ft Hill a Hi hi li ill VOL. VIII. LINCOLNTON, N. C, FRIDAY, APR. 5, 1895, NO. 49 IF J in. for Infants and pnOTHERS, Do You Know 0M liUii BatL,man'8 P8- 0dfrey'8 O.rdial, im ny b.,-iu!l,ul B-julhin,; Syrup, uud inoHt reoiedleu for tbildru are orupost-d of opium or morphine? p Yoa Know that opium end morphine tun stu-fj in narcotic ijUohs ? Do You Know that u moat countrir .lr.i.n ,.r., t ptl-:u;iu.d t. tv'.l narcotic Without labeling theia j-oisons t Do Yon Knon, that you should not iTmk ar,y m-du ino to bo Kivcii your child iuU-a you or your physician know of what it is composed r Do You Know that Cusfrm is u purely v.- tahk- preparation, and tiiat a list of lis Intredifiits is publinhtd with every lo:tI'-. 7 Do You Know that Ca :toria Is the prescription ..f the fumous Ipr. ramn.-l J'ither. ILut it hits U-n in uso for nearly thirty years, and that imr (.'atoii.x i-; i,.;v sold thau cf tJl other remedies for children combined ? Do You Know that the Patent Oftt.v iH-purlm.-nt of the Uniu-d yctcs, and ..f cll-r countries, have issued exclusive, rlht to l)r. litelier and his assigns to u.-:o th.- von.' " (J a tori a " and its formal a. and thut to Iriu'tate thiii is a slate ri;in offeij'Kj ? Do You Know that on.? of the. reasons fur granting this government protection v-ai rftau-Mj C'ustoria had been -jrovt-ji to be ubt.olutcly Larmiers? Do Yon Know that 115 avtraifo doses of Castor ia are furnished for 35 cent, or one cent a dose r Do Yon Know that hen posssdJ of this perfect prepsiretion, ycur chik'ren may be kept well, and that you may hav; unbroken rest T Wftllt thene thing ard worth knowing. They are facts. The fto-imiIe tftipnaturo of Children Cry for Pitcher's OasforSa. USES AND ENDORSES THE i "Cures v'hon i on ii enrol inn up rein c court. & ' WALTER C'LAF.K, associate Jcstk-e. ' f! Kalooh. C, Jan. 2, i 9t. 4 We l .vv ToudJ tho Eloctrnpolse t. it valuable 'S !- . . ci.tlly fur ui'.lliircn. 1 sot one lat SIay.ur.i1 i am sure 1 2 4 i"'i'-p suvc.l :h-ce times its ot nlrcady In diX'trs' mid i . 'tmn -Hue lillU. Kri'in my i-xpfrlpuce with it, r.r.i t.b- 4 rvati m. I can .;ifcly recommond It. ' Yours truly, Walt it Ci.akk. 4 i- -I Do You SMOKE? HAVE vou SMOKED? wiu, -yom smoniiE? "Old Red House" SMOKNG TOBACCO MILD SWEET. 'liy 11 nce. Ask lor 11. TntN VOU WILL DEMAND IT. Nice pipe ami bent stem piveu with each L' rz. f ack tor 5 ceutB. Merchants Do you wish a qaick seller f It so write for sample of A "OLD RED HOUSE" Smoking Tobacco Manufactured by iff -fllQIfltBW. HILLSBORO N- C. j We also have a good lino of chetv 2Dg tobacce. Write for samples and j actciy price?. 3m. now h This? c.tlVr One Hundred Dollars ward to anv case of Ci tirrh thnt Lft'itot becimd by llatlM t'atanh P J Cheney & Co , Prop, Toledo r 0 pVe th-i undersigned, bave known i J Ctimey for the last 15 yfar,acd fheveblui perfectly hooorablo in 11 business transactions aua tinau ;ally bl,ie to carry pul auy orj!jert 10DSU,Be by their firm. est & Trans, Who-esale Drog? 9tf. Toledo, Ohio. Watdioff.Kiu n & Marvin, Wholesale Drtiagiata -oWlo, O. jHalrn Catarrh Care in taken Id :Dal'y, acting ducetJy upon the ,0'1 aua mncruis sorfBces of tb lutein. price 75c per bolte g0u 7 all (trmrniat-o T . ; . i Children. J SsffiTtMU wrapper. K (4 r till cl.-: "1 Investigation Invited book Fr?Err. Electrolibration Co., 045 FOURTH CVTNU! Professional Cards. DENTAL NOTICE- Dr. A. V. Alexander will be a bia oflice at Lincolnton, June, An" gast, October, December, Feb ruary and April. Will he in Mr. Hollj, July, September. November, Janmry, March ami May. Pu'.ionapc solicited. Terms caslt ami moderates Tlie Anifrieaii C3irl'? S'aull. The American irl has learned to feel that in Edward W. liok she has a strong chamiion. lut Mr. liok, although he is ever ready to advocate her cause, is not blind to her faults. He confesses that she has one glaring one at least, and of this he writes as follows in the April Ladies' Home Journal: "If one wishes to be candid, and real ly cristicise the American girl, not for a score of fancied faultr which are not hers, but for a fault which is peculiarly hers, it is that she fritters away a deal of time on things, nml does not . givel'" Carolina; llicrc aru also several many enough time to any one thing, One advantage which this fault has is that she can overcome it. And she should. She should learn the art of application. Whatever she starts out to do let her do it Well. It she wants to play let her learn to play, not indifferently, but welbj If her taste is for china-painting let ner concentrate her mind to that, and learn to paint well. If she is fond of needlework let her train herfelf to be an expert of the needle. It her tendencies lead her to languages let her take up that tongue the sttuly of which attracts her most. But it she takes up French let her content herself with French, and not study French one dav and German the next. Nor ghould she forget that to know the English language well is her first duty." When UNI Dcmocrulic j Parly Die? When the lion eat.s rass like an ox. And the li.-hing worm swallows the whale : When tho terrapins knit woolen socks, And the hare is outrun by th snail'; When serpents walk upright like men, And doodle bus travel like I When the jiras.shopper l'eeds on tin j '.'", And feathers are four.d on hogs; j When Thomas Cats swim in the air. And elephants roost on trees ; j When insects in summer are rare, i And snuff never makes people j sneeze; When fishes creep over dry land, J And mules on velocipedes ride ; j hen foxes hiy eirs.r;s in tin sand, And women in dress take no pi it j When Dutchmen no longer drink ! b.-er, And uiris ;iet to preaching on i 1 ime ; j When the humming bird l-ray- j like an a.s, I And limler'er smelks like cfl ! ( 'quo, Wh.en plowshares are made out of -ins?, And-the hearts of Georgians o! stone; Vhen ideas grow in Populists In -ads, Aiid wool on the dydraulic ram Then the Democratic pnrty will he dead j niiti uie couniry won 1 no worm I a d n. I -Ex. For the Courier IMXI1JJ3 IIOOK. The first settlers in Lincoln and the adjoining counties crossed the Catawba about the year lToO; memories of them as well as many valuable papers s til i linger among their decendants. I have in un hands a little book which will doubtless interest many of your readers. This was the property ot John liamsour. The Ramsours of this section trace their descent from Died rick liamsour. . The family came; from Germany to Switzerland; thence to Pennsyl vania ; and, then, to this State. Diedrick was sometimes called Derrick but commonly '"Teeter.' He came here about 1750 and set tled two miles south of where Lin colnton now- stands. I have been unable to obtain any information relative to John liamsour except this little book, but believe him to have" been a kinsman of Diedricks, probably a son. If a son he per haps never left Pennsylvania, or died young; each of the sons of Derrick.Jacob and David, named one of their sons John; at the time John visited this section lTai Jacob A: David were about L'O years of age; and there is a tradition that Died rick left one of his sons in Phila delphia, who never came south to live; he was hired there to finish paying for their passage; the read er will later see a reference to a letter lie received from his lather items however, of a later date and by a (lifVerent hand, in regard to the estate of David liamsour; I al so quote a reference to his being in this very section in 1752 when he visited ''henry witner"'. These are some of the facts from which the inference is drawn that he was the son of Diedrick. It is hoped however this article will come un der the observation of some one who can clearly indicate who this John liamsour was. The book is bound in buck-skin, contains 45 pages, and is at least 142 years old. On the fly-leaf is written : "John Ramsower his mamber rantom book August 27 day 1752 ; to his gorney went. "John travel t from home to the Tuch Copers S days "Cot to gorneys ent to Anry Jamberts tis 0 any of October 1752. On the back of it among faded items this entry is clearly legible: 'Born August ' 1720." In this book is kept a diary of o::. iis-s of two trips irom Penn sylvania to Carolina and return. He seems to have been a Dutch man who kept 1m record in Eng-jthe lish and spelled the words just as (hey sounded to him. I will now give a portion of the items; as 1 think it will add to the interest will copy them verbatim et letera- tim. Will first iiive one of his! trips to Carolina and return. A niong the ""articles with' which he supnlied himself for Ins journey 1 notice a "pare of flames L s, pare of pntle pits "2 s. a naiv of carters s. a lucking clad Is I'd almeri noek Id."' Arc. "August 27 day 17.V2 s d First to my gerney 2 at Willi!!! housmnn 2 at Yorktown to pint of p:re 1 at Xits fa ne at Koiired Cansellar; 1 1 i at tis last day of tis mon 1 to 111" September 1, 1752 to a .sie ve of ots to a busel of ots 2 to my acount to m acount 2 to a bhefe of ots to one pot of siter to ferrish at rapehaniek 1 plait with knif corr.-nt to farrish at James rever to foro quarts of uts to my acount half bushel of corn 1 half bushel of ots September 21 day 1752 6! 0' G 10 to suppar and loghing 1 to farrish at Ponneock to a half bushel of corn 1 fiirs in Carlina io a half bush ot C 1 2G days to a tram 1 the first of October to my account 1 to farrish at abbes crick to farrish at Yatkin to corn Arc my acount at pranins 1 to a tiner at Yatkin a to henry witner 2 tis is traveling to Carl i nay te axpans are this 1 0 Cd, vergeney and Marland "and pnnselvaney monney. November 1, 1752 to a half bushel of corn 1 to having my hors in te feet tis S to a half bushel of corn to farrish at rounooke to 4 quarts of corn to my acount to one nushel ot corne to my acount and hors to farrish at James revEr to farrish at rappehanick callet Nabmans fort to a liLlf b. ot corn to farrish at partom mack to corn in tis Marland to my acount. to one bushel of ots to Conret Cancellar to farrish at Suskehannay to p reck fast at te farry to my acount to mv acount 1h 4 S 11 11 8 10 G 1 1 tis is traveling trom cavlinay 1 C 4s 5 lie started south on his second trip May 15 175o. On this he had at least two horses. Several ot the expense items arc ''for paster ing horses". He returned north next year: "my axpanses from Carlinia to pansilvania i:i the year 1754 Julv 2. dav with kunrat Lis ri nuer paujjht skins in Carlinia clsUbe mantle of chariety over all ex-, pait for themTOC pans money solt jci-pt his earlier and greater fights of tham 31 for 15.C 10 s pansilvan- against rascality. Raleigh Obser-; nia monv." I 'John Kamsower Kecevta lattarj 1 From mv Fathar from Carlina j January 27th 1 757 Jn. Rudler . Recevet it the 15 of that Intanest. Interspersed ftTrOUgh thiJ'Ook. are nlailS SnecificatioilS and in some instance? drawings for mak ing useful implements. These at the time he visited this section, J were doubtless very valuable to tho settlers. He gives the plan of a bellows, blow, wint mill, barral, lome, skane reale, peair of'steairs large washing toob. 10 gal cak, iWj For making some of these he gives several different patterns. I copy "blow" and "wint mill" 'March IS, 1753 Mnnih abouth a blow the pame -1 in tick and a most 4 in fir .'H tep and 7 food long and the handals long 5 foot and a A and behind, fiom the gib the in site to the in site of the beem 10 id straid along the untar site before 15 in the han tals behind 2f in or 10 or 1 1." 'March 21 day 175:: Mamharranlom a bouth a wint mill the 1 boost are by 1 foot 1 in o in brot the sit pesos are long in the clare 3 f o in a part 2 food 0 or 7 in the low peses pe low the sits 5 in and the nixt lower pese4 in or 5 in and the whele 15 in es teep oks the fo!e;no-t p'ses ports for the hantals are to the lower and libber site pi ce and a b i ,.;'. . ...... 1 1 . ' ' HUH M il I I 1 . Then are records of his trading in antler, black fox, and beaver foor skins Ac. 1, however, regard his route of travel and the distance between points as the mott inter- jesting items: , "Memparrantom I From langastar to ritstarrey 10 m to Yorktown 12 to fratricktown in Cana Waka CO to nolens or Wdlim t luckets Farry at partommack 15 to cose KricK or cose rone Is to charmington in vargenney 42 in ijirence willim County to nort rev ' " jer of rappehanick S to tuch copers iO tn tho Snuf rpvr-r nf rnnnphfln ick fi at orresh olt cort hous or vinsh to new orrensh Cort house 14 to googland Cort house at James rever 50 to lilleses fort at Abba mat tick rever 15 to Amehys Corfe house 10 to tockter Coot 14 to promswick olt Cort hous 4 to the hors fort at Rouneocke 25 to Cran well court house o0 to tare Rever 10 to Flat Rever 15 to the hawe feales or to the hawe Rever to ieep Rever 30 to Abbents Creek 35 to the Yatkin Rever 8 to Gov Jorg Carty 18 On page 44 Yatkin to Abbes crick S to You- wary 15 ta carwel 3 to teeb rever , 12 t C t 3 t Aiemans IS to hawe Tlever 5 to Kno 15 to little Rever 10 to flat rever 3 to tare re ver 15 to cranwel cort hous 1G to te hors fort rounock 30 to meherrin herrin rever IS to old promsek Cort hous 7 to Xortheway rever 10 to tocktar scote 25." A. Nixon. l The I,aiU&' Friend. No woman can be beautilu Iwith out a coed toiHplexiop, ami nr complexion can be good without go d health and pure blood li it anic Blood Ua'm wni beautify yom comph xion by putif.ving PnJ enriching 3 our bjjod. Try it for ia'l frkiu and blood tise.isc. It nvei fails to cure the most invetirate cases alter f m nent plysiciaus have fnteo Pi ice SI 00 per large bottle. For salo by druggists. See advertisement elsewbeie. .Hr Turner ;e $ I 030. 32. The newspaper fratenitv sener- ' i ally will be glad to see Hon. Jc-j siah turner get four thousand dol-j lars out of the State treasury and j will be glad that the committee found that the State owed bin a In rge amount. Jpsiah Tnrner did an important time in her crisis for which he! never received any reward, lie ! denounced and exposed many vil- ) lians, ant! though he- afterwards; - 1 denounced good men, let us throw i i ver. ' VVhen Baby was sick, we gave her Castom. j e was a caj, crtei for cstoru. . tvhea she became MLjs, she clung to Castoria. i When she bad Children, she gave them Castoria. ruslon KelicT. When those farmer.-? of North i Carolina who went oiV with the Populist movement, hoping to go; rt',ie, wako 11 P to in1 that they have been robbed of what credit they possessed, and learn that the only method many of them had to secure necessary advances to ena ble them to plant and cultivate their farms has lirn taken from them without a word of warning or a momentV. discussion, they will, no dount, fully realise w hut the success of the Fusion move ment meant in North Carolina. And hereafter they will probably be willing to listen to both sides and not refuse, at lii1 bidding of Marion Putler and Olho Wiboie who vere merely working to get into oflice, to listen to a discission of political quetions The edict went out last Mimmer from Puller that they must not at tend Democratic speakings, nor i'M'1 Democratic papers. Demo crats spoke, however, if only to th" winds, and iuw these winds are e :!ioir,t- and re-. choiie.r with ,.m paasis the warning they g;e ii .i i . i 1 1 i lUlier KliOW llial til" ln.-ol.oV Wejej i o, all idiots, an d !,e feared that tho sound logic of hotie-t, able, conscientious l)eni; cr its miidit convince them of the error into which they were falling an 1 le nee this edict. To get in was v. n u Puller ami in 3 gang wantel, and man kh guarded moment the people voted them in. Put where is fue relief promised the people .' Is railroading a bill through at t'ie bidding of foreign boards of trade, stealing from the farmers the credit they had. the premised relief ? Is a legislature that cost the people .$7,000 more than the form er legislature any relief ! Is an increase of four cents tax es on .$100 worth of property any ivlbd? Is the voting of 125,000 more out of the State treasury tlian was appropriated two years ago, relief? Is the change from State to county adoption, probably neces sitating the buying of new books tor the public schools in nearly 0VPr-' c0l,nt-v in tho S,ate' an' Vii' hef? Is the increase of offices for party heelers any relief? Tf so our Populist friends doubt less have all the relief they want. If a ten line enactment, unwise and unwarranted, which blocks trade, revolutioniz?s business, dis turbs all our commercial relations and destroys credit is relief, then Dutler, ami his fellow-office seek ers have redeemed their pledges Butler got relief, great relief He got six years in the Senate, at. 5,00:) a year. Otho Wilson got relief in the shape of a six years'1 term as Railroad Commis sioner, at .2,0WJ a year- These two got $12,000 worth of relief, but where does the relief, for the I poople conic in? In an increase in taxation, and 1 a destruction of their credit. 1 Blood and Skin Diseases Always R R p Cured. DDD" BOTANIC 11I.COH BALM never fails to cure all manner oi Esol and Ji:in ois easc3. it is the ?r at S'.utheru buiMlmr up arid p'Jrityinp Kemf-Uy, a: i cures aa maintr oi skin and blood di.s-a..-x-s. As a bulloin? un tonic it i- without a rival, and absolutely bgyond comparison v.itQ s-ny other similar I remedy ever ofl.-n-d to the public. It U a I pamcea for all i!N r.-uUlnj,' from impure iiiooi, or an lmpovrmnt-n itojuiihi j" iruman system. A tUiute iotuo wiu u .mon- i strateits paramount virtues. ;iT"Send for free bock of Wonderful Cures. Price, $1.00 per large bottle; $5.00 for six bottles. For Fale Ly driis"rist: if ret send to u3, end medicine iviil - sent freight prepaid on receipt of price. Ai;ar 3 i,0a. j BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta i English Spavin ln;ment remr.vn al ! h-d, soft or calinuci lumps and blernifh I e-( Irotn horso?, bl-xJ p ivir s.rurl-s, spi rit- i Sweeney, rin-t na, stifle?, srrains, all ! swollen throats, fouirns etc. Save by afe of one l ottle Warron'ed ile rrn st i wonderlul blemUh cure ever kr.own. StU by A. S Lea DrucnistLncolnton N C. Silver the Inane. The new party for 1890 is now ooming in for its share of com ment. It is to be the silver party. The money question is of supremo importance, and affects tho pros perity of the country more largely than any other question, but to subordinate all other questions to one issue is absurd, and a party cannot go into power on that a lone. Silverites are determined on some substantial silver legislation, ami they cut a big figure, for thero is hardly any doubt but that tho people d' t'is country as a wholo largely favor bimetalisni indeed the entinent has gained ground quit? rapidly in the past few months, and is growing every day. The leaders of both the Democratic and Republican party are waking to the fact that the silver question is of vital importance, and that the masses of the people will not be satisfied with anything short of some measure that will reinstate silver to her former position. In deed, we believe that it was tilt) ! biggest mistake the Democrats made in tie ro'tMi' term of Con grers when they faded to jjivo the U' - nntry som incisure aloio' this in . .Mugwump Cleveland wes large ly responsible f))r their lailure to ena:.t something favorable to sil vi r i!"t a i toe-ether but lamely so j and tie blame -demld rest oh him ho should have been a light but was a stumbling block. As a D inocrat, we regret his selection by the parly as a fatal mistake We thought so at the time, and we have never had reason to alttr our opinion. If we had had a sound Demociat in place of that hibred duck hunter, the party would not be in its preen shape. However Democracy has too much in it for it to relliain in the background. It is thejtrue party of the people and is yet the channel through which t ie people should fiht for their vie.vty. Thy t lection of our next standard bearer is of the suprem est importance. I'pon that selec tion will depend largely tho strength that the new party will develop. The National Democrat it platform in SJo mmt declare for silver in no ambiguous terma and the standard bearer rnii9t be a man whom the people have faith in that the platform iillbe carried out. With such a policy and such a leader we are bound to win. The Democrats of the South and VeSt must not be longer hoodwinked and worked by the scheming Pol j itician3 (,f the North. Daily Press A nt'ir 1) singer. A gieit danger threatens the peo;'!. d ibo South. Au evil tbxl s steadily grbwiu-, and uuless .di.v kcd will cause great mh"eiy and iiflVr:ti. Liver .Vo Jiciue, called y all sruts of namc, are being oU to the druygist to be handed o the people vh n they call for 3 nimotiM Lirer Kegtlator. Beware t There never iBS been more than me S:m:ions Liver Regulator on he racket. Tke nothing elee liie pereon who tri a to p rsoade en tl a' an thing Iso in ju-t the anie n not to be erded upon, DO' s the dealer to be li usti-d who tries co hI1 3011 hi other aiticle in it ie;i-l. You know vi'ul TimmoDi Livi r Regulator is, In cause it baa lone yen gOLid. Ne; dent be decird no tiying Hnyhing td-e. Wait uitil the Od Fiitud, Simmons Liver Rej?ubitory bug failed jon. ;hen will be tine enough to try i'-mclhiug el-0 RiinOUlber, Sim " nnns Liv?r lienulator ia what o i ' til'. It ia i-'ut np nV hv J. II. Z d n c (., and Jt-d Z la on Vou Oan iu On red. A rn'-st ad di-c e-8 aii.e Jiom a i -frd-r-d s'ofjjvcb, such as bead-icb-. mJicsiirn, dvpp8ia, dt2zi t'sj, irL'nUr bemt action, and aiany o her simi'ar iiiahea. GeC the 8ioiiiach In idtr and disease ill not exifj. Tynft- 138rrpsia Rpoifdy will cure you, and costs o ily o c. It ia tbe great bontbern BaUding up Remedy. Try it. Sea advertisement.