fPM IE ErlM(BiLM C1IB.I EH, 1 LSCOLN COURIER.- F b SlAKKlU'rii, ditoi: AM) ri:orKihT"i:. vHH ".TON, ' Ai'il. ri 1 . ; ku i'.n in the r.'ST Orrirr, AT 'ATON AS .iiX-OD CLASS MilL Li M 1 (J .flptlonGtsh in AJconcr. ,r 81.00 ro :;thi:.'.V.'.'.''.".'.V incsi, one tirr.; ; o i;i3e-i, olio time, ?t.50 ; r,0 '.orcicU -nHseq'ient morion rv inches. one tinn-, .0, :-.r-i for each nubequent ifer fe f r each subsequent nisenioti. j -Ul r.itrs for one-half and j , r roluiun ; al-o, fot any j , .1 I .... rn- ! o . f-.V'l f.'liS nil: wi:-i(;an iiomioiih: h- nio.st. important trial that )-j ' the attention of Court m ; town 1 ist week was that of K. , Ward Jr., for the killing of Logan, colored, at this place ( w weeks ago. Jhocircum- st tnees relating to the killing have aliMidy been given in these col limns. At the Coroner's inquest .Mr. Ward was turned over to a higher rourt. Ho gave a $2,000 liMiid for his appearance at court. On last Friday the case was taken up and the following jurors were Md(-"'b-d to say whether or not Mr. Ward was guiltv of murder: .1 A Hoyle, T C Lowe, C C Sullivan, C (J Tucker, Levi liaker, T V Corn-wi-ll, Samu d ount, W L Hoyle, G V lirown, William Keener, T.I S Hinders and Jno Reedy. Thf defense was anly conducted by .ludge Schenck of (Jreensboro, T II Cobb of Ashevill-, L 15 Wet moie, I) Robinson and S G Fin ley of Lincolnton. The State was assisted by 1 A Justice, of Lin eolnton. Some splended speeches w ie made on both sides. The ease w as given to the jury about ( o'c lock Saturday evening and after hour's deliberation the. jury ro te. :ed and rendered a verdict "Nor o rv". Then; was no demon Mr lion w hen the verdict was ren d - I. Thus ends a case the like of hich does not occur often. It w. :in unfortunate affair and is :., Iv regretted by all concerned. i addition to our Ical bar Sclu iiek and T. II. Cobb c )iiiisd in the Ward Logan r-id- tried at our Superior r; lust week. They conduefed in e of their elient w it li and ability, and their argu .!s to the jury were clear, i"o;iVin-;!!i: worthy of th v. l.o r t'. i k ir pid:d ion tiiev have lon.r IT" en'MiCK reiv!ie-.j the Superior Court ar.d !ci :ned a p:irt h! b n y s. :U on t . 11. Cobi. a s'w t tii-ir t wider 1,1 to (ive-!isbo ' nth-it of ; I'lsUVC ileitis , lawy--r. .iiihd a k .'.ut U!(i I 1 I V I ' ' ! i I ! I V C ti A AV IV f: W b T- Mv;;!iv in Ni.rtii T. II. (.'. ! - sr.--v.-d v, i. .!' :r : m.'! i" -- a iaw y, i I Iy i-Ti-.t it'yitiL: to tli-ir ; to In.-; into their 1 l:::ve iIp iji m in! a in lh.- town of tie ir friend a;a::i a: 'Villi l;r :ilid i-.Y CMn.'ic' .-I L.-rptrr W'a? niNoi'ON, Apr. v. 1 :;.": It lo-ks ii.w as t!ioi:-h t!it adminis tration had w.m a very creditable ciiplomatic victory from (Jreat Britain in that littl.- atlair of Xio araua, and that triv-at (livat Ilri t niu had greatly modified that bluff about bombarding Nicaragua's sea ports. Nothing olii.-ial has been given out about ih? diplomatic cor- resp.,ndance on this matter within in-- Hoi luw uays, i.ut there are good reasons for stating that Am bassador Hayard has boen most positively assured bv the British i, .. i . . . r i i einmentthat nothing will bo "til -IXT none in its dealings with .Nicaragua that can be properly construed in to a violating of the Monroe doc- r;,w. Tide ...-. . , ii.io uosmaiLii li zii nil Jy very gratifying to President Cleveland and tho other members of the administration. It was saying in a round-about way that Qreat Britain never really meant ., . to carry out that bombarding thiva. and it was also in a way a r. ,'iii'mt ion of tho Monroe doctrine. 1 Ti:t "thi n snrniir-o from 'irent ! L.-itnin was the r.vult of tho cour- po? Mtlon taken bv tho ad- . ministration as to the maintenance 1 of th- Monro- doctrin is certain. et with the services of their popu I And ir.thms r.T.. lo?t by the hir a-ent, Mr. II. S. Lenrd, and ! Knowledge on the part of Great made arrangements with the j'.ritam, that the United Stttes had Southern Railroad whert-by the ! a suflicient naval f-rc- in the South . koal officials of that line will han- Atlantic to back up the position die all tho business for them at i a, i-iK-d. PiT1t- j Tii- arrival of the new .Spanish 1 term? of the asreempnt are ! '.linist -r is nnxioiifdy av.cit"d in nrt known, but rumor has it that 'VaKhiniitor.. as it is'bclieved that! the Chester A: Lenoir will get a :.e will have rovoral important ! pf-r cent, of all the freight handled ; "mmmiication- to nnil:'- to this by the Southern at this depot. ' -overnment. The Alliance inci- ! Orders have been issued, it is alleg ! doni is still open, and the belief is; ed, that all freights shall bo trans- invni'' that Snain is trvmg to! lav a double 'ain- in connection i 'horewith, notwithstanding its shall be given to nor taken from !,romne to make it satisfactory as ; ! e Seaboard Air Line at Lincoln "ou as it was in possession of t he j ton Chester, S. C, Special, b'th, n"ces.aiy information. As the new Spanish minister is to spend a week or ten davs in Cuba before coming to Washington he will be expected to acquire all tine needed information and if his government then still delays making a satis- factory settlement he may find himself very disagreeably surpris ed soon after his arrival. And his surprise is not likely to be dis pleasing to the Cuban revolution ists. Postmaster General Wilson dropped into his new duties as naturally as though he had been dealing with postal affairs all his life, and he is the same urbane gentleman in dealing with his nu- i . n. . ii f .ollr.j lit olll'ili'l! n'02l . ,. . Jgartner were married Ihursday, uuihik ins I'Muuufii v.uiiiiiessiuiiui I career. He has long ago proved himielf well jirotected against that insidious disease known to ordina- ry folk as the ''big head"; there fore no one is surprised to find him just as accessible nowr as when he was a member of Congress. The projectors of the new silver party profess to have encouraging reports from a number of States, but. their professions are largely discounted by their claims as to the States of Pennsylvania and Connecticut. The only claim these people make that is bacted by common sense and hard facts, is that a large majority of the vot ers ot the country are bimetallists. That claim is unnecessary because it is known by everybody, but that doesn't mean that all the bime tallists are ready to drop their par ty alliiiations and unite in an as sistant republican party, which is about all tho new silver party is. Tho decision of te Supreme C"iirt m he income tax cases is disappointing to everybody, and drohaMy to m.hody moio than t members of the court. The con- s if silioinlity of the law stands.l n an atiirmatiye derision, but ' --'.'a use t h. oiiht iustieos sil tim: iJy d iiv d,-.,l Ci (Hit 'in rent; mr.niciprl and Stat-1 .1. art' excin)t-d from the tax. ni. st disappoint, d the of t!i? cur! vn the a copy ot tho deci-io!) K'd what i:;nlicrs !. U(IV;!1H d it-i lieioi j,.j..ivi 1 1 was S' dd to t he oorr :it of a C'iiiea'jro papr a!: anht (I to 1 i;at eitv. T!ie d.. W I 1 1 mnie l i s oi worrv ami i t ion l':r r.ent bu: irovern! evr-turv Carlisle is vervpositive t:'1 rcmains t,iat tllis "reform tb.uitwili niak- necessary thel i'nro dnl spond with quite a c-.llimiof an -xtn sossion of On-lI:;vish hamK -although th- exceptions will ! J ht V,s W)t oom to uu ijl 1 ivl.aidv reduce tie- receipts from 11 2,1 tl"" Il--dnt mei.t of Magis ti... Ti.ei.m.. t.v ,i K-nt i,.,ir. tritl's 111 l'!l5 Township. All t10 i in i in inn, nan ieat cvn!i if n-t a niekel was re- c.-ivi'd fro. m ., , . t. i that source bv the j leasury. Sccietarv Carlisle rays tlnTi Will lu IHii!iOv'iniHiir!i nnrl . . " ' " ' " .j.are to cany the government un- til the regular session of Congress without any embarrassment. A Chicago democrat of the sort h,... i , ,r uuii iiiiiuui Hi' U1SCV.U1I l!l;iJU is. ir. i William 1. Wood, at l present in asningion. lie avs : kiThe' j democratic parly s.uii'erid a bad j i,:cnnlle. j defeat the other day, but wo wili;",1 null ourselves together in time for tibial tr.atuieut. Hl's Cttanb the big battle next year. I have e.nre mannfact r.red tj F J Ch ny & no doubt, whatever that Illinois jCo Tol'do, O iio is Hit oi U con'n., will cast her electoral vote for the! !UJ.10"?) V" the Ta,k, t l' ia democracy, providing, of courae.'.lrnn m iM.Ari ir I I " 7 j that our candidate ia made of th nght sort of stuff. Business is ' booming at a grear puce. Every- ... i .. t . , 1 iv to i nna nonn in iho loot i,...r w-t. m me i.ioi leu . weeks I found traae improving. I look for a general revival ot busi-! ness this summer, and that 19 all the democratic party needs. With good times next year democratic success is assuied' v Another IJojcoit. Another boycott against the aboard Air Line has come. The nuiia - menl ot the tester x i.e- ' - i .i , ,i .... -ir arroA uau-e iimu c.tu up their depot at this point, dispens- "f rred at Gastonia on to the South- err. main line and not a pound j to Columbia State. It will be an ngreeahl1 surprise 'o persons Fubj-ct. ro Rttacks of bil!o: 8 co'.io fo If am ba' prompt relhf ruay be bad ! tk t p Cln"ho:'a Co'.ic, Cholera and Diairhoea iJetn edy. In mauy ititances t be atta"k may lm prevented hy f !iiMc lhi remedy ns soon as ti e rirst Rrmp 'oum of ti e dise. sj a' ppr. 25 and 50 cent hot ties for Sblo hy Dr W L Crouse. Fur the C.ari r. I.owcsvlllo Iedor. En. Courier: Since our last letter, one of our best citizens, Mr. Win. Luckey has passed away. Al so one of Mr, C. It. Kelly's children has been badly burned. Air. J. Y. Killian and Miss Bum- Apr. 3th, '9.',. Mr. D. Kincaid and wife went to Mt. Holly Saturday, Mar. 30 to at tend the funeral of their brother-in-law, Rev. A. N. Wells, who was buried Sunday 31st. Mrs. Jas. Baker is quite low of consumption. Mr. J. L. Thompson is at his un. cie's, Col. D. A. Lowe. Plenty peaches as yet. Corn planting is progressing rapidly this line weather. Wheat is v3ry promising, and a larger area than usual was sown. Oats were badly damaged by the severe winter. Hardly a full crop is expected. Dr. R. A. McLean says he will try for 2000 lbs. of cotton off the acre ho came so near gathering it from last year. He is also expect , ing 100 bushels of Irish potatoes I e ... i .. 1 1 l n win iiiii'iicic. iiitin xiero we can tho Dr. a farmer, and we have several others of the same worth' class. We also have some cranks who hay." fin? farms and could do equaliy as well, but have talked, and nllowfd themselves to he talk ed io, about "hard times'1 and Snore money"' till really they have come to believe that tlvir grand chlldred will ho shaveM tifrv vph-j ' ' 3 : nud ili,Vt' ot a11 "?rt and , en r.v Kfjally th'v re to be j j, pi I icd. lv-i-ry one 1ipi- seeniri to Ie well r-leased vith Jude Koliinson. It i-' quite amusing to hear the j.:!-ioni-( ex)!ain how the reform L ed ihuv came to expend and '.riropriate fo many thousand dol ! :s more than tho Democratic 's'is'laturos had done but the fact nt appoml ir.- Republican p oitieian. ee, see ! Yours for success, 1ILL SHANKS. : There is mote Catarrh in thi- seo- t;on ot the commy Ibau alloiber e'iatasr-H pnt tegethf-r, and unlit the 1 ast tw yara wim sopposel io be ' 'I,f,ur,,h:. F"r eret many jeas idoerors piouuniiced it a lcc.il dis ease, and pre.crit)fil locil riMiieriif-p. and by coi.i-tantly failiu io cure wHb loeal treat un nf, jrououiicnl ir Scic.'Te lo a pi veu a-. cons' it ut ioioi I 0 immisi-, irti.'il. I lien-fore, i cn-iirm pmiAtiin. ,(. ....... . v ... i-vu.ii ua . . n. to Ul - nc.llvon Ihe blood and mucous anr- '!lC0 of l,ie .TRieir. They c ftVr one ,,lUl,dred dollars for any case it (ails 1 ti cu re. oroii tor circuiarsano . ... . . . . ri'BumoniHis. Aiulresa. F J CHENEY & l Jo t Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists. 73. tt you reel freak and all worn Out take g?0 , g IRQN BITXERS C iltccn Years In ihePenllen- Jas. H. Wilcox, a Republican politican who killed the Demo cratic registrar in Pasquotank county last October, was tried bo fore Judge Iioykin at Elizabeth City last week. Wilcox was found guilty of murder in the second de gree and sentenced to 15 years in the penitentiary. His case was appealed and he was rtdeased, pending the appeal, in a bond of $10,000. Vs7. .. Ura, Judge Peck Dyspepsia MrsTJudge Peck Tells How Sho Was Cured Sufferers frcia Dyspepsia should read the fol lowlag letter from Mrs. II. .M. Peck, wlf ot Judge Peck, a Justice at Tracy, C&l., aud a writer connected with Uie AssocUted Tress: 4 "Dy a deep sense of gratitude for Uie great eneflt I have received from the use ot Hood' HarsaparilU, I have been led to write the follow ing statement lor the benefit of sufferers who m:iy be similarly afflicted. For 15 years I hare been a great sufferer from dyspepsia and ' " Heart Trouble. Almost everything I ate would distress rae."" X tried different treatments and medicines, bat failed to realize relief. Two years ago a friend prevailed upon me to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. The first bottle I noticed helped me, so I con tinued taking It. It did me so much good that my friends spoke of the Improvement. 1 hare received such great benefit from it that Gladly Recommend It. I now have an excellent appetite and nothing I eat ever distresses me. It also keeps up my Hood'snGures flesh and strength. I cannot praise Hood's Sarsaparilla too much." Mus. H. M. PSCK, Tracy, California. Ott B OOD'S Hood's Pills are hud made, and perfect in proportion and appearance 25c. a box. Stamping patterns free. All our readers should send to the Pal diallers of Tho Homo, 141 Milk St , Boston, Mass., and get a set of their beautiful Stamping patterns. They can bo U9ed for embroidery outlining or painting. All desira ble and good size; some SxlO, oth ers 5x8 inches. There are ninet -one (91) different patterns and two alphabets, one a large for-get-me not pattern. With this out fit the publishers send The Home,a 1 page paper containing Stories. Fashions, Fancy Woik, etc., for 3 months, and only ask for 10 cents to cover cost ot postage on patterns and paper. Our illustrated Prem- j ium list sent free to any address. itMioitedlor ihe CoiTElEE T.uisisay mortdug by Ctti' (his : n f 6i 0 i Wheat j fom pt-r !ui it " 0 I 1.50 J i.M.r !., r ,,.f;,u. ra.'it " 100 h. 0 oo .. 5 8 . 10 . . 4 . . 0 )i k " ib " " .X ('.... it i: li , round . ! I J icon sides Iien iirJtn I "l' xt i Jj-ird j "a:!o-.v j Chickens . . . Jiutfer ; llori'y j liU'8 o Jo 15 10 to 18 . .. 10 7 to 8 per 'b t ; u I02 " lb. ( ti Hide-, pr-en ! lide., i r v -Vool. uas-icd CM'iagc Apph f , tliiid r:a( ltt-8 1 1 i d IVaclu-s OtU'ii 2 l . . 5 2r o 7 8 10 . 0 GO . 80 1 00 O lG ui'P e!el p'i h d Applt-s gm-n pi-r n. Hweet Potatoes " ' Peas .... " " TfiMi ' O.i ions " Oaiou ct8 ., "p-i lisLe! Hlacnhciries diid, pi lh ... !J 'C6- w ax . . . Mr li:i.d.. if NO HUMBUG." I have no "private receipt that cared me" to ive you. NO C. O. D. FRAUD. BUT I have got a cure for Loat Manhood and all the ills that accompany this disease. And as this advertisement costs money, and my MEDICINE IS WORTH SOME THING, I have i6 rppr 99 nothing to give you lm. C C The product of pure North Carolina herbs. Tablets, 60 in a Box, : by mail. Sealed, Postpaid If you can be cured, this will curs. Write me stating your case, and if . is enclosed, I wi.l send medioine and faU directions, and will guarantee a cure. If I can do no good, will say so and return your money. Write to me. JAS. A. SMITH, Druggist, NEWTON. N. C. Mention this paper. An Antidote TJJEltt RESULTANT EVILS: A WELL-SUPPLIED THlNKlG-SbiOP and Frequent PotionS of Sottled EnergY, Call and see, B. F. OR1GO. NOTIC E I call your attention to tny new line of Snoe3 j,lst ree'd. Gibbs Imperial Plows. Iron Adjustable Shoe Lasts. Cotton and Corn Harrows. I he best Dixie Plows on the j Market. Fine line of Pocket Outlery. The best oil can ever j r offered Qouble stock divid- ing Rods, tant. Best hy foiK ex- ESf ECrFULLV, F. A. TOBEY. E. M. ANDF EWS SprinG is here i nd ycu ned PIANO, ORGAN of some at Tele f FURNITURE. You are luckey not to Lave bought before now for I am offering the ever o Off red in tl is section. Pianoa and Organs of the fin est make at extremely low prices that LAUGH at COMPETITORS. AM Information given on applica tion, by letter. Write at once It at all Interested, for Catalogues and terms. E M Andrews, Furoitcre, Piano and Organ Dtalor, 16&18 WeetTrni 8t. CHAKLOITE, N. O. Jan. 26, 1894. Ciambaxlaln'a Eye Skin Ointmeat la a certain cure for Chronic Sore Eras, C -nnalated Eye Lids, Sore Nipples, Pu, E-aama, Tetter, Salt Rheum and bcald Head, 5 cents per box. For sale by druguf. TO HOXSX OWNBB9. For putting a horse in a line healthy COO dltion try Dr. Cady's Cbnd'-cior, Powdcdl I bey tone up the system, aid iifSMon, cm. lo3 of sppeUte, relieve constipation, correct tidney duorders and destroy worms, giving nrw life to an old or over worked hone. 25 cuita per package. For sjl by druggists. &rooeries ! r7S2oii n( a un( we ? 2selected stock of If StPAFIbE ASD GROCERIES, a t A. W. REEDY'S. Beware of ointments for ca. TABEII CONTAIN MERCURY, as mercury will sorely destroy the st use of stntl aid completely de range te whole system wten entei ug it through the mucous mrfac 8. i3ueb articles should nev: r be used except uc pre scrip.ious from reput able pbyeic'on, as the ddmfge itey will do is eitj fold to the pood you crj possibly d)t!e fiom them. Uairn Cntarrh Ci' u "-rnetuied by F J Cheuey & Co., Tt ledc, O , r.ot.t-iiiiH no m rnui vv aod is tkt n in'eri'Hilv, act'u dmctly upon the blood Hinl fuiic'oui MirfHcM i f (I e nyteiu. la iivm- ti-na Oaraira ' u'e - u ' ' ). Ik f i F .1 V by ! !- 4 ttt I Aifi 'tr LAND SALE. By vir ut 'te?eii in t rp- ia pii-cid uj e tm-beio'f G .. C.ik b.V V. S. C3 I L H.'!n rniility, iu '.'. W. U HlHlVir. tddjr b J M. iiasii.'- i ; jiU ni iff -d! .MttddR Mas- ''d "ii; arede (endaiiis 1 w 1 or ileti'jr MjuiI.iv in Mi ISOoalfuon, at the c urt bot e doo in L 1 colniou. at jiubJic aucs tion, ell t Le Irgtest bidder two ir.u-fn id lau I li?1oD'ng to the Inte U. M-ihMMg-, ore traet contHin 1 f 9S cres H j dtiiug 'be laiidn of Gto W. Ilnavin-r, L'zzie L'onbanit et hI, hud tin- oiLer tiact t;onlaiiiio 534 acies adj ibiinj; sauie lands, aUo tberev-rtiouai.v interest iu 584 acres iuid ttf to Mdlindit Massigee as bet d'wer. A 1 of lUeem trac'.s are in Iluwaru'ri Cie-k Tnwnibii on tbn walera ol Leonard' Foik, aud ad join oue auoiber. This laud is to be fold to create &8tts to pay the debts ot H. M Massagee, d c'd. IVrojss ct Pa' will be declared 00 dn. of sale. F.r a full desenptb n of the above laods see platta ou oo ti:e in Cleik'e ffi. e 1 incolutoo, N. C. Mir. 25 1895. i W. il Ooover. Ad L. B. Wet more ministia'or of 1. A'ty. M Masagre, dee'd. ADM'll NOTI0E1 North Garbliua, Lincoln county, Fen. 5tb 1895. Uttviug bt-eii duly QQilitied by the Supriior Court of Lincoln Coon ry N C, as the AdoVr of the late H M Massage deu'd. all persons hold ing cUlros against my intestate are notified to present them at once or within 12 n.os. this notice will be pleaded in bar of rt-ooyery. .: All pof'ona indebted tomv Intestate mnat settle at onco. This . Fib. 15 1895. VV H Hooter, Adm'r of H M Mas eagee, deed. L 13 vVetmore Atty ! ; I 11 h n i ' k u j ' I. : .t . ,11 -in. 1- , .1 j ; ' h r , V - s. (i 1, u j i !; is . s 1 1. t ; ,. i I I I 1 W li I r- . j i ' ! ii 'i.i ; 1 i! . b . .1 j ' ' tt. I- : ' i) ' j J - : f In ii j ; .' 't- - 1 1 . t- h ! i . i i 1 u i f jni o h uf i I ' - b t 1 i ' li'S j i '- 1 ., ' t . ; I m . ricK Mi ti- I i i A nil j Mi. - ". i . r - . ii j t 11 - ' i; I ! ' ' ' ..5 f '- I - l MIH i i; -11.. . 1 . : i ... . tin r ..... . . .. ' . . . 1 1 t 1 1 i- it . - . 1 m . ' i ' f I ' Ii . .1 t- l;' ! : j i . ni iv h . v1 i. H I - j d in-1-1 i .S .1 ..1 . k . f fu 1 ! j l' r? I il'HlH. Hr.r f t f i-iuienij j e In If Father f Low Prices CELEBRATED uwf tymi ff 5 for sale at the follo'f ing prices: No A for 84.00 10 " 13 li) C50 7 00 7.50 The repairs rr also much cbeapef this year tu n bvrotofore. Wa have jnst lecaived the pret. tieet Hue of btraw goods it has fver jeen our please re lo show. Oar 50c. line is a stuuofr. Come aod eeo us it will give pUa-ime to show jou our mammoth stock of goods. Don't forget we are the Champion Produce Dealers of LINCOLNTON. VERY RESPECTFULLY, IL S.llobiiison & Co, 1394 1894.1 0PKED WITH! NEW WORK, Harness, Bridles, Saddles and in fact ANYTHING 1 hat is used, needed or to to WORN by HORSE or MULE. Ith Fifteen years experience l am prepared to furnish any thing in my Line at Hard Time Prices, for Cash or Barter. Repairing done on sbort NOTICE. Give me a call and be con vinced. SnoP on Conrt Sqiure back of W. H. Michal. Respectfullj', J. P. BEAN $100 Reward 100. The readers of this paper will to ) eased to team that there kast one dreaded disease iLac se'eneft has been ab'e to cure Joi'l its fttages, nnd tba? is Catarrb. IaITs Catarrh Cme Is the ooly pos i'ive cure known to the medica' fra ffrnity. Catarrh bein a coootiiQ tioual disease, reduirra toudtita tional trpatmeLt. Hall's CatMrffa Cure ia taken iuleroal'y, action ii' ctlyupon the blood 1 nt rrocoua outfaces of the tstem, tbereb? d Ktrppintf tt e foundation of the d i" ed8-,uid g ring the path nt strength by building up the constitution acd assiDltog nature in doiDg iia wcik. The proprietors bare oo'mucb Litb in ita curative powers, that toey of fer One Hundred Dollars for bQJ case that it fails to Cure. Send for lint of testimonial. Address, F J Obeney fc Co To'edo O S"3uld by Druggist, 75. Yon Can be Oured. A'rnost all disoasea arie t rc f disordered stomach, suchf as bt' r ache. Indicestion, dyspepsia, di l cea, irregular heart ftctioc, and f many other similar diseases. , the stomach in order and disea f Hi not exist. Tyntr' DBpep!r Remedy will enre you, and cost t only 50c. It Is the great Sootberc L Boildlogop Remedy. Try It. 9H advertisement. . j f p ; Son 6p) P ( iX 11 ? Li ion . . i Chei t: dT' es tta wTi 10:Jj lo4 'Hi e? r y tofJ cpt verj ta e UN ; a and o'l the each tWUh xab Ir E 4 JtKt 1 ;rt4u; ast lm long h cqut ftMh H Joratc iiflnd a ftn .large 1 calle ll)19 ti- kin ?tho r At A t ' Mour M'tet 1 hrp tties jcejitl ;?Qtl jrtpoi Io6ss honej hi M to hi a r tolh effiic ' j eigh some fore J - Jetur horo. I held

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