The Mocksville Herald Office in Weant Building. : Telephone No. 18 :j PuBiisHE Every Thursday. Entered as Becond-class matter February 4, 1910, at the postoffice at Mocksville, N. r,., under the Act of March 8, 1879. G. E. Horn and C. C. Cherry, Propietors E. D. Williams, Editor and Manager SUBSCRIPTION PRICE : One Tear, $1.00. Six Months, 50c . Payable in Advance. Advertising Sates reasonable and wil be made known on application No whiskey ads accepted 4- : Thursday, February 22, 1912 Republican trust busting is like Taxes administration a miserable failure. Next November is election. You cannot vote unlees y ou pay your poll tax before the first day of May. The pie-brigade is at the crossing1 of the roads dont know whether to go Taftward or Teddyward. Teddy says he'll take it if the people want him to: which statement puts the pie-hunters in a bad position. Recent newspaper headings stated that the Republican government officials had broken up the Standard Oil Trust Oil went up two cents a gallon last week and "Jones is paying the freight." We aFe informed that the county school teachers have only received one'month's pay for this school year. Why? The people are entitled to know why. Lets have the facts Mr. County Treasuer. It takes a rich man to draw a check, a pretty girl to draw attention, a horse to draw a cart, a porous plaster to draw the skin, a toper to draw a cork, a free lunch to draw a crowd, and a well displayed advertisement in this paper to draw trade. The Twin-City Daily Sentinel is installing a new $10,000 press. The Sentinel is an excellent newspaper and has grown at a rapid stride and we congratu late its management on being able to make extensive im provements. It is with genunine pleasure that we chronicle any improvement in the Sentinel for twenty years ago wcstarted our apprenticeship on that most excellent paper. f All over this broad land the 22nd of February Washing ton's birthday is celebrated. rHow shall any man add aught to the praise or eulogy of George Washington? History and biography, eloquence and poetry have exhausted their combined riches upon the sue cessf ul leader of the American revolution and the founder of the American republic first great national hero. our Every great crisis in the his tory of the world has found its man to control and guide it. Call this Providence or accident, the American revolution was no exception to it. Before the first murmurs of discontent were heard in that struggle, the man was being prepared for the crisis. On the banks of the Potomac and the Rappahannock, thirty years before Lexington anoV Bunker Hill, a truthful and manly boy was growing up, ripening into stalwart young 1 TIT'il 1 .1 UMimvuu. Ill 1-11 Uill V L11C ' CUIIl- mon school education of that early day, the young man was soon being educated in broader school of-nature and experience, in the great forest, the open heavens, with his surveyor's chain and his sword, in Indian wars, defending the frontier Settlements from savage in cursions. That boy was-named George Washington and we will all celebrate his birthday on the 22nd of this month. Men's1 Odd cheap. Pants to close1 account of that big; estate,-vU Wl'J- S' Walker;, of Cen '. J BAiTy. tyleJimarK l.vto, preached; an eicelfent" ser STATE m Postmaster Joyce has .beeii re-uominatea f or Postmaster at Reidsviile; He has n6 opposi tion. . .. v,; Newbern'is L Awakened to the t jieed of street cars and:' expects to have the same running by May 1st. V: The Keeper of the- "Wayne County Home reports a cotton crop the past season which feold a few days ago for $3,7132$. Revenue agent ; R, BfSarns reports 60, distilleries seized during January, 25 in Virginia, one in South Carolina and 34 in North Carolina. . Governor Kitchin has increas ed the reward of $250 to $400 for apprehension of the ; mur derers of Myrtle .Hawkins, at Hendersonville, N. C. w J. B. Duke, president of the American Tobacco Co... will shortly 'resign that office to : be come ehaihnan of the British American Tobacco Co. Wess Brewer, alias John Huff, col., has been arrested at Ath ens, Ga., and identified as the murderer of policeman E. McConnell at Asheville, last July. , At Hickory, a few days ago. Henry Keever was repairing an automatic pistol, when the thing went off, of course, and his wife who was sitting near, was wounded in both legs. It is stated that when the Henderson county Grand Jury meets, March 1st, there will be new evidence presented in con nection with Myrtle Hawkins case and some startling deve lopments are expected. W. S. Norman, of New York, who has been engaged in seve- raF financial enterprises ... in North Carolina, . announced to day that he would soon erect sulphuric acid factory at Gold Hill, Rowan county at a cost of $1,000,000. ; Deputy Sheriff Johnson, T5f Cumberland county, was found dead in the road in western Cumberland Saturday. He was seen driving along the road a short time before he was found dead and there is no intimation of foul play. A. E. Burgess, who last sum mer poisoned the stock of his andlord, J. A. Whitaker, in Surry county, so that a horse and cow died, and. tried to pqis on the family by putting Pari& green in the spring, was con victed in Surry Superior Court last week and sentenced to six years on the roads. . . At Burnsville Hill, Buncombe county February 10th, Ed Mind a negro who was on the roads' for house-breaking, made his escape and applied at the black smith shop of Deputy Sheriff; James Brown to have his shack les cut off. Brown started to arrest the negro when he drew a razor and the Deputy Sheriff - mortally shot him. At New Berne last week Bakr er Bryan, white, was acquitted of the murder of a young white man. The verdict was geher-f ally denounced. Solicitor Ab- ernethy presented affidavits charging two of the jurors with improper, conduct. The affidavits were not sustained but when the solicitor denounc ed the verdict as "one of 'the grossest miscarriages of justice ever perpetrated -in JNortn Carolina" the spectators in the court room applauded. The Winston Sen tinel learns that Peter Brown, a Forsyth man, has learned' that he is heir to a big estate in England. Take it from The Landmark that the big estates in England. coming to folks on this side of the water are; myths.- If Mr? Brown willvaccept -disinterested advice, he would be wise not to pay any money to strangers on Gathered by The Herald'r Excellent Staff of Correspondent LdcaF-Items from ' Oopletiiee Ton (Correspondence) Cooleemee, Feb. 19. If Jou wan; to know whovis,boss in thine Every issue of The Herald p-ets better. . Lost yesterday, somewhere hatnraon cniiin flnrf ' firrnoAt two ffolden hours, each set with sixty : diamond minutes. No reward ottered, tor tney are gone forever. V Prof. J.'T. Cobb spent Thurs day in Salisbury. A. Cr Walker was on the sick list several days last week. Chas: Caudell visited his brother, P. J. Caudell, at St. Paul, last week. Mr Smith, of Stuart, Va., was in town last week. The Ladies' Aid Society of the Methodist church, will give a Washington Birthday Social at the parsonage on Wednesday evening, February 21st Lum Morris is on the sick list we are sorry to note. Rev. W. Jr S. Walker, of R. 5, was in town Sundav. Eugene Click, who has been with the Cooleemee Drug Co. ... for several months, win move his family to town this week. Tom Garwood, of Fork, visit ed nis brother, J. F. Garwood, Saturday." Mr Hughes, of Atlanta, Ga., has aceepted a position in the machine shoo. B. Seaford, of Fork, was in town Saturday. I Mr. Craig, of - New York, ar rived in" town Sunday and is now at his hpine at Jerusalem. 'I There was evidyehce. of whis key here Sunday on every side. ft looks-like the people, in and near cooleemee ' wno ortng 'whiskejr. indn Saturday nights! coiild be caught. ' MissMattie Allen spent Sat- L parents at Hardison. A Spelling Match at J ericho Friday Night (Correspondence) Hardison Feb. 19 Owing to the -Unfavorable weather the farmers are somewhat delayed with their oat sowing. Mrs. Burt Granger, is improv ed at this writing glad , to note. D. Hugh Brown spent Satur day night and Sunday in Cool eeme'e. Mrs. Lizzie Grant, who spent las"t week with her parents, re turned to her work at Charlotte Sunday. J. P. Seaford, had a "chop- ping," "Saturday, and not with standing the bad .day a good sized crowd gathered and did some old-time chopping. The grOUnd-hOg prophecy seems to be filling out its self as we are having some old-time winter. The ground-hog seems to be more accurable on the weather problem than the weather bureau. C. S. Brown, returned Friday from the Laymen's: Missionary Convention . at WinFton-Salem and a visit to his daughter, Mrs BL E. Sprinkle at Ararat, Surry I County. Mr. Brown, reports an i exceHerit; Convention, and an enjoy able t ri$. There will be a spelling . con test between the ; schoolsof Jjavie Accademy, and Jericho, at Davie Accademy oh Friday nfehc the 23rd. Here's, hopping Jericho, will fstandhe longest,' v'Ebbert G. McSwain, went to ivicKsvijae monqay 10 assist in tfepig 10 days saleor C: C. Sahford Sons Co , .pfiss irrjerj Jspeni Friday night, anol Saturday in Mocksville, with; her grand-1 mother, Mrs: Burton Brown. mbn at the Chapel Sunday night, to a small but apprecia tive atfdiehc& ; We are all al ways glad to have Rev. Walker with us. pericmal News Items O Ulltll UIUVC correspondence; bmiuv uroye, t ep. iy. Mrs. J Onil Allen. - OI tlllS PiaCC IS visiting relatives at Farmington Mr. and jMrs, w. Jiim Drougn and little son spent sat- urday and Sunday at Moxville. A crowd of our young people enjoyed themselves immensely at a Valentine Party given at the home of Miss Dora Cash, Wednesday night, the 14th. Mrs. same, ilimorouern is visiting at Mocksville. Mesdames J. H. Foster and J. F. Spry spent one day last week with Mrs. John Smith. Mrs. Susan Sheek spent last week with Mrs. W. L. fianes. The base ball team of this place will give a negro mins trel at the academy here Eas ter Monday nierht; Entitled Old Black Joe." , Jno. Groce of Farmington, was in our berg iast I Sunday. J. K. Foster spent one day in Mocksville last week on busi ness J. J. Green has had a 'phone put m his store. Mrs. F. P. Cash spent last Sunday with her brother S. A. Clouse. KeporteCt Tnat Uray Mines' Will Resume (Correspondence) Davie !Aj?admy . j'eb. 20 It is still mud! -mud!!, and - plenty of it . - ; - Miss Laura Campbell spent a few days wih Mrs. W. F. H. etcWexeienJlyT , . , Mrs-EqgeneiGlick, who 'has her mother, Mrs. W. S. Koontz, has moyed to-.Cooleemee. Mrs. Sallie Smoot has had a 'phone put infher residence. John Safrit is stepping high it is a boy. Charlie Smoot has gone to Charlotte, where he has ac cepted a position. It is reported that work will L fa at the Gray Mine3 again at an early date. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lee Cartner have moved into their new house. The birthday dinner given Mrs. Sarah Walker last Tues- was enjoyed by all present Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering- It through the mucoua surfaces. Such articles should never be used excent on Drescrlotlons from reputable physicians, as the damage tney win ao u ten iota to tne good you can. possibly - derive- from them. Hall's Catarrn Cure, manufactured hv K" J mercury, and is taken internally, acting faces of the. system. In buying- Hall's catarrn cure be sure you get the genu Ine. It Is taken-internally and made In Toledo. Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Tes timonials free a Sold by Druggists. Price 75c per bottle. Take Ball's TamUr Tills for ooastipaUon. Subscribe for The Herald. Th& Trials Op A Trayeler. lam traveling salesman," wrlteeH is. k. xounga, E Berkshire, vt., and aDd indigestion -till 1 began to use Dr. Was Often troubled with rnngHt.atinn ub' ew Life Piiis, which I have round an excellent remedy.' For all stomach, liver or kidney troubles they are unequaled. Only 25c at C. C. SUn- rora. The Uerald js $1,00 a year. . c v lo Pity Heeded - v Pastor-Iwas so' sorry for your wife during vthe sermon this morning, doctor! he had such a dreadful fit of coughing that the eyes of the whole con gregation were fixed upon here Doctor- rDon't vbe unduly alarmed. She was wearing her new hat for the first time. Ex. ' Indian Ktti,ed On Track. Near Roohelle, 111., a Indian went to sleep on a railroad track and was killed by the fast express. He paid for his car elessness with his life. Often its- that way when people neglect coughs and ooids. Don't risk your life when pro mpt use of Dr. King's New Discover will cure them and so prevent a danger Otis throat or lung trouble. "It com pletely cured me. in a short tlite, of a terrible coagh that followed a severe at tack of Grip," . writes J. . R. watts, Floydada, Tex., "and 1 regained 15 pounds in weight I had lost." Quick, safe, reliable and guvrtnteed. 50o and $1.00. Trial bottle free at O. C. Sanford The sentence of P. H. Thrash of Asheville, sentenced to 20 months' imprisonment by Judge JJong for violation of the prohi bition Jaws, was changed to a fine of $2,000, defendant. to give $2,000 bond to appear at every criminal term of court for 12 months to show good behaviour and serve 30 days in jail unless the county commissioners ac cept a fine of $500 in lieu of the jail sentence. The Yadkinville Ripple says the clerk of the court of Yadkin county is taking a straw ballot to get the choice of the people for President The Ripple reports that at the last count Roosevelt had 65 votes, Taft 7, Harmon 7, Wilson 7. Flyingt Man Fall victims to stomach, liver and kidney troubles just like other people, with like results in loss of appetite, backache. nervousness, headaohe, and tired, list less, run-down feeling. But there's no need to fee! like that as T. D. Peebles. Henry, Tenn., proved. "Six bottles of Electric Bitters" he writes, ''did more to give me new strength and good ap petite thai: all other Stomach remedies used . " So they help e verybody . IU folly to suffer when this great remedy will help vou from the first dose. Try it. Only 50c at O. O. Sanford. Concert at Rocky Dale On Wednesday night March 13, there will be a free enter tainment consisting of Recita tions, Dialogues, Pantomimes, and a play entitled "A White Shawl" House, invited At Rocky Dale School Everybody is cordially to attend. Get grubbing Machine at J. Li. Clements Store. Are Ever At war. There are two things everlastingly at war, joy and piles. But Bucklen's Ar nica Salve will banish pUes in any form It soon 8ubdusethe itching, irritation, inflammation or swelling. It gives comfort, invites joy. Greatest healer of barns, boils ulcers, cuts, braises, ec zema, scald, pimples, skin eruptions. Only 25 cts at O. O. Sanford. r C..: c; Toledo. 1 Luc -.j Cjusi.y, fB' .- : J. nu!:cs oath that he la : ; u;ncrtf i:.e firm cir F. J. Cheney ir.z L-3lncs3 Ljtho City of To C :unly end Ctcto aforesaid, and . .1 r:ni pay ia sum or ONE .rti:r) rOL.LAJl3 for each and ev -m: .i-rra tnat cannot bo cured .2 u;cs cf II.VT.T.M CATARRH CURE. r?.A.:r j. cheney. cm t before mo Cih and subscribed la V. D. day of December, A. TV. CLEASdNT HaU'a Catarrh- Cure is faken internally r.r.d dels clircct-y upon the. blood and mu rv.i rurf.T-e3 tho system, fiend for wotarv Puhiic lesiuaomais. Tree. 1 J- CHETIT & CO Toledo. Cv com iy nil i?rs3, 7j3. .. Take EaU'a Fsvnily Vilhi tor consUpatloa. ?ng of Externals alls itself wherever . itroduced, Imitators aye . tried to imitate, rind "substitution has veen attempted. But iicc GQWANS always Gowans for inflammation and congestion. . It gives us pleasure to recom mend Gowaaa Preparation for In&umm&tion, especially of the throat? tind chest, We hare sold Gowans Preparation . for many years nod never had a' complaint. BURLINGTON DRUG CO., 7 Burlington, NC. BUY TO-DAY! HAVE IT IN THE HOUE AH Drassfarte. SI. SO. 25. ' MEOWALCOCTHasl, . C. whus. 4 s r nf Vrt br fMr IranM s In order to further strengthen our eyer increasing supscTiption list, we will, for. a limited; time lcJigive either of the three papers free with a years subscription to Ihe for only $i.oo. Nat i 6 n al Norman E. Macks popular monthly magazine, regular price, SL00 a year. This is a political year and this magazine will help you to keep up withthfe'riatibnal politics. Free with a year s subscription to The Herald. This: great offer will tioi last much longer. Weekly Fajiitt vNeWs Published 5 weeks in tenyeti afcShat anooga, Tenn., and the regular subscrip tion price is 50 cents a.year. Jree-with-r a year's subscriptioa to TheHerafdwHen paid in advance. This oflen Iime3V; ' Southern Ag Published 26 times Tenn., and the regular subscription price is 50 cents a year. Free with one.yar's subscription to The advance. This offer All Four one i for l or The Herald and either two of the other papers, one year, for only $1.25. s - All subscriptions must be paid in advance, or if you are already a sub scriber, you can take aHvantage .of this offer by paying up for a year from the time your subscription exr1 pired. This is the best offer we have e ver been able to - .. lliilHiiiflili SVlbcksville; . fff FS 7 1 MoMWy riculturlist year at NasTivil Herald whea paid in - good until June-lsV- Raipirm make. ' QUICK 1