THE MONROE JOURNAL f rumi.. G. VI. BEASLEV, R. V. KEASLtV. I Pi SUSVES. TftSDAY AHil 11, i-j. Dogs and Psychology. Tbc letel hradcj and plain (vLto editur of the Statrswllr LauJmark tin Utcly Iti-o Jicumu; (lie JcioirJa tious vi tUe dogs Uhu si. rep, aud uses these anu reuiaila almut leilator ho vu l su fur the du; ! It having bees denuitelysettleJ that Dr. A. M. Ciuitoo Bill adhere to hit Jt trrmiuatioo to leave Uoaror, it is : out out of place for us to sajr a orJ about theettert of "bat bi otk in this cooiiuunity baa beta. The value , tbat a man ho it both strong and consecrated uiiv be to the people atnoog whom be uvea, la oell illus tratcd ia bis stay here, la bis ou rltuicb In oik hat not been to much in drawing large cougirgatious is it has been iu impressing, developing and dirertiug the gromtb of the active membership. But while we may not THE HENDERSON TRAUEDY. i liuiirint ou bi -r.u or rluth:ii(. j Otliot-r l.oN rtxiii was MumliLi; j The New lka lot I"Uy ia consonance wun at name. Rahncs of a iinf Ntfxo Causes rU" ,,v jihl "' the New Idea Woman' Maraice Hi. O.De.tlttat.rf. While Vm',M 7U1,,. ! JL , r My r nnoy oel .k.u4 ma liml, tiiiiikitij; ilimUks . ' . , . Man and the Serious Woundine. lh: , inj)brr ,.m,vr Rbj(, .lecture in drinakioe; and in fury department ol domestic in It oiK-ns with a charmi:!p of A not her -Thought Himself as UuuJ a W hite IVople. Ijt4 vIl' Journal lnmlc mi u (ion of the hiilinj: uf j..licv uicii ly a vmiug inuUlto at 1 1 i-n.i. r miii and the l.tlli-r d.atli at the hantU of tlu olluvrx Tiir folloit in,' .l.-l nl.l urv of l!n all.iir i ' a'"' '" tol.lbr the H.-ii.Uim.ii t.ol.l l aliil 1-tir tun.. liW. the At ilie inclit - foi iii.tmr J.iui. ' "' '"'k elltvt iu the aUl.i Iliiuv. i-..l..iel. look a TvM tve at J Hh-M 'liu. H. an aiimni: the white iwoidr. llm.e "llier m the lu-a.l, !. a mii.hi. And et LegiUtute alter Lria -f - " a w, y ,lih t.iul.ul, ,! ..H. ..neon the ell-ow an.l the ture nirvts, bills are lutr.uced to tai;""" PT'nTf" ",i" , lH,uia -u.silv W lulMakeu for a lute l""r' " " the Mile. Nitli li-ht. All dog and to regulate or contrnl the church aud pastor, we may speak, and. , ,(jlll 1V" anv tlut , ,ii 1 lir. e cinj'l ml tln ir piti.!. !h canine till, hut (lifse measures only in fact, deem it a duty to speak, of j,,,,, nm" . Umli) a n--re "' l!"tn'U IJ hot imii luit exc.IeUvHy audi.w legislators ha.ePr. tro.lous character and wm k as a ...tiuk.t' tli.- man who sold it " an.! that was fatal. I. a natiiA t, e-, .,.. k t )..... I .. really -lull one tli.uU , c,,i"a of "y- does iu.t about it. that a body of law niikeni '"lung that class-all too prevalent b'iouIJ he stii li aniut when ill of preachers who are mere meddleis, comrs t) legilatiuu in repaid to dogs. iuJ ,ose rtuhttul innueuce is pia.ti catly Qitlliiied by their too much and to Lis iK-ath. In- thr- luiiiM'lf I-! waul U'tw.'.-a l!i- two wen. It: tkv turned iiih.ii Uiiu ami 'Htr by Constance rully Mcln aaiu hi it.J lilaeii. the Imllel t) re upon The MarriaKeble Age"; Mrikui): Mr. Iloln rt.vui in the a! , I'nnna A Osbotne writes about .l -uien. i: this time both t rvk New Yotk's Chinatown delight ell :.nd l:..lwrt.u had th. ir ii.ds uVi Kathenne Loui Smith lellt ami Miootitii;. litiHv-, i ,.t i.i,i ci,,. ..i I Utenes-' ; Nancy Hull has "The lavmc Koom" for her theme ; and Kben Kevfotd present GarJea G.isslp" in hi authoritative man ner. AJd.tion to these special featurrs. several department are attractively set lorth, and in sh.Tt still cs an.l verse there is unusual epuallv when it is rvtut-mhered that iu the sheep tmlusti y aloae these d, gs destio. hunJietls of JulUrs' worth ot valuable property every year and pre vent the growth of sheep husbau.liy, which would be a most valuable indus try to the State and would bring much wrillh to our people, not taking into account the eig and other things theyj nesiroy ana ilc iiuiuau lives mey en danger Mom hydrophobia, t alk about nerve' Talk about having the courage to do right! The average legislator has no in ore iieive tliau a chicken when it conies to legis atiou in regard to dogs. We u.sed to think and write ou this subject of dogs and legislators exactly like our conteu.prary ; indeed, we might lay siue reasonable claim tohav- too belittling activity. Ou the con traiy, he is a uian to be sought out, to be enlisted ouly wheu bis efforts are necessary to do some beneficial work when it is shown that he cu peihaps do it lettei than others. A mau of deep coiivictiou, superb moial cour age, aud possessing practical judg incut aud uuescelled common sense, his is a guiding hand iu any undertak ing. Iu the fight fur the repression of iu-nle the tent near the eiiti-amv took In in t I- a white h'Iii it the time. Swn alter Itriiee h .id taken hisseal anions the w lute h-o pie IVIiceiuail l. A. t r.H' H at tilt inn wa ealleil to hi ptesetiiv. I'o! it iii.ui Juliii V. ol it-'U K in lu'.iier to Kline than lie was Otliei-r t'rmkelt dil-eete.l It I tit to I lie li-.t.,i- ov.nne.1 aumt lif !v.nittv Hid superior quality. .l.vnii.M.Mt.Hit!ertei,,.VI.Mk.lm.rvlXe( ,ieJ .,llu.,ns L(fv.r linn Im.i li..utv iilt.,r !! ii. t.a.l juic kiu'MiUwtr. The many the U-eu m.iile to have tin x'.itv and vhowt thai the art w.i deliU rale and preiiiedilated on lnl Miiuu, Escllpe , , CniJ. ;l'i4"- knhw I l'i-nn.-ti A s-eiai tMin ... Lilted from .n front of a fist- .tnu m mniii a a m.iii eotiiii n- tell 111 nee I hat hew a., in the wro.i- ...- wouii.e.. , L,ni Ar,,t,tthl,e . i ...1....1 l ittoro luken lo L,-v ll,.iil:il in 1...I I ' 1 .Miiull an. i a-iv.i ..nil o in. -.. , touched him oil '. whew th.-y w.-ie ..wiatedj tliehoiildertoatlia.-t li!atteiiliou l'n. The wounds in in land mi notified him. Hill, e hesitat- N,-'""'s eiv ol a m-i loll nature ed aud did tint mi-iii 1inm.mi to no lioi ol v w.-iv en move. h. n MM.ken to :ia:aiii lie . lertunied. However, the oiwni kaid he had naid for liis .- at and ''oils wen- ih-i formed, the U.wel he had a riiiht to it, the man ld uie illegal sale oi waisney in mis I ,, , , ,,.,. ...,,. i m,,,.. county, his service has been invalu j frm Utt .viid niii.e, ou know ab'e, and had he dune n.ilhing else j,,h aro a tMi;ro and Jou oii,;lit to lieie, the people of this section would i have jrone . :i the oilier ide with iug bee i a little mote strong on these have been points than he. But we have gotten I 'hat alone, ever that a long time ago. We iinght has made even say that such a change has over-1 this community, his continual debtors for Hut his modest mauliuess l lastillc impression unon ...l i. . !..... I aiu l"1! r'uu .iii.wii.-i, the eolored folks. 1 1 lie same I hue to p t Iwilhoiit having anv telling linn al nil and 'H taken us as to cause us to dubt seri ously whether we had befoie gotten at tin- root ot the matter. We do not uaw think tl .it it is a (Question ot ne. ve or cowal.iu e oil the palt o! legis!at..-ls. It is rather a dittereuce ot poiut of view. l.cgi.-Iation in thi country diesu't go tar liom tl.e hue iiuikcJ out by public sentiment. atiJ public . -pinion iloes not stiav long fiom ttie path ot justice and right. Sv tin iu:es it Uav.s the couise. t be sine. 1 ;.t ere K)iig it makes a tick .m l again the i udder shows a strng!, t in.e. Tins is so Uue that vi Io n ,i in.i;i l-u.U hiiiit if f ir a long time at vau.iuie w,tn .uvepted is time b r bun to rvamine Lis own jut ni;s-i. N w. ail tbis I. as to ,!o with tl.e j;u-!i.!;i at i-sne ruly in tins resj ec t. It 1 i :i:g gi ni'ially an accepted Leiiet that Hie people as a whole get in ,ie roll, I Its ,;;t ot il gs than from sl.ce;, t;;ev pifer to have dogs without let, In o.h . lit e, or taxes j An 1 so tln-ic is i;o !,miu:i 1 for it-pies ! sive legisUtl ll a.l list tl.e itogs, Tlieie being no ilem.iu.l bn it, legisla tors i ighfi.ily turn their atteutun to ether things. 1 logs, too, ,ue siipp ,sed to he ' " , ;ect ot iitteetum of those ' i liuiite l in their posses - , . .' veihl s goods. AuJtheie by liaiigK .. -' tale whnh the heading ot this aHK,r was intended to suggest. The dog ( wnei is t!u- only pels, u who th:ows l.iiiii It upon the s mpathy uf the legisl iter. All other bilks go down to the Stale capit.d and I ,bbv for what they w:int, I ut the d. g owner, being too poor ta buy a ticket, stavs at home and leln s upon the fidelity of liis lepresentativrs, an 1 no man with: a heart in l.ini is g ung back upon! such ttuti!:g fai'.li. Indeed, the (a,ih; aud abieii.e of the d. g owner bring about a complete revolution in the mind ol tbc .r who has hostile tlu'Ugbtj lowarls the digs. To linn the distant dog ow iter 1 cronies a gen- J tlenoiti ami a scholar ami an humble citiien, whose rights, modest though be his desiies, are not to be interfered with. Aud so the dog, the only uni versal fueiid and companion of mau among the lower animals, is allowed to live his days untioublcd by the tax gatheier. stand for light thinking and honoiable in all the walks of life, high or low, will always be an inspiration to those who have learned lo adinue him. His depaituie is a loss to this town aud county The 5uit Airainst North Carolina. "Those Who Lift the Weight." "Labor as we will, those who bear the weight must stand next to it," In that one homely aud common sense expression Mr. Orover Cleveland set at naught the tuns of sophistry that , f vor ot this Stale. In their argument would be philanthropists of the North I hey scored pretty hard the State of have been printing and speaking ol , South Dakota for allowing its sover Out readers may recall that during the closing davs ot ofhee of ex (..over ! or Kusseil aud ex Senator Hutler. these worthies were said to have hatched up a scheme by which they hoped to foice the State of North Carolina to pay some J.-jo.iKKi, with interest, tor bonds which had beeu fraudulently issued tor laikoad construction in the days of recoiistuctiou, and which bad been te puJiated by the State in tV-i, when the two and a half million debt ciea tod by the negroes and scailawags m isi.'i, was compromised These bonds have been held iu New Yolk for all these yeats and were not woith five cents ou the dollar. N w, u.) one can sue a State, but iu certain cases one State may sue anoth er. The rouspirators planned with the I'opulist senator of South lakota to give that Sute ten of the bonds in or der that it might sue North Carolina in the l ulled States court to compel their payment. The suit was argued in the Supieme court of the l ulled States last week. The argument be gan Monday alternoon, continued dur ' nig the sitting of the court on Tuesday aud was finished Wednesday morning. Mr. Wheeler II. l'eckham and others I of New Vork appealed for the State of South Iakota; ex Senator I'utler aud ex i.ov. Kusseil tor the private bond , holdeis, aud ex Judges Shepherd aud j Meirimoil, Mr. Geo. Kountree and At toruey General Gilmer for North Car olina The Supreme court justices look much inteiest in the case, which is an uuusual one, aud asked many question; ami an uuusual thing was the granting of so much time for argu ment. Oidiiiaiily but four hours is al lowed for argument in a case in that com t. A decision may be reached at this term of the court, or it may not he handed down till next fall. It North Carolina should be compelled to pay all these, bonds, which il not at all certain, the entire amount, with accrued interest, would reach about $1100,000. If the court holds that only those held by South Dakota f 10,000 must be paid, the amouut will be about The counsel for North Carolina are very sure that the decision will be in trouble. -T until I got 1 HIV llliilli v 10 rents- liaek. w.u. Ill lire' reply, and Mlieel' t'roekett , told him he would p-t it tot linn. , Homo to the lady who took up the tickets lie Mated the c.ix- 10 lu-i and she ill tllltilli spoke to the man who sold the ticket. Here 1 funded the money and Uiliivi j t'roekett g'ave it to Hum-, whuiiu 1 liu-ili.itelv pit up and left. Th.s; was done o i-iii kl that it atttai I oil no attention, only a few persoii; who occupied seats elov bj know in-' am linn.' aU'iit it. Tlien- of both U-iiig- bad!) perloiated. Mr. loiU-rtsoii died at !:l."i Knduy Inilit. The lioiiv was bionoht to : II. mil ls,,, ,n 1 he bisl train Satiir ii.iv liioi 111110 ami the luneial wits held that ulti-i'iiooii, the burial lenio at okebuiy. I'.riuv died at :i n'rl.w-k S,iturday tiioi iiitio and the body w.isbroiioht liolile thai 11 lit. the I'lllo tal beiu held from the eoloied I'n sbuerian 1 liuivli al -.'::ll o't-lmk Sunday aitei tbioii. It was an aw I'ul and 1111 r.t iiiiutt" 'criii n ii.-i-, and nude frotu ivsiilt 1 :g iu the death of two men the bitterness and livliiij; ebelidellil by it will nut soon le oiereome. And tin 11 the fal-- and . iini! ioiial loiioits that h.n 0 goi.i abroad hate done the town gn at iiijuiy. lint I'.i m i-liniioht it all tioii I11111 rlf. And til lln- Ih w is nut so nun h to blame, im i hapv. His em nil illsl 111 li.mer. no I'oli-llile i n el incur. 110 evritem.-iil h.iteter and I " "n ut. his em 11 , .11111.1, t. In the oeeiirrvuiv vmhi forp.tleii j "uin-s a.oeiatious hul maile a bt all save llt iire i '""I ''tin and Ins negro hum. in ' In-lead oI l-uiii ' on the oppnMIe , 'oii!d Hot help iism-i I iiij; it side and t.ikui' a ainong' In own M-ope wln-le he U-loned, lln- left the -holt and ralne dou 11 town. He went into 1 l.llllel A. o.' hardware -tore, here lie wa.-ein plot ed 1 he rallied the key , and gut his pl-lol. A tin 1110; hiui-elf he went bark to the -how proiimU and waited lor t Mln els t rorki-tl and Uolieitson In rotne out. W hen the H--'oiiiiaiiee was oter and the i riiwd dlslx-r-ed lliev staved behind In I the negro question for the last quarter century. If any one ot commanding position has ever spoken a clearer word into the Northern tar upon this subject we ha' e never seen it. No one of our readers who is of a thoughtful turn of mind should lad to read what he says. It is in striking contrast to the honied words aud bliuded actions ol Mr. Koosevelt. We are not of those who have writ ten Mr. Cleveland as the greatest American even living. Hut he is a big man, a very big mau, and though at his time of life most men are grum blers or back travellers, he it yet growiug. He is not creative, but be il discerning above all Americans in public life, and when the time comes to take a stand, he doesn't get on a ruck, but becouiei a rock himself, In timeliness, clearness and emphasis no man in the public eye classes bim, and wherever bit limitations lie, ba it too big to be provincial; ha it above sec tionalism, that bane of American statesmanship. Spurning tha horizon of tha narrow-mined, bit vision unbe fogged with the prejudices of sect or section, bit clear eye taket in the hole nation, and he stands today without a rival at the first citizen of tha Republic, tha prophet of patriot ism', tha high priest of real Araeri canism. The famous Jo Jefferson will play Kip Van Winkle in Charlotte on the 2flth. The price of seata ban been fixed at from one to three dollars. eignty to be prostituted by these con spiraturs. Young Man Kills Another. A'hevilh- mi-Is1, Iwth.turliailoltr (tuwrvi-r. A young man named Herren, aged about 22 years, walked into Sheriff Reed's office late this alternoon and surrendered, saying he had killed Charles LSritt on Keem's creek, eight miles from here, to-day. The trouble arose over a woman. It seems that Herren had stated that Hritt and a )Oung woman of Keem's Creek were seen in a compromising po sition. To-day when Hritt and Herren met on the public high way Britt cursed Herren and at tacked him with a knife, where upon Herren drew his revolvet and fired twice, both bullets strik ing Britt directly above the heart. Herren left immediately and came to Asheville to Surrender, leaving Britt lying where he fell as dead. A message from Reem's Creek to night however, says that Britt is still alive, but the chances are that he will die before morning. The families of the men concern ed in the tragedy are prominent in this county. Irish Potatoes. Eight .or ten barrels of Irish potatoes, cheap. Any kind you want, for seed or eating purposes. Come lo see me before yon buy. S. R. Doster. kini; for some one I'm- whom liny had a warrant, thinking he might lie Ii;iiioil' around the show grounds. As the two olliieis r.iiue mil of the show tent Hi lire an o-teil them. AdilressMl t Hlieer t'lm ki It he said he wauled an explanation limit I11111 nlmtit inikiiio 1 1 1 111 iiiom I1lssc.1t. The ollli-er replied Ih it he had no explanat 1011 to in. ike. he was only lining hi duly as an nl:i rer, and that he 1 111 lire 1 knew he was a iii'oro mid knew lie Inn) no business where lie was. Al this Kline U' to 1 II I so anil -hownla disposition o In 1114 011 tloillce. I lorkelt told lloliin-ou to take charge id tin-in in, that he 1I11! not want to hate any fuss with him. Ill nrc 1I1 lied thrin to put thru hand-on I11111. sating that he had lint done ;lliUlillo to Ik- ailv-tri! lor and he would stiim through li 1 before he would he arrested, j at the .same time niovin up rlusrt lo t'rorkrtt in an insolent and threatening- utlitmle. 1 p to this lime uo movement had U-eu nnule to take hold of 111 lire aud no t in Iriiee had liecii resorted lo. "You don't know the dilleieiire lietween a d 11 nig-gi-r mid a nej;ro." said lirucc. "There is 110 dillerenre a far as I know," replied t'roekett, whereupon lli ure cursed him and applied 11 vile epithet w hich is un lit to print even in the form ol ab breviation and dashes. As he did so Bruce luinle a 1110 tiou to draw his pistol. I'roekctt struck him with his billy but he was not close ctioiioh and the force of the lick was not sutliricnt to knock his assailant down 01 pre vrt. I him from using' his pistol. BnngiiiK his weaon into play al most instantaneously, Bruce put the lim.zle ngaiiist t'px kett's l ight breast and tired. The bullet, a 111' calibre, produced only a slight Ihvh wound and was found nlier- ward in bis sock, hat ing- dropped 1 down the leg of his trousers. One I shot passed through the front part ' of his cnit, another cut the end nt the right coat sleeve mid powder I burned the nil!', while still another! passed through the bottom of the vent four shots in -tall leaving their If. He ti lt lllllls. ! I uliotc his own ran- and UJirveil that lie wa- .1- good a- a while man. Ileure he pieleind to take a pi.ue among while people lieu lien- al home when-lie was known. jeiir w lieu ( .entry's dog and pony show was here he ll.ul to Is- nuii.ted ttoin the re-el Veil sect lull among tin-u hitcs. And on thai invasion a- on this he w alked out ot' I he show- 11, -trad of inning and t tking 11 oil 1 1n- other side among lit- ow 11 people. runnim; train by the swirl ot air a blue- eed. Il ixen hair tot of 20 months. was picked up uninjured, except far the loss id a tooth and some scratchts on the face. The engineer of train 1 5, of the Southern Railway, while running at full speed, saw a while object on the track, and thought it was 1 bundle of paper. He was hor rified a second later to see that he was about to crush the life out of a pretty babe. lie brought his train to a stop and backed to the spot, epecting to find a mangled form. To Ins amazement he found the child unhurt save fot the loss of a tooth. To The Public. 1 .1 1 hereby recommend the L'n- loti lenevolrnt Life Insurance mpauy of North Carolina, Un ion Branch, to those who desire sale and cheap insurance as a very di-sir.iblo, and at the same time a safe life insur.inre. I have made application, and also my wife and daughter, for policies in said com pany. M. L. Flow. This is to state that we have applied for polices in The Union Benevolent Life Insurance Coin puny, and we Iieartly recommend the company to those who desire insurance at the lowest possible cost. I Ins is a home company and our people should give it liber il patronage. i. 1'. W. Pi. yi kr, Mks. P P. W. Pli.ek. K. C Williams I want your country produce of i l kinds. Sec nic before you S. K. Doster. lm if Spring Cleaning is good, but it's better w hen followed up w ith a few pieces of Pretty New Furniture. W e can give you any style at a low- figure, and guaran tee it to be the prettiest and mast durable to be had. Look over our stock. T. P. DILLON, Furniture Dealer and Funeral Director. Store Phone 7; Residence Phone R4. gmrnTrirrirnrriTiinriiTiTnTinrn TrmmrirmriiTmniTra IA. LEVY. MKS. A. LEVY. Poorly? " for two yesrs I suffered ter ribly from dyspepsia, witb treat depression, ind was always feeling poorly. I then tried Aver s Sarsa psrilla, and In one week I was a new man." John McOonsId, Philadelphia, Pa. Don't forget that it's "Ayer's" Sarsaparilla that will make you strong and hopeful. Don't waste your time and money by trying some other kind. Use the old, tested, tried, and true Aycr's Sarsapa rilla. SMS alMHs. MSranWa, art fnr 4Mr iMk hi r arWl SrMsrtlls. M ! .te-ut thi. rrf4 IS toMliy mSiiim. ftlbbaMilNH4 WU1 to MU a. c aria Co . Is!. Who Will Lead Tr)is Spring? Why A. Levy, of course. He always does. If you will notice the great work going on at his store you will see that he is opening up the finest stock of Dry Goods, Clothing and Millinery ever brought to Monroe. He has just coma back from the bin Northern riarkets and his foods are now rolling In on every train. The ladles in town and country arc Invited to come In and Inspect our fine lines a dry (roods and millinery, all that the prettiest material and the moot skillful lingers can do for you. And as for clothing everybody knows that Levy's "High Art Clothing" Is the best for fit and wear told In America to-day. All that our friends and customers need to do to get suited with the best foods and carry off the fnest bargains in any of our lines of goods is to come to our store. A. LEVY. -LI1MIIIIIIIIIIIIILIXUXLLLLLL MRS. A. LEVY. I Embroidery Sale, Wednesday Afternoon, 3 o'clock. . it . I tit I hi DON'T FORGET THE HOUR !! More Thai) fifteen ThousaQd Yards of Fine Embroideries and Insertions" in strips of 4 j to 6 yard lengths, worth from 10 to 25 cents per yard, Wednesday after noon at 3 o'clock sharp the entire lot goes on sale at Z ,fc per yard, Lot 2. Few hundred pieces strips and full lengths, 1 () one price for all widths, Big Special SilK Sale. Yard wide Black Taffeta, $1.25 kind, Corded Taffeta Silk, worth double the price, Yard Taffeta Silk, in white, . 98c. 38c. 67e. Onr Millinery Store Represents the brightest thoughts of the foremost de signers of this country, and the way our trimmers are at work shows that we have captured this whole section. Biggest trade we ever had. Now, in order to get your hat in good time, place your order as soon as possible. Crowds are still flocking to BELK BROTHERS Cheapest Store on Earth. fj x"mxmxxxxxxxixxxuxxxxxixxixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxixxxxiix The Best I A Pearo Maker! 1 WhiteStar Office. . i lliXiUXUIIIXIIIIIIIIXIXXXXXXXXXXIXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX m On Earth! 3 WhiteStar 5 Coffee. M TXJtJXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXa This space belongs to Brimer & Huey, c t3 a o on 3 O Originators, and WOT Imitators, r i a c H a o in the grocery business. They use the cash for buying and discounting all grocery bills, and pay the highest cash prices for all kinds of country produce. If you fail to get the highest cash prices it is because you fail to see them. W o v. s H o v O .rl xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: M . . . i a wmte star Coffee s ) ah join in the Has no Equal ! Makes Every m body Happy. axXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXTTtTTTTIXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXIXXIXXXXXXXX same song and sing out for White Star Coffee. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take LaXatlVO BrOlTlO QDinine Tablets. JS (Jj svwMBfcMaoMhMrt i)BKtt. This ilraiainre. HCfr Cws Cris) In Two Days. on every You ma Wall upe's. (rot ice at Phone 36. Cat) if a A Produce Market. The followint, are tha prevailing prices being, paid on tbis market to day, the date of issue of the paper. The market is of coarse subject to fluctuation: Onions, ooe to per bushel. Irish potatoes, (5c to 75c per bushel. Sweet potatoes, 50c to 6jc per ba. Chickens, bens, ajc to 30c each. Chickens, spring, according to site, 15c to jjc each. Eggs, tie to lie per doteo. Guineas, iie to i8e each. Butter, 11SC to 15c per pound. Hams, lie to ijcper pound. Dried apples, 4 He to jc per pound. Dried peacbea, 6c to 8c per pound Cotton: Best 10.00 Nice white kraut at 10 cents a Kalloo at Flow's store. A barrel o( nice Cucumber pickles. S. R. Doster Bring me your scrap Iron. J. D. Parker. Ideal Wedding Presents. Our line of Sterling Silver and Cut Glass is the finest that wc have ever brought to this market. It will do you good to eall and seo the handsome display of goods now on hand. :: :: :-: The W. J. Rudge Co.