1 ME LI KG IN (BOUillll, Fredrick th (itf-nt us. .1 s'-im- times to visit his soMhts id'-fm- ? tn that lit; illicit Utt.r knov h'.w j one of th-s ociarions Iih chdu- ( across a Holdn-r who had "',n j drinkine more Ihun was good tor iiim. He talked with him and (hey h-camo very friendly. At last he said : 'How do you wt nmnp.y t spend on drink? I tret the sarm pay that you do, hut I don't feel able to buy Honor with it. Tel1 me how yju manage to get enough to have such a Rood time with ?" "Vou eeem to be a good-natured chap," said the soldier, "and 1 don't see why I shouldn't tell you Now, today I am going to enter tain an old friend. As you say, it isn't possible to do this on the pay we get. So 1 raise a little money on the outside1 'Hut how?" persisted the em peror. "Why, I pawn some things that I can do without for a few days' replied the other. "Then I live pretty close for a f-w days and save enough tn redeem them with. Today, when 1 wanted to be nice to this old friend, I 'pawned the blade (( i:.y sworl. We won't be reviewed for some days, and 1 will get it. back before there will be any chance to disc ver that I have parted with it." Fredrick expressed h:s admira tion at the cl'-ver erun. iny ot the soldier and son niter left. him. The felliiu iog d;iv the troops 1. -C iv. d all Ule Np -ted old -I- I., pie- s.Mit tl.e:iire ve , b.r :i dies parade The emperor, discovering the bl dior .if the day before, made him leave the- ranks with the soldier who was at. his right. Then he commanded him to divest the other of his uniform, and when he had done this lie said to the soldier whom he wanted to catch : "Now draw your sword and cut AY the head of this wretch!" The s tidier entreated Frederick not to enforce such a command, suyiiig that he would make hi owu lite intolr rable if he were to kill a worthy man with whom he had served for over fifteen year. The emperor remained in dexible to all his entreaties and protestations. Finally when th" soldier saw that he would have te draw his sword, he exclaimed: "Well, sire, since 1 cannot m duee you to release me from thi paiutul order I will pray (iod to "Work a miracle for me and lo change my sword into wood." He said this with an air ol deep est pndy and then manifested hi- utmost joy as ho drew his sword ami saw that it was, in truth, wood and not steel. His prayer had bten heard. Frederick was so amazed by this clover way oj getting out of a trap that ho had laid for him that he pardoned him tor his oilense and presented him with a purse of gold. On one occasion Frederick the Ureat was visiting ihe extreme outposts of his army. While making his rounds he perceived a soldier slip past the line the sen tinel was guarding. His majesty brought him to halt and asked him w here he w as going. "Well, to tell the truth," said the soldier with an air of despair, 'your majesty has been so unlucky in your enterprises that I was go ing to desert." "Right," said the emperor But wait a week longer before you doit. If fortune isn't any better to me in that time Fll desert with you." Fhiladellipia Press, A San Diego, Cal., woman who was pestered, as many people are, by other folks' chickens scratch ing up her tlower bed hit on a scheme for conveying a gentle hint to her neighbors. fcMie tied a lot ot small cards with strong thread to big kernels ot corn, and wrote on the cards, "Please kep j'our chickens at home," The chickens ate the corn and carried the mes sage to their owners in a fashion that was startling and effective. English Spavin liniment removes a kard, soft or calloused lumps and blemish es from horses, blood spavins, curbs, splint sweeney, rincc-hono, stifleo, sprain?, al twollen throat?, coughs etc. JSave $50 by use of one bottle. SVarrantPd the most wonderful blemish cure ever known. Sold by A. S. Lee DrutrcistUncolnton N C. If you reel weak and all worn out take EROffN'S IRON BITTERS I S.i I I I more !..' ti. MiSM'.s F 'i'fM'.; If win v-di 4 P.. 1 MM -'J Sp'C'i tH V sir i'K'pe, ' I i,ievi. to gx W lift:; Hi it'll t lillltM ! li has a po: n ation ot ever oU0,(HM tiid 1.1 )n.'Ti-ah)g lit iitiuiit '2o,iHH) a c r. the rte oi 1 Uall'inere has b eue ofie of the hailing mun ufdotam.'g (v nr6M ot ti e count! v, owing to itrt unnjualed adv&Liagrn for conceit tii ting all law matt-rials here at lo-tt cvh'. The cheap ness ol productions and the exeel-h-iit rati h aud iaiUo-id t-hm i'g ftuMinien for the d hLiII u i"n ( t TIih last tnsus upeit hliovvid Ih-t. in 1800 thern wan G,5'5 fa t t ie8Wtl) an arargieg.ite capital ot 11 2,000,000, employing 100.000 hands w hose wages for that y ear was 42,023,000, the total val ue of the prodtictH of these fn: tGrieH for tht year was S 140,01)1,217. D'-iltnnorn has puisaed the eei ten: r of i t s way so quietly that its mar v Ions ruauufacl urmg has commanded hut little attention, evt-n from iiH ojii people Taking the tvogte.H states ttt iho Sutth, Alabama with its ennrntons Lot nurftflaud tioria Me K :p re State of t hut etioa, unhitM en' , toe, lumber and ikumI .siotee, man. nlactiirmg and the to c nn'.i ned Iras I ut lttllc more. Cup t;d ii.veNtet than llaltwne.it- Py a one. The ag gregide nuinhei ol 'heir ban B m 1S!M w is 00,201 :ig!i!ist P di iiinn t I Ih0,0h0, whi'e J la t itm.i paid it w.ioon 42,fi2r,000 afa i fli 'h i r--iii lt!!M il t !a! ' 2!'.M0.l'tiit. I . ..i .. I H M' fai t 11 h.M-ii:- f li bl- ih iV w lh t year $12. LM," !(. !i.er lhaa Ihe facloiy hands of At limttwi and Georgia put together. 1 he nine ot the city's manufacti uretl products exceed theirs by 25,000,000. The increase of IialtiinoreVi popu lation witltin the next ten yearn even based on the rate of growth frmn 18S0 to 1800 would he 175,000 whereas the iat.e for Ihe last few years has heen in :ch more. The percentage of increase from 1BS0 to 1890 would be 175,000 whereas the late for the last tew .ears has tw on muoh more: The percental ot incline Irom 1880 to 1800 was 30 per rent to accouamodi te the ltr crease of from 175,000 to 200,000 that can be comted upon with at)" solute certainly within the next tea vaars based simply on the normal rate ol growth ot the country and ot Lvdthuore as one of the lead n cities would necessitate the both! ing within Mi.) next ten years f about 35,000 to 40,000 houses. As we now have a little lees than 100. 000 we will practically have to ad J in area to the building part of ti.e eity ahout one third as much .-.m iiow covered by dwellings aud bu i Ucss hou.-es. Ihilt'.iiiuiu probably has a great-r divcrstt"-t n,ainifacture8 than m v otLt r eify iT. the country. It 18 the leaning s er ana iruit canning cil.v of the woiid. It is a great, flour milling centre, one company aloae having a capacity of over 2,000 barrels a day. It makes SO per cent ot all the cottou duck man ufactured in this country and CO per cent ot all made, in the world. Its foreign trade aggiegates ovtr 100 000,000 . i year. It has more than a dozen eteaaibhip lines to Liveipool, London, Glasgow. Hot tenham and other p tints. Its an nual grain trade rtiua from 50,000, 000 to 00,000,000. bushels, making it ntxt to New Yoik, the leading grain maiket on the Atlantic Coast, while its flour trade haudles aoout 3.500.000 bairell a year. Tlie 8 ivings lanks of the city have deposits of about S 11,000,00. The aggregate volume of tue city 's business is about, 700,000,000. Two years ago rapid transit was in troduced and we have now about 3S0 miles of electric and cattle roads built at a cost ot about. 18,000,000 and we are still building mote. While a double track electric ro.nl is heing built to Washington. It will be completed hv Jan. 1, 1806 Well dear reader I'll not write to much my tiist timtt, tor this will find the waste basket I expect. Much success to the dear old CoU I! IKK aud its new editors. A Tat: Hf.el. Baltimore, U1.,Sept 4, 180?. TWO LIVES SAVED. Mrs. Pli.vbr- Thomas, of .1 unction City, 111., was tld by her doctors she had Con Fumptior and that there was no hopo for her, but two bottles of Dr: King's New Discovery e nipleifiy cured her and she saysitsHvcd her lite. Mr, Thomas. Eg iers, l:0 Florida $t. San Francisco, sul f"red irom a dreadful cold, approaching consumption, triM without result evory tb.ins els tlien bought one bottle of Dr iving's New Discovery and in two weeks j was curt d. He is naturally thankful. It is sucu results, ot wnicti wiese are sajio'es, that prove the wonderful efficacy of this medicine in Coughs and Colds. Free trial bottles at A. S- Lee's Dru Store. Kegular size 50c and 1.00. . ,. . . .. ,,. . nAI Mir. S Ab vUM',!). Mr-" He'lf 1' tf ifim, A "l it ; .. e..r- . ).- ti ' f. i l' c '" d eo -1 -.! iIm.i iv t , .t A iini.' ' ' Mid :.s, It fx.ttle uiente-d h't i Iiti.ih ti.- vr: miv It .-.i.c. Hillprs t,. vriIlt rewdy for Liver, t- ttfi'ii, e M..-H p - im iiiiiot II c.fl tin -n r ; i t . t ... ti .iM w.i.n. tl - it iiio-f. i . , . ' ' !. f dl 1 .t lli. af . d.u. hr ' f tud i 1 i td et ; i" tt"ti tj e Si' b rt . Snrrnir 1 coulJ et reliefU HrHlKt t'10in a mosthorri-U UImMJIbL ble blo.-d disease, lh - '- had spent hundreds of dollars TRYINCj various remedies U K and physicians, none of which did me H q any good. My finger nails came orf, t jand my hair came out, leaving meK perfectly bald. I then went to K : HOT SPRITJCS , Hoping to be cured by this celebrated R treatment, but very soon became r? disgusted, and decided to TKYR Ihe eilevt truly wonderful. I commenced to re-i rovr nftt-r t.-tkinjr the first bottle, and by the time 1 had f taken twelve battles 1 was entirely cureJ S cureJ by S. S, S. when the worl l-rrnr.wned p. t Hot Springs had failed. 3fi WAt. S. LOOMIS, Shreverort, La. Our Book on thf risfa anil Its Trpatmcnt 7t lumltod free to uuy aUilre.e. ?w J SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. j oiiiers' Friend " Cures Rising I have hrn-n a inuhvife for many years. at;d itiisuh case where "MOTH ERS' FfilEHD " .is used n accomplished won ders ami shortened labor and lessened pain, it is t he hest remedy for RISING OP THE JJRHAST known, and worth the price for that alone. Mrs. M. M. Brewster, Montgomery, Ala. Sent by Express or mail, on receipt of price, $1.00 per bottle. Book " To Mothers" mailed free. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Ga. BOLD BY A LI. DRUOOISTB. BILIOUSNESS Who has not suffered this misery caused by bile in tlie stomach which an inactive or sluggish liver failed to carry off. THE PREVENTION AND CURE IS liquid or powder, which gives quick action to the liver and carries off the bile by a mild move ment of the bowels. It is no pur gative or griping medicine, but purely vegetable. Many people take 'pills more take Simmons Liver Iloulator. "I have been a victim to Biliousness for years, ml alter trying variant remedies iny tmlv success was in the use of SSitn mons Livr ttegulutor, which never failed to relieve inc. 1 ni-ak not of niysclf, alone, but my hule laiuily." J. M. Fill man, Wehna, Ala. i-EVEKY l'ACKAGE- lla our Z Slump iu red on wrapper. J. Ii. & CO., Philadelphia, Pa. JOB WORK DONE AT The Courier Office WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH, Call on us before making an engagement for your work. We will do it as cheap as the cheapest and as well. HISTORY OP THE LAST LEG ISLATURE. Buy one. Cnly tui Out. A neat, attractive pamphlet 160 page, with ornamental cover, de voted to tbe reeora of the last Leg islature, the worst I egislatnie, save that of 1S0S, ever assembled in tbe State. This book frivea ils record plainly and trnthfnllj. It gives facts and names and is thoroughly reiiable. It. has been prepared by some of the best Democratic writers iu the State, Fveiy patriot, every citizen and every Democrat should have a copy PiicelOcts per copy, post pstfrt. Lower prices by the hundren. It not on sale at Bookstore or drng atore, address : E M TJZZELL, Printer and Binder, Kaleigb, N. 0. 1 4i KuliK i:s Ml OKSSKS nvin- ti lire iwr.il 1,1 huth tbnn hI th -'ive t tmi,' pa'ined for tl'i - iii. tl.e t"l iffJi fur T'tuel have iwU pn-n-indiml mv. Dr Kmc' V ... ll.,,.,,,- t 'wcn...rvi:..ri l:..,inhj iyniirii cii'i M neya- uuiKian 9 Arnica sane, v e r"i in n wonu, n-i it e New L-fe l'l'l-s, which are perfect pill. Au tce-e rerreuies are euireuieeu 10 uu j.mt what is ciaiu-ed lr them and the deal- . KU name is attached herewith will be tlad to tell ou iu. re of them, cjold ht Dr a b Lcc Drug biure. MARVELOUS RtSULTS. From a letter written by Ker. J. Gnn deru-an, ot Dimondale, Micb , we are jer mi ted to ojtike this extract "I have no I'tfiita-ion in rr c imuierioitig Dr. Kitie:'? iNer Diioovery, as tfie rtnults are dm-i ram ve'ous 'n the cse of m wil. While 1 wa ja'tor tf the Bti.tist Church al Kiver JUnction sh w9 broitht down with Pneumonia tucceeting La G'ippe. etrihlt naroYvflrns of c-ughin would la-1 hurs with little int-rrupdon and it! seuieil she could not turTtve tnem. A frietnl rei-oiinneDdfd l)r- King's New Dia c.ver; it was quick in its w irk nl r.iph lv .t t i . r - t- ' I rot h. td? r.-t- :: Ijv-: i ruj Mo-. I eg..l1 . o(. .,, I vl 10 'IV.IIU.'H.V llUikr0 .4IIX -q 'jiij i ;n j.lit3. - " i-y- f'i' M l JiilJdiiI T AJJl t!.. i4-J BI!I iiv puoiutiixii rfqj qil" 2 Y .!: V siM33nii vi.if diti. T Md.t.O'J . ' . irfSl, piJ OJHJ Ue .) .4.Hl ,u X S, . i;t,IJrt IUB 14)31. . a jblll jbll'il Ui eM -.1 'S..U1HUI dql jo Ui.i.t! . 1 1 1 all Jrd VUV i' JJ-i . i;-ud X rtl(J JO A Uf.i;JJH.T13ll IIO.IJJ)! S J JV.iiun potilMJOtll i 'tlUldri J j I'UIIVJ1MIV J -JB. I III uoijuei X T -ii puu .i-'i inj j';iiiirtrtj otjuii din jo T X UCIltJtl: 011JJ JO ds.jp rf3US! X '4 poJ'iy J fl.irt.lrf l.ijS wj.l ljj X X 'tVZi w ii mi,j -n -m.i.,1 M.'IJJ "JM'l.I f i. J ! eaBBaip JOj'seiie: aqjiu, i - ttu.it $ v'lij p A -jsis'subSio ' . :in..'iv- i--i m jo fcdsUAsiip J .j s . . li aio.ij U.IIXHJ T T , JO T rjid 'vixbi V-JOiontODr-T 1 -po3 am ,.. trtsdip joj -paoo iBiiila iuujj ':i -Ui.u 6W-J.-.U1 puB umjQ qj jo Bdsa A -Sip Ji'j -ine-ivi oqi iuoji aKIV.IU:f.) 4 V "CI aoiauqAl I XiO)j.qi sjq ui 4 1 'aMOKTCVII V 'KAV jia 4' jo innijoj utSaipjoo.iB pdiBdaij 4 I S10VU1X3 1VWINV 3Hi ! GET THE BEST When you are about to buy a Sewing Machine do not be deceived by alluring advertisements and be led to think you can get the best made, finest finished and Most Popular for a mere song. See to it that you buy from reliable manu facturers that have gained a reputation by honest and squara. dealing, you will then get a Sewing Machine that is noted the world over for its dura bility. You want the one that is easiest to manage and is Light Running There is none in the world that 7 can equal in mechanical con ffi struction, durability of working parts, nneness or nnisn, Deauty in appearance, or has as many improvements as the New Home It has Automatic Tension. Double Peed, alike on both sides of needle (patented), no other has it ; New Stand (patented), driving wheel hinged on ad j ustable centers, thus reducing friction to the minimum. i WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE CO. ORAuaB. Mass. Boston, Mass. 28 Union Son ark, N. T CiiiCAcio, Iix. br. Lor 13, Mo. Dallas, tkxas. San Francisco, 'al.- Atlanta , Ga. FOR SALE BY j Agents wanted for this county, j $1800.00 GIVEN AWAY TO INVENTORS. $i5o.oocvery month given away to any one who applies through us for the most meritorious patent during the month preceding. We secure the best patents for our clients, and the object of this offer is to encou.-agc inventors to keep track, ot their bright ideas. At the same tune we wish to impiesi upon the public the fact that IT 'S THE SIMPLE, TRIVIAL INVENTIONS THAT YIELD FORTUNES, such as the "car-window" which can be easily slid op and down without breaking thepassenger'sback, "sauce pan," "collar-button," "nut-lock,' "bottle-stopper," and a thousand other little things that most any one can find a way of improving ; and these simple inventions arc the ones that bnng largest returns to the author, try to think of something to invent. ... IT IS NOT SO HARD AS IT SEEMS. Patents taken out through us receive special notice In the National Recorder," published at Washington, D. C, which is the best newspaper published in America in the iuterests of inventors. We furni&h a year's subscrip tion to this journal, free of cost, to all our clients. We also advertise, tree ot cost, the invention each month which wins our $150 prize, and hundred of thousands of copies of the "National Recorder," containing a kketch of th winner, and a desciiption of his invention, will be scattered throughout the United States anions capitalists and manufacturers, thus bringing to their atten tion the merits of the invention. All communications regarded strictly confidential. Address JOHN WEDDERBURN & CO., Solicitors of American and Foieiga Patents, 618 F Street, N.W., Box 385. Washington, D. C. Reference editor cf this paper. Write for our SO-Pagt pampkUt, fREE. - "DOI OC H AN! TO nTOP TOKACCO ? You can b cured . whila using it. The habit of using tobacco, grows on a man until grave diseased conditions are produced. Tobacco causes cancer of the mouth and stomach; doepepsia, loss of memory, nei ?ou3 affections, congestion ol the retina, and wasting of the optic rerve, resulting in impairment of viei.m, even to the extent of blindness, dizzinoss. er verti go, tobecco a&thina, nightly suffocation, dull pain in region of the heart followed later by sharp pain", palpitation and weak ened pu'se, resulting in fatal heart disease It also causes losaof vitality. . Quit tetoie it is too late. . To quit euddenly is too severe a shock to the system, as tobacco to an inveteratable user, becomes a ftimulant that his eysterx continually cravas. 'Baco-curo" is a fcientific and reliable vegetable reouedy, guaranteed to be perfectly harmless, and which has been in use for the Inst 23 years having cured thousands cf hatitnal tobacco ustTj smokers cbever9 and SBuff dippers. You can use all the tobacco you want while taking 'Baco cur," it will notify juu wiicu 10 eup, i givw t written guar ar.tee to permanently cure any case with three boves, or refund tbe money with 10 per cent interest. 'Bhco cura" is not a substitute, but a reliable and scientific cure which absolute ly destroys the craving for t .bacco with out the aid of will power, and with no in convenience. Itjlave3 the system as pure and free from nicot:ne,s the day you took your first chew or smoke. Sold by all druggists at 1 00 per box, 3 boxes (30 days treatment, and Guaranteed Cure.) $2.50 or sent direct npon receipt of price. Send six two cent stamps for sample box, booklet and proofs free. Eureka CLsmical i Man f Cb., Man 'f Chemists, Xa Crosse, Wisconsin. COUNTY D1KEUTOHV. COUNTY Ot FHiKitV Sheriff, C. II. Kboilrs, LMi;-lu''n, r t!l'k. Sup. Court, 11. A Hail " Keg, of Deeds, J. F. Killmi. treasurer, L L. Youdj. Purveyor, J. C. King, t'orouer, J. T Mt-L-an boabd or cocsir CCMalIS81ofc- KM Koscman, Cnui n, Ltujtouion. 3. 1' A. L Cherry, Triangle, J. E. Reir.harit, Iron Station, ' lm A. Keep, R-eepsvilie, ' Y. M. Hull, Orleans, COUNT r BOARD Ol XLCCATIO.N tt . Z. Johnston, CLm'n, Littt . t c c , t. K. &df, S. V. Cioodoon, POST H19TBXS8. Hiss Eva tiumner. rowv oincxss: Mayor, S V McK.ee. Secretary Treasurer,. II. E. Raui--ur. Town CVjnst John F. Bean. JCommissioners : P, J- Pate Vi ir El A Kist er, J Thos McLean, T F . ner, J O QaicKel, 11 Robinson W od. v c Mt)..-tirst4 lt Fi ilv iidil in tef iu 1 h arrival ok mails m and 11 a. m Mars on Iair -w Gni'ge hallway, ohtrsb uteii 4:)0 V M anl 11 M. Ktar Koute, fin Het-i J vilie, le.Tesi 1 in- colntoii t 7 A. M, Mondays, Wednesday- and Fridays; arrives tt iincointon at 4 30 P Moo Fridays, Thursdays ad.atudap Poblic Schools open Leceialer, Jana ary, Februry and Marrh Board or Commissionl-rs meet not Mon day in each month. Town Council nieetfrt bridty ntght in each month, at 7 o'llock. ' akd nr Kdopatiom meet first Monday .Tnnrv Jane, September and December STUDY ECONOMY Bay where things Needed are cheap, - Pianos and Organs are going very, very cheap at our inid summer closing saie started fii8t ot tnib month, and to coo tiuue until oue half our large over stock is closed oat. FOR CASH, Cr halt cash and balance in 3 or 6 mouths. Prices will bt cut regardless ot value Just one-half saved ry buyiug now. Dou't aay, ".laly an ad vfrtisenient," but come and test the bargain ci. Fine Piauct", $150, 81.75, $200 Parlor Organs, 35, S50, 60 Just hal!' regular jirices Don't forget .vnar pocket book, it takes cash to sect-re such bargains, and ita's cask buyers we write ihiw lor. IfUIBMEH c& IB AEi Southern Muic House, W. M. WHEELER, M'GR. CHARLOTTE BRANCH HOTJ&E. The management of the t Equitable Life Assurance Society in the Department of the Carolinas, wishes to se- 9 cure a few Special Resident Agents. Those who are fitted for this work will find this I A Rare Opportunity It iszw?r, however, and those who succeed best in it possess character, mature judgment, tact, perseverance, and the respect of their community. Think this matter over care fully. There's an unusual opening for somebody. If it fits you, it will pay you. Fur ther informatica on request. fW. J. Roddey, Manager, . FOR OVSPKPSIA, todlgestioa, ukI Stomach tiiflorden, UM .BROWSK IR.OTT BlTTKEg. All deftlcrs keep it, 11 pez bottle. :Ge&nma has toade-m&rv-.. -lObsed red lines on wraspex CURE JfOxi HEADACI1E. As a remedy for all forms of Ueadacho Electric Bitters has proved to be the very bfct. It effects a. permanent cure and the most dreaded . habitual, eick headache? yield lo its influence We urge all who are efflicted to procure a' bottle, and give this remedy a fair trial. In cases ot hab- itual constipation Electric Bitters, cores by giving the needed tone to the bowels, and few cases resist the use of this medicine. Try it onoe. Large bottles only 60 cents ' . r t r nrra rt- c. i I Does This I Hit You? .5k3x Boa rd Air Lme, 02(1 Ibb AtlHUtu 1(K) 915 S.u-h - ui A tran. 1 ''' Table Uo North pound triljns. t' N. -A ii-"li N- 4 Vol ..ai Ft. i l t il'a!.lx.llV JijJAIch 24th tilt In V A M a y r!ity dl3 &TA.TIONS j r J All f si li a ... j.cnTe. Irats. .i 20 New Y.,k 4 53 4 4l PhiUutrlphU 2 '20 7 ;$1 Baltimore 12 05 8 4U Wat.hiDK'on IU 45 Y2 113 it cltuond 6 40 y uo -I'oiibmt nib 7 30 6 20 2 48 Wc-ldon 4 30 6 1'L' lUuigh 1.21 11 56 Wlu.iiiyU.ii 12 30 V 5-1 II .u'f 10 34 8 45 9 37 Ailai.ia 0 20 30 25 Mui.n e 9.(0 5 30 10 43 ( bMiioiit I 8 2 10 55 Pw Cit tk ' 35 11 23 Al Hopy 7 4r ! 11 3 tdiilo Cutk "t 11 471 lnu 7 11 j 12 10 L'u oli.K.i. ( 55 12 15 t ibuee . li ID 12 24 Diit-rijtiilitr 6 20 ! T 42 W .ro J ti 17 I 1 ii2 tjiieli-y 5 56 1 15 Lxlilii.nre 5 3J ; 1 33 M'toirfboio 5 31 ! 1 45 E i.l.'io 5 lo 1 51 B. ath 4 48 2 10 F- ic6L City 4 15 Butberlordton Arive. Leave Leave y is 3 7 3iJ a li 5 0 ! 7 "3 li In! ! VII ; lo! iio 7 :r 1 45 4 OO 4 45 5 10 rt '6b :7 3i 8 LU Air- Arv. Arv. P M A M P M P Al E. St. John, Vice President. Jno. n. Wikdeb. Gen'l Mgr. AUlOHclass illustrated montbly may azine in the home is no longer a iuxu TV. It is a necsseity. ana to meet tne ae- l manda created by this necessity, Til a COSMOPOLITAN MAGAZINE, gi?iug yearly, as it does, 1536 pages of reading by the ablest Hying authors, with'oTer 1200 illustrations by elever artists, has : stepped into tbe breach, with a reduction in its -rice that has startled the literary world fna courier, fully alive to the needs of ts patrons has made special arrangments with this superb mouth ly, whereby it will receive orders for yearly eub&criptions to botn publications combined for the sum of 12.00. ; 16 cents a Mouth 2 00 a year, LINCOLN COURIER and COSMOPOLITAN MAGAZINE. The price of tha great illurtrated month- lies In the past has been $3 00 and. f 4,00 a year,' and they were to be fouud only in the more pretentions' homes. Our ofler iurs niehes a help to all families, no' matter how modest their means, to keep m touch with the greatest minds of the worlds, as The COSMOPOLITAN nas today the strongest regular staff of ; any xisting reriodicaf Send ordeis to courier office Lincclnton N. C -, FOREMOST "NEWSPAPER DAILY ANd ; WEELY Independent and fearless ; bigger and more attractive than; ever, it will be an invaluable visitor to me nome, tne oince, !. ;Qr-vr n v,nF r; - .i i . ..ji Train8Noa..9audlOarefix5U tha club or the work room. The Daily Observer.-. ; .. All of the newsol the orld cotulete DalJy ;eports iron the STATK AN D"'j NATIONAL 'L'A PllOlS $3. a year Tho WeeKly ()besrver. A pertect family Journal. All the new of thi week The reports from the LEG: IbLATlKE. A oPEClAL FEATURE Remember 'CHEW EEKLY OBSERVED ONLY ONE DULLAit a YBAU 'nl f r simpV " copies " Address CHARLOTTE, N.C. 3jjajnczriiiii;3 jSyo and Bkin Ointme&t. I3a certain core for Chronic Sore; Eyes,' Granulated Eye Lids, Sore Nipples, Pila, Eczema, Tetter, Salt Rheum and -Scald Head, 25 cents psr box. , For Ealc by drugisa. TO HO&SB OWKEBS. For putting & horse in a fine healthy coo dition try Dr. Gady'3 1 Cond: dori Powdei ' They tone up the system, aidcifcion, art: loss of appetite, relieve constipation, correct; ridney disorders and destroy"-worms, giving jew life to an eld or over worked horse. 25 ; cents per package . For "sale "by druggists. " J STEVENSON'S-FEENOH AND TAILOR SYSTEM for CUTTING LADIES' Garments. Tbe cutting and- making cf a gar ment ofttimea costs more than the goods. Why not know how to cut a dress, cloak or any other garment with as much accuracy as Worth & Red fern and be insnred of a, perfect fit. Easy to learn, easy to operate, and tore to give satisfaction. ' No fitting, no trimming, no altering. Arm holes jast - right, sleeves just right, neck just right. For farther information Address Geo. A. Kesiler, 309 1.2 South Etm St. ' Greensboro, N. O. ' vrwuni ruunio. VAIf I OBTAIN A P1TKNTI For ICI Jl 'P"' ? nonwl oplBion, write to . n n Ub lu.t woo UIT Dill new! Dllf jmtr iwoui, uuiuueas. uoismantcm kl aad cient!flc book nt ft-"""-n- K'J:?-"6"??": Mow ft Co. nealv 7tSr"uJ,CB"lln America. nd tkoa art broubt wldelj bef ora tb pnUic wlLhl l!t 'ently tiluatrated. ha by lWtTuT ; copit UTal Plta. In oolora. and pbototrrmphoi Nnew latest deaigna and aecurs contract l aaaVIT.9 t Whe Eabj aj skX, e gave Her Caitorta. Wha sne aa a Child, aba cried for Castorla Whea aba became aDss. she clung to Caetoria.. VLea she cad CblUren, atie gave tbim Cajtort WAILniUJIlAULmAiVS Wr.riTT . U r cienunc work la tb 93 a year, fcample cople tent fraa Building Edition' montblr. Vo. 1895 No 4r2 Pars Ex Jb mad r m Ative. Nuba P&ii El 4 mail daily A M Arive. "ve. Arivl 2 05 10 4b ! 9 ! !i '. 6 7 C c Leave. PM A M V E. MoBie Sapt, Tranaportatioc r TI UCirp I? V 1 l J jL Ilkjl Jult LlLf N0IR N. a R II SCHEDULE IN EFFECT Fliui AND AFIEK DEO. i 3, 1891 Gr W F HARPER PKEdlDET. QOINQ NOETH No. 10. Lv Cheater 7 37 am L? Lowryaville 6 06 a m 9 33 a mmm Lv McConl'ville 3 26 a m 10 00 a i kre Lv Gathrie87ille 8 31 a m 10 15 a f 1 Lv YoiKviile Lv Cloyer 8 57 a m 11 05 a 9 31am 11 05 a Ly.Gaatonia . 10 07 a m 1 10 p ( J4 Lv Lincolntou 11. If. a m 2 30 p ifei Lv Newton 11 6if a m 4 00 p J L v Hickory 1 00 p m i 00 p I C7 Ar Lenoir . aw pm p j l o. ti. nIT"! ooiNo SOUTH, Lv Leuoir Lv Hickory Lv New toil Lv Lmoolnton Lv Gastonia Lv Clover Ly Yorkvllle - 6 40 tt.oi jj 40 p t 820am"nGpr 9 40 a m (JlO'p 11 15 a m7(KJ p 1 03 p m 7 57 p t 1 57 pm $'3v 2 46 rm9$7Di LviGuthriesville 2,4a,p;in .31p i iti uv aicuooi vuie 3 56 p mA9'40p Lv Lowrysville 4 20 d rnTSy d i and run daily excepidiiL gerd and aled run daily exwrAgan lay. i.There is gopi connecUoa in unester with the G, Cf&,' an ine u,. u. & a.; aisojat, Gaatooii with the A & O. A. L. at litecolc1 ton with, the C. O.Vand r-Htokor tic and Newton . wirb the. ;jV:tf. Clio H. H. BEAim,' Gen. -fas; Agen v: - rxoikvllle, (ie Make a Guess antj- get $300. t We have just nade arraT3gemeatt (j, I o club the Courier with lber Week li' It" WoaWtiirfnn PnDt' f t k tnr K nr ar.Kr.o-:.... All U I ' I jooi a ouuouripiiuu. x.u wuu-ue fore December 31 pay ds tbatatnS y u i uuta. papers, one-y ear ac' guess by whfV;! they may receire S Giftof $300.; Ci To that, person subscribing beforl J December 21 whogaesses ceareitt the cdrrectn umber of words tba , will be piinted ih' th'eflrat ab'dtr11 colamns 61 the" flrstpage' of Wk Weekly Post issued tbe l$t week li January, the publishers will make Lj M S300 IN GOLD. I The Weekly Post is the great JaW dependent! weekly,, publiahed aje the National . Capital, aod is fall o. i news that will be interesting to eni erv DatrToti r A trier frah "citizen." 1 f also contains' a Farm Departmenv edited by the best talent odtaicab! Subscribe for the Cornier and tbj Weekly Post,' and try for tbe fSCMT ;r.QT sampla.copies address The Weekly-Post, Yasliington, D- C- Caveats, and Trade-Marks obuined, anJ lU-Fa, tent business conducted lor mooirati f'. I Our Ornci ta Ovpoairr U. S Ptimt yV'T,? 1 rt ' . aad we can secure patent ia less Ue um- f remote from Washington. ' .v j.-rto-L &nd hlrvHl HrarirMT nr nhotO.. WHO ae-'-r"- juon. We ad rise, U patentable or -Jcfearre.. .Our it not due UU patent "'S'h t rA PAM-HLrr. niow to Obtain Pf'f-.Tf icost of eamc iA Ue U. 8. and rigaatnc sent free. Addtesa, - " JC.ASWOW&CO. I OPf. PATENT OmCf. WASHIHGTOH. I, F6rMalaria,iiverTrou : ble, or Indigestion, use BROWN'S :iRQN BITIEHS No -JGXTg Alixed, D&iiy J daily' HunU AM I a mi Lx p m a 1 Q No ti n 9 00 al p3 K u Si 6 Ot 11 Id! tT! 4U Ch o. t( 2d til Vi at U d 01