7 - 1 lit ttt If M i V4 SH 1-5 A2 lis-, e: itij tu i& VOL. VIII. LINCOLNTON, N. C, FRIDAY, MAR. 15, 1895, NO. 46. i t.i L: What Castorla is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, IMorpliinc nor wtlier Narcotic Milstancc. It is a harmless substitute ! for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys AVorins and allays fevcrishncss. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves I teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castorl.i assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, jiving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is the Children's Panacea tho Holhes's Friend. Castoria. " CttsUri.i is tn exci ll iit iiK'tliciiio f-.'r cliiJ liiv'u. Motion ri'pcate.lly told r:..; A its juiiJ tUci't upv.ii their children. . - 1.. O. C. O.-ooon, LoWcl!, MtU.j. " Castoria U the Lent renieJy for ohiulren of LLh I urn ucqualuU.'.!. 1 hojjis tho t'.ay U i:ot lur l.t w hen mothers will cjii:;i.ltT the roul b.terit of their chil.lrvn, i.ikl no-i CuKtori.i in titiA of the virLu.sjUiick noit ruriiS w hic'i ikirojiu their loved OUC3, by forcliiopinni, Oiurj.LiiMj, soothing syrup uiul i.ah-r hurtful fcULti lloWIl their throiltrj, lliel'ebj' KeliJill Iti. rrj to reiituture graves." L)it. J. F. KixcnELO, Conway, Ark. Tho Ccntaar Company, 17 Murray Street, New YoiL City. I JUDGE WALTER CLARK USE 5 AND ENDORSES THB -A. 'Caros vrhc! f resh C: 7 '.L;tH MLARK, r.li iia p V li ?0.'I.lTE JL"? ViuS:". K.'.l: i.-.ii "i" C, J.i;i. V: fjuuJ the Elect r'fi.'.i--P vtry vilu .1.;- Wo l.av. Uliv i"i .il triii. I rut or.e la.-t May. ami 1 I in-! 'hn.i.' tl:im Us t'i-t i.!iru:tyii! Ot.:f!.ri' i.n.l , ; i.iiu. K;-i ni mv i-rc .: riTice witb !t, cL- t MT..11, I eaii i.f.'lr r if'tiitnind it. Y..ur truly, W-lt. CL'.r.K. $ SHIP Buttei ! 308 10 th Street N y. i .You will re ,eivo highest Cash Pi ices. We buy outright or ' handle on Commission. i ..''.- ' . j ,(Q lick 3rtlca aud Picmpt li lurn"." Commission lor hai.d lug goods, tive per cent. ''Stud for our Price Li-t '." I-- -Do YOU SMOKE? : j- HAVE vou SMOKED? "Old Red House" I ! SMOKNG TOBACCO iv : MILD SWEET. I- liyitonce. Aab for it. i i THEN TOU. WILL DEMAND IT. t j Nice pipe, and bent stem pieu I - wltlj each m oz. eatk for 5 cents. Merchants Do joq wish a qnick seller f . If so wiite for sample of 'OLD RED HOUSE" SmokiDg Tobacco Manufactured hy flILLSBOKO N- 0. We also have a good lino of chew 1ug-tobace. Write for samples and fa'.'fCiy pi jceP. 3m. . i ii ii i KXiiiwi'M in ii 1 1 1 1 f r ' i i 'Ti'i i'i'i i a If" VOU f ppl mnFiU- and all worn out take SHOWN S IRON BITTERS is Co .Oil: "Cxrtcria i? sv. c3 h-ptc'l to children that I r.-ro!tiiin:l it ai:;ieri'rt j tiiyjire?ei-!iitiOT) kii n i'j iite." II. A. AricHEM,?!. D., Ill S... OTf-.i.i :'t , L'-roouiyu, N Y. "Our i.-iiyr.ici.'.iL? in tho c?iil ir-trs! depart Tiient iiavrt t?i-o!:eu highly of V.iK'ir e.ii-ii i-hoc in their n;ts!j i.iieti..o with ( ';i to: i ... iii.ii altli iij:li wo o.ily have amon.; iiivdtt'ul .sli'J'1;cs what is kuuwn a-5 r.-:-;ii... I-i oiiiets, jet v t: aro fr. e t ) confess Uiut ttio u-:i its cf Cu-toi ia has won us to look with f-tvt.r Uf.on it.'1 UNJTElJ liO.TII'lTAL ANP I!HPEN?UY, Uostoa, MAis. -iLI.r:.' V. Pres ., j f Snvestigntiot? Invited. 'a. dcotc mm Electrftlibration Co., 54; FOURTH AVf.tir. -tin I i Washingtosi, I), C Professional Cards. DENTAL NOTICE- Df. A. W. Alesi'nder wilP- le;A' his ofiico at Lneoiu.to;), Jujn, Aii" U8 Oitote-, Decueibi r, Fib luary and April. Wdi ! e 'n 5H. Uody, Ju!y, September; November, Jauuary, March a?jd May. Paiionae Gidlci'cd. Terms Citsli i iind moderate '. . O W O Ibuduinu, herdl of Tyk-r I Co., V V., uppivciaten ii ged thing and. (Joes not iwasitato to tay I bo.. lie wan u'lresr. ji:0:-trated with a cold win-n he piocur'-d ; hot tie ot Cbainterbtin'd Cough Kemedy. He raitn: "li crave me. Momo! relief 1 fl'ud it to he an invaloabl isnudy for coughs and colds." For sale by Dr V L Cronsp, Druggist. j VThen Baby was sick, w g&vs her Castoria. I WLen she was a CbilJ, slie cricl for Castoria. j .Alien she became Jliss; she clung to Castoria. Wliea she had Children, she gave them Cxstoria. Poisltiy, and "The Carolina Lament.' (Passed across tho Materia Med iea class of tho University Cottee of Medicine to Mr. J. E. Iirooks of North .Carolina by Mr. C. M. Branch, of .Virginia.) Oli, Carolinian-?, toll the boll, .And place the flapcs half-mast; For. the sable soul ot i)ouglas O'er the nyer Styx h is passed. Oli, could you come brick tons, Ddiie-h.s. In the old form that we know; were not the lowest brdder. Com We'd love you more' than e'er. J potent printers were over tho f 1 1 Douglas; . ures carefully and found that Kd- Doulass, lender and true. wants A' IiroiiLditon, of this city, in In Caledonia's mountain wilds, ' the aiij-regate, were over $V0 low- Tiie Douglas house was horn; er than the Stewart Idd. Vet in I And the last, 'dilack Douglass" ol j them all Fre.m the oid North State ha: r - : t;.'lie. I Then ring them bells, j And lire the gunji. And I'd the hnnn'ers wave; (.In Carolinians, lrav and )ray ! Tlie Duimhui soul to save. irrei v r Mi':. i;r"--;:.i. Can passing elouhs o!i--eui'e Tiie Sun's bni:ht rays iorev r Can mass ol ui dehris Dam up ;i rushing river? !.i r Legislal ure nw 1 1 ,jiit : i 1 1 f..lll dtrbns, A ! t i missing links X saik of rhivalry. "Oh. a ay our lead for our statesmen passed dalesmen p i. , i I yond : To stem the tide of growing shame To rescue a in bond. i Richmond Dispatch. 1 Wdal f ' ei tin T'aeiMrs Mnj? In the years to come when the school children of North Carolina come to that page in the history of their State which reads thus: "In tho niotdh of Fei,i'iiarv of this i year the House of Representatives adjourned as a maik of respect to Fred Douglass, the well known Negro lecturer and politician, ha'ing declined to agree to a res olution of similar import, in defer ence to the momorv of General George Washington, the eommand cr in chiel of the armies of the Revolution and tho first President of the United States, and to the" memorv of General Robert E. Lee the coinmander-in-chief of tho armies of the Confederate State?,'5 what will they think and say What exlanation will be given by sheir teachers? How will that an- omaiy of fact be accounted for? The enquiry answers itself. Xor- folk Virgitr.an. r irc'Ai Z itoSi i tS2r !a :t in , Koekingham. N.C., Mar. . l ire broke cut in the Long hotel last night about - o'clock, but it was promptly checked and subdued In active, workers. The sad feature of the occurrence is the fact that a poor drunhi man, Geo. Gardner, was suffocated in an upstairs room befero help could reach him. "He had retired m a stupidly drunken condition, and a. theory is. that tho .lamp left burning by him on Ihe table exploded, and the buridr.g oil soon penotratea the lluor and spread rapidly be tween floors and walls. When di-covered tho dense smoke was issuing from the a; par.t'meiit above and made access up the stairs impossible, but a ladder was pro: urc I, and ascent madri from the street and persons nrobe in at the window. This mabe possible the escape of the ! rmoke. and they vere thus able to J j rr,,t into the room in which the un I fortunate man lav n the Led- dead. j .Suspicious circumstance hav J since develoi:.-.l whieii indicate i strong jii'o! ahiiitT tr.at tho poor fellow, who was seen with a con siderable amount of money early jn the night, was rushed; but by whom is ihe question now being discussed. PL15LKJ IT.JI1.U. Tfje 7onJmct Awanlfrt to MH'Hiirt Hf!s , ol WiuMon, The iiublie nri'iitine has been a warded to Stewart Bros., republi-! cans, of Winston in disregard to j the law. which was that the con tract should be lot to the lowest ! bidder, and facts and figures fur nished, by reliable printers show that the linn of Stewart Bros., th fi-re of this fact, they ride rough shod over the law and award the contract, to Stewart Dros. Their conduct is scandalous, and di-honev, leif c, keeping with their :i.:- s throuiji.-.ut llieir short eii'ver as legi-hiiors. It sliows to us that, the a-e.-i j.ijis id" the D.-m-o;-ratie pi- - wt-re true when t !:;: v elMi'.M. il that the i'llsi . .;i crowd Wele I .IlK'i lis ; ! l o !!:;! t i !'.: r ery o j i'vi ;iw:n" w a a w nine r. ;iVee- ri'-v. i le v na v'e iisreeare..'d -v- Ml jeryliiing cxe.-pt feathering their liesis. and ii:ivo heaped ignominy ion the :-iaty oi .ortn Carolina. lirinting s -; -race and t! 1, the D nig ! I'll l I L l ! . I II ! I M. i - l i it her abb i Hi J i ? t tie;r, two Years 'a lien ene U-!'.,re the !or runpui't. of tin - Staff '!'!:..- t.n-.. t. f.O, 1 4 lu.,ici.li'iu I . " . ' r ' V j .1 ii lis una a in thsuusum: aim nissioniname rpecta.de. May the lo gi 1 tture of NorSh Carol i n: kflow thoni no more forever. Daily Press. Independ ent. i -.voeiii can te tieau'dn hvitle- ! out a good f cira iexam, au-t ro corr-ph x;on can he geed without Co al hea th ard pure hiord. 1 t itU: 15'eod m win heae'dfy yen ,oa;p' x on hy j ;nd i:Ud it IV: fnriCuHi : VoiH t?;e.ol. i : v ad :.u ro'id Wood oisea.'.cs. It neve I iiiiis i o c'ii'e 'ii" ir-ot-l inv t-t ratf- ce-f a'toi iiri j aiit V: i-ici -ins h:ive f-.n'ed. lj i. o SL 00 t '-r laige bottle.'' For if bv druggists See anvei ti enirnr oIsewiHie. Js pet's Mn::zirj5 Oil The last issue of Harper's Mag azine contains th second of its series of Southern articles by Mr. JHan Ralph, this being entitled ! 'T1 fl Industrial Region "of North- erii Alabama, Tennessee and jvrt.a)rgia. it is To 0'1 regretted j that Mr. Kalph ha3 tried to handle this important matter in a gossipy '' s paper style, and has falled to do nistice to Hie situation or credit to Harper's, rnfortunatly he has also managed'to secure a great deal of misinformation. He devotes ct nsieLral.de space to Ihe Chattanooga iron district' giv ing to it the credit of taking m a largi part of tho Alabama iron region. In fact, ho stretches the Chattanooga district to a region embracing a circle ot 160 miles ar.d ihus managed to even include! the ihrniimiuam region as a fat- ! ellitt.- of Chattanooga, and claims i that '"Tennessee has in.re resour ces that can be utilized in manu factures than any other one of the Southern Sd:ites," and much to the amusement of those who know anvthing about iron pipe-making.; says tli it Chattanooga has the lar.-.-e-st ironpipe vor!:s in the South. This will ii(.ubil-ss he news !o A.labama ifoinpie makers, as well as to the Chattanooga iv-nple t!:emselv iiis di.-eus-si 'U (if iron-mahing an-.i other maiters is ;' the g0Ileral j i ystery. Tho tenor of the article i r:r,r:C! .t . ... . .. ..4 : i.. : i .. i -- I .1 ..,!.... I i I . lV ! i:vnnreinSU -cc iiri-?iic r . , , c: j ... j rn-ue ot j-ure svi -i t up , stuff ol "I certamlv iard fc. Ian almost un'i -ani-of f;.wn lliat - f . the mot vondf-rf ul rem-dv in th- i . ., Pakis. ?uarch o. i he vear lOo j i .,,,,. ! !ia i o more chance o! bema sec- .,, , ' , M ,.,.! world, and it is truiy a rod-nr. md nirmimiham, v.-jneh its, . . t) those alnicteJ wiin ini t. ,., s... NVa3 a. .... , - . i W l '0 .i irni.iitiiijr; vuv. ."nii . . - , 1 - mta-.-s are likened, than a .' disease. essir, be co'icluu.-d. r: th. -i; .and and on- ..flu r places in 1 . ., L, . ., , , iv..ti mav be sura that i s....n a i tl.o.S-.utb. linv.- U.is manned to M..o.rrma ..ex. .?l..u lhat r..,1;...,-, rorliaiaria. LlerXrOU- i is intended to he favorable to the: . South, but such superficial work as .this indicates the fact that Mr. j Iialph was not acquainted with tho subject he was trying to handle i iand failed to make mere than a ! ver' cr' ual "Uulv of iL Honce, I instead of an artiele presenting a correct outline of the industrial conditions of the section treated j we have one that is of no interest ! to anyody who has tho slightest i acquaintance with the South, audi hide that constellation for over an of no credit to Harper's. 'Hhjhoiir. a vast wealth of material Iroml wiiieh to lraw for sueh an article as this, the writer hrs utterly failed to do. justice to the subject, .i.. He ! ti i- riul Uiii.k itnv.r C S nnC f r a r's Coujdi II im ';. ! Vt wat.t lO'Jiat n i;o ! a -C'-veMhe hest -a t e?fa. tion o! m; y ' ei und t rit. We w ill gi vi tin m a Ceng!! i!' dieitiO I ha!illc, ar.d a.s n j seller leadrt all other pttparatu.n in this taarket. I ri-ccinmend it hfo i;:so it is the hf st meditine I ! ever handled for coiudi?, ro'dssir.d ero' r. A W Haluiidye, Mille rviile. is': i oil ri !ie S. -.a!. tav.r !' an r.e.'uni n:r to n.iv b.uinlies i-.v n:VLCroiu.-. h;i:-- in ly t v o ill appropnalion. a bout :!'o ;.;': hi, t on last war's ;;. ,1- net ion of smi'i!' i'l llo!ie:;tv t!i 1 l!lS :S IJje l! ;!! eotlld be d' u The g.i erniih'iit has l-ro n whit M.Hudit to have been a bindimr coiitract. v. itliMiit leiiaid o wlieth- , .. , ( .-. i , . .... i f .... , '1 II II li O il 1 CM." - I I I I 11 '. or i i i . i i i i 'i i .- i .1 i t 17. , p r i i ii 1 1 : 1 1 ; f i . . . . ... v ......... no more right, in a moral Sense, j ven if there were any technical j leiiai escape, ior Lreasing its en- tvnnl ...jh. cllfTr.ili.,f4.,.J ti,,., v.ci nun :iv s "i-. i 1 o ! ll would have for breaking ;mv contract for the sale of govern-1 ment bonds. Having broken this : contract, however, the len?.t it can j otle r to make tome little amend is the passage of this bill appropriat ing money for the payment of the bounty on last yoar.s crop, raised before the bounty bill was repeal ed. It is to he hoped that the Sen ate will insist upon this appro) riation, and thus secure its passage by the House- 1 rue F.:iSl !r .tl;in!er. Sji ci-l to Neiv? and Observer. Lkxixgtox, N. C, Mar. t). Last Thursday the grand jury returned a true bill tor murder against Baxter Shemwell for ti;e recent killing of Dr. i". L. Payne-Sr. The prisoner was arraigned, andj(..r -tux JlV tnjs tiin ..-.COnie dfC plead not guiity. Counsel tor de fendant argued that on account ot some family conncct'en it would not be wise for Judge Krown to j VcoV;0cC.cl . "j.-o'Ta"- 1 " " ". ' 'Thfs'pllo a5ptt- near tue eas' in which view tne iiid continued td lor a special term and the Judge said he would recommend it. His honor having been nil vised by the county officials that. i would be sater if the prisoner were removed to another county, tc day ordered that Shemwell be at once removed to the jail of Mecklenburg to swait his trid in this county He will be carried to Charlotte to niirht. rC'IiTaj: HhiMNO OFTHs-: SAIiO -iS fi . ' iches 3b.. r nnreirf.. rvi as i nana enr iia btond. and r.evtr fails ef- if'dto cure the most inveterate 5 itt BLOOD AND SKLN DIS-s 1 LASbS, if directions are fob 5? 11 hweJ. 'thousands of grate- h A ful reP'e ound its praises v and attest its virtues. fT 2TVR!TS f or IJock of vrn" deriul Cures, sent free on ap g :? ' r'icctior:. If not kept bv vour local drugjrSst, 5 send Si.oo' for lare bottle, or S5-oo for six bottles, and medicine will be- sent, freight paid, by t; UhGQl CALr.I CO., AlTanJn,Ca. il a;tiy the game position they occu I imotanlG Blooo mm Prr; rT'it:: f, vi j n -,te and to mv oeiignt ii s'.n1 j .. SiV A Tr. CRE1T Sam:tR KL2EBV r -,u 1 1 J " - t: Ail CUmnnKlnndfMccPvtS I bonelit her: after she hau taken ; pied in tho firmament the day Christ died on the cross. It will bo the first time such a thins ha occurred since that rjeat day. just 1,S1 years ago. That was the thirty third year of tlw Christian era, which dates from the birth of Jesus Christ. Vt 4-.-20 in the morning, Paris u time (about 11 p m, on April 11, New York time.) the moon will pass before Virginia (Spiea)andj MON'ZY JIADK KASILY AND ItALMDLY. - i' itat ion i wlneh tLoy ejn m.d.e nini;"v lapdly tl.o Id or heme 1 ghr and r:op'oinfnt Uia -ui n u!id- Hmjumi s no -ap:tai or sieat cdncat'on. Some r.f our l'e.-.t ; i es n:e:i are country hoys. Yeung men or o'n will de. Uvniuiiciation i" i i k ;ii(l sine- Wo have need oi C;;' :.h a sMhinthe v.i 10 davs. ie- tia-rjei! f i ; e i! i !o II i" it s.lg i;s C , I'aiJiKi ; is. A I.iai i. (1 i. I e 1 V : u KiKoniiK Ittu'nlni ;it!i is Vi ji:5ii: -tit CoziKiieM-ru! 'i'r.w c Her. The tiew gaiheitr on hi daih i r llelO: t" inter-.t '-ii Ml I m'lTSi liaer-.-nings d' im.r. t ' . . ............. it i 1 i i t f t a 1 1 a:-1 o v, i e.'ie. n ' ' i ,.,,,.,.(,( . , ot.versati n with Mr. A...,v r;. H. ('ransbv, the wel!-l;:i.wn cm- j. ni(;Ivj;,l ( ravelh r. wit.i the Ceeh- 1 , . 4, ... Jl liUnO"-. t. OmpUllV, ilUl a I' of. iter of the Counnelcial h.aria (i , e a uo!)(iei i t:l ca: e. Mr. Cransi.v j.. xv,.ji i:nov.n in b.?n: his and unrounding eounti v, and now ro sides at lo! Kerr stioet." kh'st ten yi ors ag","' said he, "mv wife noticed a small lump it; her breast. She thought nothing of it, but ii r.a-ieajed in sie rnp it.ii v, a:al soon broke through the s'vin, and commenc-d to ljch-.rgo. She was put under treatment oi the best physicians, but they v. ry soon found that th-y could do her no good, and simply prescrlb d antisptics lo keep the phu-e ch au. I'.nth her grandmother ar.d aunt. Oy the way, had died with casic-r. and when apprised of this tact,th floctors told me that tla y would not attempt to save her; that she was incurable. Although tho can seated, and her health very haw, I had one of the most noted api-viu!-ists of New York to treat her Aft er treating her awhile, this ek-cho admitted that the case was hope less ami furlhf r treatment listless. It is diflieult to imagine Low de spondent we all became, knowing that she must die, and unable to give her any relief. I had si cut over five hundred dollars with ih-- best medical skoi to bo bad, ar.d felt that ihere was no fir. ha ll ope. ()ne day I happen' d to read an advertisement of S. . Jr., iccom mending that remedy for cancer and. in view of the fail me of the most eminent physicians in th4 count! v. I confess 1 had little faith left in anv human a--e ih y. II ow ounle of bottles the caneer began 1 . . . , . to heal, aim astonishing a- n "'J; seem, a few botib-s ireuv cur-.-d hei entirely. Vou can probably bettei understand how remarkable : hir enr war, when I explain that the caneer hod aten two holes in th brea-tiw- inches deep. Tiw ia-aleil u. ontirelv. and although ion vmis i.-i... of the disease has . v.-r retui ii'.o. " ' ' , . , " 1 . i- are assured ot Uie perma- Ui-nci 't the cure, wnicn we u .;isi ! d:ubted. "I certainly- r- - b ; desolate and my children moth jcrlcss." Momphis, Tenn., Com- mercial. "irliiip9 jou would not think so, b t very !ar? proportion of dia fuses m 2v York ccmea from ca-l-g?uess about, catcbinpr colJ," eajs Dr. S rus Kasou. "It is ueh a simple ih rt and so (ommoo tbat V'TV few neon'e. nnles.H it is a casa pneumon'a, nay auy atteution to coid. 2scv York is one of the healthiest places on tho Atlantic Ce-istard yer. there are a great iuinv cases of t'aarh a?ul con sr.mption winch have I l;nr origin in tiiis neglect of the s mpU st pre caution ot cvov diy life. The most sensibhj advice is,"hui oubave one get lid el n jut as voon as pos sible, r.y a I lueans lo nr.t neglect i "." i) . I Uou doi s nor. tell yoa h"w to cure .i i:i'i ou we will. TiJce Cioun r ai 'y fi i.glt iJciiidy, It rt'id ! h ive l!ie i'ln-, aid eipectov f :t :o!f, C'p; n the yecie?ioiii arui soon 11. c a t r uaiif nt cuir. ni d 50 out bo ths fi r Mile by V L Crouso Drupi-t.. A egr luxod;: rii;MiNciii..M, Ala., March th A special to the Age-Herald, from Ilntaw, Ala., sa: Within forty days '-ille live hutidi.d negrofi!j ! . i v . . ri i r ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 an ( r. -ru' jii r jiv tf, M..x:.e.s an.l sev.-ral hundred art imw an ail ing an ivai of truins h,, ,'..,, :,ay. Thev are- ici itaang tl. ir mi.l -s, horses !!!' el . tn eaahh- tle.-in to got i: ! it-nit r aie leaving jdantatins aev !;.. v. h K-e 1 tr this year. ; . ; I ! I late date. thr rcnt i -i I i e ' jii lied t muke tho 'i "!!.- in -an? much loss t J :.,.. hfod-ow !-rs i, l to lh ruil- roads, : ll-.i be Muei ti" ej.r.i and cotton will i'uWm to ti. ight away, exrilena nt exists here a- .i.Uig land ov.iers, .ver the negi'u das, I at it i ' probable that a, rr. at deal of t! e lands will bo alaln by taken hy t-migrants from Iowa, Xe! raska, Minnesota, 111.-aoi-. I nl iana, and ol her States ai.d iL'Ut : ixty h'-me-seekei s irem Tippecanoe county, Inliunifira dii.rtly e-:uing to Lutaw to select Hid fuirrdrase piantat ior.s for their ! uturo honu s. Uwn.g lo tin1 e:-e.t:d cendition of the white people it is not prob able that further effort. -j will be made by the railroad people or by rr.e paid immigration agents to in due.' the negroes to emigrate to Mexico. 1 2 5 R R. p. rr an early child 1 a ?i3 ki liooJ until I was ' b& tt h i t? V& r.f'jwn my family ( ?2-a's5?55e ',r.at a fortune i rvlivj- tr. -tirf iri i tliic aicTCp I ? visited ih-t bpiin-.;, aaj v. js treated ( bv t!:e J: aiojiii Ti tr.en, bet was not LeiiciiMd. Srff3iTiM When all 3 ihiags !..:.' l-222!Lj a i I e d I I Jetcrrr l--i to fv S. S., and in e ar ni.v.'is v.?.s"cai.i!eiv cured. The , t-?rrih!e fic.-.r.-'..i was ?oi?, not a sign of it i.:t; iav caerri Mealin Duilt up, aad 1 h:ivc r:ever liad anv return of. U 1"' ui-e.ac. L0H00D .;-a -.did S. S. 1 i.i I. t-t s.i inr.nis tor skin dis cs t s.; -ij i..!'.-.: n.-vi r vet knmn a failure ta iii-v. CI O. V. . IRWIN. Irwin. Pa. fwy-viiiissir.? XAr?r fiila to cure. HJ ivJcl ev-ri evi n alter ail ctbef ( l;W;V roine.Hp hare. Our SfSf.r-Z! fiii stiu Diseases tuaUeil rt-? t x'! y a.i !r.!i. S'lfT SPEGIfiC CO., Atlanta, Ga. l!ls bi True ? A preacher came at a newspaper i.n in this way: "You editor la re not t. 11 the truth. If you did .: t v-uid not live; your neWepa- -rs w ,uld be ii faikr.-."' Th alitor rejlied, "You are right. And ih.- minister who will at alb :imes and under all circurastancoa elf Ihj wlioli truth' about the n;mbvi s of hi ; church, alive or lend, will not occupy toe pulpit -.oore than one Sunday, and then 'i'; will tir.d it licfcj-jary to leave rown in a hunv. The pr33 and :he puli.it i: hand in hand with whitewash oiusnes and plcaa- . ui w(iru naL;!lifviu, little virtues ' . - , i .nto bi one.'. Tne pulpit, the peii . ind the eravestom-i aro th great . t . . liiaKiii Ji'iumviraie. auu inini-it.-r went, away, veiv thoiiiihtfu'. while the editor turn--d to Ids work, and told about the .. .,r I, .-lit'- t.i tha brido 3 homely - tiiiJf,I i TTinTJ IITTT U'U

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