I LINCOLN CPU HI EH. F Sl'AKIiErTE, KIHTOlt AND riiOPItlhTtili. LINIJOI-'ITON, . (!T. 21 14 Kntekkd is rut Post Office AT lilN-OJLNTON AS 3KOOSD CLASS MAIL MAT TEE S inscription Cash in Advance. 1 year $U 6 iMIlthrJ f, 3 a iiillio 25 of Advertising. Oneiucii, one tune. $1.00; 25c f. each buhaequeu inernou. Twoiacheti, one time, 1.50 ; 50 t it tor each Minsequeut insertion Three inches, one time, $2.0C 7f, oenu for each &n Sequent inser i...n. f.mr inches; one tiiue, $2.50 l.0() for each aubsequfcut insertion. Mpecial rates tor one-halt and o if fourth column ; alno, foi ry rt i v-i iL.r.itMii roiitinned l'0ei .if, flu fiii-itfi- j,ii,uoc it i i if ' Vat i I x i; i :s. .;n. - iii..NiKIN. I i .i: -i.V. i'"l -. A ! I ;!; i I 1 ' '-;' N !"'. K ( i.i.NK I I, I. ! KI.U. .1 c.ni'icKKh. ( uku. ) .). 1J. II FLU. M'KTKYol:. A. NIXON. II t-iil4rnti mid .Miuiuril. .Mfsrs. Hi mlersod and Mhuford tooke to a lull holism o on last Monday. Mr. HtMidcrson made a strong armmit nt in advocacy of IL-morrutie principles, and showed elc.irly t hiit the late Congress had done gn.-at iroti for the people and would (jo much mure good in the fuiuiv. Mr. .huti'i'd's spetch con bifctt tl .f abuse toward the demo cratic party and an earnest desire to In- united in marriage with the r. puhlican party. He did not in troduce a single argument in favor of populism. The height of his speech was in lavor of doing any thing to heat the democrat!). He gained no ground for tin unholy 'alliance in this locality. WuNliliigioii I.otlei-. J rr-8i'tenoe of (JoPrikr. W ASllINOTi.N, ( Vt. : 1'l'CS- ldent Cleveland will return to the White lloiitt: this week and it is rtresumed. although not yt certain that Mrs. Cleveland and the chil dren will accompany him. The White House ha? Ieen cleaned from cellar to garret, a force of men having been working from the day th - President and his family left until Saturdnv night to brighten up thing- for the winter season. Secretary Cai lisle lias almost consented to deliver several speech-e- in Indiana and New York and the- pressure is m great that there is little doubt that lie will in the end succumb. It was not because 1. hud any objection to making sj ches or doing anything else ti-.u is pro)er to aid the democrat ic party that heat first declined t' loak i tliese speeches, but be-c-. isf he i? very misy and expects t i 1 1 i ii u so until after the i:e i in- -f Cliistivsn and because in. kI. si to b.; unable iiupoi laiic t!...l d..iii.j ' '' i rv w iJl al- th. ft, l:, U!)l: !. M'liali.ai, rum that ho t:. th'1 party will iir.ld ;ts own in il.'- CuiiLii'.'ssioiinl districts and w:!i control the legislature, which Yiiil tlset Senator Cullon'a suc- cessor. Now for a surprise. I have just learned from a trust worthy source that there is a strong, probability that Secretary (ireshem will speak, both in Illi nois and Indiana, before the clo9e of the campaign. Mr. T. 0. Towlea, a prominent official of tne House, has jufet re turued from his home in Missouri. He has carefully investigated the political situation in the State and his judgment is regarded good by all who know of the accuracy ol the predictions he has made in previous contests. He says that the democrats are now working harmoniously all over th State and are certain to hold their own in Congressional districts, and have a good lighting chance to send a solid ueniocratic delegation to the next fighting chance to send solid democratic delegation to the ii-xt House. Missouri isoneof the .-tales in whioii the republican . i-iinpaign committee has been fig uring, or at least claiming to fig ii'e, on big gains. L i v prominent democrat who : as b.;..-n in ashiington for the I .-t i wo or three days endoise ;l. action d" Senator Hill, in al . wing i!i democratic State ticket . bo printed on the Union or an i'lainmany municipal ticket, as v.'.-ii as the Tammany tieket, as )t niy uood politics, but under e;rru!ns!ances absolutely nec- i rv i.-dit I, s. They feel that nat- r Hill was perfectly right in i'-clininii to make the success of !! State t i'-ket dependent upon .if: t-N-cfion of the Tammany tick- i. bile tho reports from New i oi l; are far from sat isfactory 1 uiost democrats are still cunfident ; hat Hill will win. In view of the action of Judge l.arcombe, of New York, in deny ing the application for a writ ol habeas corpus in the case of Mr. Monon's English coachman, who has been crdered deported for hav ing come to America in violation of the alien contract labor lav,and decided that the Secretary of the Treasury alone had the authority to decide whether the claim made that the man was Mr. Morton's domestic sarvant and therefore ex empt from the lawm question,vas valid, Secretary Carlisle has di rected that the immigration board of review at Ellis Isalnd make a thorough investigation, and report to him, in order that he may final ly decide the case. There is no politics in it so far as Secretary Carlisle is concerned. He regrets the decision of Judge l.arcombe, believing that puts a more author ity in the hands of the Secretary of the Treasury than the farmers of the law intended that he should have, but will, of course make the decision. The congressional campaign Committee has about completed its work, so .far as the sending out of democratic literature is concerned From now until election its work w ill be mostly of an advisory nat ure, althrough it will also keep th democratic district managers posted as to any new schemes put out by republican to catch votes Members of the committee think the congressional situation in New York City, which has been awfully complicated in nearly all the dis tricts because of there beinff two democratic canidates Tammany and anti-Tammany in each, has been greatly helped by thfi with drawal of Straus and the substi tution of ex-Mayor 'jiunt as the lammany candidate lor mayor. 1 he Congressional committee wants democrat elected to Con L'tvss. doesn't care a fit whether tlteyaro Tammany or anti-Tammany, and it is working to provent il;..'1 runniny; of two democratic -.tiiJiduto in anyone district, be vin that it is foolish to thus '. '- sais to republicans which! :..iit f;;!iv b-hv.iT to democrats. i 1 a '- jtit i"'jn running over ( '.' ) of our proposed 1 i i.pu;! ) to abolisli banks: h.uiMii.ii riirrf-ncy diivct f.-.i ! '' pb- at ' e-nt. iutnr-j ioi.t unlimiti-'d coinuire of j 1 '. iil.il iijt'diuni iit Jf'oO. ! "M'-na : in -.'ii.'! lax ; jrvc-rni-! '.Mil 1 si.in v rai road.-; iin.i 1 1 "ii. 1 .,'tsrd a 'm:;: murn and morei y u proceed. K. W. Ward. llo.l P lis are ihe lst after, diunt'i iii ls, asiit djjesti0D, i ore headache. .''5c. jffitvrr letter. As this place ha no regular correspondent I will endeavor to give you a few items for the benefit of your readers "especially votes" Jas. Daves who was not expected to live has recovered. Theru is not much sickness in this town at present. Corn shuckinga and Cotton pickings are now in order. People are preparing to sow their teed some few have already begun. "The cotton gina at this place are doing a good business" The cry, hard times, is a thing of the pafct lest you 9trike a Pub. or Pop. who has determed to be a Phelo3epher or full & who has choaen the latter aide Republi Poplican nomine for register will not get many votes in this part of the world when the people learn his political career, Tte niau who left the Democratic party in 92 (when he thought Harrison was going to be elected president.) for the sake and hopes of getting a store keepers position will not get my vote. He will get left this time just like usual. We heard a prominent Had ', remark '"He is not fit for a road ' "verseer much less a County olh- j jr. Buckle on your armour fellow j democrats aim a victory is 'await- j ingus on Nov. the 0th as usual. I , i Yours. fce. Subscriber. ; U&M oT The Utlfiij D?m. Com mtite'. Ex .The members of the County Dem. Fx. Com. (as well as the members of the township Com.) are request ed to met at S. G. Finley's office j on Tuesday, Oct. 30th 1884 at 2 o'clock p. m., to decide upon a place to hold Senatorial piimaries and transact any other business that may come before it. R. S. Rei.nhardt, Ch'm. Xewlun I, filer- En. Courier: Democracy will surely sweep the country on the Cth of November. On the 3rd of November a grand rally will be given by the Democrats A horse back procession will be given, and the township bringing ut nearest its vote of 2 years hence will re ceive a fine silk flag to cost not less than $40. Several ot the best speakers of the State will be here. Let every body come to hear them. We have a few 3rdites who think they will carry the county, but it will be like it was two years ago come up behind and fraud will be the cry Any man who snys that we do not, have a fair election in Catawba is an infamous liar or a very ignorant man. Talk about principlal, where isit? 2 years ago the Pops wrere crying dishonostv in the old parties, and where do we find them? right with the most corrupt party that ever existed. We might have thought rhat they were honest iu opinion, but their actions go to show they are far from it. Honest election is the cry of many of the ignorant of this coun ty. It looks as if they want hon est election when they are joining hands with a party that has always opposed fair and honest elections. What they want is office recardlesa for principal. Let every democrat do his duty and all will be well. Come to Newton the 3rd. aud hear the truth as it really is. Kespectfully. C. Honor Roll Sor Pteduiont Seiiihturj. Month ending Oct. 5th '94. HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT Curtis Bynum, Bessie Davidson, Johnny Carpenter, Minna Bynum, George Costuer, Charley Wrenshall, Emma Setzer, Walter Keener, Annie Davidson, Laura Carpenter, Bright Crouse, Hubert Ramsaur, Hoy Koeman, ( ieorgia Bartlette, PRIMARY DEPARTMENT. Kate Hoke, Lnna Reinhardt, Bartlette Bynum, Eugene Pate, Eunice Pate, bailie May Quickie, Willie McKee, 99.6 93.3 97.2 96 95.S 95.4 95. 94.8 94.5 94.4 94 1 93.8 ! 91.5 90. h 99.5 98. 95.2 93 4 90.5 I "LISTEN"- 1) .nt forget, to hear Hon. Thus. M. Mason at Jenk s Store Friday, t. L'C.th at !? o'clock p. in. Laboratory School Hons.', Oct. -ii at night. Reepsville, Siit. L'Tth, at - o.clock. It. S. I.'i:imi AKOT. Chin, i'l.'iii. Ex. Com. A. M. lk, a I km it c I zu Ot EtitfHie, Ongon, nt)' h'.t wile ha tor i a h l. . n tionb ed uph chronic d an Lie i and u-ed many remedies wuh mtv ithei n-oil she tlird Cbrtinh' i lam's Colic, Cl-ohra nd diftiilcei Iffm-ox , w 1. 1-h bus cured hei ecmi:! and w. II. (jive it a tiial id yo-t wi l ! .--uriiin-d at tlte nroiupt lebt-f if ntienih. 25 moi 50 cent hortii s for f-a'e l Dr. V h CroubB D i.'g-. xt. Silt R iei'in ol::ii .. j pens in ( old weather, it'tacl. i L'D'he a m- d I b-h-ud and orb. r paii.s of the boi. II-iolV. 3-iitp;UlH:iJ !. gU'Ht b ond p'ir.iit-r !itr's alt ih. ni im mmtnet t Carrie Oi-t-ne Kii.rj Save the Children By Purifying Their CSood Hood's Sarsapari'la Makes Pure Blood, Cures Scrofula, Etc. "My experiein'ft nith II.mxI" Karsaparilla has bean very tflVctho. My little girl, live years old, Had for four yoiirs a lad skin disease. Hoi arms and limbs would bruak out in a mass ol sores, discharging yellow nutter siie would scratch the eriii.i urns as though it gave relief. ana tear open tne sores. sines. j T:l,Gosmg out sales Two Bo Sarsaparilla cause and the scabs pealed !f, after which the skin became soft aim smooth, as a family medicine ft Sarsaparilla we believe Hooils sarsajiariila has no ciial and i I recommend it." W. L. Ki.no, Ulull Dale, Tex. i Hood's Pills ar gentl and effective. i? the- best family catnartia Try a box. cent. An Antidot. TIlMil! RESULTANT !-V'lLc" A WELL-SUPPL1FD THIMKI G SHOP ami Frequent of Bottled PotionS C'H and ee, ;. f a 1:1 a a KTotioe I - KToticc I And don't forget to no tice what 1 am about to say. I wih loc i yam ai ini'i, 11 to a Que grade ol m winiu () 1 1 now t ve . tut i.nti I t ic iU:-!()fi(T j.nd Uownr-, wlic, i.o gum on tour !ia hii. -. I V.- ll hKi i;arL- in S.i.rh Hi a few kb , h int il i'.i n 11.1! MUM lit F." t.r ill i. 1. 1 - is ho mui ii !e iiau 1. 1 1 1 I v l.ave 0:1 j h. iil u mi j ly j lit Til'lll- i 1,1. s , well ' niiUt;.. . a " e ti. r Hidf-, i hic'i I i i f in to .s-t, as 1 ! ib to kt f-. itiH,ii MtiO.'i 111 y col j It'Ctton ol i u; -' ! JtPit received m.'tre P.i.tton Harrows! The l..i iliin.: of the Kind on the maiv.et. I) n't loret t'" -.! 1 r-iiJ cx. m'.uc SIIOKS jr.' if .'-ivc.l lam n,nr pel in tr f in t" the iiifi'j ot lU . N,like ii-' . Pi'Oiiojraph, re tiii wlji fou I ai'e taken in, until I - ,,u H,t "'a" to fpioducf to ytior I minds to- jren.-rul api!icalion and F. A. TOBY. Why In II Sa Irclluhlr? Ttiis qui-Ntion is often heard and iihhiJ n h 'tfii miihi wr-l. Il ts uol ahvaH mmiui rr d. as It 8b"nil hi- tti tt iIih n riNidii ot ill- j tt-mprr ami initHb lily so inn L-i be t fouiui in the rjbvrtiiMl eniolin if.n the pirsoii fcti'.cfHtt. Wiia the use of tiirg to 'li iinioniz-" a nun who-n hv-r ha8 iiuih h u k on himt If h man s tortured w.th iheunnn. (ism, bow can be lie expected lo tve fl'hble nd Hgr ea'le 1 0tn a cu fjru.ed d. 8petic be -x etifi-i1 t te cheeifu' aud ttlwns rndy to tell a funny t-t r ? The only wy to re nHe Ihe. ditlicilM lw ! tret sit the c.ius., l) spept-i'i, Hliumi iiisui, impure liiood hu lier iiird8 I o Huod'- Haifrtpiillri ; tli a n why it if an effective iHnquil z-r a peaceful rnt-Ksengt-C anil a pie ventiv. ol dninFt ic quariHt. Tliroir I'liynic lo ilie Ik. M any do this. Thev become dis gtifted with d c ois aiid rufe. hI.". Su h U-i t- iefcr tii'l V n r's D-sp-p-u It'ined.v. I p-ts l he t ii,ii-i, it ordrr, Mid Uian li-a ii tt.ii put f. rJjiif. K ti ft 'ui-::i o r ler and diei!'- i;n- io frxi-t. li Tii'i's Dy-peiia li- iod-. I builds liji hi d gH'i 3 a w il e f ; cm 1 1 j ti.'ft ?o l'j ir. 50.? ps-i n tr.it. For 9 e b, lrug RACKETSTORE 0 i 0HIT on t? ' r: stwvtc ro -? f y 'i v tut i-wrg tin ii.-iei. i 1 .ii.-, I r v ( ; t ions '1 ii:V ;ii Si- l:i n and dit h: I vv ?, . Have" got lit good-- a:.d they un bound to go. )o yoiir trading wilh us mid mivo one half )ot;r money. This i.ithe time y. ti want to make your 5e- col ton hny IQc worth of good, mon ey saved is money made. K E'l'KCl FULLY J. L. Kistler. CRYSTAL LENSES TDkOt MARK. Quality Tint ti hi. J. A. Smith, Druggist, has ex- liisive sale of these glasses in X nvton. X. C. From th factury f Kellam tt loore, the only com plete optical plant in the south Atlanta. Ga. 5"Teddler3 are not supplied with these tainoua glasses. I I A "SUIT of CIOTHES for 75cents This may astonish yon. It is no catch, nor bate. t is a real straight i-ale made on our original, Quick falop and hod pi ofit.s, policy. "Jhe purchaser of this eapacial line was lare but the manufacturers have failed to deliver therefore ii win iitt'in.j) ..Mh e i.ir i' siiiJ.v " I ''Ot these pirifcuir saiu are iiikiI lor -lilt I men". That class ciiaiitfiu from kilta to - iroasra. Fit 1 he . on tig mt up in one of our 76o. to 82 00 suits and if he d eB u t frel ai big a Pjpa there ia soiaetblD radically wrong. Our louitb lot of clothib coming in . It will". m ike our "lock a moat excellent one, placiug 08 In a position to p ease i'ie most fabtidioua. The selection la good, 8tjle art roirrc, tuik ttt 1. . V.iiid beleMsed to ghow you through aian tiia, Jnst a w tJ itb.Mt sh,.e-j. Our saeive ne riht bre now, rmt by the time this recii you they will ie tillbii tiain We anticipate jTour waints aud are alwaja retijtf supply infii-. We have 1 he lest I ot Lome made shoes in low n, EVEUY pir i gutrdoieed. Just tbiok of it, -a vsouimt. fhoe for $1,40 aud so on ail throagb? Call ou us. It wdl be a pleasure to show you through; - RE&PECTFULL r,J IT, S. BoMmsob itCo Renier.iber we are the Champion produce dealers in . JJucoIuton. I n B uy i ng a Piano or an Organ Ho sure. that you get one 01. a reliable make, sary to buy an expensive instrument, as a can lie bought for very little, more than one of an in ferior make wpulj-'cast'" -.We "handle noliSibiit FIRST CLASS, STANDARD; MAKES OF PIANOS & ORGANS every onn of which is" guaranteed, for ( years vvith a -6 moni exi-hanL' privilege. We. furnish a compre.re oulfft'rREE with each miilir. und pay freights. ' .-. ir- Wi ite for catalogue and prices ..." " . ' ' " - LUDDEN & BATES, onUiiMti Music House, v:,m; whiui.erm'gr. IRXOWE IBAWI3H IriOIJSfi, ,f As aM J ' I. 1 I'lt A -- bict. i 1 1 . -1:'..,GVAN, v;.-!l:rCALf&r;6AfiCl- 3.2? POLICE.3 SOLES. --sj2.wurtKlNGM iFMf A I 2.l.7iBoSCH0dLSi:0E' v . LADIES ')0?.' it 7S FVTP5 FIMF ' As ' 43 '' rtiCNG01, frwri rnor.ATAinr.nc W-L-DOUGLAS, BROCKTON, MA5S. Von en 11 t Hecause, wr advi. 1 iiita sin miinpv ly un baiutf L. 5rSi 1 Kt , cue value by statnymi the Dime and price 011 ; the bottom, win. h protects you against high prices nr.it the iiiiddicruau'.i pi ohts. Our shoe j equal Liistom woi k .in stylc, easy fitting and ; weaririir qualities. We liave them told every- where at lowtr prk-c-s tor the value given than any cil.cr inkt. Take 1.0 substitute. If your j dealer cannot -upply you, we cau. Sold by Maun & I5io-., ' Clitrry vii!, N, C. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Unxina t,n iinxlitji.i aa the Eiecutora i o. me n.M in and Testament f Solomon t 1 1 entt-r, trtr'.i, nil i.eraons havir.tr claims ' i aiTHlUi-t :vd t'tveaavd. hie !.( ho'n.itif; , . - r. v... i,.c-niuC mr inum on ax ieiora t i r.r til,.. r . nt on or telore the -20tn dy ,,f Augi.et 15. ..r ttm no. ice i win oe .if at in .nr T recovery. Tht8 Ausun Hih 1S91- . h t HIS CARPENTER - il-VIV ( ARPENTER iE, AttV. . B. Wet A ilU;KMiLh TKKAfcUKE ' : I W 1 ml.-,-, rnijilinne, N Y, .t8 j iI.hi ht- a v.-ty :r- KiBifs New Di's- j :iri7..:'?&;.t;t I i.-, Ih..t h w,.ii 1 n -t be without it it ; pr.. tita', If. g A t)vlrr.n L'ruit I ' ''il ? V- s,vs :"nl Pr Kiss's 1 i -Nev Df.h.rty I- un.iiuiably te bet , C "ljtli 0-1. .ly; lint t, . Uwj it jn ! i Uji.iy I-r -ai.t ei-s. (ii,d it la rierer ! inilc . t- ci-. Hti that is chi-raed lor i . Why ' I ii t tjv .0 . tly lo r f ied Ht.fl tPstJ. ' J ir.v.l !.. tM- iu ,it J .M 1, win- Dra 1 j .-iM-f r.c.' s:zc - and 1.00 I iv;.,,; i'i'rw.ti' a Jowa-from o . ,.C;k -V l iwchoi-jT carea. hrowii's Inn ?itl-rs rh.v- ivatrm il; : ..V." 1 I lad cvres m&it&. Oct tLo ;cvurie. - .It is not nece first claai one 9 lNffOK5ES THE S rSK lnvetijrattun - n.. if !hi . .iii. ii.it jl . I r. J .1. - I : I'll , It. nil 1 . BOOK FREE. Electiolibration Co., I roofiTH fvir.yi:. 1894. vi v -1894. NEW WORK. Harness, 4$&r idles, ; ! Saddles and' in fact ANYTH4NG that is used, idsif' or to be VVORN by HORSE or MULE. With Fifteen years experience I am prepared to furnish any thing in my Line at Hard T!rr. Prices, for Cash or Barter. RepaipinQ fdone on short . - .. iHftJICE. Give me a call and be cod vinced. .Shop pn CO1) 3quar hholr aF til II ftllJ 1 : . - .RespectfuJy; J. P. BEAN .1 I SPeridr adnata offered st ! .The Marion. Art SPhool '. . . . . .Concord, C- 12. ' iJoi4l', ''ciu'tl-wjth private famil: i ut !ow ,a,-P- For furthfr particp ! Urn. inldinjj MlS3 BETTIE Aixanpsb. Frit o pal

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