THE CAPTAIN'S ESTIMATE. DEATH IN A STORM. A LITTLE NONSENSE. try Think of the Farmer's Lite A-its"stliural Talk- in ! What the Ureal Leaders ol Indus-' Ten People Killed - A Village in TW Ccnrio Fai-mee Who Grew Sw Alabama Swept Away. 01 '"" " i . . . . , ... I To a rural district near St. Ini 1 birniiochain, Ala., April . ' .k.. -.t., ., The Amtrican agriculturist is j Without a word of warning the! "one of the l-eat, foup.'.l liiiieH'lf the Rreite-t mm on earth anj ;ue hslllot of lL.jH'weli, forty a i.-arayi. Tho hot:- of t!;e Americ an .lijriculiure the imst . 0i,rth o( thil( ci,v ,nl ne i.,nu. r. in-,l the jvar kf.r. had import .ii t ( t. It requires great! , n ,. . 1 burned ! n. , ' . mile from ILmcevilie, was wcit .... , . i n i i ihiu ti coiuiiit an import nt bus-' . .. . . . llie priviiict? ! rvtmiid a l'iirnl incs sue. equity. Firq-iently do 'V hu """"J 4bv,' ?' . will. enrv b.i a ,-vl is we find the business too Krcat t,r ,. "nith cut a wtb of .let-In-, rvl 1 v imm... thertan. but r. rely the man too' '"" ; roroua fariuinj:5 and this pr..Hiti..n wa to r... f,,r ih.. h, in l h. r .1 tectum of llouut county. Ku i-er-. th farm. r. M I .1 i , ! w. were killed, three or four i Said tins knowing intr.m-e m;.n. spot of the Ametican farmer ,,, , MWe i,,,,- i.j,l, !. n.:..,! t'.r...u!, hi w. his d-siic to ha)c and to Cultivate j,irttl; Th( ,w,. Nathan (irilliu. ; rm-in.-s .loalm.- to add many m re lanl thin he is aide t JB,iK.s tirillin, Henry McCoy audi nd t the ro:Ten of hi ..itipaitv, inanace i iotitable. Acres f Urn- j three children; C. C. t Men. a i-nnii-; "Well put vou up a Ii.mim- a whole id are mure id an object than 'inent planter; lleiter IMeD, Mi-, l"t l it r t.iati tlio one you had for bushels pr acre at harvesting) Thelum I Men, Mr. I". C. (Hen. tint-. He I iice'S that weeds use I The ui)iircd: A wo and time of! "Nun." ki:.I the farmer im;ut iettiii:vaslaftas(,rainuf stasc Nilhnn tirillin. Mr, tintli... Mr. !!... "1 viH baf itiy o:,e t ouvitid rrons e-n'l l,nti .,,ni Nora tMen. Mr. Ileorv McV.v .'l..r or nt ne. Pot leu-e eou.d ffik,":!, n' ed-'.two children: K. 0. . r-t Ij bl, a,a:n f-r eun a fou- i jl'ius Oiiick, f.iimlv of Mel i'v. a!ii. te, IVMroy the weed! rso0i; Mr, , ,,,; ,;r .!,, (,. i, coiiM" ud the in- anddo not di am the I in J to deith. i,,u j; jiu.z lirl,inj ;t.,ar.r turan.e man. ii ,is an :.! Ihiw. Leave oil hunting lor more l-'"! timlin. lit iU-n'i io-t mi mu. h to binM mid cultuat' what you have. j It i.s Ulievisl tht reventl of the ! h'ii-e A 'on ne lum-e F. A. Vimr, Man.tger Sihli v Mnjure.1 will ilie. The torm trav-! "idd ! a !..t l.ier and Utt. r . . ,n- ! i i . .1.. i- 1 l 1. . ..VI ' estate, l.oen acres, Illinois. eieu in a nortneaKieriv uirei-iion V MAT niK IIUPI-R ol A HATTl.t! ;r''l'kin f ecr.vhio8 !'' tne of the hrt Iioiim'n truek s Still' .- US. .hiii f Viiiltiin I Jriilln- ilu Ii.l.i.u at'an ti the farmer's I'laiv. I"arm life ! lilies sell reliance !t il..iiiiili,he,l un.l Mr (Jriilinl "ilii.t thoii'ht IM sl"P while familiarity with nature's laws, re-1 and hi 'n, James, were killed j was up liere, he sai' lations ol cr.'t, s and seasons, a ; -Mrs. tirillin was so badly injured j wanted to take out knowledge i f mechanical industri ; mat one .lien mter. .vnotiiiT son - - ..... . 'rni.l a nii'i'fi nt Mr. tirillin' hi i .'"i uoi oiv- m ii;-un, me: . . , . , ' ..i, I.... i tiiiraeulouseseape uv runnins! trom j "e uimuvum., "u"" the house before the demolition ' i".' the difluuti. of the p.t in iwas complete and savin their ; flnnivli..ii aith iiiv.irance eompa- liv,i 'l'h..v u ..i iniiir,..! I.J.I it ill I Mf "l.t HC's but Illllie MIC. ......i i i . . ..r ,u i " ..i auiuai huovtieege 01 niii:s anu : revver. t'llt f'T tut'iti, the i ita s; t!u au!).e man rode up 1 to ee if vou a Utile lu-ur- lid is. It las the 1'iuudation lor study ci Agriculture. Ilotanv (ieologv and Horticulture and the Sciences. The farmer gains an el ihirgs and r...-..v..r "We i. then, .ail the n:-uranee not a theory i f things The farm The hoiie of John McCoy man luimoron-lv, "m.-ure In r. tunc of the i then next wrecked, but he and his! "Neiii. ai-l the an tne -the r-sclt of fiimilv eeiipe.l with severe bruUns. i '. "I Mi l:eti she .he you come 11 t'lll' I "U supplies the luck Aiitri.i ti 1C ein hi ir - honest tell, hard lal. r. h net ! the home of Henry McCoy, son of' " ;' : " i . . i . . i t . i...t. .Li in .1,1 nt- riiii. tip uiir-t f't'i" u'...ii. t teachers ecr m.v and Sellrel, m- i ""I't . ! tmi. H; wife was ,, , , .,. .,,1.,,, severelv iiiiired, to of his chil re'. With reg ird t ) Agrica.t'.irc, . , ', , ,, , . N . ilien are still uncotiMious and iiihv I know ul ..on, .-re interesting and . , ... i ,,,, ttml , study. A crtect :olhl,r l.1,lrt.I1 rt. ,.,,,1. j lilohe l. rmv Tat. knowledge ol the s ii, the cr u The storm then ..triiek the hou- fan a U tt. r .1 t'ank you. An ! the without r t ou a luu-' f..r iv liuu.lret!. r; no, I'uv.k you. i-iinn Hum ro.i. a jiolicy. t. r ui .1 N", ;r." a a v Louis suited to the same. Long lite and success to the American Farmer. Imrg M. Sent, builder of the Oregon b ti tle ship. V 1 1 A I' A l I M At'Mli.At., I S N. The pr i.r. ss of Amu rican iigneiilture h is sh no I in, and sustained the r i.riss .' our rount.y. '1 he ulio. itu ii ot agri cultural nr. actum tv ti . ui u!e ! lions i f ui'. n en'.i r m w I'u !. i mpioy ii, i nt. A v c a.U in science new tl ids nt ', ih i creati d. 1 hrougii competi tain their highest i! chmerv i m m's b -n of his f ie. and c imp blessing instead of a huto' ol n. inui at ieiny. Mi l o.t in-'e ol vi is a . S'u n- t,;" 'Ui ice re ;ne ins the utili ti u i i -.c itiiio knowledge to mi ate re. . s d.mi agricuitural j wilt- ' ' the elcat. St cloii 'iv exists a Ii st o( ill ! viiiril.iiS ih-votia! to the iu! re-t of the oagain s I'Xciiisivels l.irtiicr. Southern 15,'iptist Convention. For the NiiiiIh mi liaptist ( on vent ion nt S.naiiuali, da.. May 7 to 1 1. Itio.i. the Seiilioanl Air Line li.lilwuy will sell I lekets at line I'a.e ilus '.'.I rents for the I'ounil trip. Tickets will be sold May I to T inclusive, f. mil points u..nh nf Haiuht, N. ('., west nf l.iiko Cily, Flu., uinl s.nilh of liahlwin, ',i.. mill from all points within the lei ntoiy riubiiii') il liy it lnv dniwii tliloiiyh those plaee w ill be sold May .'i to 7 inilusi e. Tickets will have linal limit May :'ii. l'Mensioii of li mil limit to dune 1, limy b' obtained by pay ment ol' o'l emits lee and deposit of ticket by original purchaser with Heher, bolli iirins broken .Mr. Joseph l.ieliaiilsun, spei ial known m in ut llradfoid, iigenl, SiiMiiinah, hrtwerii tin-( Several houses were blown down hours of s a. m. and p. in. not at Bradford and one pcrsou badly later than May Jil. j injured. The tornado came from On May 1'.' uinl I. " tickets w ill lie j the west and hi.d spent its force by sold at low rates for nidi-trips from the time it reached Bradford It Savannah to Jacksonville. I'liu. , is feared the little town of Hiram. Columbia and Charleston. S. C. j with a population of loll, has been The Seaboard Air Line Itailway wiped i If the nmp. It is near He is the short line to Savaiiniih I'liiiii her and in the storm's track. Baltimore, W ashington, Ilich j Nothing 1ms been thus far heard iiiond, relershuig, Niirfiilk-I'otls-1 from it. It will probably lie sev mouth mid from points in North end days before tho names of all mill South Carolina, us well as from tlio killed by the tornado aie Montgomery, Ala., and Jackson-1 known. ville and other Florida point. A special from Ileber says: "Iu From the North mid 1 lie South (lie tornado which swept across there are two through trains daily, : this section last night, A. C. Wil with cal'e dining ears uinl every liams. living ten miles south of of C. C. (Men. Trees in the yard were twisted into gnarled shape and even the vegetahles in the on-, den were torn up by their roots. Mr. (Men was kilted outright as were his three daughters aged lo, IJ and : years, respectively. .Mis, (Men received injuries from which she died later. t he home of Mr. Henry Whar ton vvis next attacked by the storm and i: was wrecked, but Mrs W harton was not badly injured. Then came the home of K (i. It went to pieces and he and his two children weie injured. Iiu! there were no fatalities there. 1 I N Kll I 10 IN IIK Nss Little Bock, Ark , April "v -Specials to the Arkansas tla.ette from several towns in White and Cleburne- counties, Arlv., tell of a tornado which swept through that section I i-t night, leaving death and destruction in its wake. The major portion of the coiuitrv through which the storm ploughed ils way is remote from railroad, teh graph or telephone lines. The dead are: ,'im Leggitt, Lit tie B. d: Joe l.eggilt. Little Bed: Tom King and wife. Little Bed; three King children : young lady school teacher, who whs hoarding nt King's; A. C. Williams, uear llcbcr. The injured are; Infant child of tin- King family: Mrs A. C. Wil I, unis, near Ileber, not expected to live; Buck Nee'.ey, Scarey ; Albert Keelcr, Libert letritt," Walker Bollard, Little Bed; two of the Bollard family near Albion: .Mrs Iloverbn ai.d child, l'anghurg. not ex pei tid to live; Miss I lurk hoiisen, Little Bid, leg broken and skull fractured; Waller Mueller Biirgburn, leg broken: Mrs. Henry Wells, injured internally, fatally: unknown woman, Bangbiirn, both legs broken: Tom Houston, near un A Labor Saving Devic. L "ui vioiuhr i'lmy th"t little I'l gan .liways want to j;i up de 1 ad der fornuist me :" How It Hippened. IMiler A!i. ti.e-e g"!f i.'ke of appointment of a high class pies senger service. Savannah is a lieaiitiful and in teresting city ami w ill present its Ileber, was killed. He was .0 years of age, and lived with his wife on top of one of tho nuuin tains south of this (ow n. His bouse most churuiiug aspect at the time i was cauirht up by the wind ami the convention ineeis. Kerry facil-! thrown down the mountainside. ity will lie iiflorded visitors by the1 ho being killed and his wifo badly SealKvanl Air Bine l.ailwny and ita passenger represeiitatives.' 8. W. 1'AiiilAM, Agent. J. F. Harper, principal of the whool ut I.ow udesville, M. C, was shot by a K year-old boy named Latimer, a pupil of the school, last week. Kevenil of the lioys made a jilan to run away on April first. The teacher decided to wiip thorn, and started in on fjitiiuer. The lxy drew (irst a rod of iron to fight with, but when this was taken away, be drew a Smith & Wesson pistol and shot the teacher two timed, tbeu lied. The latter will recover. Genuine New Orleans Molasses at 75 cents per gallon. Henderson & Hudson. I want your old Iron. J. D Parker. Bruner & Huey sell ' Force," the fine prepared food which strengthens and invigorates. Yon can get iee at Cadieu & Wallace's, l'hone 36. When in need of fresh meat phone No. 91. J. D. Parkr. injured. At Panghurn six resi dences were blown dow n. A laige church near l'angburn was blown half a mile." Forty-three residences and six teen barns destroyed and other wreckage is the record of (he dam age reported up to S o'clock to night. The tornado swept every thing in its path, a mile in width. $100 Reward, $100 The readers of thii paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dr-ailcd disease that science has been able to cure in all ita stages and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Ca tarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby de stroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assist ing Datura in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer one Hundred Dollars for sdjt case that it fails to care. Send 'or list of testi monials. Address, F. J. CHENEY & CO, Tolido, Ohio. Sold by druggists, 75a Hall 1 family pills art the best have tne rial llamr. J'o Vou phiygo.fy Joke Writer Well cr no, but I walk about forty miles 11 day try ing to H'il iny ;;..if jokes. Back. Punishment. "lbd your father lake you out in the wombhed to whip oiii''' asked the good boy. ..r-e than that," answered the bad hov; "he made lue chop wood." lirooklwi Life. Human Nature. Miles What would you do if you had 1? I, ('("'.lino? liih's- Same 118 others who have l.i 100.1 101 1, kiik because 1 didn't have is'.',oijo,oihi. Cleveland l'lain Kalcr. Ths Useful Liar. t ntvr a liar, but ilia ether night thf r;c.n Wul Ktim.lln' ti-ars of Sorrow up ag-Inst On' ...oH'. An' Klii-ii. zf-r Hnmh dropptsl In an' laid hla hat nuidti (He'a not. si rr hla (ruthtulnfaa from Holly lii'ii to l'M'1, An', . i. hr N,-t nn nur!a an' tatk 'Unit i'Onini.'iiila-a avi-nta Till, il'-rn iti. 1 in aa gitMamer 'n half of thlrly tonla! An' thrn old Cotton pullrd lha latch, an'. hlam mi-, air. I r.ra Ten niinut-a I forgot lha rain wus peltln' l Ilic il'Kir' Ha ha! 1119 out In Arliona a-fig-htln' 'I' ihli-fa An' hrlpln' r Oia cowboys strlngin' up th .-little thii-fa. An' 1 ux iri'?tit at tha Uma ha captured Univ. rn hill Till I dei-lnred on rslnr nights old Cotton nils lha hill. From Malrern hill ha look a switch to Turki'y. ait an' gaaaisl Atiout the thinRs lha sultan aalt tha Uma he no-t him last, An', thofjah I h-lte a Mar. thar ars cer- tnln tlmea, I va fnnnii F'r Inniiin.-e. whin U s ralnln' an ow cl.ter g.iln' round That aome old whiHki-reil reprobata ktn entertain me with Hla Ilea a dern eight belter than kin hon- fcft neighbor amith. Indianapolis Sun. You Know What Vou are Taking When you take (jrove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because the fur ni 11 1 a is plainly printed on every bottle showing that it is simply Iron and (Jinnine in a taste less form. No Cure, No Pay. 50c. Dissolution Notice, The trti-lnee heretofore carried on under the firm name of Moru.-iii and Uriltlii ha- Inn Hold hi H '.. While anil tlieeoMrttii-a.)oidlsiilvi'il. J 1. U....s. W H. l.rirtin. Notice of Administration. Having this day duly qualified be fore the Clerk of the Superior Court of L'nion county, N. C, as adminis trator of John , Morgan, deceased, all persons holding claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the noil to the undersigned adminis trator on or before the ijth day of March, 1904, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their rght of recov ery. All persons indebted to said estate are notified to make prompt paymeot and save cost. This the 6th dsy of March, 190. W. G. LONG, A.luir. of John E Morgan, deceased. Redwioe & Stack, Attys. SlSKsla The Kind You Have Alwavs nought, ami which ha beea lu iimi for over ;ti ear-s has borne the sf-fnatnr f uml b.i Ivern nuule miller Bl pesr , lJJ-ff, imiialMUHTvUon aiui-e Its infuitey. AZ4.iCAtl .lUiv n one Md.ii iie you In tbta. All Counterfeits Imitation aiol Jn-t-ao.-pKMl rt but t'.-MH-riineiits that trille- with and emlatiser the lieallh of lul.iuti uuil lUildrt-ii-rxtM'rk'Hi'e nyaiust lperiiueub What is CASTORIA Caitoria Is a lianule-H Milrtitute for Cator Oil, Par-jrorii-, lii-o ami SMiliiig Sirupt. It in TleasiinU It (imiaiiii ii. it lu r 0im:i, Morpliim' luir oilier Sareiitlu Mibstaiue. ll iitfe i it puiiramii'. It ileMmys Worma timl allav l everislme. II eurea Iiiarrliiea ami Wiiut t'olie. It relieves Twlbimr Troulile. enm t'mi'tiKitln anil rtatiileiiev; It iisniiilnti"i the I'iumI, n'B"lnteii the) Stoiiuu h mid ItowcK, Mivioi li.-all by ami natiirui uleep. The ( hililren'a I'aiiaii'a-l lie Jlotlu r's I rieml. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears tbo Signature of f TRY The Empire Corn Fertilizer Drill. 4 The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. Tut tlNiiua es.M.,. . Hieea .Tacte. aa .ire. How l. Judae I hree. Most li. .i, k.'.'iMM uu. ill N'fere that part of tl.e fanuij- inarki'iliig whi.-li re hiti". t" t!:e I'tir. l iis,. ,.f ,-lns ami i.h tl..' iu;UI ef till' lintISi'. Mil,, is lle.iHy the eli;, f enli.uli.iT n el ai tl.e e..iitit.seur. vioulil :i!.is ..iy it, Nil. !i ii.ny hn.l i!.e vvohis of an ;,mhur- l'.l of Villi!.' "A c!t.i--M' U I'll .'111 th.ll. .Iti-Ml . 1' C.iimI lle-s IV'.il SI. Ui. t s, Ml. if.' ell till' If llllll :i 1..H.' mi i ..i is i'.n'.i not i rii .l. I I .' ii lent ion presa ..r tilt- I..T l!.s eii I!.,, r.l .l Jon call - II to Jll'Le .'I l!:.' I!:!,l..'r In:.',." f of a el.'. If It i .-Ms ivail'ij- to r j.ri-s. Ml-.- of i;.o l.i.. r. in..! t! ,' nr. I '-".'.ik-i IT .1'. . I.ol h.; . .' I.i.-:, v hell tl..' j IV--I1 -.' s I ' ! .. I . :i M it, . i line atlli 1. ii ...f .M!i. I.'. i-:ill-.-.l ! , tl:" Si... k ' "". ' of Hi.' . 'I'd. a ' .1,1 nf i.l "i- I. ..' Ii, : ..r it will ! mi 1 1 -.;.. I r.i.or ,i'.,i w.:i .) mi .is ,1 lit. - i It !,;, I. . . is v.i I r.l that ion cio'ioi .-...s il on t'o- r:i i is i-i- -oil'', t,. I,,.., 1-ly, ...ok.'.l t.i n i !.. on. I or suit, t.i Iri'iu ll toll. Ii of nil t'n s ::;!!: ;iit "A 1. I i i lil lie loollioi to the t"i.. Ii. i. l I,, ii, lis ill,, I w ill 1 '.- el' an I'V.-n i i.i. i :-i., :n.. free fro::. . lift's, nn. I il... -.ii. .:. w.ll I'l ioal Ur... .'use tfi'iiln. il. Iniiteiy inei M' nt a iiimy tl.ivor." t.enuriiiilileal K mm teilae In I Wl. lint i.ry iiMlo n;:s k'iown in rou.itil In the eti I t ef li e .,ti, In Alis lo'i, s ,. ... . In !. fortltli ei'ltitliy l.ef.ire l lilM. ill. I I. lit i ri I, llie loore was known .,!. ill ii 1.m:j. ;us later, in the t.II.e of I '" Ml..' Ill ',i mi y e.UN the Hoi-., I .., I,, fall')' n iro.-ra.i il rat hi r tlmn ioi. iin. e.l. It w .. ti e .o ll'.ir l.el.ef ill Hie time of I',,, ,i. I n. i!..ii il.e w,.rlil aa I'.ol. tlloi;.; ii..!!.. i ....'. 1 1 . ... H'il ry K. In. I, it's lliolt.lil il.H. r. Ill.t . I l.i' el'eat I'il lii zalic - of the w.irl.l ill that time wi re troll,.. .1 alollli.l llii. Meiliel''.,leall Sell, alllioa.'i I.. i. I n.. I was a niiisi.lel'al.le I'.iwer atui II. S iiilihnai inns were n (ireat 'tune .eo.Ie. llllt Ihlliipeaiis lit tlmt tune knew l.nt lillle i.f Asia nn. I little i.f Afi'i.a. iitnl America nf eoiir-' w ,is lii.iii'. iilned nf. liven i.fter 'oliiml'ln hail ilise.ivereil tite laii.-r continent la was pcrfivtly lil.llV.olls I.f llie flirt. Ill' tlllillk'lll Haiti was 1 1. unto or .lniaii, uml fur I lone fine is irirdoil i'uI.ji ii4 a part uf the liiiiiiiianil i.f As. a. l. i . School Eloction. I- ! f. , v .I " tlmt HI . ieelli.n Hill .1 I I I ''ia -I llil'll Ss liool .11. . , .-'., .1 ' ,itij,.t..f tie i. tin -ii,l II" rt' W. -1. I Lu I. I 1 tloti- I r-T li,.i. ,,, in ii.ii.lw.-l. f..r Hi,, i.ur l .1. in ii, i. iir aii.-il-.- r tl..-r.. -!,:! I,- ii . 't -., .1 h..o! .Ii-irii-l for lln- -ut t 1 1 , I-, -t.t'.l -Ii, ,t ill -ai.l .li-lru t I ' I . " t I'.iIm Mil.U !. i. M.j..M.t i.i .. .1 , .... . ,i.,l I. I. M wus- ami I ee , .1 , etk-t - of ,-,, . !l,.n ol lts-II.,1 r .-i n I M slKW KT l". Ik to It ..'.I of ' ... 'V I -.It.Hll loli. r. School Eloction. Weiflhing a Perfume. An Italian ili,-ii ist, Siirnor Sub vioiii. iloiseil n micro liiihiuie of Hit ii cMt'i ine tl. 11. u ;V that II dcarlv ill lllnl;.. lutes the loss nf Weight of itni-k by volatilization. Thin the imis.b'.e I'lrfiiiiii' ilmiiiii olT in the air is indirect ly weighed. The i's fi iilial art of the apparatus is a Very t'i'll thread nf ejus, fixed ut one nn! and extended horizontally. The mi. M.-copie nhjeets to 1 weighed pl.ieid lipnti the ;!asi thriad near its free end, and the aitinunt of flexure pmilnced i- nb scrud with a miiroseope niaf.".iify iii; luo iliatiD'tcr-. A mote wcie,h in,' niie-tlinn-aiiiliii of a milligram perccpliblv bi'ti.lti the thread. iar DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAPIE BACK? KiJncy TrouMc Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who rea ls the news papers Is sura to know ct tne wonderful cures nude ly Or. I' Kiimer's Sarr.)-Root, ths p'-at kidr.ey, liver and b.adoCr remed. r It lth gmt rriectt y cal triumph of the nine jlfeniti century; dis i covered alter years of i w. I 1 s ieniific research ty fJESCr- Kilmer, ths emi nent kidr.ey and blad der specialist, and Is wonderfully su;ces?ful In promptly curing lams back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou bles and Brighl's DlMue, which ts ths worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root u not ree mmended lor everything, but If you have k Id ney, liver or bladder trouble It will be found ust the remedy yu need. It has been tested In so many ways. In hospital work, in privats practice, among the helpless too poor to Buf- chase relief snj has proved so successful In every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried It, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out If you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous offer In this paper and F-V. send your address toel J'Hel JolVITTa Dr. Kilmer 8t Co.,6ing-fCj -H hamton, N. Y. The "JKllEg reruau fifty cent and mm Swaas-aeet aoiiar sites are sold by all good druggiata, Don't make any mistake, but remember tha name, Swamp Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, liinghamton, N Y., oa every bottle. . . i ...... i .,-..:! . ,, -i t w e I ... .! . I I , ,.n Mol I . ' ,-l..t Mill .1 s..,.n.; ,t. f in. lo-ti.-tal ie I'i. .III. I ... !'- ' I. I o.- ;-,i - . ..I i-. . i ., .n.iir 1 - I .1 I. 11 I., ..f ' I I. i. , I lilt of II til III. . ,. . ,.l .. M ', of - .l.i -, l.-.l ,ll-T!,. f " t ' i ' -n.l. I ,'H --I- -tali . ' "" '"' '. 'T '"-'I ' lloer'l ." ""'"' -i " ' - 1 ' n...i..i. l W I! s o ' -a . . II I on liei 11 I' V I -.' . at' - ' 'i"ii i.i .i i. - , i n . hon-.i i t i kw vitr. 1 1. tk V. '-.. ..' ll .ir.t I ..lo. . I . .tit ui'r- City Ordinance. V, I i ' I -I'!! in- un l.i is .i I for an. j. lo Mo .t'.l 1: r-. LU .1 oilier M'Htlial I'I,. ." I - . ' I ' ' I.IH.!.-.! S,,.s. lot .I) till- . , . ' VI I . f f,i pl.t)...-, of rf-,,ltrf ,. -.ll . . - f..t mil j. r-.i'i to It.i.e n 'll is. . itursi- . . .1 . r ... nn; i .ni.l i. -mi.- 1 s,.:., ,, f,,r . , tii.,.. ..I L-t , i,. v.i I- -- ii. mu".' i n- ....hiiiiiiei. .hall i .. . i "v. -1,, '.i.i. f-'i ..i.-'i anil . nn of Hi. 1 HI- MS l.' ' ''"I h i isiii t. Eloction Notice. I'll lull" '.In lillMll. t'i'i of Mon- !. ,.i In. -.!..i ,.'!.- tut- I r.i Mor'.liii in Ma). ... .. .'.. ,1m ..f I".- t...o., lie... f..r tin i.i. i I . ..-'.I . ii I ... i" ii ml 1 . . .,'li i ,l...i. . I . 1 1-, . liwrt, . ..f -ii i . I I 1 1 v nt M. lo .,-. no, i f. ! .1 ...".'lo . tie- Iloicl ..i Al l ii . i" n... ii,'. i K.-.o.trt,f. w ... v. It ,-. -,-' . H,l ,.im .1 ...'. I- I), I'll eitf f r n.'ls ' ' ii , . il ill oi Hit Htm . Mllll Jil.ll f - ; t.iu., .1.1. i ll t. h' tl..-I oiirtlioii-e. -. -,) u ,. ..(. s s t . ,o ,,. I ,, -tore t ,1 l o. I .1 i .,.....iit llr.,,.1. Mi.oV -tore I ,i W.i it. I i I.i. i.. it, tit .1 K l a I'. r-,,n .1. .l-i'i 'e r,L'i-t.r will .i.! in ilie K. . i.i i ii - .... s ,,-,!.,. t,., t'i. ! II Ii . Istli j. ti,l .'. ' I i.' t.' I , I','... .It II.' 1-i.l...-. I'll mi .1. i, ',sl'iof i.l. rtl.fll .. i-.lite. III. folloW ".' l.i,;.-. -of l.-Oo.. llllo Hltll till" H.'lt lill- il, ll. o ri -,,,. .i,. w,t,. is.nstltllti' I lie . I... t,..n ll ar.. I', i-t H,ii i.r s: si,,,.,.,,,, ,., ii si,,,,,. -.' .1 W .n.l. I ll llm-.l.-n mi.! I. ie. I W.i .1 I I H'aUmi a'l.l VI I' Itli Win.. Ii if ii- l.nil -l. , mil W II Mnrllll. A In w ri -'l-t r.i 1 1, :i of till lofi -s t- ri-.iitn-.t H c ,si K vir. I i ri, uml I rt-a-itnT. Ait .;ii;i!it . .1 oti r. lit (lie City of itr -Hour o j, -tnill. .ii -u.'ii f..r tin- i .eelloll in ...Id i, ,i I.. I,. I.. I.I on the '.III ,n of ll.i M, 'ol tin-I'lci tloii of a VUvor nnil tl.e A lOeriueil f I ii,-1 ' I ' of Vioiii..- a o- re, in-1. .1 to a !.!)' to tile r, L',.i'arof ili. ii ,,- i-t i.e war.te on s. ii r.l.,. .the III,. Ilrli. sli Mli.l J.,111 ilaisof A,rll. a-.,. Hi ll.,- plii.-es iiiiiii. il in llie alsiie elet'llnli I..II,.'. I, i Hlt.KiM. Hr. W.r.l. S in. Ill K. M I Wanl. .1. c Slkfs. Ililr.l Wai.l I. I Bit Ki l l, rourlli Uanl Take Notice! 1 wliian Hut j, ui. he HUi'liMii tn thf lifhi-i l.i l'ti i, f "f iit-li, itt t !i rntnthniew.- dH-r In VlMiir-..-, S t ' ., mu Monday, the 4th day of Hay, I w, l hi f...!Mltiir jiri-levrTv. vie The intrrnt. r:i.-lili lillr mtil ',ilf . 'f III.' nc fflls lull t, ItrttU s I mli-, Jr , it Ma l mi'i r ImI tt( Isitii In 1 11 lull rutin' t , S r , mi flu- t'r tif Ijm'J Itrni'i'li. a (.'iiiu.v; tin- I nil. of Kt W.Kti-ifKll ni.l .ir'n f-, c. Nirtiniiijf miU'tv m ro", nurv or k'i"WM mi lu Hnrrili i. l-tlt'itnll omit .tti.f-. , ..tit')i-i) i, ruji ill lit ft inUiti. Jut-lit. M I .Mir. Jr . I. i A ' lUkftt-ti nn. I I' N. Htni--i, Itli'ii wm U vli-'l il H J. Hi veil', it'll lal. If. it! the nth (In,! f Ikj-rt-mU'r. lrj. In fir MM' 'f at ti a t (hHi tiii'iil ii-ut'il ! M. I.. Kin. J I'.. Ht till- Ill-llttllf i.f fllllr-MUI, lltt III 1 1 IT. I.i-Mt.l mi it llti-mtrrt of Jm'hIi i Mill. Ir . I., -nit'fi n fu i iiifHVir( H. A Himimn Jrtit. l.itlli-. Jr. B A lli.RS. N!.nff j.r-i! 4, Ivhci i.f ( nn. ii ( i.unty. N, V. Dissolution Notice. T'if Hrm -f ?ii.t A iiH-lit'-ii r iti-.lTftl Mifr't .nrh. lia.i, I Ttttihiul .". iiienl Tlte : -nil ;t- v. HI 1 (iiitniiifil l, Mr Mil. , al lltr .M iniiil. All AH'omit ittif ilir uliI ttrm nut. U' un.l ril i.iim'. VANN flkf . H A. WIS. Ht'MTK. Dissolution Notice. I lidM-o.'lil ny ItHt 't'-ii In tlic KaUmii Win .t. t i'i.dhiii'v tu Mr J H J, ainl r lit-- liiivint: ln -i tu" In t'Hii-m'l 1th I Nr nuii lnii ill il-. tin- -unn- Mh Mr Nl"fi. H. A. WIN" HKMCK. Notice of Sale. My Mrtut- if ttuirtmiff ilfoil -xfMnti hV. niii-u iinl ) A. 'oVHititoii I Jifntift, I itili-. Jr , mi Iwth ilay if ite tittff. A t i hi ' y riifl'-Ti il, i tit ntnli'riiftn-il til awll fur ''itn in ttt i hi4fli-"-t t'l'liivr, l tli.'Curt bum mr In Mi-iini. N. I., nn Monday, the 4th day of Hay, t, .jf Hii.ti !,., B tm. t tt land Irmc In ( itlun (iiut . in tit-r of Ijiry Hraiti'h. ) jtiin itiir ttie ImikU f K.'lrrt W Miri)l mi it mli rri, cniiiriii'.lfiK wi m-re- more r letat, known irH-tloHi-r Irtaet of fUmh M. Htetfnll. KtoW of Ann. n riiriMll. wilt more fully sar lij n-fi riMtre ti. H H.k No. of Iter t. tMiie of the tiriitrr of mhI r-Miniy. Holil lu li-fy .h-M-i aii iirt'il Uf mhI morlNtfe iteetl. Till lltd U of Aril, A. ll lJ- M A. i'l,V.'.T.N. ritri. .f h A. t'ltvinpton, V. N HISIi-JWiN. Commissioner's Sale of Real Estate. Br Tin we of ilerree of th Huiwrtorrnttftof Mifkienimnc ism my, Ir the vm of It W Otten e: l -i. J. I.initv ni wife, (h ttlraiiriM-t rtiinmitm'r will (troreM on Saturday, the 9th day of i"Uy, Wm, tl It 's li t m . In fmnt nf th in the ti.trtl of Marnhvillr, N. ., to mII for raa-h to the hirhem Mii.ler, eer1lit Urttl In the Mill town of Mu hlliet tln(r Pr of the 1ih cfnevesi o Kllett l.ltnly )r J. I.liiffy h WhI reiatiV(i In U, fkBKe iVO. In It of fl e of the Ki-ltrr f Ikeesin l'nion ountr. ml In-1 ft the html known n1 rte-lnofl m tnnii ut ijii of her hmI rorty, mmie tiy A. Hm. Biirvet or, lot No. I to V nr1 Son. t hi M. all of -mt't Mi heinf of the illmcn-iima of th feet hy 1JH feet, ami -rrl ti ta hoe 19 to m InrHiiive, Iwlim hound Ivj Tratle trm, Naitre A .V tanil. fW-e.mii teee aiol (V Valaer'ai lnl.rM tne r nro lot ail jottiinir live ,n.1 laiMt, nn ''Ti Twit iireel wiU krt Mo. i Tlii Altril , h'M i A. inmrR, Cbnrlotlet M. C. CoMmi-Mafe-oar. t It h the best investment a farmer can make. It wil! plant your corn, (utilize it, and cover it a, ti e tame time. Take out your pencil, figure the saving of fcitilicr, aJJ the expense of planting the old way, ai d you will have your 1 r i 1 1 almost paid for at the end of the season. The Empire is decidedly the best on the market. No chain attachment; no links to flip or break, and cause you trouble or inconveni ence, but a I'OSITIX i: FORCE r MKI). Ask those who have used it if it is not the best Planter sold. Take one home and try it; if you don't like it, wtj'll refund your money. You neid it now. The Heath-Lee Hardware Co. CtX)OCX)O0Ce3000C UT B. atAUt. THOMAS ). jtlOHE. t I.Sk aSHIItlD. Adams, Jerome & Annfield, ilTCRsnSHT Lil. SICKROE. K.C 1'iai'tire in all the Courts, State and Fc It tal The uiimcen.cnt of ettatel .or tiect-)r,a,!nuuistrtirs a special ty. Careful auJ Jilieeut attcntloa (iitd lu the fore, loture of jmirteajee anj rollrctiua of claims. Wourr oiuej eithout ei-ruie to IrnJer. All utiatiua gtvrn srouipt anj rareiol itti uticn. Olnce ea.t of courthoiua. E. C. WILLIAMS, Attcrnf j ni Ccicselor at Lai, JJONKOE, N. C. I'i a. lit in all t!ie State auJ t'oited tuiti Ci.'Utt. rroiiii.l all. -ili. hi civrn lo collec not. a ar.J Ki'- rral law practice. Wl', in't.i ititrrtstrd iu the settle netit of rstatrs, atlnmtUtiators, exe :l tors, a ti.l nuai.liiio are especially liuti J to rail on tlirtii. l.iiitiiii i J and painstakinr, attrnti. B ill ht- .urn, at a reasonable price, o all lr -,al hnsiiic?g. Otfloe in courllioiiaeoppoiite Clerk' itfie. MONROE, N. C, Solicits the patronage u! the enpleof . Munrue anu luriouiiviinis coinmunity. Calls ant.ert'J id day from Knlith j I1! ut Store; at mi;lit from residence ' on Church street, l b'-ie No. 48. R. 7. LEMMOND, Attornoy-at-Law, practice in all the State and I'sail rl Stalin Courts. Sprriall attention Sin n to the setlli niciil of estates for Gii.o,li.i:i. I.niiiitots and Adminis tratoo, and the collrctnin of claims. Kt.istnallt' chiiri'cs. AIo ai;rnt and Incut alloiiii y lor the 1'antlirr City Home Ciiinpaiiy, from which loans may ln ol l iiui il tin real estate, Offii B one east of M. I.. How Co's store, riii nc No REAL ESTATE OWNERS who have land to sell should list it with us and thereby have it advertised in the newspapers free of rost. liuyin and selling land is our business and we can handle properly which you may have bettt unsuccessful with yourself. We will also collect rents and buy mortgages and judgments on land. Several farms, temporary tracts and town lots on hand for sale on easy terms. t)uit paying rents and buy a home with rent inonty. Will buy fur ourselves ai.y real estate in the county, if for sale at a bargain. a 4a4a4a444 a4 I ROBT. L. STEVENS, ; iUjrcej and Coonsellor-it-Laf, i M.;.'.t, s. c. I Prompt attention rjvcti to all mat. lers placed in our hands. I MaiKic.rim-tit d mtiites fur cuard- iaiiii, Biliiiiuisti atuis and eierutors a j ic( i.ilty. ll.arers ri-anonal le. I Oilier east of C'ntu tlinusc, (formerly J occupieil hy the late l. A. Coviticton.) People's BanI OK MONKOE, N. C, I Solicits your arcutint and I ankine, 1 hiisiiKsa. We etmrantpp Ai;,t M'TE SKCI KI1V, moiii'Iiii's and all the airoiiinioil.ilioiis SOLND haulo lot; will .1 of. liit real paid, ac C'll lllic to ooirrinrul, oil drpotiils left for our stated period. Always ready for Icat s on apptuvrd paper. I O. I', HEATH, President. r I A. STEVENS, M. DT M"NH K, N. C. ! Calls at '.vcrcil iu il.iy fiolil English )itii; Store; t ni;lit limn room over , EiikIisIi Ii tic Stoic, phone yS. Olttce ' over post ollur; plume 9S, Union Real Estate Co. f Office: kmMU Williams. E. C. WlLUoMS, Manager. aa444 . Os'OsMsaOsOstKOste'S0 0 CXa0 C 0-0'C O's0'00 Your Hesi hence May not contain the latest stylo Furniture that you would like for both beauty and use, and, if not, it will pay you to exanne our line of China Closets, Side-boards, Extension Tables, Chairs, Suits and Single Pieces of all kinds. We can make you prices on these goods that will interest you. T. P. DILLON, Furniture Dealer anil Funeral Director. Store Phone 7; Residence Phone M. H. D. Stewart, M. D., HO.Mi.IK. I,. C. j Calls pi 'tnptly nnsuvri'd in day from Houston's lime Stnri ; at uighl from residence 011 Colh ee Stiert. I Oilier in l iti;eraiil I'mlding, J Utliic linut 1 1 lo li, A. M. Phone 1 4 1 . JOHN P. MONROE, M. D., I MONROE.N.O. 1 Day calls answered fiom Houston's 1 drtiK sh re and olli. c, 'phone Niijht fiotn Ciiiotiii ti i il Hotel, 'plinne Jji, V. B. HOUSTON, 1 SURG RON DENTIST, ' Ofhce up stairs, hilciald ISuildiiig, I Northwest ol Couithouse, I Monroe, N, C. I v K U. KfJuitie. A. M. Stack REDWINE & STACK. Affarirys-al- Law, MONKOE, N. C. Tracttce in all the Slate and Feder al Court. Will manage estates for Executors, Administrators and Guar dian, for reasonable pay; and will foreclose mortrnori and negotiate loans u itlwinl evneiice lo Mnrteapeea I I I ut..n nP.nii..l.l. ailU l.l'.ll. J 1.,-llu. is.nncii fi.i ui.ui.i Offices Northwestern rooms, first door. Courthouse. DR. B. C. REDFEARN,t assa a4 C. B W EBB, Pre. T i. KAHE, Vk- l'roa. K. L. KLAN1UAM, Hec. and Trraa. Carolina Marble & Granite Co., -INCORPORATED Jat rC-N:''it.4-5.''r i.-n Special Designs in Marblo and Granite Monuments, Tombstones, Monu ments, Iron Fences, Etc. We have just received our first car of Marble, con sisting of a real nice line of finished Monuments, Tablets, etc., and cordially invite anyone in need of work in our line to call around at our yard and we will take pleasure iu quoting prices. It shall be our aim to do first-class work and at the very lowest prices. Remember we guarantee entire satisfaction and have come amonir you to stay.and all we ask is to be sure and see us before you buy. Respectfully, J. E. EFIRD, Mgr., Monroe, N. C. Yards at Stateiville, Salisbury, North Wilke.boro, & Monroe, N.C Charges leasonahle Satinfac lion guar auteed, eoverf MONROE, N. 0. Will he at oftridiville, N.C, on firs and third Mondays of each month, and, al Matthews on aei-oliil and fourth Mondays. Phone lit M. L. FLOW, Cocimlfsloner of Dtls fur South Carolina, North Carol u: also I Justice of tlM Peacs fur Union Cotinij, and HoUrj Public fur Nortli Carolioa. :-: :-: Special altcnlion civen to takiuf Af fidavits, A, knoa Icilli nient or Proof ol Deeds, Mortices, Contiacls, Hills of Sale, Powers of Attorney, Kenuncia lions of Dower and Inheritance, Dep csitions, Wilting and I'ruhating Deed Morli;ai:e and all other papers, irsuiud State Waiianli, Claim and Deliiei J and Atlarlimetit papers, Civil Sum mons and the Collection ol Claims. Office at M. L. Plow Co.'i SlorsJ east of courthouse, Monroe, N.C. Stock Horse! I have bought (tie P. W. Plylrf rtozk In rse ami will keep him I my stables in Monroe, (old On bum Hand.) this fpni'?. II. A WINCHESTER I Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic I has ttoo4 the test 23 years. Averago AiumuI Sales over One m4 a HalfMHfioa botUe. Doet this rcord of merit aripeal to you ? No Care, No Pay. 50c l f rtea wl mry oaH ts Ts tea, isictait. ff Crov'l SUcs: Hoot. Uvsr Way T aTaTMsaTaTatatasTMsssssssssssssstassM