" J lip Mm if ilif r- VOL. VIII. LINCOLNTON, N. C, FRIDAY, APR;.2G. 1895, r ! NO. 52 an mM milium .V.fc.li2 m m m mim mm mm,m ,mM ,m , 1 ! 1 1 I j 1 l 2 n i i i i i i I ! i i i i M M ww k e !CiAXNX Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription lor lufunt Mid Cliiltlrcn. It contains ncitlior Opmin, IIor;)liine nor other Narcotic fcfrostahce. It H a Iiarmlcss substitute lor'l'arcffdric, Drops, lUulhiug Tups, and Castor Oi!, It is IMeasaat. Its cuaranteo is thirty yvixvs uso by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms ami allays leverishncss. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, euros Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and ilaf ulorjcy, Castori.i assiudlatcr? thfs fod, regulates the .siomach and bowels, giving1 healthy and natural sltop. Cas ; toria is tho Children's Panacea the Mothei's I'-riead. Castorii " Castor! 1 1 un ei.'i ,1k lit nu-dicino fi-r '.:.'l dr a. .V'utl.tri hu'.e rt'jicatediy t'-id ,f its uoJ ull' ct i:;a ilu ir cliiLlrt-u." P.t. i. C. OrjOC'0, Luwel'i, Ma.-3. " Castoria U the.Lebt ntmeJy for chiMron of vhUL 1 urn a iiuamt...l. 1 hopu t!i ilay is iiot lur distant when nioUii'rs wiilconf iiler tiv; ival b.U-rtst of their tLiLlreii, ari'l.uso Castoria ia iUaJ of tiie arlousquftek no-' raniQ whitli aru dttro lag tia-ir loved oned, by forcing opium, uiorjiliiai.', toothing syrup and orher l.ui li'iil areata down tlieir tbroat.s, tboreby tt-atlia U,iia to leiaaturc giaved." ... l)n.' T. t". KTiScrjELc-, rf RTty; A in. The Centaar Company, 77 Murray Street, New Ycik CUy, AJi? ii A r A A A A Xjfe Aii X UDGE WALTER' CLARK tiCM AND - F. N Triune. i 'Cars shf-a V anK (.'RKilitui Siiprei.'ie Jo:r:. j V.LTLFi ClAp.t, AbSKlt1t Jlck. 4, Hale Mil X. C.Jan :5, 1 W. i.uvj fouaU tli Eled r :..il. vi.-rv valiu---k , ctnli.v l"i ct.'.lilit a. l jut nr.elu?t May.arnt I a iu-fc tt-es laiit U-5 e.j-it kli-ea.Jy It. 3o . tiii.. -:! Mils. Ki'-ra my speiloiioe with e. a -w an jr , I can s-if '-ly rtcuninKiut it. I Yimrs tralv. W.vLTrt: rDjjf'.lQUSKpKE? HAVE vou SmOKED? Old Red House" SmOKING TOBACCO MT-L'D SWEET- ' '117 11 uce. Aek tor it. IUKN iOU WILL. 13EI AND IT. ..V Jice" pipe ami bent 8 cm pnen wittrtacti cz. tack forV5 cents. Merchants Do you wish a qaick .'ciier ' If so write for bample of "OLD RED HOUSE" SinoktQg Tohavco l inufaciuied by HILLSBORO S- C. We also have a good lino of chew lug tobacco. Write for sataph s and ! f3tcry price.. 3 u. M OTHERS' , . FRIEND " Iffl h a scientifically prepared linl-i meat and ha.rmless; every ingredi- j S nt is of retognized value and in is constant use by the naejial pro- 2t..:,-- ': .. . . . . iesion. it snortens iaDor,aessns jf pain, dimishes danger to life ofjfe. Mother, and Child. Book 'TO ,S MOTHERS " mailed free, con- g 1 vaniuig vaiuaDie iniormauon anu SivoJ-jntaEy testimonials 1 : : . - - ......-. a l?t:uij uprciioemil,4n receipt of price. Si: ' 'l-M P-r t'tl. Said" by All UruifirUtt. fc B'ftAbrlELD ' REQULATOR CO.. fe Atlanta, Qa. - j3 B 1 i'P i v Fa Castorin.. I r", I'u.v.rii i it uj?:t:p:ri..rti.u,ny i rcicri vti- ! Lnowu to Uie.' II. A. Ai-rnKR, 11. D., Ill 5.O. Oxfwnl l;nokiyn, N. Y. "Our pliynici.ins in tliv cliililn'a's depart merit Lave e,'ol; a LijLly of (L:-ir e'.-ptri eui;e in Hit ir outsiJo jira'jtice' x tl t C";;: to. i t. uikI 'ulthoiiglt wo o.ily huva ' atmm,; -u-.r liirilh-u'l siipplios what is known as rt'!.'Kl-; products yet v. aro fio to coinVss tha tL-i ):i'. rtts of Car3ria lias woa lis to look witL favwj- u.on it." . . L'MTCIi l.rO:-P!TAl. ANT, DlfiPF.NSARV,- l:3tou, 51i?a. Ati.L'v C. Smith, i'res- . StjCS.RiJ . ; its" it A ft A ; . 5L x . . f D - ?' ) l V. S c : . all el.' f-.ii In ve.-rtigntien j Invited ! - COOK FfSEE. v.ii'&ihv 1 !'' : . an I )j a .'I.I:K. 4 Fdcctrclieration Co,, -: rour.TH A-.-CNur, Professional Cards. DENTAL NOTICE. 'Dr. A. W. Alexander' will Te a bis ofti -c at Lrnoo'ntO:), jun'"1 An-O.'?cL0-, Decf,?ii!;er, Fib ;uary and April. 'vVdl l-e m Mr. ;Io!ly, Ju yt Septemh; r, November, J.r:uity, Mftn-li ami May. 'PauiiHf. iol eitt d. Tern s c-ish an,.' moderate . A'Afw Jaiif;er. A great da.'igcr tt.rRtcu ' the pooph' of ibe So:ith. An eul tliat is Etanhlv -growing, !nd unless c'h.:-kcd wiii cause gK-at miscTy 'ani lutTrnisr. Liver M el !e;i;ea, a'd d hy, all bo; ta of name?, -.a to bHng sold-tp the druggist to ho hannrd ?-o-lhfv-p?'M'I wli r tf ey call ' tov Simmons Liver egtl.dor. Ie?r:ire ! 'Ttiefe irevrT' t-fia been m re -thnn One SirnniVvTit' Liver Iieu!at-r . on th'f raaifcVt.--''.Trfl0 no:l.dnz- . lse- The person v.ho IticR. to -persuade vou ttirJ antthins'i'lso is iiit tt;el i.. .w.f TV-. T..i cfl!ina !-., ia the d akr tohe-tiivsted who tries to .9 11 nu atiolntr aittcTf in ns ptead. ' You know wiiat jim mens Livr Itega'ator'ifS, because it has done jon good. No; donr lie t'ccivfd in'o tryitig anyihing else. Wait until the Oil Frifnd, Simmons Liver Regulator, has failed yen. then wdl be tirre enoush to try Bmething oha Remcm-bes Sim mens lAver Regulator i what von wiu It is put up cnly hy J. II. Z il n iS:'('o., and a .R.d Z :s o'u evcrj 1 "ackagi. . ' k,!Mrs. 'Murphy calls her slipper CastonaV ? ? V ...... - ": "Because the children cry after it!" - a HOUSEHOLD '.TlAfeUni: ; nwFWftnH.li,., fs Sin'SS "TTZ up; tiiat ii wiu-i n.ir no w iiii""i ii, ii n-omiraMo. OA f)yk -n an Vni-s. Ut, I'ski 1 1. N V,. siys d t : Vr ; kins s jNcw D'slievry ' ii iih loiiat)!y ' tt e best C'ligh rptnpJy; tliit b hn n-id it in hi fHrnily ter oilit eirs. nnl it las rever faile to do all that is claimed tor it. Why not lay h re nei'y so lorg tfied tnd tfsto l. Trial bottle (rr-e at J M Lawing Drug Store Keilrtr size 50c atid 1,00 r i i!'1' -"'M;--r.. Al't''1' I":.v:s ... r""?'";. "I?"' "IlmMnrrW Jf0ry WIJ,, KivCi.balT,v3Iiiv Wc.r 'ytv- a ; arl l.,t erns nnd .lau.hter,. j-iairi. tl Eli;;:; Keop (iL-eM). Ja ol r.incoltitim. i' lVi I-r;inniH-l and ; Daniel married arali Whisenhunt ("b dead, no oftVprin. Carolina " it!.:-.--:. dau-shbTs. Daniol died amr J and bejjat pons and dnuLrht.Ts. ! narrid Tinkn.-v .Tarr-tt and lsas G. if. YODEIl.' Chapter I. ijeiween years r-t l(Oand. 1 aio t-iere came a man by tno name oMi,, 0!ii:d. Th:-n he u- oja nis -ianiny, ana f:.ettlCilMHs V illiams and he-at daimlit- n tle ve?t .smeof t!je ..iulh Frl: River, ahout two miles from ti:e present loc.iti n of Lincolnlon, henhe enuivd a largo scope o,' u.u. ,h u h, enter- d Jnis mial i .-appose inai u was l.-cKi.-nmirg county which wjs tunned in about 1 he year 1 ,01 and continued &o until 17' is wlp-n it became Try on cotiiity and the county seat was ) -ib.-mt tv.e: miles west of J;o present town of 1 ineol:;!"::. 177D Try on cunty was divided !ro l,l!v iUJil ?,-'-;at son and danght-and-the woster'i portion was i ; : 1 1 . i i'-i 'iciiXy, donas, John fnur Put herlord and 7,e eastern lion oi Lin---in co-jnty. i j;) K!'f-in'"-mier . v.ii.u his -oven nan was : out 1 have every ivarun t believe ihat if wns Philip, as sev crri.i o hi-; sons had o?m n-n.-., d Philii As this a! a! ways nad been a customary ri I to name ,i,:j .(h after the father. lie came either fi'om ( Jernninv or i 'ennsyl vania. as lit.' ai-.vayr i-pokethe (-h-rman or P- imsylvania Dutch so did all of his children He had the following childred; 1 . -i i 1 l lii it.. ivuam, 1 1 c 1 1 a e i .voo o. iitMirv ... . ' . Mvdenck-, P,-ter, .J.-nas ,Urv P,:ir- r , ' ! bara, M;i ah-na am E izabel h T. Ile was a v.arm'suiu.oiter and de- 1 lender of the Ameriean liberty. He rty was living at the time when th Tory I!aU!- was fought at Pam saur's Mill, June 17S. The writ er's grandmother was Marvel ari a ra. ti e oldest daughter of this re markable family. From her he gathered many mtere-ting facts relating to this battle which we will give at the proper time. Adam, the oldest son. was a : rd- diei" m the Pevolutiona ry War. A few years ago there had been iriven a general hisforv cf this brave sol- dier through the columns of the j . .. .1 . ; . . l i ! i i ess, ana n is m euiess lor us l iehears the vho!(? matter over a jiain. Adam's father must have died before tho. American inde pendence . w a s fully e s t a b 1 i s h d . f r this reason : there was a law upon the statutes books of the English laws Inn t 1 he oldest' son v:As the sole heir of all the real estate. And he1 nee under this law Adam be- i cani'o the sole lioir of ail tho real I ,,fin.(i,f A,,',',., Ti., vi.. .i. coo !.... . u.-.r iM-.-.r- d at the time of his death. After J . . . , , , . jvjacrt was restori Vdani marneci ! o)ugiiL ;lL j.wis:iui s mm, "- 1 Sdan Sea-le Here let me r-hte jlTO. She often said that-she heard on, Eli, Andrew and four daught a very funny incident about tlli. th- first volley that the whig, fired j '- and none were never marrir-d. ,nnrrii,.P ITi.hr.abpr Adoloh i into the tones, and that Mary Cmrad the oldest eon was a sol- also' "was paying- his" respects to .Susan and thought he wiis getting :doiic rinely-in the matter; but it !-eeipel;that Adam, by his chicaner won Susan's heart: and Adolp.'was left in tho cold. go the next day Adolp met. one of his neighbors I .... . and told mm what hod happened and -ried nliont it 5 tbii inn- dent' happened in German I will give it-in that language: "lend dare Acedam . ist heim gekumnin tend' hut the Susy inet sick ge- hrachten r -and he crietV aloild to." to ride so that tney couiu see tneni his neighbor lie safd, Dco naarVDas in the tall grass. She said that Sei'en feilen shaen -. mauAiw in da.j the grass was so tall there they welt'noch, but he onswerel him 'could tie it a novo their heads when auber-doch kenne we de Snsv. sitting on a horse. She married OVdam begat two children, Philip and -Barbara.' Philip' married a Miss Haas. ".Barbara nrarrkd.Dan-! iei-Clay and bogat children; among1 tYiem was. Andrew. Philip sold j this valuable, farm to '.. Michael I h'emhardt and bought a tarm at I" j the. Cross Road where ' Cherry viilc -. now is located, to keep boardin- 'b's .Fork River in O-t. l.UL He Uionse frir the accommodation of Uas a surveyor and farmer by oc- who peichance nii ht Ration ami ..came very popular i eonie that way. He sold that fann ! in his dny. They begat John, Ja- , , i ti it t i' and moved t o M ississi ppi, whore! coo. Mictiael, Henry, Peter and; pi his descendants are now living. Michael, the second son, was al so a Revolutionary soldier had several of his lingers cut off, and a scar across his head' made by a . ...... A . ilea -n- daujliter v.ii. m.n ried a j Mr. LncKey. Samuel married a j fore stated. Levi married Harriet. Whitener and has pons and daush j Mi.-s Williams and !0at sons and Gross a"nd Lcat sons and Uausrjit- tors. Mag is the wile ot Tinknoy d ri'ater.-j. J)av:d tirst. married , ljarharn Yod.-r arid sho died leav- marri --d a it (Lumlit- .(.-. ' Emaiiuel mnrrl-d IM ----- . , ll..;i--r and hcnt -nns and dan-lit- cr-j. Ken ben oder niarri d I wo 0f them and begat sons and dan!, - . :T5. ' One doubter married a Mr. Sliid d, one a Mv. Wilii MnJ and ' ono'dk-d single. " '" I - . Chapter li..-- Adolp - the third sou-married a j .X :?s Spanghr and alsb settled in ;t'ie wr-stem iortiun ' of . J.incoln drmditers. . nrv married a Miss . ' i i . - . i i . i . . ,.w ..U - -.U .,:n H.U.ie.S. .;.Ionas married a iiss Sp-ale and ! . m t ..-.. v.- ! ...... . ! i v. ir ,lj'lt;.t- tl.Lii:'ritti All. d;ed but d:e.di who married a ' ii;' Ward.- dohn married Anna ! i. ooler and h-r and beaal t'.vo .-ms and two ! j damdifers. The oldest, was lost in ' i i I the late civil war. Willie (he only j i livin-jj sun mairieil Xoah Jaitz".--j ! daughter and has sons and daught- j iers. 'i'he two girJ.s are simile vet. ; i ... 1 two daughters married a ?!r. Sam ' J one died single. j j Peter the fourth son married! ';, T, i j.i i ri ,a,T noiiser and si-men on now- , .. , . . ar'is ' Vvi'k find beat Daniel, (too ,: .,. i . , , . , ,. 1 hihp, bred and two daughters I, , . j . . , , imn-l was married twice and has no on spring? i leor:.:' married a I Miss Si-:i'de anil 'oerat sons and i , , , ., ', . da '.miiters, 1 lnnn the mercuant to a dainrbur of Geor: Philip j went w tho two daughters died ! silieie. I Henry the louvth son married a j -Miss Ilahn, I third: her name was Sarah and went wesr I thud: to! ' i , , , I J noiana. where ho and several ot i her children wer accidentally ! drowned in a swol len st ream when.' iio r:ltemted to cro-s. . Jfe left a an( I several children. Fred- '.veiit to Pullinger county j jouri, where he died a bachel- j or - donas died a Voun-f single man and $ buried at . the Voder grave j yard. ' lie had o son with a Mis-3 Ihuli.-r in his single davs and she c.died him Jonas and he went to Chester county, S. C, then to Mississippi, where his descendants are now hying. . . Marv Barbara the oldest daught- er was n rosv cheeked ml of sweet - . sixteen wmn the lory bailie was r,....i.A t T.,,,.. came by her father's house io full voiv,.,) n,-,d to rvn !!,. nlurinv the largn old bull' that the tones had stolen day before came along in the ar.d every step he made he bel lowed in loud thundering tones. i.ir.KiiTV, libeutv, t.i ishrtx. She of .i i .... r.i .,4ti,..-i iam nicer wnen nei nun. i t-eiutu there thoro was scarcely any tim- her standing, that it was one prai- . . i i. i i rv and me tan grass u;; snaivfii by the breeze. And when they had to hunt their cattle they had ... .... ii John Voder, the son of the original pioneer Conrad Voder who came to Henry Wicdness about the year lTo". He was a warm supporter ml defender of American liberty. He volunteered in tne American - i i laaniy ai me a-- o: mm.-.-h, awu i.e t ' - n ,..l i . t i. I! It nOVll O'l . !1- three daughters. John had mar - rfed Sallie a descendant of the Mi - chael Weidner family and begat Abel, Lovina, Daniel. Anna, Levi. William, Mary and Andrew, Abel ; :narri..-d;KlizaU-tli Jarrott ami U- ,. aU4 ,Ugblo. , jiiih Ill.li I H'U ill'SMl! IV 1 t 1 1 11 ! : .-. . . Anna married John Keep as he- ers. William died -siiKrlo Mnrv ! was twi ico married and hejrat sotis j and a daughter; her present hus- I hand is Luther Fl.inuanvnn in hand i H;,Vp,. '.wi, . .v. .4 j . iiiiuim i'uuiiu v u i u- erine Haun and 'heat sons and ' dau"!ilerj. ' 1 Jac,h (he second son married I Catherine Ilahn and begat Keuben 0... Marcu?, Amzi, An'iy :m-.l j Elia. Keuben married Saialk Ward and h-gat s,Ms and danght - ers .Marcus died leaving no issu Amzi married Adline Miller and begat sons and daughter.--. lie is depot agent at Hickory mv 'U.-d single. Eliza is the present wife , !!p. writ.T of thi --ketch. A I ii'irii' i !i i t i i -! t c . .i i ii i i , .i 1 . . . ! Ah!:-i,:ll'-!,;' 1,,,z :-:itl had tourj i : t . i . ! !. . j ... i. 1 1. . I i.ai.un'ii. e uieil V. ' Iiie ' - .vnl..,. .J' Hw 1 ie sKeren was :i i V - i X ! years old. (o-ore be writr-r ol 'eieh iirst married Ih-iieeea (Y-lin. i'lor,Mi-e and Marv. Franc - I '(.-lin. PIor-.Mieo and .Marv. Franc- j v s-JctN - 9 - i i, ,.,ri,-,l CatLaru,-, CI, ,- :l (f:MtMS has son.-? and daughters. ' H.'isiiJfV j J ? lr ineienan . .iiiiius iiiai i i.-u lOiin? na, and is a merchant. Colin mai - 1 ried Emma Voder, ' ! vnl ivamsoiir. uvrutj the s c n-l id Ui ... . , . . r,.. . fi'-n of Miclnnd married Llizabetn . : Leonard an I died m Camp D-.ug- , . J lass Chicago, during the civil war , 4' . 3 .. and has lett three sons. lb-nrv the fourth wjis drowned in tie Peter sininf; when a small child i 1 f . .. ! married Eachel Ilahn a nei co o ; Keni'v Peen's v. ife, and moved to ?dissouri where he died leaving several sons and daughters. Chris-t'-na t!r ehlest daughter of .Marv P.arbara manied Jace-b Weaver :; nephew of Henrv lleen's wife and .. . iiad thi'e'e children, r.l.ojiy tin.; s( -cond daughter married Caleb Deity no olfspiings. P.arbara the youngest daughter di?d soon after marriage leavins a son. This closes Marv Paibaia, the oldest daughter cd" Mr. Iie.:i1s fan." -" Chapter III. Magdaleiux the ?r;eond daughter ma; ried a Mr. Hasselbcrger and ! no offsprings. Elizabeth the!1"'1 lii,,,u-y ! youngest daughter married David j Voder a brother of John i oder. She wa? five years old when the ! i"ry battle was fought at Earn . :.. T , -Co O 1 - - - ! "at: Conrad. Ado p. David. Foiom- 'ior in the war of 181:2; and after ! peace was restored lie went to ln- j diana to his Uncle Jacob Voder, and in a few years after he married his daughter Catharine and moved to Andrew County, Missouri where he died leaving several sons and daughters. Adolp the second son had enlisted as a regular soldi r in the United States armv. David married Ruth Wil - living, lie is neai !y the third son mr son and is still 1 00 years old and has no childrm married. Solomon the fourth son married Sallie Seagle and thev be gat Alfred, Daniel, David Adol phus, Laban William, Rev. Robert A., Eliza, Mary and Sarah and Knieline, John Alfred was killed m the late war. Daniel was twice married and has sons and daught - married and nas son3 aim uaugni - rs. Adolphus is in Kansas. La - an in Illinois-? ; John in Missouri, Rev. Robert married Rosa Fisher . e I ... ... .-. I- is the Presi- - 4.;t.;iivi;' m ill be tisfied I ,.C m f u.,.iir ( ot f.rrfi nflCall ClVlllZalloll ''HI OC sulislit LI UL II Ul 111'. A.-.-ij. ... HicKoiy. raua ii.ai.itu . t j Petry and has sons and daughters, j Mary married Noah Dellingeri arah is now the wde. ol Daniel u f.-,ii- l-tiidine lssiiifie l, 1 1 3""- 1-ne.inf is Bin.e. Hhdcorv. Eliza married Robert 1 married a Miss Defter and went to ! Tennessee. MeMirean county and has sons and daughter?. Andrew j presented, in gehalf of honest mote the youngest son married Annajev. There is no man in the coun- Kistler and is still living, is near- !v s! y.-r.rs ..!,. lia.l Si,ln.-v..TacM. Ilenn', C'arli-,o, r,(!,anm-. !ar- i . . , i.' ... i r . c: i four s.hin Frances married Phil linear lUm- )a n i,i l.aMl. or. Tnis cl.-.'s the ircnelocical history of the Ileep family. It i ' a well kimwd f.-n-f- ilit in siwli n ,.t.,...i. .. i i ... r :.. ; r-iiv i l nxuiLii i ne lweep i am 1 1 v, i i ' is impossiMo to give every thine !iMnnn,iff..l tndi ci.i, ,i i.,imn,i..,i,i ' faxnilv. There mav ho some omis. ! -ion. The writer" U in his six! v- ; "ith yar and is a i.rand child of M'llT I iarhara :l d;;gh(. r d" I hi ! ' !l1 K'-p- Havin T tho neo io I nirrit lo w p f.lmr. j 'fiakt- L'" 1 a!! td' advert s ." o':viii ! f ' i ti e"1' l':" f---ll-'Ain four y- m 'i I avi ! NT -w !i very, fm C.m-.elpd ,ti. n!,,,!,''s' '? dle ru '.-it I -K t- ! i .. Hiitor. ttit' ur.it rriiK- iv lor hiver i "-l" 'a.t' a n i i i inn's. J 5i if it '. A rnirM r U.., i-, ft.;, vr,.,!) ..,.1 P.r K'.n..'. x,;VV L.r, j-, ls n:i, ;v ,.t ,7.,'. a o... i . ... i . . . "I'- - urt. i i u- 1-1 -t V 4 a I Li',! t. f!i' ii. n nl 1 .': , r i, .....,..,.. i. . i. ...... ,i ,i -l ,- ''-ii ',i k, r-(.t ih-m. -,.'.1 1 1 r s I.CC t 1 v liffe , A. . ... . i? . 'tR..n,t-rivi..rt-!.-;-, -Kmircmntj j ;.ie tt Scr.r.J.1. l,'!!.--.;.-.;.r j-.r,i, t :ir:i. l;t-,r:,i i .,vi civ'lN! . v i i .i i f ? 'i trom ti! - i r,-s.i ipti .ri t.f an o.n, no-it ! .i u-i n wun marvel'. u . viv-c-.-; l'..r 4a v-.-ar. i I .tnj us comir.a-J use lr t:it tn .ar : 'th'-.i;- - J-iJi ..r ;;rat. Ti.il people lias J.-iivmsttatrd ifs.it S if O rv f ,r tiie l-e.-.t builJ-.n" mi l i.r.-.- - nl 1:1,1. i A I'ueao- over otieicd to th.- '.'.-o.-IJ. 1: inakts new rich tl.vaj, iinj i-osstssci almost inifacuiou-i lieaai: pruf ; i lics. I A ; WRITH FOk OCK OF WONDCRFL'L V CCRR5, strit free oi appli.titio.j. I I. not kept by your !-cal JrajTist. sc:J ?i.co 9 for a lar- Nv.ile, cr 00 t -r t,i totHes, and J meaiche will tv sert ifriUt paiJ by I ILOODBftLM GO, fiJJIijJil She Si etiit ni. I'llr-t ii ieaic .E;:ttir. there is an end of temporizint' in the Democratic party ni the eoin ige ipi.-dioii. Mr. Ihwan, o Xebra.-ka, and many otl er Democrats- hav.? unit.'d in a call to tie fie.' silyer men in the party t organise for t!ie roj);;Lpat ion of their view;-. President Cleveland has answued them in his lve-m j letter to business men ot Chicago w!io had ashed iiim t-' go-there and address the pe-jide in bona If of This is one of bl thing-? he said : What is now more needed thiin anything else is a plain and simph n't'es ciitatioii of the argument in favor of sound money. . In other words, it is a time for the .Ameri can people to reason together as members of a goat nation which can promise them a continuanc of protection and safety only so long as its solvency is unsuspected. its honor unsul lied, and the cound- "fs ot its money un.picsiioneu j These things are ill exchanged lor j 'he illusions of a denased currency i "did groundless hope of advantages to "oe gained by a disregard of our iinaneial credit and commercial , . .i , p . t standing among the nationsoiine i word. It our peojile were isolated I i"n ni all others, and if the que- tlona of our currency could be treated without rekrarJ to our rehi-1 lions to other countries, its charac-1 ter would be a matter of eompara- j in- short of it, where will the Dem- tively little importance, if the oeratie party appear ? American people were only con- We will . all take sides a little cernel in the maintenance of their; later and the dressing of the line ... . i l... . .. j previous lite among i n-inseives, ! they migm return to ine oiu uas 1 j "- ....... 1 of barter, and in this primitive j manner acpiire from each other the materials to supply the wants of their existence. But if Ameri- v. iih this it would anjeeuy law m j - j its high and nob.e .nu-co. It U a pitythatt.be Prudent J aid led, in tins le ter, nad . , tpiu-i-'i 1 1 71 nfr nreent tie argument s em.iaiiziiv, prc.eni in. a j ith he saps, in the tir-t sentence j0f the above ejuotation, ne.-ds to be try from whom it could so fitly - come and none whose stamp upon it would carry equal weight. Cut tho New York Sun, rarely right when Mr. Cleveland is under dis cussion, is entirely so when it saya of this letter: "The one thing that a caLoful perusal of Mr. Cleveland's epistle to Chicago fails to reyeal is the President's opinion, if ho ha9 any is to what constitutes sound inon y and n saf and stable currency ' is this trilling defect which do tracts from the value of the docu ment as a ccntributi n to econom ic science' ' His generalizations are, howev r, tlno nt:l we are fully prepared o agree with the following from ;h" ( Jreenv il!e, S. ( , News : iov -r Cleveland may be drink iug a good deal more liipirr than ;s gof.d for him. The man who drinks any isl;ab!- t drink too much. It is s.iid, however, that vhen somebody c ir.p1aii.ed to biiiei In that (iraut was drinking heavily the President remarked that he wished some ot the other Federal general- would use the s ime brand d w hi-kev. It Ch-yo-'and is a drunkard and we hopu h" isn't wear.' liielin.-d to sug :et heavy (inuking i sme would- rt.t!e::ni"n who give the i-oimtry their :dl.-. e ' i h-:m on finance. Still more fully d we agree ..:!!: t!:e fo 1 sing frm th.' snrno I'a;.- r, beeaiiii' v? have over and v. i- again aid the same thing in n!v lightly diib-r.-nt term: We ar.- n-d ready to nceept the Pr'sid-iit "s predion fully. 1'foba dv few p.-op!" Wti are yt no re opposed t :'-. -pting the the oies of the extivuie fre silver id.v.n-ates The truth and tho llnal "el tlenj.-i i is SolileWhel e li'twem the two extienn-ties. It is refresh ug.'Uel bb od-.-tin iig, however, t. s e (irover Cleveland puttinr him self at the front of another great i'jlit with elenr hend and Voice and : lie doL".-d courage that comes from deii conviction and straight thinking and rally im; the friends if sound money as be has so long ind faithfully and bravely rallied the friends d' an honest tar ill. As we have heretofore con ffc6ed, however, there seems to be no pro bably of agreement inside tho dem ocratic party"on a llnal settlement somewhere betwejn the two ex tremes.' The radical wings of the patty are rpparently detef 'iiin-d to figlit it out between them--.dvf.. nedther l.eir;g' willing to ome up to the ground of the great' co'nseryat ive class which cannot, en-eiit to free co:nngo j'ust'now 'out whicdi brlieye-; that the Coun try can stan.'l some more silver. This class is out of it now. The i-sue has been presented by'Rtyaii I'dand and their crowd and is fully joined when the President says," in 'lie extract from his letter--rmtecl vosterday: t;Disguiso it as we may. the line of battle is dravn betwrcn the forces of safe currency md those of mono-metolliam." When the light begins, we shall dl have to take sides. But with fhe Populists united for free eilcer and tiat money, the Republicans j standing together for an honest currency, and the Democraea di- J vided into hostile camp,one vring unuterably opposed to free coinage and the other content with noth- ,v,n ,-nubie us to judge a JiWie more clearly man we can now tll.,,, ..tLuaJJ what the outcome will be ; j looks now as if, unless the but it party can get togeincr on. miuuie grounu it is gone. Charlotte Observer. .i riii J I reco'ti:utid Ctnmbei lain'H Paia t. m l.r ih-u Mmn. la-r-e iMck, prH:R and .d!i,c. 'I W is no ; -:;:r;!io;s:: K. , .,i Piern, dtnzW. South Ch'cugo, 111. J'b ft.r Hale by Dr V L Orouse Orudis?. ptra m?aij iutiA jjuwp TiOJt unj irpr il v'f.TJr f am -7 v,.Min7fff Xj i. AiiU-t '? iriJno8 sj :t 'ai -UCUJ"J 1 J..J A';,'r '4-.M IUO.M XI B 01 IlOjC IQ