THE MONROE JOURNAL. VOLUME X. NO 10 MONROE, N.C., TUESDAY APRIL 7. 1003 One Dollar a Year C a& afh m afe m mmt A &4kM Prl.s of public (J)pition. sincerely tliul you ran asMire them Remarkable Experience of a Child ! thai I voteil for 111- lut tmMou.ilj in a Well I,, ... lur it-nim-nun.- M..J. , , . f lllnJ -......-t,,!,!- :,.; i iil of li icli hate heard oc icurml tin Mr. .1. C. Sikes' plaiv near town .v4 W i-'Iih-mIhv, at the AT I.A5T IRELAND IS FREE. I Expected to Take Part. HH It. al Mr It is etectil that every con verted umu and woman in North Carolina will take nn active ait in tlie liattle for Mural Snprvmai-y ill this State. As to the Old Paths. ITf.l7h-ria !lall.lar.l. It is alright to stand in the old )at lis. lint t he pal lis ought to lead Nome here, and It standing Is all one can do, it is noun-times neevs- wary to make a new path in order to get past a stunning obstacle. How The Commoner View s It. The I'oiiimoner, owned and edi ted by V. J. Itnau, thin week ban a cartoon representing leveland and Hill us the returning prodi gals. They confront their father, IVtiiiM-racy, and demand insolent Iv: "Where's that fatted calf t " Monroe Does Now. Sr , A I n-frwr. The Merchants Association of New Vo.ik city favors the enact incut of n law cmixmering the city to establish u lighting plant of its own. Kvcry city and town, greul ami Kiiiitll, ought to ow n its water u I nl light plant. Only lamily and Judicial Advice. Nl- AIM) O'olTVcr Judge l'i itcliai J Nays that lie will have nothing fnithcr to do with distributing North Carolina patronage. He will doulitlcssonlx give judicial opinions to the While House and family advice to son in law Kollins. Look Him l p. (ia.t.Hila Oai tii- lleailcr, is there anion); Jour ac quaintances or anywhere within your knowledge n Hi year old Imy in tiuston county who cannot read nml write! If so, speak an urgent word to It int iiIniiiI Keeking nu ed ucation, lie will he 1M yeain of iii- in 1 'ins and cannot vote uulcs lie can read and write. When Han Takes His Hand Off. I ..IM t Ji'lirnr) In Nadirr. 'Say old fellow," he continued, as he took the match from Charlie and lit the pipe, "did it ever occur to you that man is an instrument, very nicely adjusted, but played upon so contiuiinllj by hiiuscl! that he gets jangled! When he takes his hand oil' at night the tireat Tuner steps in and fixes up the strings." I) run Needed Every 24 Hours. Ihr iHflnr. in J.-urui-) In lli-ftllh. Night is the only important part cf a inau'sexislciicc. It's the only time when he ought loslop kicking iigainst the Internal. If your nights are clean and empty, the unimport ant days will lake care of them wives." Man is such an infatuated suicide that Nature has to drug him every twenty-four hotns to keep him from killing himself. Two Pretty Good Ones. llrM-lallil S!r. The l'ikhI ncoiile of llie county lire dcliL'hlcd with .Indue Shaw and inanv wish that he would hold ev- crv court here for several years, or that his successors may Ho as lie has done at this term of court. Judge Waller It. Nenl will hold the next term ol court here and he is not no soil thing himself h makes fellows who sell liouor anil emiimil kindled oll'cnces feel the heavy hand of the law. A Wrong System. Hlaiili' Kiilrrnrlw. The Durham Herald pertinently remarks that "asstem that prac ticallv allows the In .vera for the defense lo nick h Jury is manifestly wrong. We believe that cases have lieen tried in this county in which the lawyers for the defense knew positively as soon as the jury was selected llial ft conviction was im .le." The same is true in this and nil oilier counties of the State. The criminal is given every possible chance for acquittal. Parker Appears to be All Right Hi'w A (llwrvi-r. There is no need lo raise the cmestioii of Judge A'tou II. Par li..r nartv standing. In a letter (,. k.liot Danforthiu W the judge said: ''I r" )' " fr"1kJ B,11 as I have voted for all the regular I :c noiiiinecs simv I had a vote." And the very next week he carried New York hv something i like Ml. oho majority about the old lildeo majority. Tow n and County New s. Mr. Gilford Myers and Miss Mary Yaudle, bolh of Vance town ship, were married at the residence of the bride's rather. Mr. W. II. Vandle, ou March '.Villi. Kmj. s. J. Howard olliciated. Mr. Julius Ptisseraud Miss II. t tie (iodwiu, both of New Kalem township, were married at the rcw- idencc of t he officiating magistrate, P. J. C. I'.linl. Ksi., on March 2rt. A large number of fiieuds assciu bled to witness the ceremony. Mrs, 1. C. Itohiiison of Vance towuship, who lias for sometime lieen of unsound mind, jumiMil into a well last Tuesday, and came near Is-ing drowned. Sunc childivn ran to a neighbor's houe and got help and she was rescued. Mr. M. F. Hoyte. who Uvea near tow n on Mr. C. C. Sikes' place, re mrts a lii ld of w heat which is now heading. He brought several stalks in The Journal olkcc last I Inns day. This shows llie unusual for wardness of the grain crop. Mary l.iles, the lillis n nionlhs old daughter of Mr. and Mis. J. II. 1'elteway, died ou Monday, March :luth, of piiriituouia. The child had liceiisick alsait one wvek. Knnenil wrviivs were conducted at Mr. Pcttewiiv's residence last Tues day by IJev. Mcssi-s. K. A. O.-diorne and M. A. Smith. The following marshals have lieen sclecti-d for the (Mimineiuv ment ut I'nioiiville: A. M. Seciest. hief. J. W. Iive, J. F. Price, II. I. Presson, Miss Maude Plvler. Miss Fannie (iril)iii: managers: M. II. Itlack, chief; J. K. Iliggeiv. K. It. Itraswell, Iloyde liiilliu. Miss Maude Price. Miss Kssie Secrcsl. The closing exercises of Waxhaw Institute will Is'giu ou 1'iidav of this week, with the address at eleven o'clock by lr. Henry Louis Smith, president of Pavidsou col- lege. On Sunday morning the ser mon will lie preached by liev. )r. II. Jloldndgeof Laucistcr, pas tor of the Itaptist chinch at llial place. Mr. O. I. Ilinson, son of Mr. lern iiiiixhi ol cast .iioimik township, and principal of Morgan Acadcmv, has Immhi rccoinmcnilcil bv the Oak (irove Methodist church to the District Conl'eieuce as an ap plicant lor licence to preach. Mr. Ilinson is it ei v promising young man, ol line cnaracicr aim who ions habils, and will he nu earnest and useful minister. The People at I Jst Will be (then W From Over the Stale. . II. Taxlor. sherifl ol Hertford home of Mr. 1. A. Cs.k. Mr. CMik has a grandchild two years and three months old. Ou the phur is an uiiliiiished well, covered ou r i'h ImmhIs as the , . ... M1,Vi -,.,,! ( .,f(i the Right to Own Their Own , "Ba,i,rni nll. gl ( Soil, and They Rejoice at the .V-'ii l.ixi 1 Imixlay. Mr. t his. II. Ii.iughton, a kin.-.-loan of Fx l.ieut. lioveruor ILmgli t died la wn-k ill Allechanv o Hie Irish iiies coimiy at the age of more than one himdnsl vears. Opportunity of laboring in Or der that They Hay Huy It. A few years a; workmen... ... ... ,.. . ... ... - Sick " I tint used Avcr's Strsipsrilli In the full of 1848. Since then I have liken it every iprin i a blood purify in and nerve- itrengilienini medicine." S. T. Jorct, icliiu, Kns. If you feci run down, are easily tired, if your nerves arc weak and your bhV- Is thin, then begin to take the good old stand ard family medicine, Aycr's Sarsaparilla. It's a regular nerve lifter, a perfect blocd builder, hn . nfM. t r..r rt.. ir ! Sc ihioM f Trt t..iv,i ,iw.C .11 iWOM t r. . I....,'. imiM 1 u kK4 i. t. ATM Co.. VtwM. VaM. Mrs. F- I'. I'.roadawayof Monroe was married to Mr. J. I. ladlock of Marshville township last Wed nesday ut two o'clmk. llie cere monv Hccnrreil nt the home of Mrs. Hroudawnv in Monroeaiid was wit . . t i . e..: l. Iiesscil UV It giHMi uiimiHT oi irieiiii-i. Uev. M. A. Smith nlliciated. The couple lell iinmeiliately lor the home of the groom. Mrs. Tadlock is a good woman and will make a happy companion. I he groom is one of the most prosicroiis farmers of his section mid a man or liign character. Call to Organize County Anti- Whiskey Uague. At a mass meeting of citizens held in Ihe court house ou 1- inlay nil-lit, March L'lith, a committee was appointed to issue a call for n meeting to organize at ouniy Aim- Whiskey I'iigue, mid to luvitenli IH-rsons throughout the county who are opposed to the illegal, or "blind ticer. ' side of whiskey ut every point in the county lo participate iu said meeting. Said meeting was set for Sat nrdav, April the 1 1th; its object to Im Ihe organization of '. - e a cotiniy league ior uie poi m.m- i enforcing the liquor laws of the county and stamping out the ille gal sale of whiskey. All jiersons in the county who luvor nringiiig the blind tigers to judgment and stopping their nefarious work are hereby requested to meet at Mon roe at 1.' o'clock ou April 1 1th, ut the tnvitatioii of the Ant i Liquor leugue of Motiruc. J. J. Chow, II. I). Srr.w.viiT, K. F. IIKAKI.KY, Cotnmilteo. by actual measurement, mid just after the rains of last week, walcr stood ill it als'lit s'veiits-ii feet dis-p. Into this well the little child C.1I .....I !..... I. il.. ... ...... .......j... in ... ,u, , - Ik IIIMill..-1lltlu liltl., U'.tri l.r..l,il.l ! I out alive anil uninjured. The child w as missed by its moth er and a search was licguu, result ing in the discovery that the little one had fallen iu the will. Its body could lie sivii lloating, f.ov upward, and on seeing the family liMiking down at it, the child began to call each bv name. Not having a roM, Mr. Cook had to send to a1 neighlsir's house several hundred I yards away, to get one. He got it. I and together with it and a pair of j buggy lines, managed to get down I into the well and get Ihe little girl. She was lloating. with only the; faceout. That she was not drow ned is next to a miracle. She was er fectly well next day, and came w ilh the family to see Sparks' show, which was here Thuisdav. stone was figure, and he sH'iit the last years of his life lay ing the foundation for Ireland's redemption. He lifted half the burden oil those do u trodden I hen Salisbury came into HiMcr, and the Irish question was The "western fever" is raging in dilb-reut sections of western North Carolina, and from some Mints ieople are leaving iu large uiiiii-Is-rs for the Western States. Mr. J. W. P-ailcy, editor of the i'dhlical Kccordcr, and mai.nger of a mm mm m u m m 1 1 Hr izoJsfies tziste and appetite SNOW-HOIND. r.njf 'r..uiHl ihr t.., tit !iltf Oil Hu ll k.. I liushed to the background. A few 'the Auti Salism league, made years ago Salisbury iigiusl ;iie'spcli iu Asheille Is-fore a big pii iiiiersuip (oi lu couiit of advaiic-! mass meeting 1 inlay night ing years anil i.s-o.e leaun, aau A, f VM S,I(Si ,vi(lso eonn assucr.h d by Mr. Aithur U ... w.lin.i ., v to. Murdo, a well known dog trainer, four. The new premier was de scribed, ut the time of his licctcd call to the highest office iu (ileal liritain, as a very talented man, but lacking iu energy and assert iveness. He was looked upon mote asa scholar and dreamer than a practical statesman. He went alum! his work w ithout auv blow Bad Mecklenburg Negro Caught. I lmrl.ill.-li!-. rv.T, lOi Will Harris, the colored desper ado, was brought here from Nor folk, Yti., last night, by Wallace. "He didn't give me a bit of trouble." said the sheriff. "l!ut I reckon he couldn't have given me auv I rouble if he had wanted to. I had iijuis ou his hands and feet both. Will was getting along all right in .Norlolk, conliuucil Sherili Wallace. "He lived in u house that was not two blinks from the police station, and he owned a pai l interest iu a near bv hoarding house, which was run by a negro woman. You know Will ulwaxs has nionev." ij nr Wl vears old, committed sui cide hv shooting himself. No cause assigned. Hon. Adlai I- Stephenson is to le Ihe guest of honor at the re union of the charter members and the alumni of Ihe North Carolina ing of trumis ts, but has alreadv I A1I'"' '"'b ' liapter 1 til I vita accomplished that which will iihuvl ' heta Fraternity, ut CliajK-l Hill, among Jim Chambers, a negro, is iu jail He has sohed the Irish him statesmen. question. week Mr. Wymlhaiu, tin secretary for Ireland iu Mr. Hal four's cabinet, introduced the Irish laud purchase bill, and it is con ceded that it is so thoroughly worked out iu nil i's details and so Slierill acceptable to the coplc of Ireland and I.iiglaud that It is sure to he roine a law. To understand the tremendous importance of this feat of Kiigland's new statesman, il is necessary to ice. ill the fact that four hundred years ago Ireland was conquered by laiglaud. The lands were all conliscatcd and allotted out to a few favorites of the King of Fug land. The new owners and their descendants have ever shit e Iiccu known as Irish Landlords. Most of them hac alnays lived in Kng lulu I. Ihe people who tunnel ly ow ned the lauds and their descend ants have Iiccu required to pay ex- u Observer ivpoiier saw Will Harris in his cell al the jail. He i liorlulant rents, bund ana repair is a short, black lieuro, '.'I vears llictr nouses ami i:iv the taxes on ild, and has a good natnied face the lands, without right or pros- which smiles incessantly. He said pect of ever acquiring owneiship, in tlit'outsct that women had ruined him women and crap shoot ing and chicken lighting. "Hid vou do all the things they ! , llll It III I , 'Nearly all," s.iid Will, with a proud, pleased smile. "I didu I burn 'Squire Alexandei's barn, for I never was a hand to torture poor. dumb In nit s. 'lint I was there when the burn was hnineil, said tin prisoner. ifler n moment's thought. " big nigger named Fields burned it. I told him 'bout 'Squire Alexander bcin' mean to a little boy, and Fields liked to gel even with folks. So he set lire to the barn, llial night we intended lo burn all the barns ou Sugar Creek road, but we couldn't tin it." The shooting of 'Squire J. I'. Hunter, the rohlierv of the Han- tcrsWIlc poslollice, the burning of W. O. Cochran's store to these and all the other crimes that hit laid lo his door Will Harris pleads guilty. "llo you expect to again escape from the chain gang !" "No, sir," he replied with n grin. "1 think I'll stay it out this time." PR&IFIIT mil subject to eviction whenever unable to meet the terms imposed hv the landlords. The love oldwniii" I;1;;;,' own, no tiiulit r how humble, is one of the strongest in the human breast. For four centuries the pen pie of Ireland have been tenants of foreign landlords, lint every father and mother throughout these cen turies have taught their children that the hinds were rightfully theirs and exaetetl promises that they would keep up the fight to regain their rights. Cutler these hard but ileus I hose who have remained iu Ireland have lieen barely able to live. Thousands nml millions have sought homes elsewhere, but wherever (hey have gone they have kept up the light iigainst Kugland and assisted those at home iu all their cll'orts to recover the title deeds lo the "green hills of la in." On account of the opposition ol j the opposing party and (he lack ol complete co-operation on the pari of the Irish mcmlH'i'sof I'arlianieiit, f Hailstone failed (ogive Ireland the full measure of relief he wolked for, but he took from the landlords the exclusive right to fix Ihe rale of rents nml the power to evict tenants. Iiy his bill, whenever the land-owner ami tenant disagreed, the tenant could appeal lo Ihe courts to name the price to ls paid for the use of the lands. In (his way rents were in a year or two red need one half. Hut this was not The bill was an The matter of feed is of frnmpnrliniu linnnrtanee to the Ihe greatest gootl , acknowledgement of the right of farmer. Wrong feeding is t, tenant to remain on the laud, , , ,. . f. free from eviction nl the will of loss. Right feeding is prolit. t( ,.111(lon 'Phis was Ihe enter ing wedge. llalfoui's bill provides for the issuing of bonds (T.MiO,tl(Hl.lii and more if necessary t by the llritish government. With the proceeds thn Irish hiiidlords will Is- naitl for most pOtk, his hens to ( tlu-ir lamls, w hicli w ill Im j.arci lU-tl (lie tcnaul.o, wno are io is1 Robbed the Grave. A stnrtling incident is narrated by John Oliver of Philadelphia as follows: "I was in au awful condi tion. Mv skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coaled, pain continually in hack mm sines, no nppetite, growing weaker day by day. Three physicians hud given me up. Then I was adv iscd to use Klcctric Hitters; to my great joy, the first bottle made a decided nu provement. I continued their use for three wccks,inulnin no a well man. I know they roblied the grave of another victim." No one should fail to try them. Only 50 cents, guaranteed, at Knglish Drug (Vs. The up-to-date farmer knows what to feed his cows to get the most milk, his pigs to get the get the most eggs. Science. But how about the children ? Arc they fed according to science, a bone food if bones are soft and undeveloped, a flesh and muscle food if they are thin and weak and a blood food if there is anemia ? Scott's Emulsion is a mixed food; the Cod Liver Oil in it 'J makes flesh, blood and muscle, the Lime and Soda make bone and brain. It is the standard scientific food for delicate children. Must Have Favorites Here, Too. "I declar'," said Hro. Dickey, "I got ter lie mo' keerful in future I sho' has !" "W hat's the trouble now!" 'Well, suh, I whirled iu cr pray er fer rain des two hours en a half, en lileiw God, dey conic a regular deluge, dot come mighty nigh drowuiu' my lies' mule. Provi dence la to partial tor me !" li 4 1 ' Send for free sample. trot thai thta MctWt H tht kf Ubei i vtiporr nl rvtrf feAtlM m fcaMUaei 1 bwv. Scott&Bowne CHEMISTS. 409 Pearl St.. N. Y. Ileal Hi fl out to the tenant given title deeds as soon us they can pay the government the price lixetl for each parcel and a low r ile of interest. Sixty years will ho given to make the payments Those, that take the lull time to ac quire the deeds w ill only have to pay iilHiitt one tenth its much each veiir as they have lieen paying in 'rents. And each year will take them one step fait her toward the goal their people have been work ing and praying lor lor 4ou years. This is the great work Arthur lialfoiir nml William Wyndham have nccomplished during the first year of their ministry. Next year they intend to give Ireland home rule. It is the wisest, as well ns the most humane step, I'.nglanil has taken in many a day. It will make Irishmen, not only those in Ireland but Irishmen wherever they live, once more the friends of Knghiml. They have long been their enemies. The lime may soon come when Kugland will need the friendship of Ihe Irishmen, the bravest tlgntcrs of the world. The increase in postal receipts Iu North Carolina during the past year has increased the unmlier of Hint chwi postollices in mis maie to six. They are Asheville, Win ston Salem, Kaleigh, Wilmington, Greensboro, Charlotte, iu Xilisbiiry on a charge ol trespass, fhamlicrs had a grievance against W. M. (Mil ha iu of the Cleveland lie ighliorhood, ami going to his stable he drove a large nail in the back of one of Mr. indium's mules. liccatisf she wits tip'd of life and wanted to die, l.ovie Home, a youu; white woman I'll years old, who lived with her uncle three miles from I mi lium, drank luuda mini Wednesday and w ius for sev eral hours in an unconscious con dition, but finally recovered. Mr. O. II. Liti s died Monday at his home in Inn ham and a messen ger was sent lo convey the intelli gence lo his father, who li veil nl Hickory (irove, Wake county. When the messenger arrived the lather was dead, he having died a short time before his sou. Mr. I-;. C. licihlinglicld of Wake county has entered upon his duties a.i ion commissioner. The oath ol ollice was administered by Associate Justice 11. (i. Connor of the Supreme Court. Mr. Ilcthling field fakes the place of Hi. D. II. Abbott, whose term expired Wed nesday.. This is Mr. Ileddiugticld's Two well Li do business men of I ui hum, P. I'riiuishaukiii and Kit fus Massey, have fallen out over I In dent h of one of the former's hens, which he alleges Ihe latter killed, the two liciug neighbors. The owner of the hen sent. Massey u bill for ." cents, nml when the latter refused lo pay it. Pruuishaukiii in dieted him. The case has gone to Superior Court ami both sides have employed counsel. The Troy Examiner says a two- year old child of Mr. M. K Mills t ame very near losing its life in a singular way n few days ago. It cliiulH-d on ii gate which hud a small rope attached to it. I here was a loop in the rope to keep the gate shut. The little one ran its head throiiL'h the loo and fell, and when found il was hanging by the neck almost lifeless. Prompt action saved it A singular occurrence look place on the streets ol Ixinston Wednes day. .Mr. W. K. Horn! was driving a horse which stopped on the si reel and Is'gan to -balk." He liegan to whin the horse, when a stranger who afterward gave his name as llamliu, stepped up and told Ihind if he didn't stop In-ating the horse he would have him prosecuted, liond is pretty deaf an.l when Ham lin rcieutcil the words Bond Hew into a rage and began healing him with the horsewhip, liystanders interfered and stopped the affray Wednesday night between f and !i o'clock, while iu the net ol tie lending the home of a widowed, sister in law from the disorder of a young man who had formerly iioiiriled (here nnd returned under the iiilliience of liquor, Mr. Under ick Mac ltae, engineer ut Ihe Wil mington Cotton Mills nml a mem Iter of one of the most prominent families in Wilmington, was seri ously and probably fatally stablied by Sam I.. .Mann, wno was mieiy employed in the health department of the city. Mr. MarKae is an un married man nnd boarded with a brother about half a Mock distant from the scene of the trouble. l-ni-r 1 ihmi Th.lfe-.l -lll.r. mii ! til III.- .-t tf.N. .l..t AM n.i.ui.i.1 io, jiu... ,.f tl I :ni- '4 III. S... At 0-) UIM uf llir I. no Vl-vh -.. Ii.l fiilnia.U! ati.l iinfiil . Til! ll M Oh- Hi.-uiitaiita it.-n- 1, in ma...f Otr iti-t it mi. Il i-it I a marker." wul ....l Jk- Hal,-, -t.. Hi. A.rll ..( I'll -rla-til Wli.ii Hi.- .11.. a i-..nii .Ifon" lur ihnv all.-!. -. ai a (mil tiif-rii4t rat.-. Till It ri.irn.1 -rr- lit III.. ai:i. j. -' t iirtt-il Vm ..ut ..' i,..u, An' n aa n't till al.ii- t Oi- la-t ..' Vlai llial KFH 111. ! .till . i-l, ar lik'lit " Saviiios. Loan and TrustGo. MOXKOE. N. C. (M::te iu Dilluu I ;.:.. !..: IW.. :!...;, d.ttctty south oi - Oratiucil luJi r tl.v Juv tU Mal of N of III CaioUa. Officers: R. B. Kedwiuo, Prcsidont; J. M. Belk, Vice-Prw.; j F. H. Wolf Cashier. Diroctors: J. JC. Bolk, A. W. Hoath, A. J. Price, J. I. Orrf G. S. Lee, Dr. J. B. Eubanks, R. B. Redwine, J. W. Bivens, J. 2. Green. .tint- - iutjjt or biiiall Kultjrct to check at Acts as ageot for "I in mr t.. tht," t, urn hii! "I i mt .r---tit ttu-n. ' h.u llir ) l-iififn. )l-'kt-tt lli' (rail I rnt If! in fm .!f' .ji'. An I n vl..ii lititiln-il (t--t -n'W j.iU .1 uat (ni in in ini . An' il w.1 me .Mkin' lh- tm r ktw fur I thttiiifli- I hail -triM-k m tltni Tik j-' H r- lur in hmi nr I ..ut, an" mil Inn mi Mirth t ! Hut !. iN M-r-. tu ttllTniotlf. mn tuUtrr. th.-y )-tt tt -ti-t. fur m hni Mlt-f1- itifcvmr wrk haiit't ntnii- lii n I r, m ity lit- think- nn Ull- tUittt ttflin' tacklo Vtu mltrliit r ." "I 4Mnul hi the it-rmM ( in Ou tnti ri' suit h-.' ltl AniT' l 'if. "tt fH ii' tn 'uri-. liit Ihnr h-, An' I ty tlmr !ik- I war c..l)im.l u.. u. -tilt- Kur -lalrt-ti Iho. an' I htiit-.t li.uifht I war tnnike-i fur tlif l'r..niiM- miu : Hut a -in. while i-uiii an' I tuk a M-.-.t un I Uinlr-t tin -4iiiTiftltii. Iiar.l, An" hi If-, ttiati a ai ut a t-.l-i-al tail I a' tliakin' tiati.l wtili tw iirtr.t Ttic "li.lf lia-l iHiitli tl uie oiniai'tui Ifim' Hit- ehinil-U . an il I int.. mt llirti- nillo U-l Hit' jiitii'v k liar I ....nt ifi.t -.irn t " Invites iH-rsi tiui ati.l uti-cr i lsiit- leitihraU s tjf it t.n hu I. iritei er-t i ' itJ. i intiiiiripat an J pnvrftt- cuiv,r.ith it 1 1 rliiJti,ils. j Huy s, Hs jti.l rrnts tv fla(r au I ptTM-'nl property. AtittutrucJ ly law ... j. I a-. 1.x. t u! r, A In:Listratur, iaulian, Aeut, etc. ' Ciiu act-ppt any tiu-.l 1-r v. hirli .in in livi l'.ul is Hi.Me. j In in.rt matiri.i Un- c ir 4!.v t t t;tii.i' Jtiy :rputaM member of tltt j I'.ii j whic h t!.y tiiiiv In' i i ' i in i t.i I hi p!at itit; iti its chaise. Hy this mt ans cUcutf i!.:y r .titntiir In 1 1 iu ( I v orriit of their owo Coantel Aiid at l!ic Mtntf tiii-c s i uie n.ip iatr ti . !it!'.!1ty. Knd'rses ur t,ur:iitp's the p.ixnunt ut tu.-Ies or other ohligatioQt. I.ruds moiit v at ilj lime; on approeJ security or on lanj. Makes homls tor tt:ccis, hi rninmal ot civil judicial proceedings. Savings Hauk teature dej -.Mta iti -inall siiiiis for saving a specialty. Procures Ioa:i fir t.'tis and will ft...I I-uiiowei for those desiriuf to j IrnJ tunnev. Tin y mriit'il for a -lry l. I iit-!- Jai k. tlir n- li.r -if pit )- r. Hut he aili'iill) i-tu Htt) at Iu- Mttvi I'liibT. n liile ItlKi'Ve-. iTi' aftiHMt Hh teat-. Ami In tmnifil !! faee a miti. f imiji. tti.rt- a tin ni t.'t it nml e..iiMt r .( !.),, Vntl lit- irmt Lrn U-k' gr- itre-er ta a- !il- irnlei( m.I Ii.-h.I tie -ti.Hil, Tilt' utrtrileil it.iy,. at the nil) mall -tit it'll a iie -tat in lo- el-Mk r -hanif. K'r ht 'il liet-r fa i it-il in 4 -nre i.f year to ill III lite Mittry tranif. A nil lie i-it I v I'll t.l ill a liuttil'ii' Voti-e a- h. VNi-eil Hi til fne-e III ..litl r "I aiu I if'tt nuihiirat all Itt a u liar- ha Hi.eil Hie UtHliT'" Dying With a Persimmon Seed in Mis Lung. ttntrii'ii Itiut--h Suae time iliiriu tlie fall of lost vvar tli(M'ii;lit year -old son of Mr. Iainler oo.slt'V of AitimIiii, this niiinty, while eating prrMimiiioiis. U'culeiitally h wallowed one of the -knhIm. For wveTrtl ilavn the vounj; man wiuh nlilitly Inilliered hv the Need, hut tlie bm feeling filially paHsed away and the incident was nearly firpdten. Snne tiineati, however, a pain in his In east made its nppearance and for N'venil WHks lie has sullfh'tl exerueiatin .JLU'Vsli;'!'JW, w,l)u h;ijif x hnh't'd in his In 11 and that an oper ation is the only means of saving his lite. He is unable to partake of hut verv little food, nnd t host w ho have seen him nav the Imv is scarcely iiitire than a living skeleton. It is more than likely that iu operation would prove lata), and his death 11 inter the present conditions is likely to occur at any time. A Oreat Sensation. There wan a hitf sensation in IxTsville, Ind., whenNV. II. Hrown of that phur, who was exeeted to die, hud his hie wived by Pr.Mntf s New Piseovery for t'onsutnption. He writes: I emlun'd insulleralile agonies from Ashma,but your New Diseovery pave me immediate re lief and soon thereafter ntVected a complete curef Similar cures of consumption, pneumonia, bronchi tis and grip are numerous. It's the peerless remedy f,r all throat and liuitf troubles. Price oOe. and 1. Guaranteed by Ktitflish Ini(j t'o. Trial Inittles free. coooxxxcooocooocj; XX0O0000O!XO0(X(XXXXX)0000eO with the wants of our customers, we open up the new spring sea son. What you need, when you need it and at the price you can pay. Monroe Hardware Gooioaou's BuoQles, WeDer Wagons, Gloe and Lotcli Cotton planters, Oliver cHilled and Vulcan Plows, SHeraln-Williams Paint. ObOC0CCO30C)OXXX03CCCCWC0C0OOO'JC0 ....I 3 oooooooexxxxxxwoo GOOD BREAD COMES Only From GOOD FLOUR. Many a well-meant, well-planned attempt at brcad-maklnf il wrecked on the shoals ol poor flour. Cheap flour is bad flour Iti low price is the milker's excuse for the Inferiority ol h!i product Uood bread is not hard to make- Hull the voyage is over when you get good flour- Whiter, .troiij;er, sharper, purer flour than our can not be made- Therefore we caution you to ask for the "O0L0EN ROD" and INVINCIISI.IV brand. These brands are sold at ttte low e.t price for which really first class flour can be sold and its prlca Is thelhighest you need to pay in order to get the best. Beware of bad flour and short weight- Our quality and weights are guaranteed. Henderson Roller Mills GomDanu. Makes a Clean Sweep. Tlifif's nothing like doing a thing thoroughly. Of all Ihe milv- you ovor heard of Itinklcn's Arni ca Salve in the l't. H sweeps away and rures burns, sores, euts, liruirw'S uleers, Kin erup tions and pile. It' ol' 'i e- n" gunmiitved to give satisfaction by Knglish nnig t o. The (iovernor has apMiinel his brother. II. K. AveoekofCxiluiiiuus, -ulireetoronthe penitentiary board in Kiieeeefl K. I.. Travis, re-.lgned. Mr. AvciH-k hasleeii a tr.te of the State Normal atdreeiwlioro. A Thoughtful Man. M. M. Austin of Winchester, Ind., knew what to do iu the honr of need. His wife had such an on uxiial ease of stomach aud liver trouble physicians could not help her. lie thonglit oi ana trieii ir. King's New Life Tills and she got relief at once and was dually cured. Ouly 25c. at English Drug tVa. The (iirls Took the Day. 'hir.itt'l.ri.r. Was it by telepatliy or by some preconcerted arrangement that the college irirls of the I'uited Stales lurned Madcap Violets iw one wo man and went on a wild lark on All Kinds' day! Not only the young j women of 1hUi the female inslilu-1 Hons of this city but also those of I'eaee Institute of Italeigh and of the Presbyterian College for Wo men of Columbia, S.l'., were Kt rick - j en with llie Kool mania. The! Peace girls took (iovernor Aycock by storm, and fheColumbialieorge Kliots and Kli.alNth llarreit Hmwiiings yet to lie went out into tlie country and had a "dance for women only." The college girls mt'iii to have largely monopoli.ed this past April tool anil we are curious lo know if it was by design :H or by a telepathic accident. How's This? YVe offer One II nmlred Dollars re ward for any rase of Catairh that can uut be cured by llall'i Caitarrh Cvre. F. J. Chkncv & Co., fiopiietora, Toledo, Ohio. VA, the undefined, have known F. J. Cheney for the past 13 year,anii believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligations nude by their (inn. W'Esr & Trcax, Wholesale imukkims, loiruo.u. Wai.diso, Kinnas ic Mabvis, W holesale DniKKists.Toledo.O. Hall's Calanh Cuie is taken intern ally, aclinj directly upon Ihebood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 73c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testimonials free. Hall's Family fills ire the best. J. E. HENDEKSON, Managor. TirrnTrrmm 1 -i mm n mrn n mi miiiUnDIIIIDI A.LEVY. MRS. A. LEVY. Bargains in Vehicles. I have a number of second hand rehie'et of several varieties, also harness, which I will sell at bar gain. If you want one it will be to your interest to see me within the next 30 days. Also some nice new ones for sale. Rubber and steel tires, and two cushion tire steel spoke buggies. C. C Sims. Who Will Lead Ttys Spring? Why A. Levy, of course. He always does. If you will notice the great work going on at his store you will see that he is opening up the finest stock of Dry Goods, Cloiliiii" and Millinery ever brought to Monroe. He has Just come back from the big Northern Harkcts and his goods are now rolling In on every train. The Indies in town and country are Invited to come In and Inspect our fire lines of dry good and millinery, all that the prettiest material and the most skillful fingers can do for you. And as for clothing everybody knows that Levy's "High Art Clothing" Is the best for fit and wear sold in America to-day. All that our friends and customers need to do to get suited with the best goods and carry off the fnest bargains in any of our lines of goods Is to come to our store. A. LEVY. MRS. A. LEVY. rTHiffimmniiiiiiiiiinn mniiiiiiumiimiiuiiiun