7jTME ILIi(BILK(C(D2JHIEI JJJL o j j t 5 LINCOLN COURIER, local )i:rAi; r;iA i. y S !'A K ui'j 11 E. Ldiioi fc J'reprietor. Cli U KU11 1M liECTOU V . Presbyterian. Key. . Johnston, pastor, rreacbinj; every 'JqJ, auJ 4th fcjnday 11 A Al. aud 1". M. Sunday School every Sunday ; i. M. fceiviW ir youn peopla every WaluosJay j p m. preaching at Iron Station on lirxt uaday, 3 1. W. j.rruiui3T Ke?. M. T. .Sfle, 1'as lor. I'rea'.tiln every 1st and aj. Sunday, 11 A hi., aud J;JO, I, hi. LUTUKHAN. liev J. A liudisill, 1'a.s tjr. liwtbpkagtt ufcry let Sunday ; Trinity, efery ii Sunday ; Darnel's every 2nd and 4ltt Sunday, llour 10 a. ia. L,CTUKaAN. He?. J. .J. (Jeore, l'a-stur Cherry ville 1st aud It. d Sunday 1U::'(J a. m. STice3 aU" at njglil Sunday School e?ery Suudav. S;i vi- e at .t. Mark's vcry d and 4th Sundr.y. ut 1 ' a m, Sunday evt-ry Sunday. LuiUKttA Oulj Key. C. 1. "VV tiutenharger, pa.-.tr, biuhciati Clmj.el, every 2nd Sunday at 1 U..' a. in. and ItU Sunday atii iu, hh-.u-i.or , -nd Sunday at ii p in aud 1th Sunday al 10. oO n in. Laboratory Mills, on 2nd and 1th Sundays t 7 n ui. LSutuol, Ut and ,id Siudiys at 10.30, a in. Friday's School ilou-e, l.-t and 3rd Sundays, i j it.. Kptist. -Key. D. M. Austiii. Pato-. ! i'ita'diin every M Sunday hi 11 A. M. and b . 1. .M. Sim. lay School every Sunday at 'J 1. M I'ihjit n nii: tiVfcry lliursday voniru at 7M. Kpiii'Ol'AL. KfiV. W'.ll. V tUi.'P:,UfC. t.r- Serv ii-es every Sunday at 11 a in, ei cpt M .uiiday.i ; !! nijilii, n 1-t, Ju l and every other 4th Sundi); ll"ly Cinu.iini"i let and iird Sundays ; catechi-ini; t ch'ld rtu every Ilid Sunday in t!.(; 1' M. All cordially myit'-d t" aiu-nd. St at.-Prti. LLNCOI.MON , N. C.J U L V li, 1 SIM v. on i:k. All fiubciitHB sio udl c.oaie up aud iay I heir Diiek dues on tsiih 6ciition at the rat-H ol l.'Jf and fay oue dollar in addition, can get the Courier one, -.w from date of such payment. All who aw up with eubcilitioiiM to die r.au get oue ytjar tiubscription ly paying gl.00 etiii in advance. TLis .ropositinn is goott only tor Mr. I). U. Hoover, of Concord, attended the Keimion. Mrs. B. Smith, of Atlanta, is a truest at Judge V. A. Hoke's. Maj.C. i". V. Harper was in town at the Reunion. The State Democratic Con vention will be held in llaleigh, Aug. Mh. S. S. Morris, of lronton. made a pleasant call at our olliee this week. --Prof. J. J. Cirorge Principal of Cherry ville Academy, was in town on Tuesday. The infant son of Capt. C. E. Childs has been tpiite sick for the past tew davs. Boy ne A: 1 ladder, jewelry, and B. Nichols, furnitvre tlealer, of Charlotte, have assigned. The Blowing Keck crowd re turned on Monday evening, much pleased with their visit. Mr (J. P. Cansler, of Lawn dale, called to see us on Tuesday of this week. Mr. Ephraim Carpenter glad dened our otlieo witli his presence this week. Mrs. Lyman, widow of the late Bishop, who has been visiting at this place, has gone to Anion. Muj. II. W. Burton has as his guest, Mrs. Whitesides, a sister of Secretary Hoke Smith. Dr. Collins Denny, of Van derbilt University. h;;s been elected President of Trinity College. S. H. Wiley, one of Salisbury's most prominent citizens, died sud denly on last Monday. The Tar ill" Bill has made the trip at last. It passed the Senate on last Monday hy a close margin. Our foundry has been reopen ed under charge of Mr. E. V Stubbs, a fornvr resident of this place. Mr. M. n. Carpenter, of B. eps ville, who recently graduated at Wake Forest, called t see us on Tuesday. Messrs. Andrew Hauss, L. Ltonhardt, A. C. McCasiin, and T. J. Saunders, paid us their respects on Tuesdav. We are pained to announce j that ex-Sherill Nixon is confined j to his bed with fever. We wish j for him a speedy recovery. J We heard the blowing of "The I estihub' last week, and we hope to get another pull at it before it itb to Washington. Rev. J. T. Renn ami Mr. J. S. Mart in returned to their homes on Monday, after attending the dedicatory services of the Method- st church on last Sunday. Mrs. John Craig and son, Mr . Kohl. Craig, of (Jastonia, spent j Wednesday night of this week here, en route to Wowing Lock. Mr. Y. E. (Jrigg and wife, of JJoston, Mass., who have ben on a visit to Mr. Crigg's father, Capt. H. F. (irigg, have r. 1 urned to their Misses Janie and Zula Patter son, wJio have be -n visiting the family of the editor, haVe returned to their home at Concord, accom panied by Miss Mamie StarMle. We ha e I.Ot V. t le,-olle ac- fllstolned to t lie change of sched ule on the (J. C. railroad. 'e hope to become reconciled in a few days. Married, at Croiisf, N. C, on July fith by Rev. II. Z. Johnston, Mr. J. P. Cornwell to Miss Jennie Nolan, I, daughter of Dr. W. W Noland. Mr. Percy Costlier and Miss Sallie C-'.iisler were married at, Daniid's Church on Wednesday evening at s o'clock, Rev. J. A Kndii flicejt ing. J. T. D. Lane, a former quill driver, was in to see us this Week. Haing trod the editorial path himself, he knows the n.-.-ds ot an editor at this season of (he v;ir. There w;h no drinking nor disturbance of any kind at the Soldier's Reunion on last Tuesday though th. erowd was immensely large. Mr. Jno. N. Hauss le.ive:; this week for a visit to Statesville. He expects to attend the Pea body Normal School at Nashville. Teiin., during the coming year. Puties desiring a lirst class lady teach, r, can he put in com munication with one who is thor oughly conip'tent in every respect i by conferring wit h the editor o' ihis pap.-r. We are sorry to note the fail ure of Brother Ashe, of the Raleigh News A' Observer. We hope mat ters may he arranged sat isfactorily to himself and aii the parties con cerned. See. ad. of University in our columns and write to President Winston at Chapel Hill for cata logue with pictures of buildings, also for little hand-look entitled 'University Education, what it means ami how to get it." In the advertisement f Bel wood Institute, we had board and tuition .fT.bO per month, when it j should have Been $7.( per month. Please note the change and govern yourselves accordingly. Tlie Methodist church at this place was dedicated on last Sun day, Rev. J. J. Renn preaching t lu lled icatory sermon The church building is an excellent one and has In-en completed for many years, hut the important matter of dedication was neglected. We have received a catalogue of Lenoir College, at Hickory, for lso:-LV.4. Rev. R. A. Voder is president of this institution There was an enrollment during the last year of Ii'm pupils. The college building is an elegant brick structure, and the Faculty in an able one. We realize the awful fact tha times are hard and the rnouev is soarce, but we should rejoice if our subscribers ami others who are due us for services rendered, would pay us enough to ke. p our head above water during this summer. Come up, gentlemen, and settle in part if vou cannot pay in full. The excavation just beyond Cornweb's shop, on a piece o property belonging to the town, it kept up will eventually spoil a beautiful building lot. Let the excavation extend upward instead of downward, and the lot will be preserved. Lincolnton will not always sleep Mr. J. T. l). Lae tells us that the dog got among his sheep and L-ilUI several of them. The dogs I were killed by the consent of the owner, Mr. R. G. Rut ledge. If all men would act like Mr. Uutledge, we should, in a short, time, have more sheep ami fewer dogs. niporaaiil IiiUili5 The ?auning industry ot our town is an important factor in our I progress, ! began th Mr. J. Tho-;. McLean j business here a year or two ago and it now promises to be profitable. Blackberries and to matoes will lie the principal fruits canned this voar. We are proud of this industry in our town and ' hope to see it expand. Jeatli ot'C'niX.l'oiiiielly: John L. Connelly, conductor on tho C. tv L. K. K., :-,.d about iM years, died of typhoid f. v.-r at the resident-!? .i hi.-; nioth. r at Le-noir, C., on last Thursday. II.- wa. :i luemlH-r o,' the M' tliodi.t church, :m! a -o.f mail. Tin: train of ,1 ..! rap'd :;t.-d in inonriiiijg !'. ,i nun. sympathy to the h.-ieaed. Ii .S. S. Iiti, r 1. 1 l-t W'-. k We nublishfd m short itfin about Mr. S-IiuvIt that does Jiiiu a gp'at injustice, and w wi.-h to Hft ..ins. l- s and Mr. Srhuyl.-r I right. V; wen- inforiKi-d thath.'i I'-ft this pi. to- at night to avoid iii Minn- oi 'iis. in.' pane's that niov.-d him preferred ni-ht time Mr. .ehuyh-r g..t onlva small portion of his in..uiv ob tained in the libel suit reh ired .. J le paid, we are toht. as far as he could with the amount received We thought him an honorable man and we make this statement with out having seen .r he u.l from Mr. Sehuyl.T at. all. i i : M of ; i s at i r c v i : s vn Ti Tl leiiMMr:i ie ti'rs ut l.iiM'OllI CcMMllV, The tow usliip fx.eul ive commit tees of Lincoln county an- le rehy notilied b call tli primaries to convent J lenioci at ic it. usual ! phioes for holding them, on Satur day, .July l'L 1S'H, for the purpose ol eieciing iel"gal s lo Hi - v o u ! 1 1 V ! )emocrat ic ( 'on vent ion, w h ich is hereby ca 1 !ei I o t on s t ne oi i Sa I u r day, July L(s, lsftt, at li' o'clock M The county Denioeratic coneu tion will held for the put pose of choosing delegates to the State and the ( !oiigr-ssio,,al e tn ent ions and to elect, a count y ! ein.crat ic executive commitb ', and to trans act such other business as may come before the convention. The Committee recommends that a bo be provided at each township convention, and that ev.-rv I emocrat vote his choice of candidates for Congress, and in order to carry 'it this recommen dation, the following are requested to act as pi ll-holters : Cat vw r, a Sim.inos : P A Thomp son ,1 F Reinhardt, L 1' Siilor.l. Ii:0NToN ; S ' (.io. .l-;o:i; .1 Reinhardt, and L P. Camo. I p Lixcoi.nton : S V McKee, Crooks ami A P Rudisili. HowAnn's Ct.kkk 1 A Cotai D Hauss. and Philip Carpenter,.! P. North P.r.ooK : P P P .li.lin Stnmey aitd T P denks. The voting should be allowed to begin at 1 o'clock A. M. ami con tinue' till o clock P. M.. The secretary of each jirimary j u- cGcC 0lle uaUxta Dollars tnvention is heeby instructed to reward for any case of CrtTdiih that keep a iaithtul r.-cord. of all wlwjf.L booni'd by HaIIV Catanh vote at said primary and to tnrnish j ' a true copy of the same to thej county executive committee. The county .xecutive committee earnestly nipiest all pemoerats to attend without fail tic primary conventions, and to give at ;-dl times whatever aid in their po"er towards securing success for the Deinocrntic party both in county and State. .1. M. RoiiKurs, Ch'ni, S. S. MolMUs, Sec'y. County Dem. F. Com. Red faith never grows weak b having to wail. Sufferers taking Hood's Snrsapatilla for ehionic complaints shonhl he patient, and the result will be satisfactory. Hood's Chios. An HiiloriiuiuU All'iir. t hi last Friday, dor (Jib-on, of ' The ( Jibs.-u Headlight." ag.-d H years, shot and killed a negro boy named Will Davis. Voting (iil son, as the story goes, had lost a scarf pin vortu " cents. 1 he col ored boy lound it ami brought it to (Jibson, win. accused the boy ot stealing the pin. The boy said h" did not steal it. an.l started oil' siving: "Well, when you feel like paying ne- a nickel, you con do no." (Jibson ;-aid, "I'll give you a nickel and mor. too,'" and went into the. house. A pistol report was soon heard ami the negro lay j j weltering in bloo.l. loungdibs m escaped and hi whereabout unknown. ar- Ayft't IV.lshadall others as a family medicine. Their reputation is world-wide. Subscribe for the Courier- Tralj JIciIi-incM. 3lany nn-li ll j d the tiiifke'. liormiu li o d R !uj is a conscieu tto-jj-ly Loa.j.-u d. d inedieitie, tt e result of feri .war." piactice by an eii.inent pii.y.-icio.. It is the Ltst blootl purifier ever ( flVred to the puhhe, and is gu tranteed to cure if Kiveu a f.iu tiial. Try it lor all si: and blond "disease., iiicln ling cit.Mih . fi 1 ileieiLil mii in iin wrr-t j follli. ): U;!!-of ll CMiIaiiiS mo: e eur.i; ive and buihlmg-np vr fMo .' hi a di z n f any other kind, Ti 4 I he Oid li I..ti!e.'' See ad vei I eeuienf. i-Vr thr c-'-i'KiKR j Mk. Enrroi: : Heavy rains fell I Ju re Moiulav and Tuesday. Veg etation was much refreshed. The wheat is very poor, h-s than of a crop is being made. The Newton niie- played the M trganton nine Tuesday. In Newton's favor, 1 1 to P. A crowd of young people ae at Blowing Rock enjoying the open ing of ( ir.-MiJPark Hotel. O. P. Heath ami family have ar rived. 'Improvements are being made on the New t"ii Cotton Mill. H will soon be in tj i ra tion. A large croud is expeepd h. ie the f.,url h. will speak. Di Jtvs of ( V.ncord R.-siet:t fully, X. June ;;7t!i 'ol. V. livvvtur'. euloil N. C. ' ii 1 1:5 V nig ei.vi '.t-h us in t li. i t'ti li.;: s.tea1 Ohl should j I s.-.tsfs. W 1. 1 - on a in. j ; i .v of the I f .ci CI O e ii - tt i Iiial Hoe SO lll.ie , eber : Ii : s ' i! --h hivi io'' ate due ;!-;'rv-' mui.e otOiii.tlt of b ' b ' il l ll . t's .S-t.iM.t- it 11 c; :v ;o'd ladicai i I nie-.-u ei- i ;;', iiie ss hole thing is ex jt .-.i '. t:.v..i !,... !,s nl.. i i '.ro' ,n ((.'tal- i li.f , liniMlfl ."mO : ..1 illl ;l,ill COil- .. ii . ;;.e or. i oKoi xngetmlf s;o it ic:e i.iuifs, tt i it 'i., k.tbiev I'Mini' " .'.id li v e: ; ;i Vignr.tii (s. ami and I hut .to e:rt. ;-e i, specifo for i i ! ! :S( I (be . .t I :.-.- e.g' tis, as Weii ,."s f.. iow ftUnb : JHi ol V. . S -ttMll, Oi TifO I'licl J- Ull. .4 ii iblti n. The old coins that have been ly ing dormant for so many years have n.vn forced by the stringency of the tine s to show themselves Ib-nry Tavlor, our barber showed I . . jus a oOets piece dated 1811, that looked as it it had be-n resting a lonr time. W hen a rabbit nobs j jMp( a ,lolmv vou ,an smo,C(l ihim (iit if vu cannot move him i m anv oiin-r w ay. How s Til F J Cheney & Ce., 'i'oledo, 0. We tno imdeigae:', liave known I-' J Cheney tov lto l.tst 15 yenit, aiitl beieive him pel f-l y lionorab'e iii ail biirine-s 1 1 au- it boie anil fi-iia.::i.i.-'ly i-bhi io i toty out any oh l .tio'is iiomI by I'te.ir tirm. We, r iS: Trvt x, V?m!es.de Drug ui.sis. Ton i!t, O. Wahbtig, Kuinaii tSj M-!,n, Whoiesaio D(ugist, Il iii'.i (Jabirrii Cmo is taken in iei ii.i'ly, actiioj; d icctly lion the 'r.eod .oi'l tnncous tvurtaces of the j system. Testimonials sent tree. P. i. t V"e. per bottle. Sold by all Ho' d's Pdl aet easily, yet j)rompt iy and t rlk'ientl.y, on the liver and bowels. 2f . ,tle The Hoard of Commissioners of Lincoln County will me. t at tin court house in Lincolnton on next Mon.lay, duly ., 1MM, for tho pur pose of revising the tax list, and valuation reported to them. At said meeting all persons objecting to the valuation of their property, or to the amount of tax charged against them shall be heard. r,y order of tie- Hoard. Ii. C. Woon, Clerk. duly i, 1NM. UNIVERSITY OF N. CAROLINA. Includes tin- College, the Uni veriie t he Law School, the Med ical School for Teacher.', College j tuition 5HM.MM a year; hoard $7.(X) to sLLlM) a month. S.-ssion be gins Sept. fi. Address President Wiuston, Chapel Hill, N. C. 1 .tiii stt.i v n,iiiii:i . li.... ! y q, . " " Co: ion 71 4 Wheat pr t.u CO Com 70 Meal ... to Elour, Bahr 100 lbs JA Klein Client . . J i;;, o o 1'o.k o B tc n !e "..",('..... 7 ' B icoii t: iiiih 1.; I to1 1 - 'l Ifi.li.i . o Lnd N. C. 10 'i"VUiv .... UlileUeus r, lo L'O Butler pi-i ib .... lo io IS Honey E'.'gs " )0. s lo Raus 44 lb i Hitles, green I lid (., Oiy Wool, wrsImmI ' 1st cl;if;s. . L'T (ibb;tjie App!.N t'.i'.i-A I V.i iie.s di I. d Peachex diietl Apples glcMl p ii 1imI " peeled . . bu t i "A .on" o so 00 0 0vl Sv'et Po.ittes " l'eas Irish ( . otitis Oaiou sets? ' ' Bhu bellies diietl, li P.eeswax . . er poand Hood's is Good Makes Pure Blood 6crofula Thoroughly Eradicated, 4,C. I. Hood & Co., Lt.vwll, Mass.. "It is with ilc;isuro tliut I jrivt you tin hUtils of our littlo M.ty's sifkii.s an.l h.-r return to health liytho use f Ilotxl's SaisapAiilla. She was taken down with Fever and a Bad Cou,h. Following this a soiv fame on her riht si.lo le tween tho two lower ri!is. In a shoi t tune an other Itroko on the left si-le. Sli" wouM tako epells of soro mouth an.l w lien m- h;nl succeeil- cam overt'oinniK mis sue muim snner wnn ai tacks of high fever nnl t?pel hlnotly looking corruption. Her liea.l was atteetfil ami matter oozed Horn her ears. After e.n h attaek she le- sTii parJ canio wor anl all treatment failed to pive her i relief untii we lei.ran to use Hood's SarKaparilLt. . After siie had taken one-half hottle we could se , that Shu was l.t-tter. eontiimed until sim 1 had Uiken three hotties. N.nv stif looks like i Tho Bloom of Health and is fat as a i'if. We feel grateful, and cannot say too much in favor of lio.t.l s S.irsaparilla." j Mrs. A. M. Ai.ms. liii.iau, Tennessee. i Hood's Pills ' 't easily, yet promptly and efficiently, ou the liver and Lovvels. oe. LifvIE Important Notice. Ttit liuest aiitl clteapwftt litiie in America can he had ia any quatitiry on application lo in. Agent at N. G. R. R. Station incotnton, N. G. Aug bWJ'i It k; WSg&L 'Vs MM m The Deering Improved STEEL BINDER With its J..iiitol Hatf-nii, Hi..de.;i ruck done away with f-ri'ver rilltOCCiII A t-Foot Tho Decring Hiiulcrs are Light in DRAFT, STRONG AND Durable, and have IM MENSE Capacity. The WEEIIING .MOWER. I The Nw Deenn- 1 n iwnn: Th Iiocrin.? uine-r oint. Th." Trins Onos.il.jri Mowr. THEY NEVER WEAR OUT- . . - TmvT IDEiI5iliili:y A HEARTY RESPONSE OF A Wise and Discriminating Public to the bargains we liavo advertised in the Courier, " has deter mined ns to continue these Unprecedentedly Low Prices ON ALL KINDS OF Dress-goods, Dry-goods, Shoes, Hats, Under-( wear, &.c, &c. Tiur Lest values for the money ever placed on this marke are to he tbuiot io our plain While and pancy, Diess and Neglige Sbirt., prices range from loot, to SI ;() and are act ually worth 25els to $2,25. Tiie few remaining Straw Hats "e have left we will ebe out at hnlf-prue. ov is your op portunity t buy seasoiuibie goods at half their value. Sp cial ailetitu u If dm eletl to m u at ti acueiis in CLOTI1IN0 and SHOLS j Everything is w itirtiitedJo le as iepivsented. We simly iht interests J ol our Custouiers and it shall evrr he our pnrHse to j name lite lowest pr'ee obtainable. I IJefore buying any kind of SHOES, sco how cheaply thoy cam be had of, A THOUGHTFUL MAN, a man desiring to do Ids duty to himself and to himself and to his h-mily, would say. "I make it a point to investigate before buying, and see where it would be to my interest to trade; and always trade where 1 can get the best goods at the lowest possible ei s ' Dry Goods, Groceries, etc. Ib ie jut a lew :ie?o b.u-.oiis o aic i ll -ioie : s - Km lotli, rethic ed I it via lf lo 1V c-ts yaid : TUania Siiiiiiii Non-h, iclncetl Irom 11 to JS.UrlM. .ik! ; Pi-ini.m Willi's, n ilni'ed fiotn !." In Iil. is y i'd ; (5 lt tie Chev al i mi 1 1 ii m , .".'J iet;-e, 7'. n V'l.t ; AM oul Aii'.(i', mlut't-d from .'. lo i'LV'.eif aid ; M miv ll'e Nov ll h i-, re'In.e.l finm l."i to PJcIh. yhH Maiiviile l!i ;! ', pii r. l(Kes. ;nl : V i . 1 i S o inc. le-bucd from 3 f !o lUAeis y.r-i' : Muiili" iHf Di'Hperv, 10'h ml ; B .flv Li v ns, reduc d from Ur. t li?3:'t. yard. W'lth lirst'class goods low prices, eon I'liiently arranged htoi -loom, polite Salesman, etc., we would be suprised to tail to 10 eeive a generous portion of your valued patronage. Laboratory Cotton Mills. Dudley Lumber Company. J) A WIIH.XAAT. V.s. I' ; UOOi;k 'Jreas. l II WW HLIC.K, St.-,,. ,l .l.r. GRANITE FALLS, N. C. Building if.aterial I of all kinds. JJoors, S'lsb, Lumber diiii! I OS , We can nflbnl we have the best of Timber at our door. Gontractois Builders will save money by dealing with us. Oar shops ate located ou the C & L Ji It (Jolers itcive pronit attftits. i ADDRESS. Dudley Lumber Co., Granite Falls, X. 0. Ale oU iliit-itfnietl in 1jIui.oiu conntv ? i'hi ii lako tUe coUUIKIi (rate. Call er .send for Circulars '3TZ- VI - THE NEW DEERING MOWER - n r.TD --T T-kX r BEST TWiNelN THe WORID. -irwimti&o m -D.,II(D 0113 IB, HIWPECT FULLY, 1 1 mt to give g.scu LaiLf.un be ican- Subscribe tor the CoUKlEB. n.-cnoing mis onu.-run invnuien AMSAUK, BURTON & BIS AN Eli

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