" " 1 -T .1 i ' SE PH &r7&$f ifij i I; MMf o, ii Br tip in fflip III ,41?;' p! na-cfe . jSw A VOL. VIII. LINCOLN TON, N.. C, FRIDAY, MAR. 29, 1895, NO. 48 Vi P?V f4 for Infants and Children. A Hlotf at Use i'uhllc School! GO, 25 per cent, of their taxabis j ability. The on! v other remedy we :. . jtei. . wealth. " j Those who believe thatall men The late deceased legislature, of'f.i.,,,, , . , . I be inclined to lavor tins al- t!i-:vrl! it do-.f seem inconsi stent to tax a qacholor over GO more than C 3HntTY yn' observation of Catoria xrilh thr pe.tronag of j mtlllofas of persona, permit o to apeak of it without gnegig. It ! unqnestionably thw tiest remady for Infants and Children the world ha ever known. It is harmles. Children like it. It 2ive them health. It -will tavo, their lives. Ja it Motlior Lave k om etb i n g whl ch la ahaolntely nafe and practically perfect nn child' a medicine. Cyjtoria destroy "Worms. Castorla allays Feverihhnos. Can tori a prevents vomiting SoarjCnrd. . v'-i. Caktorla jputcs Diarrhoea and "Wm Colic. ' Catoria rolic-ves Teething JFiq TIes. rjaatoriaiures Contioationiiid Flatulency. C-toHa uautralizetbe fclfeot-j oP croLow'o scM frus or ptvis-o-uvaa &ir. Caatorla does not eontiv'n ai&rpliiue, cim, or rtb'r isariotir. y-ynpgrty. CaV.oria a&hisiilute tV food, j r, n?atsthehtoiaach. andhowel, givia liaVthy and natural j,!?-. Cfctoria ia put up inone-lw bottlo only. ?t is not sold iu Lak. Dou't Allow sny oHoJto iiellyo7i spy tMng else on iha plea oiL rromiss that It iaMjnt as good" ruad" will aawwr evry pcrposo." State's educational system a severe llow v.h"n, m t!ie last days of t li session, it passed an act abulisln'n county boards and superintendents of education. For a number of years the pub lic school system in each count" hv be(;u mnnaired bv a countv one under .'0. It is generally be lieved thai the latter does not marrv :.""cause he won't, wliilo'thi? forniter-does not marry bi-cause h can't. " l'erhans . Mr. dulian ro- ceetls upon the theory thar. when a i.ar.l . 1 ec.u.-alion, co:npoe;i ! womin marries a baclielor over GO three members, and a county sup-in;in;ts hi;n for whai h- has Sec that vou f?t C-AS-T-XJ-R-X'Sl. Tho fao-imlo nature of 7 it on ever y vrrap-per. orintendent. Hoth the board and the superintendent were elected i b . the ma:is rates of the countv. in the same manner m which the county commissioners were eleet- i ed. The school board were em powered to regulate the school dis tricts change the lines, create new o:m-s. iib-M!:-!! I",- consolidate when ever tlley d-'elin-d exp Htient .ip- lint the sehooi commi! t'-emei.. distiiir-.e the seho.i fundr, hear all c .mphiints atid t ti' all d.ispute.-. in re!' !'' -- e to k;!i..! in hej t. tn them vas conmitted !:--''t-nera! t'overonieiit !' the onbli.' -e!:.!. of ti'.i count'. 'i he county S"?ip-r j iiitf'ji'ient examined all tru'lier: -. acted as a e'erk t - the board o! j o hieati'-n :usd exercised, a general i i ! :,:i:torvision oVi-r the school i U e iiave ji..t vet and that lie will be treated liberal ly by the law if instead of turning out all ins possessions to Ins wite he j-'i rrej id-.'i's only '2 per cent, of them to the taj,. or, pt-iliaps lio iixes his schedule upon the as sumption t hat the man who will not when he can, deserves no con sideration if lie cannot when he xv ill. However this ne:y h. it is at all certain th:.l taxie bade' bus v o-i!d ! t;i aci Children Cryfbr Pitcher's CastorSa , !.,. as we unders usr.5 AiD n?sDORsns run SBl 5 TRACE J "Cures wheu .'sl -'v f.-'!-.' v . - y investiaticn North (':ti(tlii;n Siiprnco CaUi':. , WALTER CLARK, AS30fTK JfSTICE. lllVttCO. V RaLKIjh. I-.". C, J.;n. ,'6, 1 OL ( . W.. hrT f.-mn.l the ElectroiKe vrv Talcbl.-? cf we- : I3COK M , ol;i!ly f..r oi.ll lrtn. I trot one last May. au.1 I amr.irc I t x Ki.- sine I th 'tvMmfS Hh cmt nlivaly In 0octi t-'nJ t T5'C"tVCl'1',' ''r! C'l . .lui .f..re t,HU. From mv experience w!tL !i, an.l olj- -utnu.u iuwvii a , rr.H 'Q, I can -:ffly roonimond It. t i Waltfu Claiik. 35 FOOitTH av; Vours truiy, Professional Cards. DENTAL NOTICE. Do You SMOKE? HAVE vou SMOKED? "Old Red House19 SMOKNG TOBACCO MILD SWEET- 'liy n i(!ce. ABk tor n. THEN TOU WILL DEMAND IT. Nice pije and bent stem givca with each ii ( z. tack toi 5 cents. Merchants Do jou wish a quick eeller ? If so write for narap'.e of 4,OLD RED HOUSE" Smoking Tobacco Matiutacturod by (if ft 9 Xtinto flILLSBORO N- U. We btso huve a good line of chew, tobacco. Write for samples hnd factory piiee. 3rn. D. A. W. A!eXAnd-r will l o a his oftice at Ltuco'ulon, Jum Air K3t, O.i'obe", Dcccmbtr, Ftb niary and April. Will t c m Mr, Sloily, Ju'y, yepteinb.f'r, Novcmp.c'r. January, March a?id May. rAui5Hj: noi'cited. Term cash and mederato Ztciiis Front ESSlMiSIt. U a e.-.nv Cii i 1 1 ; s ; tliese !ii,es,b-i!l asid it the work hilh erto d'.ne iy tl:e r-liool f o.;rd tunied over to comity commission er.;; '.uid it is j r vid-".1 t'nat thf ch ik ot the Superior Court shall aj)pomt a county examiner, who j shall examiie all teachers at $1.00 J per head at. stated times and at $1 j .50 per heni at other than the time regularly appointed for such examinations. "What rjnalilica- tion.s, if any. arc prescribed for the j vjrit examiner fr who is to de-ermine these qualitication, we do not know. The act jroes into effect in June. The board of education for this county is composed ot Messrs J II IScrojjgs, li C Summers and A M Walker... Mr. W C Feimster is the superintendent. We cannot but think that this chance in the management of our public school system will greatly impair its usefulness. dState Su. perintendent Scarbcro says in speaking of it: ''Our system of public schools is almost ruined ;we j are set back L'O years." The throw-1 P liiiu-a! p.arte-s oj (Lo coti:try m- ssts that taxation t nuuhites ratii-1 1 er t!i;i:i !,.,!..;, ai.d th..-re mary j- !"';! penph'- in both parties who e-'.j ot to the int. n;al rev-nuo tax es on the jrrouud that they j.dve iiatioual reco;niti'"n to the whidrv j and t -bae 'o budnei-s and made the ijoverti'r.vMit a partner therein. If these id'-a-; are correct, would not! the taxation of bachelors tend rather to en-'"ura;o the c-vil ol bachelorhood and put t !io state in l!ie attitude of recognizing a con lition whieh is universally con '.emnod ? think entitled. to serious consider ation is that of eating; limberger cheese after your onions. Per sons in various stages of asphyxia tion and hysterical excitement have assured vs that it is impossi ble to smell the onions under such circumstances. 'We are bound to admit, though, that neither of tliese remedies i? adapted to every-day life. Thev are picturesque and attractive, but they are loo luxurious for persons of- moderate means and simple t tst s. 'ubscril er' ', wo fear, will blue to go without onions alto gether or make up his mind to cat them unreservedly and In ! ( the great American public worry -v r the consequences. Weekly Post. Fi M.-ven vrtrs or m oo Mrs. V, !) LoudT5 of ihicy, Kv , was But j vt to ret'ie nttftcks of ciai:q. col ic M , S. Mort-o u h ugi:!.-! oi ha )'ar , r ( oitovit'Sided ('aaaioei ot.V Ooi:c, ri-o'' m asiil I)i-irho'a iv:-'s t ', V:odl '..:S ii'-'('!e ; a J!;'- : a i " f 1 1 riu f ivi-ijj h'j 'i u a i ! :" t:-J O-id H ' h- t - lil'- :;,. X o. !-'.'!i-:r, l-.-r a : c, M. I, o rn-: t re r. iiy. V : t !!. i . (.-it u 1) i':i -t. Down on the Negro. Atlanta Journal. ' Several large hotels it. New Vork ami CJiicago which have hitherto employed negro waiters and servants' have dis charged them and filled their places with white men. 5 Had such a thing been done in this section it would have t een proclaimed as a southern outrage by that element in the nortn which either does not understand the race question in the South or ; er sists in lying about it. In nearly every southern hotel negroes only are employed ns ser vants and thousands of them are thiir. enabled to earn a good living Still the negroes employed in ho tels represent only a small per c-iit. of tho le-groes who niv m gageil in gainful occupations in the south. They are employed in almost every branch ot industry. They are carpenters, brick layers, ri masons and mechanics u,u!d hard to iiui-P its e:i-:c":;d ihsivoiiY Ami ";sy re v r it t.."i rol i u i No sudi legislature was ever seen before, and it ; like will prob-! livelihooii left die n. r n the anty never acain be seen, at 1 ; a : t cirporai s i-uaid of negroo.i vh. ar-- similarv ei.-a -ed in th.rif!. of tl:. north though thei;- ar. many thousands f negro-s in thv-s eiti.-s. 'i lie tradcj are e! : d anain -t an 1 s.-rvice in hotels has been one of the few means of hon- probtbjy took away the banker and no on i knew the whereabouts of the treasure; or may bo the banker himself forgot and could not again locate his treaaure. Coacord Standard. lAlways Oures. Botanic Blood Bairns The Grjt KVmeJv fr the sfee Jv an J rrmnnt cutecf Scrofula, kheumatism. Ourrh. Ulcers. Lcem.i. -jt:ni arj Srr .ijir,i" S ro. t'rurtiuns. nnJ all 5KIN AM) IlLOOl) DISIZASLS. MJ ium th- rreN ripti.,ij , f 4n emim-nt ; hykln uhouseJ it with in.irv-: t; vjv.ct:s for 40 years, anJ its ci)ntinu"J ii - i.ir tutfcn ears by thou- s.inJs or ;rif f ul j ..tl? l as drmonstrteJ that 4 it is r-y far the N-st t :nlJi.ic up Tonic anj BlooJ if l!i:r;li r ever ifrroJ to th worlJ. It mekes nw f rj. h M kiJ. ...ii ;-jsii.s almost miraculou j lit.-ai.ns rroper-.:.. . Zi WRITE FO BOOK OF WONDERFUL J CL sent free on application. t t If n-t ke;t by your I nral Jritff 1st. senj Ji.oo f .ra lir:o 5'fttlf. or $5 00 for six bottles. anJ $ f meju in-.' will be sont freight paij by BLOOD B..LM GO., mianti. Ca. in this State. Frem the man 1 orth. Th..' re-i;nt iciton ; 1 lO'.- -f th whose teetlr Hew out as h? ta!k-d ! birg.-st hotels in licit section indi cates that the t ire :i last co:n!!!L: novel tholes.-, to the man who w under the "influence' for two j win n t he north r.o longer con months together, and,sli!l further j sidor negroes tit to be hotel ser- Tlte fact thc)t Mr. Julian, the au-; on down, to the greatest black- ! vants. thor of this bill, is liimself a bach- guard of them all, Williams of ! The negro agitators of race strife elor, would seem to lend seme plausibility to tins inbrpretat'on of his raotives. Pennsvlvania C 'jani'u r a'f.'s t'ongli llt iasilj iives thn ttivt a?'faetion 0! any .jciiiga ir.t ibeino 1 hAtidle, fnd as a v)Ui leads all other pn paratiom n th' marki't. I iceermr.end oroiese it is the Lust medicine 1 vt r liaiitUrti for cmLis, o'is uuO voi p. A V duiide. 'nbfsrviil, ti". hr sdty DrWL Create, Djisgj-st. OiiioM j;si1 itto Sltitiiiin 8rrjitt Urayen, it was a notable aggrega- ' in the south are dangi.ie.ns only tion of political freaks and mis- because of the ignorance of those xiits. They knew what they want- J to whom they appeal, ed the ofiices they had wild j lJe masses of our negro-. -yearnings for the offices and the j nevv tjie fcts tlK.y wou,i thank pay thereof, but they blundered to j (;0. uiat t)ty yiyQ n ihr south and get them, and then, at the last, j wouidjje quite convinced that thev let some of the best paying ones j liave lair-r treatment and better slip throush their clumsy fingers j opportunities here than they could because they could not stand the j jUlyvhero else in the world. depth of the "hole'1 the Democrat ic minority every now and then dropped them into. Thev elected one man to an olV- "i-ri:ap.; 3 1 ; i won d not ihhik fo it ;; very 'nr-j p'opnr: :on .f di" ases in Y.ew V t k c. in hem ci -i. S"ii.ss ;t. o:ir .'iti ioi: ' ro!l." S3Y ice and then, in a moment of stu- j j)r ils f.i,0j,. i-i' i twh sid bewilderment, abalished the j iaipie i h ng ;n 1 so :ninxj t i nfli.-o italf Ttwvr 'inlP! fwo ! V'l V lew .ti p, uh't."-' it 3 t fiv It is not often that we have the much-prized opportunity of taking new criminal court circuits and j :,? a' nv a ihhi-hi, t t i , i n 1 . .. , . !c ;lb .N w oii; is ne of th- then so clumsily tilled the oltices ,hm!, hi(4Sf p,.,.,. A t.nitn cf those courts that the very judg- C - a: 1 yer. t!.-rc a e a yn-a- breastworks l f P liOHH This? We rff r One Hundred Dollar - - u Vu HU lUSr 'i VJCI lit" " - a-juot bi enrol by llab'rf ('atari h i(Jar F J CUenpv & Co , Prep, Toledo I 0. j j We til's undersigned, hno known t J CLtney lor he !at 15 yrar,anl We notice that thev have had a lynching out in Colorado. Imita tion is the sincerest sort o' fi-aUery. We have iio duck in Hillville, but if the administration wants to enjoy a good qjossum hunt, we can furnish the game. A subscriber asks us to define the word "parity belongs to the presidential gender and has got claws in it hind b et. It is springtime in (leorgia, and j we re enjoying the eainer w nen I wh amT freezing, we're drowningi and when we ain't drov, ning, the woods are on tire and we're burn ing up. We can't say positive that there'l be anv services tomorrow. The lawyers levied on the church, and we don't know 'whether, they'l preach, or not, as it's somewhat out of their line. Billville is working for a fire de partment1, as the hard limes caus ed s?yeral of our leasing cimens to burn out in order to get even, an individual subscriber by the ear and leading him fondly to .-vTi.n com n),i ci-int oint t!iiTf II j. it 1 i i " Ol Lli'J IH.liliil U,r IJI; 1HLO lilt I . . . . I , , , ing him wiih priceless miormaiion hands t the countv commissioners l.. . ... 'i . u.,;,. i,f ldrosented to us, thu tUJ'.i j u r . 1 1 1 iii'.ii linn time and attention to it while a school board, created solely for that purpose, could do; and neith er the appointment of a county ex amine! to take the place of a su perintendent, nor the manner of Iiis appointment, is wise. We suppose the change was made with a view of lessening the cos of the conduct of the schools, but in tht event the cos-t is les-ened (and we Very much doubt that it will be in the end), it will be at the expense ot the school?, and this is a species of the cheap johnism th-'t the peo ple did not ask fov and do net wa i i t . La ii d m ark. lli I'lV -e ot En. Post, Dear Sir: Will you please toll U3 of something to re lieve the odor of onions on the breath, and oblige, Srr.::Ci!iHKi:. March l-'h Of course, we could treat this touching appeal in a ribald and a scoiilng spirit and say to "Subscri ber" that the best way to keep the j breath clear of the odor of onions is to refrain from eating that un ci'.' us but. too lingering ve -re table altogether. Wo unhesitatingly reject this alternative, however, as being unworthy of the occasion and. disrespectful to our eorrts ooudent. Wo proceed, instead, to - j (. ''Subsci iber" of the two reme- O A O llardmin. ier it ot j !ei . . .... , . i Co., W .t appreciates ;, 1 'i'1-1' "!- ' as to too oiiieacy ol winch we nave some confidence and much hope. Col. Dick WinM-smith, while he j ...... .. !. .1. 1 . , wueie uiey e, lie rii iiyiioj; uuu ; , 1 1 ' t 1 ! i i oi . Kicking anu, verv UKeiy, cursing t.at!on i;- ViQ ,uv hi- ;r:l ion !:!'' or j' r ! in '1:!- log'ift f I he r.pl'S pr:- i . i . i- h i . j fie iio-' t lie luck that led them into such j ccnsiM.- ad ice ij, sviit n w u twivi fool companionship. They elect-;" Jt , f !t i:j;f SJ)r-"" J 1- , t i j fvi ie. ft I use :! i'.o n t nc -uit ed code commissioners and then . ., . . killed the code commission. 1 hey i ho.v (, c,in. H ,.,,NJ iM,r tt v. i i . Tst broke faith with the Governor. ; Cli on' t r'ai: 'a L'ough i!en dy. 1 Their bills were stolen right and ! wid rchMve tin hniis, :nj evo-c'o- hft. Thev attempted to denv j e!n ,s' " 1 ?J- . 1 , . , ; IP c; a j ir-i atithi care L'.i m: ;t; Dc-mocretic memhers the ngnt to ; .J... w . v i, fv.i-.. There is one Legislature which h is all along been a dead match for that of Xoith Carolina that is the Legislature of Indiana. The Condi l i : s in the (wo States are much the Kttne. j-", ji ii State hus a Pe'iio; ratn- (JoVei-nor, v.ith a Lig : -l.il nr.- of .ppo i,fe fudh, and the J I '.'.' ru- r of i :e'h iicis her-u Itacki ig pie Legislature for all h ? is wo th. I'll- L gi la'u; m ea h as hi ft so iL'iit t sei;: llie public iiutitu t: i s iuri.-asiag the boards of li: a:,d y lakoig to itself app.-int rn. il!-; wln.-h by the :onst titici b-o;,g to ih Governor, i i.e j ai d!, li.-ni . t tinued to the rv eno, the attempt, which so H ailv piecipirr.ted a riot in the ower house of the North Carolina Legislature, tr. detain Democratic members in the ball .y force, having it. : counterpart m the low er house of the Indiana Legislature -v he,-, the liepuhlicans, in the clos ing hours of t he session, set u.o:i and nearly killed th j G y .rnors private secretary while lie was on lis way through the hall to thw Spearer's chair with ainimltrof i'iils in his ham!. In virions par. fioulars the two bodies were a much alike as two peas. Charlctt Observer. TWO LIVES SA VKU. Mr--. I'hyrbr? 'I'hf int)", ot Junction City, 'li., wi s t M I y tar c'.or? she Lttd Con ii ti i ".nt trine vi n hpc for 1 tr, t t two ! fV tie- (.1 lf King s New li -.'VCi v c 'trp'cl' ty euro 1 )ht Hi d she - e. s i s v. l In r ' i Mr. ThoTitH. g r i i i 1 1 St. Smti Kra'cisci, w i'.:-Milir. in n iirt!M:'(.l (yM. bj-pr-chlng .reti i . t t :i. tri'- i wiUiout rvult every 4uS f.f ti t-.iupl.t on tott'-e of l)r Ivinj's NVv thj-cvrv aid ir two week jv- n e " 1 - ile i ii io.rdly th'uijk'ul, - It i- s :t'r results, ot w li.h tl.e arc li.no'e. .! ie pr.iv- ; . w.ti!Tf'ul tliic y jf thii r.''dii-tr.- in t'o-in m l CoIia. I're-i trial .'tfci t A. S- I '. lrusc Store." I.Mr jlar y .:' iiiC- and 1 CO . t;f 5'jt jvai tire'i'tiKboro. . S. i Oh er er. Ci!;EE:.v.noi;o. March This ai tertioMn al:out o o'eb.-ck a housj in that pait of Greensboro known is '.McAooo's Meadow'' caught on fire and two negro children vrho :,ad be'-n left in the house wert? 1 t death. The ll&mea had thm and doca. no' liCrtit-ite to t-ay sc. " He'was tdno.rt io:!riitd will? i .crdd'rcfv n:la ptocured R bofl le o' Ciiainl e; oiius CitiU ll'aui!y. Tb m)i: "I r. gave me prnt':pf rrjiei. 1 (Taojt ( an lavaoiab'e j-;-.fly for conl: a?:J (' ''." For s-!e L Dr W-L ("rouse, Drfgj;ist-. Tx 5t:eIi-lor. 'resided in VTasliington and before tie. entered the diploma ic service of his country, was an habitue of a certain high-priced restaurant not verv fir from 1he Kx-cutive Man- so ITe littd what ar led as M issonri s legislature i.-rdeter-l on mined, to 'pass some kind of nnus- legisla'tioti bo na! and important jan infallible preventive i..f the ion der. He always roeommc lut ed it, and to prove his faith, was thus endangering the property of j -or,, jt a(jjourna. A bill to prevent J Ofhevt hliu perfectly 'houorab'e in j peoi.de dio have no insurance. j (,0 v,rann?; (,f ,t iats at i heater! idl husincsa transnctions au.tt linar.- I Atlanta Constituiticn. iiavi.)(, failocl. Statesman Julian.of ! a ! Re ally nble to curry out any obtigA .; poos tnsdo by their firm. West '& Trnax, Who esale Drngr jkdats. Toledo, Ohio. WahliDg.KiM- & Marvin, Wholesale Diuagtsta ( vncnBaW--a !To!(Jo. O - ' ..- , Hjili'rt .Ua'atrh Cure taten in ternaly, acting ditcetly upon tha jbtoo t Hud mricoos fmrfcttri of the Ijyetem. price 75c. per bottle. Sold - by .all druggists. Testimonials free oUfhed lo (!e made considerable headway before they were 'jUeovered, and by the time the fiv cotiq'any reached the leave the chamber placing a negro i Dme'br at the door to act as a jailer lor cs"" free men. To cap the climax of T!'f-1 &-l ot" PritV Si do a liic, imbecility, sonnc f the more ijrom-1 '.v. Four thousand and eight incut Radicals ended their labors j hundred d.d ats in gold e in found in prolonged debauches, and then! George Side;, the fon of Purity "lumped" the town- leaving their I a 'Jiouiei o. huiii board bills unpaid. 1 Sides, all of whom live just beyond , .-(.;ne lhj ,.)orn in wjlich the chil- It was all that could bo expect- the Cabarru? and Stanly line, T-va- j tir,.n ,V(.,,. wa , completely envel- ed of the scum and leaving of rad i "i the latter paitol la.i week icalism and populism. The better j an awfully p.,or b,y. men of the fusionists, with few j lf.g got ?1, -:ih) in old coin exceptions, did not run in the last j now. election, not dreeming of victory.; Here's the way it all haj qrierd : This left the places to bo filled by Last week he went down to the men who had nothing to lose if section near Ne'.v London (IJib.S- thev were beat n and everything to j ville) on the Yadkin railway, and gain in the way of "favors" and j began to prospect. There k no r iib.vav passes and offices if chance ; trouble to pick up a good dav't should" float them into oil- j at prospecting eit'-er in Ca- lce. Lord deliver us from ever again i barrus or Stanly countv. lookm-upon the like ot the North! Georg; Sides saw a rr.eK thai Carolina Assembly of 1S05! Ashe- s- r m'-d to have been placed there Eict, vre gave lu r Castorla. . .. . , r . 1 t P.;tnri. k.Miea she was a CMM, sae ci .-hen she became Miss, she clun to Castoria. When she had Children, sho gave them Castoria. vs. readv to I et on it. He said that if vou ordered onions at the restaurant m om-tion you could eat them witu aosofnte sarexy, ior the bill would certuiidy take your n-.K W.. 1, iv.o jievcr trierl Drovulmg for a graduated tax on . -t;v , , ' tl . .-Jit and cannot, theretoiv, iestit to bachelors, "between the ages of ,,u ando years, $10; between the virtue ot I he antidote, out v.oi. ages ot 25 and 40 vcars, .f l5: be-i Winter?mitii swears to it, and we the house ot representatives, steps into th -breach with a measure 1 The T.in'Ics' Frirni!. No vccman c-r it fcau-itu Iwith-; j ( n:i:r lexi,r. ami HO ; vi ' !iVx:nn can l-e pood by hand. He Fepeath it wa thai turned it over Carolina ville Citizen another reck ! Di::in- around it, he turned it tvef only to find another rock. without After much troui tetanu ano-.. ct.j d heAUh ami porn b!oot. Bid- ; ti,;-. tune ho became very muci- hiU- !Jhod VtaU?, win i.M'ify jcur, n . oped in ll.inii.-. One of the chil dren, a girl about eight years o!d wa-; in bed, sufhsring from a burn v. Inch .vhe received about a month a 40; the other was a tw.. -year-old baby. The mother of the children Maty Vatistory, was away from home at the time and had left a girl al.out thirteen years ol age to take care of them. The girl sasJ she had "one to the well to get a h'.icket of water and when she re turntd found the house on lire. The mother is nearly crazy with riof. for reek. - 10:111 dv i- le.'1 "-!-! so knovrn j ... . ..p'li.r to r.ttd lie sreci'ii mrA I . T!. A 1 v:i. t..vo i;t--o K!-t-i: Litter !-:,."'- a s vr pui e. A purer j ;.' 11 c- n-. c---t vnd it is xusran-. c; t, ; . hM ii :t 'm t'aim'-d. K'fct'ic emoved the thirdlLi-: -iW-oc M, u, r. . 'J.o iver l w f'V1. ' ot; 1 nu" x'ii.-, tween 40 and 50 years, $30; be- are bound to admit that it bears t ween 50 and 75 year?, $75. Over many of the outward signs of prob 'OMiphxo:, by pnrifv?: ... I T.T vrv.-.r li-i.o;l. TfV V.i.W .lUwvfi. It never i rived, which crumbled fr-m toe.cn. j :i: -r-. ,0 u f;dts to car? the most i'rivt'f-iate j Here in one pile wa; $1,500 in ... PI A t - ... i - lla f.u'c'L bottle. For fie by per b?rge droggists. Il'de was a wooden box, o'- Ly ,., thi-r ntl'c ti r.s faued by eicii-e y, oritOcm the M'Tv l'1'" t';ra -f Headache, ( lisMit'-ir. vd In-'ii-jcstioR try Klectric 1 r Kriiri- s1 iu ac ;on tuaiantfed, or ' n-v ftur.dVJ. 1 nee uiivin u cj.w coin. This is a treasure ! doubtless hidden there i.v fome See advertisement elstwiiere. 'one during ;ho war; and death rr bottle at A. S L-e' Dm Stvre.

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