " doz..... 8 10 Rags "lb '. A Hides, green " Hides, dry " Wool, washed 1st class. . 27 Cabbage " 2 Apples, dried " 3 Peaches dried ' " un peeled 4 Peaches dried ""peeled 5 5 Apples green per bu 00 Sweet Potatoes " 40 Peas 50 Irish " " 50" Onions " 00 Onion sets 100 Blaeberries dried, per lb 5 Bee8wax ...per pound.. 16 Pnblic School Directory. Snpt. A. Nixon, Lincolnton, N. C BOARD OF EDUCATION. R. Z. Johnston, Chm. Liucolnton. S. V. Goodioc, " I. R. Self. MEETING OF THE BOARD. First Moudays in January, June; JuJy and September. Board may remain in session two days at a time j when necessary and may meet at other threes o; cail of Chairman or req'ie8r of one member. EXAMINATION OF TEACHER. On second Tburfdajs of Febru ary, April, July, September, Octo ber and December. Examinations may continue through remainder of of week when necessary. County Institute in August. A GRAND RALliY OF EX CONFEDERATES ! Al an informal meeiing of ex confederatc soldiers; held on the 9th inst., it was unanimously agreed to have a grand rally and a big dinner at an early day ; and to this end all said ex-soldiers are earnestly requested to meet in Lincolnton on the 2Sth of April to fix the date of the celebration, to organize, and to effect all neces sary preliminary arrangements to having a good time. Recall the days of Bethel, Sev en Pines, Cold Harbor, The Wil derness, and come. April 11th 1894. Many Ex-Cosfederates. 3t. J.'Ttos. McLean is opening up the marble business at the old stand and is now doing some work. De has a practical experience of twelve years in the business, and his work mansblp is too well known in Lin coln and other couDties to need any commendation at our banns. EGU3 for batching trom selected thoroughbred Black Minorcas. 81-50 for 13. Satisfaction guaranteed Address, Jno. K. Pattzbson, Concord, K. C. CJ XjOBXMiii33rC3r. We place on exhibition this week our Spring purchases in Men's Boys' and Chilrens' Clothing, and ask the critica 1 examination of the public both as to price, make-up and quality. We are showing many new fancies In Children's wear, and Mothers will do well to see our stock before making a slnglo purchase. Oar claim that we have the best shoe made for the money has never been successfully disputed. Do not forg.et to call and see them. We have many goods bought much below teal van and invite you to come and share these good things with u. We are making a special offering of Rox'on A Heavy Sheeting at fcts. For other bargains be Sure lo call on SPRING SPRING THE FINEST LOT AND GREATEST VARIETY OF DRESS PATTERNS "EVER BROUGHT TO LINCOLN COUNTY. Dress GOODS from Silks down. "The best of Irish Linen, double with, 121 cts. per yd. Cali coes, new style prints, 4 to 6 cts. per yd. 36 mi. Crfebmt ro itd':c-il frum 30 a, tu -2J -it. WE WHILIL, ISOT IBIE UIDjEIRSDILD, D. E. RHYNE. Laboratory Cotton Mills. A Shoe Merchant Cured. Mr. Jas. E Carlrou, of Atlanta. Ga. had a severe case ot ind g' tin that baffled all other tried i'.iin-. He used Tyner's Dyspepsia Rpmn dy. and afterwards writes : "I had sever Indigestion, g., rounds f food on the stomacbe, and eevtr pains. Tynera Dy-pepsia Remcij promptly cured we. I commend it to tbe public as tbe best remedy tor mdigeetiod." Try it. April 20 4t CAUTION. ir n dealer ofTrrs W. T.. Donglaa !hoen at reda"l pric, r Bay? he has them without nam stamped on bottom, pat him down a a fraud. 2.6o Ladies r.UU l.75' W. L. Douglas S3 SHOE TxV&klo. W. l DOUGLAS Shoe are stylish, easy ft tln, and pive better satisfaction at the prices ad vertised than anr other make. Try one pair and be convinced. The stamping of W . L. Doug-las name and price on the bottom, vrhich guarantees their value, saves thousands of dollars annually to those who wear them. Dealers who push the sale of W. L. Douglas Shoes gain customers, which helps to increase the sales on their full line of eoods. They can afford to sell at a less profit, and we believe you can nve money bv buying all your footwear o'f the dealer advertised belvw. Catalogue free upon application. Address, TV. L. DOUGLAS. Brockton, Mass. Sold bv Maudey & Bros., Cberryvule, N. C. An Antidote TO HAHD TIMES & THEIR RESULTANT EVILS- A WELL-SUPPLIED THINK1G-SK0P and Frequent PotionS of Bottled EnergY, Call and see, B.F. GRIGG. 7 13 fr Oil VV't-r.' GOODS I GOODSi Owing to the Failure of a lagre Tobacco Manufacturer at Mt- Airy, . C I can t vv sell you a fine tobacco at a very low price having bought a large lot very cheap, I a's" J t ion B Indoii. R k L rip -h I -ii'rjj? CHEAP. MY STOCK OF STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES IS FIRST CLASS SATIS FACTION GUARANTEED botfi in QUALITY & PRICE. iH AM TO Be Mir N: VERY TRULY, A. W- REEDY. North CMrolina) Lin to In C'oumy j K S iTHX - In S 'nrinr 'ort. Bel T- C E Child-, etc. T YS Notc. J M Kmwur ) t-tc of North Car lina to thpno r-i Hent defen-i.nt J 1 Hatnaur i . above . ti' icl jud5 tnr.t. Y.iu Kie her .y r - t'fi-o that, ie h f. nun e plai'iitT R S ira7 'ill move . fore th- u- d-ri;r ed i- rk "f h' iio i i.u'to1 L no ' 'unty at hi ffice sfti-s ;ut't tin Fri'iriy lt'i dy ' J 184 at 12 o'cl-H k "vn for lenre to i-ae -lecution on tie judgmnt M abo'e e-i tit'ei azain-t you now on the Judgement Uo of Lincoln County frwn 2, pg 248. "vd motion will b" made cn tbe af Cdavit now or fi'1 in thii office on t e ground ttJat a i I judg-ra nt hs not b9a I aid. and you rc 'otified to arrar ut Slid time and pine" and h'.vr chum if acj you csn why f-aid Lave should not , oe granted and why execution should cot is isu. Wifje mv hand and aeal of to5 fice tbis tbe 20th day ol March 1S34. C E Childj, ci. II seen 30 ATTENTION! In medicine quality is of prime importance, at J. M. Lawing's Phar macy can always be found the purest and freshest of Drugs the mar kEt affords' As0 can e fo1111 Paints, Oilsand Var nishes. I A Nice Line of Stationary- l T.. ....... . Ar lateft popular tvok-. Prescrip'ions crefolly eoro- ponnd-(j r.th by iy acd ni(h Ca' a'd h osu April C I100