THE MONROE JOURN2 "choi VOLUME X. NO 7 MONROE, N. C, TUESDAY MARCH 17.1003 One Dollar a Year CRACKSMEN BOUND OVER. S. V., ItMrkt Attorney Holloa in troduced Mtwrn. 11. O. Williams Commissioner Mwel1 Thought T" Vf lh, "J . .. .... 'lo prove that the nrinoorni be- inc evidence ironf uiw.i w. . - , . m-( . Williams Warrant Trial by the Federal Court. The supptwrd if- roltlirr, mho were sent from tb juil here to Charlotte u th in4.. were Riven a preliminary hciring before t 'iiited Slatin Coin iuiiiiiH-r l. (i. Maxwell at CharMte 11 week. stated thitt Wood and MI'S bad neutered at the Inland Hotel. of which he ia proprietor, on the .HHh of January, this Itt-iiiff the Might on which Mr. tsboeuiaker'a trnle blown ojien and robbed. He uid that he aawr the men iu their room at 9 o'l'lock that night and thai Tlu-y are MiMwrd to have robbed ' early the next morning he heard V; the ixwiofliee at tirier'a, S. t'a store in Charlotte andj Heath, lUrrett & Iteid'a store at Matthews. Histriet Attorney llol-j Uui reprvseuled the prom-utiou lid Mr. Frank Armfield the de fence. The Olwerver says that while the evidence was rircuin Mailt ul, it au plainly argued (lie guilt ot the prisoner that they were bound over in the sum ul f I.imm each to wait trial at Charles I S. C, on the first Tuesday iu April. The men on trial were James tang, Charles liogeni, Wal ter Wood and II. It. WHsou. The first witness examined was Mr. Mum A. Maylield. Mr. May tit-lil staled that he wax postmaster at liner's and had been nt the time of the robls'ry. "The occurrence was on the night of Friday, the li.ili of January," said Mr. May lield. "and the ainouiit of money taken . is about f.'7n.2t, the most of this lieing govern meiit funds. There were t''t worth of stamps, e.'il of postal fluids, s?l." of the fluids of the money order depart-mi-til and ti for box rent. Besides this I had ntnuit ."0 of my owu nimn-v in (he Kiife. "The thieves entered through the front door, breaking the locks Isith of the lobby' and the postoflit'e proper. The double disir of the safe had lieen blown entirely olT. '1 he dial of Hie door apH'iired a if it' had Ihmm! knocked oil' with a liiiiiiiiiiT. There was soap on the eiles of the safe doom mid in the oll'n-e w is found a liu cup, contain iiij some tlnid. Liter iu the day I here wen- found iu garden, two blinks from the office, two hum mers, a monkey-wrench and three chisels. About one and one half miles dow u the railroad was found n tin box containing some insu ranee policies tuid other H'rsonal piiM-rH. With these also was found u .i-l drill." The second witness w;u Mr. Al fieil M. Puis. He said thai lu ll m-k wnh Mr. James 1. Mason, sin nit lluee iiiili-s east of the town, v lull- standing tiHin Mason's i ; T o'clock on Hie even ig ol the I Mh of last January lie as approached by Walter Wood, X asked if he and his partner m'd Bet suniier then1. Alter , raking lo Mrs. Mason, ILivislold Wood that they could get some tliinjr to eat. ami Wood stepped mil to the roiul mil) called another limn, whom the witness identilied us lieing Wilson. The men said they were going south to put tin home machinery, but did uot inwcr when miked to what place ' were ruing. After supper ii-ll, going n the opposite di liiuii from tirier'a, although I hey ul m.ked the direction to that place. F.x untitled 1V Mr. Arm field, Mr, llaviM said that he had never scru the men before anil that lie was positive us to their identity. Mr. Aimtleld then hail the witness to turn his head froii. the prisoners and describe the men. This Davis did acciriilely in every particular ami w ithoiit hesitation. Mis. J. P. Mason, ut whose home the men had taken supper, was next i n Inn I need as a witness. "Yes, I am uv that those arc the men," said she, indicating Wood and Wil son. "Wood did most of (he talk ing. He said that they were mc chauics from North Carolina, and that tliey were going to drier's to pur up the m u-hinery in the new Vronkliu Mill. They ate hurriedly and left immediately after the meal was nnUhcd." Mr. A. H. Miller, at whose store Penninirlon had seen Ijiiil'. testi lied that on the day previous to the roblHrv. he had seen both Long and Kotfers. Kouers passed the re at 9 o cluck In the niornliiK ,-vskcd if it'were probable that id m-rure work ut a new cot- I II Is-init built a hundred from th.! store, lie wis di ! to theeonlraclor, lint passed io building and went iu the ion of til let a. cr the examination of the named witnesses of Oner's, PCOR.n S SIDE SAS BRYAN. some one enter the house and go iu the dirertiou of their room. The siine men had beeu to the U-laud some time iu Iteceinlar. The men U-ft early the next uinming, WoimI not even waitinj for breakfast. Mr. Shoemaker identified a nickel and penny found on the men a having la-en iu his safe previous to the night it waa blown oieii. He thought that he had .-wen Lang in his store the Hay is-ioreme nibls-ry. As to the ideuUheatiou of the nickel. Mr. Shoemaker was corroborated by Mr. It. I Kisiah, who swore that he had given the coin to one ot jir. Miocuiaiier s clerks the day before the sale was blown open. Chief of Police W. I- Mow le ami Xitht Policeman J. A. Williamsof Monroe were put on the staud to testi I' v as to the conduct of the men at Monroe. They told the story of the capture ol the prisoners as has already lieen printed iu The Jour- nan. The men had resisted ur rest twice and shots had beeu ex changed I with time. Chief Howie showed the court the articles found on the crsoii of the defendants. among them being a Coll s ami a Smith X Wesson, six inch, .'IS -calibre revolver; alsmt $7.i in money, a bottle containing a thick, white lluiil, and several other articles. After the men had been in jail for several days a man giving his name as Tom I,ce of New lork. asked for an interview with I In prisoners ami wits allowed to talk with them in the presence of the x)liee. This made U-e reticent and alter greeting l.ang and lingers by their last name he left tlieiu. KVIIU'.NCK K Tin: INKI-WToll. The las! w itness on the stand was PoNlolliee Inspis lor II. T. (in-gory, who worked up the case, lie had gone to (irier's on the :l;)lh of J in uary to investigate the postnllice robis-ry. After getting all the t-vi deuce lie could he went to Monroe. Alter seeing the prisoners he went back to (irier's with their photo graphs and, Is-roming convinced of their guilt, made complaint against them. He spoke with the defend ants but they would not commit themselves. This closed the evidence nnd the court asked if the attorneys wished to make speeches. Neither Mr. Ho ton nor Mr. Armhehl arose from his seat. Mr. Ilollon merely staled that ill! the evidence in the cases tended to show the guilt of the defendants aii'l that he would ask that the men Is- bound over. Mr. Armfield staled his position to the court, saying that in no man ner could his clients l e connected with the robliery ut (irier's, S. C. He Mid that the fact that they were in the town the night of the occurrence wiis no proof that they were implicated iu it, mid that he cause they resisted arrest they were not necessirily guilty of the crime. " I he;r comliiei since ineir arrest," said M". Annli.-ld, "may show that they have done some thing w rong, but vou have not got i .!. ..:.!.. . II. ..I II ...., I liip rviiieiio.- uiiti iii' twiiiiiiiii, this crime." After Mr. Armlleld had finished, Commissioner Maxwell said: "It is the ('pinion of the court thai there is probable cause and I will have to bind the defendant over to the Federal Court." , The Ismds were fixed at f 1,000 for each of the men. They will lie tried nt the redcral Court in Charleston, H. ('., on the first Tuesday iu April. Death Rate Decreasing. The VMM census shows a decrease of 10 ier cent, iu the general death rate. The declined iu Consump tion ia more marked than anyother disease. Many causes are attribu ted, but it is safe to aay that Dr. King's New Discovery for (on sumption, Coughs and Colds is re sponsible for the decline, to a large extent. Manv a life has lieen saved He Think There Will be no Doubt as to the Future Fidelity of the Party. Mr. Itryan visited New Yoik last week, and on the way home gave an interview as follows: 'They asked me alsmt Judge Parker," he said, "and I told them 1 could say nothing until I knew his attitude ou public questions. They answered that he was a judge and it would not be prer for him to discuss topics.' "What do you think Hill intends to do 'Well I think Mr. Hill is tvss ing a penny to see whether he or Judge Pai ker w ill run. The trouble with the plan is that Hill has an old ieuny that he has tossed so of ten that he doesn't kuow which side is head and w hich side is tail." "What have you to say regard ing the record of Congress!' "What Congress has done is easi ly ascertained. Find out how much there was in the Treasury be fore the w-ssion Is-gau ami llud out how much there is now. The won der is that they didn't take it all." Mr. ISi vim declined to discuss the probable issues and candidates in the next national campaign, but when asked to make a general statement as to the situation he said: "Political success depends ou two things, opportunity ami prep aration to take advantage of it. A Militical party must have its prin cipals; and it must advocate those policies it ls-lieves liest for the peo ple mid then trust toevenls to vin dicate the w isdom of its course. "I Ix-licve that the lcniocra!ic parly has taken the people's side of the public ipicst ions discussed iu l.VHi mid iu I! loo, and I Is-lieve if it w ill maintain its integrity and al low no doubt to arise as to its lidi-l-ily to ihe is-ople's cause, it w ill only Is- a question of time, and not a long time either, Is-lore enough l!f publicans w ill Is- digusleil w ith the policy of the party to again put the Ih-inocratii- party iu power. "Such a victory, when won, will bring relief to the people from all the vicious policies of the Ki-publi-ean parly. ' We cannot w in u vie buy by compromise or cowardice, and if we would win a V by such means it would be as disas trous lo the parly as Mr. Cleve land's victory iu 1 s) proved to Is-." fir. Cleveland Out for Uood. .. , , , I In II interview last week Mr. The l-rgUlature Provide that (Iceland said: $200000 May Be Loaned to Coun- "I have preached Democratic t ti ..t ..... i;r- I i...ii ty Boards ol Education for thU "7 . i ' , continue to do ao, but as far as active participation Purpose. 'We shall not 1 surprised' savs the Proeresive Farmer, "if it iu the party affairs goes, I'm not iu it, am con tent to live the life of a tiuiet, Toe New Law for Bird Protection. HONEY FOR SCHOOL HOU5ES, A new law is the Audubon bird pi election bill, which now stands as a mouumeiit to the persistence j and euthusi;isiu of Prof. T. tiilliert i Pearson, of tirrenslwro, Secretary of the Aubudon Society. The fol lowing outline-of the uew law is ziven bv the Newsond (l-rver: "The bill stipulates that only j , ,,,,, .,,.. ,,. ' of iwu-eaWe citi.eii. and will I hap the following shall he consuleit-d ,jm(, Hhal ,(ive nmU me , py if I am left iu that sphere un game birds: l. s.m and grebes. -(ij.M ,wrs1.tiv, ,, al ,.ra(e ' 1 swans, geese, brants, river, hsh j . t, ,u.,t ,ue ,m.ral Asst ui-1 and sea ducks rail, '. ""a , blv of l'si::h:u passed no measure of 18 CENTS FOR 1902 PENNIES in ns hum Kamnui,-. ,..o., .o, nu , ,,..,,,,,. ,m,M,rti,lir(i tnun that estab aml serf bmls imh-, ""l i'"'l'. I nng a perm.ineiit loan fuud to samiiiip ,h'i.i'.-t;iii -- ,1IU ,i1P pnvtion and improvement wild turkeys, grouse, partridges - U,r tM-ti.t.4 honsi-s. This bill pn pheasint. Uail, dove, robin, and, vjJ(.4 jn mlt hf ttm meadow lark. It is made unlaw jsrius,p lam, flll,a ,11IW M, i,y ,he fid to kill or catch any wild birds , Ului(l of Kl0.ltltm R, i.lm.a or to di-stroy nwdlessly the neat or ; , , w.hool loanK thecouiitf bow Is in turn to lend to district scb ..I to aid iu building houses, the loins to lie for periods of ten years (one tenth to la? repaid each year) aud lo liear 4 percent inter est. In other words, if the entire .'iin,lHK) should lie railed for this vear, next year one-tenth, or'.'O,- ;0no, would la? returned with VHM' COLLI) Itn A .SUTItfRNrR. Tillman ays Wc Can Put a iTan on the National Ticket. any show of getting a man of the next national ticket?" "I'lie South could have put a man on ell her of the two last tickets named bv the Ileinoerats if it bad. Senator Tillman ms-d through 'demanded it. The Northeru Deiu Charlotte last we-U and was inter- Jia-rats would not have objected to viewed by ail I Mm-rver reHiiii r. 'su. h an arrangement, but a South- "Do you know anything of inter ', in man would neither help nor est to iiewspaia-r readers.'" the : in jm,. a national I lemis'nu-ir tick Senator was asked. '.(. There U no sectional feeliuif "Not a thing." wa (he reply, among ihe Northern Democrats. eggs or any wild nou-game uints. The Inaise span ow, owls, hawks, crows, bh'.ckbiids jackd iw aud rice birds are uot protected by Ihe act. It is made unlaw ful to purchase, oiler lor sale, or transport without the Slate wild birds, game and otherwise, except for propagation purposes by permission of the So ciety, or by H-nnit from the t lerk ( inWrt.t, to ls iu turn loaned again, oi un- t oiiii. i in- MoiMiioiiiiriii oi u, tear nllcr vear. PoaJ Uis (or S(- Counties. Kalfllfit linn-. It will Is- seen by reference to the classillcation of nets passed by the last Legislature, which we print today, that road laws were enacted for thirty six counties in the State. We take it, these laws all look lo better loads in these count ii-s and, if so, no belter legislation could be enacted. What do good Mails menu to a community They help to make liettcr churches, lietler schools, linger tow ns. iH-tler stock nnd ve hicles; ia fact it would be hard to enumerate the good results that would lie the outcome of good roads In these counties. A negr.) base ball player in Char lotte displayed u diamond ring worth .i."it aii'l w:w arrested. 1 was found that lie had at dilli-rciit times paw ned several hundred dol lars' win th of fine jewelry which it L, thought he stole in Washington or New York. game wardens by the (uiveruor is proided for, to see that the law is cairieil out. There is a provision requiring all hunters coming from other States to pay $10 fora license iu every county iu which I hey! shoot, this money to go to the so ciety to pay the exieiis's of the wardens." ' From Over the 5tate. It is stated that so far only too has been raised for the Sir Waller Kaleigh monument. 1 ! v mi act of the last legislature minors may hold building and loan stock iu their own names. It is stated that ex -Congressman Spencer lllaekm.iu may locate in (liarlnlte. Holing for oil near Asln-ville w ill Is' Is-giiu this weeK. The cost of making the test will In' 1..000. While Mr. William Holt and a negro were engaged in cutting feed on a sleam cutter near High I'oint, the Ily wheel burst and killed Isitli the men. A big temperance rally wa held in Durham Friday (Sen. .1. S. Carr made a sieecli and slid he hoped to s-e the movement w in. l'ichard Pearson, Cnileil Slates minister to Persia, left Ashcvilh S.ttor lav for New York. whenn lie w ill sail for Teheran, the capital of Per .in. S lie crackers blew open a safe in Asheville Tuesday night with nil ro glycerine. It In rued out that there was only :tl cents in the safe at the time and the burglars over looked even that. Nancy lllack, a eolon it woman of Spencer, while going to her work Wednesday morning, undertook to crawl under a train. Just at the moment the train started nnd she was instantly killed. .lames W. Dauaway, operator for the Western I moil at Hamlet, was run over and killed by a train at that place Wednesday night. He The walking1 sick, what a crowd of them there arc 5 We commend this plan which is now ready to he put into os-r-ation, lo every friend of educa tion who reads this article. The public schools should hasten to take advantage of the opportunity now oflered them. Superintendent Joy ner has given out the following interview, sum- mamng the ten changes made by Ihe legislature iu the scIumiI law of the State. They are as follows: "I. The amounts that may lie set aside from Ihe school fuiids for building school-houses are limited lotweiity per cent of the total fund, where the fund docs not exceed live thousand dollars, tiixteceu per cent where it docs not exceed ten thous and, ten per rent w here it does not exceed twenty-live thousand dol lars, and seven an one half per cent whero il exceeds twenty-live thous and dollars. The building of all houses is id. nc. I under the direction of the Ciinntv Pioard of r.ilucatiou and must Is- iu accordance with plans appioved by the County Hoard and the State Suiic riutciulcut nt rulilic Instruction. The County Hoard pays not exceeding one-half Ihe cost of building and the school dis trict on vs I he other part. All con tracts for building must lie iu w rit i in.' i.ud till buildings must lie iu spis-t.-il, received mid approved by tin- County Siqiei lutciiili 11!. '.'t. The lime" of meetings of Coun ty Hoard is change I from second to lirst Monday. "I. In count ies having more than four moiit lis school term tn some township and less in others, one- sixth of the total funds is to la- set aside, il necessary, to aid In tiring iiiLMill districts in th.a county to four months. "."i. Two hundred Instead of one hundred dollars may be used by a county for a summer school for touchers, affording opportunity for a school for teachers lasting for u mouth or so instead of an institute of one wiH-k. "1;. School districts may be form- .... cil out ol portions oi roiuigooun was walking 011 the track, holding Liuiulieshy consent of tlietwoCoun ins iiean dow n, w iieu mo irain ty p,ards of Ivliieation. ",. ( oiintv NiiiM'riuiemifiiis are required to attend one annual ses- struck him. The White O ik Cotton Mill, now being constructed at (iiveiisboro, will lie !MM feel long, two stories high, mill contain tiil,H00 spindles mid '.',0110 looms. The mill settle meui will iiii-rge 11110 oiueis iiiie.iu there, and all together will extend: Big Fake Game Worked by a Washington Clothing House. ClisrlMU Utmrrtr, I Ilk. i Recently a clothing store in I Washington advertised that il a- 1 1 . I lull a I n.w.n Sul p. I. .. Ttb inst, ''18 cents for 1W pen nies, and becaune of this adver- lineruent practically all the pennies in the piedmont section of North Carolina and in a good many towns in upper South Carolina have come into the possession of a few s peculators The fact that the advertisement was not a bonilide proposition, but a plsy on wordr. 111 incoinu sound mini yes-1 1.: 1., 1..,,, .,, terusy, wuen 11 was iiiscovereo that tliousandsof l!Hi'.'copiershad changed hands after a big premium had lieen paid. rorawuck or ten days it has been currently rumored in this city that a Wsshington agency wanted the pennies in question, and it wa said that thengency wis acting for the government, which wished the pennies recalled because it had heen found that in coining them a large ipiantity of gold had lieen accidentally spilled into the molten copper. The absurdity of the rumor seemed to impress no speculator; ami for the last four or live days iienny buying has been going on here at a great rate. Kmly last week Mr. Edwin IS. (iresham, of the firm of (Jresham & Company, the well-known rail road eating house concern, collect ed all the l!Mg peonies he could in banks and other business places in Charlotte. He got the pennies at their real valuo and before the re port of the premium giving had become widespread. A day or so after his purchise Mr. Ureshsm sold lo Huggsge Agnnt Sotiner, of tho Southern Railway, ItilO pennies for $:i;l, and Sonnor stated that the next day he sold the pennies to a bank in Alexandria, a., at lo cents sniece. Mr. (iresham worked assiduous ly and collected many hundred other pennies, but he whs able to sell none of these at a profit. He still has on hand enough copner to make life si.e statues of both the mayor and the recorder. Mr. (ireslmru was not the only man who bought iicnnics in largo cpiaiilities. Tom Kowland, the popular conductor on tho Ststes villa road, devoted a lnrro part of his time to copper grabbing and lid not desist m bis speculative operations until yesterday. Half a dozen other Charlotte men, mon in near-by South Caro lina towns, and residents of Salis bury and other places in this State, made wide search for Inst year's coppers. 1 he movements of the spcculu- "I have I us-11 down to atttml a meeting ol the trustee of t leinsou College, and am now ou n.y return to Washington to attend the extra session of the S-uale. I don't know now how long we will be kept theiv, but I sc thai a vote ou the i have delivered some fifty or mora list 111 es on the race tpieatiou thr.uihoiit the North, aud I weut at Iheiu with tongs, and never iiiiiie.-it my words and I think I was able lo jud'T Ihe sentiment in the papers pretty well. The race ipiestion is canal treaty one that the Northeru neonleknew next liiesday. I ; nothing about and something that Ihe Cuban treaty the should be misted on. and it may le taken doubt whether will get th ron-h. was with that in view that I have 'Do you think Ihe Si-iiale w ill siokeu to them the way I have, mil to take action ou it! jSioiuctiuos the audience would be 'No; I think it w ill be defeat jeohl towaid me when I first began, ed." but when they saw what I waa up "Senator, do you think that Mr. to they came around, and nearly Morgan wauls to defeat the Co every instance I would have over luminal! treaty Is-eaitse he can half of my hearers with me when force a selection of the Nicaraguan j I concluded." route?" - 'No. I blieve that Morgan thinks: Mr. Fi-oige W. Vauderbilt has that (hero is no intent ion of build jat last succeeded iu buying out the nig tin- canal, unit that the step, onmariiey w iioowueoaimiepaien merely to make a show for the Kepiiblicau party .' 'Senator, do you think that the canal will be built.'" 'There are many who do not think it possible to construct a canal through the Isthmiisof Pan ama. The Frenchman haw spent and stole hundreds of millions oi dollars ami worked for ears and they now have only if Iii.ooii.ihio worth of ditches dug." "Hut is claimed that they did more stealing than digging?" "Yes, but I tell you when old Sam Is-gius to dig that canal it is my opinion that then- will Is- con siilerahle stealing done." "It seems that you had the He publicans scared pretty badly the other night. Senator, aUuil the South Carolina claim;" "Do von think the South stands of laud iu the middle of the Hilt- tnore estale. It was worth ubout iO. but the chap held out until he got 9J,i'.VI for it. While a half dozcu persons in a carriage w ere crossing a bridge rvi-ar lieidsyille Thursday the bridge gave way, and horses, carriage aud occupants went down the embank ment. Two of the ladies iu tho carriage were badly injured. The Plot Thickens. Hut that has nothing to do with the fact that there is not a better Salve on earth than Huckleu's Ar nica Salve. It's a reliable cure for Hums liruises. Cuts Corns Sore and Salt Kheiim. Ti led and tested and proved infallible for Piles. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded by ICnglish Drug Co. CCKX)OOC)CXXOCsDCXXXX. C OOOC-OO 0CCXOO(XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 8 ntJLdiiiiMW two miles The Messrs. Cone are the prime movers in all of these properties. Col. W. K. Murehison, a lawyer of Joiicsboro, was stricken with fi.i.iU-ulu Skiiiiil.iv lint iiiiiv ri'Po'ir. Persons who arc thin ami jCul. Murehison w ill be remembered weak but not sick enough to go to bed. "Chronic cases" that's what the doctors call them, which in common Iinglish means long sickness. To stop the continued loss of flesh they need Scott's Emulsion. For the feeling of weakness they i Recilh " For 2i "! I ulistj tat-'7 iiur'l j fCrf !! c rlod, iax :ri doe ait t'i I John P. Mo o'.-i r 5 H I i 1 ;vt: ".' - i . p.--. .;itn .yj . . L I ..1 B rure mu run m. ju carries new h'c to every part of the boily. Yon areinvigora?:J,rtfrcshjd. You feci snxiutts to be active. Yoj Iter: f st.onR, ltcady,cour?'t;'.vj!. That's whst Aycr's G-rs.-.narJHa will do fuf yr'i. II. kw. nil !ie lo rw4 i 1 raCa..Uil.M. us the gentleman who figured ao largely in calling tho roll some thirteen hundred times ut the Con gressional convention at Monroe lust summer. It is rumored that cx-Semitor Pritchiird may succeed Justice Ilingliain of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, and the (ireeiisboro correspondent of the Charlotte Observer says that a fierce scramble as to who will be the liepublirnu leader in North Carolina is likely to spring up. Mr. Philip llanos prominent man uf Mecksville, was killed by the kick of a horse Tuesday uller noon. He did iiot die for two or three days after receiving the blow, which was on the abdomen, but was too weak to can tor iissiMance Sloll Ol till' tMUIO rtSSOCIHIIOII III County Superintendents and allow ed traveling expenses "S. In counties w ith a total fund of over lifleen thousand dollars the County Hoard of "-'.duration may miiloy Comity Superintendent tor all his time at such salary as may lie fixed by them. ti.No child w till negro wood in his veins however remote the strain, shall attend a school for the white race. "10. Annual statements of the reeeints and disbursements of the Hoard of '"duration are reunited to be published." bv its use. Them is nothing any where just an good for Lung and need ScOttS UmulsiOn Throat troubles lla positively! - , . , , guaranteed by Knglish Drug Co. t makCS neV flesh and Price Stic aud l. Trial Isntlcs tree. gi'CS nCW IHC tO thC Weak Saved by Hanging Head Down- System. ward. ScOttS Emulsion gCtS A special fiom Ili-idsviile lo The thin and Weak persons OUt 'auu y helpless in the stable until Tittle Cora Norman, It year, old..0 ,tnte, rut; " maeS nc,W' has been in a critic.ii condition for rich blood, strengthens the the past several da but her con-' ncrvcs an(J rjivCS appetite ditlon to day is somew hat linprov- ,. r 1 cd. While lumping a rope ut lor ordinary food. school a few days ago she bunt a Scott's Hmulsion Can be blood vessel, and until hut evening ' . . . , there waa a continuous flow of.tkcn 33 long US SlcknCSS blood, bhe is (piile weak, and ut lasts and do POOd all the i,. ni.iiu. .i..,.,.i...,n.i i. . FlfW lliuv itiv piinivinua niiii.iiiiii 11 fim allhojieof saving her life. Thelu""" 1 ncre s new strength and flesh in every dose. DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK? entire covering ou ber bed was more than once saturated in blood. For at least fiifteeo minutes yester day she seemed dead, but by hang ing ber head downward the blood rushed to her head and caused her heart to commence beating. She ia the daughter of Mr. Will Nor m in and a sister of Dr. George W. Nurinan, of Keidsville. The little lady has not suffered a particle hut the g.aeual loss of blood has make herextremely weak. She is one of the graded school' i brlghest pupils j L Wt will b flad to send you a few doses free. Bt Mt ikkl Sk ptrtvft In tttt form o4 IXmI Ian tM wninp ( tvrw bet l it 4 fcwHluo fm bay. SCOTT & DOWNE, Chemist, 409 Pearl St., N. Y. Mb mi $li ltvjjbU. fiiumL Hurt Green, a., notorious negro, who attacked Mr. Sii'l'Uug Allen with a billet of wood nearvWi miiigton and nearly killed him, sur rendered himself voluntarily to the officers, saving, "I have assaulted a w hite man with a deadly weapon, the police are looking for me and 1 want to begiu work right away on the chain gang." Heforo llreen's confession no one knew who P. was that had assaulted Mr. Allen. Lost Hi Nerve. . Those who climb mountains fre quently find the dixzy depths too much for them and loose their nervo. Such in always the expe rience of thixie who neglect their stomach or Itowels Self preserva tion demands Dr. King's New Life Pills They are gentle, but thor ough. Only 25e at Knglish Drug Company's Kidney Trouble Hakes Ton Miserable. Almost everybody who reads tho news papers is sure lo know of Ire wonderful cures made ty Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the rreat kidney, livtr end bladder remedy, f m ii is me rreat meai- rMt cal triumph of the nine teenth century; di: covered after years of tv'N.B Dr. Mimer, ine eml ncni mane sna d lad der sreclallit, and Is wonderfully successful In promptly curinf lame back, kidney, Biadoer, uric tela trou bles and Bright t Disease, which Is the worst form of kidney trouble. Ur. Kilmer a bwamp-KOOi is not reo ipm Ticnded for everyihinj but If you have kid- ncyrnvcror bladder trouble It will be foune u the remeayyou need. Il has been tested In so many ways, In Wipl'sl work, In prlvatt practice, among the helplessT8fS' 10 Pur" cruse relief and has proved so succe: every case that a special trranrement has been made By whicn an readers oi mis paper who have not already tiled II, may have a ample bottle sent Ire by mall, also a book lolling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out II you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention readlnf this renerous otter la this paper and wnA wmir a.lilriDKa la Dr. Kilmer &Co..Blnr- ISW hamion, N. Y. The rerular fifty cent snd dollar sites art sold by til food druf (Ut Don't make any mistake, tut ri'tnembrr- the name, Swamp Root, Dr. Kilmer's Samp-Rool, and the address, llingliamton, N. Y., on every bottle. Ilfand m in and with the wat3 ' f our customers, wo open up the new spring sea son. What you need, when you need it and at the price you can pay. Monroe Hardware Gomoanu's BuqqIcs, Msr Haoons, Gloe and LytGH Cotton tenters, Oliver cHilled and Vulcan Plows, Sherwin-Williams Paint. swii s.p tana. torn Imil ilst natural etfoct, anil fur week VM)2 iiinniert have lici-n si-lling high; nniiiiig from two and a bulf and three cents each to five, seven and ten vents apiece. the kuowleilge that the ailvor- tiseinent was inserted with intent to deceive did not reach here until yeNtcrday. It was Raid that tg holdiDf; over o, penniex, he-lonp-inn to speculators in this sec tion, reached Washington Satur day morning, ami, keeping com pany with copper that cume irom many other sources, were about to lie taken to the clothing store to be redeemed at the 18 cents valua tion, when it was discovered that a visit to the titore would provoke ridicule and allow no proht. It was declared that the lirst man who entered the store presented 1,U00 pennies ami ilemamleu lk cents for each copper. "lou have misunderstood the advertisement,'1 was the reply. "Hut you said you would give 18 cents for VMfi pennies. "Certainly: we are prepared now to give 18 cents for one thous and, nineteen hundred and two pennies." Then the would ho vendor un derstood tho game that had hero played, shouldered his coppers and walked away. Other men who en mo carrying coppers as a prize were met w ith a similar reception. And the copper that went up to Washington from the piedmont section was shipped hack homo. Mr. Uresham said lust night I hut he had hren told that the enter prising btiKioess men who worked the advertisement bad been ar- Med. inrwi rflrted in (Jbarlotte lant night that Miff Cd scramble for the l!Kr2 pennies was WU 'n tained. Pennies of that date (cW for 9 cents each in Mooresville yesterday, it was declared, and were still bringing a fancy price in Salisbury and other neighboring towns. The agitation over copper bas struck the rural districts of nppcr South Carolina and unless runners convey the intelligence of the fake gamo into tho various hamlct-i the fierce rnsh for one cent p eces may lat for a good many days. S. BI.AKENRY, President. M. 5TACK. Vice-President J. RAYHOND SHUTE, Cashier. -THE- Bank of Union, MONROE, N. C, Opened for business Monday, November 3rd, ot)2, in the Opera House Building, East of the Court House, w ith a new Burglar and Fire proof Sate, Time Lock, and Burglar Insurance. Officers Bonded in a Strong Surety Company. Combined wealth of Stockholders over $500,000. We otter to depositors and investor perfect security for all mon- les Mt w Ith us. Accounts of ncrchants, Manuiacturers, Kai Men, Farmer., and of the Public generally Sillclted. Loans made promptly on approved paper. Call and see u In the New Bank. 4444t-444M ft uitue sideTaiK on waiGhiss and Jewelry i W c have just received a new supply of watches anJ Jewelry and those want- fing to purcha.e a w atch, now Is the time. We want you to compare in prices we name K-low and see if wa do not save you from 21) to 25 per cent 18 7 jewel Elgin In solid nickel case at $4.98 -fslie 7 Jewel Scth Thomas In solid nickel case at $3 W 18 aiV T-jfAS1 1-lKirt In "r l ay's case at $9-75 Wa alio have mTinsiies at priie that will save you money. We have In stock the celcbratftLUI' KU t"'1" 'l reduction- Dpn't fail to nie us a caliT". The W. J. RudgeloT t i 4l A v ..... !.

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