M ll IP glfl vol. ix. LINCOLNTON, N. C, FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1895. NO. 4. What is Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants ami Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirtj' years' use hy Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting .Soiir Curd, cures Diarrhoea and AViud Colic. Castoria relieves teething trouhlcs, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates tho food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria ii the Children Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. "CAitoHa uii esculent medicliio for chil drtu. jlotUers have repeatedly toid no its a;J cGVct upon ihelr children." 1k. O. C. Osoooo, Lowell, Mu. ' Cuf '0! ia ! the bet-t remedy for children of vtii-h 1 uni acquainted. 1 hopa the day i i tot lur .li-uii.t when mothers will consider the real Interest of their chil irtu, and ui Castoria iu fctead of the vuriousquock nostrums which are destroying thi-ir loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing pyrup and other liurtful kci.t-j down their throats, thereby sending licm to -..re mature graves." Dr. J. F. KlNCHELOE, Conway, Art. The Centaur Company, 77 Murray Street, New Yoxk City. USES AND ENDORSES THE i 3 TRADE KARK. s Cures when all Sortli Carolina Supreme Court. W.VLTH CI.AKK, ASSOCIATE JCSTICE. " Kalligh. N. C., Jan. 2C. J .. We have fund the Electropolse very valuable , Clitll) lor Clllltircil. 1 KUl oin; .wi , iiuvj . am juic . 4 have s:i.o l ihree times It cost Hlrcady lu dot tors' :ni J 4 Htrwalxii, 1 ean SHfel I Your: . (triijt stent Mils, r rom my experieuee nu n, Htrwitlxii, 1 ean SHft-ly reeommi'nd It. Yours truly, Walter 0 i DO YOU SMOKE ? HAVE VOU SmOKED? Uvrnrir TrTTVTTrro I ; iiAjijj nuoj &LA.ituxwM & ....... 'Old Red House" ISrhOKlNG TOBACCO MILD & 'SWEET- ; . 'liy 11 'iice. AbU tor it. jTULN 1OU WILTi DKUAND IT. Nic jtipe and bent stem piven Iwuh each iJ iz. tack for 5 cents. T Merchants Do you wikIi a q'licfe seller f It' mo write for hample of j "OLD RED HOUSE" SmokiD Tobacco M iuutactnreii by Iowa twi At HILLS 130U0 N- C. Wc&lso bave a good line of chew hg- tobacco. Write for samples and factory prices. 3oj. 1 ' KNIGHTS OF MACCABEES j .the Sthte Commander 'wrUes us fiom loeoln, xYeb , as tollowa "After try Si otrm- medicine fr what eemed to Fe b"erS obstinate cough in our two child- r'ld at the eud of twr davs the cugh en- rtiy it-it thpm. We wijl. not be with it ic here alter, as our experience proves 'Htl cures where all other remedies fail.' Mgnei F W Stevens. Slhte Coraf Why rot g:ve thU fc-reat medicirje a tril. as it is Uirnnteed and trial bottles are free at A -A? Drug, Store. Keeular si.e 50c al 51 00. . Eat, j was slcfc, e gave ner Caatoriav ttBhe as a Child, she cried for Castoria . hun she became lllsa, ehe clung to Castoria, "heo rtie Lad CtiLiren.. she gave ttenr Cascorir i i Castoria. " C'3toria id s wen adapted to children that I recommend it aj superior to any prescription knovu to liie.'" II. A. Archer, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. "Our i,hy?icianj in the children's depart ment have spoken highly of their experi ence in their outside practice with Castoria. and although we o.dy have among om medical supplies what is known as reguUr products, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it." United Hospital ant Dispensary, Boston, Mass Allen C. Smitii, Pres., clan f ill t Investigation i I 'A. - J J inlieU Ii9l. eajie- ; BOOK FREE. Electrolibration Co., urni uu- f Clark, a 345 FOURTH AVENUE, NEW VORK. 83 WV' & Professional Cards. DENTAL NOTICE. Dr. A. V. Alexander will Le a bia office at Linco!nton, June, Au October, December, Feb ruary flua April. m rem mi. September; November, jaiiUillji iuuiiu auu iun. . w n . V. f auonage bo .cuea. terms uu an j moderate One Hollar Out. . An old man who kept a . previa, io'n. store, in a factory- town was more or less old in his ways, and by some persons was thought to be "not over and above bright." The rougher young fellows of the neigh borhood called.him "Old Pro," and in other respects treated him rude. l.y. -One day three of them, to 'use their own expression, "put up a job on him." They filed into the shop with an air of importance, and one of them demanded: x 4,Hov much do you ask for a yard of pork?" . "One dollar," answered the old man. "I'll take a yard," said the spok esman. "Where is your money?" ' The dollar was produced, the dealer pocket it, and - handed the customer three pig's feet. "How is that?" said the tellow. "Why," answered Old Pro, 'three feet mako a yard, donT they?" Youth's Companion. Df. S F Scotr, Blue Ridge, Har iicn Co., Mo.t says : "For whoop" ng coogh rb-jmbrlain58 Cougb Remedy is excellent." By nsing it freely ihe disease is deprived of all dngeroos conpfquencef. Tone is no danger in giving the Remedy to babiee, as it contains nothing ioju lious. 25 and 5C cent homes tor sale by Dr W L Grouse Druggist. Needing atonic, or children who wantbulL4 injr tip. should take BnOtV.N'S 1KOX BITTERS. It la pleasant to take, cures Malaria. Indc Kestion, Biliousness and Liver Coin&l&inU. Xheorles rm to Consumption. Dr. Byron died in New York from consumption taken from the bacilli he inhaled. Thousands have died in the same way. Tt is now held by some men of medical scienco that consumption is tho result of bacilli and does not come a9 formerly held from heiedity. It is taught now that it in the ear ly Stages it is curable like any oth er disease. Many cases come from exposure. There have been many interesting reports published from time to time to show that con sumption is "catching'' like other infectious diseases. This is true, we Fuppoaa. The London Lancet and other medical journals have given striking cases in which con sumption comes from nursing and in families in which the disease had not been known. A German expert or authority holds that phi hisis or consumption is com municated. Tho Baltimore Her ald gives as the result of his ob servation and experiment this that "children of consumptive pa rents are often weak and narrow chested, but they may b mad t acquire a healthy, constitution ny a proper mode of life. He has collected statistical information which tends to show that the length of time spent in the open air has an important bearing upon the extent to which consumption prevails. He found that the per centage of deaths rapidly rises with advancing age after ihe 15th to 20th year, whereas it fell from 23.45 for children less than 1 year old to 4.6G for children from 5 to 10 years. When children once be gin to walk they are taken more frequently out door3. This condi tion continues until the time when they enter the workshops and oth er establishments to become pro ducers. All the varying periods are acurately reflected in the death rate. Even during the school years there is already an increase from 4.60 between the ages of 5 and 10 to 5.85 for the years 10 to 15. After that the advance is rap id. Of persons 15 to 20 years old 18.37 per cent, of the deaths are from consumption ; 20 to 25 years, 3G.37 per cent. ; 30 to 40, 41.12 per cent. ; 50 to 00, 07.94 per cent. ; 00 70, 93.18." There are some doctors who hold that consumption is not infectious, cannot be comraumicated. But we supposo true and advanced science is against this view, In the North we notice opinions from time to time are given that the sputum ot consumptives is dan gerourf that when it dries and fills the atmosphere that it is in haled and the seeds or germs planted in this way in mar.y cases. Some writers insist that consump tives should be isolated like pa tients mlected with other diseases. and that isolation in a positive necessity. They even go so far as to insist upon hospitals for this class of patients. That it is cura ble in many cases is known As far back as sixty years ago a case of cure was known as shown by re suHs of treatment and an autopsy of the xatient after death. The lungs were found ccvercd with scars of the healed tubercles. The Herald says that "when the prim ary causes of consumption are once properly understood, and the importance of habits upon the dis. ease is 'appreciated, may we not hope to overcome in' a great meas ure a destroyer which carries off a larger number of people than the plague." We have known of other cases of cure where physicians had agreed as to the disease being genuine pthisis. Dr. Fairchild, cf Pans, faid a quarter of a ceutury ago that he believed he had cured a thousand consumptives. Mes senger. - A Indv t Toole.vs Ia . was tpiv ick with billions "colic when U C; Tisler, a rmtmuent mero-jant etirienceiie had at a hostelry in a of this section reports indicate a i5uei an order restraining Super the 'own ga?e her a bottle of Cham-! , , . ' e e - hPrW e?of.. ChntPrn and Diar, little town of the State. This is houeful fe3ling in business than visor Green from performing the rboea Rpmedv. Ha rhvr she was well in torty minutes after takinci tho first dose. For sale by Dr W L1 CroTjee, l)ruggia Can Fear It III a Wan? The Washington correspondent of the Chicago Record has intei- I viewed a number of public men, including scientists, soldiors and stntfsmen to ascertain whether they believe a man can die of fright. There are many authenti cated cases given. Ex-Surgeon General Morse gives this instance: "I have read of a well -authenticated case where a man died of fear. Ho was tho victim of a prac tical joke. His tormentors took him into a dark room, held a mock trial and pretended to sentence him to death. The sentence was that he should be bled to death, and they pi et ended to prick his veins. Then he was turned over on his side and made to believe that his blood was trickling from him. , In order to strengthen this deception they dropped water from a pot into a pan and the victim, hearing the dripping, believed that ii. . i . i . . i- i . me roo(i was leaving his hotly ; and died of fright." Representative Henderson, of Iowa, reports a similar case, which was told him by his brother aa having occurred in a medical col lege at which the latter was a stu dent in Aberdeen, Scotland. An old professor wos obnoxious to the students, and to punish him they arranged a practical joke. Enter ing his room at night masked, they bound him and took him to a car riage, which was driven around for half an hcur to make him believe that he was being carried out of j the city. Then they took him to a room, where a mock trial was! held, and he. waS sentenced to death. They prepared an execu tioner's blocir, compelled him to kneel and pHce his head upon it and then struck him across the back of his neck with a damp cloth. The shock produced appo plexy, to the consternation of the students, who hastily carried his body to his own room and left it in such a position as to lead to the belief that he had fallen in a fir when alone. Gen. Wade Hampton said he never knew a man to be scared to death in battle, altnough there wei'6 a great many cases of death which might be attributed to this cause. Men were repeatedly found dead upon the field without wounds upon them. He does rec ollect, however, a case of a man whose death was caused by his be ing drafted into the Confederate army. He had at intense horror of 'being forced into service, and immediately after he learned that he had been conscripted was taken ill. The provost marshal believed that he was feigning and attempt ed to punish him,but the man kept growing worse and finally died from no disease but the dread of goiug into the army. Ex. Your Physical t; omlitlou Needs attention at this time. I you are tired, weak and nervous, it 19 clear that your blood if impure, end w tbout doubt Ibere ha- been loo much . over-work or strain ou 'run ami body The oure of treatment .. for such a condition is plain Hi.d simple. Tbe blood muat first be purified a that the nervous system, and in fact all the orgaus whl.be ted upon pure blued. Intel., hgint people without number have t.et t'Ued that the best blood purifier nerve tonic ard strength imparting mediciue is HoodV Sareapariba. Nervousness, los of seiep and gen- ral dfbi lty all vanish when Hood- Sarsaparilia i pers et-ntly taken ; I in a woid, be-dili and happiness fol low alter ta&ing ilooa s barsprMnl-. ! la. (Z 4k f it, In. Txa..!.! ... MuiHnn 'I have through orth Carolina, said D. i . . , , . ne , nc T. Stuart at Raleigh. '-He has Bjmnm.ctnrl product, s well as natural propensity forgetting into! securities. hot water. In a letter to me the other day he relates a tunny expe - "And now let me give you a'brief sketch of the iatestpredicament got into. I got into a little place j southward movement of popula-j called Maiden, and stopped at thoition, which local capital is being hotel for dinner. They have no waiters there at least, they had none when I was there. They may have got some since. To tell the truth, thy had a device rigged up which dispensed with their ser vices. Tho table wai round and composed of two tiers. TIid first, or lower, tier was stationery, and on it rested your plate, etc. On the upper tier was placed the dish es, containing the inevitable ham the omnipresent fried eggs, the mashed potatoes, the turnip-top lettuce(?) and all the other tilings which go to support life in this old North State. This tier is so built that it revolves, so that if you want tho stewed tomatoes ami they chance to l;e in front of the pimp ly faced fertilizer drummer,all you have to do is to give a spin, and presto, you have the tomatoes in front of you. One drawback to the tiling is that you have to hold jt while ttinrr the si nil' or else some fellow at the othvr -side of the table will spin it away from you. 1 wanted some butter tho day I was there and it was hall way, round from me. An elderly ladv (it so happened, but I did no know it was helping herself to th J tfpa oppo.-.mg. There w-ro inn,, ham and had hold of the table. I -!red, and the Spaniards lough! tripd to idn it l.nt it u-m.l.ln'i M'.avely, stubbornly, but to no a- move. 1 got mad and hracod my self Just as I got a god grip on the thing the aforesuid elderly la dy let tro and ths thing went whiz zing. I caught the tomatoes on my lap, the pimply-faced drummer was fortunate enough to stop the potatoes, the elderly, lady caught the rice, the ham caught the land lord in the stomach and caromed off into the lap of a young lady on his left, the turniptopped lettuce unloaded on to the head of a very red haired and much freckled youth who eat on my left, while the butter stuck in the hair of a man who was diumming for a cof fin factory. The landlady caught the biscuits and I caught the devil (as well as the tomatoes). It cost me just $2,50 to pay for the dish es." Washington Post. Iiicreusintr Prosperity. Throughout the entire country there are evidences ot a very de cided revival in business interests A careful study of the situation would seem to indicate that this improvement is not merely a tem porary one tor tho better, but that it is the beginning of a long peri od of prosperity. Reports from manufacturing establishments show an increasing demand lor nearly all lines of goods, a tenten cy to higher tn'ices, and mere sat isfactory than all else, a very de cided increase in the wages ol thousands of operatives. In agri cultural products and in the stock market, as well as in manufactur ed goods, there has been a very considerable advance in prices, adding to the wealth of the coun try during the last month of six weeks some hundred of millions Of dollars. A comparison of present prices of leading stocks upon the New York market with prices a few months ago shows an increase in their aggregate value of over $300,000,000, while the increase in the value of agricultural products, the increase in the price ot iron and other commodities would add very materially to this sum. With this general improvement there naturally comes a more hopeful feeling everywhere, and unless some unforeseen conditions bring 1 about a reaction, we may look for a long, steady, upward movement j nipr.t nf business, and possibly for i J" 4 ... lacontinurlrise beyond the pres- friend travelling! , r . . A tnt v.n hps Ot asriCUlluiui aitu It the South especially the out- ilook is cheeping. From all Parls has be?n seen There is a steady inflow of outside I money, a large increase in the actively turned to the utilization of the South's many resouicos. The south, at least, is on the up grade and from now on we may expect a degree of prosperity wnicn mat section has never en joyed, at least nnoe 1S00. Manu factured Record. King So o:uon w:s alive Lei. would now say : to Ihe tnr t hng man leain bin w.ij t ami ho wise." Mr. C W. lUttle, a natt. truvrhng nnn rnviwMi uftci butlVrinir intensHy tor two or ! ring intensi-Jy tbreo days with bu;ienr.H of the, shoulder, resulting from rheumatism completely cured it uiih w.o jipph eatious ol (.-liainhftrlain'M lo"i I?u!ni. Thi -j lemodv i- L'a'uiiii.' a wid- n-t 1 uutiou ler 1(8 pionipt cm. s of tlx u- j u ;uimu, liuue oach, hpu;!:s, MM-i- The llehelllon In Unl;i. There appears to be much doubt to the actual state of allairs i:; Cuba Roth sides fend out reports favorable to themselves. The last ! report, of Ihe 12th, is to the eibetj tiiat the rebels under (Imum-z IkuE j about annihilated the Spanish u ;uiui, unitr uiici, piI:, ui"i- j u.'iei 'ill I ilea exactly V i ep, oud laM.n.c.Ns. r,o c, r.t h.di'tB Lould h pursued. ' TI. (oi s:tle by Dr W L (Ji on.-1, DjiuH,, ... . . ., , iT,tf J j Express olhcials calle.l vail. The insurrectionists lost 400. tfaM housekeeper the other It h said the situation is eompM . j da' ''--:i'e I have a fancy that ely changed within the last loit-i lliry !!,vt ont l!lL a,r in ,lot niuht. The rebels have united j v.ei;tlier, and, beside?, they servo and become a-jcirressive. The re to keep tlie llies in tho house e volt is gaining strength and prom- j xmilly as well ns out." inent Cubans are joining the re-j "Rot I never see a lly in your bds. A Cuban report to "the Jack- house," said her friend. '"How do sonville Times-Union states that 'on manaS il ? For my Pnrt' 1 the battle lasted four hours, and it ! II1Ufst nfs that, bcreui or no iyos two accounts of the battle. From another Cuban source it i5 learned that Spain is sending from 2,000 to 2,000 troops to Cuba Meek ly. It says that "the two M.aceos, Antonio and Jose, -alter terrible hardships in the mountains, and many narrow escapes irom rpan ldi bullets, have reached the pla e from where the insurgent opera tions are to be conducted, and have been joined by Maximo Go mez and Jose Marti, who elud"d mo:.of-war on the sea and troops on the land. With these leaded at the fiont. there lias been a rapid growth in all insurgent bands in this province, and too concentra tion of force 3 in the vicinity of JaraV'iieca, shows that Mac o has now 3 000 men with him, and there are nearly 2,0i"0 othets under arms in other t arts of the province. Jose Maeeo with S00 men, is near Guantanamo, ami Masso has won in the Manzunillo district: and there are half a dozen small Lands scattered about on the north side and near the l'uerto Principe line.' Mef sender. .Botanic Blood Balm The Great RemelvfjrtliesreeJvariJrcrmanent i cure of scrofula, Kh.'umatism. ldtnrrh. Ulcers, eczema, Eatine and Srr.'ajin? S-rf. bruptions. ar.J alt SKIN AND BLOOD DISEASES. Made from the prescription of an -mir-nt physician i who useJ it with marvelous sticct-ss lor 40 years, 1 and its continue d use tor fifteen ytars by thou-1 sands of grateful people has demonstrated that 1 it is ry far the best tuildinc up I oni; and tslooj Purifier ever ottered to the world. It makes new 1 rLh tlood. and possesses tlraost miraculous 1 healing properties. WRITE FOR BOOK OF WONDERFUL CURES, sent free on application. I Ii not kept ty your local drug-gist, send I1.00 for a large bottle, or $5.00 for six bottles, and J medicine will b sent freight paid by ! BLOOD BALM GO., Atlanta. Ga. Two Son ill CJitro!li: Lhww Declared Uncoil! llriional Columbia, S. C., Dispatch, Stli. Two South Carolina laws were declared unconaitutional by the T. ... , r.4., ,v,.,f iw. i cnilfu cituus wun n-.iu Judge Golf held that the State machinery for the registration of voters is an abridgment of the j rights guaranteed by tli coQstitn- jt:on 0f the United States, and Ik I duties of his office. Judge GofTdt- dares that the purpos e of the South Carolina registration laws is to facilitate the voting of whita j citizens while making it difficult ! for the colored voters to prepare j for casting their ballots. j Tho second decision was by Judges (iolT and Simonton in tho suit to test the provision of tho dispensary law which forbids tho importation of liquor from other States for private consumption. Ti lorkToa w,ln nimerce between : the States and was therefore un Oiniin-lc(.n:ditiitioiial. Tho Stale liquor ' te-np. The State authorities, while de feated, propose to font unit) tho fight. (Jovernor Evans says seiz ures will bo made to ti-st the hi junction, but it. had not been fully u.'ienniiit a exaciiv what courso he Southern 1 upon (iov- !. ...... r. t . i' . I I .. ' j. vui? i imi mil wieuier th ey would bo lial'le uiuh-r the State law for bringing in articles that they would be compelled to i do under the decision. The (rov- ernorgavo them no definite an. suer, but toid them thy had bet ter go glow until the State decided what course it would pursii". ICeinelv Atf'.tliist rite. "I never t;s window screens screens, my summer means to me one long battle with the little l)0S .My reimuy is a very simp.'o one,'' ssiid the good housekeeper," and I learned it ye ns ago fr.tju mv grandmother, when I used to watch her Hitting bunches of laVenu.r j '(,,'s around to keep the flies away. -My method is simpler. l buy live cents worth of oil ef lav ender at the drug store and mix it with the same quantity of water. Then 1 put it 111 a common glats atomizer and f-piay it around tho rooms whereve r Hies are npt to eongrepatOj especially in the din ing room, where I sprinkle it plen tifully over the table linen. Tho o lor is especially disagreeable to Hies, and they will never venture in its neighborhood, though to mot peoplu it lias a peculiarly fresh and grateful smell."' Detroit Tree Press. A Dad ;iiilllion. V l ave b; loie called altlldlOU to a gu'it ca'atoity threatening tba iM-op'ei f the Seutb. There is ground lor this fear. In no act Hon ol the ci.nMry ii theio greater tnedfor Liver Medicines than m ttie South, and thin ha encouraged unset upu'ou' ptTons to take ad vantage of people's misery and offer them all suits of stuff as a eareaH 'or Ivver trouble?, T.'ieir crime is g'e iter l eMuo t'joy must bave ri-.'oo I'pbci 3 tc I e'p them in tki-i tefurio;B wo'k. Their preperatious I aro m d to il-e drtgjri"ds at a low joiirr.. And the big profir to thei Jiu.'Ht is the road hy wSieh tbey rf at h the public. Druggists of hiyh h ri'ir will not I)- a party to fucU n notrace, I'ewaie of any oeaier vho elU o tbU any L ver Medi- no is yjt the m:uc, or as good as Sin'rport" Ti rer li"ru'atfr. pot up y J II. Zviin vvi Co. You know ir, iv the 1C -d Z 01 ttnj package, rt.efj nrenrHi ion aie not t be nam ,01 as trooi, ij'.icx to the Old Fnetd, Your health -ind life bhoa'.d be wottb eomethitig to you A "Vcif Scheme. Polite Doctor (cautiously) Your husband, madam, is suffer ing from eiverwork or excessive indulgence in alcoholic stimulants. It is a little difficult ahem to tell which. Anxious wife Oh, it's overwork. Why, he doesn't over go to the theater without rushing out half a dozen times to see one of his part- ers. Tit Bits.

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