iW ;;-:.v ft if mm vol. vi ii. i.lNCOIJiTOJJ. N..C, FRIDAY, AUG. 3. 1S94. NO. IS SSl SS: wm - 00 3SI0d0ai3313 OLLNVHV " -1IS3AUI 0J 3JIS3P no. JI iVWWWiWWi'.VWAVW.V.V.VAV BELWOOD iNSTiTt Prepares boys lor the Xijn;-iisir.- '1.. girls for th; onior ,, n ( College. Ky:0lliJM!. : study of v.M-nl uiitl ih- :j I.hSh.: Tboroogb Inet ui ti.oi . ).. i'cmuifeiciai AuihiDftic. Board Hud tuition iu Kut.li: h -;7 HEY D.. F.,:T; Professional Cards. J. W.SA1N,M.D., Lias located l Lincoln! on ,t...i ..t fers hid services physician o in-' citLzeus ot Linuolntou and ciirn. ; i iug country. Will be touud at uignt at Urn Lm coiotou Hotel. March 27, 1891 ly DENTAL NOTICK. Df. A. W. A it-Xu!) iier v.:li i-e a Ll8 ofllce at Llucolul O.'i, .luo-. An gust, OcfoLe;. Dtcinii. i, i". i. luary nod Apiil. Wili m M. Uolly, July, yepteintn-r, N v. mbf i Jaoumy, March Hint M . Pa rouage soticifr). i . r us -n BDd modt-rate. E. M. ANDREWS I VVlio'esale'anu KetuiTDtalers in IL UCUJ UWJ l O 1 1 J I ) I I I I 1. I 1 I VJ 1 II VJ ot tt-u piects, fiorn L'U (in to ?lf,!MH. Parlor Suits pce-, funu 5- to .(u).uu. SIDEHOAUDiS EXTENSIONS TABLES hoi) $4.00 co 40.00. Ghina Closets S15.00 to S45 0U. fffjtnttr fi;il!rn 'l.0o to 85,00. lmh and Picture'- S3 00 to af20.(U), CPVCJTES and LOUXGES I S7.f!0 in Sl'i.lK), ! rt w --- -- - kO Sf-M- o jkDd oll T 150 00 to f JqO.O to 800-00, ' 16 and 18 West Tr-uie vSr, CHARLOTTE. X C-! Jan 9fi icqi ' ! II. l'l:OI,-. .S'JJO 00 : lJ?Z.Ji:Ain a " r , ' i 2 .i-,-; - :"i:;t!'-; 'tact, that the country was M.lri, n V r f Diiol.l I'll it A Oil 1 I. 111... 1 .. -I. : !. I '1 0 .ti .- j . .c : :.:::,l,vr": ';,. ' ,i' .'tei.ce. and that it w AI . bom., ...n.ntlv o,,ro,: ZJitZ , b -oducf business and ru ;r. r - :J " . i - e,,-con..; ; .:V(llihood nnaer the ir U,a 5 A A nWilO'i'Hk. otlaM and order. o j T'iO W 1! -a- O, II M nji j.jnriAv f?: -r;,v. nr 1 j V' l'.i .(j-.. .AOl q ., ;; J. ll.J , ) ;( -, ,v;i C) J)Ir.Hll .mi. in, ,-m '' M'! .V'p'.-;';.fji! n:n M .ii e 1 .niiitt.'l tit:i . r;t( 1:U'.-M i-'J -. . itj.i, ...i J j,, y, uiM(iui( :i, ,.4 'i,.v.X.: a . I-" .mo-jj iJut;.u.. r ut i'iik j;,,..j ,( 2IUtlM-MV H Ml .''I 1 lU-!.!iJ- :4-MW Ul ffJ.JU. H y, T,,.f j-' AI "(' ja .MV.( l'U' U Aiifl..i, Xji-..-1 ,ivlI Xjjinpj UMU jno i i.TM..,i. ii p. t(Arij n no 0A4:IU it..HS r t'-M.l;tll M , . , ,.i J. .(- i'U l'.i.!l.iMl JniJ '!'"-. j.i! A:4 . ia.:.p yv:i n.;i.;.".,n ..r, -. ,.,;-.:: i..., i-iiin.i.).-. .mi., , .jv -f - ! i uj 1,- , (ri i .i.-.y ,, lUVDOAf V ei. N't s.v.oti r " r"rj.i:'.v. C1I-RI "I ':! "!n 'A3I ; ; ! I'llih O' i T'l Who, J:,.f . . ; --a:; I v , Aviiicii an ih;!-.;1 liver laiVi! to iit THE PRT.VE NT r-f, :. - i ! 1 1 -i in:, cry M. li or .iir-vi.-h r cjhc is Wf t. liquid or iver-i and quick I cii ricH oli'the ( liieiitofihe '! i I III t 1 .1' pur- native (!' 1 .! pill elv . t:d-.e - LieT Jo'i "I l.l.v.. I ; . , Vtlil'S. .ih-i ;, ; Ji. V i:.! . i l.l. iris l.: . i I. t.) l.-li-U1..1K-, l.i.r in ., JlA., S.-lni 1. r l.i.l. .1 luvsrii, !. i'U.l.- IfrtS nil- . j. ii. y.in.i ; Don Mm lo v i v--;;; ; r un.'.-r the !!. ! v -f. r t"-':ntiii:.:: for .;;! ju i rin;.; -ui .!'..- :t t ic . , . .ii a means r-' :u;d insures :r.:t in c:c".e of 'IVnti;;.:I Saa - n. : v- It i a siiaj'l.-; ::''0 iue:n;:- of ' finery rrucr- :-. : tl-f brnoht of bi! n: f-iiine 1 H in: an ? of su;po- in mM-t yo:! your fnnilv ri-;ii:i't v. your ; lo.it Ii The !ix:io oftlu- :.lon rr-WZ-V.i. Oi' contract:;; are not We will o. - to uit 1.:, Mil", CVO'lh.l in tne ..! make .-.It 11 1 1 r.-. i.t.n.: ; if .u wilt f,-" I y, ur a-.Uiv-x to - V. J. P0Sf.?:V? Mau;ti;er LlcjKirisrs'. nt oi: Cirotiii.i ,t- .j t Ki'g'b: hr.l . !t jr. 'hi I:-!' -.ill ' s.jiuii ii.V 'C - -; -o r c-v ny V i . i . ; j wondei lul liii-iiiei: rire . r l.m.wii. .so) J SrOloJfol'l ut t?.L M oh'LT Ia.-- lit!)! ill 110 I it i. in A U-v. v V !-, .vv i.-: -vt1 i, I .... ... . , . I Cnf I i t OPP. f'A'.fhT (-!;; . Vv'V ; i ...i u. c. i . . . . . , i "V '.;: .a.. .!,.( -,M.nl,. i .... . i I A w.;n. m's reply to ;i man who si ; chat woman caused ail the i r.m;.J jo ih,- v,,i Id j V"U- iv "tw;i. t!i w ifiiaii that i r -.1 Ati.iin'? 1'fiil. i tismk 1 4-. it Vaa Iio t .if mII. lust In. -k in niv 1)I1-, aiiil v 1 i jM-i' i iv 4 Lli ill 1 1 ;. i !! '.' l.V ..IS-il sh.-. Il ut ie Ait 'lit. . !M.i' a Y i ; 1 1 Li , t!i' inMiait ji.Oil, Irnil va.-. I.ii hblil.l iji-loiv Mh- Was iiiailo. Hot ald-r his in, Adam, just like a man, .SuIKm lull! i' I hack of Kve a -5 last as he can. W iJ.-M s I. ni voice in tin- ari!i: lv niL'fnt. nd he wIhihmI: "'Lord bh-- ate il. i just look a hi;. ' nd suice thai, sad tim I am s-.-r- i v to Nay, , i.Man always ha? act. il tho wry J same way. ji'he wife takns the brunt, while tin- man sneaks behind, lhit up pops his hij,ad from behind Ins salt- coVi i , W in u trials an- past and dangers a i i i Hr, And he crows loud and lorn; llke a I n ild t ha nt icleer : 'See J shield and protect hr. the weak little dear! ! How noble is man! for vou know all the evil Way caused not by man, but by Eve and the devil. ?1 Ella M. Pro,er in Minneapoliri Housekeeper. 21 m21i-4, 1 A' K .'' 4 ir ot itic tf iivr"l ualHou in ,19 'fi 'e I5ecirij. llubhai-d, Price vV: Co., of New York, in their weekly market re port, say of cotton : "To write an intelligent view of t !:e market, which exists simply .to a memory of the trade, i tin 'oeediniJ.ly diihculty problem, hut one that must confront every oV'Tv one who attempt to review, jv- n to a limited extent, the cot ton maiket during th'j past week. First and Joremost. itnitst ho de li iicrately staled tliat there is ab solutely no speculations in cotton based upon the idea that tin; ju ice is so low that, it justifies- an invest ment oft-apital simply upon the basis of its value. On t lie other hand, it is well considered that from the character of the advices received from Europe, a laro amount (A' cotton has been sold for forward delivery by exporters in tho interior towns r.nd markets which has not l;een protected by by the purchase of contracts eit her in New York or Liverpool. With the pvospects of the crops, this is an unusual fe.ttu.re of the mark ft at this season of the year, as the method of selling cotton is s simple and only involves the outlay of a cablegram, that it is a temptation for many to resist. American spinners during the past we.k have been encouraged by tin- hettei tone to business which is apparaot throughout the coun- j ti v a result, of tho i.tiimressioii I if the disorders in the West, re- Jsnlting from the action of the rail road employes. The fact that the government promptly suppressed what appeared to be on the sur face a serious condition of affairs has had the effect of diverting the minds of people from the losses which thev hav-' incurred miring e past two years, and brought forcibly to their attention to tne still in as possible earn a esent m.eth- ry fre- jijuemly tuch a shock is neeueu to change the tone of mankind, and io this extent the troubles in the been beneficial, al- t housh their immediate cliect was 4i to derange all business operations. 1 ' ''Accounts regarding the grov yi rsi i ig crop which are received from 1 1 1 r- C'ltton hv'll ur.' -it tho most fi-j r.;tif natiiU, and th(- woiiih r l tin- trailf is that thvir eit-.-t ha ' nrr 'fn mirf in:rkel ujon v:il- ii-? than records show. csircely a i:.iudaiiit is hanl lroin any n.;i'tion of tlie territory, oxcentinv; muimuis r.iaiuin ia-K 01 ram nn ? out h western Jexas and trio much w.-t weather in the Atlantic States and j'ivli tions as to the size ot t h.- i r. ) an: freely mad.,- on .in i.i.v'i inline . I--'! hy tI)M whu like j l int.tMi'jv in 'stiniaiion of the Sei.iji on the lmh tlav of July. At the sMiiit- time it j . that the nice of V''U to llil( colli. n toiiavi is practically the same as it was in ,Mav and forty points below what it was in the month of Feb ruary, after passing through a period when all the inlliiences iiave be. n b- i!r;i:r-N values. "it is two asserted by many that nothing but. tio- hr.nd of Pro vidence can prevent the ciop fi.'in reaching a large e ld, but some how ihe experioi.i e of the p.t y-ars, even including the J, K h to bale crop, has been to show tliat at some time between this date and the. marketing of tne creji some accident has happened whi-h has caused those who based their calculations on an enormous yeild on the crop prospects existing this week in July to regret that they had not waited until later-m the season. Doutless it is the conser vatism resulting from all this ex perience that has prevented the good crop advices- from bringing; about a sharp break in the value of cotton. "Therefore, at The moment the situation as it presents itself is is that the prospects for trade in this country for the coming year are greatly superior to what they were this time a year ago, and that the price of Jcotton is about .f-J.OO per bale less than in 18l , with a reduction of the visible and invisible supply of cotton as a re sult ot this years croD. To offset this we are confronted with the possibility of a large yield the en suing year. The solution of this combination will be found later in the season. It cannot be deter mined immediately." A !a?il Ifrive tn 'iVxus In the Panhandle of Texas the rabbits are very nearly as much of a nuisance us they are in Aus Jtralia, and the problem of how to exterminate them isa serious one. Unlike the prarie dog, which moves when civilization readies his habitation, the jack rabbit t will remain very near the settle ments and run the chances of be ing killed. Parties ai' formed to drive these rabbits. A triangle, with the sides about a quarter of a mile long and the base about an equal distance across, is formed with, closely constructed wire fences or wire screening. The hunters seperate very much as in a fox hunt and. going in a circle, meet a shout distance below the base of tic,- triangle, beating the grass as they go. Then, clos- ; ,i i ii i i .a.. ii. .. m- Kl'Hmt'111 llu trianule, and the animals suspect I no danger until thev -are huddled together at th.o point, They try to jump the f--nce, and, failing in that, made a rush to retreat. The hunters are armed with stout clubs and kill them by tne hundred, ft is not uncommon for two or three thousand to be killed in a single drive. The sport is an ex citing one, as the animals are ex ceedingly quick in their movement and will execute some "sery artful dodges to try to pass the hunters. K NIG i ITS n f M A CC A Ii E E.S Tti-v'Stite Gomumn-itr wr'tes ns fioia Lin.'ei'n. AV , a f.'l.w- "After try. in;? "Her it idicir.e I r ul.at -femol to he a very ntinate cmiifi in our 4tw ctiM , e. w.' n i.-.j Pr, Kn.'s New Di'Ojvery an I at ti'C fcad of vv. tlie cvuih -n- tirb- leii, tliom. Wo will not le with ,,..t c h-i- slier, f.s -or eXf5ri.?ri. e prove? p V'V: tLit i civos vh-rpail tn -r remean-s iau. .revea". i?ite Com v ny Dot s-e u,!s l- , ,ir(0i sr rt:at meii' in. a ttiil, as it is o.nranteed and trial bottle &t iree t J M Ltiwiri,; Pru Stare. Regular sizo 50c. and SI 00. "Ivii VuriM it.r i.'m i4r 11; . ('A' hat. ! am about to write will !. Hi in-arlv the words of the loan uh .se story T . , I 1 l '.l as no-mi -ry :.n j make it.) "I was t orn in Canada. Win-i: j as t-n v-its o!,l I came with my parents to the United State, and with otte r members of the family began work in a cottoi. mill Jieing large of mv ago, 1 w is very soon g-ttiiix seventy-live . entsa day limn- money th:.n ! Collld jaT f.,r a Week's Wolf ;:i ti,.' i place Ueie 1 came t rom. Mv father took mv wag.-, until 1 was twenty. hen I started for myself, I g.,t good pay, and imme diatejy b. gan to lay up iiioj,ev. Befoic mill and after, I used p. take care ot a lot of fam v fowls. and to train dog-., out ot wlm h business I made more moiii-v Ahi. i! I add. d to what 1 t -..:!. ill-" in t in- miil. Ii. lore 'hem 1 had ein.indi t.. hire a saloon, ji.i a In . o-.- and o. into t he in pn :r busi ness. I m a Voting and a mint ions, and did:dl that 1 could to attrait. U-I io my shop. In my ehoi is i 1 o -queiitlv br.,.- the law, and as the pros, cut ing .iLynt m. am bu-iee-s. I was oil, ii ;.rr. :t.-d toi iliegal sale. Ten times have !..-: i b.-lore t he coin ts, .mil while! n.-wr haw got out into jail, l iiaVe h;ol tn pa V lots ot money for breaking the law I did not understand how it was at first that 1 wan look up si. 1 1 1 ii. ii Alt rwaid s 1 did. U'lio. 1 ! . ..!. selling, if a man got musv an.! nasty in his talk, 1 would Jiu.-tt'-him out. Tii at would loul e lorn mad, and he v.ou'.d get some boy underage to buy a'iint. or some bopy to come and get drinks on Sunday, and first. 1 would know the officer would be on me, and it would be 'settle or the jail.' Af terwards I took their auce and filth, whether it was agin my grain or not From the first 1 in.v..r iiked the business. I neva drank myself. I never liked Mie taat- oi li.pior. and edter seeing what miserable beastly fools it iuadc of nn-n, i could not P'.iu.'h tiie stuff anyway. But I kept in it because there was money in it I could buy ch; ap i ; .. . t- l . 1 1 1 , . i ,., .ill., u.p.oi at, a l.U.e J r:.-. ...a., .t o.muo and a half a gallon put. in my : h..p and if 1 sold it by the (Inn.: it brought me six dollars and some times more. That's a pretty i o . profit. Afier a while 1 said I . ill ouit the business, and I did and went to Work by the day in I did before I began to sell rum. Yiiu ask me what made me (piit the business? I'll te'l you ; my wife and 1 lived in the same house where we sold tne liquor the sa loon below and the tenement over head. We had some children, and once in a white my little girls would come into the shops, no matter how much we tried to keep them ovd. and most always there would be half-drunken men in the saloon, and these girls would hear their talk and see their actions things I could not tell you; and then they would go up and ask their mother what it meant and keep talking about it. I saw that nothing could bo worse for my family than seeing what they did and what we could not help their seeing. Besides, 1 saw tiiat the children of my neiizhbors who kept saloons vere growing up bad. Some of the girls were street walk ers, and the r.oys were beginning to drink and 'bum;: and I said to my wife I had rather -hovel gravel at ; dollar a day than to see my .oris harlots and U1V bovs sots. Then again, I never had any peace. After I got to bed some half-craz-td man would begin to kick my door and -holier' tor me to get up and give him fc'.une rum. Some times lour or five- v.oui.t come in and make a night of it. I '-mid not get the drunken fools out. If it was cold IM got to keep them any way, and if it was not cold and I put them out they might , toll on me and make me trouble; land i h id to sel up all nurhr j and cfian 'up wa-h ihe tloor in j tho morning, and sometimes t!nv (had. -pent their nion.-v elsew h.i and I no.-r::ot a ceni. I'.eM.fi s this. Wo broke the law. :..lmg Jo mnmis and sellim; Sunday, and every da 1 expe. pd the r-heritl r constable would be on us; and what peatv could I hav. '. One other thing heip.-d to mak ire op iiiv po. r brother dd a drunkard! I ain't lnin h r.-ligi nis. but uhoi, a man i- in a lueitiess lhat help:, a man on v,a ! hell, I p-il you he had beit-a- gel out, money or im uo.n v. ii w ! be better for him in the en. I And so I quit it, and I would starve I :.o', ,,,, J uoiibl lake i; nj again. And was an- a happy fam ily II"W. What U.oiiey We Uel We earn, and we d..n' g.-t it out ol somebody that ought to -p.-nd it ! i hi- family' instead (.f unkiiig :: miserable fool of him- , ' 1 1 L !.' I. AO I io I; i i.e. ii e - 1 1 l :; .!.. "UKri.v vegetable o:ro..t ! U'u i. d fiom l!;.- . .- ( .fO!;-i.i, and liis in . u n.;t ! Iv :;uii. ot lieoi l. w uli t!a; Ist ri u.: . b Alim.-inn.-i of P!--l .1, per.nh-toir. ii.t: - b...; i'ic w. ii ,;t t j s a i taint, :.u.;h a . v.i. t.;l. CitiO I. ami iv!,- Treati 1 1. 1:1 . i ?: ! fret. luu r ... i. ( : i-1 4 . The air '. ill -t and a l ran about O.t'ittt grains per sonar.- l.en.rc hreakinv, 1 fiat i . tin hi. wiil o.-.?ur when the . i. ctric j ; . i 1 amounts to -this, 1 .".7 j. uiods ;.. r s.piare b ot". "'or ! i-; v a . llbic mih. i t - i I a j i i -i 1 : 1 1 i j io! be-t-.ie the dash we J.ave, :!,.-,:. a' lit 7i.(.KMI.ilO t.;ot tons, 'i !.,- average thunder head or cii m u i..-n i inlne cloud is not a mih' hi h. h"..-er. For a small cloud, on- .hundred v:irds square, and di-taot only a .,,(,,,. I)t a lliiei. u e uoiil'l eel I .it(lt J(( 1t. w.-i ,.iw a it i-il eelt i quarter "i a Iioh- jolig mean.- a pot.-nt i i- ! ;:ia!i million volts. We cannot at pi . s nt lio-a.--ure this directly, but. we can deter mine the potential of the air w i!h- in certain limits on airy day. thun derstorm or no thunderstorm In 1 vS", at Illue Hill bs. rvatoiy. and in subsequent year.-, v.e nie.t: ured the r.enfial of tin.- air .ith in-ulab-d water-dropping eoih rt ors, aft:-r the methods or Thorn-on ( now Kelvin) ami Mas.eart. 'j h top of the hill is til H feet above the surrounding country: but with Franklin's idea of reaching on! a little farther from the earth, 1 ventured to use at times a 1 uge kite, tin-foiled, and for kit- string some oOO f . t of h' inp fi-ii line w rapped aii'iiit w it Ii tin - un- oxi r- . eojiper wire. J)nring thiimlor storms the sjarkiin and sixlnrr ai the el..ciromcb-r .-n.l !' the kin string were iriei-s-a::t and -tart-ling. And even on 1. udlo-- days I foiirid it possible to lraw sharks, r ading "at the sain - time on tie eh c'romote,- from ininute to min ute t he eh ! rifioat ion of tie- air in Volts. In '.Old lvv7. ii) s-uii-- investigations carried on by the Chief Signal utlicer, and nu.re im mediately under the c uj-oi viionot Professor lendeiiliaib I oxp-ri-medt-d at the top of lh - Washing ton .Monument, n! that time the ll;-le-st fditice in lh w..iid. 1 he inves.tigati- n n! imn-d month.-, but j.-.-rhap days sever..- thunder-tortUM man v uir. d were most impressive. It being beyond di-pi.-o. then that high 'potentials can b-obtained from the air. th.- question naturally ensuing is. Can we not Use them ? With thr- e r four sparks as small as those mentioned Iter irJi; above, a large fruit jar can bp eh-an-d of smoke with which it haa previously been tilhnL Perhaps nature repeats this on a largo grata and lightning and clarifies a foul du-t-ladeii atmosphere with theSo '.seat spaiks. It may be, too, that tin .-.- ilashes ale all needed, ami to attempt to duett them would he ninvi-i'. p... that as it may, wo re living iti an age of "step up" and ".-b p down" transformers; an ago when, for the fir-t time in centu i :e-, w,- are p.-nlou! n.- n dupli cating light uiie;" Until recently de luded liglitione only in miu i tlui'e. I'ioI Fiihn T!ioinsoii was kind enough b ii iw nie in his Lynn laboiatoiv. hm siimmers ago, some of !os h.iger hoine-nnnlo lightning. Indeed popntialsof KMt.ooo ..Its ai.- i.-ss rare to-dav than pot.-nji.it of o.lMl ..!ts were live years ago Ail w ho say the Thompson and Te-la exhibits at the Kh-ctrhai huihlin:.r, Chicago, w ill easily believe that it is within .-ur p. i o lui'ii if.- Meeting high poind ial lightning into a cm rent : ..w.-i potential and lie it. Professor Ti ..w I o idge, of Har vard I n i .-! :-i I v. iii a dicus-don t" oiiio piotographic negatives, shows that "tin- d..;c!i.irge hdlows exactly I he -am.- oilh iii : 1 1 r I r t hleo h 11 li do d l h uisaudt lis ..I a second, "and adds l.hal "'il is probable that an ordinary discharge of lightning ol a Jew hun lit d ft-. I in length could light f..r an instant m any thous and llreaiid. s- . lit IlllOe if it We To poip.-ily transformed b-, uk-.iiis of a st. p down transformer' The eye alone cannot give a complett hi 'dory ot the myriad minor Hash es during a thunderstorm. The charred, though to us intensely brilliant, crack in the air which we call lightning is but a great splash m the ether ocean. Tl.- waves and ripples come tumblm along in all direction-, spp'adii.g rapidfy. aye, very rapidly, neat .y ji n t.t m M I miles per second. ii,u a proper i. s.,nator. and the wa.es will do work. If my leader keep every sense on the alert, he may liapp--u on some Strang.- allustra tion : work don.- by lightning, now ,iil uiisusgecti'tl. In the tink ling of the telephone bell, the blinking of an incandescent lamp, tne melting of a fuse, or the tiny spaik from a gas pipe or loose wire, in the constant proof that there ale mole things going on be tween heaven and earth during a thunderstorm than most of us dream of in our philosophy Prow Ai.i.xANiu i: .M'aiuk ix JIari'e:;'s Laak. .f;-:.f. ' tMiiB.t" e I "i fil-.H.il lJ JI "ii v noun 1 i - n l.., ir ij:p.Vc; DO YOU EXPECT TO BECOME A MOTHER? "Mothers Friend" BAKES CHILD BIRTH EASY. A . rs N Mure, Icvni Uiu'cr, nj :4i Jilcni IAlor. ' wife sufTered more in ten rainut with her other children than he did. . together with her l tst, after having ua f our bottles of MOTHER'S FRIEND ' says a customer. JlfcuntRSoN Dale, Drujgi .t, Carmi, 1.1 Sent by exprt-- on receipt cf rr'r'. VT bet tic hook To Motlicis '" HLiiV-.l re. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., R SALE hi Lt DRUGGISTS. ATLANTA, G- IHIAV MU'at r'OK Y(; M- l't-l Millf". ol ( r v i r ' HI- wre OeT. Ii.- (ill :t T,- tvlhi V trouble S Mimy -ir-;, v.th in i xe.- in h is t ti..J d-' ti.-it tiis Idi I h-r u i .-ft;hl. trioi rr.iio c-til-1 Ki'ji-v cures ' .Milt -u! uir. :'i -I o-silt. ,.t a ) - b- l .- - t': i t KU-: . -! r I'- ii t r e : i a. I i.-l" i nt "i.i". Kletr.e bitter- J- dly :1 . j e i t..u:v i n u JCi luey . h--r oi .i.t Hint ..I en ..iv mlmn-t ; lo.L oi t (in- trial vie prove' . -Iiii-r.t Pri. i.riiy -.11" for iiirs t.o.t . It J. M. ldtwi..' Jrag .'-t-re. 1 1 .'tj "ii li a 1 1. n ti ; n r fti nil - .ltd .i.r-i in "'.it hiitiLit.-s t. Wxol r. -. .c.u-iiy l.'-ti.-d. 'I Id" i.'-vf-r ib Fotf V. f.'oAir. ijfi t I lri'-oint.n. 1 C nut ox :PKist. Jiir.r-v-.'i :.. .- ;..i..h disor.lfw, use :ilt o . , t;.M i.lTTKUS. t:i t ii .si .: l j.-rtortle. Ocnoinr :u V--...' ia red lines c-u wraii-u fcjUbsCll'ae lei tue COUKil'.ll 1