THE MONROE JOURN 7. .A T" VOLUME X. NO 8 MONROE. N.C., TUESDAY MARCH 24.1903 One Dollar a Year j Sparks of I j public (J) pinion. J Dr. rklver' View. Iftfi 1 Kai-mrr. Ir. Mclvcr joyfully declare that on every educational question the legislature weul the educational ay. Th Sheriff Who Did HI Duty. rnrh$lrrun StamUtsl. If Attorney Polk of St. I.uis docs not look out tliey will umke lii in President yet. lie is about to do the same thing to the vicious elements of St. U.ui that he him done to the brilied and bribing offi cial. There wax sheriff who did j his duty once in llullalo but that is another story. The Big Trust Coming. lr. K. K. Hale's successor iu Iloston said the other duv: "You have labor trusts and capitalistic trusts and they are having a glo rious time fighting each other be cause they do not know they are inevitable, finally they will com bine, and then the great consuming public will have Ixith to reckon with." Must Be Told and Retold. Krlh t'r-.liua Hatl... The IMitor of the Baptist goes this week to lMiihaiu and next week to Jacksonville, to organize the auti kiIiniii forces for active work. Itretlireu the war is not over. The eople of North Caro lina must be told and retold, each man at his own door, a' out the in justice of the saloon anil its danger to us. Let the Uood Work Uo On. W ilniOlj.-t.iii Mt'4M-titftr. llovcrnnr Ayeock, Siliieriutend- eut id' I'ublic Instruction Joyuer and the'r lieutenants seem to have mapped out plana for a vigorous campaign of education for this spring. I.ct the press and the pro ple give them encouragement and backing, li'l the good work goon until every w hite girl and hoy in North Carolina has a eoiuinon school education. Democratic Duty. Klflinixiul N.' I..-i'Lt. To their complete healing, and in order for victory, the IViiioci-uIh must nominate a man w ho has not lx-cn, and there is every guarantee will not Is', obnoxious to either fart ion. The only Ifc-uinenitic pos silnlity that can ensure success is a man who will bring conciliation, mid stimulate the spirit of give uiitl take on a platform enilsHlying the new and great issue la-fore the country. Never Thought Him Ureal. C.ttits.rtl Trunin. . We never thought Mr. I'l itt h;.rd u "great limn," do not yet so con sider him, but this is one Demo cratie paH-r that has always reeog lii.ed and appreciated his worth as u true, patriotic North Carolinian, fully believing in liupublicun prin ciples and ever faithful to the best interests of the State. We do not think the Democratic paicm of the State have said too much altout Mr. I'ritchard now that he is out of the Senate, or more than they grautcd U-fore his defeat. Murders Increasing. Sll. ll Star. From the report of Attorney (ieueral tiilmer it apK-ain that murder tire on the increase in North Carolina. After reading the State papers for the past year and noting the unusual minuter oi mur ders the public was fully prepared for this statement. The question of vital concern is "how shall the number lie d.-creiwcd t " Some go to the extent of arguing that the law passed ill ls'.KI dividing mur der into first and second degrees ought to lie repealed, but thi will hardly lie accomplished. The ten dency of the law is not in Unit di rection. Two Booms In North Carolina- NltMl Kulrrprl'M'. There are two quite picturesque presidential Ikmuiis ii launching in North Carolina. Kaeh is begin ning in a newspaper oflice. The Fail-hank boom in City and Hie Hearst boom in Kdenton. Fairbanks is a Republican I'uited State Senator from Indiana and is the man the anti R.ioscvelt Repub lican in the State have centered on to oppose Ihe I'rcsident with. The iiicu in charge of the movement are making frequent trip to Washing ton to confer with their caudidate, and it i given out that several other Fairbanks iiiiH-r will lie started at other place in North Carolina. The presumption i that the. Indiana candidate is furnishing the money. . William R. Hearst, the other candidate who is to have a North Carolina newspaiier, i the editor of the New York Journal He has an income of several mil lions a year from gold and silver mines, and i running newspuiers as a diversion, lie lias money enough to seud a few thousands on newspapers in every town in ortli Carolina, if he should take the notion, lie i a Democratic candidate ami was Mr. Bryan's killed Her Mother, Her Daughter ml Herself. hrnnyaB i V V li.Mh fc. Klb. Iu a freny of mania Mrs. James Mrowlirnlge of t.uyauoga village. five miles from here, today killed ber daughter, aged -K and tier mother, aged no, and alter setting lire to the houx- in which the Uslies lay, deliberatelv entered it and perished iu the flames, Fxactlv how the women killed is not known. The first in tiiuatiou the Heights.! had of the tragedy was this afternoon, when Mrs. Strom bridge home was found to lie on fire, and immediately utter she was seeu to set fire to another house acrosM the street, iu which her daughter lived, and also to two barns iu which were IN head of! rattle and three horses. When party of men attempted to break oM-n the tiarn to release the am luals, .Mrs. .Mrowl.riilge, who was standing in front of her blaing home, brauuishing a revolver, tired at them reiM-atedlv. Several of the men mane a rtisti Hoping 10 close with the mad woman and disarm her, I nl she held them at bay with the revolvei. While tlu-v were h-sitating she suddenly cut her throat, filled a pail ot water ut the well, thrust a quantity of hay and straw into it, and placing the whole mass on her head, rushed into tin blaing house, in which her charred IkhIv and the IsHlicsof her dailgh Icr and mother were found alter the lire had burned itself out. The three women lived a hermit life, working on the farm like men and often wearing men's clothing. They are supixiscd to have la-en well to do. Mrs Strowhridge is be lieved to have gone suddenly mad. For several day she nppcai-ed to Is-acting strangely, but her method of life was hiicli that none of the ueighlHirs had any communication with her. A suit recently brought against Mrs. Strowbridge for wages may have aggravated lu-r trouble. SKINS IN THE WHITE HM.'5li. 1'rorn Over the State. i Three divorns were grafted in A LOU-UED PEOPLE. I Should 5et a Fetter Example. charl..!!. krw. a nos up ine l.uetis one week ofeouit iu Durhaiu. whim Illustrate the Loo- l ufortuiiately for the fair name ot Last .Simiwri Work on thej statrsviilc held an A-ct...Mt last 'ty of the Men of the Con- of the Slate, the paiticipautsin the Otficial Residence Meaning of week and went diy by a big lua 1 lederacy. J deplorable affair at were formats' Ekcliua. iionlv lor liom.r." lii : li- i"n . Bleu ot romiiH-ui-e; m -u of eiluea i.. .4 r -i..u..-! jquor, t il. t A statement in one of the news- tiou au I r.-tim-iiieiit. whoslissl .... , . i. i- m i .... i t. , , , rl"r that J. I M. Cnrrv. who high in their nfessi and men W.l.N..r..N. M. Much -"- The s..v.u year d .. of Mr aiH, JH, rf; , ...ioniu s.s ietv demanded -Noma., has received more s,n ! II . auble of tharl.Mte d.,sj T(.x mhlKhlll, all" ; , !,hi ,',.,. hwxM alll1,. vre and eariM-sl congratulation on -last week fiom l.s liaw, raused by i ,j .... ...... .., ,i... ' n...;, t.n... Ti....r..M. .1... were-bis s- hoi. the ra.v.r,d. 'sticking a nail in his f.s.t. . ,.. .Lut l,,Jwere the lesa -.ensalde for Ih.-r em in the H-uate ot the I luted T,(i , , tva1N,ill(i from the Norfolk I.edirerlhc e..udu. t. There M-ein t.. Is- 110 ciuics tueu uas 11 e 11011. 1.1 uiuiiaii ,. , . ... : ., . , . ,1 , ,. , , , 0 .... . I Irank I. tMhirneof tte A eorns-tioii that .lohu tioisle of ir II lev 11 II 111a 11, of Ninth t aroliua. . . . ri. I : ..11 1 ti i . 11 1 i;.i .1 11 sH-iate Justice of he t ourt of I'r - guna is still alive. The Mont e hd jnt what he said he was, xu Uyrrtlf ... go iiglo do ..that spiss h vu:,e, , H.r addition tothelist -llcurv hi r ic. not onlv bv l:.H kingl,a.u county, ha '1 ' J""7 JV ' ', 1 a"SvTKl I. ..... 1 .1 ii. 1 .T. ........... i-" 1 i.- ....!'- I "gli. all of the Alvert.M-rs inn numeral 11111, 11111 m mr ii.'piu . ".t nir 1,11 ,.n, hi w v . . . and statesmanlike utterance he ins-.lH.r., lor making false re -i""'- J" AT' I,.,. J turn. ,ca..e.l.-stwootl,erM-rs.i.oiaton a speech worthy of any statesman of the present day, and I lie democrat le party w ill do well to make It one ot the hrst and loiviuot campaign documents that it sends out to the thought l'ul readers of the country. Mr. Tillman lias grown wonderfully in the past two years in tlieestiina I ion of his colleagues of the Senate. His grates! strength, however lies iu the knowledge by cxcrvlMxIy w ho knows him, of his absolute ami un swerving honest y. j fislcrate Sum- people pretend to attach collsitle.-.lli1c sil'llllilMIICf'.o tile l':iet ! that on the reorganization of Hie Senate, which occurred on Un assembling of the extra session, that the democrats elected Senator (iorman, of Mai land, to tin- posit ion just vacated bv Senator .loncs. of Aikausas, the chairmanship el' tin the ilcmoci at le caucus nlueli pos ition carries w ith it the lealcrsliip of the mitioi ity on the lUir of the Senate, Nunc kiv mat II is a sur ,,-iii-i,iie sin i .in I r. Arthur Bishop, the sin drum Thomas O. Mcmsh md Col. A. .S. r sent to the penitentiary from olar, Isith of Tennessee, the t liarlotte for .. years lor killing!, donel, who is writing a biography IIioh. ilson, has la-en put to woikjof Jackson and who i a frequent 111 the la iiiteiitiary brickyard. contributor to the and As a result of a Ion-' stand in-1 Memphis iM-wsiiier, U-ing the felld ,.-oilr f r.,leSNi..lml . -IV ll.-S? S.1.1 of a llVe pCrsOU. icalousv Dr. II. T. Bass was shot! Tl"' X"lern liewspuiers are ami LiII.mI bv Dr. .I. M. Baker 011 '".rgetln.g the biggest of all the la the sln-cls of Tailsuxi last week. , ""'" l'wrvl iu thecoiigress , ... , 'l the I oiiledcracv ticorge (i Mr. .. . Sleduian, a son of , Vest ,.f Missouri. True, the Sena lion. nas. -u. nifiisiau 01 .r.s ns- .. s,.., ,i,i ..... . r.., it decided by a majority of Ml.tMHi against secession. But Missouri hail some verv ardent secessionists iu high places iu its government. Among these wcret.ov. ClailHiruc Inuo found deail iu U i al his home in Ashen lie Wednesday moriiing. He had Ix-cii iu poor health lor a lilttuber of year. The Ivcv cotton mill at llickorv has Is-en charleted w ith a capital Jackson and I. ton-. Th as of M .Mil 1. 1 he null is named in;' - lo-viioiiis. .lai'ksoi. called honor of Mr. tieo. F. Ivcv. one of its chief promoters, who is a sou of late Rev. tie... . Ivcv. The Hysterious Burdick Murder. r! s,-. The vivid imagination of the most prisluclive writer of dime novels never conceived a plot hall so interesting as the mystery that pervades the murder uf K. 1.. Bar dick at RutV.ilo. First the police susM-ctcd and shadowed a sm-icty woman; then they Is-cami- con vinced of the guid of an operalive iu one of Burdick' factories and went so far us to arrest her, only to realm- that it was a mistake, and mavis- 11 costly ... since she has sued the city of Buffalo foi ;.Y0im. Next Arthur I.. I'eiiucll, so strange ly killed, by iiccident or his own design, iu an automobile iiccidenl. The I'enncll theory dropped, the aul limit ies attempted In forgo a chain of evidence around the neck of Mrs. Hull, the dead man's mot li er in law, and lastly they have taken up the suspicion against l'.-n-uell again. The ieople of Buffalo must lie nervously asking th.-in selves who nextt Amos Has Suld His Hountain. rhi-rry MhiiiiIiiIii S-ll ho 'liarliilt.-ul.rrvi r It might I"' of interest to your many readers to learn Unit Amos Owens, the daring moonshiner and ex chieftain of the kit Mux Man, has sold classic and historic Cherry Mountain. Yes, a syndicate has bought this place with all its famed scenery, remarkable black heart cherries, traditional and historic associations, and soon the last foot print of the warrior who met there will Ik-effaced nnd cherry Imui nee will Ik- a dim and failing memory. Hut Col. Amos, like our Hag, is still there, a.xt while he thinks of moving to Cliarlnlle and camping on 1 re trail 01 . ices r-nm Pearson of benighted Burke, he will in- the same piciiircsque cuai- after, wheth.-r revelling in tne (jii.s-n City or communing w ith the eternal sphinx. The rai.itiilisl imiy improve 111c roads, inuv build resorts, may build telephone, railroad, have the imui ton quarter, but lor ninny uayi jMstple will icmcinlK'i-Col. Anxtsas the only man, exc-pi ueorge mu dcrbilt, w ho owned an cnliit- moiiii lain it. this Slate, ami when the redoubtable old hlm-kiider sleeps his lust sleep ill the city uf the dead, all who believe, iu the occult will expect, in the notches of Hie silent nighl, to the shade of the unique departed lliltiugalMlt with abet- gum bat, bed licksiispendeis, stoga shoes, gilt spcclaclc mid u proof vial full of cherry bounce. The 1'irsl master (ieueral has tie mamletl the resignation of I'ost master Cheek at IlillslHiro. Cheek was found short iu his accounts. . , . I " l. 1,11.11,. (,111111 III in H, .'Ml ID. render of the new ele id ol the,,. ,.,,. pHM, tH. hI,,,,!;,,. .t . ileiuis'iatie 11 ut to element or old line gold wing of the party. Soiu.-s.iy thai it is a distinct Ihmiiii for lioruiaii for the tlcmo ic uouiinalioii for the pits ideiicy. It is neither. The young element of the party still controls the steering cominilli'c of the Sen ate, which maps out the pro gram of democratic procedure ami department thinks he ought logo. The (iieciisUiiii correspondent of the Cliitrlottc Observer say a I hat many of tin- whiskey distilleis in Yadkin, Davie, Stokes, Surry. Wilkes mid oilier counties are pie paling to move to Virginia as soon as the Willis bill goes into ell cel. Miss 1 Jreene ol London, Fnglauil Mtliey to Ik-pursued. This clement ( prominent w.uker among the will work in harmonv with Mr (iorman and his friends, but will not Ik dictated to bv linn or bis goltl bug frieinls, llisclceliou was a courlesv extended to hi n as the man who had previously held the position with signal ability nnd 11 compliment to ami recognition ol .,101. f .... i - ; oigaui 'i- ami uu adroit tactician. He is supposed lo Ik the only man 011 the ilemocrallc sine win. can hold down that oleaginous nnd smooth gentleman from Rhode Is laud. Senator Aldncli. the repul. I lean leader on the Semite lloor. v ICverybody here is talking of the latest great cartoon by Homer Davenport, which iipp.-rit-il iu last Sunday's New York American. It dealt with the changes ami alleged improvements iu the White House which were made last summer ul Ihe enormous cost of si ion. 01 10, nnd which, iu the opinion of many, have forever spoilt the appearance 1 of the historic old building both inside and out. Mr. Davenport's cartoon shows the new slate dining room. Arranged around the walls, instead of the pictures of former presidents and their ladies, are a nuinltor sjieciiiiciis of the taxider mist's art iu the shape of I tear heads, elk heads, moose heads, alligator heads etc., ami the only occupants of the room arc a iiuiiiIhi of the human sH-cit-s who hail orig inally from darkest Africa. Down iu the comer of the ollur page another picture shows the portraits of Washington and Lincoln, ami underneath I be words: "A few piece of rubbish in Ihe basement." In another cm tier of the page is .inkers throughout ihe world, tiled of appendicitis at Salisbury Wednesday. She had spoken to a congregation in (Ircenslioro only the Sunday In-fore. Monday evening, say s the ( liar lolte News, a lioise attached to a tlrav in Fort Mill. S. ('., ran awav anil taking me font. 10 i.,.i,,(,' was caught there alsmt 1 1 :.H the same evening, having traveled .10 miles in (hours. Neither horse or wagon was hull. Auditor Dixon has begun gather ing information lor a complete ros ter of North Carolina troops iu the Confederate service. The l'liite.1 Slates war tleparl iiiciil will publish a complete roster ol nil 1 rilcrul ami Coiifedeaale troops. t Ih-iii iu the wiiiic volumes, side by side. Because he lel'used lo Is- vacci nated or to pay a line of i.u posed upon him, I'r. if. T. A. Wea ver, a professor iu Weavcrville College in liuneoiiibe county, Weill to jail. What his intent ions 11 re further is not known. He claims that the authorities were acting Ik yoiui the law, The Alleghany county paper re port that near lainiee postoftice, iu that county, a few days ago, Frank Tompkins went to his home under the influence of liquor and raised a row with his family, all of whom left home for the night, leaving Tompkins alone. During the night the house and its contents were burned and Tompkins was burned willi it. Three years ago, W. W. Young, a while carpenter of Wilmington, . '.. 1: 1 v r.. ,t 1,. , i-.i .., ,, i.n.l llivsierious.v uisa peaieti. .1 ie ol'lhe White House dressed iu hisl kv- llM' hed skeleton was rough rider suit of khaki, nnd it is rump legislature in session III Ne o.lio. ill the southwestern part of fie State, where it could Ik- pro I -el etl by I'ricc's army, iu the lat ter part ol lil, anil that Isidy 111 ule a pretense of taking Missouri oat of the I'uioti. John B. Clark mill R. I.. V. I'cylou Were elected Senalois from Missouri to Ihe coll gress of Richmond, and a full quota of persons were sent lo the I louse of Representatives iu thesamecitv. among them Is-ing (ieorge tl. Vest, who w;is 11 iiiciuIkt of the Missouri legislature at that lime, unit enthu siastically in favor of secession. All this giK-s lo show that the ineinlH-rs of the Confederate gov ernment were a pretty long-lived race of men. livery man w ho sat at Lincoln's council table has Ik-cii dead for years past, but John H. Reagan, Jefferson Davis' Hwtinus ter general, w ho is getting along toward the ninety year mark, is one of the brisk lost of Tcxaus, Several men are or were in the I'liiled Slates Congress who W"rc days, among them Is-ing (irow of IViitisylvauia, who stopped down from Congress last Wednesday, and Allison of Iowa, and Stewart of Nevada. Il w ill probably Ik- found thai, iu proportion to the nuiulK-rs in the two bodies, there nr.- today more survivors of Davis' than of Lincoln's congress, l,oiigstrect, ton don and oilier commanders iu itultiiiL'lli'Kli rank 011 the Soul hern side are chief editorial backer 1 '.(). in lsmiand An Fnglish ins.irnnce company b is beg 1 a t insure against both eipcuse and death by appendicitis. f ICoughedl " 1 bad a mott slut-born cotth for nuny yers. It dtpriveJ roe of slesp nl I grew rry it.m. I then tried Aver Ch..rv rectorsl, li qaicklv cured. R. N. Mann, Fail Mills, Tenn. aisitit the only picture ol tl pre i.lcnt of the I'liit.-il States that greets the eye of tie visitor lo the While House nowadays, unless he makes diligent semeli in the base ment or the out -of the-way place in the building. This cartoon is tine to nature nnd speaks 111 thunder ton. of the colossal egotism of Hu man who now U the President of the Cnilcl Slates. The fact that I found in the country six miles from the t-it v ami wo identified by gold in the teeth anil by the sIkk-s us that of the lost man. His wife meantime had Ik-cii married again and her second husband had been killed on thu railroad. The Baptists of North Carolina have 111 ranged lo hold n great mid summer meeting ait Jackson Springs bcgiuuii g June 21st, and contimi ing ten days till alive, while Mosbv, in his re cent lights against Ihe cattle ban dits of the plains, has Im-cii show ing a little of the activity which he displayed forty years ago in the Shenandoah valley. The Lost Cause hail some pretty-strong men, strong physically and mentally, iu its service in civil and military stal ion. doubt that Dr. Raker acted iu self defense, yet his act was the out come of a dcliU-ratc violation of the law, and for that matter his victim was as guilt v of the same violation. Had both obeyed the letter and spirit of the law, as we have a right toes-v;t from citizens of their promiueiu-e, one would not Is- in bis grave. I uthinking men will declare that Dr. Biker could not have done otherwise, yet we venture lo assert thai even now he regrets ever having carried a pis tol, for the weight of having slain a fellow man will burden his con scions unto his dying day. Confederate Reunion. ! 1 liatham R,-,s,l. t The C011fe.ler.1le reunion w ill Ih hcld at New Orleans May l'Mli to L'Jnd. The usual rate of one cent . a mile will In given to all persons' attending il whether they an-vet j era us or other visitors. 1 his rate w ill make Ihe price of a round lrii : SL EN EARS TO DKi CANAL A Prominent (iot eminent Official Say s that JO.OUI Mm Duuht to Finish the DiUh in that IVriuJ. 'With lllek We ollht ., make the I'.ili.ilu.l r.inal la s eii years " iid a high gioeiiuiieie aiitlmitly ollii tally lulei.ted iiithe elllel i s- ns-ci.llv. - 'I he t.i-L may require as mm h a ten years fr its nuuplt -tiou. It eins la.g.-ly tiiu Ihe health ol the '..i oivrs 1 An cpnl.-i.iic of I hi I oli le plague or hoicia milil set Us back a deal. "Such a lit isfoit line is exactly what we shall take most vim- lo avoid, however. We shad -.itr: ev el v thing on the st 1 ip, w hit It w ill Is-il. the till uu-to all lull ills ami plirHrses, a p.llt ot tile I Illicit Stales: and 0111 liist eaie will In- lo lix mattci-s as .- want llu-iu iu .. viiiit.ti v way. U t-shall el. an up 'things 1 ust as vie did in Cutia. (establishing pi-opei drainage, iitstir log plc.itllu! supplies o pine watei ami making, le ml mess coin pulsory ill the low us 11 lolC Ihe route ol die canal. The French coiupaiiy has a line hospital thn cost over a mil lion dollar w hu ll will be 11 antler red to us with the rest of the prop ,-l,.v- lear alter it is opened and that We shall employ :;o.oo, ,).. tt jllu. ., s,,.a,v j mst. iu workiiic as s,k,u as.,1,,. ,, inil. .e,ealt.-r. Tolls will we get things i.tirly stait.d, and . tt ,,, .,. ,,.u t1 this army of hit is will Is-diawn'o,,,,.!,. i,.,.!,, c...., wil not be ilia s irt f fashion, about I,. "SKI l.iU.nrs iu the .-...ploy ot the I ten. li tsiiuu.iy being engaged on the Wolk. the cs!unat-l cost of cm. plelnig the illicit is 1 1I.IHMI.0.M.. It wiil Ik- lolly seven miles in I. nih. ihoiigh the isthmus is only holy utiles w id.-, the route travers ed I. ing far from straight. The N'ltoit. w idth of the canal will I I "11 l.s 1. its width at the top vary ing w it li the foi ion. Where it passe 1 1, rough r-s k of course, its std'-s w ill l sl.t-M-r than where the banks aie of earth. The depth of Mho i w ill Ik-f.s-t through en', s.i .is to allow the passage of In- Lug.-! freight steamer, and llo ie w ill Is- live twin I.K'ks built ot si'lid masonry. I I in- tleeH-st . ut t ! made w ill not be iniiih ov.-r .fsi feet above - a !. e! .1! the highest Kiint. By the h, Ip of the .h ks ships w ill be lifted up I lie rctiiiMtc!Mi I'.s-t uu one si,h- oi ihe isilnniis ami lowered again to Ihe level of the ts-ean on , the other sitle. The l.sks will be 1 1 ins in order that, wheu one of 'them needs repairs navigation may j Hot Is- lull t'l llpteil. "Il is est 1 mated that about .ViMiii iiiMi tons of freight will pass through the canal during the first othe fioin (li-eeitslMiro, I.Ulo from Char lotte and fit). Hi from Wilmington. These tickets will Ik 011 sale May (ith to '.'1st, and will lie good to leave New Orleans until the -.'Ith. By paying .lo cents extra at New Orleans these tickets w ill lie ex tended unlit June lolh. No "stop- over is allow pit on the route. i uiaiulv from Jamaica ain 1 west Indian islands. It ha urged that we might nl ill" I thousand of our Southern m ioes 1 on the job. but such a plan "iild j not beiikely to ol k satisl.teloi ily . j Colored folks from I he cotton stales might sutler from the climate ot What is He Made Out'n? Clmrlitltr Oliwrvrr. It appeai-s that the iK'trilicd gen tleman who was found reeciillv in H.-iidersoii county is ulsuit to get into court, I' lie man 011 whose land he was found claims him, the renter w ho found him claims him. and his relatives claim him. ( A mail disapiH-arcd from that Is-at a iiiiiuIm-i- of years ago, ami is sup posetl to have gone oil' ami gotten petrified at least the petrified man anti the missing man are supposed : to Ik the same. ) I his will Ik- au interesting law suit, if the case nines to trial, lull it would Ik- more t invious to make nioiiev out of the '"I"'" .enterprise: and it is hardly neecs A '' "js.nv in sav that evervthing alsiut this great public work will be done on a scale of liltcrality. Kvery modern improvement w ill be intro duced - even to the lighting of the diti h throughout its entire length with electricity furnished by water power.'' ' the tropics ami they are not actus 1 touted to live as cheaply ami sim 1 1 V Us the llalktes of the West 1 Indies. I Epitaph of the Tired Woman- "I'lolialilytliewoik w ill U-given 1 vjjam F Curtis continues to out to. tractors, who will lure llu-i(.,,,,(.t eurioiis epitaphs. Among requisite woikmeii at .V. 01 .in cents j , u, milllM.. which a friend sent him a .lay. which is about labm js ,M. ,,inL, w liU-h the friend is worth iu thai part of Ihe wmld. The contractors will give bond to the island goveilintcul to cue lor the iit-giiK's propeily and return them at a specified tune. The la borers w ill Ik- fetched to the port of Colon by slouuicrs.disomliarkcilaml assigned iu gangs, iiu.b r gang boss es, to valioiis points along Ihe line ol'lhe canal. W ork will ! earned on iu all parts of ditch simultanco uslv in order lo bring the entet prise ... ..d i.liil-t.1 :IS tills interesting sl ill if HomelMHly should ; .i 1 :.WiV,ii.T'iTYoana.ys.sV'foli7;(l: ,'... ,;,' ..,, '' i.itn.li1;l that it might be ascertained what . . ..i,,,;,,..!,,.,' dili'.-reut frotn 1 111 I'lllit'iiuiii in iiiit- win 11. 80 Texas Preacher Harries Cilrl Years His Junior. SI I...11I. Kelll le. The Rev. R. A. King, one of the htst survivors of San Jacinto, was iu Austin today ami w ith him was his pretty young wife. They arc on their honeymoon. Mr. King is !!! years old and Ins girl w ile is not yet 'JO. They arc en route to Western Texas to set tle down for life ami will leave Austin Saturday. Notwithstanding the bridegroom is so vcars the senior of his bride, there was never a more devoted couple. Tlu-y are (lerfcctly happy ami seem to enjoy life more than llm average husband mid wife. Compromise With the Druggist and Physician. stmilev l-:iitiT.rl,.. New London became aroused on the liquor question last week md preferred charges against the local physical) and druggist. As result thorough investigation was made and it was found that the law had been grossly violated. The citizens were only anxious to stop the sale of whiskey in their midst, and a compromise to the effect that the physican write no more prescriptions and the drug gist forfeit license to sell liquor was entered into and an amicable set tlement made. Women an Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Abraham Had a Uood Time. Kit-tim.iml Nt .-I'.lrr. The old patriarchs had 110 duns or notes coming one or iukcs. Thev were not concerned with awyers or doctor or society mat ters or politics. Apparently they had no small vices and 110 trouble in keeping their large ones out of the newspaK-rs. They did not have to contend with the freight depart incut of railroads for their daily bread, mid were in no danger of sing their obs or having their business destroyed by a trust or ruined by a shrewder rival. They did not have to resist insurance agents, lalsir to keep customer in giKxl humor, study the servant girl problem, or trouble a I huh me condition of Ihe roads. No wonder they were willing to Ihctobcninc hundred y eiii-s old and did il. the President has removed nil the the Biblical R.-coi.lcr says there portraits from thcstatediniiig room j will Ik- fully .".tl shakers, among Kldnr-y trouble proyi upon Ihe mind, dls- r.lio.r l! .il..e ,,f eourajoj ntl liaseni ambition; beuly, vicor l..lltor li.ll I.) 01, .nd chcerlulneu soon and replaced them with the stuffed heads of the animals thai bad ut some time fallen to his rill.-, was not generally known even ht-ie, until this picture of Mr. Dav enport come out iu Mr. Heart's New ork pKr, it ml some people are actiiullv sa slim-kcd as to m 11 bout Muse Rev. It. T. Bryan, now on his way home from China, mid Rev. Dr. A. T. ILiIk-i Isoii of liOiiis ville. Col. J. S. Cunningham of the Farmers' Protective Association, 1 Jan organization chartered by the i'S. . 1 ... 1 I. -..,. . n l.iiv liist leg mill III., nn , n in.,, ,. ...j. Sixty years of cures and such testimony as the above have taught us what Ayer's Cherry Pccioral will do. We know It's the grcaf est cough rcr.icdy ever made. And you will say so, too, after you try it. There's cure Inevery drop. Ttru iliM 1 IU.. !.. II. tr-rf-n. r.oreit r-w 4otu. I. fi y t '. tk. dm S w... If I" tel.. h U t;.k it. .-MM I-- U ttto l. v-"iBie 1 . IfcV.. U.ll. unkind leinaiks uttoiii h. i-ui, ,,.,.. -t . m in ... in even this ii.tiovntton wrua, ,,llrillK Alli, ,,. stiperindii.-.-. by a bad cas,- of tln-l,.,,.,,,,, f,,)ln ,l( siirroundin nicgaloc-phalins, is us '""" i ,.,' it,H wi lli.lls(1 ,nP to some ol ft trior-! , )r inMl(!; divcrsilie.l crops, d.iiary th.ngs indulged in by t!..s . (U.m,, IM-euliar and b..anv gentleman. - . . ,H whi,.h ll theg.KKt p.s-.ple or lie v est, , fftm fiM., m many where he is sai.l to k- so immensely fin ltl)tU ,,.lV0 ,,,. s,ir,h, .,d IMinuiar, couiu snow uie i.-itii i..,.i ..l.l Coillil Know me rca. ; . , , ,. k lbwsevelt ns he is known by the, ... . ' ' . ,... Ii1'rlrlll,.r!, . newspaper corrcspomteui " l(1llv 0-N,.tn , aroill:lt butofolh.r Uashiuglon, they would MP'-Hyj,,;,,,,.,,, tiaU.H( t)) glll(y ,,c UM. r.-arr.ii.gelhciropi.ii.,,g, f . . - l;ll,,,jm.rv, Bll(l to aciiire such machinery us soon mm him Sinngih ami vigor come o' gord food, duly d C- tr-tl -Pi-rc-,' a ready-to scive whmt anil j lood, adds no burden, hut stisn io, nourish. , ii.vigota'cs " as poisible. A Gentle Man. Doc your huslrand ever swe n1 Oh, dear, no. Horace was brj ighl no in a refined atmosphere. When ihem-ts angry hd merely kicks a A Hathnlie i Imrcll Is to be erect- panel ont of the door o.- something ed at Durham. I of that kind. disappear when the kid neys tie out ol order or Kidney Iroubla hai become to prevalent thai It Ik ncl uncommon for a chili .6 bd bom iXJ t(fllc:ed with weak kid neys. It the child urin ates too clien, II (he urine scalds Ihe flesh or II, when the child reaches an ac when II ahould be able lo control the paage. It Is yet afflicted with bcd-wetlnf . depend upon It. the cause o' the difficulty is kidney trouble, and Ihe first step should be towards Ihe treatment of thc-.e important orj-ans. This unpleacanl trouble is due to a diseased condition of Ihe kidneys and bladder and not lo s habit as moil people suppose. Women as well as men arc made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble. and both need .he same treat remedy, The mild and the Immediate effect ol Swamp-Root is soon realised. It Is told by drurirlstt. la HIT cent ana .,.. Rl.tKrT"1Hu7s;rd sties lou may nave a T:.fta Mntriui akAriia nw mill tree, alio Damohlet (ell- Inf all tbout It. Includlnf many of the Ihousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In wri.iiif Dr. Kilmer tk Co.. Binrham.on, N. Y, be lure and mention thu paper. Don't make any mit-takf. I ut remember the name, Swamp- Root, I)-. Kilnvr's Ssn p RihiI an I the adJress. B.nnlumton, N Y., on every bottle, toiiittl on a reeeitt isit to Kiigland. Il was iu a cliurehyaril near I'lym oiith ami n ails as follows: : W ;l - t. it lit ill M tl. . li, :,. ..r.. ii l.ii.-.l nli . It 1 1 I .. ii'l-. I ion it. mix '. ii-lii,itr mn I .1...I,-. '' -H. i i.ihi; tiorw ,oif-'-.- ! -i i tm I II, rr I. ..i.-t '. m l-lii , I H I '..-. .I..II I t'Ht " - il. . wit-lnliif III.- ill.llin. ', , III If It. 11, 1 HIllli. ltlH " 111 M tl U- I IllUllllt . . lltlVllli.' tit. ,..1.-,', ! tit t fii 'll ft (In- .IlllOlljr 1 iiimit 11 fttr mi- lit. . i.t 1 o-r. Lost His Nerve. ThoM- who climb inoiinlaitis fi e pieiitly lind the dizzy depths too much for them and loose their nerve. Such is always the evpe- icliee of those who neglect their stomach or Ikiw.-Is. Sell preserva tion demands lr. King's New l.ile I'ills. They are gentle, but thor ough. Ouly'.'.K- at Knglish lrng ( oiiipany s. Jailed for Snoring- t'liarl.tllr olrrvrr. 1. U. Kichardson, of this county. slept and snored in the county Su perior Court r.Kini timrstiay inter lllHlll. ".Mr. Sheriil," said Judge Nluiw, bridling iuinicdiatly, "who is it that makes that noise?" liepiity t'herilT Johnston insKit ed the sleeping figure and sai.l lie did not know the olT.-nder. "Wake him up," Mid Judge Shaw shortly. Kichardson wits intoxicated and was not easily awakened. When he was at length aroused he batted his ryes sleepily ami demanded: "Vbnt'n the do you wantf" And Kichardson wasimincdiatly sent to Jail, andwill spend the neit ten days there. The Hustler says North Wilkes boro is to have another furniture factory with capital of tl.OoO. !thal which would have demanded 'solution in Nicaragua, lt'llte laller (mule had Iksui chosen the woik would have hail lo begin with the 'cleaning away of forests and Ihe j grubbing ol si limps - in short, the j opening ot a virgin trai l ol'eouiilry, w ith a multitude of dillicullics to Is-oven ic as a pn liininiii y lo the dilch. At I'auama, on the other hand every thing is cleaned up: the canal is already half dug -ne euralely speaking, thirty per cent of the ncccssaiy digging lias Usui accompli.hed -and we have only lo take up the task where Ihe French people luive h'l'l oil'. 'We arc thus enabled t start at once and without long delay which would have Im-. ii uuavoul able in Nicaragua. Kveu the ma chinciy and other apparatus--much of il at all events -is on hand. As vet it is impossible to say what the machinery is worth: eis'ils did not take il itil'i account in their estimate ol'lhe value ol'lhe French ...iiiniMiiv's nioiieilv and all of il w ill have to lie oveiltailleil ami ev ainiiied. A great deal of it is an tiipiated. iimloiiliteilly, lutt inueli of it is good stnlV. " There are a great many loco motives, nearly all of them brand new- I think not lev than forty live or fifty which arc valuable assets ami rciuescnt a lot of money. Then there is a great nuinltor ol machines, such as slcnui shovels mill dredges, foi 'excavating barriers for removing theearlh. There arc thousands of tluiniieis and miles on miles of poi table railway Hacks. which can be picked up in'iu one place ami laid down oil handed in another. "Xerxes once employed a Inil lion soldiers III the making ol . canal, but those were dps when digging was done by hand Willi spatle and pickaxe. In the:-.' mod ern times such work is accomplish ed bv machinery. Seam shovels pick up thecal Ih w Inch isconveyetl iu trolly can icis to cars ami trans ported with the help of lot lives .11 i. eoiiv ettiellt lil.tce v lit re II IS dumiN-d. Where rock lias to la removed. Masting tstloneoi course; lull fortunately very little rock b to Ih- excavated along the I'auama route. "Necessarily a great deal of cx Ih-iisivc machinery will have lo Ik purchased. Much of the apparatus now on hand must go to the scrap heap to Ik. replaced with the new est and most up to dale machines. With American energy ami unlim ited funds iK-hiu.l the eulerpiisi the digging of tin. canal w iil Ik- carried torwar.t Willi tin-great rap itlitv. It is even now in progres. How's This? We. .11. 'i' line Hundred Hollars re nin! foi any ease of Cutanli that can not lie t uml by Hall's Cattarrli Cvre. V. J. tin si v Si Co., 1'iuprietort, Toledo, Ohio, Wo. Hie uutlei signed, have known I'. J. tlii iu y for Hie past 1 5 years, anil lielicvr linn .rilei tly honorable in all lui ine-s It.iusai'lious, and financially able t -1' hi y nut any obligations made by ihfir ti' in . H' 4c Tkcax, V Ii .li sale )i ui;i;islii,Toledo,0, M MN.., Kissas Marvin, Wholesale liiKKit,Tuledo,0. Il.tll s tatanli C 111 c is taken intern all v. .ti tint; directly upon the hood and tiiui nl. mii tares ol tbesystrm. Trice 75c, pet l.-'ttlc, SolJ by all druggists, fi'stiiii.ini.iis !ree. Hall's 1 aiinlv I'ills are the best. Having mailt- a run of n mile on a lalse alarm ol lire, v. itiuingtoii lireiuetl set upon a young white mail who was suspected of having sent iu several false alarms, and w hipped him. The Plot Thickens. Hut that has nothing to do with the fact that there is not a lu-tlei Salve on earth than Ilucklen's Ar nica Salve. It's a reliable euro for Hums, Ilruisps, Cuts, Corns, Sores and Salt Uheuin. Tried ami tested and proved infallible for Tiles. sLiiisittetion ruaiantecd or money j refunded by English Drug Co. WEEDS Consumption is a human weal lliiurishtng best in weak 1 mij;s. Like other weeds it's t.isily destroyed while young; when old, sometimes im possible. Strengthen the lungs as you would weak land and the 1 -il- weeds win disappear. The best lung fertilizer is Scott's Kmulsion. Salt pork is j;ood too, but it is very hard to digest. The time to treat consuml tion is when you begin trying to hide it from yourself. Others see it, you won L ... ! Don't wait until you can't deceive yourself any longer. Begin with the first thought to take Scott's Emulsion. . . If it isn't really consumption so much the better; vou will soon forget it and be tetter for the treatment. If it is consump tion you can't expect to be cured at once, but if you will begin in time and will be rigidly regular in your treat ment you will win. Scott's Emulsion, fresh air,' rest all you can, eat all you can, that s the treatment and that's the best treatment We will send yow s little of the Emul sion free. htmlMlMi tililitl ss H Inn. al s blai k M wpim . mrf sOs m kMMtMMjMHt' L : 5C0TT A BOWNG, Chemists, 409 Peart St, N. V. i