fIS (B nil mma LINCOLN LC0UK1KK; F S HTAUUETTK, KDITOU AND 1'KOrKIKT":. LINCOLTON, " H. C, FKB. 22 1 0' KNTERKD in the Post Office AT XjKCOLSTON AS -3001) CLASS Mill, MATTES & Ascription Cash in Advance. 1 year... -00 C months l 3 tmuths 2a Mates of AJwtisinQ. Oaeincn, one time. S1.O0 ; 25c fo-each subsequen insertion. To inches, one time, $1.50; CO ",eats tor each nbsequent insertion Three inches, one time, S2.0C 75 cents for each subsequent inser our inchea; one tinie, $2.50 11.00 for each subsequent insertion. Special rales ior one-half and oie- fourth column ; also, for anj ivtwrthetncut continued longer th:iu two mouth. - Correspondence. l.owesville, N. C, Feb. 11, lbl5. II li - Mr. Simmon, Kaleih, N. C, )r.R Sik: String ssoiih ai m V-itkv a ereat ad about on. , . t ..... li itzull bein defeated for Assist- Doorkeener lv one Middleton lJ',i 'J oil ro). 1 write vou lOI lilt' .. 4l , t - in the easy. r Reitzell defeated by Middle Is Reitzell a Populist or no 'rat ? Was Beitzeil's name . nted in Caucus Waa Reit : eundidnlc. for t lie position of -'..Uit Do.-.rkeeper in any sense t word .ii.-ui-i'itu. y favor, .in. I m ;,. h., i m-t a .if liiiiit the im- V"U t--i-n: M ! li: .li: I v. a- 1; ;ni it in 1.. a-1 il.v.- d. a Tin i Mat tt-r to put tie 1 li nliOV'.'. tl'ikf; V'U sohiti-jn U' tho Il-ii:s.'ll Ki pB in j.nw.-r. W h.'lo Id Y'lir (.1 WliltO- i.;U-i luvinaey llitzell tlotcitt'd in aiious y a negm :ml why ? fLiUii' t tit iilace fell to the lepnl. lic:in?." That id tho explanation given ).y youi' iciresentnlivc. "The Dome. ntiniinat-l a klat negro." Hew Uoea that snind, coining, as it lcf:s, from your State Senator ? Why should Mr. Sigmon mnke suel.i Htfttementii as the alovr un les! it 19 to further pn-judiet you against your only political friend in X. C. the Dem. party. Did Mr. Higmon not know that the man nominated ly the democrats for a.istant Doorkeeper was a white man. Certainly he did. Why tht.'ii did he say ''the democrats nominated a m.ack neoro." The above is worthy your serious thought." Respectfully, J. Wn.r. MeLsTosif. Lowsville, X. C, Feb. 18, 18!.).',. BE? ARK OF OINTMXNT3 foe CA TARIUI CONTAIN MEKOIIKY, ;is meictiry will Htifil,' destroy the a vi? e of 8a 1 (nnpl(t ly le- r. - i-e t.e wtiule. tys'eru v1 en enti it.;: il.ihrongh Use njiicfun .. urfae s. lie 'i ftiiic. vy sisnnld nv r In nH-t ' x .-.Miit e p; sriip i n;a from ivput :t!.:, plsjii e.Jon, as ihe dntu g- tte v ,;i : is 1 -1 j i ti tlo !uu on ' P'S!i' dM!0 fiiiMi tlti'Ul 11.. '-i (it.Hr ii (5.r-, m.t t.'ieiineo: 1 v ' J :'hf!ooy .v T.!tii . ( . i ;ne iif --i.;.-H :.t ;i.d 1 1 1. i'. Jily to ' 'Subscriber." ! In his reply to nie ".Subscriber'' ! us?:i dignified and courteous Ian- guae. 1 might say it were even chaste if ho had not injured pois- on into it bv writing the word j "gaul." But to the question in issue. I maintain that Mr. Reit zell was not beaten in the caucus nor before- the Legislature for doorkeeper or assistant doorkeeper by Abe Middleton. Why? Be cause it was settled in joint-caucus that the Republicans should have the assistant doorkeeper's place, and the Populists Mere to take the higher office. under this agree ment the Populists had no voice in selecting candidates for assistant doorkeeper and the Republicans had none for the doorkeeper's place; but both factions agreed to support the candidates of the oth er. Aa a result of this understand ing Middlelon, Republican, defeat ed Baker, Republican, for assistant doorkeeper and Reitzell was de teated for doorkeeper by a white Populist whose name I now forget. A letter from Mr. Reinhardt, dated j Feb. 13, informs me that Raker is nnw il.iincr trnorJ lntv nnilpr the. . , . - n mm 11PC.1V After !1. "-t K- 7 this seems to be a case t tne survival ot the fit est" and a farther j evemnUhVation ot the. tact that 'water always seeks its own Wel.?) j liul accord ini; to democratic theory this principle plays no part and Raker lias dishonored his misting le..' I'V licvepting seryice under Middleton. Either Democratic theory i-i o'iotes.i ih tru t!u ;i i'' paiisis ; ! :I l : ' ! .- ' . i !; ' -' . o !i : i i ; if. nu: ol" 1u n.ddage If it be ans and li'.-n thev .1 nil -iiui P:d We -. z a ve 1.4 1 1 ; i t r:'e t Reprsh ;ne:i .ii-'.'ii' tf! bite a tin raee :-ole tieC1-. a an o t nr, .1 e;ual looting in Hie ;i!erit r o 1 1! er tiie I yield to no man in mv r i'.-r tht! old Oonfederate Soldier ' Ilv- ry battle-field on which he iou-jht and bled has been tnade holy jjreund by tin baptism it re ceived in ln blond, and to-day hi3 valor and patriotism is admired by 'he civilised world. ri p;o back to the text of my first ailiclo: It is ghoulish to tear open the wounds of the old battle-scared heroes by ''appeals to prejudice, and passion", ( ami those who do it most, usually contribute least, to the mainten ance of the Soldiers' Home. Dur ing the Moody days that tried men's souls the negroes ot the South stood by the wives and chil dren of the Soldiers! of the '"host Cause" as constantly as the guard ian angel watches over the death-j bed of tho just, and now that he has been made free by no fault ot his, it is unjust and unkind that he should be made a political scare-crow. In the last campaign tho Democratic octopus reached out his tentacles and drew the "colored brother'' fo his bosom as tenderly as a voting mother caress es her first bom child. Ho was its Cnsius then its only hope, but in . .u ...... mai.M, am; nrinery, (inn otju inr.Ai nrni ill ifie iLenuo. ,. . lKan cam), their Casius could not ' . , sive them trom impending doom, They fell and fell hard, ten, ,ut ..,.,, , , ' ' t.hev will no d.iiibt find iuuuo com- , t. . ' ' lornnthe consolation John Bun- ytin give !' that is down needs fear no frit." ibit the same fid "Clojuis, chameleon lik. is again trying to change its color it can't stand the "blarsied nigger.' lv ":::ili-:.'r-l m ' tni.,;..,..l ; ho i-.-os a colored mini maki?.g ai-it-rnaiv i.-ips on ih- Xanv.w tlauyv i..i'!io.-l Vv !;ite liir.ii r if li'" is. why dot 3 u;.e;-ii!f. iiu 11; : '.t r: 1-r ?.ot p : 1 ! .:.i!,r v in t-ie :'r CiiTi -liiKi ;urprij;d i 'a Sonth Was lie n-ji Democrat. .Mr. Cbveland .b'.;red Key. Cii. Vyc colored, of SalUburv, a ioroign mission worth five or six thousand dollars a year .' Tlier wuri no surprise, however v. hen KiV. Price refused to accept such a bribe. Had 'Subscriber" cut his eye teeth when Mr. Cleveland appointed a colored man Recorder of Deeds for the District of Colum bia with perquisites and salary worth about twenty-four thousand dollars a year ? If so, why did he not take Grover to task for over looking all the old heroes who crossed swords on the sanguinary field of battle. If "Subscriber"! yet shaken oft' hiB swaddling clothes don't you know he was pa ralized with surprise when Fred rick Douglass, colored, dined at j the White House with Mr. Cleve land. Was there no old soldier who wore the hlue or the gray to take his place ? or did Mr. Cleve land intend to show contempt for them? No sensible man will think he did. Was not "Subscriber" surprised when Mr. Cleveland's Postmaster General refused to oust the colored postmaster at Fayette ville to make room for a Demo crat ? Was not the surprise even greater when the Postmaster (ien- ertil ulieoci ad a cause lor not turning him out that they, the j Democrats, hail petitioned the Harrison Administration to get him in to Jeat a white Republican and that they could not now peti tion him out to make way for a Democrat if he was good enough then ho is good enough now. The patriotism ef the Fayetteville D.?m ociat3 was nothing but a niyht mare and it has returned to hauut t::: ?n. iU:t thrv are consistent --ii;f cr;it; are v. heft ti re i' 1'oder t!.e last Ilarri n I ration several Renubli '1 for tie.1 post ofike ion wh ?; vas a ladv. J a ,1 t ;vl.l- i ? t r a MI ; I;: rv Hi it- i r i t 1 1 f . at ,h'-eo im-.mi ir-.mca i :avi- v.a- !avi- iii':v;t r.y J t. ni- e rat's t ) i:u:t-' -- .p-.-'i .; ion i'..n- t.h:- j:hi;:e. .oid I am i ,i' : d :;i ; j!ei;:(.n v.aj f-i-i v.: i y ;o::ii- . i the Laurie f I (. ' i tn; (own. "'acij dup-iCity eii!.:i!:o Hot UurM'' ' I' :d ioii::ujs, and ii 'v.'n b ..M'i .' !' "..'.vii ;) tiie rr.rr," h.- viii r.i.i i.iit ili-it did not unstru:-'; ids .lew--!. Dut tin.' jdotur.' if vou wonkl have him :u into livtste: - I h.uv- urous.'d the. S (r.. . l ! autv (i)viM i r L'j-. !Vi ii-. Wi h.n I reUii;..; to 'imoll-caliUl politiciahB'- I kne w the arrow would find it3 nr-ii;, auJ thu distressing bray ef t!:-: v.'osi.'ided animal rlirays jTS Jbi-NTITY, 1 have preat syn. patiiy for him, but I cannot enter tain him farthei without ignoring a iu!e 1 hope always to keep invio- late that is, never to pav inv at I'-nuon 10 io eiaeses 01 peopu fools and infants "Bill Shanks" is no infant. J. T. DeLaxe. "I kiKtw hu old sold iff who I ad chronic diarrhoea of loi-cr atandii'g to hate been permanently rured b taking Chamhfrlam's Colic, Cholera and Diarihoe Itemedy," 8aya E l ward Sbuinpik, n iionnneat, drug eist of aiinnoapoli?, Minn. have P0,,i th" iemed m ln-'.V for over ev n yfars aud consider if Hiipeiior to any other medicine now on the maiketlor bowel conlplttluts, 25 Mhd 50 cent bottles of this reme dy tor Hale- by Dr. W. L. 'rouse Dr;ii.,t. tf-amraaaEM? .-T Advertising pays: Newspaper advertising pays best of all. Our most successful and prosperous merchants and tradesmen, whoso bright record has added lmperish- , nMelnatro t( hft history-of Amer . ,..... lean commerce, can all teslitv to ; 4 .. , r. , . this truth fn.m personal expen j : ti'. . .,.r , .1 ; The newspaper is thecommer- 1 eiul traveler in citv aud country homp w.hft tftlu nf t. fl ' . ' 1 ;- n- i , ta coiiiii.m ntic, iiih meius 01 your wares and merchandise, if you are wise enough to employ it to fpeak for you. It never is 1. lected, never speaks to inattentive or unwilling ears. It never bores It neyer tires. It is always a wel co:r.f; visitor and meets a cordial r-p!ion. ft speaks when the da i, 1 't,o, wtirn zxres vaiush, wr.ei. th mind at po-?co;ml at r:-sf h m i 3 m-re::eU:v .noo.. Tlien it .i.; that its ftory is told and all who r -nd ti canin e wl.-at it gays, and are influenced to gowheieit directs f..r the tiling of which it speaks. What oilier inihicneos can be ho potent to b-!p trade as this quiet but powerful advocate ? Let it become a salesman in ev ery home for your wares. Let it make its mighty plea for your ben efit. And we assure you it will do more than all other influences to promote your business ami put moDey it your purse. In our long experience we know whereof we speak. Try it. Pettingill & Co., Newspaper Adv't. Agency, 22 School st., Boston, MassJ Mutual Reserve Bldg N Y City. Lady Aberdeen tried a novel solution of the e-vervexing servant- girl problem in her homes in Scot- J land and Canada, and in the April number of The Ladies' Home Journal she will, in an article, ex plain the method she adopted. When BLy vn sick, we gav her Castoris. Wbeu sbe w&s a Chili, sfca crii. fcr C'itorla. When she became ILUs, Ehe clun to Custcria. kYb&n shs had Children, she gave them Ctori. Cailtiiii Cornwall, fuitmau of the Q. zitte, MidJUtJn, N J, believes that Chuiubeisaiu'i Cough Remedy should te in e?ry home. He Ufed it tor a cold aud tt effected a speedy cure. He payF:'U is indeed a grand temedj, 1 ciii rf commend to all, I have also Feen it used for whooping eongb, wiah the best reaulta." f5 aud 50 cent bottler lor sale by Di V L Cr raise Draggisf. irnnriTTMf m ll1l'T ,m-"T''" -r- E IS THE BEST. TIT FOR A KINS' s. cordovan; 5 1U. FRENCH fcEAMCLLCaCALT. r34.23&? Fine Cau iKAiWARsa .: - --: "i H 3.5P P0LICE.3 soles. MEfs f EXTRA FINE- J- f3k: 15") $173 Rf;'? vrHOfltSKHEl "A S:r$iZr BE31 v "'"'' ''' !OCKTCM.Jl-JS. I CvcrOr.o I-'dV.'on th-ii vear ths I ,7 Lz Lr'JU&kstb C ti'.i j dlcar chocs aro equsKy s.-itlsaclvry ; T'.'scy fcivo -,"ro ?-?r t I-:c fcr the r.c:oy. v eci'.:f.! t-;:toe-i f i:oci I.? riy?c e n.1 ftt . ! t iicsr vvirsjig1 tsut' srs unSMrj'ssc.. I ''.2 t;ricasc? is'r 5 Scrm ,ct-,iir ed on i : --"i S 5 to S c?.vci ovc? ci'iicr tnisS; 1 ii iour dcakr Ca:-jiot ra?piy jcu'.vo cui, tioidv.y j i i.'.-o'fitf.u N. C. .:?..jr.rij'aK i. i l N'..,iTii C.i:i,i.!N v r., r-r..c c J - in u r ; ( r C ;iirt ( e i.isi oi,v f '. v.nty, S ! T" il A Ear'-.' l-y .. a ! r .fnr ir;' 1.". ii i . jj ficep (.t al ?s Sale of Und lordivisi.n ! A? dv' F & 5 ly tenant In ooa.mori. j j I'HMtl KCfp A nereis a ucerce haa riOi-n ivfiriarer wa ; !ln3 hI ivc t-:uiie t-iffco etfe.-t ttiMt th tl - ' 'ii-htnu irit-: s' in 1L3 UriU s-'t -ut in vh- ; pi- uii? $4 ho I -.i I (.11 tUiem by .e i partiii.xi, ar.i ih-t t'ip rmimi' Jcr be s e.d ! I iivittion aiiioDs? ihe pUi' t ti"-?. Nw i iheie'orc by virtue nfeniii d-cre, 1 v,-il! J j Jlh,d -v ;f. 'V'1' '8?? ht nain eeil l' !,ha ! v'del ir.iere-t ot the p'aistitl ii .ne hui ijr.dHnd sevrrity three arte ot land in I Howaida Creek ttwrubiii, h nc la ev-unty j N ('., adjoiiiinsj tfie ln'ids 01 Kli fosteber ot al e.iii'X inter sli et .hlnl &i being on tirtlf ot ite whole less ore hftv foin tl nnd to de d- sriihfd by meelH And hound'1, tali sale to he for one third cash and halanre in rqual installments on three and bit month; t.ine with good Btcurity title r served until archie money h paid in luii or if the purchaser prefers to pay cash and obtain his title ho may do. S PSherrili, Com. MONEY MADE KASILY AND RAPIDLY. lletd tbj.s and think it ovt r. We want 100 men who Lave en ergy and grit. We will give them a situation ia which they can make niony iap;dly the labor heiuff light and eaip'oyment tbe year round Itrqniria no capital or great cducattou. Some of our heat sa'e men are country boy; Young men or o'n will dc. Itf muneratlon is qoick and sure- Y e have need of 100 na n within tho next 40 dayp.s ? "nn , "Tn I to IT C Hilda ns & f!o . Pnti Imbfis Atlanta, (U. r o' 15 7t , One C nl To On Well. I! you ie uffeTihg irh an -kin or bloi d disiasc, Kn umaliam. Ca tarrh, Ujtra, Old Soiep, Geneial Debility, ele., wiite on a postal crJ to the R'ood B.i'm Co., Atlnnt8, Ga. lor a book of tvondeiful enres f(ee. This book will noiut the wav to speedy ifcorcry. Botanic Blood Halm h manufactured after a long testel prescription of an eminent physician, and i the best building, ty and b!odporiff io nidd'cine in l e world. Price $1.00 for bvge MVtb Frsaleby aM djn;gi.its. S -e adver'iserneni el.e x ii r E3IIfl M0HI S.OHa noji.T.j3ATfx,'etaT3x-KJOj 2i Oorg TP. ZH4y Be&Jaa&k, Mlaaowt Good Advice Quickly Followed Cured of Rheumatism by Hood's Oarcnparllla. M C. I. Hood ft Co., Lowell, Mam. t "IvuUkia down with rbeumatUm otw year co. I u ilok for over six moattia. Ofua I would Lava such palas that I Maid hardly eudura them, a friend cam to m and &4t1m4 m to Uy Uood'a Sarsaparllla. I took his at hid word aad got a bottla ot It, a&d alae hart tokaa altt botUea of It It Has Curd M Waaa the doctors could do ma bo good what etar. After balag baueflted so much troa tbli medicine I detcrlba Hood's Saraaparllla as a wonderful medlctue. I alio advise eTery ona who Is troubled with rheumatism net to t with- Hood'sCurcs ont Hood's Sarsaparilhw I am a farmer, and the medicine has given me much energy ana tt angth to perform my work." Uso&oa w. Ivui, Benjamin, Mlsaourt. Hood's Pilla te hand made, and perfect In proportion and appearance. a. a hoa. O-roceries! Kou will find a lull and well selected stock of ; 4.1 asp GROCERIES, a t A. W- REEDY 3. An Antidote ft Til Kl ii A WE L-SUPPLIrO THlNKlG-Si!OP and FrcqiUMit PotionS of Bottled Call utitl eo, B F QniQQ Trustee's Land gale J ! Undr and by virtue of a Deed of Trust .Mwuted to me by L A i)eliiog.r and wjo Sr to eecure the payneut W a I ' J i "a,u t wo - co., ana j ietered in book CS page 44, Kegfcter'd of flee Lincoln ceunty, N C. I will sell at I'ubllfl auction at tho post ofHoe at Lowes tlll; N C On th 18th day Feb a d l&W at 13 o'clock noon for cash the following d-swrihed real i-state, situation lying, and bung in Lincoln rounty. N Cm Catawba Springs Township near Cowan'f Ford on the Catawba River and known a th Orten D Aberr.ethy'H mill place, contain ' inS 150 acaes moro or less and subject to the life time estate of Mr .lane Aterntthv Thia 10th Jan '93. I C Lowi:, Trustee A ADMINISTRATORS NOIICE!!! Having quali6..l a, administrator t.f Sidney shulord dc'dl hereby notify al person baring claims against Bai4 e iHt t present them within 12 months afUr ihu date or tbw notice will te pleadod iQ llI Th Feb.. 15th '93. o dmy L Lerever Admr of sldce7 shuford, dC c . hin J f tot fott at Is alright, people usually haye to do that sometimes they pay for more than they get the name on a Piano dosen 7t make the tone any better. Jt dosen't make the case any handsomer; dosen't make the piano last any longer. Don't pay for it. There is no charge for the name on'the Sterling Piano. You merely pay what the piano is worth. Jjot because it's the gterling, but because it's a good piano, you pay 250 'or t If you buy from us Some deal ers get $300 for it. nrWrhti na for catalogues. Southern iMusic House, W. M. WHEELER, M'QK. CHARLOTTE BRANCH HOUSE, NOTICE 1 Have you Unwd 0 iii our,V lrili 't'i rl il 1 v. o.iii. t ! I , f 'J ... r . i k i.. ! i: fi t . r. .i a I . t : l. h sr.;; . v. J r.o r U t ill. U- j.-iUiO I ' lli . i . I r" rspK. 1 r..i i.v F. A. TuBEv. ! .for tl t itt Vt u.K-Cnrd Mi. Ctn. Wrtluict-.ef Atlanta, G "utfereil five yrara with violent in dif Btioo. Had tiie I all kind of mfdi ln-. and a number of ralueut doorote. Hr say-, I heaid of jonr j ttmed, I Hied it an 3 two boiilfs j completely cured rae.'' Try it foi j all terms of indigestion and dy i nenaht. It Davtr faila Pupa r.nnio per kittle. Send to Obas. O. Tvcer Uiuggist, Atlauta, Ga.. for book ol ratticularri. Tl.otuttnclj ot Cures. Have been made of Rheumatism, Catarrh. Ulcere, Sore?, Blotches and the most malignant blood and kfo diteasea by Botanie Blaod Ralm.the result ol lorty jenrs experience of an eminent jScieotiQa and coDgoien Hons physician. Bend lor book of v outlet 1 u I cure", and learn wh'ch ia the bst iemedv. Botanic Bloo.1 lUim htauds at the bead. Pi ice on IS. LOO per lare bottle. For sa'e by diarists. Seud lor iree book and learu wUdom. AddieFa Blood Balm Co, AtlahU Ua. ADM' II NOTICE! North Carollua. Lincoln county, Feo. 5th 1895 Having been dulv onaliflad hv , mo oufierior ucuri ot Lid 00 Id Cooo ! I!. O !- ' " j l i be Adm'r ol tbe late H j M ftagee decU all persons bold I !r2,lin8 aft';D8t mJ intestate are D0llflJtl to present them at once or w,t?in 12 inos. this notice Will be 1 pleftded lo bar of 1 e caver v Al perfons Indebted to mV Inteatate o8taet,.eat once0 Tbta" 1S95. W fl Hoover, AdmV of H M Mas. sagee, decM. L B vTetmore Atty Father of Low Prices! We haye just finished takinfi Stock and find ; some of our lines very low. Clothing Clothing Our Spring clothing ia arriving now All our winter goods go now at a greatly reduced price. Oall and examine them and you will be surprised. Don't forget we taRe all khcL ot merchantable pro duce in exchange for any good3 we han dle. VEhx RESPECTFULLY, M, 3, K ob m on '& 1894 1894. OPENED WITH : NEW WORK, i I arn ess, B rid leg, ' Saddles and in fact ANYTHING liiat is used, needed or to be WORN by HORSE or MULE. ith Fifteen years experience ! 1 am prepared to furnish any j thing in my Line at Hard Tim J Prieos. for Cash or Barter. RepaipinG done on short NOTICE. Give me a call and be coa vinced. &hop on Conrt Square back of W. H Michai. Respectfully, J. P. BEAN Wi &ty tM ikk, gar Let CMora, fftwnh M ft CbM, aha crlad tor OarfJorta WLeaaLfceaamSldatk chrng to Oaasortw Vtma it bad CtzIUraav ate gara tun OMfcCf lOO netvard 9IOO. Tbe readers of this paper will b? pleased to learn that there U ft, least one dreaded diieaea tbat sola nee has been ab!etocure ina. ra stages, and that Is Catarrii. Hairs Catarrh Core Is the only pos itive enre known to tbe medical frv (frnity. Uatairb tein a oonstita tional dUeasei reduires a coiistito tlooal treatmei.t. Hall's Catsria Cure ia taien internally, aot.iox i rectlyupon tbe blood end maocoj surfaces of the system, tbereb? stropinfir tbe foundation of. the Mb eaee.nnd giving tbe patient strength by building up tbe constitution aid nsaistlfig nature In doing its wai. Tbe pioprittors have so much fa in its curative powerc, that toey of fer One Hondied Dollars for any cae that it faila to Cure. Send tdt list of testimonials. Address. F J Obeney & Co-, ToJeda U. SoId by Druggists, 75. Atrenta Wnuted. The service of fen relubis agetsi wanted in Liocofn Co.. Ao : boslness, agents making from S3. toi $4 Der dav over eTT.pnfl iVrlte for particulars. Address. I . Geo. A. Kesiler, G3 Greensboro, N. C,

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