VOL VIII. LINCOLNTON C, FRIDAY, MAR. 22, 1895. NO. 47. i h 0 m m &m J3 ?. --W. ... . tor Infants and Children. p. i ... MiiMiinai t Miiim, t pnOTHERS, Dp, You Know most remedieij for cLiidiea are fv iiii-jSH.l of opiujti or iiHLint; ? ' . Do You Know that opium tn.1 iuorphi..- am stup fyiry i-arcotlu poteous f Do. Yon Know that In most c-UGtrlea lirulsts are i.ot p-rtuUttd to aad narcotlvs WiUtoul lubeUiig thtm poisons r Pf Yon Know that you bhoulJ not i-rnic any meJkiue to l-e f-iven your chili VuJtao you or your pLysicLin k&uvv of uUt It la compostd ? Do Yon Know that Ca:;torLv is n purely w-laMe preparation, and tliat a .list of CrtrJ!S:i;iii3r ;hi War. II" will also It.'ll Lis companions ment. that there was much clamor lny tu. Va!er-The I.Ktlt " " " ' I -.vb:it li- I,ni lenrned. I In ,! J nfntvi im. -.Inf tl.n co1.,v, o,..l! C;ir In A Slotr? Mapy of your readers, doubtls. j h-'ard-somothing of Chi ? i ianiiy j Pes of public olllcer, anil iri some who an? hearing day alter day the fro:n j A , . mih.nnries in China J counties much demand that thev it. had never cm) to him so uhonld oo.no down. Did this Leg- rum nr$ i( w a r fro ! 1 1 . t h o la r K -t.i , have a'-k'v.t : '-What ctLoct will thi liave on tlio civilization' ami rciri'oiV .f thes.' nation.s T' IIov. II. L'oomis, Agt. " American Ilibh Society, writing i'nin -t i:r)u!;u unj'iV-Vrivciy b;.' !... his s!cvi.'. -is 'on all othor vas tlio badge of tho.Ucd Cross Society. AVhen he '.v-.s a.;k( d if h.-! knew t!ie meaning em that he itself, dapan.ivo-r-) :!Hw.r winch , a;i,; that Christian:! v was Uk I bf Ir-ave to C0i)drnr- and quote i-r t'i - I of vour ' mor' thoughtful iyad..-rs. He "sayi i:i substance : oi'iL'in of the can l.siatuiv reduce ihein ? .av Yerl- iu tr.tTtdiciitd id i ut iined with every Ln.e.l;: r Do Yon Know that Cactoria is the p;-c '.v 1 1 : c i : they received. Thee men came from various j to the Agrieultuial and Iecliani MT.rinK'S, and when tln v ' homeical Cdlem and to the Normal and T i , .. , , ' - ' ' Jt IS too -ailV t JlVtcMl Wliai rl.it ;iNi,,,,!'lrti,r,. -,.,1 I I mlncl ril s.-lmu! Xo public cliaracter in North Carolina history, present or past, oyer received a more merciless ni! loring than was administon ti yts Wc pass it to the credit of the j b'nlay forenoon to the little rail road attorney, who for sixty days list has held the Speaker's gavel The fi---ry, cliivalric s.n of th moiintain. Frank liav, hdd.lhe ; wliip uiul the blows fell till thev 'xtortod an abject rdraction on body that it was generous in its provisions for carrying on the State' government and tkopubi:- nd comfort j institutions. It continued the ap j propriatvui to the Univeisilv and It trave the An lar as Call Lu-.n t tlir Inn-h tli.iv i'.-a i inr.li,.v iU.it tl., mnno.ri.iv ..,. be seen.it will give :r.-ccdenc- i -i,fiV '....i v.. .-.rim. c,-,., ! vof.,: f, ih ,ir.v r,f in., n':S .;nd aiten;on as could not; sane asyiiim-. ar.d in all it. apji :iP: the fatiiou3 r. Can-.utl litcher. Thfat it La.s Uxii in for lit uily thirty- yearj, u.vl th.'.t more l.'i-toii.x is now sold than" cf cthtT rtrnt dies fur children coiilined ? Do Yon Know that the I'uter.t OfBec Iv.jrtiaeiit of the United St-fa, and of cthtr coui.trlea, Luve issued ex.-lu Ai$ rlyht to 1r. l'itchcr and his assigns to use the v.ort' Cut.toi'la " and ltj fon;iuia, aad that to lnilato them is a state ju isoii ciTen: ? Do You Know that ouj of the reasons for granting this f.;overiiiuer.t j.rotoction was tcaut; Custoria had Letii ;rovt-n to be absolutely liai xulc.-ss? Do Yon Know that avei-ao doses cf Custoria are farniohed for 35 1 centd, or one cent a doss ? Do Yon Know thai when josss3ed of this rerfect prepare t'en, ycur children may be ktpt wi ll, and that yu may have unL-.ken ic-:;t ? Well thewe tniag arc worth knotring. They are facts. will !e tie result no to advanced ideas m civilization 1 1 l-l i 1 1 rr-1 ana religion ukg not lung ei?o. mo ' i;,vo j,0(Mr n,ceiVed among their ipmtmns itwa.-j animated by a aniiTforeign and uiiprogivssive j ().vu p(M,pie. The story of such! spirit of liberality. We repeat spiriVwill be buried 'out of sight, , treatment cannot- but bs helpfu that this is to its credit, hui in this it exactly tracked the Democratic party, instituting none of the e conomy which it had promised and the alleged lack of which it at tacked in tie- Democrats. A ;.rom- Chi 'Mian nation at once. 1UU il .? enf-.o-h.-f -.i? aih of In-nf .umnkr ..,,-it- t... does mean that as a,-"nation they j thousands the penally lo i-paid, session, that the vxi; of all the pul'lie institutions v.-.ul,! he ana uie 1110 ana teacmng Dt mm in oponing the hearts of the peo who is the Llu'.t of tl;e world will , tovrard all foreigners, and thus bo siudivd and followed as n-ver j )VL UXYiU(r them to receive the ueiore. i n is dots iiot inean, now- ! f i.-ipUinrr. ,s ri.vi.- - i - i . i tin uwls iiui 1 1 1 ct 1 1 , liww ri-.-if tMiirrj r. ' i v i . i ' I hn ever, that Japan is to become a 1 ,vhiIo war is a nr to be dread- The ftfi"t.imilft hlnwtnre of Children eiy for Pstcher's Castosria. e vs the bt-st ;it:.f;: tiori o! any 'eii'. die'.ne I 1 aJode, sun' as a u-d-t leads idi o?t-r m paiat ioiu I :i t ;os ftitii kef. I I . nirneiid i! i i'i.r-F..' i! is tSo I" ?t ttiidiciix I Hvt r ' findlei! f-r c-agie!, o't's and ere p. A W id .iid-.. .fi!'e: vi.le, 115. For s tie i'.v Dr W L Croa.se. 1); etr-2 s. I JUDGE WALTER CLARK M C?nS AND ENDORSES Till- S 1 ' S Yr)AC l ARK 'Cure-3 riicn nil els : .rO Carolina Suprrms Coc ' rr.vJ.rR CLaKS. asso.-ute Jisth f. ItALT-Iuil. N. C, Jan. Jo, i i VS'e .ut found the- Elect r ;miIs vi ry valuaLli -espe "1 Invcstlgntion Invite cli.ilv r.ir eMlitren. I -t ttie !nst May, unit I am sure I . i.a'f Kufi'il Hi i't tinirs its e.)it lrt;aiiy In o.U'ii s' (irnl , , drv.j; t. ne MIU. Fn-m my i xpi i l.mo-j w ith ic, t.nJ . no oic r nnt:. Electroiibration Co., f.-Witiua, I can s ifcl.v nvAimiru-ad it. Yours truly. W.i LTrP. ('.'.. 4 UK. rouR-M Avr;.j: 5 are lacmg towanl tlie oi j vo f?(1(i . .vidf.ntl y overruling all Righteousness, and the thoughtful ror'the spread of His kingdom and ruling men no longer look with j lory of His iiaine." lavor on trie systems tnat nave pre- ; jf )t y vailed so loog in the land and have failed to elevate and purify 1 he hearib and lives of the people. This means, then, to the workers in Japan a iargerand brghter out look lor t lie future ami greater re sponsibility for the use of the wis est and mo-t ettV-ctive means of evangelizing the people. This i -now an imperative duly, and the j religious future of the country de pends upon the efiiciency of the men and means now being used to spread the knowledge of Christ and his salvation. Dut not to Japan alone is this a momentous struggle. It mean'-, as far as can now be seen, a new life and civilization for Korea. Xo one who has closely watched the conduct of Japan enn doubt but i i that it is her purpose to make an W'alser's part for all the bravado of his llrst speech. The scene was pitiable towards the close. It is shrewdly suspected by some that the gentleman from Hender son, v.ho iiad felt Rav's It lh tlie day before, devised the scheme ol putting Walser up to this chip on-th.'-s'iouldcr business with the hope of enjoying a sly revenge at some one's expense. The new Judge for Runcrmbe i who is destined never to hold any c .urt--. so far overtops the David s ei man in rapacity that a com parison Would be pdinful to the hilt -r. It is therefore n d unlike iv that he was buncoed before he W:l: i lliv S.f-invi Hut, Tho end of the wretched state of plit- ! , The Legislature of ls'jr has parsed intohtstory. Its dominant element went in on a tidal wave and the body was one of w hich great things were exported. The fusion candidates had bid high for popular favor, not many of them expecting to be elected anyhow, and had made lug promises, not annrehendinz that thev w:mld reduced one Miird. Was it done ? Xo, because to have done it would have been to turn one-third o the inmates of the asylums and to hopelessly cripple the ctlicieucy of all the other institutions. The tusior.ists did iust what the Dem ocrats had done before tliem and would have done again, and in ko doing gave that party a certificate of good character and of jjooj and economical government. We say one more time that it acted eicvlit ably in the matter but il must be said m the same breath that il broke its promis"! and beiied its words in that it instituted no ''re form" where it had said there v:i rnlfM)MPsj rind wtsmo-Iit im i.ntw i and his lolii Won;. my where it had said there was e trevagance. It went in or pledges which made niggardliness a virtue and cheap-jolmnm statesmanship, and in its first days loaded down 1 1 he pay rolls of both houses with diould have ?" "Three dollars per week." ' The others we have had only got two.'' 'How many have you had in the last year r" 'Right or ten.'' "1 thought so. That's tho kind of a boy a two dollar boy is' "Are you not that kindf ''N, sir; if I otno I hangup my hat and stay." Suppose you don't life it V "I'll stay just the same." "Suppose we bounce you !' "I'll be glad of it sir.'' "ilad of ii :" Y s, sir; if tie house isn't sat isfied with th ri.giit k'nd of a boy, it isn't the right kind of a houso tor the light kind of a boy to be in." The omployeFtook a second look :it the boy. ''I'm,"' h: said; ill you say that again ?'' ''No, sir ; it's timn 1 was going to work if I'm going to work, and if I'm nor, it's time I left. Do I go m or out .'" and the manager, with much doubt in his nond, said "in," ind ihe boy went in with a will. A niei ican Stoivki epi-r. IIIERGllKlnL A lm HA! cam nf new V u " o ! 5-.. -.::",V ! in'..':, i - -e - .e. .1 ri -a:.:.. . -5!: t h.il- IK ' 3f.'- Gl S ilbeite.l and we are not sure tat he deserved this measure oi punishment. I.t us aiMee then to discard this theory and rely upon the sur-i ciurt of the Native Stupidity which, chasinu" n. imagination :-. hire, ran upon old Rruin m iiin lair una1 gor bitt-:i, ofcourre, a? all bad little bovs s emplove 1, !i the end of time, will be l,itt.-n. J nniAX& The Speaker angered us, not by h;:.?tr;.';c:ttI,..k.f Mcuru. what !. said to Ray, but by tdaitn-! Sin:. . . , I -it Ci'i m -1 n I lii hilhi' iiHins. l M.-nll.uiidftiU HUT t- have t!ie Lr"Od tieolde ot the j.r o.ii:r- wnsi.iut r.-.af, nt ali-r tak- grand old couniy of Davidson I o- 'h' V!! ISSS hind him and interested in him io'ii V'TJ-'Si :t:t 0, i -;.n:il trtntnicnt of . i . T;. .isiiiis Ullod With) i 1 1 i:i.Jies more to i :l'. i Mi.- iij'. a?'1 and la ai i.- "i ;i fa" worst; condition i i -. - i:io-.L coiinon result Is I SHIP YOUR " Eg, Butter Poultry and mem wm cursed and impoverished that un fortunate people. And when the obstacle were found to le too greai for the men engaged in the work of reconstruction, one of the first statesman of Japan was appointed to take th.- charge of this most dif ficult and important undertaking. lullil i us,'-'s mnployes w in would have ical corruption that has so long ; n U)vlunltv cani0 vastly insreased the expenses of ii ii u l r r .i.;,.n the hegisla ture over any that has i However; the chance, ol wnicii fc 7 i i , ,i, , , sat since exseid that the I)eni we have heard so much, vas given 1 result is before the ocrallc l,rt'8d its extrava- jgan.e and eempelled it to practice ; on itself some of the retrenchment rhe two n,.,.i impoilant enact- j u.hi(h jfs inomU.r3 i,iul )(een j,ro. aits made relate to the system i f. .Ait. ...r, have tlie lijijiorlunity h i liejn, and th? people. Kvery lea - -' ' ' I M NVflll SO I II l t !., AtlJt-U, lii. j a Hist mm ami in. coin nine, i k;tm7?x-7;:.ix t sv-;...-t-m,-.-- interest in that sure, was enii it ?tl ti l v-nir w hi; U'rf lit mi' lli lrio to cnroiid' : K'.l !! I V. 1 i : 1 ! II II I'M I II I III . 1 1-, f -'. ; W. l". l).I.K , lirn'.klyii Kli'Vato.l V.. It U ' i -r.r li' at . ..ti I'l.i.i 1 nn l Hkln IH.stiasu iiki.wI ; loiilii an I'll! it a. which in the ujuieaval ot 1.'4. I.io.iht sueli wreckage to tlie trout. Xo he represents now nothing on (toiFrf earth and nau dit in tie- oi eoumv governmeni ana io i nt-1 r,-. ,,t ,irini.i nf ,s tu i.,..li- was the delicate com)limeiit it liction. i i ,i i . i i ii i i ' better order pf things. Xo better j e ask imn u oe cnaiuea uoao "m;luli was ti0 voting down by one been found for 1 lno Nuin' inaT' govmu.eiu "i!of lhe housed of an amendment to untv in the State will be ad- And so Court Innuve with two Christian associates has gone to j at l!lis lu(,i"(nit Ui l)lviude ! paid the memory of the late Fred tr .n.- ;-KK .1. r.,,.1 UK Se. out v, o maKO ine oieojciion, i ti., ., ,,. ,,fi JVUILU IU lliut t;iauiioii a m min i , iiHiia.- uiri ur. ii'.ai.hi i'mi i .1 , i ;tve lUv Ileill (Mm Dhcm. !;uns Horn. The devil is nri ud of a grumb- waters beheiv. lie is ii"t cn a i,..- matter whether he belontT-i big bad man lik" Tem Reed, whom j j;) ,,. , !,i!rch or not. he admires, bat only a poor chap, The man who knows that Uod who went in to .-hear and canie w pj, hnnwill always be very :ut shorn. Oh the pity of i t to ,.nr,.f,d u here he steps. such friends as he may have! Xews j Keep tie- devil uway from tho A' ( OiS. I .d.il.lreti mill he Will -400I1 hftVfitu give up the saloon. We hate our own sina moit I "l'cliiaps y oil woilid not ihink f o ;d a vo?f 'arre p opariuia o! !e-"- .handle on Cornn-5-ion' 'Q iuk .3alt?a and Piouipt Uet urn ?.'" 'Jeiamir-isiou lor handling ' goods, five per ceut. ''Stnd for our Price Li-t." Professional Cards, DEMTAU NOTICE: Dr. A. W. Atexj.ndor will 1 o a bs office at L'.ucolntoa, Jun, Ai" DO You: SMOKE? . ; HAVE vou SMOKED? "Alii Roil If -riiico'9 e8t, Octohe , Dece;aber, l ib. QMniMP. TH D APPA I in-.'ir'uihl Anri!. Will 1 t in ' Mr. MILD SWEET- July September, : November, . liy it opce. Ask tor it. : January, March aud May. IIIEN TOU WILT, DEMAND IT. j .patrouage.cciicited. : Terms casli. jyivo -jijjo ttuu -Jtui siL'UJ . Jiu(j m0(jerate with each 1 cz. sack for 5 cents. Merchants Do joa wish a qaick seller ? .11 bo wiite fer. sample of vOLD RED HOUSE" Smoking Tobacco Manufactured by. O W O llaraman, Haerift of Tyler Co., W Ya., appreciate iwod thing and loes not hesitate to fay . : . -II j i" 1 tnai no man w.ii voie moie iieeiv kIon;, h) doin? as iu j,. hereafter than he has voted here-j k hag stuUinod itselt toie.ro. man could hav such a position, and his appoint- j uo li!i,y uxe Mate win oe au- t,.e f.t?ction la,v hicli provided ment means that tins rruntry is j tmnistereu more economically r , that judges of election should be i 4i - .l ? i r ' e'ieif.ni le under the new disnensa. i . i i nQ tf4l.QU 4 XT T nT.,r,h..,v J f1 Uetermineu una ne. ut-.mu.a no a r;---- - - - - ; ;men oi goou iiunai cnaiucie!. MUO. HMIIUCUl i. V- V .usimiiuil, v i better order ot things in Korea is ' ton than ir was uiuter uie oi,anu Jtl 50 far as this Legislature has 1 v' j not to be thwarted for tho want of You will-revive "highest Cash Pi ices. Ve buy outright or j competent men to carry it oiit. And whatever way the war iniy end it is likely to be a benefit in the end to China. Nothing but the most crushing defeat, the com plete humbling of the native pride, and the enforced conviction that other nations are not only their equals but superiors will ever a- rouse that people -rbm their leth-' "' nrcrv and convince them that their hind is not the 'center of the uni- legislation in its most ouious form, i mo,Us become operative, the fu- iises m .fv l ti :; ci iiifti irr-ni - : u nen we .-ee iiit-ni wuovoi muuuu Ii h-up-s i'.towi raichiisu " m.b jM .shos of somebodv elae. 'Dr. S.niN h!..ion. "P. is u h ;i I ,ri1,.i-ora ,nrr, vaiplc in ng oi l so t o n t on t i i . . ,, . , . . , v,ey few peep e, unie- it ih a i ft-i l you would see tracks that have if j nei:tion a, oy nr.y a'tci.fon t.ujbeen made by the cloven hoof. :d. N- v Yoik M on. of th Our n-i.i;hbor sees our faults, but p'ace- . u,.- A nf ,,(; j,, -t lhf, ,jiUc.r tearathev O.i.-tsi ard ver tin re a e a great , , i '.(ird iivk i' us WPeo ai.ie.y cased ot LaTarih and eon- " -i- i -i ii . r i r MMiipimn vslrfh l.a-.e f o ir o: lgio j All Jies nave me cinen oi orim m thi negiect cf th s tiipbs- pre -dt.iio on their garments, no matter -.-aution or i ve y dav hfe. The mo-1 j,, thf r t)f.v aro wlljteor tjack. erisi hlt ad i ice i. v le n iu haw 1 . " . , , f.p it inmt in r.n tliP nien-moo t h- . ' .. . . i ! 1V r.V time- tlie devil maKea a . .,j ... w . - L . w.. ;ji. i i id i i 1 1 juu a-1 - ii o - We were told last year that there ; ca argument that pretty much all Im le. Ii v a I mcniw do ri-t mtr-t I .hypocrite he has to admit that was great 'extravagance in the 1 0f the existing legislation is WTomr. I i)r- R In n doi s no' :c!l v" j 1 ve is the greatest thing 'iri' the lis hand 4 en he geta a go:d late government and many ex- j , cannot, thus, claim credit for its j ,,?,v t(! c".r. a,tr. , e Lf'7, ! world. I ..i-.l. ..l...ll I , i w!iMU I o:i c.elf;.. neu .ij,. , - , , . . , . , ueiiits - viinni Miouiu oe eui ioj, own virtues, ior its. memoers naa i r,.n.,.- tho e.n -- i ntiwin 11 " ' that the neoido misht le relieved i nrevionslv denounced these as r?it'n:i r.iifn tin? ecieiienM and n-on ! vith satisfaction it is wh of -i part f the burden of taxation ! crimps For the follies which it i 'ff-c- a r.:anent cure. 25 and ,r0 ; a good man to oppose ' . . . .. . " .,.! I,r,-l!,of,rto:,.l,r 'V LCmiu..! 1 mnnv of u h eh " " I CailSC. Ofl'gfl-t. He C;ot I lie riiuc. perpetratei (.oil often shows the oiiiner that he is wrong by bringing him in i j contact with somebody who is briskly into the : right. hat and bowed to ' There are people who seem to . j standing a number of new objects j aro already conspicuous and others j of taxation found, involving class j0f which will develop as its enact-1 . i teirislation in its most odious form, I !Monts become operative, the fu-! verse and! the most favored spot j ho citixen wiil pay less tax here-j sionists will have' to render to the! ,,0 cri1;' ',''.;.-.; o v;.inf;n after than ho paid heretofore, uiHnennl next vear such . account as ollice, dolled his in the p-blic mind-iil be costly less -he-returns lees property for!lheycan. As for the promises I manager. j think that (Jod only expects them u iii-r., vtft n,. il :;f taxstion. Tho two practical ques-! UroWn and the hone consequently ! ''l imdersland you want a boy, to -,Cp the Ten Commandments IJUl 11 IU in linn iu.viii..vi, . - I ' l ! pride, prejudice, and error, and open the waV"' for a better day than fious for a citizen to ask himself, ( disappointed, there is no remedy relating to government, are, first, f or them, and upon the whole we it ll T 1 i. i (. .v, ,. . . 1 . . .i l . 1 . I. I the Land of Rinim has :vet known, i wen uoesu piuic-Lt i m - believe tliat tne recoru wnicn nas ti V -", 4. " ,,, life, liberty and property? and -een made at Raleigh since the 9th iiui uie otfci i;nu inww wum-ici-j . , , . .1. x.nn n-inf ' 1 second,- liow mucn money aoes u jQf January is one which win give; i""11- 'J" ' - sir, he said. '"Yes, we have a vacancy." 'Can I fill it ?" "Can you ? What sort M.Wtt flILLSBOKO N-C. We a'sd ba e a good line of chew. ! tobacco. Write for samples an I -factorj pijces. 3m. " UiV resalts seenf to be the help tint is likely To be giveai fo Christiani ty." Tiie sick and wounded Chi nese prisoners were filled with as- kindhess which and so when I so. He was tdirosr, prostrated with j tonishment at the ki a cold wnen he pio.nir a bottle of , ; hQ-y -j- a . i t . i:.r i brought, thf m conies of the benn- "it gave m- pioiupt lene'..? .. 1 it to be an inr.daabie reaielly i ureS they" -were evidently greatly 1 find for cou'gbs and colds." For sale by j pleased' to 'receive them. Anions those at Hiroshima was a colonel who was a brinht. tine-loekin2 Dr W L Crouse, Drog-:ist. take..tiit of . .my pocket in return tjie Democrats the State at the " hei for tho benefits in confers ( tT" , next election. Statesville Land-; a? much When Baby was sick, we gave ber Castoria. j When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. ! Vhen she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, I When she had ChUdren, she gave them Castoria. man" Some one had already given ! him a copy of the New Testament. and he had read nearly one halt of it. He expressed by his action as well as by his words tint he was deeply grateful for the gift, and said that he believed much of it. Ies3 the legislation . just accomp lished shall give the citizen better protection than he has enjoyed in the past or gives it to him at a less price than he formerly paid, then this Legislature has been a failure, for it' was promised that it would inaugurate "reform'" in the gov eminent and 'reform' must mean either hotter service or les peuFe man;. ' Fur p(vi n yeit-. or ineie Mrs. W. ) Louder, of Q i iicy, Ky- was sob jrie ' severe ntrncks ofciarop col ic. l. 3- Mor-e rt druggist of p'ace, rei o:cmpnded Chamber ain't Ool.c, Cho ra and DUnl.oea Remfdv, which has tffttoi a )o i anent cure, t iving her n.udi i-ufT Tiuu I esid p- the trub:- and ex ex-1 oeiibe of sendee for a d cor, hid- Where there's a little work and pay as the house can stand. "Urn. most boys when they come are willing to take all work and no ! on S'indav. j -.. ; As long as the devil can have i I hi way avout. the saloon he will a have one claw run through the church. Going out on a wet night to hear election returns is one thing, and going to prayer meeting in the same kind of weather is another. pa) I'm no, most boy Tin? ladies' Friend. "Oh you're not Vou are pret-1 c3n DeiiU ? ,w:lDH ' . , ., jn-:ta good roraplexioo, atd eo ty fresh, aren t you . - ,jj..;on CSD e good without "Ves, sir, but I know it, and I'm zetting cured." We ail shall see how the I w.is o!:eti tncsAiy. lor taie e.. W fi C:ou r. Dt ujizist. raatler :s when the tax-gatherer j . . comes a ron nd. : We note here,iu connection with this matter cf expense in govern- cool l eaith and pnreb'ot. !3ot Hide Ulood b-i'm wni be infify your "Do yovi expect to get the kind I ,Mir;chiuc your t;fiOd. Try it for f o.'o -oll wnnt ?" ia'l kin and blood dieafes. It never "No, sir; nobody gets what he ForMalaria,LiverTrOUT j wants, exactly, but it doesn't hurt hle.orlndicreation.use 111,11 BROWN'S IROl BITTERS fails to core the roo-t invett-ri-te cifs after r di t etit p m'ciU8 heve fr-.red. P.' ie SI 0) r large bottle. For pale by drogKists. What pavdoyou think you See advertisement elsewhere.

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