C7 PPT r 4 1 5! Mi Iscl Si Ki 1 5 & it" 1 III! III' llll Ill " -J I W sir lii i K sue SI ? ! f i l ! i i 3 t ! VOL VIII. What l is ill J Hil I? . H Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infant and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morpliinc nor other Narcotic suWanoe. It is a harmless substitute for Paregorie, Iroi.s, Soothing Kyrurw, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its jyuarantco i thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys YV'orma and allays i'everishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Hour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and Ualulency. Castoria assimilates tlio food, regulates thrTrftrmack and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is tho Children's Panacea -iho Moil'Ci's Friend. Castoris " Catorli 1.) u cxct ller.t iiiL.lii lno for cliil dren. .Mutln-ra have reiw.ittvlly t.id i..e ,"f it guvd tir?c't iipou their chiMrfM."" Dii. U. (J. Osgood, LoWfll. Mass. " Cfcrtcr!a !s the best remedy for children of vhUh I am acquainted. I hoi to tho day is nut lw dwUtiit hen mothers will consider the roul interest of their children, f.nd uso Castoria isi Uiid of the various quack nostrutna which are Oeotroyiug their level ones, by forcing ojiiut:), iiiurphino, toothing eyrup and other hurtful trtJ.ts down tl.cir throats, thereby sending them to premature graves." Vr. J. F. KixcnEL.T, Con.vay, Ail:. Tho Ceataur Company, T7 ri.iriay Street, Hew York City, ; JUDGE WALTER CLARK USES AND ENDORSES TifF; t 1 H w w rl . . -X 2 "Cures wiKn :.H i - - - .. . . Nnrih C'andhiii Siipvcnie i'l-sui. V.'Ai-TER CLAUK, ASSvcUTU JccflOK. U.4LEWU. N. C.. J.'t. fl? 4 Wo haw found the Electr..to(se wry valn;..U k , cUM tr citllreii. 1 got ore last May.uno ! am s:ir. i -j I ve .u(-'l iluee limes Its eo-:t filreaily In rtrfcfcrs'rrd , . iliu -"f bll Is. fv in my ' x jw i li'ii' e Willi, it, a:e" mo- . Mj"--a?io?. I can snfely recon.iiienil If. I - Yvurjtrwiy. W.lts R Ci.-.i.ir. HAVE vou SMOKED? I "Old Red liousc" SMOKNG TOBACCO MILD & SWEET- '1 1 y u euro. Aek for '-- Til EN iOU WILL DEMAND IT. Nice pipe and bent stem riven with each 'J cz. rack for 5 centa. Merchants Do you wish a quick teller ? It' so write for sample of "OLD RED HOUSE" SmokiDg Tobacco Manufactured by .'. SfB.row4fe. ; flILLSBOHO N- G. We also have a good line cf chew . iug tobacco. Write for samples end idctcry prices. -3to. . ;'' mows Tills?"'" ;;;v,rYVv oft -r" ODe Hundred I) allara rK'jwat(t to any case of Ci tirrh thnt catiDot be cun'd by IlatlM C'aJanh DlltH ' ' ''.".'' F J Cbeney & " Co , Prrps Ttdcdo 0. :' . ' We'iha" bliderslgneO, have known F J Cht-ney lor the last 15 yrarand tH-lieve hlui rfectly hoziQiable lu all business tr sactions aud finan cially able to. : .y out any obliga tibnn irts'ie i y their tii m. : vWest & T ax, Wbo esalo Ur-ngr tfWs. Tolcde, Ohio. Wald' g.Kin--iiM &; iMnrvin, Wholesale J. . aagtsta oieuor o. . ; Oa.tairh Cure ia t'iken io tgrnal'ly-,"" acting dircetly npondhe .b Jooii 'a,u a Qi'ncnus 8 q r f cen -6 f t li e mtem.: pfic. 'Tac. per polite.- Sold by all druggists. Testimonials free ES CaGtorix " C.vfor ia is s.-1 J r. ',.;i,.:,i:il it a.i 'known to Ine."' 111 .r;o. .c n adnpi :, t )v!ii!i!r" tltat si: jii-riur toa'iy jj!es.jr!;)ti;:i II. A. Ai.cHKit.jr. D., Oxford KrooiiK-n. X. Y. "Onr phytiiei in? ii! Iho childreri's depirt-in--nt have ii-oki ii hii;!y of their. cxp-ri-t-noo in their outsidw jiraetiey v ith f'astoi-i i, ami although va o.dy havn nniong o;.r ni. dicil SK)jj!ies what i-i known ns ivgiil.-n-p! wdins, yet vv- fro five to confess tli.-'i t!i mi lit:', of Castoria has won us to look, wilh l'avof Upon it.'1 L'Nii SK Hospital ant. Disi-essary, Uoston, ihiHS. An.r'i C. Shitii, 1'res., 'A i.Ii r. . els: f .ii-.' . ? nvestii-atiorj I II vi ted i 9!. t-sj- i-ooi: ri'.cc:. Electroiibratlen Co., Fcor.TH Avrrua Professional Cards. DENTAL NOTICE. IV. A. U Aivnfipr will bo a I his ofhco at lj'mrointOi;, June, An eca, ov.ob-, upc.wt, ib- I luary and April. Will t e in Mt. j ?io'ly, du y, Septeriibf-r, Novi mber, i Jauu r y, March an M AX . j Va' i o'.'..) colicitt d. Ter.'aa C:ish ! and moderate Auoi'T the middle of the session of the Legislature, Deck Holland, the Diogenes of (Joldsboro, said that there had been no such gath ering as the Lcgislatimsinee Her od called his cabinet together to outlaw Moses, lie said that, too? before he had learned of the rascal ity ami ihcompetence'of theclerks, and before bill stealing and forg ing became a .common .occurrence in the: Douglass. Legislature,' What comparison this philosopher would niake in the light ot 'SvOjsey events, we cannoi iiu.gioc-. there any worse comparison to make? News cV Observer. F0UT1IE IH-ALlVti Of tHE'XATlOXS 5 Botanic Blood Balm 1 THE UKEiT SOrTIIKRS KCSEDV 1011 . O .849 ftll Skin and Blood Diseases It nurifies. builds ud and enriches S the blooJ, and never tails BLODDASKINSfs- 2 EASES, if directions are fob 2 lowed. Thousands of grate- ful -people sound its praises- and attest its virtues. a C-VRITE for Book of Won- derful Cures, sent free on ap- 1' itauviu rj? .: : If not kept by-your local, druggist, nlij-.f inn vfr send Ji.oo for large bottle, or. ?5-co for six bottles and medicine will beg sent, freight paid, py g blood CO., Atlanta, Ca. S If you feel weak and all v76n out take SRCmi' S IRON BITTER LINCOLN XKW ENCtOH 31 EX VISiTjtho goods of tlio Tacilio Mills Law THE SOi'TII. jronee and other large mill?. : He is It is understood that the parly of New England mell men who are now m the tfouth is making a bus iness trip. Each member of th! paity represents large and impor- j ,Slatft .nml hmli milu hl oth?r tant cotton spinning interests in . l() mrmufacUre lheir own the rsortheast. They are men who i 1 , T, 1 1t 7 hrnixia ot good?. rIr. Amory is have felt the eUV'Ct of Southern i i 4Krt , 4it jalfcO fie agent ot the Lancaster competition, and Uiev arc looking f ,wri , vjk - er . 1 " i ( iingham 3nIIs at (iinton Mass., i , , j i will l;o neLVtsnrv for tnem to do its 1 . j order to avoid serious loss ot nui-j l . . ne.-s m consiM'iience ol comnetit ion . - , Iierf! in the Soidh. . , . i lie direehon or thought ol ?'.ich men as these wneo tho y come ' J-outh .seems to be to build mihs , ' . . . . . . , hero and join the ranks of bouui - ern manufacturer.-.. The people of the piedmont re gion have go'-d reason to bo satis fi .d witli v. ha! thev have fi!-c mi jilished in the last titteon year;-', 'i'ho r: ;i.l di'velojiment of the col Ion manufacturing inf crests of li e ! S ititli Ikih, teis praclicully nccom J piishrd in tlat time. it" 1ms beer, I done wii ii s ant c:iii!a!,Vc:u.t f: -ciiitics to :.i'(jiiir.? a know 1;mIi' f an it)dc,--.t vv that was alrcadv v.vi! devolopd 1 n a. not Sk-i section t lie . 1 . - 1 ! country.. While the r.-mlls are ! ., ; II. Ill' 1111, 1I ll"'-liljl;llllllti' ll IMII lieople it elands to reason that 1 1 ' they mut have had tho benefit l . ...... manv adytiifiuges. ... . . " . . 1 lev t :ip nosv bi-mii; niiu!'' by tl;e 1 J .ey I'iii iiar.n nariv is i) uie i;in- 1 1 . ' ,ll',c - "n)oyeil tv this section over and above the oilier for i!:e manufac ture of col ton goods. They bring with them the hes ol ;rood. Will. -They ar.. mostlv members of the Arkwrighl Club, in Ib-ts-i'o!!, which is made up of the cotton manufacturers of Now England. The parly is practically a committee from that club. The impressions they form ar:d the conclusions they reach will be made known to the club, and will be discussed by all its members. In the early. days of the republic the people or the thirteen original 11 ! i no (iodine o the institution of slavery in the North and its growlii in the South made opposing inter ests out of which came much bit terness, and the end of the quarre was the civil war. In the period that succeeded the j war there were naturally prejudic es on both sides. Lut slavery be ing out of the way the interests of all the States along tho Atlantic coast have been growing more and alike and ail sectional feeling is rapidly pissing away. If these New England mill men who are now visiting the Sooth should should build one or move mills in the South they will naturally grow j t,o see Southern things in a better light than eveo before. Dusiness contact, cannot but .rub away the angles for both Northern and Southern people. The party consists of the follow ing : Mr. Win. C. Lovenng, president et the Arkwright Club of Boston, Tiiis club ismade'upof tljoown - !ers and treasurers of the'p'rincipal jn2 uls iuteres1s iii various mills of more than 120 thousand spindles j The l.txtilc r' triensl. and 'etnploynVents "'than " three No woman en or neaubfu Uvith thousand opefatives. life is a care-! : C?otl cor:q l-xior, a.id no ful student of industrial -interests, lie "conies South with'a'nuniber of manufacturers from New England who.Jiave boon selected by him and ! the purpose is to learn wjitvt is j r?ailygoing to be the ultimate oiu- ' Piue of the "cotton- mauufacturmg interests of this sestion. ;' i Mr. Thomas Motley is a nepliew of the historian. He "represents j the Chicopee, Saratoga and Victo- j j ry , . . ! Mr. V. C, Amory-is-tfi-asurer of i tha msii.' Atw.,,.i..r v! -" - - j ' - j II., and is also director N.f the A - t mos Ko; Mill. rb Inr.rpat. tton . . " mills in the" world and other large mills. Mr. Henry 0. Howe is a partner of Lawrence A: Co., who handles all N. C, FRIDAY, 1 IMlIUHHU. !aio a practical manufacturer. I Mr. Arthus Amory eih all the ; goods- of the Jackson mills of New Hampshire, which imill.s have iust trot out of the and tlio AppJ'.-lon Mills at Lowell. m it d n t i .'lr. lk-urv . Coxo, Jr., 13 m the ,. , , , , . mMiif'g hnsiness and ivire-;ent? . i, r i 1 1 ilox'j J.ros. of 1 eiin.-vlv-nn:', who i. - A,v i" e r ' , ( mine .jHW tons a davotLeingh I , , an tli recite coal, . ., ' , r J h- re are J wo other rr.emners of ! -t , , , . . , , itiie Arkwriht Lluo emagevl to l . ... deUincd by jiressiug business at he last moment- These were Mr. T..JefiVri?on Coolidgo, treasurer of line mo-Ke;ia- .Miai-Rv to France !'during Presite ul lLirri-:MiV, ad- ministration and Yir, Howard j S'.'ickton, trcasur'-r of the Merri- mac lills, Lowe!!. . Exclusive tf the absent mem l.ers the party represent the pro" duct of more than a million snin- (!lt'i. At Uvetitv ddlk-irc: iipr siiin ., ' . ' 11" t ins would represent nn mvest- -. -. , . . , , en camtal ot twentv millior. dtd- jj,,,. j ,r T) Tr v , , v, r : Mr. ii. H. Lnmonds, edito; of i , . .. . , T t he ! Ii lmore; Manutaclurers 1'ee- , . , c ,r onl, 13 also ol uie jiarty. He was 1 . -l . I mvi 01, not ar. a newspaperman. , , , bn t br-ci' uise oi iii-i !b'iisive knowledtre of the cosuii- knowledge tions exis; ing iii all jiarts of the South and because the a?quain- ia.nce ship that has resulted in this r trip was brought aboet by him and to this extent lie is responsible for bringing this delegation South, if is the most representative party of cotton mil: people that has ever been South. The party started out from Porlsmouth as the guests of the Seaboard Air Line in a special train of three private cars, fur nished by the courtesy of Mr. II St. John, vice president. Mr. I). A. Tomkins. of Charlotte, .Noi'Lii Carolina is tho Southern representative in the party and has charge of the trip. He is presi dent of the Athertr.n Mill at Char lotte and of the Catawba and Ches ter Mills at Chester. S 0. The trip is the result, of an invitation extended by Mr. Tomkins to Mr. Levering to come South and look into the condition of manufactures by ?rsonal examination ot some zr: mills in the piedmont The party will visit the mills in Charlotte, (lie Henrietta Mi!ls,hear Iviitlierfordtor., and mills at Mon roe. Chester, S. C, Oreenwood, S. C, Columbia, S. C. Raleigh, N. C. Weidon, N. C , also Piedmont, Pa colet. Pelzer, Clifton, and perhaps ono or two other places. The party was entertained at Portsmouth by the board of trade, the entertainment consisting of a carriage drive around the city and a launcli at the board of trade j room-, all under the direction of i y r Chas. Redd Xash, president of 1 ti10 board of trade. In Norfolk the party was hanomely taken care of at the Business Men's Club- i C .T liiCSlfMi CiiH te e-.j Miiueu. go '.id I eab'h and par b'ooit. r t- unic rdood Uabo win b;utify ycui co:np' i on by . punfving and Mir;p.hit:e your t);oO'b Tiy it; for ad.idun and blond diseases. It m-vei' fails to core the most mvftcrate j C!is( s niter r rcrr.ent )Y ? icinm h: i iVfeb ice Si. 0) p-r iat ave 1015 ;e. i'er -sue uy oruggiSJs ice ;5-dc: rti ei;i -tj r e'sowlii-ic. - jTIio Vuriiiy i'Ji!icc IloSrfinc: Then? is nowhere a stronger ad- monition 10 voting men to burv .". . . " . . ;isiil'il vn tlian is contained in a uU(.Kanoo v(.,n Hon.Albert ... . ..... .. -.. , . U. liiown, ot JNiisSisiSippi who nas been (iovernor, Senator and Rep resentative in Congress, Judge and State legislator. His advice is not prompted by udv disappointed APR. 12 1895, of orv; who has tasted all the sweets of office. lb fiy.s, writinu to a friend : "Trur, as you sr,y, I had manv oHjces Indeed, l may say that i never knew defeat in any of my aspirations. And it is just, be cause I had success which people c.ul wonderful that I feel confident to administer a word of caution to to the young man of this genera tion. My young friend, do not be deceived by the glitter of ofllce. I am now past my three score years and am fast travelling into the ten. I have held almost every otliee in the gift of the people, and can tru ly sin- wilh the preacher, 'It is all vanity and vexation of point. Loosing back over a long, and l hope not unsucc sslul life, I can say with a clear conscience, my greatest regret is that I have ever made a political speech or held an oflice. There is a fascination in ofiiee which beguiles man, but be assured, my young friend, it is the fascination of a S'-rpcnt ; or, to change fhi ngore, it is theisms iaiiins which coaxes you to inevit able nii:i. I spe:'.c of that ivhieh l know. If niv yoiins; friends will be governed by niv ndvh'e, I b this to say: After all my si:ee(s;; es as a public man. now. w hen my head is blossoming for the grave. I fee that it would have I e ii better for me if 1 had followed the occu pation of my father and b.en a fai rner " News & Ob.servr. Tlio . vue D- v. i" i- ..d i lie -n:e t is: !i'(!i?s i:; the r ne'.v: pip r-i m c.v. m-Wi il'.ati p cpunse J; n it i:;; K-!i!rt f, of i .p'.!i, V'i;r' ii. 1 o , bi ;v,i, n lio b;el bc-.Mi troi'tle(i i!b fheattoitisrn in h!H b ick, a; r.is ?" ini;5idcr-, reao. an item la los uqci :nr)t how a i? omirn nt, Cr-Tfnrv ci' ;zm cf Pf. Ma M-'. ii Lai t' n ciind. fb pl curid thf M ime im, t i;e,;nMi to km' his u wii words : lr, curce meii:!it up" 11 ab-o Mi;.K : ' A l!CI ! t lOr ftlid Ids Wlfo V'!C! Iioll, .-ick in bed wish rheumatism 'Ih-i hey H- nvcr to my hetiM and s:i:ii Hity v.t'io so had that h had lo .f !)( ookinij. I to'd liiui of t 'linn he! Jain's Ta u P.-ibu :ird iio a m ; ! cincd me up in :i te-. ;.0 (em 'ioftVM for tiiile l-y Dr W Ij Cm n c. t.b ngi-;t. Aitoirtcr PIiiii'.cr of thv A law was pas-ed by -l.e hist Legislature jiroviding for the dec- tion of three additional magistrat- j t?l0 whil mi-ccu- i.ationiL Ti er, os in each townshij, their terms tojo-jg ( be no disci in:!;oiiioii in commence on April 1 !, 1-SO",. I favor 0f the dead negro over the Few, if any, of these magistrates l j ve vj,jte nrm. h.ave qualifiec!, and they cannot, j now do so. The offices created are vacant b?cause of tlio failure ot the persons elected to qualify l.e fore the term began. The power to appoint magis trates, to fill vacancies caused by failure oi those elected to (juality. is vested in t lie Governor by chap ter '2SS, Laws of 1SS5, and he ap points for the full term of six years. It is too late now for any clerk to qualify those appointed, and if they attempt to qualify them their acts will be illegal. The failure of the newly elected magistrates to qualify in time rids the people of the burden of D.GOO unnecessary mnsistrate's, and of! about $1-5,000 lor the purchase of j have failed to mention, the teach books, etc , for the new magistrates crs tax. Every backer now under which 'the legislators intendedTo spend if they had known how. Tho people will have to thank the Lord, and. not the Legislature, for ridding them ot this burden which the Legislature voted upon them. News & Observer. When Baby was sick, wo gare her Caswria. When sLe was a Child, the criel for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. SVhen 6he had Children, she gave them Castoria. i"!h:irnheiia:ii'8 Pain D.'m or ih.'untigm. Inn e b.iek,! -truin and Hxreli'i.'icn. Tt.ere is no i belter linur.i i t midc. I have oo ovtrlOO hotslertj-.f it this year ani . ,,Di it .1 h Cbico. lit. If fer pale by Dr W L Orouse Druggist. We have not yet been abb; to secure for publication a complete pi - tot the negro magistrates ap pointed m the tate Not many years ago Mr. A. C. S'larpe, of Iredell county, was a DTy.wcralie member of the Legisla ture. When the magistrates where being ol cted h'fro-e m his seat and said : '"Mr. Speaker, can I ask a quei t ion. ' Permission was granted him. and his question was: "Mr. Speaker, are there any 'nig gers' (as he called them) in tfiis list?-' This same Mr S na:p was a Fusion Senator in the last Legisla ture, and when the time came to vote for magistrate, neither he nor any other Fusion Senators a rose and asked, are there any 'nig gers' in that list. If they hatl asked the 'question, t' v wotihl have found that there v,i. i u ai'ly on hundred. News tY Oh, i ver. ill 8!8fSi?i,,,,s M:,,,k ,.'",;,ms twrnty-tou: plJl V jJgj.:..;.:. whul, are to he answer irji jrSl----'- - Jed by tie.- agent in sju'vs allotte. , Miss l)cii:i t-tcver:;:, or i;..sto!i. M.i s . Vv. l li. i t :Ii:.u y SiT..f!:hi, v, li'.i li I (rlr.l p t;va.rinw lfiin-iiie :uui iiiuny r'ii:i''ie Vi -rVplivsii'iiUis. laitni.iio it-lirvt-d me. Afi.-i i."?it: S bottl.s rl i . .-.nV.M' .vl?'--ri IfB SuuuS $&&MMte I il- ui a life -.1 (tjiio!;! :-.;'0! i;t:ii.-.! i-ic-as-tir-' in i ;-:iUir.: -.i i;r; irt- lor tlf v. oii.it-ri tiily v.ora.- 1!M ili. I IK' It t.j ;:U. " 3 g s try 4 ft t-- J&i'& gjSWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, 'U ATLANTA. OA ltl ttl5-l i s.i kit .M ;; i'- KClf (' 11 The Wilson Mirror prints a statement that :i white man i:as heejj arrete-d in that coeniy for marrying a negro woman. If it was prope" for t'e Lri.rislat ure to adjourn m honor of the negro who j married a white wife, is ii not p -r- seoution to ane-t a v. hue man for marrying a negro wife '.' The Pig Live 1-ave not ot aslv-d !!k- (bivrnor to e-dl a spec'ud ses sion of the L' Li-'-'d ure to relieve The white mi.-ee-j it ' is a on o!. the -naiit on t le-idmg PopuliN in .I!;n-tcr. comity, a:;d his landlord manes no objedt n to the r pen ra dice of miscegenation on his jdace. News Ov- Observer. A M'bblUN FJlTKN'lJv A fri-ni ii m-M P h fri rit in!''-., aid mt if" t'nn f.ie tnilii-in t inpl- hm; f.njti'I !ut Mich a f ienl in Dr. Kirk's 2cv I lis mvory for O'-'Ti'iuiintii)". o i'm nn.J C(!5. If v- 'i iiuv- rn;v:-r :iai tl,i-i (ire-it C- u ill M'' ioine, er.p trial ' l c-r.vir.c vf.v) tlit ii. li-.s v Tnie"'nl riirHtivo p,.er in n' d eIA of Tlo o it Cv .-t a:vl b: Ivtfj i tioitie Einrmto 'l to do h'I t'est. i laiiiiC'J er mwv vi 1 l.'O 1'f'iK.dcJ. 1'ri.il -x-'tt'e? fre? at J M Lawincr's Drur $Uev l.arrft b)'d( s 50e. nr.J 1 00 'iVaclu r s Tii.v. 1 his is one thing U:e newspapers i the new law is required and com pelled to pay one dollar neforo he can stand an examination as teach er. Heretofore they were allowed the privilege of standing an exam ination every two months without paying one cent unless they wish to be examined on a special date not. at the regular time. Thus the teachers are required to pay and take the cornices of getting a school. It is conceded that our ter.chers are paid little euoimh al- ready without h-vying a tax upon them. These wlio ?ta'd the ex- amination m Iho future pay for it or no sciioel. i iie dollar tax which is put on b the pockets of tlie teacrir.rs goes intofb weith . oi.eth -ng to you county 'xamin 'atis law he pah eJ. 1'nder Democratis law he paid I " 1 no tax uniess an uaiu 1 4- aecl for outside of ,1,,. regular Late anfl h,s money went, into the 'general school fund. '"Tax them, NO. 50 ta:; 'cm, don't relax Vm" is tho spirit of fusion, but to hear one of them talk in tho last campaign would make us believe that fusion was a land of pure delight whero the tax payers were free from tho Sheritis immortal reign. Ststc-s-viile Mascot. Vou Can bo C?ured. A'mnst all diseases arise frora a d'sonh-rvil Btomach, soch aa Load I'hc. in diLttieu, dycp- J fda, dizzl- icsj, iruciilar heart action, and uany othnr siiui'ur tibt-a.-e. Get ti n stomach in order and dmeaso nil no' exist. Tyni'i' &(fpsia lieaiedy will niro you, xiul coata nil.v 50c. I a li e great Southern IJuihlieg up ILwcdy. Try it. See : v rt a in Mi!. I't r ? i'olley. The Seaboard Air Lint? has n d lt (1 a very progressive policy in elVoits to devei.,;) the territory along its line. . One of its latest elVorts is to secure full and accu rate information on every point which may he valuable to parties de siring to locate at towns or in counties alo.ig lis ront Yice i're:denl S;. .bibn a 'C'dingly had ; l'ep:;i d ;i b'aii'c which is to be forward- d to eaeh station nge-ut. 1'his blank eontiiins t wen t v-four r- 1 i eaeh. The tpiestioUS cover the . lliAin:- p. dots: Population; let;:.. :; .'linois mm cnurentd, l i:.d ve, !!,,r for while or colore ie;,;de: ; ea of celtivabd and ur d un. . nitivit- d h:nd : .ha! a -f r of soil ; dr.eieni ptod.n, and kinddof ferfiiier ti.--.-d; climate; fie.pu-ncy ef'-il!- v.-il. '- ..iHii. v t'rum IA. ca! stream. ;;Is-. water-power a- j : I:in,,, 4(f (o,vst timber; orineioal occupations if people; (Li ft ii ,it kinds of livstoek raised, .is well as daiiy products and poul try; irii:C!pal fruits and Kin-is. ber-t annpted to the locality ; difr- rent kinds of vegebd h-s. iais( -d, -;'cif . int: quantity per acre aral, v; ; i- li 's me-1 j.rotitald-' ; mo-t it; -portant h'ei industries; avernp.j -i.e-s of farms; ! veription of coil -ton and hey or other valuable dee it- also of factory sites; ex t n! os public iaq r jvenientd ; sj.e ciai t -atures ( f health, such as ne dieinul springs, . to , and rcreag) and ciiaracter of improved and un improved Oi-c". As v.iil lands b si 1 with . ii! be so !;. the replies to u-stioi s v ill fi rni.-h a l;t er!.pdu of information v iil be of the mo. t valuable t ! se Ii: r. c i;i advertising the coun try t rav-rs -d by tne Seaboard Air Line, wide- by it prop.'Ctors and iiom-''-'eekf rs can obtain in a few J moments d ita which might neces- itab- wreks of travel to gsin in r r a f;u:v otuer way. .wanuinciurers Record. A ?:at (;)iillf ioct. We b-iVe before C lib'd attention o a grat ci'aMiiy threatening the p-T.p'c i the .Seutb. There is 'ro'.nn! tor tlrs Inar. In no efCi r:cti ot tL1 c:i.a?ry in there greater iHil for Livr Medicines than in l.e po?r.f ar.d th' has eiicouraged inr-fi aiii'o.j pt-rKorw to tale ad--.-'.jjit.o-c t opIe'H iidery andc-iTer Ut) all forts of s.itt y-n care-a'l or Liver trouble.", Tlie r crime in I'cater 5-eMiiso t'jcy must have -oo -i p! c s ! I c'p item ;n thi-i (i.T u woU. i iodr preperat;ot;8 iro.'od to d e d t-ggi trt at a luw price. Afid the big p-ofif to the i;u:t :s tin: road by wbicb they .-Hftch the pit ic. Druggists ol hib ionor will not bo a j arty to such n outrage, liewaie of any oealer vho tells you th it m y L.ver Medi- line. i iu-t the s i'i-c, or as ooj as Uj,irr-o :i Iyer llpulator, put up , ,y J. IL Z -liin ci Co. You know j p ,y ,j,c. i ,j u tho package. j 1 mmc pi ) r iuojih are not the same i ,oi a 3 go.-ii, &ticK to the Old p?n iv.f, Yur h-allh and life fchoo'd Knlbh Si avin liniment removes all 1jiril,"sirt or'alloucej lamps and blemish c trom tinrHf-s. hlwd fpairs, curbs, splinta i Avoppy, rin-b nrt, stifle, sprains, alt .vr.!!cn iliroHt, coi'2' etc. Mie .o'l oj iserfone htt!e Warrnii-d tbe mit wonderful blemish ci.re fver known. StU by A. S Le Druciii'lL'nco'ntjn N C.

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