THE MONROE JOURNAL , . ry nj VOLUME X. NO 12 MONROE, N. O, TUESDAY APRIL 21. 1003 One Dollar a Year AmA Af CLEVELAND SPEAKS ON THE friitiuieut and cmdiirt..f the leadings STAItUED THEIR COMKADE. I NEURO Ol E5TI0N. of on. i public () pinion What Is He After? Considering Hut there are few bears and no delegates in the Yel lowstone Park, The ltichiuond . Times-IMspach is wondering w hat lasci nation it can possibly hold fur the I 'resilient. f r hi in. , and and reNiiible white meo of, At a cluirt h mtctiug last night. , the 8oUlb, itiii III oil the numtet;- Italian r,Minlrrf.-;ier Arn-trd (or Mr. J. Pallcison, rcl.rrihi; to this L Says That Those Who Stand Next ' m ,,f kin,ll '" l"'1,l,f"1 ''-J"' ! Double Crime.. J ",'T '" 'J'."'1" ,lu! "1 - , oil their part towards lhceiu their: v..,i 1....-I.... i ,1, """en made aeaiest mi s, said Z : ' . U" , . .7 ni:dt.hoMi.1.:,hl.Hl Ihe.r aid Kihl .. , cud. of gang known ,hi" 'f llie rhiin-h umt I weight, ana mat All Outside and encouragement. !j jp.,,,, r tlie l ulled Stat.-s ' 1'rcparcd to M ind by their pas , Co-Operation Must He in Accord- "I need waste no I iuie in detail- !M11.i service ihe 1110 -t d.uier- "r- I mis and de.iirr.ile I.. I i,l Italian! The writer of the auouj iiious let Judge Boyd Approves the Watt. Bill. anc With the View of the lug the evidence that the sai.l en Southern leople Who Have 'U''""" heeu gen ... ... ., . enuly fortUv.iuiing. Staggered Alone tor ears I'nder, ' . ... tl IIA I KM l lltr. MiKW the Weight of the White Man'. Burden. The 11114 timely, significant and usclill expression 011 the iM-gro;allli j,,,.,.,.- ittt 1111 1 it ai ivuir 11 uiii it Northern tongue huh Um war, was m-tila lit I !tkkia i Mail at 1 mul its. a Judge IU,yd in hi. charge to the 'h H.k , Vpw fc ,, grand jury at -rwisboro last V'Man lu.tin! MlX , ,,e inter- coiuuicimeu me vvuusoiu. juuirr l. i...i. i-..i,;.,i. .,. '1 do not know bow it may he with other northern friends of the counterfeiter ill this section of the "' r. ferenee to the Itev. Mr. ,1r. Hale Wanted at Olive Branch. rt.rT-...!rii-r .f li Kvcivthing we'll- to lie happy and gav this heautilul rin day. How (Mil one help fi.iiii l-ing hap py "Midi" a lovely wasou! Sum the May M!iivh;ne will tlood tlx earth with glory. ",' walk 1 1ll oil-li the sweet .i!le. where the sunshine lavs a gold on the swori or ksmsfkt i.i:e- 'KAXLS PROPER KIT 1 1 ' - i I ' I . I 1 0.1, . ; i . - . i I t : s. PLEASING J tea ronntry, wen arreMed tonight iu,s,!,'r' Hie slums, hut Vines', ,,,. uli e w.uni mth w in.! this ritv as Ihe murderers of the " " "'" iiai lii:iiar.i man wlnwe ImI with thirteen Mali! ud " ' """ke it pnl.lie. WoiiiiiU in Ihe lieek Wits foniul Ve nepro, hut I have faith in Ihe honor ;l rday moriiinB tightly paekeil in Uoyd lias heeu represented an con deiuuing the uew law in li is charge, hut it la untrue. Mr. Jefferson'. Birthday Htrhntoaa Tnv.liiatrh. The fine old American eutleman wha ''xle an old b ay hack mare iulo WushiiiL'ton city ami leit her .tundim; tied to a hitchinj; poM while he wiw beiui; inaugurated President of the I'uited Stales would have been one hundred and fifty nine years old had he held out until yesterday. The Time to Judge Him, tUltiirli Tiutt-. If you would measure the real strength of a man's character, see how he behave himself when he fails in his effort for promotion It is easy to lie clever and lilierul when success and prosiieritv is present, but lieu failure and dis appointment appears, tlieu comes the real test. The Man Who I. Hitting the Trusts. Antfltt-SatMll. It remained for "a tool of the trusts," Attorney (icneral Knox, a law yer w ho had been chief of coun sel in form inn many of these trusts, and for w hose appointment as at torney general 1'resiilent Hoosevelt has I -eeii much criticised, to put in motion the nnu'liiucry of the law to destroy them, Again Need Gladstone. I'lurlly X rhll.ln-ii. What could lie more beautiful than the tirand Did Man, with the bin den of a great government rest ing on his shoulders, turning aside from the cares of stale and kneeling down with a couple of boys to ask the Lord to give them stronlli to resist temptation. How deeply tireut Itritaiu mills (Hailstone to day! A Case of Tax Dodging. A-lit-tr" Courier. Then are others beside, corpor ations that should lie classed occa sionally as tax dodgers. We It now of 11 tract of about KID acres of laud oil' of which the owner has sold in the last year alxiut f"00 worth of timlsT and recently refused fJ.Vl for the timber remaining on (he land; yet this tract of land is on the tax books assessed at $100. Muppose the assessors were to raise the valuation of this tract to or $1 per acre, in the ncighlMirhood of its true value, there would be a howl in thai man's household. Fighting Spirit Disappeared- From the interviews given out before the meeting of the licpuhli ean Stale executive Committee in (Jrcciisbom last week, you would have thought son in-law Uollins would have had a tough light be fore he secured the mantle of fa ther in-law I'ritchard. Various prominent Republicans talked loudly of what they would do and what would happen; but when they got to (ireenslsiro, all their light ing spirit disapeared. They heard a voice and followed its dictation without the semblance of a kick. Easter and Spring. Sunli-y Knttrpri. Easier has come again, declaring afresh the progress and perpetuity of human lire. It must have been a part of the plan of the ages, that this treat test ival should come in spring time, when all the world is full of life. As nature, backed by the spirit of life, cannot remain dead after the blasts of wiuter have ceased to blow, so the human life after it has become partaker of the divine nature refuses to be subject to the lord of death. Such a char acter as Jesus Christ could go into the grave, but "ho could not be holdeu of it." Oentlemen Never Proclaim Them selves. ChrlitU'OIwnrr. There are professions and pro fessions, but gentility is hardly among theui. Being a gentleman is something that come, naturally to a mail or doesn't come at all. To a degree it is in the blood yes, but there are many gentlemen that were low born. And the best proof that a man is one is not always found iu his declaration. In this towu, not many mouths ago, a lewd fellow of the baser sort, a married man at that, being ordered by the head of the family out of a house which he had iuvadwl with an 11 licit purpose, was at pain, to as snrc. the landlord, just before shoot ins bim to death, that he, the mur derer, was a '-entleman." The term has liccouie very cheap. It Is found these days iu the months of all sorts of call lo wheu they get started talking about themselves. The nuiu who is one doesn't need to proclaim the faetjaud he who lays claim, iu words, upon tne u tie, cast, doubt upon his right to it From Over the State. 1 :.. ... .... I I... - f the res,,,,!,!. lrre. , the corner of Kleventh l'l'. J. ? w hite people of the South in thrir jtlrcet and Avenue I. 3 llieiieau man, aitiioiiL'li not veil itiaucii couwy isiuuen iiisiuiiieo known hv name, was a nieiniier of .overt he stink law, and hoiis- have the gang, and for davs before his, bceu fired into oa account of It relations with the negro and his improvement and well being. They do not Itelieve iu the social eoiial negro school at Tuskcgee, Ala. Mr. nevciand said: "1 have come here tonight as a siencere friend of the negro; and 1 should tie very sorry to suppose that my good and regular standing in such company needed support at this late day either from certificate or confession of faith. Inasmuch, however, as there may le differ ence of thought and of scntiineut among those who profess to "tie friends of the negro, I desire to de clare myself as lielongiug to the I Looker Washington Tuskcgee sec tion of the organization. I believe that the days of I'ncle Tom's Cabin are past. I believe that neither the deem- that made the slaves free, nor the enactment that sud denly invested them w ith the right of citizenship any mine purged them of their racial tintl slavery bred impel feci ions anil deficiencies than it changed the color of their skin. I lielieve that among the nearly nine millions of negroes who have been intermixed with our citizenship, there is still a grievous timoniitof ignorance, a sad amount of viciousness and a trem endous amount of laziness and thrittlcssuess. I lielieve that tln -e conditions inexorable present to the white people of the I'liited States, to each iu his environment and under the mandate of good citizenship, a problem, which neither enlightened self interest nor Ihe higher motive of human sympathy will icrmit them lo put aside. I lielieve our lellow country men in the Southern and late slave, holding States, surrounded by about nine tenths, or nearly eight million of tliis entire negro popul ation, and w ho regard their milieu ial prosperity, their peace and even Ihe safety of their civilization, interwoven with the negro problem are entitled to the utmost con siderate n rim! sympathy ami fellowship. I am thoroughly con vinccd that the ctl'orts of Hooker Washington, and Ihe methods of Tuskcgee Institute point the way to a safe and hcncllcctit solution of the vexatious negro problem ut Ihe South; and I know that the good people ut the North, who have aided these cIToit and methods have illustrated the highest and hcsLcitijtcnship and the most Chris tian and enlightened philanthropy. I cannot, however, keep out of my mind tonight, the thought that with all we of the North may do, the realization of our hopes for the negro, must alter all, mainly de pend, except so far as it rests with the negroes themselves, upon the A Great Sensation. There was big sensation iu Ijffbvillc, lnd., when W. II. Brown of that place, who was expected lo die.had his life saved by Dr. King's New Discovery for onsu nipt ion. lie writes: "I endured insufferable agonies from Ashma.but your New Discovery gave me immediate re lief and soon thereafter affected a complete cure.'' Similar cures of consumption, pneumonia, bronchi, tis and grip are numerous. It's the peerless remedy for all throat and lung troubles. Trice fi()c. and f 1. Guaranteed by Kuglish Drug Co. Trial bottles free. ity of the race, and they make uoi death was closely shadowed by false pretense in regard to it. That thirl docs not grow out of haired of the negro is very plain. It seems to me that there is abundant sentiment and abundant behavior among the Southern whites towards the negro, to make us doubt justice of charging this denial of social equality to prejudice, as we usually ll.ol.lMt-ltlil tliA tm-.i-l,l l't,l li!llut it is born out of somothiiig so nine h'the deeper and more imperious than prejudice as lo amount to n racial instinct. Whatever it is, let lis re member that it has condoned Ihe negro's share in the humiliations and sHiliation of the white men of the South during the saturnalia of reconstruction days, and has allowed a kindly feeling for the negro to survive the time wheu the South was deluded hv a perilous flood of indiscriminate, unintelli gent and blighting negro sull'rage. halever it is let ns try lo lie tolerant and considerate of the feelings and even prejudiced racial instinct of our white fellow country men of the South, who iu the solu tion of the negio problem, Is-arthe heat ol the dav and starrer under the weight of the white man's bur den. "There are, however, other con siderations relative to the features of ihe negro question, which may 1st regarded as more in keeping with the objects and purposes of this occasion. As friends of the negro, fully believing hi the pos sibility of his improvement and advancement and sincerely and eimliilently laboring lo that end, it is lolly for use to ignore the impor tance of the ungrudging co opera tion on the part of the white peo ple of Ihe South iu this work. LiUir as we w ill, those who do the lifting ol the weight must be those who Maud next to it. This co operation cannot lie forced, nor can it lie gained by running counter to Soul hern ideas. Before reaching the question of negroes' full enjoy incut of civic advantages or even of all his privileges there lire iin medialely liefore us and around us questions demanding immediate caif, and there in dealing clV'-ct-ively with those, wecau confidently rely upon the encouragement and assistance of every thoughtful and patriotic citizen of the laud, wher ever he may live ai:d whatever may be his ideas or predilections concerning the more remote phases of the uegro problem. Honker Wash ington in Kiciikiiig on the condi tions and needs of his race has wisely said: " 'It is at the bottom of life we must begin anil not at the top; nor should we permit our grievam-es to overshadow our opportunities.' " "In slimming up the whole mat ter, there is one thing of which we can lie absolully certain. When we see Tuskcgee Institute and oth ers like it. striving for the mental and manual education of the negro at Ihe South, we are in every point of view rendering him theliest pos sibles service." secret serv ice agents under the or tiers of William S. Klvnii, chief of the local bureau, who for some time hail planned a wholesale round up of the Italian counter feiters in the cast. The all rout to Miss Alice Himm-vcI) is a mem In-rof a house uutv at Hiltmore, Mr. (ieo. VunderhiU's North Caro I ma palace. Mr. II. M. Cates of Orange coun ty, who died recently, beq neat lied his comrades which brought upon Waki Korest College in hi. will hnn Ihe sentence of death is, like the name of the man himself, still a secret locked up in the breasts of gang. The prisoners, all ol j nateit r..r mayor of ilimugton hist r i.noo. Mr. t ales was an aliimuus of the college. William K. Springer was nomi If Ashcraft's Eureka Liniment This Liniment will remove spavin, splint, ringbones, and all cartilagi nous growths, wncn applied in the ear lier stages of the disease, and will re lieve the lameness even in chronic cases. One of the most common lamc- tPAvm. nesJ among horses and mules is sprain of tire back tendon, caused by over-loading or hard driving. Ashcraft's Liniment is a never-failing remedy. The Liniment is also extensively used for chronic rheumatism and for all kinds of stiff joints. For scratches Ashcraft's Eureka Liniment is with out an equal. A few applications is all that is necessary to cure this dis ease in its worst form. Owing to the& wonderful anti- crc. septic qualities, the Eureka Lini ment should be used in the treat ment of all tumors and sores where croud flesh is present. It is both healing and cleansing, entirely de stroying all parasites and putre faction. This Liniment acts as counter-irritant and stimulant. Price 50c. bottle. Sold by English Drug Company f4 Campaign For Better Schools- Kulrlitti N' " Lrlt'-r. Kvervliody will recall the fact that the work for the public schools, particularly for the rural schools last year, exceeded anything ever liefore known in North Carolina. Airaiu this year the Southern Kilu- cation Board w ill lend a hand, will put in money, and will caiivus-ithe State from end to end in Ihe inter est of school improvement, locitl taxation and nid of rural schools, and all oilier things which will ad vance the interests of the latter. Some of the brightest men in the State have consented to take the stump for this grvit cause, mining these being Congressman John II. Small and Kx -lioveriior Jarvis, each giving nn entire mouth of his time. There will also be large meetings of influential women to promote the movement Tor the im provement and Ix-aiitifying of rural school houses, most of winch, are the most unlovely places iinagi uable In Praise of Plowing. Henry I). What noble work is plowing, with the broad and solid earth for material, the ox for felhiw-lalwrer, and the simple but ellicicnt plow for tool. Work that is not done in any shop iu a crumped positiou, work that tells, that concerns all men, which Ihe sun shines and the rain falls on, and the birds sings over. You turu over the whole vegetable mold, expose how many grill, and put a new aspect on the face of Ihe earth J It comes pretty near to making a world; redeem ing a swamp does, at any rate. A plowman, we all know, w hist leu as he drives his team afield. whom were a lined with huge revol vers and wicked looking knives, maintained an attitude of silent, sullen defiance after I hey were locked up, mid no iimoiini of per suasion could get a wonl out of them. The secret service men think that they were actual witnesses of the meeting at which the sentence ol death on this man was pronounced, for Monday uighl there was a con ference of several members of the gang now iu custody iu the rear of the butcher shop of l.ila l.ailuc. at III Stanton Must. Seeret service ofliccrs wele watching the gang. T!ic dead man was there, hut while the others conversed iu low tones in the store the who wasallei' wards killed stisid alone in front ol the store, lie may or may not have known that the men a few feet from him were discussing his death. 1 1. any event, within a short lime afterward he went away with two other ineiiiU-is of the gang who joined him at Ihecoiiclii siou of the conference. The secret servicemen lielieve two men were appointed to do the killing. There may have liccii others iu it, hut the ageuls think these two men spent Ihe night with the victim, and at a time arranged at the cnnleiciicc took him ton convenient spot and cut him to death. When arrested they did not gel a chance to put up a fight, for the detectives out iiiitulicrcd them, and knowing the character of Ihe men handled them very roughly. Threatening the Preachers. A-Ilrvllk- hl-l-tit.-li. Mih. W. M. Vines, pastor of Ihe First Baptist church of this citv, and president of the A nil Saloon ague, yesterday received an iiuonvmous letter threatening him with harm if he docs not cease agi tation against disorderly houses. The letler is supposed to have been writteu hv an inmate of one ol these houses, and reads: "licv. W. M. N ines: Isecinlhe papers every day that you preach ers are doing everything you can to break up our dens, as you call them. Now I just want to sav to you (hat we don't bother yon nor your churches, ami all Unit we ask of you is to let us alone. We have disgraced ourselves and can t mar ry uuylsHly Is-tter than ourselves; therefore we have lo live, and now I say lo you that if you do break us up mid e.iuse us to leave our homes oil w ill 1m- lelt iu the same tix. "Now I just w ant lo say to yon this, that if you don't let us alone you will regret it as long nn you live. Some of us are just mean enough to do anything to get even, mid if we have to leave you may lisik out for trouble, for it is laid up for you." Mr. Vines said that he did not doubt the genuineness of the letter, and thought it was written by an ignorant woman. The preacher slid today that he had received a letler from a tucnilier of his congre gation putting him on his guard iiL'iiinst attacks on account of his utterances against law-breakers uiid saloons, and to licwarc of traps laid If a cily mail owns a garden twelve feet square what lie d.iesa't know about farming Uu t worth kn riug. .,- McnolOoK Timbers of oak keep the old homestead standing through the years. It pays to use the right stuff. "Men of oak" are men in rugged health, men whose bodies are made of the sound est materials. Childhood is the time to lay the foundation for a sturdy con stitution that will last for years. Scott's Emulsion is the right stuff. Scott's Emulsion stimulates the growing powers of children, helps them build a firm foundation for a sturdy consti tution. Sand for fre sample. SCOTT av BOWNE, Chamlttw. 409-418 Pwart BtrMU . Nv York. BOe. and .I.OOl all druaalsta. Thursday, his opponent being lion. A. M. Waddell. who has Ihs-ii mayor since the revolution w hich drove out the negroes and licpuh lieans in l-V'.s. Henry McCain, a telephone line nan at Durham, fell a distance of :;o fiH-t from the lop of a pole to a stone pav ement. He fell headlong, but turned a complete somersault and caught on his lcc and was nol seriously hurt. The colored citizens of Newls-rn held a baptism Sunday in which all prev ious records were broken as to the nuinls-r baptized. Then were over I.n candidates for iin incision and it is estimated 5.0(10 w itucs-cd the baptism Frank and I. m y llnlline and their father were tried at lieidsv ille last week lor concealing ifroo which Ihe woman had found in the road. Frank, who was proven to have made a tool of hit fit her mid sister, wiis given six veal's, the old man one year, ami Lucy was dismissed. The relatives of Cupl. Henry C, (i.irrell, who was killed at the bat tie of Seven Pines iu Ini!' have just had returned lo theui from Massachusetts a gold watch, which was taken from dipt, tiorrell's dead body alter the battle. Mr. .1. II. I'arrisof i reciisboro, nephew of the dead soldier, comes into pos session of the watch. Items From Anson. Mr iu:,. mul lnl linit'iiri'i. J, II. Trav or, w ho was convicted iu the SuHrior Court of this county in lliol of cracking a safe ut Mor veil, and who w as sentenced to ten years in the penitentiary, made his escape from a convict camp near llillsbnro last Friday. During a hard shower last Mon day morning an old shelter fell on Miss Vic Thrcalt, who is a daugh ter of Mr. Thus. Threat t of While' Store township, painfully iiijuiing her. Miss Thrcalt had gone under Ihe shelter to look after a young calf when the accident occurred. It was at fust thought she had been killed, hut she soon revived and is now getting on very well. Mr. Willie Kaylield, who lives just across Ihe line in South Caro lina, passed through Wadesboroon his way home from Charlotte, where he had liccii iu a hospital for the purpose of having one of his legs amputated. Mr. Bayfield in jured his leg about twelve mouths ago mid cancer of the bone set in, making amputation of the limb necessary, llie operation was en tirely successful. Bra Fife in a New Role- Shiti'.i llli-'-k. Key. W. P. Fife, known as the "drummer evangelist," w ho form erly did considerable business in his line in North Carolina and who held a meeting in Slatesville about n dozen years ago, has blossomed out us a dealer in mining stock iu Texas. File is a North Carolinian and after he took lo preaching he worked this part of the country for all there was in il mid then drifted West. For some time he has licen holding meetings iu Texas, dently the evangelistic business isn't as good ns it once was, for Mr Fife ami his son, Will, have est ah- Fsheil a business in San Antonio, Texas, under Ihe name and style of the Fife Investment Company. : their object lieing to sell mining stocks lo enrich their customers. It is explained, by the way, that Mr. Fife has stopped preaching on account nf his throat, physicians have ordered In in lostop, etc. liev Dr. J. C. Howe, of the Methodist Church, used to say that whenever a preacher gets to making money or thinking more about making money than he does about his cal ling, forthwith he HUlUys an attack of throat trouble and has to quit preaching. It is probable (hat Mr, Fi fe, hav i ng made al I he could onto! the evangelistic business, found it expcudiciit to change his calling and the throat trouble thus came In handy. Makes a Clean Sw eep. There', nothing like doing thing thoroughly. Of all the salve you ever heard of llucklcn s Ami ea Sidve is the best. It sweeps away and cures burns, sores, cuts, bruises, bolls, ulcers, skiu erup lions and piles. It's only '-'.V. and guaranteed to give satisfaction by kDgli&b Drug Co. gently sways the dairies, and llie laik'ssoiig is like a silver) water fall in the sky. 'Tis pleasant while strolling to hear the music of the gentle linsie as it comes softly murmuring through the soli green leaves. I lur hearts should all go up ill praise to Him who dwelleth on high, whose merries arc !"' '"an ifold. The health of our ilhige is very good, tilad to say our physician, Dr. . H. Smith, has some time for pleasure and smrt. We have an interesting Sunday school. Mrs. X. C. Hasty was on the sick list last Sunday. Mr. Frank Uaiicom and family of Salisbury are visiting his father, Mr. liiley Biucom of this plats'. .Miss ,iigie Mnclair Is spen.iing sometime at Norwood. Mr. ami Mis. K. (i. t faddy have returned home from a visit to their daughter, Mrs. Kirk of Palmer ville. The leu davs' lessons in vocal iiiu-ic did our young people good, "lis erv sweet to listen to the songs us they float on the air and lie away. The scenery at Olive Branch is grand, indeed. We are looking and anxiously awaiting Mr. Hale of .Monroe to come down and pho tograph some of the licautilul scenes. We know he will irive sat isfactioii and justice. Dr. J. I Bust's health is lieltcr hau usual. Mr. Adam tireen's family's fu neral will 1m- preached by licv. A. I'. Davis next Sunday at 1 1 o'clock. Much success to The Monroe loiirual and its subscribers. A FlitDMi. A Thoughtful Man. M. M. Austin of Winchester, lnd., knew w hat to do iu the hour if need. His wife had such an uu- usual ease of stomach and liver trouble physicians could not help her. He thought ol ami tried Dr. King's New Life Pills and she got ief at once and w as finally cured. Duly '.'."ic. at Kuglish Drug Co' a, The Country at Large. The legislature of Pennsylvania has just passed a law which appro priates ii i,, iiio.oi mi lor improving! mil building roads. t Beaumont, Texas, hisf week. ;i careless workman kicked over a imp w hich started a lire that de stroyed ril.oiiii.iMKiof proM-rty and broke up live oil companies. mob ut Jopliu, Mo., took an unknown negro tramp from jail and hanged him from a telephone pole. I he negro had shot and led a policeman who was trying to arrest several negroes suspected nf theft. l!cv. Dr. Milburn, for years past aplaiu of the United Stales Sen ile, ami a lecturer of wide reputa tion, has just died while on a visit iu t'illil'oi nia. He lost his sight at the aire of five years and was know n us the blind preacher. t Shrevcport. La., a white wo man, Mrs. .Matl hews, was killed and her little daughter almost killed. Reasonable suspicion fell upon a negro, w ho was caught and lynched. It allerwards turned out that the murder had liccu com mitted by a white man, probably Mrs. Matthews' own brother-in-law. i i ii j -1- i ' .'. !, I - - I n ! - - -. ,-. '. . i..' , Why .Men V.arry. i I-. Km-. An editor sent out circular let ters to a large number of married men, and :c-kisl tlieiu why they married. Here arc some of the answered: I didn't intend to do it. licence I dn! not have the ex perience I have now. That's what I've Ix-en trying for eleven Jeiil-s lo liud out. I thought it Mould In- eheaper than a breach of promise suit. Thai's the Mine fool question my fi ie mis ask me. 1 wanted a eoiiiiuioii nf the op posite sex. N. U.-She i still op. posite. I was lonely and melancholy and wanted some one to inaUc me live ly. She makes ine very lively. "Struith and viii -r c unc of ? K'd food, duly digcfti. I. 'F.irce,' a readv-t ) s ive wheat and barky fax!, adds n : burden, hut sustains, iU'wishis, invigorates." To Cure a Cold in one Day Tak.- Laxative Ur an Oiiiiiine Tabids. All ill 'it:i;isLs r, imul llir money it it tails to i-tire. K. W. Iliove's sis'H'i tin c is on cue ii Imx. .-s ti:il, Men who spend the most of their time sitting aronml saloons are sol iloui able to stand prosperity. A man would almost rather be married toauy woman lliantohnvc to do business w ith her, ' Crippled Operator of a Blind Tiger. A remaikdMe arrest was made ise.r C'lllinsville, Polk county, !jst wi ik, in the person of Nancy dobirt. She was charged with ut.u'ing wlii-key and acknowl- jvicJ that she was guilty and luJ j U-en f ) engaged far many years. Nic has been unable to walk a 1 step I t 22 years. When she lost the use of her 1 ivvir limbs she was told that she cotiK! make a living selling whis key ur I that being badly crippled she tteulj never be molested, and being in greatly straitened circumstances she promptly acted upon this advice. She perhaps would not have j found herself in the meshes of the j law had she not commenced re cently to sell on Sunday and ! drinking nun began to meet at her luue on that dav, get drunk ! ,md disturb the quiet of the neigh- bcuhord. This lead to her being repi rtt-J to the revenue authori i ties and to her arrest by Deputy ' Marshal T. C Israel of Itender- son ville. When the commission er. Col. J. A. Thorn, learned of her condition he sent the marshal ; to her home. She admitted her guilt and promised not to violate the law in this respect any longer. The commissioner neither sent iier tu jail nor required her to give bond, but reported the case to ; I'nitcd States District Attorney II -It hi. Notwithstanding her , helpless condition she has for : many years crawled on her hands and knees and cultivated her gar- den and raised all the vegetables she needed. She owns a small farm. j The dev il gets big dividends out of anv venture he goes into. One can get a point from almost any paper and several from paper of pins. sysy sysy sysysy sy sysy WWWW i Drink Euvita, The- now fountain diink that is just thi thing. It makes you A 'eel goo,), because it banishes all your troubles, and makes you glad you are living, l'uvita is non-alcoholic and non- stimulating. It is one of the greatest digestion aiders on a earth. You ran cat what you want and as much as you want Y and never be troubled w ith indigestion if you drink Huvita. It is not a diug, but a pure wholesome beverage, and equally a as delightful in summer as in winter. Ho who drinks Kuv:ta f drinks health. Don't fail to give it a trial. Five Cents, at 4 C. N. Simpson, Jr.'s Soda Fountain. 4ss4 Established 1873 I ncorporated IQfll $100 Reward, $100 The readers uf this paper will he pleased to learn that tliei e is at lei si one iloadril disease that uricnre has been able to cure in all iin n ml that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Ciur is the only punitive cure now known to llie medical fraternity. Calarih bc;ne. constitutional disease, requires a constitutional tieatineiit. Hall's Ca tarrh Cure is taken internally, aetuiK directly upon the hlood and mucous surfaces ut the system, thrreny de stroying the foundation of tlio disease, and kiviiik the patient stieue.tll by litiildiiif; up the constitution and assist iiig natme in doing its wolk. The proprietors have so much faith in its illative powers, that they offer one llumhrd Dollars lor any case that it fails tu cure. Send for list of testi inoliials. Address, F.J. C11KNKY4 C, Toledo, Ohio. Sold by druggists, 7c. Hall l family pills urtf tho best. Young man, if a girl declines Ihe offer of your heart and hand it is up to you to make her regret the lost opportunity. Robbed the (irave. A startling incident is narrated by John Oliver of Philadelphia as follows: 'i was in an awful eondi thin. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain continually in back and sides, no appetite, growing weaker day by day. Three physicians bad given me up. Then 1 was advised to use Kleetric Hitters; to my great joy, the first bottle made a decided im provenient. I continued their use for three weeks,and am now a well man. I know they- robbed the grave of another victim." Xo one should fail to try them. Only 50 cents, guaranteed, at English Drug to s. Carolina Marble and Granite Comnanu. Our business has been mote than satisfactory since opening in Monroe, and we now have on hand as nice a stock as can be found at any yard in the State. Yc have just received some new and specially handsome designs, and we invite the inspection of all persons needing anything in our line, No grave, however humble, should be allowed to go unmarked. We ran make a job to suit the price you are able to pay. Cull for designs and prices. Carolina Marble and Granite Co., J. F.. i:FIKD, Manner. MONROE, N. C. Yards at Slatesville, Salisbury, North Wilkcsboro, and Monroe. The Savings. Loan ana Trust 60., MONROE, N, C. Office in Dillon's Furniture Buildine, directly south of and fronting the Courthouse, Organized under the laws of the State of North Carolina. Officers: R, B. Rodwino, Pros i dent; J. M. Bolk, Vice-Prei.; F. H. Wolfs, Cashier. Directors: J. M. Bolk, A. W. Heath, A. J. Price, J. I. Orr, O. S. Loo, Dr. J. B. Eubanks, R. B. Redwine, J. W. Bivens, J. Z. Green. Invites personal and r.tlier accounts large or small subject to check at sight, an J allows interest oa agreemeut. Issues certitiestes uf deposit on which interest ii paid. Acts as agent for municipal and private corporations or individuals. Buys, sells and rents real estate and personal property. Authorized by law to act as Eieeutor, Administrator, Guardian, Agent, etc. Can accept any trust for which an individual is eligible. In trust mailers the company will recognize any reputable member of the bar to which they may be instrumental iu placing io its charge. By this means clients may continue to benefit by the oversight of their owo counsel and at the same tune secure corporate responsibility. Endorses or guarantees the payments o( notes or other obligations. Lends money at all limes on approved security or on laud. Makes bonds for offices, und in crimiual or civil judicial proceedings. Savings Bank feature-deposits iu small sums for saving a specialty. Procures lusus for borrowers and will Bod borrowers for those dtsinog to lend money.

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