i 5 - 4 -,., . i ' ' v 7 4 9 I f , f l Si1 r): THE MONROE JOURNAL Tl'ESUAY Anl 7. Vii..t tli.l thvy :iit mt ..gf-rt ivwr !! t..r CI.MUnd How Several Roman uenucrnca ,.,..,,. iMimlr-.;...o ! 11 Created Them tor Their U ..i !,! Ii!vu lo t.ikr Uk- risK. nurui The "Old Church." Workmen today lutiin tttuM' ikroUl niotlindist rhtirvh to tin- !( .if M.-rs. Sliiitf in front f tirif tiu Iitj- stat.Un on VimUr utrw-t. -"'" i" !aM '-k's l'r- itwlf ia e-HdMupUtioo of Km THE OKIUIN OF THE MONTHS. stud Ww; sett ins aright the mora ,-..i,n il nf III human heart iu the young in.) wulle wan, attuuitia them to - . the tou. h of honor, sim-eiity. inar- urai.ihiwn. ; , -,- au.l tli' iiv. patriotism, valor, and all cd i "' "-"' ,.ul,!ut rts.- at all. ! Minwrfik lud.Uarum April ban cvm.' a-.im - a . (.r ,si ,, for him. and so he died upon tbr JVuVanU area., ...... .. Land of charity, hut. praiw taml. tm Ulp:i lU); Utl.iM-a.li.-i Lreaili 'twas not a repulsive charity, of spring, when nature, lite a ' - Mulling maid. i putlui, on her The Widower Came But Hot No.jmuuun mid jr paiuii; to Satisfaction- i her Mlkeii hair. what harmonious. ' rniL' in. in our Umtu ' i'. .n ,. mhrat. ...,.1 .Tnth lurlli 1.1 all UiallUtllt'. th, rr. .!t !" m a " from Ih.- ATy l1,e'TA - di.la't ur wWa." ai " ill !nl aaf mfcen I'J W " I i-.Hif.- t 1" tmnT-lt T v.... . .k. . Ii!!hrtelr I toe ana iieauu u.uueiiei !.''- wt, ot my I-"". wrnl mil to all .,!. ,..! rv. u i;,e ls 1 ever siw a. ei. ,.i,.11,lH r of the muii a:e u. "1'wa in '- I hat H'eV I'.iilded ,llls tl,f Jt 5e,,r, but e fe. it miy ,UM). that I' mt heaid and the old chnreh. Ill the da of vet he JuuSeJ l v cold nJ l'M' ' . v tia, Is ,,! . XJ-I.-m-aI. Tl- MrennoUH Mr.le lor luea l and a , , lu.urr u, lhe ou,uk i britl.t " k N.;rU new start in the S.uthern eounliy : (l r the it snull sum -top in ytu. " ,iUI ,t -,!.. il iuthedavsof li.-n.U- strulo. l't , h "'li" " lu.nhe.ro.e. -TIh-... - ...I liir.il 1 1II.IV l nilj IU til I , il" - III.IIJ .1 land." hi some iiUn.cs tenaut uiwr i .er u.is i-asi - I. . t... .... 1 II... ll.M. l II.W.II IIIHIII svice. UiU'Uiti juu iuhuj i-i mm iiiit- mi m--- i . . .. Inns ie tkius the hrh Horn the .1.,. ,,.., , !!. nine tor I lie urins. lbe.iin. telH aie Riuni: f i.inls li. e..uie and tin-v Ihrir allfist.ou to earJeuins. nun is ,,,,. . I....,,,! i,l tl Ui.iuaiid lor thirty K-Hd eai Uu-,r tan... One ell mauaseJ is hall s Vi((1 ,.,v, t inuuin.- Ir.im.il. broad ..H.l'. d uf auvene s hvme. .:... that the turtle that Solon heu.l as thi er:ilms harl-liell that lne I" inml'ly aiei ,-ott.ce .oee.v..- , ,hl. ,,,1. That I'he turtle iKimity of material tliiui; eom (.anil to the seejiin aeeolullih meiits of the present. Hut they l.iiildid ell in their day and t-r. their stion hiiM- of li.Ml sheltered from sun and storm lh- sallu-m.-s of dev.. lt.d orshn .-. I'.ut hoiix-s. like men. have their days and plaees of tlseflllllev.. then Jli.e :l '"or oth el. And is not the test of lio.is.-s. like unto that of men. one of Use fulness and service rather than one of eUvime and greatness! Is it a laip- elloft of ini.ij; ination to think that inani mate objects are sometimes more than thills! Man. canity. t.i l,iin..t' all lmw. r ol sti,. is Si, vf.,: o.J. ir M iv no! the A le.taiu la.-!' anjrif J .N ku.. mi! and May not tin wUfcnwuX tMte out , ,f one uh. said that e may dream ot tu ,,iiiel a ,,.K ,frU ai; J( s;ar.l .1, l.v iinitiiiL' t i.-lli near ns ,,i name ,. I. . v. . tuvy ,;..... iu.. Sfi.-k on fo 'v llwher and ,.,.,1. (h.- ir.s- !.-t int hsw to imi ipitale MaI.tn.t an.l tne fl in the u.lle mt the lerriMe .ir than ail other h.-et.si r.i.i-ui m uJs eoudoned. Is old ...over l:ul n- M Uildins aim tor that ' The 1., h. r ' ' ,"U' o old se,...m!.ei .l, K.m li.-.l ""j1" .,,,., Mn.M-,.rt ho-lt,-of an elder Hi hi i hiuvli an.l , MM. Lr.mnru. Hb eetne. Mimed li.s home and Ins happiness. Rii " (n UrfU M lf ,e Ulvl. Tb ilnt .is lelitv eai a.;.. I ou . :r WJ1, B.,.y villi buaiuilnc ler if tirover is ut i lijT !" '"r'li Ih it ' W e air dmie It h .1.1 iio I t ,!.-,.,. .tui: ata-e the o'y "... .....I loi.vei. Let I.M.. U,S.,:v- the tr.v. .Sli u.y "hip ami tmnt .lack- il he ants to. V hue no n-- I"1 pl.-siilents h' IsiUit duck '. l-ai -ol ho ;.ne l--.-iii.-rei love tiie la-iiocs l-. Mi-l il'i.m tin' 'Uthe'll hlt- loli.s. l.ie.it he.iv.-r : are Ihe) ti villi; for tl. S.i.ia.ni- my bore rt. I I,..!..!.." rf.' - H t a li. !:.. b-n t itr t.-onms ..t Lie IK.O.-J--, Ii.iil.su h.-r bir lilniii4 ll.-r f:iee a lH v. . -It iiiiolh. r war. and have e p. ti (,,. , n i.ik awyW Ih had twen i I'm It 1 . r.-i !..- th -j ti.eir ine. 1 ..k..l nt l-r si.-ui.y it bout s-k u Inn .n a-j. I'm not a duck nor a lcar. N I reckon I'm vile. I'.ti I Ai:f. i nan i K"""1" I re... th.: M-,5. II. vi. Il.itehkiss is seiiou.v i .ol. ninivi nt Ihc atomarli. The . sioih.-e has beeu moved Uvm Alt.ui thtm; . ...... ! il. i . r inn i jriiioiitu on vu... , io ... . - . . i!-. ,ilnr I is nroiieilv a toitoiv The iuiproveuieuta over the tju !f lvpt and England is the sum sln. aie lu.tueal le. The telephone ;1 ,. ,.,., has a plaint n e. ha att. acted the alteiilion ot the peo-; .Ul1.lll. oe and is devoted to pie ui some tune. A .-j-diop iun s us ttuilf. In the S-npture it is a ! sacred hud and am emblem ol the holv L'host. I wo.ll.l not snooi . i . ... i ... .. o... . in.-iii tor Mtoil tin. ve. . " that some people .iiouriii au.. ( .-.... - - ., . ,, i, i t.i Kaleieh i kill.-, looinoneilav. il. at ii. v. ..ivun ...o. s -- ..---. . t-uetiou olf the "hole Geneial A-. Knsllsh -ls always s.iy ti'M,. seui iv. ' Hhei. Ihe m.-an dove. ( ioUNnr; h Uii. Nancev l.aney is ipnte feehie. : . j,,.,., vl , jt is -o: : POLLY: ch hoaiJ ha beeu put in at " '-an lie's. Our Lecislatu.e enacted some very Lnod las. notwithstaudiiiK I.' ulltll The By Nancy , McClellwwd I. p.. I i .t J i-1 1 m I l 1. .If ii. i nt h- u p.t:. t i y ih- ami reeeninjr from th.m linpres sions. too tine Id be caught by us when Will Nat the helm, not -.me day 1- ealieil a x-icntist and a dis eoverei. Is the -tId flutreli" really not coiisciot'.s of the soitl-tra.ili.-s that have bc.-n plave.l within its .lool-. when the Simil fell rclc.-niin-ly upon a toiture rucked bein and lifted it in joyous tr.ite.poils to !ho Maker's tliione, wli.-n lb .pe d.-paiie.i: w limn , tlicsiii.tsol l-i. n-l have . i .- i ur I' .I upon i nc i.n..i life, and lis bar.- old .tt- I f.-rtaiu chiircti una n-e r,i, r. 1 he Sunday lUine, s di.l the ,er. likewise the Rill er Rill '" the letter, hut all in vain aui the wiJ,-rr M-ei. to Und th' wntei ol his Utter. A chascii lew e!iove.l K la. ih and that was ail. Mr, Piict-iii- Kedteai... l-ruieily vf eutaeeJ earth uns.-eti, oron.y I. .unit ! " .n p the lilllle's net." l-i i i couldn't w l sil.'ll ! poetry nil spl ID." US 1 ll-eii t.i klie" . 1 think that mine would suit tin Uivs In-tler. N't v e ;iwl ii a I to ..l.-r Mid I thestelt i-i ti.iiu l:u.iuh u in ! e 1. 1 ..-Id tonilty, w'.u. wink ill 1". nc last w f el. on h.s i i - t i 1--C m : h'llie, an tn- .l. i-eis. el . ll or ' its colllil'f- frmu v ear b of etcri walls have eucoliipiis of rare-l !.:ieiMi- ' who is rest ami p. ai . I ion. Ili-fiii" its a! the luved ones ol shrouded in their o i .1 the w ,! ilitii of Him nun saiv li ar have lain -.nt It. a. cti llitis. lav the w av fioiu iuiv sat l.iiael while .it viol rt. vi. ,1.1 M,. S S. Kn-haidM.a Cam -I v-.siird lelalives ni-nuid Tn u tv ic -in. l.v ' Mr. v Ih I' il ai.'ss u.l I ai.. v aie v 'sitiiic in thesteilieij M; si t'.-ia 1..1IH-V ha-, s t'.ill. S. C. hi liio -h out a Jin. Kva p.cik ha.l I.) cue up on a.-- j ooi.at ot her ui.-thi-i ulurss. J .C.L. j Mi of , Sue l.i Mc-. ,l that ' hopes, ambitions and j'0 "I those who uioiiinr.l. 'Hoi", ton. have 1 i spoken lln- hit iiiysia- atal tlirilliiiL' wmds thai knit two souls there, likewise, Were iTirislene.l Ihe angels vvliolu ' .ml sent to lirielileii mo I cl.cer and inspire. Ami. -bill why C"ll over I he days that me - - Ai" t dreams of the fului'.' Iin'ie than Ihe reeolh-etiolis of the him w tin ill think so it all th" "ld hiireh' liotliiu'? And so fourth and Iilln and on. Solotuoit didn't vv rite that, but it is ;i fuel. neverlheU ss. Hut whiit about April! Twoth-.u sand yeais atf.i it was the seend. in, .lit Ii in the year, but .lu'.iiisj t a.-siii pioiid ami v.ipi and stuck another monlli in and called it July, and his adopted son. An j oiistiis, thought he was as ,i .liilius. and -' he stu. k one in and ctlh-d II Atisiu-I, and that .r us twelve tnolitlis, or oho days, wl.ii 'a lacked live days of making a luli year. S. liny' had b iv" "tic in.. in i I n to each of sev era! inelil h. de l school wot" tro -puto upi v.,,,.,1 didn't have but twenty niu- ..1-.. i ,i . ; .- ,.i-L 1 . .... s 't.ui iiy.nivui......i) 'days and thev muile n tuiiiy. yi st. tdav afternoon i n tin if ay j ti,r ( (,, x,,.,, u lv ,..,! and iioine, I 'ley vvtte attracted by an m,j,.,., ciuue aloti); at.d said lie w -.s cil, I ticure in t lie gutter, near the ! .. i( maM : anv ,,f the nuiiie ot April In Neiotiuis and d reiiiaiti.-d that way tin llm ly yens, -r.Vs letters : :e ii.nd la !;. a v.-r, l l-v.'' I "M m in ui.-hiii-l'' Rr.s ...-. .is :is a How or.. "And two Ii in-is lis li -nvy II il.l.l. d. "iu. .in a -Ve il ih-.i c.l.t I- -: ri V I :0 U il.l.l I "'li " l',.!'v i.ii.McJ the c::d of b". eu -ill's the r. ...ow I i...ve I..T a silver ... i hi--mimis in d id tae nt re. .-. t.v.-.v. in .- . .111 I' i.Ml.'l li-''. 1 lo.'-v.'. a;'! i !i. sw.s-t way of tin .t.,;j- l-iii I hi.'-v1- vvlmt It. h it !l !- l-o '' "'' -hl ..: t 1 a I t a III S.i. !' il; i. ..., " khe went on, "yon .li-,..,. aiiiii ami ( my h'tters st... tfL "tr an.l l.sik.sl t me erit- i. , nun In heail .- v iiv 1 do la-heie." be erlevl to Ihe -I do U-::eie the rin' B.itfrt wah uie! lie didn't fre' my lett.TW at all lie left tVm pun"" TH.I jrott forget all ttlillK M-lt-rell . v.. - uli iiiiawaTisI cheerfully; 'that i. .1... reason I in here. It w fifteen. i seiltxl. but 1 d.m't think be saw It. Vou'll have t .-eine throiiirh the I...1... I .iiJ illartniisicincly. t ! .Tv' a cite," kin- ausw-eml. And kin- wiis In the roan. -And elilllh cried. Tb.T.-'a a t.-i." he tuusheU. Si.in. -lio.lv may w .." ' objected. -Aim', vv h.lt if they do'" K.1'1 I'ol'y !,,. .ut her iintis areiin.l niy n.sU. an.l 'i. r Lit blue eyes weft' eh" W mine. 1 si lenrs treinbllmr In them. Potty siit.t I. when 1 lut.l foretven h, r "I slmll have " drive jou mi. ".s." said Pel') coiufnrtahly ! BtilV to illln tHSill.' I -And then take the letters Into town, I added. i "lloth. r the leUers!" all Tolly. Into the runabout." "and A Drunken Old Woman in Jail. Ch.i; 1-ate Observer, As tlu- rhii.ltctt of the south "lit i i i . V h.-u I l'i..iut;t to l, -I l i. h..i- f.tlil- to "VV , If with .: of h.-r th !:. 1 T"s U..I t" t: I 111. I I s-' .,1 . T n. Vl.illil t till I .'!. !. 1 1 Htm! ttle il.ei'l l.i i: rl to th, in h t i'.i.ly . r i , I. id I . a v y .a- li-r I t.l.-lll j V. lieu .i .1. i i .i. . curiosity tiicy catiictcu auoui uiei t, at d prcttv Km a ten- UOjC I I lii- sweet past! and of knows 'IJen Adam's Name Kest." l ed all the Anyone who has ever been about the town of l.ain iubiire; much will easily recall the familiar li' are of a line old man who. by the aid i f a iTllteli and one le.', Htrei-ls ot that Mtiu t little lowu in ( the i sandy country. This liyiire is; How no imue to be seen, havill.' put out to sea," and w e may well jriiess that there was "no lnnunilij; of the hat-loir bar" w hen he cm barked. Anil when a ureal, or a giiod, or a useful one px-s. the peo jile speak in j it i-t buiesof him and think that lie will not lie loruot ten, but the Luiiriiibui,' people have detei mined that tin- ineinory ol ihe one of whom we speak slmll not only rest in their hearts but hhall lie fresh l fore the eyes of men. They have determined to build a innmitnent to his memory. How they repinlcd him, we let Charity & Children tell, a paper whose editor knew the subject of which he wrote. He says: An incident in connection with tlin life of the late W. (J. tjuaken Imsh, of Lain inlmrjf. w reniark nble ius to lie well worth the telling and i-i-im-inlierinp. A Her giving' lip his seliiKil, to which lie had de voted the strength of his nmnliood, lie engaged hi th Insiiram-e busi ness, und would have made a tine Riieeess of it, hut some two years ago he was striken with paralysis, which so impaired his speech aa to uulit him for his business. He had neenninlated some property which ho had invested in the eotton mills Blsitit town, but which paid no livldeiiils. A half dozen of his fi iends.seeiiiB bis coudil ion.ouU'tly deposited in the bank frlliri-OO to his credit, which made the way easy for him. A message wassent tA idni that when that wasexhauBt- d a like amount would be placed at bis disjHwal. He did not live to iim the first deimsit We recite hl incident in his life, now that be has gone, to show the manner of man he was. A man musi live l,!,.h and iinselllsh life lo grip community like this; and it shows also the Vaioe Oisineernj i.u uwu- fr and rharitv three character islieii which adorned the life of William Graham liuaKenoiuui. Oulv a school teacher, he left up bonds: only a servant of humanity, be bongtt no lauds aud fc hoarded no gold: only a builder of character, hia loul fotteued not ':u tie mressaoe was sent lo police houilipiurtirs. "There is an o!l w Into vv ,'itiiiti drunk en the street ili.vvn here," the nii'.sagt! said, "aiiil she was swarinq at a crowd of cliiidit-n ,ithtrcil about her." The patrol w.io, n was at once sent out in charge of titTuer 11 lack and in a few minutes it returned with a sad burden a white wo man, yi-ats of age, helplessly drunk. Tile woman was put to bed in a cell. Her name is Maty Crump. Her husband died .5 ' years ag. and s ) far as known she has no living relatives. She is small of stature and as she lay hud dled up mi the beJ in her cell, freiueuted li' with her sun bonnet covering her lace, she looked little larger man a child hen she wa3 found on the street, surrounded by school childrtn, she had a basket at hi.r side. This was brought to the police station by the officer who arrested her. 1 here were several small packages of groceries in the basket, a few odds and ends of wearing material, a pair of worn shoes and a pint of whiskey. It wa3 one of the most pitiful hauls that has been by the Charlotte p dice in years. What will the recorder do with the poor old wo man? What should he do with her? ii. T -VI i-Tl'i. Mr n Horse Health! For Duttinir in prime condition anv horse or mule the best of all remedies is Asheraft's Condition Powders. These Powders are won derfully effective because they cre ate appetite, the digestion is made perfect, worms and parasites de stroyed, and the system cleansed of all gross humors. The Pow ders fatten but never bloat. Asheraft's Condition Powders are wrapped in doses. In fact, in their preparation the same care is used that a druggist would exer cise in the filling of a physician's prescription. High grade and real merit is the first consideration. Ashcraft'a Powder consist of small doses, prepared from the Durest and highly concentrated in- eredients. that have been found beneficial to horses and mules. Asheraft's Condition Powders always high grade are not to be classed with the many tmiJcy, gooa for-everything powders now on the market. Ask for Asheraft's, the kind put up in doses, and good for horses and males only. "H1nr!4 ftiMV tl,l1 (if OMlH-ltUk PW T, I emultlM A'lwralt'a Ihe w h aiartet. I ttk plur In !biwbIIi lhm lo mi rrirtil and eartpawra. H. CAMr- BJtLL, Hlekory, M, C. Price 25c package Sold by English Drug Company until he died, und then it was put buck lo April again. April v as iiiinieil from the I. it iu word aperite, which inonii- tootieti. for then the earth begins to open and the grass and the Mowers to spring np ami Ihe little leaves to come forth lioin the buds mi the trees. 'I he old Anglo Sa..is called it Ouster or r.iisler month. Ihe Hutch called tt grass mom ii. The foolish custom of April looting pen pie still prevails in many eniinti u s aiming theyntiug people. Its m igm is unknown. Sum- say tt is a ii-iie of an old heathen festival. S.. un say that ill the middle ages lliej acted a piuy l iken from Ihe lile nt Christ, where he was sent Imm Atiuius toCaraphas and from Pilate to Herod, ami so an April lonl is one w ho is sent all about on an errand, as. for instance, for soim- pigeon milk, or for a book giving the history of Adam's grandfather, or to stop a horseman and tell htm his saddle girth is m buckled, meaning unbuckled, so he gels down to buckle it and they rim oil and shout April fool. The Hindoos practice the same thing, but their All Fools' day is the :11st of March. My folks killed a snake in the (lower jut today and In-fore 1 knew it our mischievous school jjirl hud foiled it nil the front steps and everybody who came cried .ml. Here's a snake," while the chil dren watched from the window. I he snake was dead, out the lools were alive. My w il'e was siM iiding the day in the country aud know ing her horror of snakes they tele phoned her. Snuke iu the flower pit and grandpa is afraid to go out and kill him. He says you told him to stay in the house. h il must we dof She answerel promptly, "Kill him! Let jour grandpa go out und kill him and look for his male." She always insists that every snake has a mate. Mavlie it has but they don't gi about together, liven the mother leaves her voting ns soon as they are hatched or liorn and they have lo shilt for themselves. Some snakes are oviparous and lay eggs and some are viviparous and are born in their mother and come forth from her mouth, lint nil snakes are horrid creatures aud the curse that is uion them Is a strong proof ol the Hcriptures. '-And I will put enmity between thee- ami the woman (that is, my wife) and between thy seed and her seed. It shall bruise thy head ami thou shidt bruise his heel.'' When my wife came home they showed her the snake ( it was n striped garter snake), and told her we couldn't find its mate, but I am zoing to put this one back iu a day or two aud kill him again for a mate but I II bet she won t go In that pit any more this summer. But there are won things than makes. I want to know who startel this late move to idolize and ovate the memory of Henry Ward Beecher in New York. It has been forty-four years since he sent old John Brown to take the arsenal at Harper's Ferry and raise an insurrection among our negroes. n 'i i ;' V,. 14. mm to ' v 1 I ', nr. 1.1.11- vik M-s ihovi Tin: iioc-h- vv ah sl:i; iiis.iri'i-..uiui Jiillies s-h- l.i Ihe Mellon. I'd I'd Unto to Ion .It'll y.-il, c-ks iiiiiy on sin li u ti.it d.'iy." HI.:" 1 I .Hl.'lii-d to explain. "If n-l tl it 1 in. lid lieiim h ind. -.ied hy Jim -I. .it 1 fill tllill 1 .Hi... I u, t MUlie- tl.ii.-' f'.r II." ':;y k.'i d.l.i 'd furitiiisly. I timlilu't we h r fa.-e. -II..W- would il 'rli-ky' do b.-fure you start ':" khe asls.il teinptlnnly. "I'll call"- -Von'li do iiothliiK of the mrt." 1 ailhl Better Unimoked. "Smithcr never light oue of bis cigars, .hist keeps it in his mouth and i hews the etnl. I've often won dered why,'' "i ,oi 'wouldn't if you hud ever nick-. I one of them.'" -Cincinnati j Trii'une. Reduced Rate. "Three minutes for dinner!" cried tin railroad porter. Thank heaven!" exclaimed a pu-s. ngir. "The lat tune I wan Ikic it was $:!" Atlanta Constitu tion. Southern Baptist Convention. For the .Southern Baptist Con vention at Sivaiiuah, l. i.. May . to It. llMi.l, Ihe S'lilxuiid Air Line lliiiiwiiy will sell tickets at one fare Tickets will le sold May 4io 7 iiicliKive, frntii points north of II. mil. -t. N. C, west of Lake City, I'll., ami soul Ii of I'.iild w Hi, I'lil., und liotii all points within the tor I limy embraced by n lino drawn thloiigh those places w ill lie Sold May .'. to inclusive. Tickets will have dual limit May JO. lAlcnsinu of final limit to .lime 1, l:i'hi, may lie obtained by pay ment of .".ii cents fee and deposit of ticket by original purchaser with Ml. Joseph liirhalilsi.il, special agent, fsiiv aiiuah, between Ihe Iu. uis of s a. in. and p. m. not . later than May '.'d. On May I.' and la tickets will be sold at low rates for side trips from Savannah In Jacksonville, I 'In. . I obiuibta ami Chat lesion, H. C. The S'lilMiard Air l.ine liailway ; is the short line In Savannah from Halt mini c Washington, liich- i mniid, Petersburg, Norfolk-Ports-ii ii u I h and fi.nu points in North and South Carolina, as well as from .Montgomery, Ala., and Jackson ville and other flotilla points, l'tom the North mid the South New Smiiu? Dress Goods ! This stock includes the most fashionable, the best of the best makes, and we pride ourselves on the dependable qualities . o. hum KToitad vniir station mav be. i represented, su uu uiatci un v"v - - to what extent your ambition may lead you. or how great your i opportunities for commingling with well and fashionably h s.mTi we can make you a leader among them at VIA Vkjvva w i I ' - very little cost. Dress Goods Specials. 44 inch Eumine, $2 Wind 44 inch Voile and Eumine 08 and 1-23 36 inch Voilts. Black and Navy 4c- 50 inch Black Brilliantine 50c- JO inch Black Tafleta. $1 SO kind I 25 2o inch Peau de Crer. th newest thin In 5ilk&. all colors , . 0c. Another new lot Merceriwd W hitetioods Oxford Weaves, the very prettiest se lection that could be found I2J to 50c- 40 inch White I ji ns, 10c- kind 7c- Special Lot Remnants in P K's, Madras, 5tripcdand Chocked Dimities. 10 and I2lc kind, on Job Counter lc- Model Millinery Store. Our Grand Spring Millinery Opening, Thursday Night, April 2nd, and Friday. Everybody invited. You can pick and skim all over our stores from center to circumference and you will find nothing but cream in the whole outfit. P. S. Full line Dress Trimming, Persian Bands, Pendants, Ornaments, and Appiliques, all kinds and colors. 51 iBELK BROTHERS Cheapest Store on Earth. 0 lai- v M I 1 I! ! 1 I T! 1 i V 3XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXKXXXXXmXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXHIKXXXXXXXXXKXIXXXXX?j A Peace h Maker! f Hp- ( WM.ili.Ci.ir m H. iUHWVI m The Best H On Earth! 3 WhitcStar M a (Notice. Hxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxgg This space belongs to a-- H -A cC'i,,'.' ti.,-11. " she miM-sted d there are two (liiouh trains daily, vvo,.t tovviiid il,e siimkiiii! talile. 11. r ;"h cafe .Iiiiiiik cars and every fiiMiei s i i-.-irs nr.- ciH.il. ! appointment nf a high class pas- lint 1 M.ipi-d li. r llirilill. "So," nld j wilder service, I; "I've ii.it to In' paid In the euln f Savannah is a Is-atitiful und iu- the r-!m." Mereslinj; cilvand will present its H..1I.IM or dimes?" asked Tour ,1llst rhanui'ntt aspect at the time ur.shi... uiimiiiK ,'in m i .one i'.ii r.. N, itlier." mid 1, vviivin my hnn.l aiiiiniillc-iitly. ' I'm livlnt! In n hitk-iT, lovei'tei-, l etter country than tiie t'ldt H States." "I Mi"' siild I'olly, miliums Iniineontlj:. Imt lilusliim; a little. "Why didn't you my M lief'-rc?" She lnswd the letters nt mo. "One fur eai'li." she linn-'li.-d. 1 looked at the inldreme. Thlii," wild 1. "in lo Ilariild Ilrown. und iiii know perfectly well that I sli.'tll iik st leant ten fur it." "Two," utie litirsititii-d. "Ten." I rii'i iitcd tlrudy. Kh' sbwik h.-r heiid. "It's positively" when l'.illy "H.vs ' 'positively" that nny tll.Te'i. mi end nf it -' it's imslltve ly nut vvurtU more tti.m rtve." "Very well," wild 1 liiistlly. "wi 'll cull It i(I nt flvi!. I siiiisise It's nil rlcht fur yini to Ik; writing to Harold. I'.niwn like tliia"- "Sllly:" all? crlisl. "Of court"! It la. I'm thiinkili Llm fur aome Uovvits," I felt u 1 1 ti.i 'i iy . and I'm anru I kxiked .t, fur I'olly Untitled. "Xnvv, you," alitt aald thoughtfully, "haven't sent nie any flowers for at lfast a week." I took up the other letter. '"Polly:" aiild I. "II wn Ilia man, wasn't be?" tin," ahe nodded "ts-fora jov came.- "Keally," 1 pmteated. "He la wiillmi for Kurope toinorrow," aald Tolly, "and-tlila la iHlliy." Rhe was looking out of the window with t fnrawayneaa In her eyes. Pol ly's eyea were like deep, deep lakes, frlntr.st round with wonderful things. When you were aaylng aometliina; and he looked up at you unexpectedly, yon promptly forgot what It was all shout and fell hi. Then yon tried to dandier ont, holding on to the frtnpe on lh edge, and the mora yon tried the aiore bnpelcM It grew. But aomebow yon didn't at all mind drowning thia way. "Twenty flva for this on," I de manded anddenly. 8be laughed. Wt came to terms on tea. Then I held ont my a .-ma to her. Tolly's eys Instantly beaan to bnb- bla wtth BUKhtet, Bi lippd oot of Ihe convention Hurts. Kverv fiwil ily will lie adoided visitors by the Sealsinrd Air Line liailw ay and its passenger teprrsentat ives, S. V. I'AIIIIAVI, Acciit. Children (turned in a House. Ktallkii'll..!! l-Hli-tl. .'.III. A tenant linns.' on the land of Mr. O. II. Kearney, alniut two miles west of run k 1 ui ton was destifived l.v lire aliout uine o'clock ;last nielit. The house waaocciipi- !d lv l!iifiiH Paniel, colored, his w ife and seven children. Four of the children who were sleeping up stairs were liiirned to death. The : Mol was falling iu liefore theiM'cu- : f ants ol the lower room were awakened. There were no wind lows in Ihe upstairs room und the : children Isdng cut off from the stairway by the fire were unable tit escape a terrible death. "Strength and vigor come ol good lood, duly digested. T orce, a ready-to serve wheat and barley food, adds no burden, but sustains, nourishes, invigorates. I want your country produce of an kinds, see me oetore you sell. S. K. Doster. Bmner & Hue) '; M H M M M M M M M M M M M ) Originators, and NOT Imitators, mm EH I a O in the grocery business. They use the cash for buying and discounting all grocery bills, and pay the highest cash prices for all kinds country produce. If you fail to get the highest cash prices it is because you fail to see them. w M S ii M M a M M a5 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxixxxixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxlxx I s. A?1 All join in the M same song and sing out for White Star Coffee. llXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXlTTiTTTTTXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXIXXXiXXXXXXXIXXXXXXXXXIxi! White Star Coffee Has no Equal ! m Makes Every- m body Happy. To Cure a Cold in One Day In Two Days. , Laxative B"?"0 StiJA -A.Jz& i mm KivnTiirH. - r w Sevea MBBoa kon toU hi (at 13 norths. taMMMaaMMaaaa I Strength, health and pleasure are bound up in " Force," the splendid heart-cereal food (old by Bruner Hev. Corns to see me ior chewing tobacco, imoking tobacco, cigars, etc. S. R. Doster. Call at Henderson & Hudson's (or Fleischmano't Yeast, received (resh every day. The essence of the wheat grain is in " Force," and it is an ideal food. For talc by Bruner & Huey. 9 flutue side Talk on j Watches and Jeweirui We hav Just received a new supply 1 of watches and Jewelry and those want- fine to purchase a watch, now is the time. We want you to compare the prices we name below and see II we do J not save you from 20 to 25 per cent- 18 size 7 Jewel Elgin in solid nickel cae at $4.98 IS size 7 Jewel Seth Thomas In solid nickel case at Si- W 18 size 7 jewel Elgin In 20 year Fay's cai at $9-75 We also have other sizes at prices that will save you money. We have In stock the celebrated l-IOth gold chain at a big re duction. Don't fall to give us a call. The W. J. Rudge Co. Stock Horse! I hiva bought the r. V. Plyler ntpck horse and will keep him in iny stables in Monroe, (old Og burn stand,) this f print;. H. A WINCHESTER. j Produce Market. ) Tha folluwiinj are the prevailing t pricra being paid on thia market lo i day, the rf-'e ol issue o( Ihe paper. I The market is of course aubject to fluctuation: s Ohioni, yoc lo $i.io per bnaliel. 1 1 ifli prtatoea, 65c to 7jr pet liualiel. Seet utati, 51K to tjc per bu. tiiiikfiii, bena, aoc lo 300 each. Chirkena, apring, according to aixe, 12 He ,u ,uc ach. l-.pr., 10c to 1 ic 1 er doieo. Guincaa, liSc to 18c each. Butter, uc to 15c per pound. Hams, lac to 1 jr per ponud. Driril applee, 4 lie to )c, per pound. Dried peachca, nc to 8c per pound Cotton: Beat 10.00 i t

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