THE MONROE JOURNAL Telephone No. !. Tuclay. April 7. 1XJ. Mr. Walter Km of Wadrslwro iit Sunday in the city. Mrs. V. M. Coition nMnt nuur time in Cbarloiir lat tt-k. Mr. Clyde Morgan of Charlotte fut SuinUy ia lb fit v. lr. W. li. ll.uUa Kwtit Kim il.iy iu Salisbury. Mr F. M. Boyle i vUitiug nl attvrs in ( itbarrusrotKiiy. Mr. V. II. IU-lk of Charlotte U t-uiliiig a few il.iyii iu Mnrnr. Mr. J. M. lloyte K-iit ywurd..y iu t Ikii ttl nu IHIMIH-SN. 1-. M. A. Siuith 8'iit yter lay in Charlotte. M rs. Tt-al of Wadeslmns ami mm, are Uitiiig Mrs. M. Waller. Mr. John Brewer, koii of Mr. J. T. lirewer, bun a imk.iI ion on tbe S. A. L. yartl at KaU ili. Mia I-aiir McCain of 'aliaw fame up Friday to visit Minn I" MeNeely for a few days. Mr. ami Mrs. lUnlolli KodlVarii KHut Saturday and Sunday iulias touia. Mrs. John r.iilnuiks of Ho nut last week iu tbe city with her daughter, Mrs. T. R I-aney. Mrs. Henry Laney and sou left Friday for a visit to Abbeville and Atlau'ta. Mr. V. I). Sikesof t'onenrd has Ihm-ii Kieiiiling some days with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Sites. Mrs. li. A. Morrow und Mrs. Frank Iivre sient Saturday iu Charlotte. Mrs. W. J. liudge and little son have gone to Coneord to visit Mrs. W. ('. Houston. Mr. and Mrs. Homier Stewart re turned Thursday from Sanford, w here tliey had been three weeks. Mrs. liufus Annlielil, Mr. C. K. Houston mill Miss U'wif Houston 8iwiit Tlnnxhiy iu Charlotte. . t). Muldrow of Darling ton, S. ('., is sMmling sometime with her brother, lr. W. II. Hous ton. Miss Mollie Houston of Wesley Chii'iel returned home Friday after a several days visit to Mrs. J. It. Simpson. Yestenlay, In the court house, 'Siuiit II. i'. Moore united iu mar- M ('l.iili.. Crillill of V 1111(1" town-hip and Miss Ctta lluiieoiu of! ew Salem. Sparks' show was hen- last Thurs day itml the piilieemeii say the day wiis areoord breaker forotililiness. Not a single nrrest was made, and there was simply no drunkenness. Miss Huby Mears, who has Wn visiting her brother, Capt. li. II. Mears, for some time, returned to her home iu Clarktoii yesterday iiioiuiiig. Last meek Messrs. .1. W. Hill, .1. i:. Henderson, W. S. Illakeney, mill .1. I. Faulkner bought lots iu the Mi-Ciiittt-y addition, and all of them will prohuhly build. Mm, S. C. liaiirom of Monroe township died Sunday night. She leaves a husband and twoehildren. She was a member of F.leiiezer llaptist elmreh. Mr. W. F. Hue of Indian Trail died Sunday of dropsy of the heart. He was seventy seveu year of age, nml is survived by his wife. The IhmIv was buried at Matthew yes terday. Anyone interested in the grow ing, baling and marketing of cot ton mid who is uot will Hud a most interestine nitiele on the sub ject on the fourth page of this week a paper. lleginning next Monday the dry goods stores will lie elosed at seven o'clock. This is a very great help totlierleiks, who need to be re lieved from the day's work at that time. The ladies will take uotiee nml trade aeeordingly. .Mr. C. A. Austin of Marshville township was in town yesterday on crutches. Some time ago he acci dentally cut his right foot nearly off with an a.xe, and has uot yet become uble to walk without crutches. llcv. Sir. Atkinson preached his first sermon as pastor oi uib rres liyteriaii church Sunday. Instal lation services will he held in the church Thursday evening. All the other congregations of the town are inllv invited, and a cordial Invitation is likewise extended to the public. "Monroe halt undergone many changes for the better since I lived here six years ago," sain Mr. al ter Wallis at the Cloueester a day or two ago, while here on a busi ness trip. "I am glad to see such improvement," lie continued, "and I now believe Monroe is one of the best town of its hiie anywhere. It's a good, solid town. Your mer chants are a remarkably safe set." And Mr. Wall is Is a traveling aalea inan and knows who's who. Along with other local matter ou the first page this week, we print a call by the Monroe Anti-Whiskey League to all persons in the county interested in the effort to break np blind tigers to jolu in a meeting in Monroe on Kit unlay of this week for the niirnose of organizing a nmiitv hiiviie for this burnose. If blind tigers are oe rating anywhere in li nlon coumy iney can ue urosru At the imitation of the ladies ofi A FAMILY OF UKINKEKS. PuMk Koad Ualore. the MHbodiist rhnrrhof Abtrvilie, f j The lurd .f County t'..u.iui S. C, Mia. J. W. Yalta awisted iu'Roc Morton, Iking Arrested for -.loner tiwl yesterday, all the nii-in an entertainment L4 week. Inj splint l.iuoor Swears that He l rs tn-ing pres. ul. and aie yet in speaking .of it Ihe AMviilk I'reMi ' ...... -i.n. ay a: "I!, hut not l,y any means! lW "f -h'Wre" , Tbe ,.t,.i..., bv John IU..H,. and least, were tbe pretly twby toiig; It but Never IJ Any. I others mm Van.v t..nln. askin- I et-tlr ami riiuiuii;lv n sdi'rtd Morton, a white man living fr a change in a new piihlic nwl br Muu Canton Yates the pretty i'. mutU, the tirst ar I,..,,',,,.. . l,1(iaii Trad as little f,ir rar oldd.uitht. rof Mr. r4 wade nmh r the new b-pior a,,. John Yates, her mother playing 'law. having taken in eut-tly j , imj,,!, ma prex-utml from the piaiKt aeeoiiipaiiiments lor.lasi W etlmwlay. n iiif.Hmalion Sandv Kidge township aLin that her." given by some of the women of the ,, y , ..rate w it It Mn k ih-ikiii'I I"I, me p..uee on imeo h-nhurg iu building a bridge over a search warrant and ctil to MoT -is,, Mileeiwk, which is tlir Im.iiimI Ion's home. They found two int j arv ,v u-iawn the lo is.niili.-s. Il.isks in a ll"ur kick ami a ipiail Hisk hidi'eli ina bed. Allot these acre aUut full, and Morton was Mr. Sain l!aH. who lives near Kicbardsou Cm-k Ktstot1ii'e, had an ereounter with a mad dog yes terlay that was very rttly for him. A stray doc ratue to his l-l. - l.t . ;piaee, on uia iotfs ami en ai . .. . , ,inl..M tacked lua row. It raul.t her by ir. .i,,, 'i .. - i ne ihim- aim nciu on mini sue up. Uruner & Huty tell " Force," the fine prepared food which strengthens and invigorates. Y'ou cau gcf"iee at tadlcn & WRllace'a. l'hone 36. When in need of fresh meat phone No. 91.-J- D. Parker. threw him over Ihe fence. The dog ran torn aids Mr. I.'.ie, wlui. bav ing a hammer in his hand, sue ceeded iu killing it. Mr. K.ih killed bis ow n ilogsand will likely kill his row. He bad liccn olU-rcd til for her. I'll ion county had fifteen eases to lie heard by the Supreme court this sewtion. Seveu of them have Ircu decided and decision iu the cijjil others ill be handed down this week. John Marsh, the negro un der Kctitcuee to lie hanged for crim inal assault, gets a new trial, which will take place at the August term of court. The other decisions were: Hushing against Itiveus, new trial: Shute vs. Hixoll Cotton Mills, new trial; Austin vs. Austin, new trial: Itodman Heath Cotton Mill s. loan of Waxhaw, petition for i.iic.iriiig illsmisseit; lliinllev vs. llastv, 110 errow; Flitd vs. Western Fnioii new trial. As will Is- seen bv advertisements in this issue, the law partnership heretofore ex is! nig ls-t wecu Messrs. Frank Armlield and I'.. ('. Wil liams has Is-cn disMilvcd, and Mr. Armlield has associated himself with Messrs. Adams & Jerome. Mr. Williams will continue at the old otlice in the court house and w ill practice alone. He is the sec ond oldest member of this bar iu lHiiut of service, is a careful and giHsl lawyer, and has for a long time chimed a i!od practice. 1 lie firm of Adams. Jerome Armlield w ill be one of the strongest in the Stale, ltoth Messrs. Anulield and Jerome are tine advocates and Mr. Adams' reputation us an otlice law yer is not surpassed iu this sect ion. Little Hoy Killed by a Car. Thus. Davidson, the nine-year-old sou of Mr. and Mrs. William Davidson of Charlotte was killed by a street car last Friday ufter 1111011. Mis. Davidson is a native of Monroe, (Miss Maggie Simpson, sister of C. X. Simpson 1 and has many friends here, Usnle rela tives, w ho deeply f'l for her in this sore 11lll1ct1.u1. The uiiitormau iu chai'L'c of the car, Mr. J. t. An drews, was arrested but exhonoia ted from anv blame. OI the very mid accident The Observer relates the particular as follows: Mr. Andrews hail charge 01 a force of live hands ami was repair ing the trolley along North Tiyon street. At the tune of the ac cident they were engaged in mending the trolley "I Hie switch where the line turns from Tryon street, going into Ward 4. Ihe Davidson child mid several other liiiHlreii were playing on me shcci and had Is-en on the car, but were onlcied off by the workmen. t 4 o clock the construction ear, which was aiiac 1 10 a pas sengcr car, was bucked down to ward the depot mi us to let I lu st rcct cars pass in and out of Win d 4. After the cam hud passed going in each direction, Ihe const nu t ion car, pushed ny tne passeugur car U'liiml, w hs started hack to repair the trolley. Mr. Andrews was at (lie motor in the passenger rat and the David son child swung on to the trout ot the work car, where lie was cut oil from the vision of Mr. Andrews. As the car started the little fellow lost his irriii and fell, his head strikinir on the rail. He screamed and several ersoiis who saw the occurrence shouted to the motor- man. When Mr. Andrews heard the cries he cut off the current to let the car run back dow n grail but it was too late. The wheel had already passed over the liend of the ehihl. which was crushed into a I''I'- Mayoralty Platforms. "What is your plat form!" naked a Journal reitoiter of the several ccnllflucti who have announced themselves as candidates for may or. The answers were short in all cases. They follow: Mr. Iredell llilliard -"Strict en foiccincnt of the law, and the ap plication of business principles to !. . . t ... , ,.r the miinagi'iuciii 01 inn miur fairs." Mr. J. M. Fairlcv "I'm in for a clean, conservative ml in 111 1st ra tion for the best interests of the town." Mr. It. V. Houston "I m for strict dutv in enforcing the laws.' Mr. A. M. Crowell -;i vc neen here working for the town for thir tv ears and, like Lincoln, Ian, by. of. and for the people. If elected I'll do tuv dutv iu euforcing the laws." For Mayor. We suggest the name of X. S. Otrburn as a suitable mayor lor tne city of Monroe. He is a first class man in every way and would give us a clean, no to date business ad ministration. There are-a uuiuImt of rood men running, but we tic lieve that Mr. Oghnru would lie a more suitable man just at this time and nuder present circumstances. MANY l ITlKr.NH. Card of Thanks. We desire to most heartily ami sincerely thank our good friends and ncmbbors for the many una ucswa bestowed upon us during tbe recent sickness and death of wir child. Their kindneaswill ever be cherished. Mb. and Mas. J. H. Fettewav. The feature of the Mr. II. I 1'iiee was apoiiitcd to iii.s-l a committee from M.vLlen bur and diseiiss Ihe mailer. Jiuurs previously apsiuted to lay out a new r.ud in New Salem made relsirl, and the nad i turned interesting case was the const ruction put upon jw.r (1 ,. M,.,.rviv,.is. the law, ami the swearing ol the y. F. Alridge of Sanlv l.'idge principal and w:liies.-s. Mr. F. C. 0,,j,ip was reln veit of tax on Willian.s apsail for the defend slssol n pr..s-rtv, tbe same ant and Mr. T. J. Jerome tor the, n.iug ., v,.r. haige. prosecution. It was argued by Ihe I The new nwd from the Marsh counsel, and so dr illed bv thej vilh-and Olive I'.r.iuch road to the court, that miller the law the Mjyor! j,1lt,H. alll Ausonville wad. in or a magistrate h:is M.weronly to j New Salem township, was ordered oimi over locouri. 1111.1 1 11.11 wiicn.t,,,,,,.,! w.r lo the suinrvison. a search ol a siisiM t.-.! phu-e is 11 W. Austin of YaiH-etowushin made and more than one punt of was relieved ,.f tax 011 lisi acres of liipior is foiiuil, that evidence is. land, niiiic la-ingan o er. Iiarire. j New U 00J Working PUnt. Tlie Monroe Manufacturing Cotn Ktny has ts-gun huildiug near the oil null. The company is iucor rale.l with a capital of fto.isMi. wiih the follow ins oltiivrs: T. C. Lre, president: Tip Helms, sec retary and treasurer: J. D. Faulk ner, general maiuiger. Jsoine ol tne holders are: J. C. IUU-S, r. M. Silt toil. Heath Lee I laid wan l'oniKiuy, J. I. Long. Tip Helms, I . F- Houston, IL 1 1. Heath. I- II. Thompson, T. C. l-cc. Iee ,t Ij-e, J. K Ile11.lers.111. ThetMlore Still son, YYm.Ti ul', J. D. Faulkner and .. The building is to be 'Mi 1 1'hi, well w ith ui.slern maehiiH-ry lor doing all kinds of wood woik and making sash, d.sirs and blinds. The company will also deal largelv in 1 11 10 1 r. Hightower's distillery, just over the line iu A11s.u1 eonntv. wasde st roved liv lire on Monday night of last week. Hits institution hai Ist'ii a great curse to the comimlu ity in which it was situated. Special Notices. Advrrtitraifuts vill t iusrrtrii ia this culuniu at the price of uue crut a ocj, rash ia aJvanre. WASrEl)-AtrL'f.iea lnote tur key 'ct5 Will riy t'j rt,cf II. I- l iicr. fiicet Mril, N. t. DK. W. II. WAKEHtLD. ol thar lutle, S. C, will U iu Mjui., at The Glouctcr, on Thuiday, Apiilj Ijrd, loe one day only. Hi pi ac lice , i honlr J Iu the Kyr, far, Noe and Thruat. i A1KK ami l-icl.t mils aie now 1 due and 111 ul he paid lv Apro 1 .lh. I! rrnti are not paid hy tlir lotli of Ihe month wlrr and ht;ti! ser vice will he discontinued This is Ian notice to all, therefore if you cicl tj manly water and elrrtn. Iilit aller Apnl loth, pay your rent on 01 Iwtore tint d-le. li. t. Aihcralt. City Tieuier. IaEE & LEE, THE LEADINC DRT GOODS, I0TIC3S, CLCTEiSG. CEITS' rUEIISEUGS, I1T AID SHOE STORE W H05R0L Hcnd(i uarters sulliciclit to coiiv ict provided no le bultal is made. Iu this rase the defendant set lip the plea that he wits keeping the lienor on hand for his own and his family's use mid bad never sold any. His wife cor rolsirnted this statement and ac The new wad cut out from the Tom Folk place to J. II. l'liee's was tiirucd over to the siiion isors of Sahdv Kidge tow nship. Contract was let to W. D. Stai nes to build a bridge over Cain Creek branch ou the old Potter road, to counted Tor the Inpior Is lug hidden , i. f,H.( ll(j , t0 t.ast by saying that she was a coiiMimp I ( . fiuwing oveixi-rs were ap tiveantl also in a delicate com 1 1 (llj,,ted to cut out the new -wad tioii and was hiding this liipior for) tntm ,, M,it ,,ear (.. M. l-iiie'sto ner ow n use 10 kih . ner iiHsiiaim i Vinilield's mill: . A. I'lvler and the children from getting it. 1 f,.,. i mlield's lo T. C. Kiikiiiks. Mni toii and his w ile swore tli it lie had bioiiglit a gallon jug of whis key from Stanly county on Satur d iy night la-fore, and that they and the children had dunk it all ex cept what the olliccrs found and two or three drinks w hich had Is-en given away .Ir.'s: T. C. Kubanks Jr., liom his residence to 11. M.'s: and tli-y mi' to summons lunils lor one mile and a ipia iter 011 each side ot road. An election was ordered to Is held in the Mt. I'rosiiect school iney swore 111:11 inev district, tiursiianl to an a-t ol the gave all their childteii. even "low n j;,.,,,.,;,! Assembly, for the purpose to a two-year old, leeliieoiie, wliicti was in court, whiskey every night and 11101 ning and at any otlicrtiuie wheu t In-v wauled it. The witnesses relied upon by the State all proved unsatisfactory. The very woman who had nskeil the olVn-ers to make the search les nf lowing a special sclnsil tax, to Is- held tirst .Monday iu May. A similar election was ordered for the Wesley Chapel distiict. The tax in each cast' is to U- si. .VI uu poll and ." cents 011 propctty. The sheriff was ordered lo sum mons a i 11 1 to lav oil' a public road tilit d in In-half of the defendant, j in Monroe tow nship from a point Mayor Stevens reserved his !-1 iti I.:tti-:it-r road two miles from cision until yesterday, pulling Hie (w ta point near II. W. Helms', defendant under his nun n-eog ky land oft i. W. Flow mid otheis: iiiancc. j ordered laid out for a new road On Veslenluy the police reported j M-giniiiug on the Lancaster road at that Mortiiu had skipped, mid this; ..IVI.,. p.,,,, ttlH mul by S. S. loudHcss is the last ol the case. I l.'ielianlsoii's to 11 point near K. W. - - - I Helms', neither ut any expense to A Roadside tlold-l p. j (he eoiiutv. Mr. Loiiuie Helms, sou of Mr. oad li'clitioiied for from a point S. A. Helms, w ho lives four miles ,..,. y .; Williams' resideni-e lo alsive .Monroe, was in tow 11 y ester j j,,ae was ordered advertised. ANNOUNCEMENTS. n.K nn.N n,.nrR I br l-v jonnnl'M- i-iy-lf a .-ali-tllatt' f..r t-.iM.-H l.-li.-( 41 M'.l,t.- l lloM VS J I KK K loll .'ol-.N H KI..IIFK 1 lit-i-,-1, m.,i..iim-- h...!f .-i,li.Nlr f-.r J K ITKK HH MAVmK. I li-rvt. ),iimti,- ito--lf a -anli.Ut f..r n .i"r-f, I-J.-.-I t. Ilir K V III. I STOS V'H M VVoK. I ii,-r.-i.i amioutH-,- no-ll 11 ,-aitilitUlr fr mto..r .if Vl.-nr.-. ..:l-j.-t 1,1 tUv Ife-lnx-ratl,-l.ritnar. if mii,- I-M. J M r VIKI KV. p.K Vl.tVoK- 1 l.,-r. t. a ni. ..!-.- ( ,1 -nitliUl- f"r l'i t-ltt.v ..r tn,..r ..f T'lt-1 liv ..t Tin-Vlan-liji.lli.wo. ill IHC I I, II 1 1 I.IAKIi. t.'KMVV.'K " nti.tmit-,-110 :l .1 i-ioiililal,- .r llu .It;.. ..r 1. ..,...f ..f .. lb-til .v i i Kottn.i, ton 1 linn s Kii.urK I ;u-r.-l-.v aiiiuiliD.-i- --!f a,'f"r III ..r VI.. SI. Kr.1T. mu n.rr.iN vv kh.iikr ..tii.-.-. 1 , ..1 . ifc-i. dav with four holes in his hat, the four hav ing Ik-cii made by the pass ing ol a pistol ball through the crease ill the top, there thus Is-inf lour thicknesses. Mr. Helms told of a very unusual mid highly inter esting episode. While on his way home from t'liioliville at ulioiit half past nine o clock 011 Minii.iv 111-111, ue was halted Ity Ihe roadside by two men who commanded him to throw up his hands. Instead of doing this. Mr. Helms say he drew a pistol w hich he had nml tiled upon Iheiii. The v iu turn shot at him tw ice, mid he returned the lire and the men lied. Ile drove on to the tirst house and found that one bullet hud passed through his lint and one through the lied of the buggy just under the seal. He llien hur ried home mid 'phoned Siipciin lendeiit Fletcher to come from the stockade with his dogs, but the lat ter could not leave ow ing to the absence of one of the guards. Mr. Helms says he has 110 idea ol the identity of his assail, ills nor their dijecl. Holy Week. The liev. K. A. Osborne, will, Cod w illing, hold services ill St. Funi s chinch, Monroe, this week is follows: (iiNid Friday, Ilia. m. Morning prayer and sermon. From I'J 111, to .'I p. 111. meditations. ,:l,i p. in. evening prayer mm sermon. Saturday, la. m., morning prayer and lecture. Sunday Luster Day llolv Communion ut sunrise: morning prayer, sermon und Holy Communion at II a. 111.; evening nravcr and sermon ut 7:1.1 p. in The iiiiblie is cordially invited to a'.lelid all these services. K. A. On ll m xr., Minister in Charge For Mayor. I see several iiniuuiiiecmeiits for the inavoraltv in your last issin The mayor ol the city ought not to In- a man who is susceptible to up peals to his sympathy ; mul more over, lieslmiiiil lie a conservative man with no w ild views to exploit nml seek tocul'oice. lie should be a man conversant with rules of law and evidence so that he could pass upon matters in a judicial way. Such a man can l' found in tin person of Hon. L C. Williams, who has just recently won laurels in the Ceneral Assembly and iu his service in that body retlected credit upon himself and county. Let us nominate ami elect him and his record as mayor will add to Ihe reputation which he has already won ns a representative of Hi" peo ple. Cm.n.N. A big package tf "Force" at B.-untr it 1 1 ue) s fur fifteen cents. Strength and vigor are in it. Bring tne your scrap Iron. J D. Parker. To Cure a Cold in one Day Take Laiative Promo OtiinineTahleta. All druetisti refund the money if it faila to cure. E. W. Grove's sign ture is on each boa. i) cent. Genuine New Orleans Molasses at 75 ctnts per gallon. Henderson & Hudson "Force," also strength health, at Bruner & Huey's. Assessors mid lax listers had uot been appointed w hen The Journal went to press. For Aldermen. We suggest the following ticket for Aldermen in the coming elec tion: 1st Wanl-.l. I-:. Slack, .'ml Ward-T. C. Collins, old Wanl-L. li. Helms. Ilh Ward-ti. S. Lee. At Large F. li. Ashrrafl. Many YuTi:i:s. Mr. Mckae Does Not Accept.'i ,.r I In" l.'Uoml. Marshville, April li. Miss Alma Daniel of Johnson, S. ('., spent last week at Kcv. ti. O. Wilhoil's. (Jiiurlcrly timet ing convened here with the .Methodist church Sal or dav, Dr. J. C. ltowc presiding. 1 he meet ing w as w ell attended. Dr. Howe preached three very interest ing sermons. The MetlitKlist church has been minted 011 the inside, which has added very much to its looks. Mr. M." S. Slegall has lieeu iu very feeble health for the past three weeks. Mr. N. T. Kiveis spent Friday mid .Saturday in Wadeslioro. To the great disappointment of many of the friends of -Mr. John Mcllae, as well as many of the frieiiilsoI'Marshv iile Academy, Mr. Meliuo lias declined to accept the priiicipalship of the academy. Miss Johnnie Stmdivaiit and Miss LenaStiirdivant, with the hit ter's brother, attended Aunt Jerii sha's (Jiiilting Flirty ut Hie Acad emy here last Thursday nigld. The school at (iillsm will close Friday night with public excicises. consisting of dialogues, recitations and music. Mr. John (ireen, who has Ist'ii at work nt, S. C, wits in town Saturday and Sunday. Kcv. F. M. Jordan of Transyl vania enmity preached at the Bap tist church last Wednesday night. Confederate Veterans' Reunion. The annual reunion of the Fniled Coiil'ederale ctcraus Association w ill be held in New Oi lcans May lti l'.m:l. For this occasion the Seaboard Air Line Kailwav will sell tickets at the rule of one cent per mile for distance traveled. Tickets will be sold May Hi to'' inclusive, and for trains arriving in New Orleans Is-fore noon 011 May '.".'. They w ill le good to leave New Orleans until May 1M. An extension of the final limit to June la can Is1 hud by deposit ing the ticket with Mr. Joseph Kichardsoii, special agent. New Or leans not later than May '-'4, and paying a fee of 50 cents. Numerous interesting side trips over 1111 extensive aiva have liccn arranged for, nt the rate of oiih fare, plus 2.1 cents, for the wnml trip. The Sealmard Air Line reaches New Orleans from the North and Virginia ai.d North Carolina points via Atlanta, with double daily train service, the same wttte being followed from points iu South Caroliua and Ceorgia on the Sea board Air Liue between Hamlet and Atlanta. 8. W. Par 11 am, Agent. and I want your old Iron. J. D. Parker. ih.iiiV f.irlhc 4! M'liri J A 1 KuWKI I Election Notice. An t-K t-ti.,11 if In It) tit lit- t't'y f Mmi . trti Twl.i) nfl'1" tin !irt Miiiij iti May. t -tut tin- .'.tli tlrtv t.f ti t- ifh'tttl". Iwu. f-T Hit' u riui.e . .f -it ! ItlLf a lliu .if a tit I att'liTIIK 11 in a.-i- .ntin-' ilh Hi. rliant-r i.f -m.l 1 liv t tti !-. mii'I tr itml imrtni-t', tfir r Al ( rtitt'ii have npi-.ttiii .( K'-tfi-tfar- w lm mil n ifi-ii-r nil .u;'tii-ii v.i.-r- ni nnf rm traiD'ti. .tt llu fittlowiiitf iim- .mil ii-M-v ; lf U:tnl.ti l Mrtii. ul Hi.- 1'intiiiitMDM'. '.'i.l U.ij.t. N l::t..iMl, ' hi wlori :iriMi., .1 r .iki-. tl H'.N.k' v. r--tunv rh U.i .1. 1, t' Hit M il, ut i. K. riiL-h-i. A , -t.'Tr. I'.t- 11J 11-111 if t. rivi-iT upply to (hi k L't-tritf on m'hhIiu . i'n 'Hi. lltli. llli ami ;M!t "f Ajtul. I tin- .ic- iistiml. 1 hi' Htrit .-f A Lit riiit-n .(-.llil.-il the f.. How is: Ju-h.'-- ..f Hi'.-ti.iii. wit.. iih tht Kfij mi - 111 tlu-it h--ii-Iim' tutiril I'Mii-llliiti llit-i-i iiMti Htril. 1 : 1-t Wnnl, l' M)ti). an. 1 tl. H alilll- '.'ti-l v;itt. M Hhf.I. 11 nii.I I. WilliaiiiMUi. t -i Wanl. I r lilakt-iM .itnl M C Kr.MMii I'll al. U i'ii- A 1 111INM u'hI . M Marlln, A iii a ri-.'l!lmtt..n f nil V"h r 1- hiUirJ, H r AIH KAKT. I'li rk himI Tr-a-nn-f AH .nali!if'l "t,-rti hi llu- rtly ..f Mmir-wr tie -11 fijf r t.'i-lrii't..ii n iifli f"f liif fltftlt.11 in -,ii.i t in t.. I- h.-M tin- 'lit -lay of Mn . lwl. f.-r Id.-. t..,-tMU -.f Mir anil live AhltTiiii'li ,.f 1 n- cm i.t Mmr- an- r.'.)it.-li'il h aipl lo llu r-.M-!nii "f 'h.-it n-i-i-tiw H).ril on Nil tir.hix . i'ii- Ith. lltli, .Mil ! .t Inlay of A in I. Il":i. ut Hir ji!;tff iiiitih'.l 1 it tin-' H. i-lion noil,.., t. H IT'miM. HM Wstr.l N S it ttl UN. .. I Wr.. ,1. !SKKi. Thlr.l Umil. I. i Mil kUT, K .iiUli Wrtfil School Election. Nut i it 1- litTt i'V imni that iiti t'li-ct ion ! h.-i.i in ihf H. -h y i'h.ti-l Htirh liM.i th I fill il- ill ill "If. l hv ttU " t of llli- lil'lHTllI A -i-ttil-l t Jl"i'i. lit '-lr rhn-l Hi'liiaol lltw, .11 tli.-'tif-l In M. h".i. f"r tht i.ur i..-i- .if tl t.TMiitntu htiln'i' iln-tv hull l' i. vtf.i 11 in in "nul -cliool ih(r(i-i f.-r tin' -it hiTI nf (!' -rllooU il:tl-illli'l It) -Nlil h"trl.-l rttnl 1 hit! 1'ahin r lh tniil.-hii- ( 11 n tIm n .-.( it. i-tiiti' of vol. I-" it it 't I- I Mo..n- nn. I !.. ,!. lias.' la-fti ai.Milltti.l Ml.ltff of i-lt-rtloll f..r flu niro-' of li...iiiif lit.' -an! i lfftion. Tin- itli .t.i of ipril. IW. li unli t of i (it- .1 M M'KWAKT. t'liTk to Hi t i.l of 'oil II 1.1 out Ml I-loiter. w ANTtl) rus. -A few t-r-t class luiil O. C. t in Ire. for Gents' Clothing;. PAKKY everything you line iu old ' l lion to J. l. rarker. Jl'ST received one ttoi;-.ieaJ of olJ A tone i'oito Ku u M l issrs. Hill Q i Hiveus. 9 FuK SAt-K Three iiiili-h cows. Ap ply to K li. Kcdviiue, Momoe.N.t. March jo, ioi.j. TDK SAI.K t'lieKooJIioiae, lauiily. dray or farm woik. Cash or s -od j paper. M. C. Itrouiu. RKMEMHKK you ran get the best freh meat at J. 1. 1'arker'a mar-; kit. riione Nu. 91. j Spring and Summer line now ready. Also youths' and boys' new cuts and weaves. Neckwear, all the colors of the rainbow. Shoes, Shoes, Shoes! For men, women and children. See all lines HERE before you buy ANYWHERE. School Election. Notti'r t hrrvM irlwti that an I'lftMl.ui w ilt U li. ;.l in M-nini Cro-ia-ft rl "I N-h.tol id-. 1 1 H i, ll ''"til 1 i l"h 'l hj (Ml rti-l of tin' litlllTllI M-mhlv ..( Nortn I'.iroliiiii nl H- "i-n.n of ima hi iiir-: f W. 1' I'lyhT. Itu Mitmtf i.liiii- In "ul" .ItMrirt. mi Mihi.Ijiv. in.' in mi ..f May. Hn. for H- .tir)H.i' of a-iTtaHitinf l.-Hi.-r it iMtj-TiH ot i('iniiii.-.i . n-t'iorfi'T nii .1, . .... an. ! .if Hit' U'WIIIar of a IhI oil Illf (fit ! lUlil H'o(aTlV of l li 'hiai lllHH't f... th.' -Ul'l'"1 1 "f ,irM,,',l f'iiHU I'Hlatt- H -hi . I ilti ii'tn. uinl for Ihai tiini' tin H-nint i( t'oiuiu i 'omiinloin-r navt- innitifii h, Hi lk ri-uM. r of i-lfvtor. anil i Klliflier tit. I A. I iilhnn iil'ltf'- nf flii lloil. (V nr.lf r of ihf lloari,. .1 M STKW RT.rli rk April 4. i' Hr.l I'mimy oiiim r. City Ordinance. . . ii,itt it .hull U- unlrt ful for tny a roll lo lit aiij hor-i-. i-n, or tillier aitliluil .11 Illf (M-oilinif ot nu- "iimini i itv of Molina for Ihf Jiiriot ii int- -a Hif. or for any (a-r-oii lo ImW f-H w itiiiTaiiitnat on -inn ora-ifo tin- i.tiii-M of trntltiK ih.-i.-ti- .U IM'l-otl iNtt h tin- of iif itollar- for t'iifh ami evr .if .n.f. Mil- rti i A(i"-H. ( l . ASHi RArT. Hwrrtary. HFNKY H, ADAMS. THOMAS J. JEROMB. I RANK ARM! IKl.D. Adams, ON account of the rruniuti at Nrw Orleans May iwlh ta 2u, the S A. L. will sell rutin 1 tup tickets (or 5?5 J- FUK KES T Tlirce room houe on CuIIpk street, near siaile-l vrhuul; city water. A. Levy. GO to the Star Cafe fui i nice luuch ur a nice meal ut any time uf Jay. K. K, Watkms, MaiiHer. SEE S. R, Poster before yoti buy, your gai'ltn eerd and wed po- j tatnes. I THE Tartor Market is the place to i;et your nice and tender meats, and where you set the must meat for. the money. I hour 251 . FOK SALE A u0il dwellinn, with city water, good l.arus and out houses; also (ood store house iu yard. Eur particulars apply to K. W. Lem mond. Attorney. Commissioner's Sale of Roal Estate. Hv virlllf of lnw of tf' Kii-MTirt'..urt of Mifklfllhurrf fouitly , lit th.-iti-. of i tt oaif-. .t al . i. I "ul) Hi") iff. Ihf im.lir-it.Mml f..iinnf.ioiifr will "jiiHf .il on Saturday, the 9th day of Hay, UiiVliN-k in . In front f thi' i-to!tl.f Mi Iht- low ii of lar-hvl!lf . l.u -fil f.n a-lt t thf hi'.'hi-ol i.i.litfr.i-i-tiaiii ninuitttii. ai) ton of Mrlnillf. l-niir a !art of tli. lan.l i'onvi-vf.l lo Kllfti l in.h i.y .1. I ni'iy U i.-fi rtKiif ri-.l in ll.ti'i. ii. inik'i' in t t lh-.- ..f llu- K.-ni-li-r of iri l- for I ntoii , ii u . an.( iM-tnir ihf Ihii.I known nml .fii;iit l on Mia, niaimi ihti ot inr -at. I ir..tH-n, mail Ity A. W. hn. -to M-.v"'. .n- S... ;, w allil Ni. IV to :W. nil "f -"i lot- if Mt ..r f iluiifii-ioii-of ;tn . IJn f. i-'. Biol -tiiil o- So IM to Wl liiflu-n-, Inn .tui.l M im-t, Niiff A '..,- Lin.l-.l .ti.l . I ami r Valm-f laiiil.aixl tin othr lot- M-l j..itiiiii ihf Kailt'.m.l latxl- ni . r.-.'t an. i 101 ,sk t. no- i.-ii i , m--i )i A lH'liKK. rharluttf. S. t'oiiiii,!.-i..iu-r. City Tax Sales. B vlrliirof Uu-City 'lai l i-l- hi ni liati.l- f..rrollf lon hikI Ihf or.l. r lhi-n-oii .lin-.-i i u; follt-t-tl.-M of In - .tlif thi- l ity or Mi.iu.a-. I Mill f II Ml (lUhlif aiUMtoll. itt Ihf I'i'HIl lloll-- .tor hi Monro . on Monday, the 4th day of May, .mti. for lh.- min.H of folti-ftini; lh.- tn f f n oil Illf iruaT"' In Ihf (aTioli- lUiini .l I' i-.H . tin- folio in iait.l- ot town lot- l'oiiiiin i llu- -roii- iitttiif! for thf : tln ir uu tin , u : SiHi, l .M. T a S li in K H.Hli-,-. J 1WH a n.l imi . rtaf'f iti'-irii h i $1 i t Totac II, M . 1 hn iii-ar waif r H HairliT. hnrlf- 1 i.n. h -niinifi' i"i . IMm, Mr-, rath. r hii- 1 lo! Uayni in-fi 11 HotiMoii. MhiiiiiI.' I h.i nr. wau-r .ik- II LfiiunoiMl. W.T. I l"t ttinihor -tm t a Mumny. I. A. 1 l"i ratrl.-y fiiiif Si".' If tm.-i ar-Hot i.l U fon- tiny of -ah- Hh i-o-l-. tin loi- mil U- for f-h -t.iu-i ah.ii. " I- i'u" ir ( tin-l tn i "int ami '2, 't'y Tnv i'ollf.-lor Notice of Sale. Uv virlllf of a mortL'L'f itff.l fMiMllftf lot'. S !IMIioll lUlil l A l ot. Mllflotl h)' .la'-i.tiN l.ililf. Jr., on It'th i Iti) of ttfiiil-r. A . IMM. iltily n-nl-tiTi-.l. thf uiulf ruiuiifti ni h-r fn-li to ihf hmhi-t hiii-lfi. at lit.-court hu-i tn Moima'. V i '., n Monday, the 4th day of Hay, H. Iy im l.l it- aali. ft Iriii't of Ian.) l mt in jotimitt Uu- laii.l tf KoN-rt W.mi-imII mxl "th t-r, foiiiMttnint v' Mi-if- iiion or It, know it llif ilom-r ( Ktituli M- Mrtr;ill, hl' of A run NtfttrtU. ft will nioin fully a-ar dy r.-r..rHllf In HiHik No It of Ih-l ll". IMIUf of thi- ri-jfl-try of all I'oimty. !o.l -aii-f) ,,. -fftiri-.i i.t woo Ht'TiyjiK' tiff", i in- 'iu tlay f April. A l IHW. t k. t. M. A ''VIS.T'N. Kir. of I' A 'o MiUtoll. V. S MlMI'tN. Morlirtii-ff ltnMMtlMMMIhinilMIIMM:nniM:t;MI1Mt1irMirfiailMHIttMIIMtMllttMMII1 i:tiuiiiiui;ii.tuiiiiiiiiiiii:iH:iiM:iHJitniiiiuiuiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiMMituiiuiiuiiiii S. IM.AKI:M:Y, President. A. M. 5TACK, J. RAV.nOND SHUTE, kc-l'rcsidcnt. Cashier run Bank of Union. Safe, But Progressive and Liberal. A iiioik-rn lin king h ouso uith t-wry licilily (or the pronijit anj (-.ireful hamlliiiK c( all business. Get one of our Pretty Steel Banks, carry it home, ilcp sit yr.r savings ,nu! pet interest on them. i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitMiiiimimiii , lllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!lllllllilillllllllllll:IIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItlillll coocoocooc;soi;oooootoo Painting as it Should be. M The paint we sell is the rilit kind. It has good body and will cover your walls ef- 11 ty of good II the paints are mixed so they won't run, peel, crack or blister. Just r- t-. 5 f r - r r i .rt i . . tVA r ( (J (.-ctiv cly. Tie 'i' -J u' and all t htm A U-Ji 1 I'Cfl. crack or mis -jjr- x.- J- as nearly perfect as paints --C-V can bo made. You get it at " ' ' - ' i '7 a reasonable Dtice. Make your improvements by using Heath & Miligaa Paints. C.N.Simpson, Jr. Siim-ssm-lnC. K. HOI'STON. Take Notice! Uvivuiv U IUUJUVIU ATT0RNEY8-AT LSW, unNROF. N. C. I'rartii-e in nil the Courts, State mil Federal The iiiaiiaccnieiit of estatei .or eveut-ini, administrators a special ty. Careful and diligent attention given to tlie foreclosure of niorti;ai;et iiid collection of claims. Money oaned without expense to lender. All ,, ligation given prompt and careiul ittrution. Dfficeeast of courthoube. E. C. WILLI 4MS, Attorney aid Counselor at Lit, MONKOK. N. C. Practice in all the State and United states Courts, Prompt attention given to collec tions and general law practice. Mr Persons interested in the settle ment of estates, administrators, tie- cutors, and (uaidiani arc especially invited to call on them. Continued and painstaking attention will I given, at a reasonable pi ice, to all legal busiuesa. Olflce in courthouse opposite Clerk's jffue. I will ..'tint v.iltlle m.n.m lo t!if lui?h.-l, f,.r ,.li. t II. .urll.-.u U.H-r in Mt.nriM', N.C.. n Monday, the 4th day ol Hay, IWSI. III.- toll.. Inn .r..TI-. 1 1': Tlu- lnpn-l, rilil. Illl sn.l .-I'.'.' llie ilvf.-li.ttinf, J ! H I. ml.-. Jr.. In iikI l.. irwi ..r I..I ..I Un.l in I'm. n, . i., on l'i- n-r .i . in-. Hiani-h. .Ijo'liilii 'l- lii.l"t K..I.I Ml. -Bull 1,-., kn..n s- III"' rh . f.l,.itll .l..rl Imii.I., I" i-l .l.-lfinlnl. Ji.-..l. K I II ll.-. J r.. I.y II A r..MilKt"" himI r. N Miiii. ...ii. hii-h l.-vii-.l i'ii I.y H .1. HIv i .mhir. on ll.r lh llu) of IViTlnl.T. tvl. L lir liif of ... Miu.'ltnn-nl I..II.-.I l Ml,, t.-.v.. .1. I' al III.- In.lan.-.- "I S A. iiii.-..ii. .linllll. I ,-vl. l on . llu-.rowrlv ol Ji.f.,1. . l ull... Jr . lo wlif a wn .' llifavorol A iiiii-ioii .in. I. -I Ja.-ol. 1.11 ll.-. J t- n .v i."n j....-, i .. April 3. I. of I I.I..I. ('..uiily. N I'. Dissolution Notice. Tli llrm .f -.ikc-A Wiii.-li.-"t.-r,..l lirtll -Jrtlli. lll. I.y lininii.1 ar.-. i.i.-lil. "Il l,.Mir-. Kill l.-.-oi.ll I '- Mr. Fikr-l llu- ..I.l ian. I. All ati-ouiil. .In.' Hi' "1.1 ti inu-l u-i.i.l -. ANN NIKK. It. A IN. 'HKH1KR. Dissolution Notice. I hatraol.l ml lnlrr.l In lh.- rl.n-iii , l,r.l, r '.,ri.iiv I.. Mr. i B. lal.n.aii.l r lie liavliitf l.n-lii lo lraiiH..-l lll tin- colli , .. "f-,";;.';-TK!L Dissolution Notice. Tli Ifli-lne-a lir.ofniwarrir-il on nil.1, r tl.. (km nam.-of Woman ami i.rilllii lia- N-rn .l.l lo"lvnl. 4 ti Moim ,s. H llrllllii. (The Old Harkey House,) Near the People's Bank. A Clood Uoardin; House for transient and retular boarders. Good Tabic and Comfortable Ifcds. MEALS AT ANY TIME. ' $1.00 per day - $4.00 per week. MRS. W. V. TUCKER, Proprietor, TAFavette Street. MONROE, N. 0. FOR SPRING WEAR! A new lot just received of: Sash Pins, Brooches, at 25 cts. Hat Pins,) Wnist Sols, Necklaces, Lockets, Cuff Rut 1 tms, etc. A ' lot of Watches, Chains, Rinu;s, I'lc, just, in at the very lowest prices. W. E. LINRBAGK, Jeweler, Monroe, N. 0. 1 NffiS.i'Pti I m TH6F TuDewriter. The best Typewriter on the market. You can par mora but you cannot (et a better Ir one. Its work li always la V If m a i lull view of tbe operator; f y .... . . . f f it ia simple In construction; ana nas aiooa me rest lor many year, a nrnvine its durability. The alienment ia alwayi perfect, and the price I - 1 is $75 oo to all. For sale by the Monroe Hardware Co., or any of T the offi;ts of - CUTTER-TOWER CO.. Boston, Mass. J Southern Branch tie Jeniler Building, Washington, V. K. T

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