The Home Companion Be Sure You're Right and Go Straight Ahead. VOL. I. MANSON, N. C, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1897. NO. 5. STATE PEN! POB. The News of the Week Tersely Told in Paragraphs. Y. M. C. A. STATE CONVENTION. Graham Under $1,000 Bond-WUl Not Accept Office Will Enact no Laws Regulating Working Hours. The twenty-first annual State Con vention of the Young Men's Christian Association of North Carolina will be held in Winston-Salem February 19-22. The attendance will ba large and the programme interesting. Among those who are to make addresses are Dr. A. C. Barron, pastor of the First Bapti Church of Charlotte; Rev. Wm. "Black, the well-known evangelist; Professors P. P. Claxton, of Greensboro, and J. A. Bivens, of Charlotte. The interna tional committee will be represented by Messrs. H. P. Anderson and H. W. Georgi. Topics will be discussed cov ering the whole range of association subjects. Especial attention will be given to the educational work, to Bible study and to the religious work of the Young Men's Christian Association. A conference of the college association presidents will be held by Mr. Georgi on February 18 and 19, and it is hoped each college association will send its new president or order that he may be instructed in his important work. All Christian workers, and especially Chris tian men in towns where there are no associations, are cordiajjy .invited - to attend; and every pastor will be wel--conjed. Reduced rates n all railroads. TnoSs desiring to attend should write to Mr. F. TWLuraaf? State Secretary, Charlotte, N. Zr. The Charleston, (S. C.) News and Courier says: "Sympathy for the Cu ban patriots has permeated into the wilds of Western North Carolina and has induced a young lawyer of Ashe ville to give up his business and start out for Cuba to join the insurgent forces. A reporter had a chat at the St. Charles Hotel with Mr. C. B. At kinson, a well known young man from Asheville, who will go to Tampa with the intention of casting his fortunes with the gallant Gomez. "Mr. Atkinson said that he has been watching the war in Cuba verv closely and at lust determined to volunteer his services. He has two friends from Texas already down this way to join him, and they will go well armed for the .struggles. "Mr. Atkinson's appearance is not unlike a Texan, which is due to the fact, perhaps, that he once Jived down by the waters of the Rio Grande. "Arrangements have already been made, Mr. Atkinson said, for himself and friends to land on Cuban oil on a filibuster. He realized the dangers be fore him, but wants to fight for the in surgents and try to help them on to in dependence." - The House judiciary committee have disposed of .Judge Norwood's case. Jaines M. Moody, ex-Judge Avery, T. P. lfvereux, Spencer Blackburn and Representatives McCrary and Skulken asked for mercy. The committe finally decided to indefinitely iostKne the resolutions of imieachment upon Nor wood's placing his resignation in the hands of Chairman Lusk, it to take efUvt the moment he again becomes ilf.)icated. The committee . did not eonfer with the Governor about this matter. The Raleigh correspondent of the Wilmington Messenger says: "The Populist bolters and the Republicans are xow welded together in a firm or ganization. Their total strength is ninety, which gives them absolute con trol of the legislature. Thev do not in the least recognize the Populist major ity or caucus. They say that if the ma jority wants office all it has to do is to say so, but that it will not accept office." This Legislature will enact no laws fixing the hours of labor. That was set tled last week onee for all. In the as semblage of cotton mill men in Raleigh to defeat the bill over 20,000,000 was represented. It is stated that operatives dc not want any such law these strin gent times, when shorter hours mean shorter wages. Mill men say many mills are being operated almost at a loss. . -4 Monroe Johnston, the negro con victed of burglary in Mecklenburg county in 1896, was hanged at Charlotte Monday. The execution was private. About 1,000 spectators, mostly colored, stood around the jail yard trying to get a glimpse of the doomed man. Gover nor Russell refused to reprieve him, though his lawyer, Walter R. Henry, of Charlotte, exhausted the law. He pleaded innocence to the last. An amendment of the law as to the criminal cases will probably be made by the Legislature. The committees on judiciary will recommend that in crim inal cases all juries shall be chosen from the box, the same as regular juries, and also that county commissioners can employ local counsel to aid the solicitor in prosecutions. . The nominations of the Democratic postmasters at Lenoir, Wilson, Rocky Mount, Warrenton and Laurinburg are hung up in the Senate committee on postoffices. Senator Pritchard has re quested that they be not agreed upon until he can consider them, being pre vented at present by illness, JThjmxestioa is-asked, will the legis lature pnact any general road law? It seems it will not. Many mo;e counties are adopting the plan of working road by taxation. - - It is settled that this State will as a State make no exhibtit at the Tennes see Centennial Exposition. The bill calling for a $10,000 appropriation will be unfavorably reported. J. L. Graham, chief clerk in the of fice of the State Superintendent of Pub lic Instruction, who was arrested in Raleigh on the charge of arson, has been placed under a $1,000 bond. - It seems that no attempt is to be made to reduce the appropriation to the State University. Nfw York's Pan per Dead. The graveyard of Now York's un known and pauper dead Is Hart's Isl and, situated at the entrance to Long Island Sound, In the East river. Pot ter's field la only a few acres hi ex tent, but It holds over 100,000 bodies, says a correspondent. There are about twenty Interments made there every day In the year, and a constant tream of silent passengers flows from the morgue at the foot of Twenty-slrth street to this quiet resting place out In the river. No monuments record the virtues of the sleepers on Hart's Isl and, no flowers bloom on Its graves; In fact, no graves are visible only a flat expanse of sod that would never be green If Its life depended upon the tears of mourners Instead of the morn ing dew and the weeping clouds. Mamma Whore's papa? Flora lie's clown stairs. Mamma What's he do ing1. Flora Iliipblcyele Is out of breaff and he's giving It some more. London Figaro. Madge now proud Mame is since Bhe ordered her bicycle! Tom Well, you know, pride goes before a fall. Yonkers States. roan. BUDGET OF PUN. HUMOROUS SKETCHES FROM VARIOUS SOURCES. And His Departure A Different' Feeling A Theory Not His Full Title In Constanti nople, Ktc, Etc, And then they both began to sine The key was, I think, B flat. She took the alto, May the air, And I well, I took my hat. Town Topics. ESTIMATED. Bingo "That doctor must hare found out how much I am worth." Mrs. Bingo "Why V "I just got the bill' Life. (WHY BE DABED. She "I think I mightlore youmoie if yon were not so extravagant." He 'It's my extravagant nature; that makes jne lore you bo. "Life. A DIFFERENT TBXLESQ, Miss Timber wheels "How were you impressed by Mr. Noodles?" Miss Hunger ford "I wasn't im pressed. I was oppressed. J udge. OUT OF. HIS UXE. Tourist "How long will it take me to reach the ferry, me good man?" Polioeman "I ain't no mind reader. I'm a policeman. " Detroit Free Press. a roirrrriir'T, -v- Editor1 Tour" story is flat." Author "Yes?" Editor "I wish to compliment you Most stories we get are rolled up,"- Puck. ! BIDIHG NOT KXCZSSABT. Berthwhistle "Do you ride your cycle to reduce your weight?" Dasnap "No hustling for the money to meet the installments for U does that "Puck.- A- THXOBY. Maria "How kin these weather prophets tell about the weather, any way?" Josiah "1 danno; unless niebbe they go by the almanacs. " Pack. IN CONSTANTTNOPIiB. The Sultan ''Have they ceased to allude to me as the 'Sick Man?' " The Grand Vizier "No, Commander of the Faithlul ; but they are willing to admit that yon are not in business for your health." Truth. NOT HI3 FULL, TITLE. "Hungry Higgins?" said the kind lady. "Of course that is not your real name 1" "Nome," answered Mr. Higgins. "It's wot might be called a empty title. " Indianapolis Journal. LIKE OTHEB MEDICINE. Penelope "I hear you are engaged to Miss Dingbatts at last." Reginald "Yes; she refused me six times, but I perserved." Penelope "Then you were well shaken before taking." Harlem Life. SOMETHING BKAIi HOBBTD. Ethel "And would yon really be willing to die for me, George?" George "Darling, I swear it." Ethel "But, would you be willing to die of hydrophobia or appendicitis, or something like that, George?" Truth, A BXrk BXMXKCTB. Mother "Willie, as you come horn from school stop at the grocer's an 61 get me two bars of soap and a dime's worth of candy." Father "What in the world do yon want candy for?' Mother "So that he shall not forJ get the soap." , NOT AT HOICK TO HDL Caller "Is your father at homeH Little Daughter "What is your name, please?" i Caller "Just tell him it is his old) friend, BilL" j Little Daughter "Then I guess he ain't at home. I heard him tell mammSjj if any bill came he wasn't at home,"-? Washington Times. SABCASTia N Mrs. Aohem (reading) "The Chixy ese are a cheerful people. In Ghinaj while the dentist pulls the tooth an assistant stands by and drowns th lamentations of the victim in the noise of a large gong." Mr. Aohem "So they hare adopted the painless method of extracting teeth in China, eh?" Norristown Herald j &LKIHTXjY TWISTED. rittJ He entered the store hurriedly, wit the air of a man whose mind was filled; by a weighty commission. Those: whom he passed at the door heard him conning under his breath a formula: which he seemed to fear might elipt away ana do iobz. nefPWOMiwt w who wishes it wero. well over. , "I wish to get," he said boldly; 'some ribbon for a red baby.' The salesgirl's blankfetare seemed td arouse him to a sense of something lacking. "That is," he said, "1 would lik some baby for a ribbed red one." The salesgirl was smiling broadW now and four cash boys, a floor walkei and seven customers gathered ant! grinned in unison. He besran again. "That is o course, you know, I mean, some ribbed red baby for one that is some re ribs for one baby some ones r babv'a ribs some- red ribs for on baby some thunder and guns, where's the way out?" He departed on a run. "I Wonder," said the salesgirl! thoughtfully an hour or so afterward, "if h could have meant some red baby ribbon!" New York Press. . - . j The Count "My dear Meos CJoldoIlJir, ! I want you to marry me." Heiress "Oh. Count! I am speechless with sur prise." The Count "Zat Is all riht; your money talk." New York Com mercial Advertiser. Of the 50,00." men employed on Brit ish sailing vessels 1128 or oat- in sixty lost their lives by drowning, whereas of the 102.120 men employed on steam ships only U74--or one in -41 were 1 drowned. -High - Grade GUANOS For - Tobacco - and - Cotton, Plant Bed Cloth and all the REQUISITES For Farm use can be found at James H. Lassitar & Company. Henderson, - - - - N. C-