1 THE MONROE JOURNAL G. BE ASLEY.I R. F. EEASLEy.rl, TVtSDAV March j, hjoj. The Ideal Teacher. "It ha!l I the duly of all iustruc til of youth to exeil thtir best to draiora ti imprest uu Hie miiida o( children auJ youth, coimiutlrj tu their care and ir.tiuctioii, tlie itiucipie ol eie'y auJ juslire, and a McrrJ retard lot truth, lute to their ci untie, buD an itv and umvcrt.il benevolence. tobriety, industry aud frugality, ctiatitv, mod eration and temperance, aud thole tuluet riuh are the ornament ol hu man society, and the lau upon ahich a repuhlicau constitution i fouuJed; aud it lia!l t the duty ot turn in atruetori to euJeanor to lead their po pils iuto a clear understanding of the tendeucy ol the above ineuliuueJ vir tire to preserve aud per tret a repuhli cau constitution, and secure the blr nic.i of lihcrty, a ell at to promote their future h.ippines$, and also to pomt out to them the evil teudeucy of the opposite vices." Masaachusetl SchooXa, tSj". The Old king Vet Lies. Sittius upvu the broad ripaiiseuf bis cool piaa, maje comfortable by a palm leaf iu the luiiJi of a favoiite pickaimiy, it as customary for the typical Southern planter of iS'h to wave his liauJ toai Ji the white rbw ered fields around buu aud pompously dclare that "Cotton is King." Not reckoning the possibility of a mciest ful I Include of Southern potts by Yan kee diets, Kiue ciit til? I I em irs eie raised it as found that other sri ti-'tisof the .'ilJ, iliiven by the all compelling force of uccessi tv, liad wieiichrd fioin him lull the supreiuai-y of the i'e. Piling the death simple that shut out tlif uilJ from the cotton tit Us ol the South the huuury spnidies that feed still mote li'ingiy mouths weir ted laigfly ft .'in other touu-cs. Aud i! 't t'losr other sections IcaimJ t J' at that time they kept oil Joh:c. f r seulal ells, for not until tin t-ir 1 ..: did the South-rn State rva.-h the point i f (uriiishtiiit 75 P'-r rent, ol the cotton taken by the u:iiis of llurope and Ameiica. loit mir t-iifs kept on ill rteasini; until t J.iy e (iif these mills mote th.i:i j per cent t thru stipplv, and an it., nent aiitl...nty de clares that "We lur Hon cnnel our absolute stipn mafy in th held of cot ton pi, ,1a. In -n aud a.i ii.ij-ulul coll sideration 'I tl.i enl.io .-.In.i'.i n iullj justifies the beiiet tl. it we will let.iui it indefinitely. ' re.uini; the possil ihtv of a sh it tage ftotll the Solltheltl States and also jealous of our in. tr ply i ! tlie eottoii growitii; husiurss. tht ie h.H been con siderable dist ussiou ill Unhand, tier many and I-ranee as to the possibility of growing cotton in tin n vaiiotis de pendences and some (II nt has been , . l ... t . .( ' "- v ere too hot nt Uo cold or the soil w as not just rglit. It will be reiiieitibetrd that the German government sent fo Alabama and t inplow-d a number of Hooker Washington's negro students to go to east Africa and teach the na tives how to grow cotton like wc do it in the South, but this trial was also a failure, is we recollect it, the cost of production being entirely too high. It seems that no competilioti with us ex ists in the Kuropeoti nuiket r.-rpt from India and Kgypt, and this is by no means certain or primaneut In India the rainfall is too uncertain to be relied upon, and Ihe increase of mills iu that country itself is likely to keep up with the increase in crop. And as for Egypt, Col. Sheplirrson of New Yoik, the authority hitherto ijiio- j ted, says that under piesiut coudi- WAR ON THE BUND TWER. i ARP'S LETTER. A Mysterious Marauder 7th.Bu,I.Bl'. School Boy. .nd Girl, Want .,.,,w.v,.ii-iiiH.veilbvuijlit Helo-The Business Side of ranis upon their kitchens. The! Correspondence, bold inn tul.-r would euter by meal- j AiUnu iVuMitauoa. tkhclpiiighiw-aeirtocheatuble! Kind frieuds, deae f.rUar, 1 mi wuld I found ami taking ith km r thtt the tm.o fur i-uu.oi- biiu rverr thins m nitfiil Ibat u',iius and ilobato and esa t diJ pot eat hiinssif abilo in the m.ar al (,ani, hut 1 ru .-ilk au.l kitchen. Kxiliti'flhii'haraitir (!imiot j,tf.. you I hi riuj. 1 rtivt-red the territory lyius l tii u ,m ..r nii ",,,u't nt lu traia Moiantoii and t oiim-lly Sjirin;;-. ni mind. I hcu't Ikvu nut i'f aloiiKtheSiutlu-rtiJKaiUay. Thrss- ii, i,ww luit taice in three oiirhtlv deprvilatioii. lnvaiitt' w uniDths. Mv wife and tlie doctor fiv.iieiit that the- fit ietis tint ; uH ttie and won't let me go. A atiiioved bevanii alariu.it ami urn ,.l', 1 ti,.iI , U to ruy ia the aaliva uf the devil, and it evil will not rea.se till the tuilleu lal dawn. All luiuor laws are tx HTiiueutal, and it ia Jor u to exe cute them and try to find the lm4. Kxerute the law, aud if it in bad the lw-ople will fis-l it ethvls and resJ it: if it i good tlwy w ill want to kei-p it and yl it RihI eltit-t. tHiedienee and strict eo fotwuii'in nhould lie the slitrau of every good ritiwn of thi rity. I'ubiir ollii-ers idiould always have ba kU.ne to euforve any law ntnli-r J ;w lu,l(,. ,ir v.lm. , ie ; JllUj.bU'r one .le-nt evenin t. the mtruiliT. jNitueiime ;aud lial to tH- haulol Him in anv cin-iimstautv. ittv. fit. J. f. Kowr. My iueliou. 'How to euforve law, hits been ln-fore every Ufi lattve Irmly and every inoiiaivh in the world, aud ba not vet lii'ti solviiL W'ei-au never tell whether moral snaMou of the chain iranj: i-s lt. The Urd lntus. ll s.s-iiis to have uiet a roikI many diiliculti.-s in tin matter, and so what nui I to do W e can emlorse the action of our l'Kilator. I have never heard one adversa criliei.-m of them. We cannot go iuto the btiMiies otir-m'Ivi-, but we ean give the uilicvrs our supHrt. I'ublic M'littuient means that the heart of the lowly jiolitu- is iu the law. Kudorse It and Maud by those w ho aiv to eu forve it the Miliee, the mayor and tints' who are looking about to h.-hi them tiud blind timers. The result of moral sii.umoii eaiise nine teutlis of the Mi.pli-of I nioii t-ouu-ty to be law abiding, uud I do not know what to conclude lioni that. even the I .tid of the White ecet that I 1 let eveiy e;w siami down in diteat, audwheu1"" Imttoni and .vine .low u li. ml on your oiu oiit-mu rs, our thete are iiws in which liyor ; would do no piod. Sit dow n by ! the side ol' the otb-iidi'r and let lit m know that you hate a heart, and four nut of lite .Mil lie mleeiued. " i;i:t. vt. t. smith's si-ixiti. The siibieet assiifinsl me is Mutt and l;i'lit vs. i:pedielict and I'oliey.' Tiny resolve them selves into tins, Shall we dn riohl iiiulor all ciivuiuslaiicesV There is no itiestioii that it i God's will that ti-nipiianee legislation shoiihi be tlihi'ld. The greatest Olll-es have t.i'.leii upon iiicu on account of iuteiiiH-raaee. While I love the 1'i'H ihsT himself but hale his ' sin. there is a f.ile htiuianilai iau isin t tilt hindeis the i iil'oiceini iil of law. The soul that siniieth it shall . lii-' isllod's milt attilndi' to the lawbreaker. I Udiete III holilin out the pcnaltt. The oovt'iiiinont is dotii its p ut by its in .'iviiio us the law. now li t us do our part to wards tlie ooterniiieitt In uphohl inj; the law. The ernim nt can't protect Us unless we do this. 1 am not iiniler nut party lash, and no man cau pt tut vole unless he is a moral nun. No party need pul a in. in who fatoi-s whtskot on a tick el and ask my vole. .Great ai plans.'. ' If all piod ciltetis w ill put llieliist'lves ou that platform it won't lie lotij: till the blind timers w ill be none. We need tu meet i Mi t lake up the ignorant m-oro and leave oil the ones who stand higher up in the seale." l. KM.K tl IMS. I ssn'. At the eoueliisioii of Mr. Smith' speccii ccnt'iai iIisciksioii was called for. Mr. F. II. Ashcrall first ies,otided anil said that lie fully eudoi sed the law and thus.' responsible for its passage, lie fore when we had )rolnliitioii i didn't prohibit, but now we ran euiue a.s near irohibitioii as it is imssihle to come, la't all (.'ood i.'opl( stand by the law and the blind lipT will Messrs. I!. . Iiakcrand W. H. l'hifer then spoke briefly, sat ini; that they endorsed the law iind what hail Wen said, and that all ;iHid people were liehliid it anil would see it enforced. Mr. 11. t'. .vsiicraii sain mat ne wanton it as bouse were entered and i lnckor.s, tol.-u and olleti "milk and butter' stolen aud homes entered ami cloth inp of every description wa taken. A lew miht ao Mrs. fbeirj house at Connelly Sprinp wa en ' terod and butter, cls. meat and biiirtry, for it is up h.il to w house, aud I was weaker than 1 taonoiit. Von sec I had a un stroke lust June an. I hate never recotete I troiii it. ratty niirht. if the wi-Hilicr is bad, 1 hate to oct up snout itiului.'lit and sit by other thiiiKs were ran nil aw at and xiM iire ,iUl t0in;li tor aa hour or about the same time several lioiis.-s tW0- l;ui ( t0 an.wcr letters aud at I'litherfonl t'ollep' wen'ciiteivd mu. frin do.eu to a scoie et ery and oversoho' and elotliins i""' .lav. It please me to tiliswcr the taken, and a few day aftctwaid (.ucrs of the yotiiijt folks, for suiie liimlier men were out in Ihe ni!tny t,f them need help. 1 know South Mountains lookitit: up some luinlx-r and while passing through some of the dense foicst near the spiuitf they saw a man rise to his feet from a smouldeiin tire and run away at full sim'd. carrying n t iiifhcster in one h ind and bun die iu (lie other, went on up to the thnt I did when 1 s- away ott at school. My father was an old school tcchcr mill kuew how to help ttie. He wrote marly all of my junior oratot's speech athl 1 e;ot credit for i!. though I only crossed the t aud .lotted the is The lumbermen Hl,d put my tiaitie to the end of it. camp that had : plUt thcie'iiie hundieds of Ikivs lieeii ih-si-ited bv the man ami kiuI Is tt ln li.tt e uo help and 1 found an improvised camp abort am sonv tot them an I so tor nianv which lay tin pails, eakesof butter . ytfHr, past I hite tiicd to help i slaniH'd ith Mrs. t herrt's ltit tlivtii. Soti.e of thetu jti-t want ter stamp). Ts' shells, sctaps of luip h little, a few hlciis, but otll- ineat, chicken leatheiss bones and ,.r want the vthole tiling. In old biscuits and a pair of An tic f u l, .me l,oy a-ked ti:c to write men-hoes which had li'ii stolen ,m, B Ml thnl he could take from a citien ot l.uthei Imd t oi eliotce. Many of Hutu forjret to lec". lit those things a clue was (,n..,i.e a stamp nnd my postage pi ten to the patty who li vti mcoimt out making the nightly i.mls upon in.- timl. tis Ki lli'V lis III, kiii.iu It. -it, u-, u I... tions. and for a tone time to romp, mil ....,,.,.. . .' '7 7 , w neii toui mat lie could ect no more man j5o,,.o nates increase ran ; wllif.li,.v unless he ...,.,, ..... I1!1i- bit, went to the back lot where they kept the snake and found Unit If services had been eiiLMired for .on bales iucrrase can be exptcled from there. The same author gives a survey of cotton potsb bilities in China, Turkestan, Germany, East Africa, Hiu.nl, and other conn tries, and says: Except for a small increase from Egypt uo greater contribution to ttie cotton supply of Euiope can be ex pected than at present. It is quite possible to grow cotton in many conn ti les in which it is now cultivated, but whether it ran ba produced in large quantities and at low cost and as prof, itably as the other crops, which it would replace, is a very dilfereut mat ter. There are vast possibilities for the extension of cottton cultivation in the I'nited Stales. According to the last I'nited States census there were in ifeuu iu Louisiana, Texas, Aikan as, Indian Territory, aud Oklahoma 40,000,000 acres of improved .and, ot which 10,600,000 acres were, devoted to cotton. New land is Icing con stantly brought under cultivation iu each of these States and Territoties and the toil is the most productive in the cotton belt. These five States aud Territories have the requisite area. oil aud climate tu enable them to pro dure is much cotton as is now grown ia the entire country. To ray mind it is only a question of time when this will be done. Our European friends should possesi their souls in patience. The Southern States of this great and progressive country will stand between them and the cotton famine which their imaginations cause (hem to think ia impending in the future. There will be cotton enough tor all and do spite the united efforts of Europe and the rest of mankind the absolute su premacy of this country in cottou pro ductiod will be fully maintained." And 10, if these conclusions be cor rect, the Old Kiof not oolr yet lives but waieth more powerful. six months ahead. I Ins law was to catch the blind tigers and he wanted to sw it enforced. Mr. V S. Oojhurii said: "We are in this fioht lie.au.se it is right. A man w ho belongs to a church 11 nil sneer at this work need to 1' brought to taw in his church. I'eople who have Im'cii in the habit of going home to hungry children in drunkenness are thanking lis. Which side are ymi on f If the law is not executed it will lie the fault of weak hearted church members. 1 have always fought liquor. I fought it years ago and at une time carried .1 case before the grand jury iind could hardly get a bill. Now we have a law to back us." nil NTY MKKTIMI I ALI.KH K"R. Dr. A. M. Cmx too moved that a committee of three, II. I). Stewart. J. J. Crow mid K. F. lleaslcy, be appointed to formulate a cull and issue it lor a county meeting to be iiein in .Monroe 011 Saturday. All who would promise to cite the cause their moral support were asked to rise, aud the larce audience rose en masse, and, with the Kinging of "Praise God from W horn All Meanings Flow," were dismissed. Iial Ikvii . upon the iiiiet. waivable holm s of the pnnl ! people of this surrounding country. It is ct ideiit that there i a ! intsteiiotis character lurking in tin s.' mountain and many are on 1 the lookout for him. Milch excite incut prctails among the people over the mallei ami it ceitaiult stands every man in hand to make himself known Ih-L.iv attempting to etili i ant ho'ne iu this country alter iiigntiall. as etcrt fanner is oil the lookout. Marriage in lanes Creek. -"I- t K', Kusliitig. Much-. - Three more of Mr. A. I-!, l'tishing's f.iuiilt hate had fever recently, but sue now convalescent. Mr. II. I.. Inching left home last Monday, He has a position a gen eral agent for a publishing com pant. The school at tiillma cloos I'ri day night. Apnl l"tli, with exer ci. In the students and music by string baud. Mr. I.. I!, lliiggiiis, sou of Mr. .1. t Muggins, ami Miss Corn Mor gan, daughter of Mr. ti. C. Mot gun, both of Lane's Creek township. .. .inni.!!' Mliclumfg. "the many fiieuds of Mr. and Mr. Hug gins w ish t Ih iii a liappt and pros pel mis voyage 01 eft lie rough path way of lite. The next meeting of the IVopli' Club of Lane's t reck township tt :ll In- held at Hoik's school house April lsih, exercise beginning at J o'clock. The following program will lie rendered: Song. IVelaination - Mr. Lonnie Par kcr. liecitatioii - Miss I ne Little, l'l-citation Mis tjuinf 111a I'.ati 1 coin. Kssay Miss Mary Parker. Spelling 111. itch, conducted by Mr. Charlie Simpson. Three minute talks 011 various subjects, led by Mis Cora Lam y. t 'lirieiit Topics -Miss Peliecca Laney, 1 liiiuger in 1-tin .Mis t arric Hamilton. I'.ssiiy Mis Mart' Frances Par ker. Advice to Young People Mr. Frank I'icliaidson. Short Story Miss Kmma " al lien. (Jtifstion liox. H. tu be siicli a burden Van Winkle said, "I stvoie oil and . 1 1: it niisweriinr Mich letters. It Is bad uniuiK-rs to write to a tu 111 on business that doe not concern hilt, and expect him to pay the return po-tngc. I reccite many long n.iiniiscripts with n.jiit-st t, 1 rend -.ml criticise tiiid ictu: 11 imd tell till.!.- to have published and what lhcr;tcr will probiibly gel paid f i I hi 111. 1 hate to i ll llal'.d. ju-t p. ci-ived no st.-unps 1 itclosed 1 nr ia gram ni. .tii ul 1 iiriosity. Hardly a line lli-.tiiri-s tint contain l-:.d gianiiiiar or a mi polled word. It takes hcirly half a I. in- for llic tvnril "spectacle" and it In fourteen letters in it. I he tti id unircl is pelle.l angle, tiud tct the writer cxpn ts to get p tid for the story. The other iiinMcci ipt i:in libpiiry into the nice problem 10 s'titup - iind it contain scveiibill ipies tnuis for inc to inisncr. Another long letter on fool's cup writes of till' good old tunc and says iu coin lu. nui that if I will ntisiver it he will writ e tiieaguin mid put hi name In the next letter. Tiieroi 1:0 n.'iiiic to this. Ho is an Irish man, I reckon, due other I'tipiest 1 .. : 1 1 .. ..1. ... 1 ... .. 1 ..wr ...vi , anv ri'Moiiieeadi re.. piainiy at me top Hitd your tiaitie pluinly nt Ihe bottom." Many h time 1 have pns.d 11 letter nil h i-. ni in I the family trying tn deci pher the signature. Snmetiiucs 1 lime cut the signaturo tl 11 ml pasted it on the back of tho icply, thinking that probably the pus't inaslcr t the writer' home would rccogiiie it. If the postollii-e ad dress i. niiiittud mid Ihe postnuirk on the envelope i blurred, its it freipiently is, it is inipos-iblc to know where a reply should ... 1 . ... . scut, ami 11 i guess ai it anil guess w rong it goes to the ilea I letter ollico. Now, you young people must not forget thee little thing, for they aie important, especially the stump. S.iiiietiu.is hu literary men arc greatly perplexed to know what to do with some letters. One more reoiiest. I to not writo to me at Atlanta 1 do not live there j My home is in (.'arlorsville, and 1 thought that everybody knew it j by this time. 1 have been living j liere over twenty year, j And now let nio ask Ihe good ; charitable ladies who seek to do I something for sumo good chii-c to j si nd no more endless c-liain letters 10 me. 1 uev tire a nuisance ami have annoyed nio greatly. 1 thought that wht-u tint common cheat and swindler, .loci Smith, of .Monticello. Ha., was broken ni and niM'sted the endless chain J l reasoi2dJe 44 inch Etamine, $ kind $1 4M 44 iiKh Voile and Etamine 9S and I 25 3b inch Voiles, lilack and Navy 4K- 50 inch Black Urilliantlne ? 50c- So Inch Black Taffeta. $1 SO kind t 25 36 inch Peau de Crepe, the newest thine in 5ilks, all colors 9fc- busines bad topeil, but of late it has revivetl and i received three lt week, due of them started ia Canada for a so called mission ary wotk anj got all the way down to Louisiana anil from there to n.e, wanting me to copy two let ter snd send ten cent in Christ's name, and under no circumstances to break the chain. Well, 1 broke it aud shall break every one that come to me, and shall burn the letters for they never contain any return postage. Some year ago thegiHH.1 ladies of Fredericksburg, Ya, wrote to nie, saying they wanted aUiut f:i'Jor if toil to place bead stones to the grave of -l' (ieorgia soldier wbo were buried there. ! made an earnest apwal to our pecple and asked for dol lar from each good manor woman, and 1 raised t'0o in three week. Adjutant (ieneral l'bil Hyrd sent me all the way from New Ib unswick. 1 bought the marble, all lettered nicely, from the north ern men who own the works at Marietta bought them at one dol lar each, which was It's than the cost, for the company said tbey helped to put our Iniys there aud they ought to help mark their graves. The railroads shipped theiu free. There was no endless chain in that business. Tbree thousand neglected confederate grates, at Marietta! Our boys, our dead, buried on our soil, died in defense of their botnes, their state, their people. On the other side of the railroad are about a many who were trespassers on our soil vandals w ho came as invaders with arms and torches and their grave are marked with costly 111 wide and adorned with gravel milks and tin wees anil evergreens, and there i a grand entrance to their city of the dead, all done by the national government, anil a keeper employed. And yet it is now settled wo were right and tliey were wrong, dh, liberty ami 1111 ion! what crime have been committed in thy name. Hut Secretary Knot seems to be a good man and is going to help us mike up the roster, the muster roll of our living and our dead. Mavhe he will get a little closer to us and help the Marietta women tn 11 ake their confederate grave yard jut aa elegant ud ornament- ""V f AT T VT I al a the one on tho other side, j v- lvl 1 IX Vj . ate lint enemies to each other and John H. Sparks' Old Reliable if theirs coul.l speak ma) be they Viprtinia QhnUf Miinrnff MP (TV blind, 1 1151UIU uuv ) iuviiivv vuti uiij New- 1 - t -: Spring Dress Goods ! This stock includes the most fashionable, the best of the best makes, and we pride ourselves on the dependable qualities represented. So no matter how exalted your station may be, to what extent your ambition may lead you, or how great your opportunities for commingling with well and fashionably dressed women, we can mako you a leader among them at very little cost. Dress Goods Specials. Another new kit Mercerized White Goods Oxford Weave, the very prettiest se lection thnt could be found 121- to 50c- ) Irkh White Lawns, 10c- kind 7c Special lot Remnants in P K's, Madras, 5trlped and Checked Dimities, 10 and I2i- kind, on Job Counter Model Millinery Store, p Our Grand Spring Millinery Opening, Thursday Night, April : 2nd, and Friday. Everybody invited. You can pick and skim all over our stores from center to circumference and you will find nothing but cream in the whole outfit. P. S. Full line Dress Trimming, Persian Bands, Pendants, Ornaments, and Appiliques, all kinds and colors. BELK BROTHERS Cheapest Store on Earth. i not aisiut tune ftn u Thnrcim Ann! 9nd tpeal l luul,,uuJ "pi" uuut On Ilia 4th of this month Hun. J110 D. Bellamy, the congreuman from the old lixtb district of hich Union wait part, went oat of office. Mr. Bellamy it very popular in this section ol the old district and would have continued to grow in favor bad the legislature ol 1901 cot swapped biro away from os. Mr. Bellamy made a good record in congress, aod ill yet (iv years service to bit State, The floods in the Mississippi con tinue. Greenville, Tennessee, was almost submerged Hunilay. The damage has been immense. Much of the fine lands of the delta have been mined. Got More than He Went For. (hir Horn. Somebody at Monroe wanted some whiskey last week. He gave negro the money to get, it. He also got 60 days on the chain gang. Those who handle Intoxi cating beverages in this county, unlawfully, evidently bave 1 rough road to travel. - Xice peaches from 10 cents a can np, at J. li. Birjipaoo la's. News Item from I nionville. Corn-. j., ii.lrm-, ,,f 'l ln- Joiii'lirtl. I'liiimville commencement ill be un April toth. Kev. J. A. li. l ryof Con corj will deliver tlie mitnul addicts, Mr. Kry is an al le and eloquent speak er, and Union Institute is loi tunalr in securing Inm on tliis occasion. The concert and exercies hy tlie primary department will tie on Thursday nic,lit the ritli of April, kev. t. M Pic kens of Ml. Pleasant ill preach tlie amniil sermon on Sunday, April 5H1, at 11 o'clock. Mr. Pickens was (or two 1 the best remedy of all is years president ol Haven port leniale College, and will preach an able ser inon. Mr. W. A. Love is preparing to move his roller mill to Harrisburg. Dr. Orrot Charlotte preached three most excellent sermons 111 the Institute 0,1 Sunday March 21. The doctor made many friends while here aud we tiut did much good. would Mi v, "(nvo us your brother. 1 for uur women to make sn nptie tu the government fur aid in this patriotic work! Not only for. Mat iettiijuit herevi r our soldier ' uro linrieil. Marietta has iimnyi n'.'Al'Wn.vJ'M,, Uf mm to 'me if they brought along a heart and a soul with them, they would go to these la-lies hihI say, "Here nrci ten dollar. l'U-asc mark ten- of those graves for me." Hut I reckon most of them just bring their hotlies and leave their hearts at home. Why not do as our Mr. Granger liilf ,liit as soon as our ladies tinted a move to huild annum- tueot to (ieneral Young and our llartuw heroo. he was the tirst to ak the privilege of subscribinir j:Vi to tho causo. He lias gotten it nil hack already in our good wilt aud gratitude He brought bis heart with him when he moved down hero and his wife brought her whole soul. She is always doing something fur sonielioily. Hit. 1. Aid'. "Strength and vigor come of good food, duly digested. 'Force,' a ready-to serve wheat and barley food, adds no burden, but sustains, nourishes, invigorates." It is said that Col. John S. Cun ningham of Person, Lieut. -Governor Turner of Iredell, Gen. T. F. David ton of Buncombe, ex Lieut. Gov. K. A. Danghton of Alleghany, and Maj. Chat. M. Stedman of Guilford ire preparing to enter the race for the governorship. Major General Hector McDonald, ominanding the British forces in Cey I in, and one of the ablest of the Brit- ish generals, killed himself in Paris last week. A court martial bad been ordered to try him for alleged offences aod Ihit may tiara been the cause of the deed. HORSE HEN! For aiding the digestion, creating appetite and for giving life, vigor and strength to horse and mules, Aslicralt's Condition Powders! Q 7 Mrs. Roosevelt and children start ed this morning on a cruise to ex tend as far South as Port Royal, 8. C, on the Pi-eaident's steam yacht, Mayflower, and Mr. Roosevelt will start tomorrow on a Western trip. Stockmen who v have used, with ' ii.ditTurent results, cotv uition powders recom mended equally good for horses, cattle, poul try, swine, etc., will find in Ashcraft's a remedy beneficial to horses and mules only. It is not a cure-all, but invalua ble for the purposes recommended. Ashcraft's Condition Powders are prepared from the formulne of a practical veterinarian of over 30 years' experience, and when once used, horsemen will have no other, ,-Thl la In wrtlrr thai we Iistt ton rlllnf hcilri Rrmnlb-a It a numbrr of ' mat inpf n,w ava nillTPfal mtlle llon. Tbn purpst drun ar InmrpnrwtMl la Inlr Bianufwlur. aitd rsrh iymlr i en. HIIt prrpai-Mi for tli dlwiw lor which It la lnlu.leil triir tun? ol our ru.u.m hir me u-d AAlirnrt KPmwIlr for ypmn will hajenoother-ENULISH DRIU CO., Moaraa, Ashcraft's Powders fatten but never bloat, the hair becoming sleek and glossy. Always high grade. Price 25 cents. Sold by English Drug Company Death Rate Decreasing. The 1IHI0 census shows a decrease uf HI per cent, in the general death rate. The declined 111 Consump tion is mure marked than 1111 vol lier disease. Many causes are altrilui-' ted, but it is safe to sav that Ir. King's New Piscoverv for ('011- siiiiiptioii, Coughs ami Colds is re- puiisiblp for the decline, to a large extent. Man v a life has Is-en saved by its use. There is nothing liny- where just as good for Lung and Throat troubles. It's jsmilively guaranteed by hnglish Drug Co. Price 50c anil id. Trial Imttlea free. r. I -i IM11111 nai .'At V J. j,:r... ,mm .,.., .t W 1 tfivtmlkrm t 1 Mmz&a 1 i&stemMxi iT O r i?l ""if I iflaiCnrllj 4 ilLlUIDaKIC I (11,1011 WatdiGS andJeweiru We have just received a new supply j of wati lies nnd jewelry and those want- ling to purchase a watkh, now Is the lime. We want jou to compare the prices we name below and see if we do not save you from 20 to 25 per cent. IS size 7 jewel Dgln in solid nickel case at Sf.OH 18 size 7 jewel Seth Thomas in solid nickel ens.' at $3 98 18 size 7 jewel Elgin in 2i) year l ay's case at $9. 75 We also have other sizes at price that w ill save you money. We have in stock the celebrated l-IOth gold chain at a big re duction. Don't fail to give us a call. The W. J. Budge Co. w m Produce Market. The following are I lie prevailing prices bring paid cm this market to o.iy, the date of issue of the paper. The market ia of course subject to fluctuation: Onions, 90c to f 1.10 per bushel, Irifli potatoes, 65c to 75c per bushel. Sweet potatoes, 50c to 65c per bu. Chickens, hens, 20c to 30c each. Chickens, spring, accoiding to size, J)C lo 20c each. Kkks, ioc to 11c per dozen. Guineas, t2',c to 18c each. Hutler, 12 He to 15c per pound. lUjiis, ne to mc per pound. Pried apples, 4 Sc to 5c. per pound uneu peaches, 6c to sc per pound Cotton: Best o.8 Genuine New Orleans Molasses at ;5 cents per gallon. Henderson & Hudson. The waters of the Neuse aud Trent rivers were so hijfh at New Item on Sunday that in some JMtrts if the city people had to be taken from their bouses in boats. Watcbfortbe grand free street parade at 12 o'clock Thursday. To Cure a Cold In one Day Take Laiative Bromo Quinint Tablets. All druggittt refund the money if it tails tocurt. t. W. Grove a tieoa lure ia oo each boi. ts centt. Dr. John W. Htapjr, pastor of the r irst Preabytertan church of Char lot tee, has accepted call to Kir ininglmm, Ala. The salary on his new nelu. will be .i,500. Big white cherries in cans, at J li. Simpson & Co.'s. Bring me your temp Iron. J D. Parker. The President's Outfit llnihlnirtnn I'twl. The fiu-l that President Roosevelt carries but twoseen-taries one doe tor, three stenographers, three mes Nennero, two Secret .Service men, one poet-natnralM, representatives of three press nssoeiations, repres entatives of three illustrated pa pers, one otlicial photographer, and two telegraph operators and will make but '.NMl siieecheH, rather gives a i uiet us to the notion that his Western trip is to lie anything! out an unpretentious little outing for the purpose of avoiding pub licity. rimtor Pritchard is now Judge i rite hard, having been appointed a justice of the Supreme court of tlie District or Columbia. The term is for life and the salary-(l,(rtM). The coast of Xor.h Carolina suf fered severely from the storm and flood Sunday night A storm also raged in the Western section of the State, accompanied by much rain and some snow. GOOD BREAD COMES Only From GOOD FLOUR. Many a well-meant, well-planned attempt at bread-making ls wrecked on the shoals of poor flour. Cheap flour Is bid flour Hi low price is the maker's excuse for the Inferiority of his product (jood bread is not hard to make. Half the voyage Is over when rou ret good flour. Whiter, stronger, sharper, purer flour than ours can-l not be made- Therefore we caution you to ask for the "UOLOEN ROD" and "INVINCII1I.E" brands. These brands are sold at the low. est price for which really first class flour can be sold and Its price I the,hlghest you need to pay In order to get the best, lieware of bad flour and short weights. Our quality and weights are guaranteed. Henderson Roller Mills company, J. E. HENDERSON, Manager. Fine California seedless oranges just received at J. It. Simpson & Co. 'a. Come to see me for chewing tobacco, smoking tobacco, cigars, etc S. R Doster. Tou can get ice at Cadieu ft Wllaee's. Phone .16. FOR SPRING WEAR! A new Tot just received of: ' Sash Pins,) Brooches, at 25 cts. Hat Pins,) Waist Sets, Necklaces, Lockets, Cuff Muttons, etc. A bi lot of Watches, Chains, Kings, Etc., just, in at the very 1 . A lowest prices. W. R. LINRBAGK, Jeweler, Monroe, N. 0. To Cure a Cold in One Day Takt Laxative liromo Qmnine Tablets. SfVL Uvm UOom koa toM ta Mat U noaeH. Thit llsmalnr. STjGZr Oa-taCrtf) hTw Darya, on every 1

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