& . f' ' rit - - . TO- VOL. VIII. LINCOLNTON, N. 0 VliliiAY, SEPT. " 14, 1834, NO. 21 ill; ,m.mm m ...rami my TH IS SHOULD CON V ? NC M I had a cttokb of facial intra lybi, v n1 aft-.r ir; k- - ' doctors without relief, 1 was indued to try tl.e Y.h !,-."'. . , . .tlonn-ganto Improve, until I am uow aluia-t U1 ; .', , talk aawtll as over. I cau cheerfully reeomnieii I : W L. TiiAiti' ACTION COSTS NOTHING. CONSULTATION COST A stamp will brink' yi a 'xHik. full of tetin;uiii.d. (fat ' Cures vhcn ATLANTIC ELl - XTIlOI'Oi. - BEL WOOD Prepares boys lor tin- ftnpomon; v'ia girls lor the onioi- .jj-.ev. a! i Colloi. MC(dleill ; :' study of vocal and it; -i; i;: Thorough I iifi i ution. 1 ('ornnif teiai A i it heii ii:. lioaid a:id luihi n in o. eonf .'j v7 cpN Aur. For Catalo.'iU', ivint 'iiii iTTnw ;f; to n charlot r l: COLLEGE Of MUSIC AND ART. 18 SOUTH Ti' VON. ', SCHOOL FOR AlllsKVAh TH A I N I N( i i TJiS; Southend UU ' i I i : M(hi IMI'liOVKU EUROPEAN Many fe cd antnues. M.ni;:. i native ( i i;- r.oAi.'1i n; Acce(i uiod i' ions for e m i 1 1 . i l id - I'jVei V Uiodi in Coi:V liM m e l'A IN I INi, 1U Vn.(j; ;,, CatalogiKs seat oa appin Aug 10, ls:i l E. M. ANDREW O WliOlesale'ttrid Uot:i HV-!!cr 1; 1 Ji ot ten pifct-s, lro:n ??2.oo i i '.u tin Mil Jit;?? of six ;r.ns foan 2'' ',. p !)) SIDEBOAIIIW from SU.0O i 7." oo EXTENSIONS TABLES troaj !?4.00 to SiO.OO. (rhina Closcis Sir, oo t 8 in .on. i.o3fo i?r.o.f. Easels andictu Li I C Js'UW to CO UCHKS a nd h 0 1 7A 7 ICS 15.00. Music rai ks and Clem-'-. 1 ' to 112.00. Revolving P.U s ad Roll Top DeUs amt ill Cbairs, 85.00 -t .40 0d. Org:in-, l50.oofctbsLro.OO. PioMw, .::.-, mi to 880O.OO. This is a great sale and you make" a "great mistake if you fail fa take advantage of it.. ALL letters promptly answer ed. .Write al owe for particu lars. 10 and 18 West Trade Sr. CHARLOTTE, X C. Jan. 26, 18iU. !:. lie prr-scrilAI ly ' : '.' tt.ird ;i i,i,1i a-L.-1 -Liit joy ami ";iIiuni-!.Mi: i, N. (J, 1 ) K L Y H (JNLV YoL'll TIME. N.rth ('Hr(.iinius. f lso fa nh." L CO , Vv';i; J, , D. C. INSTITU r!;ili' txOilcio b.o: !',.j):i!.; ami Fal: ly 2$Im t.J- - !' MHT!i()S)8 It L. li : ; 1 i ' i ,' . - i d ol-a.-b !')' '1 ihi.; n:i. 'M v TI E e:- COM iS 1 yv. .!!(UM ' MHh'l' ; ca rries uu nt of t v.-tiich gives tl.e iiver and bv a iiii'.d move -. i t is im pur ; inedicilie, but Many people lake kiimiiioiis !;..tiVi 1 -Y :n Iiver lb "1 l.s.vo T year.--, ;iih! :i ii in v :il v sure. il-.!1( I'i "i i.MlMK'e f'T ".'j: various rcTii.-.l i-s in 1 lie use f sim- . .-, M. l.i. ll lu'VtT trul.-.'. not el mvsel;, latuilv. M. KII.I. i,ii,n Liv. r K. -u t.) rili.'Vl' :'.-. i Mi.nie, lut ni wl- .-IAN, Scll:l:t: A In . c a i : f. k - t u k a ; i tlu- o..r ?: Kt::p ir. t.1 on wrnpi.er. ,1. JI. 7.V.H.IN CO., l'l..l:-..l.-lv.h..., Ta ir.vcsts,andTMr.e-Mr!rksobtaineii,nuail l'nt-rf j Jcr.t business c-;i'1'.i tt-il f-r mobieb ati fees. fltrwr i?; OronsiTE O. S PATENT OrnCE CU OFFMF IS OWSITE t. S PATENT OrP.CE J ,t wc enn sc'ho p uciu .a ic .i .... ii.-.. ..-- cnl nio.icl, er r.- c r phr.tc. with dc-cr-p- ticn Wc a.!vi-c, if ji.ucntablc or not, tree otj JcbarW. Our fc-jnJtii-tf till paicr.t is secured. A pambh' ET '-How to ObtVm Patents, with Jco-t of s.mc in the U.S. and iore-Rn countries , 4 sent tree. Addra t 5 5. A. S S!OW& CO.! OPP. PATENT OFFICE. WASHINGTON, D. C. f fnW'H WO Weluiveu.e honor to be ft tim m m pi mk ?ysLMiy? i B.C. Bfckwitii, ecy. 1) -8i. !!;- Oli5. ! '.' iht I .. ini.i ..'. c ubs AW'i Vr "' ,. (' i,Miiii ;",' !, : Py a unanimous v.l" the Democratic State Executive Com- al am.-eting le-hi in Ka!- cili, Auiuat L'Ttli' int the Exec- utive (Oiiimittee ot the tate As Hx-iation of Democratie Clubs vas ivrjuested to call a Convention ot the Deinoerati..- Clubs oTth" State to ine- t in Lili iLiii . C.. m;i the J2 th t' September iwxt. at 12 o' clock in., and as the Lrreat demo jeratie party lias named its stand j a rd -bearers, and ah another great, i struggle for Democratic supremacv I is at hand, and as t.iiere is vet work i i i . . i i n- , ,i in imue woik in oenuil oi me coinjdele fulfillment of those great cardinal pledges of the party, so ! dea Mo patriotic North Carolinians I "who refuse to accept the results of recent- legislation in Congress as the (dose of the waiv' and as it is incumbent on tho young Democ racy to see that its ?-hare in this great struggle is well and faithful - v Performed, j I, therefore, as President of the 'State Association of Democratic Clubs, call you to meet, in con tention, in our Capital City-of Haleigh, on Thursday, the i0lh day of September next, at ll o'- iHoek noon. I The objects of this con vent ion are for the formal opening of the campaign and the irivmg of the i kev note for thp coming f rav ; to foster the organization of I)emo jerat'e Clubs in every township in North Carolin; to increase our (facilities for promulgating lemo j eral ic prim'ijdes, aim to achvelv aid the regular Democratic, organ ization. To Ihese ends inv ':c tie co-operation of all men, the aeiive support ( f t ! - Deitiocrat ie, Press throiighoat the State, and wi especially invite the part icip -tion of our Democratic nominees; we a No desire that the (Numfy Chairmen and Township ?h.inn." n of our party's regular organiat ion, in every county, jend ws ihoir a;d in making this Convention oi" o .'.n-eat demonstralim. j Centh-meu of Nati'Mi.o1 wata. tioil will he invited and a V j pocted to lend us ijuii pro;, nee. jan! irenalol's nansotn ai.'O aarvis and our menders "i C1o;ig!e.-.s, an j nominees for Ct.: res. til ' j urged t meet with ; . ir-?o lb- .- j we expect t,o lieai the !;ey-!tote w ! the fray, MS the campaign will i - formally op.M,-d o:i thai dn.v. i Wv urge the immediate r- - v Uaniatio!! of all Clubs no-. on tin rolls of the association. r i'. inne I Lion of new Clubs in vrv to!- n 1 1 1 1 1 a ; ma lo-. iirthin m 1 !e S:!e 'and the election ,-fdelegaies lo the j Convention by every C!ul. W' e ! d.-sire that the membership roiD of the Club embrac(! every Demo 'er;it. of their respective sections, i ( ur constitution provides that each Club shall ho entitled to Pm i 10) delegates and a like number 'of alternates, and one additional ideleato and one additional alter nate for every twentydivc (25) : members ol a Club in good stand- ! The certificates of Presidents or j j Secretaries of Clubs will consti j jtutethe. credentials of delegates j in.l cn.-di certificates shouid set forth the number ot members home on the Club roster it. the time of naming delegates. Dele gales and other Club members at tending the Convention will be en titled to reduced rates of board at the lintels, and to special lailioad rates. Full particulars will be published later our Blank forms of Constitutions I , ,,. ,n1w j 4 ., .p rroveniiueil L 01 Vyiuo- iimi full instructions for the organiza tion of Clubs can be had on appli cation to B. C. Beckwith, Secre tary, Raleigh, N. C. Subscribe for toe cotjeiee. VKSTIf . Lin'!i;,ntjn, rVpt. Ti. . 1 :.. " " Democratic eonven- j t lled to ord-r at 1-' . .,. .. H i C I) -I I- - - l . - . . v . . ... Jiiairman of tii. Democratic ' Lx-i eeutivo committee. Cant. I It was made ehiiinmin and S W Mc Ivee secretary, and -F S Starrette ie--,i.-tant so-.-ret.-ir'v. ' On motion of .Dr. AV L Cmue thi chairman appointed the fol iowinn.commitlde on jcredentialsi : Capl. .Mi. Mornson. .i :K Itein hardt. Dr. W L Crouse, D A Coon and W M Hull. Committee re ported no caiiti'sts. ; On motion the . candidates were nominated by acclamation. Hon. A Costlier was put in nomination by S C riuh.-y for Statt Senator U'onl y-niuth district.. .V V Pein hardt for i .egi-da I tire by .1 C Mor rison ami iti-ivi-d the unanimous vole of the convention.. There be-' ing .no contest, in the county of -iices, t lu following gentlemen were put in nomination and nominated by acclamation: ;CaptC E Childs for clerk by L B Wetmore ; B C ! Wood for register of deeds bv S G j-inley ; J lv Cline for sheriff by Dr W L Crouse ; .1 C Quickie lor treasurer by Dr Crouse; J P Ibdni for coroner ly B S Bernhardt ; A iMxon lor survevor ly DrWL.i Crouse. I The chairman then appointed j '. J oeicgaies to ;ru strua for al con- to!hws: Catawba!.., 15 , t ,v-ul(, : ,.la ctKXr, -.Za 1 Snri nT- i. i.ovn.hip, D Cherry and j ' . ' 1 to admit, ot timners, ground was Cap! .1 (J Morrison; I ronton, .) Ki,,,,,,,,, , Hw ttvt. ' , . ( ieiiihar-.it :!id h ,doiris; Ian-1 ' j diiioi, i A Ah. Toeihv mo.! M 1 ! e,,li i A Abenudhv and S D ' Mi;r:o"n ( b a !!'' K . a: m! V- I; !,- i ! :b-s pie. I 'diivan ; North .'.lid C W P,eam. -1- tie n called i; Jioinin.'H ions 1 .1- 't e it v;. eci:t de.-.-d -that. committee Hiicjv (I... !!l be a. scor es Senator. I!).' coii-if ! ( : 1 tie. 1' i- !' o! ain. d 1! tin; .-ci-ion . vNIJIiT.i Di vi i'vJO A ii fi KS . i'!)0 .S-LI.-- (::!!:;.! r WrUo.-V US flOlll t.iit.-ein, v..-i , ii.i.; et'ii. r la.'cfc m f-rv ei'-iiP':'.1 I:; "After try. it s:i'af.'il to Im n-h oiir tv hild- " t.'-. d i- ..i : e-'VS l!'-' ljll v- -.yili n.-.t !. wU . , t.r .-Tpe-i' iM '.- pr.eie- ' : ZC .ii! --I-!', i I V:i.il f)id.' - s--te .Mi.-.-Viy '( wvii i:- :i t.ri il. a- it is r..i r.-i.-d Utt losiae free Hi. .1 S.!i r-- J'ri-.lv si.e HOe, ,r.. ci on r:.'U-i mu-aea; e;,mpo-:ers !. libit liieir liu-r- r-'i:, an. a re securing an i: b;o peblieat i' 'fl for !n;..-ii i"!; ;:s the .ubli-h th " ir novels in se 'i'le Ladies' Home alh ., 1 I 1 it urn.'ii, hi.-h w leijeallv the i;;f iO!gf"i;v to otier ibis out let. t i 'oni"si'H hi repute, finds all the musical nr'n rni lying to it, Sir Arthur Sullivan announcing that the new song which he has just (bushed will Imj pub! i?. hod in that mag.iine. I'atti's veteran con-du.-tor, Ardit i.-ha4-- given his now waltz to the journal, while. Regin ald de Rover; 's new sOog goes also to the same periodica!. Strauss lias pent his new waltz to the edi tor. Sor.sa a 'ne"v mnrrh, and Mas- cagni. o; "t;avaiieua nusucanna 1 baou-, is writing ;i piano score. Bloofl anfl Skin .'Diseases A!wavs r BIOTAXIO I?Li'OI fJAE.n never fails to cure ull maniier of Hiooil una Bkin e:m.s. It Is thepre at Southern buiMlnff up n;ul iU!r;Ji(ini R in. uy, :u" turei ftllina;int-r of s'i-m'aiid bl'V'd disi iis.-s. As a tC!Jin(? uptoiii.- it is wiUioui-i livid, rind absolutely L.-Venu ermpri-on vith-a'iy other eimilar re'n-dy ever ofT.-re ( t.j. the jjublie. H is a r:iu:ie a f .-r all r, -uftir.t from . in. pure blxhfrjvn i!np..Vt:ris!te.t condition i the human'cystttn. A-:i".rh' 1ft He will demen nrrateit praicouBX viiti;cA .: . '-c-pd far free fvck.ef AVend erf ul Cures. Price, iuoo per larfa bottle;- $3.00 for sis totiles. ' ' ' "' For sa!e Tsy drufstf : if not send tons, and mUcine will be sent-freight prepaid oa receipt of pTice: ' Aldfess ' ? BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta,. Qa. 'Tlit Ivunlioe Tunnel. The Ivanhoe tunnel, the third longest in America, is cut straight through the backbone of the ' Roekv Mountain. ' fmin T!nst- n -j. .fi .. .f , Ii.advilleOol.: to' Ivanhri anolli. er little village on the western ne i k ' m, side or the mam ranee. The tun nel was designed to save the Col orado - Midland Railway a steep climb to the sariimit of Ilagernian Pass, and over seven miles wast- i ed in the curves necessary to en able the engines to pull up the heavy grades.' The tunnel isDJOO fe(.'t long, and is only surpassed in this couiitry by the famous Hoosac tunnel and the Bowlder tunnel, in Montana, 'the latter of which is only- 300" feet longer than the Ivanhoe. Where the I van hoe en. lers the mountain at Busk, the altitude i.s 10,o00 feet. This is a much greater altitude thomthat of St. Goliiard wlii.:h at (.ioeschonen enters the ground; at a height of o,f40 fVt above the sea Jevl and emerges at Airolo,; on the Italian hide, at a height .of .'Tod feet Tha road over the St. Cot hard Pass is 22 miles.' and . the tunnel, with its length of 9j miles, thus saves ,12 miles. The Ivanhoe save much more in proportion, lessemug the distance between Busk and Ivanhoe by oyer 7 miles in its length of legs than two miles. I The nontrnpf. for tlif Iiviiilum ri: r i ' n i- i- n"' which was let to 11. 1 . Keele.c.alls , , 4 ,41 lH . 1 , lor the tunnel to be 21 leet high 1 U) n(,mi( oftimbers -round was! 1 . 10 r . 1 n- mcle's by PS feet ( inches. To ac ,. . : , , (Oinnlisli this task' 4-verv Iv.eolv j four hours 200 pounds of giant: I j powder and N00 feet of fuse were j used por the hrst J.olM) leet. that. W"re driven a good deal o( trou'ile . , , . . i r. 4 i I was encountered Irom water and j h)OSe-rock, in many places the. rock not beMig in place. This, at a tlepfh of 500 to 750 feet, caused j . i i r . , i 4 i a great, deal of speculation among j mineralogists as to the cause ; which led to this disturbance. It i was generally conceded- that tie ! acid in the water had- cut many; and diverse channels in the soil ! tnlc and granite, so separating themfrom the rock in placb that when niropening was made from Ixdow, a chuto was formed, aBnw- . . ii. ...i.i i f..u i ii ing ine a uoie mass . o i . i . n i,o ine ; tunnel, for U eercs at a nine Mr. i Keefe was kept busy removing lhej wreckage and packing up the cave j and was retarded in the work by the immense flow of water that usually drained out of one of the ''soft spots.' The How of water amounted to 100 gallons per min ute. Wherever tin.' ground is soft it has been substantially timbered with red spruce, squaring 12x12. The ground that is in place is not closely timbered. In the work of construction the tunnel was lit by electricitv, with an arc light every t i r . 1 11 mi ieer aim several neavy air com- pressors supplied tresh ozone to tne worKinen ai ine neauing. Miss Annie Tipton, one ol Shel Eight air drills were kept steadily )yv. ,avorites i? visiting Mrs. Dr. going at each approach, and the UIK v amount driven per dav averaged S feet. From the center of the tun- nel to the surface is a distance of 1,200 feet. .The present grade to Ilagannan is 3 per cent, but the grade in the tunnel will be only. 1'4 1 to every hundred feet. This stujwndous undertaking was begun in August, 1S1)0. . When it-is being operated by the .Midland, large doors will be put up at the approaches to keep out the snow, and ine tun nel for several hundred feet from each end will be heated by steam. Watchmen will be placed at the different ends to open and shut the doors before and afUr trains entering1-and' leaving. Engines will be coaled up a few miles be fore entering the tunnel, so that the run through caa be made with out coaling: Man'jgjRecord. if Yovit jtACK Acnr.s, Or totj are all worn out, really good ibr noth ing, it is gencrat debility. '1 ry BKOirX'S IHOH HlTTEkS. It will cure ycu, cleanse your liver, an4 tfr m. (rood a.novtttA ArLstiiHa Uone Democratic. A Little Bock, Ark., dispatch of the 4th says: .Return from 3,1 countie s indicate increased Demo cratic .majorities over two veaia ago. although the total will likelv b 20 per cent, less on account -of the new election law. It is esti mated that the Democratic State ticket is elected by at least 25,0(X majority. Returns show decrease in vote for both the Republican and I'opult tickets, while the Populist ticket is third in the race. The much smaller than an ticipated. ITMAV DO AS MUCH KOIl YOU Mr FriMl Miller, ol Irving' III. write t'lat Lh lia'J h evere Ki.ln-y truble for many yenrs, with severe tains in hit lack and h!m t"xt Ills l.lmitl.T w ax e Dieted, lln tried ntHiiv o esiilel Kidney uriK Uit uitli, ml nnv ir)"d result.' A'M,ut :i y-nr a be l-e.'an use (' Kw-trie Hit tote and totind p liet Mt (inty. Elec tric I'-itter is - fccially adapted t, aire of hI Kidney nd Liver tu-ulJes !inj of en, giv tbiit in stant relu-f. One trial will prove cur statement. Price only 60c lor lrne !ttle. Or J. .M. Iawing Drug Store. Irving V Laim.r physical dir. c?or o! Y. M . ('. A., Des Moin, low, -t-A bv cnu coiiscientiouN'y iM'ommeud Ctiiiiit)erlam,rt P.oi: Biljn to KthNMcs, g n.natf, ticy clialt, loot, i.nW pUvB and tike prnfeKMiou in eid'i -d lor hi nine. Sprains and diHlocalioiir-; h1o lot BoieiieRsand stilloefts ol n.o muscles. When applied l-lore the paitN Im come hwollen it will effect a core lu one half iho iim uu dlv requir o. Fn; ha'e by Dr. W h. Cn use Dt Ufij .( . . . jj , cJiouM ho SfflS to throw MM wuHHi. s jn oiainiy, or no i;-tni B . . SreciTc. lift: had no ciiArtun. r.,r three vorus T ht.s IronMrd with ranlv ..ei-n, v i.icli rm-sed my :ip;Ktit.' t fail, r,-,, 1 rrr.t! reluc( (J in l'.esh, and life . . - , ' . ' . fr:,i . , , t' t :i;l i.--, i l.: on-;. I tried mercurial and -....cti rei-.ie.rn s, hut to no effect. T c-.nl.-l t?il;f 1 tIj.c?.?":it,C(l,lf' trf -. !! :no la.ide a complete and per;nan. nl (.-'.: z.:;d I now enjoy hotter healtti than ever ,J tuta ( a.r liook on "Olood anil Rlrin Disra.-e.s l..;alel frea. rv.viFT Spi:cifio Co.. Atlanta, G;i. j Km Cormr.u: (.'apt. .1. B. Shel- j , i(,tl Au. j-;,,, aU.r ;i long, i iinM jii,,.. was a Inan jof v,tU, r(iv;,-j ions and what his i h;l iMj f((,1Ml t,)(() j, wiU j hjs n;ilt A 11(.r!,,,or ;U1( a:(()l ci(i(.jl (M1 fjV)Jn :lni(M1J, A thrifty farmer, ( ieorge Miller, colored, icar Ueatie's Ford, had licked out over fourteen hundred pounds of etton on the first day of this month. The earPy bird irets the worm, and Ceorge always gets it. lie is a Democrat, "died in the wool''' black wool though it bo. And the Lord prospers him. Mrs. Fl. Barkley has been right sick with fever, but is convalesc ing. jarm.s j)aViR js critically ill with f,.vor Mrg M(.Caul is visiting mi j ei, niilV ,i t.,i h,.rf.-,Ht. i Prof. Whitetier's schorl i spreading itself. The present ses sion gives evidence of a very pros perous term. The Professor is a good man, a good teacher, full of r-nesoy and deverse success. D. Denver, X. C , Sept 4th, 2S04. '., Jehu ( M ineer tvlitor of the Snulam. Sehginan, M., v,bo nam- . . ed Crovei Cfevpfand tor th PreA- idney in Nr.v., J.SS2. while he whn M-syr.r of Bsitta o, 1V. f, iu ni Its' H .P III ll,?. I'l .I.UIII',l".B UD " I " - :.. 1 . f ; . n r. 1 I . . ... V 1 C. Cholei t ai u D'anl ce Iteai edy. lie Ky; "I live m-il 1; :o the pH8 fv i-arH ami i-ohnhJhi ii the i:ett p-pi Ation ol :hei kino m luatke. D. 'a aa it?pi- : mi and toffee in thin h ction. It an ariiete i f merit and liopld In- ue'J in eviy boasebo'd. For Mle t.y Dr. . L. urouse jLruggiM, Charlotte is to have a chryMui- Ithemum show in November. The Rutherford couuty fair ii bookeil for October 9th, 10th nd 11th. Mecklenburg county teacher propose organizing a ' County Teachers' Association. Dr. Thos. E. Skiauer, of Raleigh, is preparing for publication a book of revival sermoua. The Great Falls cottou uiilU at luK'kinghani is being rapidly com pleted and will start up in a few days. , Next wek the Universal Camp Meeting,- colored, will begin at Dilworth, Mecklenburg couuty Five thousand people are expect ed to attend.' Kvangelint SchoolfiHld, of Dan ville, is to conduct a meeting at Concord next week. Creat prepa rations are being made for the meeting. One hundred voices are being trained for the choir. The total nssesHed valuation of real and personal property in Micklenburg county this year shows a falling" oft" of $105,717 since last year. The city of Char lotte shows an increase. A l4ir'x NirHMK Case. An unusual summons was roe'd over the telephone not long ago by Dr. David Birnoy of the University of Pennsylvania Irom a wealthy man in New York, who wished him to go to Long Island. Dr. Birnoy endeavored to Hud out something about the nature of the case he was expected to treat, but the man after securing his promise to go, refused to talk fur her over the 'phone. The Doctor packed a case of instruments at random and met the man in New York. After tak ing dinner at the Waldorf they took the train for Long Island, but not a word was said about tne op eration. When they arrived ti e man thanked the Doctor and pni.t him $50, then, in response to the Iookfof wonder from the astonished surgeon, he said : "I saw my sis ter bleed to death in a railroad ac cident for want of a physician, and since that day I never travelled without one." Ex. Protection That Protects When a man insures his life under the old form of insurance, he is simply assured that a certain sum will be paid to his wife, children, or heirs at his death. Good enough in its way, but there is a much better way. The Tontine Instalment Pol icy of the Equitable Life not only insures but pro tects the benificiary from loss of the insurance as well. For further par ticulars, address W. J. RODDEY, Manager,. ; For the Carollaas, Rock Hill, S. C. IllVrMlKulioil Invltttil. Ol con rue 11 ih proper to iuqu r ttttout what auy mn say's, ' 18 '' tni ? The most rigid investigation. ) i invited into the testimonials pub I huhed iu lieha'f of liood'8 i3arr V""a . "M,'nBi "JJ1 n he high character of the peret- K ,e8limoiKlB ar publish i hiy ih proprietor of tbis medico j evidenced ty their occupati' or iiidorijeniHri!8. 10 imui. DOS ma - . . . . rw ...l.ir. ruutimi.nl tl in Ivofiall jj,,, .sarrta".iin!U iuay be from. j reliable ntid aa wnrtby of ccuH jdeecM as if it caruelrom yout. m iimted neighbor. If you feel eak and all worn out take tTQtyjjf c; XR0N BITTERS j ' ' fQl tue UoTJhIXR.