THE MONROE JOURNAL, VOLUME X. MONROE, N. C, TUESDAY APRIL 14. 1903 One Dollar a Year NO 11 vA-aaV-a--j J Public ()pinion. - w t Vigilance the Price. StlJfc-al IUvrtVr. Monroe Moilf have orgaiiued to show Hut prohibition will prohib it. They are Ahtinz bliud tigers. Thai U eseclleiit. Vigilauce is Ihe price of law cuforcciucut. The biggest Trust. Nr-lal-rit.ei The biggst trust on the earth is the uewpairr trust. It trusts ev eryUxly, get cussed fur trusting, mistrusted fir cussing, and if it bust fur trusting gets cukvhI fur buMing. Taking Courage from J. P. The country seems to take fresh heart liecause Pierpont Morgan predict good times with plenty of money. I hd tne count ry ever uewr of Mr. Morgan when he was having any other kind uf a time or when he didn't wed murage room for hi casht v Time for Carter to Do Thing. CluaiMa Slalr. Carter Harrison break the rec ord. For a fourth lime he has Ih--d elected mayor of t'bieago, and in this victory he defeated aUiut all the iullucncea that could lie massed against him. There i doubtless room for much improve liient in the Windy City' uiunici pal allairs, and if Harrison is 'IxKiking Onward" now is the lime for him to pay strict utteution to bitsiueNt and "do thing." The Best Investment- f..irrr'mail Jlin H. Small. Our piHiple must rvalue that while it is their duty to pay taxes for the protection of their life and pruerty, it is their Kt ill higher duly to" pay taxes fur the educa tion of theirehildrcn. They should liclieve that it is the inalienable right of every child to demand and receive the liencfitsof an element ary cducutiou, at least, and that the most profitable investment of the body politic, ia the tax fund invested' in the bruins and capa bilities of children. True and Statesmanlike. Columbia stata. "Honor, courage, integrity, de votion to principle, and the faith ful performance to duty are just as essential to the greatness of a free jK'ople as courage and self sucrince are to the success of a lighting ariuv. 80 Htiiil thu. William ('a- iissistuut secretary of war, in mi iiddiw delivered on tshiloh batllclield lust Mouday. It is Hie truest, must statesmanlike utterance that ban recently emana ted fioiu anyone connected with the administration. U It Worth While? BlUL-al Riwr.liT. Ik- sure that the paper that you is worth the reading. The remliiiL' is a greater consideration than the price. One simmiiIs three pent In money for n Hecorder, two dollars in energy ami leu, perhaps, in time and evesiubt. The que- lion Is not. Is it worth the price? but is it woith whllet Many a man la throwing away dollars worth uf lime on two cent papers h-cause they are cheap. Man, they are the costliest things in the world! A paper that doe not In at met and uplift, but rather runs through a man' mind iu and out again la exceedingly dear at any price. Would Sell Two of Them. Charll; I'till.lrm. The ireiitlciiien w ho opposed the Watts law fogged almost with tears that legislature do not discriminate in favor of the town againt the country by depriving the latter of the irlnrlous privilege ot miming whiskey and giving that privilege to the former. It turns out mat there are live hundred and thirty Mills iu North Carolina, and of this number hardly thirty, we dare say, are in the towns. And so It watt discrimination with a vengeance. All good men, however, will re joice in Mich discrimination. It means that from four' to live hun dred of these infamous dens will leave the State or go out of busi ' lies, for the average town has too iiiauv level headed business men in it to nllow a filthy whiskey still to come in and poison its atmosphere. If a man is too blind to so sec that a "hell kettle" (as preacher Little calls the distillery) is an nnmitti euted curse, the strong arm ought to come in and protect him from himself. This particular feature of the Watts law ia praise worthy and we bone it will be rigidly eu forced. We are delighted for once thai a town mav have by law wbat is denied the country. It may be aaid the.' stills w ill all move to town. Not much. "Well," you say, "look how they are Hocking to Hamlet and Hoffman." It i re Twirls! that a Northern man, be- milled bv Hauling advertisement, rode all the way from Philadelphia to see Hamlet and Huffman, with a view to investment. After having visited Itoth places be is said to Imve remarked that if he owned 11 unlet. Hoffman and Hell be would sell Hamlet and Hoffman. S rtngtli and vigor come of rood food, duly d'gested. 'Force, a ready-in s -rve wheat and barley Ij )J. itld n burden, but sustain, pourishes, invigorates." From Over the SUte. COOLEST OF llitM ALU II Villi f..rm-r t.tlturo 1 aierchant uf Winston, has brru sent The Young Bank Defaulter of to an insane hospital in New Yurk. Mr. Kill will I renieiuhrrcd a the man who made cuutiuuuua at lark Uhu lisirict Attorney A. E. Holton. I la I'ulk count v, Iu a section' At- lanla kept Hit Nerve whenDiJ covered. The young Atlanta bank ofiieer, who Mule !:!, . 12 from Hie Caudal t'llv ISauk was a pelted ADDRESS TO THE PnOH-F. The Executive Committee of the Anti-5ahn league Issue a Call to the Men and Women of the State. The f..rabl. n.-s of conditions us we desire. tcratiou; and (2 1 That ll will make way ultimately for prohibition. We n-.M-t to euufnai that we fair thai there may be citie in our Slate iu which au abrupt change flout tin-om-u saloon to prohibition could not l sucpcMsfully made Iu such cities the savinns. Loon and Trust Go.. MONROE, N. C. in 1' is iilf Kiiiii. i-ull l.i the hii-u diis nsiiry is Ihe i.taclical hall way ,.r - olv II.. r,Ms.iii-il ..f v..rili l'.r..lii.a t., sleli. We rcMe tfullv recoiuwend kouwaaslhe'HUikcoruer," Wil jaisi! f , (H, a(1, K, that Bir,nM.nilv.-s"f..r battle agaiiuj that the fneudsof prohibition lake liam audSulomontiortlou . llwo Ij,,,,,,,. ,10 HgM years "hih'ltliv tuilii. their am ieiit and re tin ."etioii up aud trial u ac ouug men ol me name oi i . mM ,,.. ;,. ,,. auibushetl and U4 Liuu timueil . . . i..... -,i,bsi ht a . .... n J in rn "i iii imiiiii. ou the pretext that they mhi" reward which bad tteen ollertsl for! morsi-b-Ks , m mv. cnliug to ll.eir kuowieuge oi con Public s.-ulim. nt ag linsl Ihe sa dili.-ns in their citiesor towns ami l...i. is ir.i... r limn it has ever that a eoiir khall lie d. ler li.ivw Im.ii ia lih-h rulU-r. Klin- Im It i. rM-i.i.iiiymt liv ull mi. lli inin -il uikin. evrrv man who up tioMieira recapture, be having, H,.laims he ssnt !,,"ui,-o as Ihe chief s..uri-c of Ihe the s:.hK)ii svst.m shall give lliey uecluml. escapca in.ui jail in e , n,,Hl,. lim-ne ,rink evil-au cv il of the gravest j it hearty MipM.rt. Madison eon nt v. in this Stale. The four men, according to the story told by Ihe 1 1 year old daughter ol the dead uiais who witnessed Ihe dectL lay iu ambush U-hiud a log aud Bred when the uusiispect ieg man started to work in his lield. ( ue of t he ( iordun men w ho fired the fatal shot is iUotsl assay ing that he had killed two finer looking men Ihantiusnell, and had escaped puiiishineiit. and that he could easily get out of this tumble. Noi.e of Ihe men have as jet been captured. While ou her way home near Itiltmore, Wednesday afternoon, Miss Ague CainpU-ll. librarian ol A.sheville, was attacked by a lie gro, w ho drew a pistol, roblssl her of her w atch and purse, aud I lieu Ih-d. T. S. Kollins of Ashevil'.e, son-in-law uf Senator pritchard, and his law partner, was elected at UrceiislMiro Tliuimlay lo succeed Jud'e Pritchard as chairman of the IJepublican parly of the Slate. A blast was made at the liar ringer gold mine, II miles from Albemarle, a few days ago, which uncovered uoarU containing gold amounting lo more Ihuu el.iKMi. The mine promises lo lie a very rich one. It is ocrated by the Whitney Reduction Company. A dispatch from Henderson says: "One policeman shot three times in the stomach, another shot iu the chest, und a negro shot to death, is the result of a row here last night, over a scat at the show. The ne gro took a rt'served seal ami was ordered by the police to move over to the side act apart for the negroes. He refused and had lo lie loreibly removed. After the show was over he walked up to Policemen Hob ertson aud Crockett anil oegan slusiting. liola-rtson and Crockett returned the lire, killing tbe negro. ItohertKon is seriously wounded. Crockett's wound is not dangerous." Row Over the Spirit ol Henry Ward Iteecher. Yoikvlllv (S IM Kniiilrrr. l!ev. Dr. Isaac X. Funk of New York claims lo have walked and talked with the ghost of Henry Ward Iteecher Inst week, and lii'v. Or. Isaac M. llablemanof the First liaptist church of New York told his congregation very emphatically lust Suiiilav morning that Kev. Or. Funk is a liar. It seems that both the reverend uentlemeii are spirit nalists. Or. Funk liclieve in both trmul and bad soil its and Or. liable man holds that as only evil spirits atna-ur lo men after death, Or Funk lied beciinse it is impossible that Ihe spirit of Henry Ward Heecher could have been evil A Great Sensation. There was a big sensation In Lecville, Intl., when W, H. P.rown of that iilace. who was cxiMTted to die, hud his life saved by Or.King's New Oiseovery for t iiusuiiipllon. He writes: "I endured Insufferable agonies from Ashina,biit your New Oiseovcrv gave ine immediate rc lief and soon thereafter affected a comiilete cuw." Similar cures of consumption, iiiictimonhi, bronchi tis and crin lire numerous. It's the w-erlrs remedy for all throat and lunsr troubles. Price fltle. and 1 Guaranteed by F.iiglish Drug Co, Trial bottles Ire country Urni: 1 his may well la' ie .;cv '. A I.inni man who tries to keep up with Atlanta society aud run a midct dairy farm at the same lime will m-cd t ndi a luink and a rich lunik, loo lo meet ull the demands liHin him. Hon. Hoke Smith, one of the dim-tors was sent for as soon as the defalcation was discovered. Mr. Smith says he has never seen so is;kI a inau as Sims. The Journal says: 'lie was ulisolute the coolest man in the Imiik. said Mr. Smith, aud never once did he lose his nerve or Hindi under the trying ordeal he underwent. "How much are you short," tiuallv u.sked Mr. Smith. 1U tveen o:I,imhi ami :l.oiMl. responded Sims, w ithout a tremor in his voice. Those present knew that Sims was short alsiut l.ou but thought that Ihe discovery ol this shortage had caiwd him to lose his mind, and that he was razy when he said be was short so great a sum. How do you know tnai you are short that amount!' Sims was asked. "Itecause it w as necessary for me to know how much 1 was short in order lo keep dummy notes m uder lo 'doctor' my liooks, and to balance. I have never lulled to balance, and Mr. Ik Saiissiire found me oiil v fourteen cents out of hul . . , . i i .. amv wtieii lie cxaunueii my i"'s.s. I had to keep an account of my shortage iu order to keep you peo ple from discovci ing me, was Sims reply. How long has this liceii going on, Sims wasaskcu. (Hi, uhotit eight years, he replied... "ever once unl lie imicn oriose his self possession. He was as cool a man us ever faced such a sil na tion, lie was tar unit away ine cisilcst man in that iihiiii Unit night," Kiid Mr.Smilh. "Such iron nerve ill the Cur of such a charge I never saw. lie did not move a muscle, but proceeded to sit down and go over his book with the ex aminer, pointing out his every hange, his every defalcation, Ins very forgery." character and greatest proM.rtions; aud enlightened i-ilieua are con vinced by painful exerieuc that thr saloon is the worst of the sev eral forms of Ihe liquor traffic. Moreover, the lxililual leaders have gruw n weary uf Ihe inll leiice We exisi-t that chs-tions w ill lie calhsl iu every city and tow u iu which saloons now exist. We would here remind Ihe opHneuts uf I he saloons that Ihey must get up a ietitioii of one third uf the pialitied voter and mat tinny oflhesahMiu iu iMililical lite, and; da notice of the election must he aHEN ASIICRAFT'S tondi fed to horses and mules, marked improvement will be seen after the hrst tew dose. There is no doubt about it. The Powders, acting directly on the digestive organs, first thoroughly cleanses Ihe stomach and bowels, correcting all disorders, and men good healthy appeMe conies nai urallv and surely. It is the most powerful tonic and appetizer on the market to-lay, ana wnen om.c used horsemen will have no other. Ashcraft's Powders produce tnai silky sheen of coat and hair so admired by horse fanciers. The Powders fatten but never Dioai. Always high grade and put up in doses never in bulk. By the use of three or four doses a week your horse or mule will not be subject to colic or any dis ease of the stomach and bowels. -I hut an l T . n .u ihln ami hail a bl.nxl lla thai waa eau.Oit; lha bair lo anno oft I I a 0 '"" "" d"" " h" and tot hint lllfllT. Th aj.ule lnrv" lr,,m Ihe tttUw do ud Oia animal l"'d IlJ...lhr.ratr. Tha (ffiifral baallll r lha (rrnrrvi nrana f l'l l Mia ( lha p..w.lra and ha waa aian aimi-ia did lonlt and. apluarr.-:.C.fllKl!S,l.irj-an. Mann. N. C " . Ask for Ashcraft't Condition Powders. Package 25c Sold by Vicious Convict Hangs Himself. Hn sifi. Sm i-II l'rhrltilh' lllwTVi-r. Vance Spiver, the one armed convict who was yesterday sentenc ed by the (iovernor lo Ik- hanged on M.iv I tit li. committed suicide in his cell iu the county jail here last night about eight o'ebsk, by cut ting his throat from ear to ear with a short piece of iron which he pul led from the bottom oi ins suoc. Spiver was serving a term in the lieiiitentiary lor miinsiuiigiiier when he murdered a fellow con viet last NovenilsT. He win tried at the Deeeinlicr term of the Crim inal Court and found guilty of mur der iu the lirst degree and sen tenced to be hanged ill January, but his attorneys, Messrs. Harrison & Alston, took an uppenl lo tne Supreme Court. The Supreme Court affirmed the decision of the lower court, mid the Governor yesterday fixed the date of the hanging on Jiay nun. n a inn kuown until yesterday but that the (iovernor would commute to the u.nleiiee to lift) iliilirlsonnieiit, us Sniver's attorneys have been hard at work securing H-titions for this nurnose. but their efforts proved iinsiiecsslul. The supervisor of the penitentiary, m well as the iailer. says .that Spiver was one uf the most desperate characters they had ever had iu their charge. He came near killing anoiner con viet about four years ago, when he was at the Northhampton fui in. He nnd the convict had some words, w hen he grabbed knife find plunged it tolhe hilt in his comrades' temple, lliepnysi raus sav that If the blade hud Urn un fdirhtli of mi inch longer the blow would have proved fatal Spiver waaainan of vicious temper and would have revenge on an one whom he thought hud wronged him. No longer than last week he came near putting out the eyes of a ueirro confined input with mm. All the prisoneisare iiiruisueu wiiu a preparation, which cont uns a large ainoiit of poison, to destroy vermin; the negro, who was routin ed In another cell had beeu teasing Spiver about his seutenee, who had prepared for his revenge. He dissolved the poison in a cup of water nnd when the negro came around the next morning to assist the iailer in feeding Ihe prisoner, Spiver em plied the contents of t he pud in his face. Kv chance he ilosed his eye, but Ihe poison took all Ihe skin off the lids as well as his face. No disposil ion litis liecn mado of Ihe remain, and if no one calls for them he will lie buried at the county home. are ready lo join iu an effort to de slroy it. On the whole, therefore, the condition of public sentiment is most auspicious. Again, the ignorant black vote having Ini-ii eliminated, the sa loon's mM' iu voting, as they have iu the past, large nninls rs uf ig iiorant negroes, iscastdoan. while, ou tbe other hand, Ihe intelligent and honest classes uf the colored race w ho yet have the ballot have made it rule of voting against the chief enemy uf their weakei breth ren the saloun. Of I iiger sig nificance, however, is Ihe tact that the white rati' feels at liberty to take up this question now. after long yearsof waiting and suffering, and they lake it up with Ihe de termination to settle it und settle it right, and if need lie of clusising officers uf the law who will enforce their will when once it has Ihtii expressed. Again, under the new act of the lieuenil Assembly known as the Wults Act there are three changes that make decidedly for the tem perance cause. First, the saloon nnd distillery are excluded 1 1 mil Hie eouuiry (us I i-it-ts. That is. evasion and de struction of municipal prohibition. such ns has Is-en accomplished by setting up saloons just outside of prohibition towns mid cities is now rendered impossible py a sweeping statute. Second, elections may is- Held id any time of year, not w ithin ninety days of a (Mililical election. Form erl'y the local option elections ha' e lieeii limited lo the moiilli id .May in which many cities uinl towns hold municipal eh ct ions and these have often served to muddle the is sue. .sow i lie issue may is- pie senfed without any complications whatever. Third. We may have choice of prohibition, saloons, or distilleries or dispensary. These are decided advantage! and should encourage every citizen ; who has the welfare of the Com monwealth at heart to go readily into this campaign ngaiust the sa loon. I'l it Is- observed that tbe new act diN'S not go into effect until Inly 1, ItMi.'k This accounts for the fact that we look for I ho elec tions not to occur earlier than Sep tember or OctolsT of the present year. Hut this is not the only rea sou. We me of opiuioii that this campaign must la1 commenced im mediately. We must work tnor mighty nnd earnestly, and six months is none too long a nine. We cannot afford to take chances in n matter so grave. Freiiieiitly o lose an election will menu a set back for ten years. We expect that iu every com munity there will lie discussion ol the dispensary ipicstioii, and we take it, therefore, as the part of wisdom to declare our position now. We are first of all opposed to the saloon system. It is recog nized as the worst form of the li ... ii.. iiior tratne. v e are, sccouun, for prohibition. It is as the only really desirable treat ment of the Iniuor traffic. II in any community the argument shall be made for a dispensary, let it ne based upon the understanding that u dispensary i favored only on the two grounds, namely ( 1 1 I mil h is an improvement upon the saloons giving protection to the rising gen- Ore ii i i- .! I r t: i i -.. tiy of N mil Cjioliua. WOODMAN, SPARE THAT TKI'C Officers: E. B. Rcdw inc. Prcsidcut; J. M. Bolk, Vice-Prea.; T. II. V7oh, Cashier. J. M. Bc!k. A. W. Heath. A. J. Price, J. I. Orr, . Lcc, Dr. J. E. Eubauks, R. B. Redwino, J. V. Bivcns, J. Z. Green. I.:;N- or mi. ull .-ii ' ,M-,fVr C !tl..iri -lina!i. - 11' ai t. 1..U. H H-.I a In -,. an U. ukt . a."l ,! ik r . i lui at l,ali harm i-l .i I It r-.t - Directors: C. SOFT CARE English Drug Company To Cure a Col J In one Day Tale Lnisde UrouiuOjiniue Tablets. All diuttl-la refund Ihe Diuury if it fsilitotfttre. E. W. Grove's t!(ua- ture it od each tios. ) ceut. Like the .running brook, the red blood that flows tlirouch the veins has to come from somewhere. The springs of red blood are found in the soft core of the bones called the marrow and some say red blood also comes from the spleen. Healthy bone marrow and licaltny spleen are full of fat. Scott's Emulsion makes new blood by feeding the bone marrow and the spleen with the richest of all fats, the pure cod liver oil. . For pale school girls and invalids and for all whose blood is thin and pale, Scott's Kmulsion is a pleasant and rich blood food. It not only feeds the blood-makinc organs but I'ives them streneth to do their proper work. Sena lor Ira aaiaple. rarl Mrm, Sew York.; alltnwrtata, . giveu. It isol llicliigiicM iuiMn am that Ihe friends of (eiiier ance prM-eel imnietliately to or ganize immediately in every town, and that they select officer and committees that arc capable of wise ly and v igonuisly conducting the campaign. Au organization form ed i.ow will lie able to do ita best work iu the summer and fall. Th's contest is wholly local. It presents the iisiM-ets of a general warfare, lint each election is a battle iu it self. The work w ill not lie done.1 cannot lie done, from headquarters at K.ilcigh. It must be done by the local organizations .Nothing short of a hand lo hand canvass of cci v voter should la- aimed ut iu every tow u and city. The l-Aceutive Committee has called a letnereiice convention for Inly ',. The object of such a con vention is mutual encouragement, to forward the campaign, to st leu-then the movement ull along the line: to elect lield men, etc. If condition seem ripe for this meeting, we shall have it. If not, the character of our movement le ing local, we shall not fear not to have it. It is proposed to supply the de mand tor literature and for speak ing, and it is exiected that sufli ciciit fund will Is- contributed to pay expenses. We shall rely upon the press of the State no little, but we shall also prepare a distinctive campaign literatim-. We hear ami now call for volunteer cam paigners, promising th travel ling expenses We already have Ihe names of some of the Stale's leading men and we expect the (lower of the Commonwealth to join in the great buttle far Moial Su premacy. The movement is iiou deiioiniiiii tional. It npH'als to all good men and voiiien. It is non partisan. It ill sift the men in nil parties. It is a movement in the name of Hod and Humanity against the saloon, and in it should gathered the full moral strength ol our good oin- inoliwealtll. ,1. W. llailey, of llaleigli, has been chosen malinger of the cam- naiirn. Let every organization report to him the mimes of its I 'res ident and Secretary. U- persons proposing to organize freely advice with him. Also send lo nun nppll cations for literature, speakers, iu loi'iimtions. contributions etc. Finally, we appeal to all good men and women heartily to give themselves to this holy cause. 111.- curse of the siloon wL-imwn too well too well. We are verily in danger of growing so used to it and its terrible work ili . I we will fail to apprehend Us awful proportions It is the source of ninety per cent of crime,seveiit.y livn tier cent of pauperism, ami almve fifty per cent of insanity. ri'lie first two Items arc Pascu up tin. leiiort of the isiireau oi ist ics of Massacliuset t s for 1 ! and the third is based iijmju another ollicial investigation in that State. ) Tuese facts are submitted in re mind the indifferent that the ones lions that we are raising is the must serious finest ion that can Ik- raised in America, nnd that the honor evil is au evil that calls for the concern of every man that loves his follow man. his lioil and conn try, his home and his children. We Iml the friends of our cause to greei iim eonilict with a cheer, to face the old discouragement w ith over eoniiiiL' faith and .eal lsirn ot de sni-riiif- necessity, lo cive them selves to this cause freely, and throiiLhoilt the struggle to reckon upon the cominerilig leadership of Him Whose we are and Whom we serve, for Whose will and glory shall endure what we sliall en dure, and iu Whose Name we shall compter. Kcspcetluliy SUPiniueu, N. 15. Ifliol'tillTos, Chin., T. N. Key, ,1. W. ll.tll.KV, I. C. III. At it, Treiw., ,1. A. Oatkh, Cor. Sec'y., J. t). Atkishox, J. I. Johnson, F.xecutive Committee. Ily J. W. IUii.f.y, Manager. Tl' l,l famlltur liv. U tfl-r, au.l -i.-ait Ai -.r a-t Vr t'.l -. a AimI a..n!.k I Ih.'ii H. a tl .(.-all K.-tlman f..f.-i.r no -lr..4, I ui ii.ti ttaroi u .m.l 1-.--. Ob -IM-.' Ola! at?.-!... V. I. .-,! ..t.i.- -ki,--' hpH a hllr I il fc'fat.-fui , In a!l Ok ir a-ti-liniif j.t . If. !.. -1-i.t laii 'I , M ai.-iti. r ki.-a air Ii- i. M, faltirf ,rMI ao haii.1. l-'t.riovr Oil f.iii-li Itaf. Iful kt 0al .iil ial .laiHl Mv hrt iniie- r-aiii-l i-lna il.iM-a-liiv tMrk.xi.l foiixl' ll.-r- -litil thr k.i I.O.I -ttiif. An.l -III! Hi, l.-n-n.- I. ml. 4 ,1.1 in-,-' O.. -l.tini -oi: l.'a,.-' Iml wiMMlmati. Ii-ai' III.- -nit ' H iuW a Iimii.I Ml'. Tin II -hull hurt tl i... (lreat Gun Explodes. IVn.arila r la 1-t-liatrli.liili. disastrous explosion occurred i ou the battleship lowattslay, while the vessel was ul large! practice in tlu-Culf. The forward port 1'.' inch gnu burst from the premature ex plosion of a shell, 1-' feel of tin- piece outside the till li t iM'llig de inolishfd. Three men Were killed and five injured, two seriously. The men killed and injured were ou Ihe second, or gun deck, at mess. Three piece of the exploded gun. each weighing over a ton, passed lownward through the spar deck. falling ui the men at mess in stantly killing three men. All ot the men were horribly undiluted. I'he heavy missiles after passing through the gun deck continued down to Ihe (bird deck where Ihey ime in contact w it la the urnion-d fleck, the heavy steel stopping them, thus saving the engineers anil firemen w ho were at work Im-- ow. Although the np-r flecks were crowded w ith men no one there was seriously injured. Robbed the Crave. A startling incident is narrated by John Oliver of I'liiladelphia as follows: "1 was iu au awful condi tion. Mv skin was almost yellow, . . . i eyes sunken, tongue coaieo, pain continually in back and sides, im apietite, growing weaker flay by dav. Three physician hail given me up. Then 1 wasadv isctl to use '.lectrie Hitler; to my great ,oy. the first IsdUe made a derided im provement. 1 continued their use for three wceksiimliim now a well man. 1 know they robbed tbel grave of another victim." No ouej hoiild tail to try them. iMiiy cuts guaranteed, at F.nglish Ki ng 'a Mr. Stevenson Iladly Burned. (111 i il-u-li.Mli. illui F.. Stevenson, former vice- president of the I'nileil States lost Ins hair and moustache ami re reived painful burns on his lace. head anil hands (mlay, while trying to extinguish a lire in his home. The fire started iu a liedrooni. When Mr. Steveiisoh rushed into the room the curtains were in a blaze. Without calling aid he at tacked the Haines. In a moment the hair on his head went up in a miff of smoke. The lire then sei.ed his moustache and blistered bis face. Then Mr. Stevenson called for heln. He retreated liefore the tlame caught his clothing. loss to the house was l,000. Iitiiti i ti ':tl a:. I I'li - r Mtl.t. anJ aline l:.-i-u t . .1 a .. lfsui-s teilit: ;iti . i.i !i iiiiiiiiri j anJ private i-ot IUis. a:. I real-- fi-ai 1 Aull.uiui-J t-v Uw I ' a-1 a- Call en-fpl jc ll usl I ! : .(. a: 111 trust nialli ra ti e r ,; .iny w lar Hi etiu ti ll.i m ' m ti, !' ::it-dii& 1 hi tils 1 lililn;i I-' i- ami al It.t- .aair ln.e m-i-uh i oij .1- ali I mj1,o t tu check at Atts a atjeiil ivt v.) I. if( is 1'aiJ. ;s (-! i.. !n ,Jual. I pr'.peltv. . ut 1. A.l i.iiiisliaiot, tJuaiJian, Acut, etc. i ,:i i.i! !!..u i ehitilt-. ili 1 1 . o;m. m. y u i' It member of Hie rni.i in pljt in- in lis thai tie. By this 1 i:t I y tl..- i-' riMl.t ot tlieu own couoael -rat1 it-.-i iim! i!ily. KuJ uses or i;imi ml.-f l!n pay in, m- ut ik !-. i'i otlier vbiigaueas. l-rmlj niuiiey at all lout-.- ,111 appimi-J st-futity ir on U11J. MjLi s IhiuOs lot it:, . is. ::J in iiinniial . 1 civil juJi. ul iroceediiiK. Saving Haul, featme -, in mi ..11 an. tor taving a pcialty. fioi uies. loans I 1 1 in.eii- at.-.! will 611 1 lt.i.'orlS fur tiiofe destnug to lenj nioney. O00O0CXX)CCCOCyC00C50XXC000OC IN and with the wants of our customers, we open up the new spring sea son. What you need, when you need it and at the price you can pay. iiooroc Hardware Gomoau's BiiQQles, Weber Waoons, Gloc anil Luton Cotton planters, Oliver chilled and Vulcan Plows, SHerwin-Killianis Paint. rx0OOC)CCCXOtXaOXk5CXK-O'3 JOCOOOOOOOOOOCXXXXXXXXXXXX) The GOOD BREAD COMES Only From GOOD FLOUR. Many a well-meant, well planned attempt at bread-making is wrecked on the shoals of poor l!our. Cheap flour Is bad flour Its low price is the maker's excuse for the inferiority ol his product. (lfod bread is not hard to make- Mull the voyage is over when you get good flour- Whiter, stronger, sharper, purer flour than ours can not be made- Therefore we caution you to ask for the "GOLDEN KOI)" and "" brands. These brands are sold at the low est price (or which really first class flour can be sold and IU prlca Is the.highest you need to pay in order to get the best. Beware ol bad flour and short weights. Our quality and weights are guaranteed. rletidGrsoii Roller Mills Goiiipanu. J. E. HENDERSON, Manager. Makes a Clean Sweep. There's uolhing like doing a thini thoroiiuhly. Of all the snivel yon ever hriinl of Hucklen's Ami ca Salve is the U-st. It sweeps nwsy nnd cures burns, sores, cuts, hriiisf-s. boil, ulcers, skin crop tions and piles. It's only '2.V. and guaranteed to give satisfiu-tion by Knglrsh nrng o. Ilring ma your scrap Iron. J. D. Parkr. A Thoughtlul Man. M. M. Austin of Winchester, Intl., knew what to do in the hour of need. His w ife had .such mi nil usual case of stomai'li und liver trouble physicians could not help her. He thought ot and tried Hi K bur's New Life Tills and Hhe got relief at once and was finally cured. Only '.!. ut English Hrug tVs. Confederate Veterans' Reunion. The annual reunion of the I'tiited Confederate Veterans' As-toeialion will lie held in New Orleans May l'. HM;k l-'tir this occasion the SealHiard Air Line Hallway will sell tickets at the rate of tine cent per mile for distance Iraveleil. Tickets will In- sold May Hi to'.'l inclusive, and for trains arriving 111 JfW iirieillis is'ion- mwiii "i May Tliey will Im- good to leave New Orleans until May '.'. An extension ol the linal limit to June 1.1 ran lie had by deposit ing the ticket with Jlr. Joseph Kichardson, special agein, ac or leuns, not later than May 21, and paying a fee of M cents. Numerous interesting suie irips over an extensive area nave ms-n arranged for, at the rate of one fare, plus 2i cents, tor llic round trio. The Sealstard Air I .ine readies New Orleans from the Nortli and Virginia awl North Carolina points via Atlantn, with untune uiuij train service, the same route oeing followetl frtmi points in Soulti Carolina and lieorgia on the Sea- lioard Air Line betweeu llamtct and Atlanta. 8. W. Pakham, Agent wrmrnfrnnnniiTiii u i nTmiim imiinTITirnmriii lining i A. LEVY. i MKS. A. LEVY. "Fotce,H also atreiiKth health, at Bruner & Huey's. nd Come to see me for chewing tobacco, smoking tobacco, cigars, etc S. R. Doster. Calf at Henderson & Hudson's (or Fleischmann'i Yeast, received (resb every day. Who Will Lead Ttys Spring? Why A. Levy, of course. He always does. If you will notice the great work going on at his store you will see that he is opening up the finest stock of Dry Goods, Clothing and Millinery ever brought to Monroe. He has Just come back from the big Northern rtarhe;s and his goods are now rolling In on every train. The Indies In town and country are Invfed to come In and inspect our fine lines of dry goods and v-ollnery, all that the prettiest material and the mot skillful fingers tan do for vou. And as for clothlnz everybody knows that Levy's "High Art Clothing" Is the best for fit and wear sold In America to-day. All that our friends and customers need to do to get suited with the Jv.t trnnd and carrv off the fnest bartairu In any of our lines of goxls Is to come to our store. A. LEVY. MRS. A. LEVY. mm rcTmrmrrnrmrrnririnr " t f V : x i ! t i 1 k- r. ' in uekwmm 'J' w-s14'--

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