mi Hi 1 1 ii 1 1 ii iii iii 1 1 1 1 1 ,i WW VOL. VIII. LINCOLNTON. N. C, FRIDAY, DEC. 14. 1894. NO. 34; for Infants and P HPT HERS,. Do You Know that Ptu-egorto, UuU KLtemau's Drops, Godfrey's Cordial, many bo-caUei Soottda Syrjp3, aai most remedies for children are composed of opium or morphine f Do Ton Know that opium and morphine are stupefying narcotic poisons f Do Yon Know that in most countries druggists arj pot permitted to sell narcotics vrithout labeling them poisons f . Do Yon Know that you should not penult any medicine to be given your unless you or your physician know of what it is composed t Do Yon Know that Castorla is a purely vcsctiUe preparation, and that a list of Its lngredient3 la published with every bottla t Do You Know that Cactoria is the prescription of the famous Dr. Samuel Pitcher. That it has been in use for nearly thirty years, and that more CaatorU is now sold than .ctall other remedies for children combined ? Do Yon Know that the Patent Office Department of the United States, and of cttcr countries, have issued exclusive right to Dr. Pitcher and his assigns to uso the wortf C Astoria " and its formula, and that to imitate them is a state prison offense ? ' P Yop Know that one of the reasons for granting this government protection was because Castoria had been proven to be absolutely harmless? ' Do Yon Know that 35 averago doses -of Castoria aro furnished for 35 , coats, or. etc cent a dose ? P Yon Know that when possessed of this perfect preparation, your children ma . be kept weu, and that you may have "unbroken rest r Wall, theso things are worth knowing. The f2-fcimil fcisrnatnro Children Cry for Pitcher's Cactorla. D. J. CARPENTER & BROS. -NEWTON; N. C: $15,000 worth of goods 50 per. cent off the $100. we have the largest Line Of Goods Ever SHO WNn This .section now is your chance to get bargains. ; SHOES SHOES, 5000 Pairs that are 5 per. cent off in prices, he best woraans button shoe for 75 cents ever sold the best womans oil grain for 90 cts. worth $1.25. Dest childrens shoes for 50 ct8. to 75 cents. Meos hue t-hoes from $1,00 op. Wa kefp the , P. Paul Eagle & J. B. Lewis shoes all which are guaranteed. f he largest line ot clothing kept d the town. $12 00 suits for 7,50 tbey are warranted first clasa goods cr moi-.ey r. fancied. A big line ot all price gojils kept. MY 0HD ill 40 meh cissb mere for 20 cnts double width w O'8'ed l- cle, Gmguata op. B st, ontinga 7J. Best snee:iig 3 yards g,ods for 5 cents. Hist lino iimnels 20 cents up, tjo largest stock of all kod dress goods at the reduction process. WANT ED 1000 Baiea good Cjtton, Corn, dtp, Oaions, Irish Potatote, Peap, bfats, EB con, and every thing we boy. Come and see us and we will sell you goods cheaper than you ever bought them in your Life RESPECTFULLY & NEWTON N C 55 JUDGE WALTER CLARK USES AND ENDORSES THE u- s x THAI Cures when all f ' . North Caroliua Supreme Court. 'WAiTEU CUABE. ASSOCIATE JLSTICK. Raleigh. C, Jan. 28. i' We have found the ElectropoUe very valuable 3C UTAKK. cUtlly-rorchlltlrrn. I got one last May, and I am sure 1 4 H&e .ivptt ilree'lmts it cnt already in doctor and 3 t tlrriz ore MU. frr.m my -3tperlence with U, and ob- k .x7aiiun. I van f.-i; I Your' ktXT&tiun. I can f.'iy rrconimnd It. jur truly, wLTCB Children. They are facto. else fall?." "J Investigation Ml. Invited.. cspe- J BOOK FREE. Electrolibration Co., CLXnS. 34S FOURTH AVCNUC, NEW YORK. Professional Cards J. W. SAIN, M.D., fc.as located at Lincolcton and of fers his services as obvsician to the citi tens of Lincolnton and surround ing country. ? ill betoand at niant at the Lin- coh ton Hotel. March 27, 1391 . It DENTAL NOTICE. Dr. A. W. Alexander will te a hi offlje at L:nco?nloo, June, Au- KC3k, Ootober, December, Fb fiavy and April. Will be in Mt. H iy, July, September, November, January, March and May. Patronage solicited. Terms cash at! moderate- a 1 ? mt itEfo itx OF COUN TY HE VENUES AND O HA ROES. Dec. 4 1893. To balance on hand Dec. 4th 18 93 $14.58 Dec 4 1893 Rec'd borrowed mr ney from J M Lawing 200.00 Dec 4 1893 Reo'd of A Nix on Sh'tf Tax 433.65 " 15 "JKClineSh'ff bal on marriage license; 4.85 Jen 1 1S94 " G E Ghilds as shown in his report 1.30 Feb 5 Mar 26 Apr 2 44 4 Am? 27 " D J Beam in his note 3.56 "J A Robinson for shingles . . " U P Howell '"BC Wood dis count on Mort. .".45 Sr.OO ' ' N ' W Nolan iron from iron . bridge 16 "J M Lackey old plank 50 " A Lee Cherry cash returned from Mamie Steele.... 2.00 " P Gant the hire of" San ford Uant. :.. .17.60 "J D Lackey hire of Frank Lack ey 20.10 "J KClineSh'ff tax :.. 9.345.14 44 Adam Canipe Sept 4 Oct 1 15 16 Z M;t'g. for the hire of his son 50.C0 " 29 " "GHallmanfine on Burt Hall man's case 4.40 Not 15 " " Haute Nel son fine case John Bess 15.00 20 ''CE Childs c s . jc-jail fees for Ed Erving & Will Robinson " " " JKCline Sh'f . Jury Tax. ....29.00 ti n u JKCline Sh'f Mar'ge license 120.00 " 4i " " JK Cline Sh'f PeddlirsTax 15.00 County liabilities for Dec 1893 To F F Baxter for home bill for November 94.50 J W Sain M D for servi- es at the Home 3.00 uRamsaur-& Burton for hardware 5.10 A" A Killjan for repairing public road near Ram- saur's bridge . . " . 10.00 " W D Luckey for lumber . for bridge .... 3.99 " NF Leathcrmad i for lum- for Near River 34.75 "BC Wood Reg. of Deeds for services as Clerk .... 35.40 " D W Robinson AtVy for Eervices to the Board 15.00 "PA Reep for good3 for the Home 2.70 ,: D M Taylor for 1 mo sup port of infirm daughter. . 2.50 F T Short' 1 mo. sup. in- . firm sou. 2.50 " Mrs C Clemmeer 1 mo 6up. of Med Clemmer children 3.00 Jerome,Yarboro for 1 mo. . support 1.50 " R W Cline 1 mo. support. . 2.00 11 D Cherry for w'k on cave on Yorkville Road 8.00 "JK Cline Bh'ff jail fees for Nov . . . 4.80 ''JH Tutherow for wind ing town clock 1 month . .1.38 " Mrs Amos Renolda l'mo sup. sick child .. v ...... . 1.00 Jan Liabilities for county 1894 3 C Wood Reg Deeds for services as Clerk 47.35 11 ? F Baxter tor the Home bill for Dec. 1893 ...... .99.20 " 'jC L Burgers for lumber ; . and work on on bridge ' on Island Ford poad . . " t;erf Smith building rock dam near Iron bridge . . 6.86 3.50 " . K Cline sh'f Jail fees for Dec . ..- 6.35 '; no F Davis J P for Ex. of Lee Hoke . .1.00 )B Starrette for pub Co. Revenue & charges . . . .18,83 " I' S Starrette for pub re port C E Childa esc... 14.64 " J A Nixon J P Ex Lee Hoke insane. ........ .1.00 " J J Slirum for lumber on bridge, on Island ford road 4.67 "JK Cline Sh'rf money . advanced to state for in digent pupils in institut 35.00 " Jenkins Bro 6 pr blankets for county 18.C0 " Ramsa.ur & Burton Hard- -ware, for county 11.C9 " D M Taylor 1 mo allow ance, for dauehter 2.50 " F T Short 1 mo sup in firm son 2.50 41 R W Cline 1 mo sup of self. . . .2.00 " Gerome Yarboro 1 mo sup of self . 1.50 4' A Lee Cherry sup 1 mo Ollie Abernethy 2.25 " Mr Amos Reynolds 1 mo sup sick child 1.00 41 Mrs Catherine Clemmer 1 mo sup Med Clemmer .1.00 " P. A. Reep for the Home. .90 ' W L Crouse interest on $100,00 dated 3rd Dec lS91;ifrom date 1 Jan 1894 14.54 W L Crouse in't on $100 00 note dated Oct 10 1892interest from Jan 1 1894 9.80 4 W L Crouse medical at tention at home and jail. 4.50 W L Crouse & co med for Home and jail 3.S0 "JF Wilson in't on $500. 00notedatfdOct41892 in't to Oct 4th 1893. ... .40.00 " County liabilities for Feb 1894 'PF Baxter Hom3 bill for Jan 110.91 "CE Childs c sc Edwards & Brbughten. 22.22 " E K Evans tin for C H an'd work on jail. 75 " B C Wood service as clerk &c 10.55 " JF Miller sud Goldsboro Asylum for money ad vanced for traveling ex penses by Ada Pember- ton. . - 7.20 "FS Starrette for Dub amts paid coramis 1893 4.50 " U F Ruth repairing C H roof.::,. 7.91 " V S .Davidson MD for ex John Lucky. . 5.C0 "V S Davidsot ' M D for jx Lee Hoke-.'. 4: L: en ry Nixon coffin At Zlelia Bynumi.. .'. 44 J hn. Lucky col burial outfit Celia Bynum. . . . .0 .CO .2.00 1.52 " I r. W C Kiser services at ; he Home.. .5.00 ' Ramsaur & Burton stove & pipe for Registers of fice. - .. ... 7,17 " Calvin Shrum timber for B catties ford road ....... 3.75 -4A Lee Cherry taking John R Lucky to west ern Hospital 6.55 " J ANixon J P ex of Jno R Luckey LOO k Dager & Hart work on Mt Zion bridge.. 18.00 t: JH Tutherow winding town clocl; 2.67 'JS Hallman work on bridge on Iron St and Denver road 12.00 44 W H Michal glass for jail . .2 58 u N M Delhnger lumber lor Iron bridge and Rock Dam. . 3.60 44 E T Childs comb3 for Home.. 70 "JK Cline She'ff jail fees for Jan 9.25 44 John Rudisill repairs on bridge on Indian Creek Yorkville road . . ...... 13.60 '4P A Reep shingles for C H. .9.00 44 F. M Beal supplying co jail with water 19 weeks 14.25 " rs Amo3 Reynolds 1 mo sup of sick child .... 1.00 " F T Short 1 mo support iDfirm son 2.50 " L M Taylor 1 mo allow ance infirm daughter. 2.50 44 Mrs C Clemmer 1 mo sup port Mary Clemmers child l."0 44 A Lee Cherrv 1 mo sup Allie Abernethy 2.25 " R W Cline 1 mo sup of iimself 2.0C 44 Gerome Yarboro 1 mo mp of himaelf 1.50 44 M S Hagar D S arrest & delivery of Ramsep King 6.75 44 J B Ileim cor services in quest over Levi H Clark 6.80 44 R S Edwards juror serv ices on inquest on iuq. Levi HClark 1 90 " J L Harkey juror services on iuq. Levi II Clark .... 1.50 4i John O II Hoke juror services on inq. Levi H Clark L80 44 P D Hinson juror servi ces on inq Levi H Clark .1.90 ' J II Bisaner juror servi ces cn inq over Levi H Clark 1.90 44 Dan'l Keener juror serv ices on inq over Levi H Clark 1.50 44 J K Cline serv on inq over Levi II Clark 1.20 County liabilities for Spring term Lincoln Superior Court No. 1 St. vs David Kirksey 1.13 4.68 7.72 3.64 1.80 5.35 6.10 .78 22.82 9.73 14.03 11.85 1574 15 61 6.21 2 H fi. 3 4 4 44 Henry Carpenter 44 " John Wings John Black Sr 44 ,4 Zeb Shrum 44 fi Lawson Reynolds 44 44 Monroe Sain 44 4 Abe Hester 10 44 44 Will Robinson 11 12 44 Thos Willis 44 Charles Reynod3 13 44 Mrs M M Lutz 14 4t M D Anton 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 44 4 Jas. Carpenter 44 44 Theadore Heavner .98 44 4- William Shell 6.60 " 44 Ben Poston 10.05 44 Thos Wilson i.20 44 44 John Bess " 6.6S 44 li Alfred Black & John Black 5.40 44 44 Geo Connor 2.60 44 4 John Cornwell 10.75 " " LP Reynolds' 43.60 4; 4- John Bess 7 48 44 Law6on Black & Reels Black 23.08 : 44 Charley Clark 5.03 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 i: 44 Wade Harris 9.61 44 " John Branch 2.95 44 44 Burt Leonhardt 13.21 44 44 W J Whitworth Jacob Whitworth 13.32 44 44 Daniel Childers Mary Jane Hester 9.15 44 44 Susie Clark Ema- line klark 4.49 '4 " John Ramsour 5.72 44 44 Walter Burgess Emma Shrum 44 44 Frank Forney " 44 Thomas WTillU 44 44 John Camp 44 44 Randolph King 10.88 11.78 .78 6.76 23.16 6.11 4.86 .78 8.87 8.61 10,47 12 03 8.61 10.47 4( (C 44 44 Sue Harris 44 John Ramsour 44 44 Pink Leonhardt 44 44 Sanfort Gant 44 45 Nora Link 44 4 John Bess 44 4 Frank Lackey 44 44 May Link 40 4C 47 45 Charges for March 1894. 44 P F Baxter home bill for ,Feb 44 P D Hinson bll lime for the home "HS Robinson & Co 2 pr. shoes for home 44 J K Cline sh'ff jail fees &c. for Feb 4 A M Wingate work on O 9550 1.60 1.50 18.25 H 11.48 44 TP Jenks lumber for bridge 8.10 t. P A Reep tobacco for the home 44 E T Childs goods for the home 4' D M Taylor 1 mo sup in firm son 44 F T Short 1 mo sup in firm 6on 44 Mrs C Clemmer 1 mo sup port Mary Cle miner's children 44 Terome Yarboro 1 mo al lowance 44 X Lee Cherry 1 mo sup port Ollie Abernethy 'RW Cline 1 .'mo allow ance for himself 44 I Irs Amos Reynolds 1 mo allowance sick child 44 1 Irs E W Ramsey 1 mo allowance 44 V L Crouse M D services at home " W L Crouse for medicine for the home 44 J K Cline sh'f Supreme court case fees in case St vs John Ramsaur " 44 ' 44 sh'f ad. tax notices " Motz & Wells for coffin pauper 44 B C Wood Walter Evans & Cogswell co. tor Reg. of Deeds and chattle Mortgage 44 J II Tutherow winding town clock 1 mo. 8.60 2.56 2.50 2.50 1.50 1.50 2.25 1.00 1.00 1.50 7.00 3,23 10.35 3.00 4.00 19.30 1.33 County liabilities lor April 44 Jenkins Bros. 500 envel opes for county " JK Cline sh'f jail fees &c for March 4k J 11 Tutherow winding town clock 1 mo 44 P Carpenter work and lumber on bridge over Rnines Bridge " Ramsaur & Burton hard ware for county 44 Will Costner for plank for public road 44 P A Reep shingles and nails for home 44 L W Hoyle plank and work on bridge near said L W Hoyle 44 Jenkins Bros blankers for jail 44 Noah Leatherman lum ber for bridge on New ton road 44 B C Wood Edwards and Broughten cross index Chat Mortgages 44 D M Taylor 1 mo sup in firm daughter 44 F T Short 1 mo allowance infirm son 44 Mrs C Clemmer 1 mo al lowance of Mary Clem mer 2 children 44 A Lee Cherry 1 mo sup Ollie Abernethy 44 R W Cline 1 mo sup for himsell 44 Q W Ramsey sup for her self and children 44 J 10 F Davis J P for ex Jno Luckey insane 1.80 45.00 1.33 2.6i 6.18 1.25 12.80 1.00 4.10 2.04 10.50 2 50 2.50 1.50 2.25 2.00 2.00 1.00 44 P F Baxter Home bill for March 107.90 44 J P Jenks lumber and .York on bridge at Jenks -Dinner 7.27 44 C )inty Labilities for May 1894 44 PF Baxter Home bill for April 8S.85 " G S Duckworth for cof- in for Margaret Fisher 2.00 44 J nkins Bros blankets for ;cil 2.50 44 J I Tutherow for wind- Lng town clock 1 mo 1.33 44 J K Cline Sh'rl for coun- y expenses fcc 27.15 44 M M Dellinger foi land incess in public read near said Dellinger3 house 17.00 44 C L Childs esc Dockets names of jury tc 10.70 44 J K Cline Sh'ff for jail fees for April 75.90 4; J A Abernethy hauling rock timber &c on pub lic road at Norwoods 105.00 44 Reinhardt fc Morris for I repairing &c xm bridge 4.90 44 E T Childs goods for Home 8.41 ' W L Crouse M D service at jail and Home 12.60 W L Crouse fc co bill ior j ' medicine 6.4 g "PA ReeD tobacco and shingles for the Home 12.59 44 J M Lacky picks for pub lie road use 1.48 44 II S Robinson & co goods for the Home l.0 41 D M Taylor infirm daugh ter 1 mo 2.50 44 F T Short infirm son 1 mo 2.50 44 Mrs C Clemmer for Mary lemmers children snp lmo" 1.50 44 Jerome Yarboro sup of iimself 1.50 44 A Lee Cherry Ollie Aber nethy 1 mo 2.25 4- R W Cline sup of himself 2.00 44 Mi 3 E W Ramsey sup self .tnd children .r0 44 Nsnie Steele sup self 2 .CO 44 County liabilities for June li-i 44 J K Cline sh'ff jail fees fcc for May 400 44 J K Cline sh'ff summon ing 5 list takers 3 00 44 Lee L Houser repairs on bridge at Iron bridge 1.10 44 J W Saine M D Home medicine bill for May 3.5J 44 Edwards & Broughten binding tax book3 for 194 1.7 j 44 A W Reedy gal ink for county 1.75 44 Ramsaur & Burton goods for the Home and jail 1.42 44 Susan lluss for infirm daughter 1.50 44 P F Baxter Home bill for May 79 3; 44 D A Lowe tv: son allow ance for Mrs Steele and family 2 50 4 D M Taylor 1 mo allow- ance infirm daughter 2 iO 44 F T Short infirm daugh ter 1 mo 2 50 44 Mrs O Clemmer 1 mo al lowance for Mary Clem mers children 1. 0 44 Jerome Yarboro 1 mo al lowance for himselt 1 50 44 A Lee Cherry 1 mo al lowance Ollie Abernethy 2 25 44 R W Cline 1 mo allow ance for himself 2.00 44 Mrs E W Ramsey 1 mo ollowance for herself and family 2.00 44 B C Wood for servicea as clerk &c Feb 5 D5.12 county liabilities for July 1891 14 BC Wood for services for clerk &c for June 9.45 4 P A Reep goods lor the Home 8.75 44 L D Haynes J p Ex of W T Smith insane 1.03 l'LD H-iyne j p listing taxes 1894 in Lincoln .ton township 38.20 44 P F Baxter home bill for June 77.65 44 H S Robinson & co home goods Continued 2.43 next xouJi. ELEuTiUO BITTERS. Thii remedv is becoming so well kecw 1 and s popular as to need no special tuet tion. Ad who bare u$d Electric Kilter ing t ie same song of praUe. A purer raedicim does not exist and it is guiraxio teed t) do all that is claimed. Jkiectric Bitters villcure all diseases of tbe Liver and Kiorieyj, will remove Pimples, l.i.'s, Salt I h -urn and otaer affection caused bjr impur jlo d. Will drive Malaria from thv systfs - and prevent as well as cure aji Via aim fevers. For cure of Headache, Cons: yition and Indigestion try Jtlectr t Bitter Entire satisfaction gnarantied.tr raone; funded. Price 60 cents and fl.CO ler b't! e at A, S. L e's Drag Store. F hei ..: fla I Hi 11' ihf s ind urn! r-tol real Dack lu it)- &ii or vueml nothing so good an a piece '1 uurop t.ed wirh CtMUitwr- ' In Balm Hud bound orr of p iid. It ttft rd prompt mem relief and If neel in 1 1 ofitn ptevut a cold from in puumooi. This t-ame -tt is a sure cure for Urns For sale t-y Dr VV.LCrou?e T. DrtU' Jo ti Q iUu:er Editor of the 3nnt'' t03. Seligmao, Mo., who nam ?d Orover Cleveland for tba Piet- :dency in Nov., 1832, while ht was Maym1 of Buflalo, N. YM In intLosi stic in bin praise of Chamber). n't Colic, Cholera and Diarrbcei Ilea dy. He say; "1 have used it ior ihe past five jears and consider it tbe test preparation oitbo kiuJiu roaiker. It is as staple us mrar and oHee m this section. It it ao article of mnrit and sboold be ued "in evry bousebold. For sale by Dr. W. L. Oiouse Druggist

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