I U4 Mill IS 1 7.W n n D The Kind You Have Alwnn IVmRlit, and which baa bee ia ue for over SO year, has borne the Msrnalnre of and ha been made under hU per- 4 i(f'fTtt "IH'" in-e It Infancy. CV. 4.04. .n,Mr no , t aefiv yn iu thin. All Counterfeits luiitiitimit and Jiit-a-irMHl,,ar but KxiM-riiuruts that trifle with and miliinger the health of Inliiuts uud CUildrvu-i:uerieuee t;uiut i:ueruueuU What is CASTOR I A Caxtoria U a harmlcs ult itute for CaMor Oil, Partv rorlc, lniM and MMiluiii"; Svmps. It in I'U-uniiiU It cntitiiiu ueither 0iuiu, Morphine nor other Niiniitlo Mibklanee. lit ase in It ciiuniiitee. It dcMmya Worm and allays t'eterUlitiev. It t-urv Ii.irrlii-u and Wind Colic. It relieve Tt'ctliiiis Trouble, eures CoiotiKitioU and I'lutiilcnrv. It uwiiuilalsM tlu TtHHl, reKUluteo the tttonuuh uud linnets i;i'iS healthy aud uutiirul a'cvps. The Cuildrvu's l'linuce-a-Tlio .Mother's) t'rietMl. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of CLOUDS WITHOUT DUST. 7 The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. T. P. DILLON, O furniture Denier and funeral Director. Store Phone 7; Residence Phone M. C. B WKIIH. Pres. T J HAI'.K. Vi,-. Pres. it. I.. KLANIUAN. N-, .n.l Triw. Carolina Marble & Granite Co., INCORPORATED bpecial Designs m Marble and Granite MonuiiK'ntsi, Tombstones, Monu ments, Iron Fences, Etc. We have just received our first car of Marble, con sisting of a real nice line of finished Monuments, Tablets, etc., and cordially invite anyone in need of work in our line to call around at our yard and we will take pleasure in quoting prices. It shall be our aim to do first-class work and at the very lowest prices. Remember we guarantee entire satisfaction and have come among you to stay, and all we ask is to be sure and see us before you buy. Respectfully, J. E. EFIRD, Mgr., Monroe, II. CJ Yards at Statesville, Salisbury, North Wilkesboro, & Monroe, N.C ArmTn I) iili iMix'rtu P May not contain the latest sty'. 9 Furniture that you would like for both beauty and use, and, if not, it will pay you to examine our line of China Closets, Side-boards, Extension Tables, Chairs, Suits and Single Pieces ? of all kinds. We can make you prices on these goods that will interest you. For twenty rear the ak-Miaa of 1 Dr. Ait ken, Uav-ed on tenet of ( beautiful eiperimeuU, that cloud cannot form in the air without dut particle to re a nuclei for coa dcBUn ku been acveplcd, but sow r. Aitkt-B himself ha made a Utile tenation by Jijriiig tut on prvti.iu statement. He lu found that certain case, su. h as ; hvdrcjten peroxide, sulphuretcd hv- ' droeu aud chlorine, when present in the alnniliere are converted x the action of sunlight into nuclei, upon which cloudy condensation ran ; take place. Accordingly. a!tluu:h dust i ordipari'y lu-cv-sarv tor cloud formation, yet clouds may firm in ilut'es air miles aUe liie earth. It hould U- all.d th.it ain in orii.-r-ai coneluvion aa pu!!;ie.l Dr. Aitk-'n aduutteil the ponsiUl.tv that iunhine mijiit ire ate b:im-oii! r.uclii, lut lie ha n!v rivintiy etablilusl the fat that it diHu. Prtt.rvirg Tiinbar. A ftricii of cxim riiimit lit re cent Iv l-n conducted in ticrni.iiiy for liie pur.e of testiii); the rela tive merits ti lime, coal tar and car Uiliiieiiin to precnre UmUr from rxnnj. Lime a found to Iw the leat taluable, !u!e e.ml tar pre terved tl.c exterior or surface Lile it did not atTist the inttrior unlea it was to facilitate dt ay. t'arlio linenm, however, pne exivlleiit re mits where the timVr had Ut-n harked and we!' dried U fore appli cation i ii!.i!e. Coal tar has nev er Uen found to pov-t" am value lr i X. i pt :.s It t X I'.ld- :'t p. n. tr .le the in 1 i lice it l a'-r- ' o.-tre m tl.c 'od ' aniiot cm .ipc and h.i- 'l'lie ac! ..in .1 cir'oo unlik.' th.s, hciue us SIMPLY AN A LITTLE NONSENSE. Good Thing Clinched Fran a Windy City Paper. , ANACHRONISM ae d.-ii-t) Oh, I uppoe J nit v.. a are I.m couardlf to tao Lie a girl fearer four oan tut. B) BLMtW IrraBOf Hrati : "I'radlieiit keep aarra these calj dav. "I la I' plenty of e,wl" ".No, bat he c,ct out the old pa per of L-t i!iiti! r and r ad aUut tiie s.'ntroi.c? and t!i!ir,.Urtorni. 1L iuujitiatiou d.Hs the n-st." it Cfyriil.t, (., Um a. MMi-r rvoiiwr Iir-t tli.-rm Mf .-e a. i 1 St the r etart. "H.o take c 1 -id i:. it. Mirt. r . t la a. ccpt ...rt. Win Have you luard t llarnson a ill the noiuiiiaiion Hive 1 heard my dear lv, I in! I ' - o it r: ' t until mnicd to Iiiij. and the maid ( .t ;l! hi- ! ' at !. "W U !:. lie bit a IMIiiTi. "Hut l!i. rv are no bwn aowadarm, Sj.rta." d.-ilan-il fowler, with a pity lii aiinlr at bl imtiy rwan. "Kancy a h.T. in a frw k mi! Wlut an aa- i aelironiwuir' i "Vvhai Uu j..u think. Mr. Winner Sttvia lurinil in a vouna man bo bad ' Iwn a ailent 1istenT. -Are there na J ; 1). r' l'ft V I j "I'nilj fair iiii!l.il..n, at any rate." 1 he aii'rv.l. '"TuXe up au,v o. wi- ; i r Hii.1 ee if t!i:a ia an ace ,.f cvW- : ar.ti-.' ! i t I "iVli.A.r s;inl it a" oit In tiw- ! i. r li.Ti " of iMuriico in the i I ok. I. v:,l tbe cl'l Mue qiuxolie here ' bits ic'ite cat." i Jnt llicti M.turuv llortcira entrance aM i "1 of I I. Yx't- t en.M:'i Iliellt Kox.t-I le-t. " II. nt:--X. t-. ii. r to Ja. "I'll call fur you : tm wort. Then tti.iv be tluv'll throw coal at me. ha ei;ht ' .r,-Whea: Wluit wild j be ii'iy aor-e than a spider with : I. a M i mi-Why. i ccntipcd with rV !! !..i::-. . f co itm-. I'hUao Ncas. A ThOLUMful Viid. pro..) a: v ni.c.mre m t:.c u o.l , KreuU-re.Wy. $ j But. nut Bftor Pltaaarc. C jSi V-s i'A i John Mn, hell toM a .t..ry recent- ; A.ffi7 A j lv in liie t lover el,.:, of Philadelphia jtSJ liK h:,!i i f a ecrt...n (niii huiuor. f ifcgi ,3 ' J ic I lie .... tallv , a! ,:it the s. f 'A $ liess of life, and hi- story '.re oat ! F , - 7, jatfMI Ins xu-w. He said ti re '.-re tao V' '"ii n-ters, sennitrees. alio 1.x ed ill a ' Ja little room aiL I earn. d their bn a.l ' , l sea hi i;. They a,-re x.miic and ' f Ihcv svi.loiii laaaid. ' j ini.lv ,iti... ! ' " i k: ... k at in v door at b I sit in a stoop- i ' 1 I .,":,:" ill ,!.,v an! a ."':-T: Ua l;' l--o'"d. 1 wa cn::.L'. H.c ,"r-i- ' "' 'v:1:: - .' "Ll-" a lite worn eat ' j to ,,. , XVhjt More Could He Want? 1 wish we oia; i' yiu, r .-liners onjecuou ,1 - to me. Mi. .i.r" a-i...i tt:t vntiius t, r's tnoutii took on u gnm -n.ile as , "'n- j she returned: "He tili and ..rk 1 ,,"'(" "" application, hard. Hiliiiii- before idciisiire." : ," r' ' "No a: ;.' , . !" I .,. , , ho, d bit- 1 ii r: . . I n o. :, i' .e Krou 1 ve r restiiiir " ' "'' "V I" s-e xoii twice week j or iw of ! 1,,r l;, :u"'.v :x years!" i'liicao j w pl.ia of 1 I I i in- i - . ... I I rrovero wrong. j "Th.i'li lA,.e ll'ore ynii spoi.lt ' ; on.o," -"id the n -in who (iii ites. i i Mr, I tlutiK, is ii )ooa luot- "I ,l.,'l f'l el- i., " ...I.I ll,., , n. 1 I Ii ai eo.l.'er. W ,,.ie u ,' tlllliKllli. pl.'ttv, I'llt They n, vrr w ore Tiny ,!:,! nn'hii ; I : Ct lUlltlKle. :n' ' I I--rt of ti;e liylit w Io n she ua- aitii labor the viuint'er Icr -i-ti r: "t'h. diar! win- both dead: 11. A Daring x-Quecn. 'flic tno-t in", mill n.l i:it nielhhcr of the id fat. I 1 It .nana Is the ci-iiei n N.lple.-, sl-ter ot the llllird. Ii press of Aii-'riii 1 lurty y.ars i she na- a wouiaii of roniark.i beautv and il.inn ' and a as the i, of the Neapolitan annv. When tin arilimaii- w. re storuui, the for tre-s ol inula, the iiiieeu ilonn, uniform and loain braxeiv iiiiiist them, sh.. in her conti mpt of dan ger by co.dlv smoking a i n.-ar while the bullets were nunino uroimd her. She na- lil-n one of the ileviie-t horsewomen in llaroiii' and on more than one m ca-i.,!i ha- Inn d ii circus ill i'aris and cxcititnl the nio-t dar ing ban-bin k feats of a cinus rider. uli.e. Mabel," : bailed tin aubject. U i line son roe I t.i iro. j 'if .l.ai'ie li.itliihi; t'oin ti Open n I ii.ne." kiiJ fnw !i r. . r iniiin in vt week, to lm b l-iiionuw." ss you'll do vour I Winne 11..I.I1-.I and .k Ida teal a. ! lleinm s)l,it, Into the vaeaut libiee Ih S..U- Si ii i;,. I tin- tan .mum: men b.nl their rea- sons f r an. id, ns ia b oilier. Inl in", j l.i , ,,im. . i. .1. the nveni .l.aili of a rich n-liitne bail given bis fiulre pn,HTty to liorl. ii. wlio was a decree tba near er. Kier.v cue Lnew tun the old man iiil.nd. .1 Wynne for bis beir, thouch be bad i.enl.si.sl 10 make a will, but lb utoii sun in ihiii ebanee only bla uwu ni.sl luck. Tut tics nas not til!. It ana an open .si-ei Hun U.ib n.linlnsj Sylvia Iten ti.im uu. I H.at li. r aunt favnre,! if ,r toii sin.e bl 11. -o si..ii to wenltli. Slie honestly hclicvcd it lo r duly to make t!ie ..si s.ssil,e match f..r h.T or , ha 11 mine. who. iimnch foriimeless hi-nh-lf. bad Im.ii l.roiihl up !n luiiiiy. Wynne was at ins desk next day w ti. 11 he h ard the door Is-hind him open. 'You're a bit inily. Fowler." be aaid without nnsilli; his even. "It isn't Fowler." llorton ndvunc-d. "I'd like a feiv iier.ls niib jou (.. fori' be rt in s.' Wynne tinned and hmked lit II ,rton "W. II:" lie siil.l. "Time pn-ss,-.,," wild llorton. "an I'll come 1,1 th,- point. I saw you with Si Ma lleiih. jn last evening" Wi nncs lips. t:Kl!ten.-.l. "Weir;" he aid ni;ain as llorlmi hesitate 'Will, of .iiar-e 1 know you want to marry her. Wait a minute." as Wvnnf 11 .ade 11 ipii,'; nioveiiieiit. "Just think It over. Me- has nlwiila hi-cn llssj to luxury mid would he ihlacrtil.le with out 11 .. n tun nine your own war lo laiike. .11111 knew look at the other sale. 1 r.iuid iiintify nil her wbluis. l ie set my heart on her, and I'm will- In; to pay ihe price. If I make It Worth your wb.le to withdraw" - toil cur. Wynne apramt up with c!ih. bed bunds. (let cut f my aielit F-wtatw. pastxJ kia way throaefc. Wyaae sveissd kia eye and touted at aiuL "lion uV h.' UaiariereA "Oafe i tb. r. nf..und k.mT" aiut trred FuwWt. "Yoa gare hua Toar irbanea." stia a M-uck faeaa at tba truih. r-ut It mwl that Wynm bad had a wonderful mn. There aaa no j eootnaaloa or broken tonea; ha weald i be rtcbt acuta la a few day a I Ko It provrd. hen be next a I aytvla Henhata all that remained ef i bla misadventure was aa unusual pab I lur and a tear acruas the forehead. Iffy Ma eanie to awwt hint with oot at rvtcbed hand, her faee aglow. "Jack I told aeM-aiie said wllhout any nrr-f- aee. "a. n waa so Inn of jrou to do itr He slnsdl hla Btmd. He eonbt m4 take her uralsee on false reteiisea. "It would have been cowardly not tu." be aald. "When I found myself thinking that only his life stood between me and all that I .-are fi In llna w.eld"- "IH yua i-sre so much f.tr-lhe BioiHyr" slie mid softly. The look and lie broke down hi aetf control. "You know It Isn't the Excess 1 Of Smohing Affected! My Heart So I Had To Sit Up To Breathe. Dr. Miles' Heart Cur Cured Me. SEABOARD (a Aia Line Railway BH-wIKX Jt ViiRK, TAMPA. AT LA VTA. SEW OKUUStf A3D rulXIl WOCTU ANUWK.Tr. IN EFFECT NOVEMBEH 23. I0O3. MOCTUWAKD IiaL'T N. il : Lt 5sw York. FRK. lit SAfm L, ri..'..wiiii, run, a iv,a be Hal.ii,'r. " 1141 L V airgcra. " J o-aa 1.. iiiet.u-.a. n 1 nj, ie.-., I.t .V.riinn, L lltb-Wr-va, " l.t hsl ci bt jiiu.ii I1n ' l.t 11. ml, I. I. OJir: ' , Ar Nivabaa. Xr Jack--r.l,l. Arii Auautia. " Ar Tainea. " To Cut let. liepre-e!ltat ivo lleidler rullic out nf tl c house and met lici.rcsc ntutivu Xci in ooitiir in. "What are thev dmiii in there. Jake?" asked Neiin. Amos Allen of Maine hua got up a lull that cuts a lot of ice. ' Xevin was interested. "Is that so?" he inquired. "What is it about ':" It provide for an ice breaker in the I'eiiobsoot river." , the ci n- mi.i'iv thitikiiiir 11.'- mii.e other fellow in. e to e, t oil (he bril ' I'l.illiiiiore lleruld. To Be Well Spoktn Of. ' Tu, 1. (1, ,.rj, If 1011 wouUl have nun sj,i a! hi li of von aider you nre ib ad, ciiii.:!e a sunny di-position iin.l be kind nnil s uipiilhetic with nil. T'otn Vi-. iiiul if ,a would have I men s, oal. well id' you while you are nine be r., h and prosperous. Bos ton i r.ui-i ript. An Empty Assurance. "Ib- -aw he'd S1....-C Lis last dol lar w 'th inc." "Vi -," said the man who looks lit thin.' Idly, "but he is a inun who will take precious piod care never to l'i t dow n lo his last dollar." V11-h1nM0n Star. lie i. p.,i1 short, list.icmr. There a iiuoii- riili oiitaide. then a err that rani: sharply tliroiitli the room: "I 'Ire'" llotli men sprain." to the door, but wberei 1 r they turned the smoke poured All Aboard for Good Bread. REAL ESTATE OWNERS who have land to sell should list it with us and thereby have it advertised in the newspapers free of cost. Buying and soiling land is our Many a well-meant, well-planned attempt at bread-makine is wrecked on the hiwls of poor flour. Cheap Hour is bid Hour -Its low price is the maker's excuse for the Inferiority of his product Oood bread Is not hard to make- Half the voyage is over when vou get good flour. Whiter, Atrcnger, sharper, purer flour than oum can not be made. Therefore we caution you to ask for the "(jOLOHN ROD" and "INVINCIBLE" brand. These brand are mild at the low est price for which really first class flour can be sold and its price I bllsinCSS tnenKhest yu need 10 P"y ln r to get the best. I tew are of bad iiour ana snort weights- Uur quality and weights are guaranteed- mmwm hKHiey." he said velh-Qienlly. "ex.i aa the money nu-ous yon Y.-s, 1 aiust May tliow I love you! 1 hoe you!" dropping the hands he had grasped. The slender bands flottiTed laiek to bla sleeve. "I might any something, too. If If you asked nie" "If I asked your He caught nee hands again, 'eilvla. your aunt told aie you would 1' wretched wllhout -w it boul w hat I cannot off. r you yet and I brlb-ied h.T. Hut now Tell me, tiylvla. may I speak now and not feel that I am rlsklue your hapidnesa: May I. doarr The answer waa so low tliat he had to lieud bis head very close to hear It. Hut that It was satisfactory may be Inferred from Kowb-r'a remark a little utter, w hen they met at the lbs "Well. I ion ijulxote," he anld. with a k.sn glance Into YVyiuie'a face, "you don't look aa If you had r. 'nte.l your folly yet." I've seen no reason for repenting so fur." Wynne laughed liaek. "ll'tn! I atipNe you think you've kma-kisl my theories all to pieces." said Fonder. "Hut I still inaliitain that you're simiily an anachronism, only." with a qiilMleal look, "on Ihe whole I sbouhUi't blind If there were more of you.'" A Tassler. A rerbilli boy gt to a Presbyterian Hundav scbonl. He baa never ttvn biiplli.sl lining to the fuel that bla pareiita are uol uieniberaof the cbureh. Tin y souiellmiia attend religious serv ices, however, and their soli luis fre qin utly bad opimrlunillcs for wltn.s Ing the baptismal ceremony. Hecent ly bis Sunday school teacher had a ills eus. Ion with him concerning the fact Unit be had never been liaptlaei!, In forinlhtt lilm that until be was be could not liccoine a uiemlier of the church. lie went homo, inilderably troubled, to ask his mother atiout It. "Yes" she answered; "you must lie haptiiiHl heforv you can lie taken Into the church." "Well, wlij didn't you have 1110 Imp tl.isl when waa a little lathy?" he coiiiphiiufd. "oh. tbiil dnesu't matter. You ran be bailUid at any time." "I Hi boys w ho an' i litbt or nine years old ever gel tin pi I fed':" "Yes. often. F.vcii men, eoiiietltuca, are baptized." This was going too far. lie looked at her with oh ii dlsliellef and by way of Justifying his doubt said: Not big men as old as papa! How could their pitrctita hold them 111 tbclr arms while the minister was wetting their headsr-rblmgii Itoconl Herald. The U h.i.t that k a drlrtet tout lrl r-ui ih umik ac tun mnn thM Uw ris.-soe .-e ul t.4.ck aa-1 trs-lf rM-t. aniii.t ti hcarl, aa ori-rri.i fr. ang mthr ill-. cbo:..g iruau. u, is. ttiftd. aiscnmt- t trota sire.inf , the le si.ir sa.i ins.-,!!- . 4.lt wi, lh suttr ku tu a U 1. I..J ,.. mu, lr. l.,.-tt.i.,.inil.,,l l.nl hr.ir. Sm"krt . Sj ,i ,ht he, :, n ,,d .Im a., a.4 an.lrrsiii,t I t-tr ..n 1. ,;.,l Wiincd ia l aw, U Ih. Kiao.nm eter .act: "I tiT.llv tnwhlrd with aa a-tfi . the Hen. I inmk toriies-o.-sinok ef tie.,,. v. ,r s li 1 mu nnrcttd n efg-a a c-k H itr.tnx.i w!,a 1. rlvde.t I. M .' Ilr.tt l ii.-r. 1. M ,.' Nrnineiikl Ni-rseand I nn I . !. i aitk (..iiunif, rlc 1 laal.tui!, I. .a.wr.l tl I- Hin i.-ea. tiuei.HHti;.irn . n.i am -iv.1 l, jV tl. it L.V lleirn. I -v.o 4 I'.'.io l'ai J i a l iaia t-l'Ha . i,,i'" an'l we can handle properly which you may have been unsuccessful with yourself. We will also collect rents and buy mortgages and judgments on land. Several farms, temporary tracts and town lots on hand for sale on easy terms. Quit paying tents and buy a home with rent money. Will buy for ourselves any real estate in the county, il for sale at a bargain. Henderson Roller Mills Gompanu. J. E. HENDERSON, Manaeer. r Union Real Estate Go. Office: Armfield i Williams. E. C. WILLIAMS, Manager. - i ASH CRAFT'S Eureka Liniment. BI IHIllilln HACK TO BOIITOX AMD 1.KAIK.KO HIM TO Till WIN1XIW. In tb.-lr faces, hut and stifling. The el evnr shaft was a well of flume, the staircase half burned awny, so sudden was the work of destruction. "Tins way!" punted Wynne. Hut the tire run with them up the walls, along (be ceiling, blistering and crackling over their heada. At the end nf the passage was a window coin miiiidlng a lire escn. Wynne cllnilied up and called buck to llorton: ""ulek. for your life!" "I c.m'1!" gasped llorton, unnerved and helpless. Wynne knew that there waa barely time for bla own escape. Why should he Mierlflee his life fur the U)R0 who shut ti I in out from love aud fortune? For an Instant he thrilled with the re alntation of all that this chance might mean; the next he hurried back to llor ton and dragged him to the window. The fresh nlr revived the half stupe fled man. am! he descended In aafrty. Wynne was following when a great piece nf crumbling plaster struck blni on the head. Illcodlng and stunned, be staggircd and went down. J'owler, who had been an auilous This Liniment will remove sttavin. snlint. ringbones, and all cartilaginous erowth when applied in the earlier Btagcs of the disease. One of the most common lame nesses, however, among horses and mules is sprain of the back tendon, caused he over loading and hard driving. Ashcraft's Eureka Liniment is a never-failing remedy . T5,e Liniment fs also extensively nscA t.vZ. rheumatism, and mssTji List week between Monday morning and Satur 1,. eolden opportunity to visit our store. Y -: . ju were Mt, one the loser. If- SrWARDl visit our store this week and inspect our lines you win tie rewarded. SIKES & WINCHESTER. 9 1 enroam Vou Know What Vou are Taking When you take (irove't Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula it p'sinly punted on evrry bottle showing that it it simply Iron anil (.Miiuine lu a less form. No Cure. No ";y Knl a Pleasant Trlu. It was on bis return from a morn than successful concert trip Unit one of the Ih-i know ii coiuoscr musician was met In the street by a friend. "Pleasant trip?" his friend Inquired. "Illeasaut drip!" the musician un- swenj. "Aeh, hiiuniel, no! Y'y, vhen we got down dhere the baritone haf forgot hla treaa d rouse ra, und vol shall a doj "So I go on uud blay. uud I run qvlek la-blut the sienet und rhaneh, uud be go oud uud alng und come qvlek back again, und I put em ou uud blay. Aeh, I haf rhanehed my (trousers scfen time dose vou rfeidngs alreaty!" It Is told of this asm musician that he la now enjoying the conjugal folic Ity of a third attempt, and UH)U being Introduced to a young man at a reeep ttnu r,ii'iitly lie aald: "Ah, you married r "Yea." the young man replied. 'Hot a Root rlfer "Fine." "tioot-goot! I haf now, too, also. She make thoae Are und cook und nefer lioder at all. She I Up prat vlfe I efer haf, you belief me. Loudon Answers. mv rate is n mia?, ...a .n. .n. i, fc Ktg anmg I' c u.s ,.( K,a rl wis to am. his coul.l n.4 krrp n,, kc is st it sful tutterrd gtrjilv bom kitrr m ss-s,l Hi. br ut. Mli, imr u ,tM Would b. tori-r-l to sssumc a filling r-lure bigrtaisbiralS. snd be ti.f I n . bring a w.mld Ktm . though 01, hrsrt k.4 slopped branng. Fr. h ;4rn.l,d rtsii.u achieved mair csl can rhecrtullr rrcommrn.l Hr. Mi,t llraitft. KrM.ln. .Nrmti. and caber rrni..ih- to ail Mirtrr. t lrm heirt nenoas Is-uWrs " van Iruir, t.iiiaH IUl u IKsh.n. A'a. All dnirgius sell aad eiurantee firrt bo. tic Ir. MiUV Kcnici ic. J-eft.l 1- Ire. txs-k a Nsriout an.l He,rt fiiseaiev AJUirsa 111. ktdCs Medical Co, td.luit, lad. People's Bans OF MONROE, N. C. Solicits your account and baukinc business. Ve guarantee AHStil.1'1 F SF.CI KITY, promptness an.l all the accommodations that SOI ND bank ing will admit of. Interest paid, ac cording to acirrtiirnt, on deposit, h it for our staled perioj. Always readv for loans uu appuivcd paper, O. P. HEATH. President. M. L. FL()V, Commiisiorer of Duds for Soutb Cirvliai, In HortB Carol in: tlsO I Juslirr of II Poiif for (Jaioa County, ted NuUry PjM,c f North Urolnii. :-: :: Siierisl atleul.on given to takine Af fidavlts, Aikiiowlcdlinirnt or l'r.w l id Oeeds, Moilcagrs, Contiacls, Kills of Salr, Powers of Atloinev. Kenuntia lions of Dower an.! luhriitanie, I'ep osilions, Willing and rrobatiug I'.rds. Murtnaeeinnil all other papers, issuing Slate Waruuta, Haun and le!.ei and All.il l.iiieiil papers, Civil Sum nmns and Ihe Collection of Claims. Othee at M. L. Flow Co. s Stole, easl ol courthouse, Monroe, N. C. S. a7 STEVENS, M. D MONK E, N. t. Calls aiisuerrj in dav flom Fni! - Oniii Stole; at uigl-t Iiotn in, f ic-c English lici; Stole, iheiie iH tm,, n i s-i No. M. I s Nrw York. II V 1'a.X.t i rs-u. I t Iwleinl... 10 t'.i l. e Vols 11 OSHCo t 5W"K l.t Ha i ieoir. tl M I't o I. W a-h Um. N s B Lt l ivtMuuutk. e A L Ky. ft".a bt Wes'tm. - U s'tans bt l.iiii- " 1 .Vtw Ksaia i 14 at I 4-Wnt iu: lo.i.ia hi ,;ans HVJ.ni 4 in. a kaopas T 9m I l.t N,uil,r fivf. I l.t Han let. ' I l.t U'uniltig'en. . Ar tu.rli.llw, j Lt I r.r-t.r. l.t A ll: .ns. ' Ar Atlsnla, " Ar A.igusia c a; W c, Ar kia. ok. C vt lis. Ar il.ii giHu'ry. A 4 W P. a.io Ar Uol. or. !.., II ia Ar Nrw Orimna. I. ft X, ? ''iwos Ar Na bin's. M'dl-lU I isn Ar 'emehK " 4 l-'.na Sl'KIHlVAKli. lailt No's l.t Mi-mpbU. M' Kl L, ti 4'.p:a i.v Xs-tii iit. " V.'ims l.t New Orleans. I. 4 N. S l0aw l.t M .bi . " I .'4 i.in l.t Men goin'ry. A It V, t' am l.t M,k,u. Ciii da. Stswua I.v A.i(;..-'a. t .V t', Mo-am Lt Atlanta. 5 , L K iTisti Ar .silo-us. U fi.,.rn Ar llveli,Hld, 6 i.',tu trli.t-ter. " ti;pni Lt t'liarioil.. o ; -JTpiu" Lt Witriiliigtou, o a'in Lt ILmkt. " 10 4o-m '. L, Soul ti.ru I'm., llil(tn Lv Kulrt-li. " I ICain l.t liii,l.-r.in, " n u'win l.t Noi.iua, " $ f-tuin Lt tVel.lon, " Neoam Ar Poii-mouth. 7 l-'-ain PwUy. Ke-ir It laaai tiswat Masa ID tlaaa I lifsa t ISeWS 'isa s .s-, h)a 4Vaa i IH as 4 ttaia ItSsai U pea ' (aupai rt 4t. si 11 tivm ttaupsa :V as II I a nsa t tm St-Vea ispot Sm an-a lek-'.ui Sisia ft .Vsaaa IXmu U Hfeai ital V-ia JL I.,ly Noi suipm Slklam I i"1'ia 4 u as s iisa II i'l ra I -Vs,ia 4 I -mi in Mil sib Ar U s-l.inatou NA VV Ml, Ar Hsiloiiore. 11 s P I'm. Ar Nr.. Voik. O i S s. Co. Ar I'hila 1 1 a.N V 1'A S,t Ar Nrw --ri(. " Lt Tat.,,. HAL by Ll M .lii.-.ls-i,i.. " l.t ii ii l.ill 11. , " Lt siavantinh. " Lr I .,1-iiiilua. " Lv Ksinl't. i.v s-.-ili . m Fine " Lt I! , -is - Lr H,., i, i -,-u. " Lt Norlins. " Ll l',,lrr-l..ils, " Li lt,, I I, !. r Wad am toll. P ll It, VrB.ilH ole Ar Phils I. Ij ia. " t- N'rw Voik. V-pni s l. pn. No .14 S (s,, 7 4 am ' ia.n !4-',.n il-ptn le C't in II .ij.-ii I IC Ol 11 '...ni a I it ;. .;:.,!, H.l.-oi. H I am 11 i'-nu I " pin 4 III, ni tStwal s 41am II tsaia IU 'lOlinl I 4'.,,ia II liioi 6 c,-,a .'.sia :tu .U'OJ 6 loani 5 l'am " Nn. i sunam SIs'l id 7 .Vfin ti i,i;-io 6 icuun s 4 'sm V lvm II van l i vui I V ; in 4 , .'i-m 4 Viptn n,(,m 11 i 1 10 'i Vara a sm .Nets - liwily Ker,' Snr.lay !''.i.iril if i Kr .tern I'm.. i IV pAltli M An i.l, Vi l i, .NT over post l- lb i i H pie D. Stewart, M. MUSKilR, S. C. D, V V x, k. Irk (oatlela' Kaewwa. One of the first duties I fulfllled as a iiipernumerary warder waa the ear and control of prisoners "down for tlie doctor." Convicts complaining of alek nesa are allowed to leave their calls during their dinner hour and form up lu a king rank outside the medical o (fl eer's Mom, Into which they enter and late their eaaea lu rotation. Many of tlss prisoners complaints and request at the doctor'! desk ara eitremely fun ay and grotesque. "1'leaae, sir, I've got a bad heart," one man says lugubriously. "I know yoa hate," the doctor re plies, with a laugh. "If you bad a good one, you w ould not. In ill proba bility, hare seen a prison Interior." "Would you be so kind, air," the next Dian snya persuasively, "s to let Die hate one or two of your aanctlmoDtoua plUsr-I-oralon Tit lllta Calls piompt!) amui i, d in day (i n Houston's I'iiic Slcre; ul ni,!,t li u result-nee on Colitue Stiert. OhVr ill -'ltgclald liillldiug. Office buir 1 1 to ii. A. M. I'h. me 141 JOHN P.MONROE,;.:. D., atCNKCE.N C. Day calls answeud Innti ll..-...i.'. ill m su re and oliiee, '( luine 1, N 1 I from Commercial Hotel, 'phone 2 10. B. HOUSTON, SUKGliON DKNTIST. Office up flans, Fitirald Huildii ,. Northwest of Courtliuusr, Monioe, N. C. HANI ARUI IKI.n. ELLIS C, ll ll LtAHS. ARMFIELD & WILLI 4KS, attorneys and Counsellors at Law. MONKOE, N. C. Traclice in all the Slate and l iiile. States Com Is. I'roiupl atunticii given lo eollec lions and general law pi ,u lice. fcaTPersons interested in the settle lieu t of estates, adiuiiiistralors, ese. cutors, and cnaidiaus ara especially invited to call 011 llieui. Continued and painstaking altentint will lie given, at a reasonable pi ice. lo all legal business. OrHce id coui lliouse opposite Clerk', jfflie. MEHir t. AI'AMI, TIIOMSS J. Jl ROHI ADAMS S JEROME, UltORNfcYS At Lftlt. MONROE, N.O. Practice in all the Courts, Stale am' Federal 1 lie management ui estate or enroit'jrs, administrator! aspeciab ty. Careful and diligent altenlioi given to Ihe foreclosure of niortciicri and collection ot claims. Motiri oancd without enprnse to lender. All utifialiou given prompt and careiu attention. Office east of courlhom The Sunny South FREE! R.B. Redwine. A. M. Stack EES WINE & STACK. Altornryi-al- La', MONROE. N. (;. Practice in all Hie Stale and IV al Courts. W ill nianace r Pavrnloi. A . I ... i n 1 . 1 . " . o.jble I a-, ; and will How to (iat lit A POSTAL CARD 5t-if t4-.U r crit fr.g to v ard -u jii Ujq Sunny South fcr tht cwrtnt itsut. S-nd on!) Hrtid al FrnnllU . Thl. ll ItM S.j!tt t lirrtl I !sfV Mrk, pSiii J al Anmi. da , txitv u (ar.t jn-ar rciiU(iun nn mri ,, a-i. llm htttii'l ,(ipv , rt,&r will mk0 you ikru'r Sunny S..t,(', r Tii rjper lv.t ,V. t- J H l it il.ralurr. rnmin.ai, f,t jnj l j iJ five lt f ll v l h.n tint . if f.tl i Tin. sn,.s mitcj mth4rrn writrr air jn .t g r ct tt'tHilir Two f.s.J tottjit rt iiajt in ft .f-rn Ir.-l of iMttorai tant. OA Sunny Soutii ttviri ith Iht lift Iht gtf Jt tmiifi lli K.'-iai tun' thin warm efrttiir(f lit,, aciivity, v4 Ih tra'tn It Ittvtf f)J n4uAh i.ttrli ttvr hand isf InJurrv. Tht wtt (, mt fia-rtni wtth fft truth of the ingcni.iia aid pt'vt. and ftvtt out tht very al, of ttvt otaic;, pjim V m4 tay. Tht fcauty and p4-h.e, fh roaanct ard )rfnf of ih land lrt ltv Corn Uaw up tht g..i J 11 HinUt.nt ani tht crtflnn hitttii In Hn mtanniitit, saIH ht fivcD Hi flit well filled culumnaud Ihit taJ tUtlng wrvkly. tffand on a Foatftl Card fh UMl and a.Urttwtof tlx nf yotjrntt;ti- lon who wituid ipprtciato rht uppnunit t.j rtad a coy of Tftt Sunny Somb, a4 t a 4. MMplt vili b m4 fi to each 4 Address cA'l CommumcAtAvu fV t G)Q Sunny South. J Allmtt, Ok. Br$M W. i ROET." L. STEVENS, Attorney and Counsellor-it-Laf. MoNKOR. N. C. Prompt attc'itK.. Riven tu all nmt :rrs pUcrt! in uur lianJs, Manaciitriit yf estates for (tuarj a ns, a-lniini tralois and rxreuturs a iteci..lly. Charts rc.anoiuMe. Ollire cam nf CViurthuune. (formerly xcupifd by tl'e latf P. A. CoviiiKti-n.) t i A X V S lot aatanC' 5oc. I Cx 11 For chronic scratches Ashcraft's Eureka Lini ment is without an equal. Three or four applica tions will cure this disease In its worst form. Owing to the wonderful antiseptic cpjalities, the Eureka Liniment should be used in the treatment of all tumors and sores where proud flesh is pres ent. It is both healing and cleansing, entirely destroying all parasites and putrefaction. Users of Ashcraft's Eureka Liniment must re member it should not be used on feverish nana 'aesMrsMssa." s it acts as counter-irritant and stimulant, rrice 50c bottle. Sold by The English Drug Company. --ErW.LEMMOD, Attorney-at-Law. will practice in ill Ihe Stale and Coil ed States Courts. Special! attention given to Hie settlement of estate! for Guardiana, Kir cutors and Adminis trators, and the collection of claims. Reasonable charges. Also agent and lo-al attorney lor the Panther City tl me Company, from which loaol may be obtained on real estate. Office one door east of M. L. Flow Co s slorj. Phone No. 203. Notice of ;A4ffiingtr'ation. "'v"s llus day qualified before Ihe clerk of the Superior Court (s admin istrator of J.F. E. Braswell, deceased, notice is hereby (iveo to all parlies holding claims against laid eitafe to present them duly aulhenticattd to ihe undersigned on or before the 28th day of January, 11)04, or this aolice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All parties indebted to laid es tate must make immediate payment or coati will be idded This January land, 1903. ESTHER E. CRASYYELL, Admioistralrii of J. F. E. Ilraswjll, Deceaaed. Redwine & Slick, Att'ya. diatii b r ,ur"lfose mm testes aud neeotiati loans, without rimace lo Morlcanrrr and Money Lenders, whrn prai lirable Offices-North western rooms, fiisi floor. Courthouse. DR. B.C. REDFEARN.t OIMTIST. ttn-.gei leasonahli Salisfac lion guar sntcid. Ofhce oeci English Drug Cos MONROE, N. 0. Will be it Marshville, N. C, on first and third Moo'days of each month, ind t Matthews on second and fourtt Mondays. Phona JJ2 I has stood the U I bottles. Does 1 1 Bssdoei Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic has stood tht test 23 years. Averagt ArjituI Sales over Ont mtj a WI KKicm tfoe im recora or roerttarpeI toyo7 INo Core, No Pay. aroaa wm tvwr smn a I sav cssl. watcaaaw " UwvaH awazk ILoot, Ltvwr rata. a. .. f I a i Ha. ' ' ONE-THIRD SSslaaVaaVaHBaaBataV 1 UC I; a. naHalf JOioa ' riiree Times ILt Value ol Isj oilier! EASIER I FASTER,' The only Sew-Macliine that docs not fail in any point. Rotary motion and tall bearings make it the lightest tunning nr.chine in the world. Send for circulars and terms. WiiiitLi. r 8c Wilson M'r'c Co. Atlanta, Gecrgia. S.J.EuegeCo. MONROE, N. C

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