THE MOHROE JOURNAL Telephone N. I TuoUy, rUrch 34. IWJ. Mr. V. 1). Flow haa rt-lurord frou; btuiunH trip to lUlliaiote. IH. Crviton will dedicate Black t'rif k church, lu tliMdrrtield couu ty, ueU Suuday. I'uiou county's share of Ihr sec ouil lon.ixm of public school funds is t . f7 7. ami baa been rvvrived. liev. J. V. Little and Mr. W. It. Stem art are conducting a uniting at Jcflcrxuu tlii ifck. Mr. It. II. Funderhurk, who has Wu spending several mouths in Augusta studying medic iue, in home for vacation. Mc-wra. Frank Arm fir 1,1, It. II lla-daiii ami A. M. Na-t are in Kalfigh attending the Supreme court. Mr. II. F. l.ilc returned lust nilit fmiu a trip of four Months in southwest tieoreia. He aavs that there h:ia been a Rival deal of rain full in that scctiou. Mr. M. l Itivens of this county, who is a student at Wake For! College, baa lwcu elected business manager of "The Undeut," the college niupuiue. .Mr. I liarles It. Harden has a o hiIiou with Mr. A. 8. Outturn. Mr. Harden is a tine euletunaii ami bus incus man mid Mr. Ogburn U fort unate in having wvuivd his iter vices. lr. Tail Ilutlcr,State vetenariau, was here Friday and gave Mr. l t'. Sikes N'ruiission to use part of Ins hoi-seM, which were tinder quar antine on account of glanders, in the livery business, and the other ones to l worked on the tarni. t'ou nl v I'livsician J. M. lilair tells The Journal that the two raws of small ox which have lrn dis covered here, one uear the oil mill and the oilier near the cemetery, are convalescing. They are under strict eiianl and no furllicr ruses urc apprehended. t'apt. mid Mis. (ico. Shannon bouse, who have made their home in Monroe for several mouths, have moved to Itichmoud, ('apt. Mian iioiiIioiisc'h run having been changed. They have made many friends here who gt-uuiuely regret to see them leave. The following churches were in corporated by the legislature, the bill to go into effect July 1st, 1'Hl.l: Macedonia lUplist church, tiracc Chapel I'role.slaid Methodist, I'nion Itaptiat church and t'oiiulh 15.i I it i si church, till for two miles except the last, which is two and a half. lu Monroe there lives a lady w ho has resided here for thirteen years and during that time has never been out of her own gate, until a few days ugtl when a neighbor took her to drive. While she is not now active and well, she has Ims-ii here tofore, but merely had lio desire to go ulxiut. Mr. V. C. Stiusou of Vance town ship says thai he has heard his falhersay that he had seen wheal in the shock iu Hie fields years ago on the '.'ilh of May while on his way to "general muster." Mr. Slinsoii thinks that unless we have some bad weather we will have wheat to cut in this county in May this year. lain na Vcrija, the aeveu months old daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. M. I". Ilrooiu of Molina, died Friday of last week. The little child hail suffered much and death to It was a relief. The remains were buried at Itethlehem church and liev. M. A. Smith coudiicted funeral ser vices. All loo often the teuderest and most lieautiful llowers wither. Mr. Daniel M. Therrill, who was reared in Monroe, but w ho has not lived here in ten or twelve years, wits here on a visit last week. Mr. Sherrill has a most important posi tion with the llcll Telephone Com pany with headquarters in Atlanta. For nearly ten years he has liecn working on hii invention which is expected to revolutionize long (lis tnnee telephoning. .Several steps ill his system have been patented and he is yet destined to score a great triumph us an inventor in this important field ol research. Among the things that are not what they used to lie are tatcs. u Jooki ng over some old paper the oilier day Mr, U. ). Ilrooiu found uu old tai recetiit of lim father's. Uu 1140 ucres of land, one poll and considerable personal proiicrty, the total tat was Ni cents for the year IH'M. The receipt was signed by A. C. Luhatte, who was doubtless a local tax collector in this section under the sheriff of Mecklenburg. Mr. Itrooin also found that of this land his father had bought a tract or UO acres for tl'-'O. Tax Notice. I am instructed by the Hoard ol City Aldermen to collect cily taxes and if you ire in trrears cn the 1st day of April your property will be advertised to be told on the st Monday in May. This applies to everybody, and there are to be no exceptions. The taxes must be collected. Settle now and save costs and humiliation as instruc tions to me are positive and there will be no deviation from this order. V. L. Howir, Cily Tx Collector. First Qrade Watch Repairing. W. S Krauss is doing some of the finest watch work that was ever done in Monroe. If you have anything in his line that needs re pairing it will pay you to see him before you have it done. Prices reasonable All work guaranteed 75, 50 and 3.V. sterling silver Hat Pins. Hpecial price this week The w. j. nnuge va. I The Carolina tiranite & Marble Co. bare just everted a large and bauiWrfue granite hiuiiuiueut at the grave of I lie Ule T. X. Ire and wife at the McLarty burying grouud. IVWnt, ton of Mr. M". C. 1U Ik of the Carmel art-tiou, has Itern catch I ug o's. Aiuwug those he caught was a miatt peculiarly col ored one, it being of amull Ki-k-led color and a ul ike any that are know n about here. A huuiau skull adorns the top of the log safe in the Hank of unu. rresiileiit Itlakeney had bis desk sent np from Chedertir Id sometime ago and found this relic in one of the drawer. It came from an In dian burying grouud on his place, ami he has quite a variety of relics from the Mine source. As will be seen elsewhere, Mr. C. X. Simpson, Jr., son of Kxi. C. X. Siinpson, has purchased the drug business of Mr. C. F. Hons too. Mr. Siuipsou is a registered pharmacist, having obtained li cense from the Stale Itourd some time ago, lie has also had consid erable practical experience in Char lotte, Winston and other places, lie is a young man of business hah its and uiellnsls and will both de serve and wiu success. Mr. Hous ton has iiot yet determined as to his future course. We hos that he will not leave Monroe, as he is two good a young business man for any towu to lose. On another page of this nailer there is an interesting aiticlc uIniiiI James II. Itcagaii, who was post- niaster general lu Jeflerson I lav Is cabinet, ami other living men who wen high ofhcluls in the Suit hern Confederacy. The other day Mr. ti. 1. lirooiii of Moons- showed The Journol one of Mr. lieagan's ollicial iiaiM i-s. It was the com mission of Mr. liroom as postmas ter at WoH'etctille under the Con federate government. It is dated 1 Mi I, is signed in Mr. lieagan s o u hand ami has on it the ollicial seal of the Confederate States of America. Mr. Ilrooiu valued il wery highly then as a tlocunienl which enabled him to remain nl home from the front, now he val tiles it very highly as a relic. LAST WEEK'S CiKkT. bad made ihr usual visit.itioiu.lo the county boiue, the j ilt, chain Ail Inusual Kun ot Criminality. MH' "'""'J "-. " " and Women Figure Consnicu- ""S wt'staclory cudi usly in thj Week' Work A VU Negr. With a kVdetrming Fea-j nd tHdcT M-MCn. ure. There a ill be a law aud order The Blind Tiger Liquor Uw, We learn from the Wavhaw Ku- terprise (hat there is some discus sioii about the liquor law iu this county. The Walts bill distinctly says that no previous temH-rame legislation shall l repealed by it. As for the special uet for this county, it was made to catch blind tigers and will molest no man who dis'S not want to break the law by selling blind tiger whiskey. To eat eh these impudent violators of the law this act was made strong on purpose, and it will catch 'em, too. The law abiding in'opleof the county will now see to it thai the festive blind tiger will qui! Ins mean work or go on the chain gang for a rest. This business is coming to lis row's end in I'nion county, us Judge Allen says. It has had a long and tlourishing reign, but the people of Monroe are going to end it, ami the oilier com munitiesof the county ran do the same thing. If a man swears out a warrant against a sus-iccted thief for lar ecny, the latter's premises can Is searched for the stolen goods. This law gives the same right after u warrant has Im-cii sworn out by some responsible iicrson, who shall swear he has reason to believe that certain person is selling liquor unlawfully, which reason shall be stated in the uftiduvit, ami if il is deemed suflieienl a search warrant is given, and If thsnsieclcd patty is found to have more than a quart of liquor in his possession, il shall he evidence that he is keeping il for sale. Now, manifestly, mi man who is not giving evidence that he is running a blind tiger can tie searched, and those who are giving such evidence ought to lie. We lake It thai nny good citizen may keep more than a quart of liquor on hand for his own use if he de sires lo and not be breaking the law. It is the fellow who is de liauching public morals by selling liquor unlawfully that this law is after. Dogs Treed Him Quickly. It is not often that dogs "tree" a man in this country, but they did it last Thursday got l ight in behind him and "put In in up a tree," as the 'possum hunters say. A negro mimed Jet Met ask ill was the game. Jet called on a colored woman over iu llroouitown and asked her to take a walk with him, and IsTause she refused ho whipped out n pis tol and shot her. The ball went through the woman's thigh and struck a half grown girl standing liearbv and embedded itself ill her shoulder. Jet started for his walk alone and the woman nolilied the police. They went over, but finding thai the ucirro had lied, scut to the chain gang und got Superintendent Fletcher and his dogs. The ani mals took the trail at once and fol lowed it into the cowntry, all the police force and several others fol lowing them us fast as they could. Xo one being mounted but Mr. Fletcher, only he got up with the game when the dogs did. When they pame up with Jet he was sit ting snugly up a dogwood tree near the Healsstrd trestle about two miles from towu. They didn't have to cut the tree down to get him, but, like Davy Crockett's squirrels, be cnuie dowu on do maud. Court being in session, the grind jury found a billagniust him at onee, he was tried next morning, and that afternoon began to serve a year's senteoce on the chain gaug. Quick work awl good, all the way through. Fresh canned Corn at 10 and 15 cents as good as it can be had. J. li. Simpson & Co. Meintx's best grade mill re meat at Johu R Simpson & Co's. ; Just received a lot of nice lustre crockery at i. K. Simpson ft IV. Ju.l-e (I. II. Alien, alio held court here lost wt-ck, shosed him self to tie a nit -taiusiaking and accurate investigator of the cax-x coming before Iniu. He gave one the itiiprcssioii that be was there to see justice done its nearly as human w ixloui could do il. He is mil what wight be called a lenient judge, but he is must careful to prevent anyone W-mg punished w ho does in 4 deserve punishment. He is Uot a slave to precedent and seeks to deal w ith the criminal cbiNt iu a way to Ih ik IiI them if jsKssilile. This was manifested scv era) times when be sought to hire out to rc-iioiisihlc persons several mass run ting held Thursday nigh! muter the auspice of the "Ami . Thank t rot, brook. i The fulluatnc irsoluliont rrcudinr W hiskey League.' The follow ing the irlirrmeut uf 1'ivt. Kiuoks have program t-en arranged: ! hw" p!d: Olucct of the Meeting-llr. II. I Whereas. tW. K. C. Hrool, who I. Sleaait. '""eo Siipefiiilrouruti.! , ( j, j J(, ion of the I'.liml Tigei " Ja' i I. i . . I put three vear. Iii IrnJrred li rn- Law - Or. A. M. t roxlon. ,q (ie g( Jtlrtt ,o Nei-essily of the Mipr- macy of ukt rt ,,. roJ u ,he ,,,,, Law ami Order . S. Itlakeney. trt3.IUUt m rjer lie my accept a What U Net-ssary for the F.u- -,ui:ioo in the tJucatiunal MJ which foremeiit of l-iw lr. J. C. Itowe. civet hua a creatrr opportunity for iMilv and liiht vs. Fxnetlieucv ueluluet in pioniolniK Hie eJura- I 'S m . a makparhrf iVDcrini NATircc ioeooeeeiecoeejeeeoeoeoa n 7nnr OILOinL HUIIUW. T ttv ttv o t tt THE LEADING BET GOODS, ICT.03S. CLCTEISS. GESTS" ITEIISEaCS, I1T AID shoe imi a IOSEOL Vresto I AJvrrlisenjeoU wilt be iotertrd ia th ii column at I he price ul oue cent a i word, cath ia advance. y ceuta lilllj lst all The W. I : KuJcr Compaoy. 'Ku ! 0s HE Utnt the i ate at jj ceuli. accouut of the iruiiiun at Nt Orlraut Mar ly!h lu -n l. tt.e A. L. ill U luulid tut. IliktU and I'oliev liev. M. A. Smith.! discussion -K. It. Ash cirrt. IS. W. Ikiker. W. II. I'hiler. IL. C. Asherart. Kev. M. A. Smith ami others. The nni'ting will lie held iu the tlolldl WASTKD To "lu your slrnotr jp'i iranj lperitiue wink.;n leatoitable. rHK KtNT F Cullr)e klrrrl city natrr. Julia It. Hauler. Thire ruum Imii-e u uear tailed mIiojJ; A. Uy jHeadfiiinrlers for Gents1 o o a if tltata a It, a llSal liaia.ll fault iolaul ..f light ollemi-s rather than put them !'"urt "V'T', , .''. ou I he rhaiu gang. I r" ''hi'dren, w ho is against The week of court was wthw M"'1 ,18,,w' ,s "'v""' ' ,reH notable for the inimla-r of riises , tried ami the -vuliant of some of the cases. First there were several i i.;i- ,.r ..i i - mtrreit, of the youth of the I p ,0 ie Sur U(r lot , lce ,, h U on nice meal at any lime ol Jay. K. K. Wilknif, Maiucer. WANTKU-A Urm lianj; apply I . I'ulicrnun I.i.ry. Mouior. N. (.'. Sutr. and abereat, the liuaid uf Trut ; tee ttrsire to eiprea tlitir apprecia lion ul hii service in inakint the . tiiaJr J Schuula of Monro aecuod to (nuiie in Nurlh taruluu; Tlirirliirr, Ite it resulvej I f the ItuaiJ uf Tiutteri of the Graded E Scliouls uf the city of Mouroe: ist. That the Boird of Tiusleen uiiaiiiinuusly lender to I'ruf. HriKiks allieir (rrat apprrriatioti ul hi eHurtt i manifested in K. Ilvatri be'uie yuu buy gaideu wed and seed po- iiitelligeuee. tried for lighting. The evidence slmseil the use of a Ikm and the employment by each side ot mean epithets and bloody nil's ing, all ou account of a lis it path through a cotton ticld. And there mas a well dressed, good looking young white woman on trial for a vile, unuaiiiable of fense, and men sneered and grinned at the evidence of her degradation ami she herself seemed not to care, licliiml these scenes were the w recks of two families. Vet, uuaiu, another white wo man, with her husband, the mother of J children, wastoavieted if sell ing liquor. Ol low intelligence, but w ith animal like ciiunin had they plied tin ir trade, lie as sent to the chain gaug; she, w ith her chil ilren. to her H,ople. Auothcrlam ily torn asunder by the baueliil liquor tratlic. The next was another story of the blight of a once happy family. Crucd w ith liquor, a well to do man had repeatedly driven his w ite from home, and ou this occasion had followed her and made murder oils threats. She gm-s lo her iieo- ple; he to a distant county, and the children there's ulways the pity of il nil they reiuaiu at the broken up home. To Is- sure such eases are old stories iu the larger places, bu' here they are so unusual as lo still excite comment and challenge pity. The remainder of the court's time was taken up w ith the regular inn of I he petty cases of weak mid ignorant or vicious uegns's who get from thirty days to two years ou the chain gang, for stealing, lighting, lewdness or whiskey sell ing. One of this class, Ode Austin, though only twenty -three years old, received a sentence this time which will inn bis aggregate service on the chain gaug lo leu years. nolher, when asked by the Judge if he had ever Ix-oii ou the chain gang, replied with some satistu"- lion: "Only lour limes. Onetueui Iht of this class is remarkable Tom Sikes, a trilling, loaliug iicrn known to eve rvlxiilv abiuil Monroe. In his behalf, and n ilhoiil hissolie ilatiou, Mayor Stevens said to the Judge: "Your Honor, while this Isiy isperleclly worthless, has no visible means of support and is onstantlv on the chain gang for lighting, il is well known that be will no tell a lie. Unit much may he said iu his favor. Aud shall that not stand to the credit of an ignorant negro who, in all his life, has never felt the touch ol one good inlliieiiee liceuuse ins spnerc of activity has no more come in touch with one than if he had lived iu the heart of Africa! Judge Allen was particular lo enquire of this class if they could read and w rite, and said that it was his ob servation that few of Iheui could, and that he did not agree with the statement that the educated lie tiroes were the criminal ones. The following cases were dis posed of since the last issue of The Journal: Sampson llarrell, carry ing concealed weapon, judgment suspended upon payment ol cost Something- Really tiood. Von good, if you- ' Munr' oevrlopmic ana eondurt-j -is Latrols-'s Sarsaparilla. . s " , j 1.-. I...- . , a - :.. k.... , .a- i . . , ; wihi ii lias urv u iiinii uiiiciiiai tu ui iiie 111 ing this sli. of pas r with ..,, orJ , uf ,.,,, r . and get a dollar bottle. If after llolul iutetnU iu ,iuro,, iu luclll:iK taking two bottles your IiI.mkI is the youth of the towa lu sreater am not iu Is-lter condition, and if you liiiioo, luuaJer ficlda of tliouflit and do not find it to lie the Is-st liver higher iilrala of life. tK S. yuur tatuet. NOTICE All wiruiit are hereby notificJ that I hate sold my enler behall of the children ' stuck ol itiut and all hues connect, d ilh said ilnit business, ;uod wiil, ir., toC. N. Simpson, li . All lx r nd. That the lioard of Trustees ei tend to Prof. Brooks their sincere R'Kjd wishes that be ill meet wilh success in bia new field ul woik and asure him that he has the best wishes ol every iiirmber uf the hoard for his surrrss in whatever woik he may he called ill his future life. Jul. That a rope ol these resolu tions lie ; pi rad on our minutes and dcliu-ied lu I'ruf. Hiouka. K A. Mokkow, W. S. 1.1K, S. V. I'UKIIAU, Cuniiuittee. lie) one of those haiulsoiue licit liuckles for L'.V.. at W. J. I.'ndge Co.'s. Will have some line l.'iissett Ap ples in today. John I!. Simpson tonic mid l:iv:itive roll ever used ' it's free and you ! the judge. We are giving away L'.V. on each Isittle for ten days only, lo show you what this medicine will do. It lis an intelligently prepared com binatiou of inn and potassium IimIiiIi-s the Is-st blood puriliers knowu together with gentle but i-tlcctive liver tonics and vegetable alteratives and laxatives. We rec ommend and guarantee il fur bad blood, sluggish liver and ol hereon ililions following and caused by these, such as dizziness, headache, constipation, fevers and especially rheumatism. We know it's gissl imilieiue and want In sell it to you strictly wilh the iiiulerstaiidiug that vmi me nut to pav lor il if il doesn't do just what we sav. ! t Co. I'.si.l.lsll i;i ti Co. - I Tobacco at Cost. In tlieJsnilsry Aglicultiiral liul-! log lot of leu hiuui1 caddies of let mil for North Carolina, Slate Tobacco from l'7c. up, lo close out Veterinarian Tail llutler discusses c1ic;imt than anybody. Liberty ul some length the relative value I It'll, the Is-st iu towp, Is-ats of sii-ciilled stock foiKla und condi- Schnapps. J. I!. Simpson A Co. lion powders. The timjuiity of, such remedies examined were A barrel of nice Cucumber ! found to contain principally wheat pickks. S S. Dostcr. ! bran, linseed meal, clmrcoal, ep- -! pi r und sail, und, of course, such A lot of Tennessee smoked hams -Hi II is of no lienelit as tneilicinu and shoulders just arrived at .1. K. and very little value as food. Now, Simpson Co's. the niunufactiirvrs of Ashcrafl s Condition l'owdur have always maintained that 'here was great liiunbiiggury in "stock foods" and has never attempted to palm oil such stutr on the public. On the other hand, Aslicrufl'a Condition I'owilers is a high grade remedy, manufactured from the purest and highly concentrated ingredients, that vest s of practice and observa tion have taught were of real and! practical licnctit to horses and iiiules. The price of Ashcraft's is ii litllo higher, but results more satisfactory. The tiiiiniifaclurers of Ashcraft's I'owders for burses and tunics only, will forfeit ?l'Kl if one particle of wlicst bran, lin seed meal, charcoal, pepper or suit is found in this preparation. For sale by Knglish Pmtr Co, Full .'I pound cans Corn, best grade, two lor 'J5 cents, J. U. Simpson & Co. For the best line o( (resli meiit, beef, pork, sausage and fresh fish phone )i J. I). I'akkkr. Call at llt-inlerion Hudson's for I'ltischmann's Vcast, received fresh every day. sous oini; old firm sill please make settlement with my siiccesMir an I all ' debts of said firm will lie met hy C. N. Simpson, Jr. I ask that my old eus turners cuulinue ttieir pattonage ith old firm, assuring them llnl tliey will be met with same accommodations and courtesy as in past. I thank you each and every one fur your generous pat- j lonae dining my trim of business. I With best wishes, yours, ! C. K. Houston. THE I'arlur Market is the place lo tet yuur nice and tender meats, and where yuu ti-t the must meat for the money. I'hui.e J51. Cl()lllillo,. cJ Spring and Summer line now ready. Also youths' and boys' new cuts and weaves. Neckwear, all the colors of the rainbow. Shoes, Shoes, Shoes! For men, women and children. See all lines HERE before you buy ANYWHERE. FOK SAI.K-A Rood dnellint, with city stater, K iud turns and out houses; also e,ocd store house iu yard. Fur ruiticulais apply tu K. V. Lent mund, Attorney. WE CAN SELL your real estate to, rash, no matter where lurated. Come or seud description and selling price and lean ul our successful plan. I'sios KtL Estate Cosii isv, E. C. Williams, Manager. Special 5ale of 5pring Articles for This Week Duly. tt rlniir t'liff Hutttaii. M It . l i ;.. A :iV I.. tM t-iU-l ho-t'li I'm- ft I IT - .-i'itnl ;i.V Hit rltmr ilfr Hr.uafht- t i ?h rhiii: Kriitil Ht-ii (Mii-ni .' - 40- HillHl'- t . . i- 7... Ht Hlttl .'tu- HMl I'tltw ' Hat irn-h." at i 1 Mir Mttttn t: W 1' u ilfv urtii-U i'w it r nl irlvt- fiittrt- -a i-fif -n IHK tt. J. Ki iM.fc m Ni 5ed Potatoes. A lot of p'nuiiH' Norton Vmii StTU rot;it(HH It)!' Sill'. JtillN It. SlllsN t Co. Lee ! 1 t'srOHOO00OO0000OOO00sK)O0 C.N. Simpson. Jr. Successor to C. E. HOUSTON. I desire to call the attention of the people of Monroe and Union county to the fact that I have purchased the stock of drugs of Mr. C. E. Houston and that I shall run A First-Class Drug Store in every particular. Only the best drugs that can be bought will be used in our prescriptions, and only the most careful and painstaking men will be employed. I hope that all of Mr. Houston's custom ers will continue with the business. They shall be accorded the same fair, faithful and generous treatment heretofore receiv ed. All who have not heretofore patron ized the store are cordially invited to come around and try us. Kespectmiiy, C. N. SIMPSON, JR. 5oooooo 'JXIXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXS T " A Peace h 1m M !M M H H The Best On Earth! ;!3 WhiteStar Coffee. Henry Lewis, htivfiiv, 1 months on M.IJXXXXj rf.;.iitt 1.-111. limn . 1 irrunv 11110 ry ftdoniousbri'iikiii L'lini:; bin " i 1 1 ia 111 son. I'oruicutioti Lixixiixxii: rSpri Time is 6omioo.; Reliable Ham, Breakfast liacon, Fresh Grits, Buckwheat Cake., with M"ple Syrup, supported by a cup of White Star Coffee, relieves all tired drowsy feelings and carries you through the day hnpnv- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: Maker! m AVhiteStar g M Coffee. yTnTrmmniniiiiiiiitmiini ininilllllllil! MHS. A.LKVY. A. LKVV. Who Will Lead Ttys Spring?! Why A. Levy, of course. He always does. If you will notice the great work going on at his store you will see that he is opening up the finest stock of Dry Goods, Clothiiiir and Milliiicrv ever brought to Monroe. He has just come back from the big Northern n.-irki-ts and his goods ore now rolling In on every train. The ladies in town and country are invited to come in nnd inspect our fine lines of dry goods and millinery, all that the prettiest material and the most skillful fingers can do for ou. And as for clothing everybody knows that Levy's "High Art Clothing" Is the best for fit and wear sold in America to-day. All that our friends and customers need to do to get suited w ith the best goods and carry off the fnest bargains in any of our line. of goods is to come to our store. A.LKVY. MRS. ,V. LEVY. &iJiiij(iJuiiJiiiuiiTniTiTiTn m mm i uu miiJjJiiiJuiiiiuiiE oocxxxxxxxxxx)Oooooooc'C'OOi;. The Riding Cultivator :xxxxxxxxxx: vi'iirson rliulii 'K1; and adultery, not guilty; Ktr Me p Bride, ivluiling, 4 eases, :l months M on county roads; Mrs. bin Mo- Bride, wife of Step Millridc, retail- H V" ing, guilty, jiidmeiit suM)eiiiled; H Kiiymoiid Ashemrt, atiult mill m O buttery wilh deadly eiiiou, gutlly, g S mon'llia in Jail with leave lo hire m out ; Jim MoKsey, bouse breaking, m 2 U monlhs oil foads; t'elie I'olk, ilis- " turning the peace, not gtiilly; .litfk ' y g Terry, Hub Williams, Henry 3 Howie, assault and battery: Terry 3 mouths, Howie nnd Williams :lo davs eaeli. Ashley ltatieom, charged with ussault with a deadly ,n weapon upon bis w ife after driving m HIT liom Home ill me iuj;iiii o-i- diet of cuiltv. Jiiilgnient suspend ed upon bis entering a fr.00 bond to keep t he iieiu-e csiHi-ial I y w i I h h is wife, lo properly provide for lier, nnd to leave the county and go will) bis brother to Faettevillo, and tola appear at the NovemU-r term of -H the con 1 1 or I 111011 county 11ml snow that he lias been of good Is havior aud lias proMrly provided for the aitpport of liia wife. Tom Hikes and Belle King, misdemeanor; Hike 2 montlm 011 roads, term t i Ircgin at expiration of his acntenee in another case; llelle King innntha iu jail with leave to hire JUG FluGGjo Get flnu .and Everytia Good. to.Eat, We carry the best line of goods sold in the City. We keep our goods clean and sell you fresh stock for less money than any house In the town. .4 ! lbs. ArhucklcH' Coin l. .'I lb, can Asparagras 'JOe. :t lb. can Standard Touuilm'S.. 10e. H cans .Sugar I'eiw '-'"'. H cans Salmon --V. 7 packs Silver 1-cuf Sod t .'.". Kvaporuted Apiieols 10c, lb. Kvapotated reaches 10c. lb. Arm ami Hammer Soda iXW Uw. 1 doa. Nutmegs for .V. :llbs. llaisius --'-. h gallon Jar Tickles '.'.V. ft cans Vaiit'ainp Corn Hominy -"'. 1 doz. cairn Toniutm'S 1.00 3 raim Krant .'JV. Scolish Chief Com I.IH mt dozen. 3 lb pkgs Buckwheat Flour. ..Ilk. 5 lb pkgs Buckwheat Flour.. '.'He. 10 1 1 is. liood Boasted ColVee .l.tMi Sherwood Ketehup I'm. 3 (lackiiges Corn Starch L'.V. 3 packages Vermiwlle '.'"h'. 3 packages Tearl Sago '.'."'. 3 lb. can California Apricots.. l.V. 3 lb. can tiraled Tineapple-.-l.V. 3 packages Dates '.'V. 3 lbs. Figs '.'.V. 1 gal. can Fancy Corn Syrup. .40c. I JJe. Truncs for UK. li lbs. Tarla ll Ch.eso for... MM Trice's Cream Baking Powder 30c. lb. fxxuxxs 7"M CT" r-' 3J -Jj C 1 n ling Island Clam Chowder 2 pound can for I'tc. Yellow Crawford California Teaches 3 lb. cans for l.V. Our line of Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Rice, Grits, Tobacco, Snuff, Soda, Soap, Oold Dust, Cheese, Pepper, Spices, Crackers, Oat Flakes, Syrup, best trade New Orleans Molasses, as well as everything you can call for In the shelf goods line, i always kept up to our usual high standard. We carry the best and largest line ot Fancy Oroceries In the City and will sell you first class goods for less money than you can buy them elsewhere, l'UODl'ClC. We handle all kinds of produce and will pay the highest cash prices for chickens, hums, eggs, butter, potatoes and corn. All we ask is for you to see ns before wiling. It is your Ions if yon fail to do this. Yours for business, out. Monroe Hoiieycutt, retailing, m; 60 days on roads; Ann Doster, dis . orderly house, 4 months iu jail with leave to hire, Imprisonment ' to begin April 1st; Jet McCaskill, assault with deadly weapon, 12 months ou county roads; Beu Hons-1 ton, larceny ami receiving, not guilty; Ernest Boberts, carrying concealed weapons, sentence re-: duced from 6 to 3 months. . The grand jury reported that It While Star Coffee. Has no Equal 1 Makes Every-s body Happy. cxxxiuixxxxxi BRUNER & HU33Y. xxixxmxixxixixixixxixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxix Laugh and Grow Fat! Light Rolls made from Bon-Ton Flour, a little fresh Butter, a slice of Beliable Breakfast Bacon, Fresh Eggs, supported by a dish of Hot Cakes, Maple Syrup ami a cup ol White Star Coffee will make you love your neighbors and speak well of your enemies. niiraxxxixixxxxnxxTXXxixxxxxxxxixxxixxmxHiuixixxxxxr xxxxxxxxxx All join in the same song and sing out for White Star Coffee. f6THRHf . is a necessity to the up-to-dutc iar:ncr ana market gardener, and our cultivators have fully proved their superior qualities. They are easily adjus'.c.l t.i varying depths, anj are the most efficient (or brinj;in crops to the best state ol cultivation. No farmer should be without one. The season for the great wi tk of Soil Cultivation is now upon the fanner. Our business is to help you to make your work more profitable and easier. We study the needs of our own farmers and cater to their necessities. Our farm ers are yearly becomint; more scientific and it is our business and pleasure to satisfy their needs. Come to see our Improved Farm Machinery' of every kind, its qualities. We take pleasure in showing and explaining TheHeQth-Lee Hardware Co.