- ES5 VOL. IX. LINCOLNTON, N. C FRIDAY, MAY 3. 1895. NO. 1. Z7" 0m ill & 1 & f Pi , $ Br , , for Infants and Children. T HHITY years1 obiTatlon millions of persons, permit rtTirutionayytjT)fst remedy for ItifarlH and Children tho world has ever known. It i harmless. Children like it. It lve them Lealtli. It will wave tbeirlives. In it Mothers have - getog which jwtO;w perf-ot as a child's mcdtcino. Caatoria tlestroy Worms. Castorla allaya Feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sonr Cnrd. Castoria enres Diarrhoea ami Winl Coic. Cantoria relievoa Teething jTYoTiliiss. toLjresonstijationRi2l FHtaloTtoy. CatoTia nentralizes the effects of carkoiiio acll gas cr poloam .r. Castor'a does not contihi xaorphhic, tmiavri, or other narootio property. Catoria astjirilates tho foot?, iep;ii?atfts -hhe ttomach and he wets, , . giving IieftHhy and nr.tiirrJ fdepp. Catoria is put iq in onn-Lr "hottJe j only. It i-i not sold ia hulk. Don't allow nay one to sell jou n.nythux ele on the plea ov promise that it isjcht as good" aad " -mil anstrcr evgrv purpose." See thfet yon p-p-t OL-S-T-O-R-I-A. The fao-suaile signature of - Children Cry for Pitcher's CastorSar h inM nil W lflfc If n i A A l r A. Ji ?. fc a ! fi.tr A K A k ft ;i i'. - '-i li pss - u:.ns and endorses run t n . n sr. f? x . "Ciiri v. i:on ill '.' f n-lli Cnnilir.n Snirfi:it; L'aiir'.. TV.vLTLl: CLARK, A-J.i. -i-Ti; Ji T!.'E. . c'. .llv I".- o!,lMr. I). i t ..IK.-ln-t M lV.:'::it i h i' c s m- I line.' rim, !t-- t vt .ihv.-nly fii v3. . . diurf fi .!!... Kr. jii v.v: 'Vi' ti-ti.-j vtU if, . a -.-r. ;ii i. : - ! t-au 3'.f..-lv icoiMtionJ i Vour-j truly, W.i.Trr. D0Y0U;SpKE? HAVE vou SmOKED? TVH1LIL t d;u IMpHlE ki01d Red House" SmOKING TOBACCO MILD & SWEET. iiy it l uce. A&ii it. TUEX iOU WILL DEMAND IT. Nice pipe and bent a'eti) j;iven vnthtach - tz. talk fer 5 cents. . Merchants Do you wuh a q i! U teller ? If so write for hample of 'OLD RED HOUSE" Smoking Tobacco M iiailaciiue! tv i t i HILLS130U0 N- C. We also have a good line of chew tog tobacco. Write for sa-nph s and factory price?. 3m. Mrs. Anna' Gage,' wife-of Ex Ceputy U. S. Ma!, Columbus, Kan., says ; T was tl el i vereel of TWINS i" less than CO min utes and jvi.tli. scarcely, any pain- after using .only two bottles of MOTHERS5 FRIEND" DID NOT STJPFEU. AFTERWARD. r?eDtby Express or mall, on receipt of pHc. Per bottle.' Boow "To TJOTUKKS ' o.ud free. . . 'WD FIELD- BtCUIiATOK CO., ATL1XTA, GA. fc SOLD IIY ALL DRUGGISTS. offt'ttorja wlthjha patroBitp. of us tr ppealc of it Trif.Ii.-.is encasing. ia ca every wrapper. ft fe ft ft. . v.. h v a A. ii n 6 5 vb - - 3 E3 V ) & ft 5 ? Itivestisratkon Invited -.m ouro I i to; - . r.-t i :ui I o! 4 Electron? Mlon Co., Cl - AKK 3f, TOUHTH Professional Cards. DENTAL NOTICE. D.r. A. W. Alexander will be a bis oflk-e r.t L:nco!ntOn, Jntu1, An eufjf, 0-.:i!.;e", December, Ft-b-ruary. anil April. WWl l-e in Mt. : lolly, .liry, t3optembpr, NoTfnUer, J u:imiv, March -mm M y. Iv rename so! iiu-cl. Terms cash aa-1 m"d raie A l:.! ?osjrtiiip V'e luive before cailrd attfii'ioi; to a reat cabinity ihrc-ateniag the peop'e of. tho South.- There i; fuonrnj for h'v, fear. Ia no s" tioii ol the country is there greater med for Liver Medi:nes than in the "South, and this ha encouraged unsca upu'ou jicrsoriM to take ad vantage of projde' misery and cfTer tuoin ail sort, ei sum a cure-un . . -111 lor Liver trouhics, . Tne:r .cnaie is greater besauijo they must have ; refariotJB woik. Their preparations - i r- jareJo d to li e dmggirds at a' low- price. And the big prohr to tne diuggist ia the roasi by which they reach the public. Druggists ot. high honor will not be a party to such an outrage, Peware of any dealer who t-e'ls yon that aiy Liver Medi cine is iust the same, or as good as Siu.ieons Liver Keguiator, .put up by J. II. Zoilin'.& C' You .know it ty the lied Z on the package, TliO-30. jireii. rations are not tho sauae t.oi as gor.d, Stick to the Old Fiiecd, Your health ami life -hon'd b w nth semetlimg to ou Young Minister. I've been praying for you a long time, Miss Dora". Dora (astonished): -Why didn't you let me know it? I'd have been yours after the first 'prayer. Ex. Or you ure e! worn ci,t, j.- illy e.Hl lor nDUV in,?, it i Kvin-rui tk-bility. Try nmirsff .ov liiTTEiis. it will cure you, clefnse vour li ver, an4 glJ ISen as n Ili-Mctalli!. J lio V v York II f raid has a sto ry from Indianapolis to tho effect that ex-President lIarrioii" friends v.-ill uro him for re-nomination the third timo at the next Rep unlican national convention, a the candidate of the bi-metallists lhc silver Republicans are report ed to have found McKinley a bro ken reed, and Reed untrustworthy on tho money question, and are. t'iereforr-, turning to Harrison, lb.' has, indeed, it is not denied, talked all sorts of ways on the cur rency problem during his career, but his fnen'ds are hanging their hopes on his last public utterance on the subject. He made a speech at La Junta, Col , when on h'is way to lecture at Leland Stanford Uni versity last year, and this is what i he f aid : "NVw, I say to you to-day what I said when I was I'rcsnlenr, and what I have always. believed that a larger use ot silver for money and free coinage of silver, upon a basis to be agreed upon, that would maintain its parity with gold, was good for the whole world I do not believe that we could run free coinage ourselves,, when ihe European governments yere pur suing the policy they have been pursuing with silver, but my fd low citizens, there are clear indi cations in England and in (lerma ny that they are feeling the effects of a scarcity of gold, and its pros trating effects upon the indus tries. "I believe these two great coun tries are nearer right to day than they have been for the past twenty years. They are all considering favorably the question of a larger and freer use of silver as a money metal, and bi-metallism has p-niiwd strength in England, and that en ergetic and young Emperor of Germany is himself considering tho question of bi-metallism. UI do not think that, these coun tries are coming to the next silver conference, as a coy maiden hold- jiig back, but will come with a grerter readiness than in any re cent years, and will agree with us upon a basis for n larger use of silver money. " As for Benjv himself, lie is lay ing low and saying noth.ng, In deed, if it.be true that "speech is silver, but silence is golden,'1 his to 1 friends have surely misplaced their cor.lidence in him. He seems to be spending most of his time watching the leather m his grand- ! fathers hat to see which way the political wind blows. Charlotte Observer. Ilie True I'osiiioJi on .Silver Senator Pdackburn of Kentucky, has stated on his own position On the silver question with such clear ness that it is worthy to be adopt- c;1 ag the DemocrfiUc party's dec laration upon tho. question. It is short, comprehensive, safe and straightforward, and the Democ racy could win on this platform, if snrcesg in jm be 03aible We j quote : - I 4,I am in favor of openiug the fli.: n.A minis oi mis country io me u.. limited coinage of the silver metal on an evact equality with gold. I am opposed to gold mono-metal-lism. . Without resevation or eva sion, I am a bimetallist. I want and mean - to continue to insist upon the use of both gold antksil ver on- even terms as the redemp tion money of tliis country. I would be glad to-see this result brought about byT the action of an international conference, but I am innnnsed'to this government wait- , . , c, ntnna to net. ' l 1 1 1111 till I w CI - V v. ! I Our experiencewith sugar agencies ha3 not- been such as to give us either confidence or hope for the attainment of this purpose. 'I am in favor of the re toration of the silver metal at the ratio of iG to 1. believing in the li.ghtofl an experience that covers a centu ry such . ratio will establish and maintain permanently the parity between the two metals. I be-, lieve that we should take this ac - tion at the earliest day possibhyn- j dependent of-the .policies or views j of other nations:' j Ihe Aews" ami Observer adopts Scii'itor Rlackburn's ringing an nouncement ' of his'position as the strongest way of stating its own position. The attempt tc commit ;his country irretreVabiy to the'; gold standard cannot be too strongly combatted. Observer. lh ins: up ilefrri. Ilorom In France when a horse reaches the age of from twenty to thirty it is destined for a chemical factory ; it is first relieved of its hair.which is used to stuff.. cushions and sad dles; then it is . skinned : ihe hoofs serve to meke combs. Xext the carcass is placed in a cylinder and cooked :.by steam at a pressure of three atmospheres ; a cock is opetud which lets the stream run ofi";;-the.n the remains are cut up, the leg bone are sold to make knife handles, and the coarser ihe libsand the Head are made into animal black and glrie'. .... The first are calcined in cylin ders, and the vapors, when con- denred, from the chief source of carbonate of ammonia, which con- stitutes the bae of nearly all the ammonia'cal salts. There is an animal oil yielded, vihich makes acapital msccth l le and a vermifuge. The bones, to make glue, are dissolved in muriatic acid, wh'ch takes the phosphates of lime away ; the soft element, retaining the shape of the bone, is dissolved in boiling water, cast into squares and dried en nets. 'j-i.v j,i, ornate oi nme, actea upon by sulphuric acid and cal cined with carbon, produces phos phorous tor our lucifer matches. The remaining llesh is distilled to obtain the carbonate of ammo nia; the resulting mass is pounded up with potash, then mixed with old nails and iron of every descrip tion; tl3 whole is calcined, and yields magnificent yell ;w crystals' prussiat of potash, with which tissues are dyed a Prussian blue and iron transformed into stel ;it also forms cyanide of potassium and prussic acid, the two most ter rible poisons known in chemistry. Ex. i)r. S F Scot, 15 ue Ridge, H ir rison Co., Me., says : "For whoep ing cough Ch :iiibt r iain'M Cough Re'T.edy is excellent. Bv rsiDg if frevly iho disease is deprived of b!J dangerous consequence?, Tnero is sin (Sanrrer in g i v i r. i the Remedv ?o o-nbifp, as it coDt;rns nothing iDju inii. 25 and 51 cent ioi ties tor by I)r W L Oroide Druggist. St. Vs. Crowo?. The' Newton Enterprise says : Knowing the people of the coun- tv are interested in this case we clip from the Xews and Observer the following opinion of the Su preme Court as reported by Perrin Busbee, Esq., of tho I'aleigh Bar: "State vs. L. A. Crowell (appel- ! lent) Catawba county. Opinion by Clark J. 1. There has never been such an inditable offence as 4ideceit, but the meaning of the Code, Sec. 1177, which excepts from the two years statute of limitations, preju ry, forger', malicious misdemean- ers and deceit, is that demeanors, er ana uecen, ,s u,a, the gist Of which i3 malice Or de- ceit, are within the exception. 2. The act of 1SS5 choptcr "2iS contemplates a seduction brought about by mean3 of a promise of marriage, in the nature of deceit, j In fact deceit is the very eseence of the defence, and the act 1SD1, chapter 20o, makes a seduction under promise of marriage a felony as to which there is no statute of limitation, o. Where then) is a prayer to put the charge in writing the en tire charge must be written; but this rule does not forbid any and '.all oral expressiou tromlhepre siding judo. . Hence, where the defendant has the full benefit ol his exception to a pr-yer whii.-h was relused, ho cannot assign as error that the iudev did not writ,. an incidental rem uric made there to. .4. It is not error to refuse to cl argo that an innocent and vir- tuour woman must have. 4'a mind free lrom lustful and lacivious de- sires. News and. .r. When a judge both lines and I imprisons whore the statute ro- ivides a fine on imprisonment at the dis:rition of the Court, there being no other error, this does not entitle the defendant to a new trial but this Court will remand that the sentence may be properlv im posed at the next term of the court below. The verdict stands. Er ror. Remanded. There is now no hope for Crow 11 to escape punishment, either in be"ng fined not exceeding $5, MX) or h'-i imprisoned m the penitentiary not more thai, live years. The next judge presiding, will pro nounce the sent, nee if tne defend ant appear before him. . ihI on HuiMlay JIv. John Wanamaker, whom may the gods continue to stuff with el- joquence and unction, presents tho 'pathetic spectacle of a lieliteou- mail who cannot afford to be truly good more than one day in the week. In the April number rf 'To Day he makes the sad admi sioii that is he were to conduct his business on the pnneip'e of R.o theily Love the principle he pro mulgates so sweetly and ho smoothly every Sunday he would be in the sheriff's hands before the next slaughter sale in summer un- derwearrould-'vn "yy"--'! . That this remarkable statement will occasion wide comment and discussion need hardly be said. Here is a good and pious man, re dolent of the odor of sanctity Jmb blmg over with holy admonition, reeking with the spirited rectitude and charity, who confesses that he cannot afford to practice what lie preaches, and admits that, since he cannot fall into the Lord's hands without firt passing through the sheriff's, he pieters to keep his Christianity for the Sabbath and give six days to godkssness at the shop. Religion, as he sees it, is all very well at Bethany among the elect and where it costs nothing save a little language, but it won't do for the Chestnut street bazzar where merchandise is on tap and Paris thoughts prevail. John can manage to be a saint on Sunday He can swim swcetlv into Hot ban v ; chapel, excluding love at every pore anj spilling bliss m'o the :slsters yearning hearts, but he can't afford any nonsen?e durii g !t:ie other six days of the week and Ihe frankly confesses that lie does J not propose to try it. As we say, this announcement, emanating from so zealous and so profusely anointed a disciple as John Wanamaker, will raise a vast wind of cor.tr Dversy. How many Christians of Wanamaker class it will really astonish we should not like to guess. IT MAY DO AS MUCH FOK VOU. Mr. Fr! Miller, ot Irving' III. 'yrees that be liai a crevere Kidn-y troub'e f r many yers, with severe rains in hr b.ick and nl?o t"nat his bUJier wa? effected, tie tried msnv so ciUei Kidrey t uros but without any good rf suit. About a yet;r he lean use t f Kleclric Hit tore and found relief at om.v. fclcctnc 1". liter- e-- tf pure ofaU K;,JnPy Livf.r inrubje?and often gives ahno-t m. S',nt rptif f. Oae trial will prove our IstUcm'nt. Price only COc torlarr. bofdo. . Lee Drug Store. Aii lny on SI mi. Man is an omnivorous animal Some smart people call him a j biped, but this is a zoological er ror. lie's just, a plain, every day two- legged animitl. Man is found in most parts of ihe world. He roams at will, feed in the daytime, and sleeps at night. Some nights. - 1 toucan go up and lay your hand on him anywhere, so long a you don't put it on his poeket ho..k. He has, under ;7iich con ditions, h'-oii known to kick. He is like the dog; howls a good deal and runs around at night. Like the elephant, he has a trunk, but he doesn't always tak,. i! with him. The elephant does. As to what man is realy good f u anthropology is still in the daik. Feing strong, he is used (, draw pictures, cany news and pull revolvers. He is also fast and often goes in the human race. Properly trained, man can jump higher than any other known animal. Hehasoven been known to jump mountain resort board bills! Although in many ways man, is likeother animal!:, in tins re so.vt he is different from them all ; he lies standing up. We have learned on good au-l t!eri(y that there are several Mormons in the Laurel Hill neigh- berhoed doing their best to con vert all wilti whom they coin" in contact to their religion. If there was anything eimo'ding about their religion we would bid them Jodspeed but knowing as much about them as we do and it is your privilege to know equally as well, their articles of faith being bi ad cast, we think the very best thine; i o t!t ior hem is leave tie 1. em ;i f,-w nouis to leave the ne;gi;h.i ion .i r. id if (hev doit't, warm tii-ir iacl: ! iVom Cm!, and then go about ets. We don't need any such cat-jvour w.-ru and l-e yours df. Phil tie f'S this in tie country. Nov. ;iips 1 r-oks. Oilcans Picayune. If thou canst not muke thyself . such an one as thou wouidst, how &!&S&iLXi , . . jz ft ci:i:l tuou epi-ct to have an oil -ill t;-' t"vAv RjTlioinas a Kemj.'.s. 1 &- I J?? i !('!' yonrselyos aloof from h S-JrFT',-y.Vx 1 ; i grumblers, for it if the easiest r "''" t i ... .i.-i h-f Jr w g ES ev 6 v i i & A li ;:s. t;.;i ! i -m r. r ! i o I :nui S "al S!;in uirv::!".-. 'i;r: s ' . 1 1 1 ::v- I i i i. sii.;, irrrs. ::i4!.j;iii!5'.i -., 'iti-rrh. s:.ii ia.i'b'ii W -in. I i-w-rv- .i U:.....! ir. in II;..1 , r.i:i-T.l.--t i,:.,.!. t.,i!.-T..iil'rit:i1r. FUrj ye yc-fs U ;o V. it!l i:nv:ir Mmic.-:- Tr oii.Untt-s in .:runi.t.i:t h.-;iiii', i'irilv- iin' an.l bu!ini!i.' t; virtnt-s. Oi.'- l-ou ,JK ?5 liii-? More- c-'A. ivc i: aha a a lo7 n 't pT; siiy cth-r l-.ii::i. It i.p lhj h ale an-! .r:t:t !:"Ui fi.iiii thf- I'r-1 iWf. iU'rj'tt vitrei:, hi'irtirveoii apjiii' . 41V:ot h??"m' ijr?t, g !.(" i ..if a Liiye b-.tn.1. tr r. .''' tor : t"i- p': u!.?i l,!,-du'""' ViiU ',! Sl':it- fr '''ri,t & 8L90Q Bir CO., Atlanta, C3.sM'"i' th pf-ac which we trust Xear the adjourning of the Leg- irdature the democratic moiubr 1 - of the lowtr house united in sign - ..,f n,r,;,t ii, o fniBp.ootl 1 T I V UI "I' Li M - MIIJ-) ' Kit j t, , - ' WlilC h the record had been made to; ?neakwith reference to the ad- :i? nersen. ico laa-s, repeu i(!nrnm( t m hoi..rof Fred I)oU''- I tanco in t!c sou!, like an ulcer in la-, and the Soonk.-r ordered it to! le spread upon the journal. A''-f-r the adjournment it was discov- l f-,rt t i,f d not lin c0 enrcad eieo i;( r could the ori-i-nl l-e found. ! Ianc wincli is so mucn tne more 1 basins now been discovered jurievoin by reason it springs with- F r i) in, as the cold or hot ol fevers are ihntitHinth-ps-r-ionof.LL. monj s,tarp timi those that only Moore, of Ihirgaw, Pender countv. silik(; U)(in tbw outwarj skin. one cf the clerks, who the Wil- Montaigne. mington Messenger says, claims " 7rIiTi" 'iTiiie that he picked it up off the floor; j., h ..n .aeliv everyone frets, the andput.it in his pocket. The reed f M,rr.u blood purifjiop-, n-er i.crtinently iiepures if is-iei.e-.h if;vigora'.iog and health he dropped it on the fL.or and i , f j,,;1)anlla ,Le re so, or whether so or not, why did ot. f)f jrtMppp-ad popularity. It he net, when he picked it up, put ;;)i(ii?V ! snccs s r.f i-et recom it in its proper place instead of in :u i,v. Tee wl.ol nvstem n , A It . , , , , i n .1. -w: f-itntiH to the mo.-t prod from a h.spocKet. Itmightal.-obea.-k- iM3l f . Si4TMpafa ed if Mr. Moore is just now having ; pken ,.t . j. ari w Wou?d lay a "reddin out"of his t)Ocket?,aftei sp chd stua upon the time aod his return from L'r.ki-h. and if n m-r!y, fm h-.-to-y has it recorded not why is he just now reporting his lind? The public is quite fa- miliar with the record of tnat Leg i-huire for lo-t and stolen I ills ad of the performances ot its clerk?, who were made in its like- ti,;,;, ;.f r,..f,i b.er 1 nstance .no i iin . - , - f.,..,..t 4l..iii i.miio-r ot I mote iiii .ii.t limn - - otln-ri alres.lv told of.-lM.arlf.tU- Observer. j n war, We gav v,r cix WL. u i.Ui - Child, bhe f-r Ci- torua. Alien she became clun to d- toria. iVten se Lad CLil-lrcn, &Lo gave theia Castort. Sparc Those Slinrt and Ited II or ex. Now fin J Olserpr. The following letter, speaking tor itself, was yesterday received by the .Supreme Court, and was re ferred to Mr. T. lv. r.runer, of tho Agricultural Department. "IIaokk, X. C, April, 19, '95. 'To tiik Statu of Colkt, Dkai: Sik : "Vou will please go nd our state commission John Robinson to Tuckaseege Ford and law A. P. ilhyno of Mt. Hollv X. C. open hU dam for free passage of fish in Catawba river as Rhyno is stopp ing all fishes. "Ho is catching shad and red Norses ai d hiuling many load wagon of lishes to Charlotte to s.-ll ewrv morning. There are no shad and red Horses in Lincoln and Catawba unties now. There was no them theie in live years. A. P. Khyue dont obey the acts of lish lows. It is true that he alwayo know where to make a pull or Haul. He ought to b. pi-evented to sell lishes in Ch iriottc, , on will b - sure (. coma to Tuekaseego Fort; t send our state commission tisere ;md make A. P. Rhyne to open or pay. Please l t me know about him r'iOll. Yours truly A S. Keek, (i: ot TiioilKhf. Cot the pattern of your life Visor! of things to find fault. Anv S 1 1! p ! ( i mail call Io mat, Mil If. j ' . . ta le.- a smart man to muke tlllUgd l.ott.-r. IloJi a mail hegm-i When a man l.-egirn to ! gnimoie ibie and lind fault, vou can i . - 1 . him u for a light weight right ;jaway. I). L. Moody. negl. ct Cod all our lives, and 4 know that we neglect him, to of- i r(. Vo!uutarilv, and know ' i t !iat we ofl'cud him, casting oar tiudco at parting, la no other hart a rebellious presumption, ar.d ev-!i a contemptuous laugh- j sng to scorn and deriding of God, j hbs laws and preceps Sir W. Ral. i'"1"'1 - ! Jialic.' sucks up ihe Krtaiesi i. . t . i pan oi ner own enum auu Hui t i ? ' . i lie ii"-h. whici i.; alwavs ecratch- ng end lacerating itself: for reas on effaces n ether griefs and eor- Irows. ut H hegcis tnat oi rep en but it begets that of repen- ;: - S n.-anarioii ;nd ;t.eitay wotd3 of Inr-m it hi lecH-vid, uiuKe H wor. ! rlv of jour to:liin.ee. He Rrtfe vou to giv.. V. ioe.l:ciie a fair ' ! k'l have lost my heart, he whis- reo . , . . "vinS ... lift lovely eyes, I But trie maiden coldly answered- "Why don't you advertise?" I j co:)C: rel Caambe!iaiir Paia 15 i is ti r ihmniatina. lanre back, -pruins au'J stsellinjifi. There is co tt-t'-r r,i!iniH:t mid, 1 hav told ovt-r lto bjtib t ot it ilia Y-'araDd al' were ph hSftl who us-i ir. J F PieruD, di'igpisr. Suth Chicago, 111. It for eale by Dr W LCrouse