THE MONROE JOURNAL district dirrctors, in bis it-port at Kick- WHO'S UOT THE URiNPSlONC? inuoj list crk, says tint the siuall G. U. BF.ASLEY, R. r. BEASLEY. i PlSUSHEtS. TVKSDAY April ;. i. Arp Says Twenty Darkks know But Won't Tell. Atlanta Coustitutiun. Vhnv U iiiv grimltuief Whviv Work of the Southern Education Board. - sura placed at his disposal baa been leut Juriu tb past year in three : holding educational coufer- " races, carrjriug on campaigns for local taution. and in ftxntiu omen's club I U luv rake and iuv r? I Mil any - for the improvement of school houses. I Uily ever hear ! a i;i--;r- sl.-alii In Charlotte conference at htlJ in sriiiltotii-: ll-siou in n or i i , .,..,, iv a th.n-i!il tetr U-ltin.l the r.uv -alu-n tluir idi-tdk- rv L,n-kit iii." Oh. my cvuii tij ! h-rv i B jitiml stiturf lir litrv th'' iiii;.iti:ir iHilrt -re kiH Ltnl t.'l our ! lie rv ! ilirtit Uii.l 1 1 .!:!',: e lil not FOR THE LITTLE ONES. The tilth Conftr.'iue fur EJucatiou in the Suuth met at Kivlimoud, Va , last erk. rl some time tue ne papers hue Iven full of talk rr-;ard-ititj this annual cuulrunice aud the two edii.'atioual boais o-i.ttiii; in conurcli.Mi nh it. Many hake tatru the poiti.'ii that tins mas au ettoit 1 some Soithetu philanthropists to foist their views o: rducatiuii. and especi aliv ueir.t r.lut atioii, u; u tl.e South. We have never s resided it, aud to alum tliat this i a niUtAeu idea, ue print the lollo-sii'i; ai'oount ot the risiu ot tlie eoittert-ucr, from t!ie K.rhinouJ Tunis Ii,p lUli: So much his l-reu mitten about tl.e work auJ aims ol the C.Kitt-reiice foi KJucation in llic South that it may be ell at this tin e to uive the stoiv ot its heti iuiii. The lonteieiu'e owes il onou to Krv. i;dw. Ah It .It, I), p , of Cambridge, Mass., a l-totltrrof Pr. I.iuiau AhlMtt, the editor of The Out look, who is i nr of the seaLt-is at the sixth niet-tiiti; oi the conference Un in session in our tity, Pr. HJaarJ Ayhott speut some time at Capon Spimc, U Va., in tie summer of 1N7. ai.d ln!e then- tolj the proprietor, (.apt. W H. S.tie ot Willi luster, Vi., o! the 1; od results of the C.'iifeietu-f of I'lu-uds ol tin Indian, whi. It h id been liti'i'tiiii' .tiiiiu 1 ally for a muni er oi ,'.ir.sut Mohouk: l.akf", . Y., a the ,;::t'Ms o' the pio 1 prietor 1 i that heatit.tul resoit, Hon. ; Albert K. Sin. !;, a tm'iuher t-f the luiaid oi lihhan CoiuiiiiHsioiii'is ot the I' lilted Shut s. Cap! Sjlr Wvamr . deeply uitcri'sted in tlie st"iy ot the Kood work vloue bv the M.!i.uik c u ft-renifs in the simple, but lh. tukIi, ; disrussioti ot the lu itau problem, and the piil'Iu'.itioii eai-h e.ii ot a tnii re-; pint ut the dl'Us;ous 1,1. iuvhn a: platform ol pi iin'ipS.'s to be t rowe l in the further en r t to idu.ate an.l hichitwatnuJerUkentoraiseKov-o '1 , ,, , 1 r, , .. , I'll k't tbctv hiv tariitv ih-unn'o ki from the city of Charlotte, hich the , . .- , ,. . . . , . . iilit uf iiiv li'ii !o. know ;t.l Leaeral Education Board .as to Ju-1 U (, Nl.lle, ,.t plu ate, ith the uudrislaudn. !; ,, M. J ,., .1 r.i.v li l t - tao thirds of the auiouut should go toi to ,,.(( w anollivr. Yt li the rural icboola of Mecklenburg aud my 01111j; iiiyri-n U fort- e oue thud to tlie public schools of lieu ( p-t up 111 the 11101 i.m' We li.ivrii'1 deisou couuty. Not quite all as lu.l a .ii.ilt. it 111 ill rev monlliv laised, but the remaiuJer ill le. At J Mr. t l. x. laml m.i.lo a t;.-l MHWB IU e lolK oil Mil- A B re That Bolide HetM 4 tkmmp Up a Garden a "4 Law. TVre i a litt'e turj in EngtanJ et'At-A the ptrJa lurvl T!ie h'.t'e hx-lanj nj wife not i:.v.i a 1-111. ai..l now theiv aiv fn (....j , nw fr ihemse!ve. 1. 1 x 111 il !i.i n - i!.;sof Im-u. bj' ,),,.,. m,k g jr,yn .rv.unj prorvv. vi 1111 an : After liivini r.iade up tli.ur mini! to n!J the t'.mt t!uni thev Jo is to f'.inl a l;i.e lt of cMunJ, with tlii-ir !'! alioii tlu v are mean, r, I i. iiT.liit r an.l ten lime iio-iriiu I110r.1l 111 tlieii ilolin x!ic irl itlKi.s than ner U iotv. Ami t i'iue u.ll uieeuboro a confeieuce a helJ in ahull 54,ooo as laisej by p'.ivate subscription to aid the ruial .IkoU of Cailf old county. The boaid dupli fated this amouut, uiakiui; 5.ovk to lie speut on the ruial schools of tl.e county of Guilioid. This sum as problem. uinluii Mr. raik!i'!:V. luil joii't make a ol , :t; u i iit a nero itlnmt be li.i a ma ti-r or a l'vi on bom he h 1- to !' 'lil. Mv opinion troiu o!-a i 1 1 il-.kiv,;v ean't ! it or anv other mIuhiI. The mo:e put mto the hands of a local boaiJ of . eiliiial 1011, the ! im lin.iti.'ii citizens to be eniradrd. IIo t.ns is beiui speut e let Pr. Mclvei'a report tell. It says: So far our hxal board in (jmlfoi J county has nude no hard and !ast rule as to the amount ot money to be ap propriated to each district from the $ho fund, but usually in the dis tucts that have voted the local ta t have civen oue dollar lor every two raised by private subscription to build . and furnish school bouses. To illus-1 Irate, a distiut voted the local tan and : acreed to raise bv private suosn iptioii , 4o for a school house and we cavei them f-'oo Another district voted ti e I tan and besides iaie4 5-.h t which! we added 400, uiakiui; a totil build -inii'imdot Ji.i.'O. Of this Ji..-oo it will be seeu, tlieiefoie, that the l,en ; Education Uoaid iMiitiilnites f :io ! or luie-ssvth, the piuate couti ibutoi f at the ii:eus!i. 10 c-uiteieuce $2 or . oue smth. while the imiuedute locality ! tuiuislies two thuds ot the amount, ! oeuli-s votni; the .iiinu il t is o double k lor a living. Where an- I be l'iik-vi t-.iilti.itj". .Iut la iti aimitnl or tearliin vluc. I i-ail in jextrnl p.ijx r when a negro vlnml te.n her was raiulit :m li.iiti tnale a lake ht ol ln M'hoiai ami lre tuoie iimiiey than he was entitl. l to. Ilnl uei ther t'leielaml nor r.itkluiiM tioi any other Northeiti liuin knows enoiili alxoit the iie-ro to talk in : tellip-iitly aUuit htm. Nor !. this (neiatloii ol N'lithein men know iiiiii li more. NoIkmIv knows now luil llie b obi lion who me lelt. Our eihtoi-s ami m spaju-i liieii ilo not know. They are all tmi )oiiii' au l most ot' tlieui . iu" lioiii toi k tint ilil ti"l ow 11 no ;ri' 111 the old si.Hoiv limes. I ilo not ass. it tills thi.uili eoineit. j lull it pains and astonishes, me In liear Northerii speakets ami sumei editors IV0111 the South s;i 111 t h it s!iue the iieio u.i si t I'l he b is' 11 e!;iois Uust ol" llo ir v loo; ot piojs ity I'lil run It up In tiie loiliio iv Oi coursv Ihetv are s.iue j;'"l a.. I some liiiilv lie i;t,a-s I:., h.i e tu.nle iiioih , but they an- " I t 40!:! f the lli.lss, s. i ,lo IK ;io 111 this tow 11 is Koiih 111010I11 ikv thin all tlx n st. The elites ue I II 1 1 ol .1 iboluls Ilo play ei.ips . .1 steal au l snatch piiisa s ii,iii woiii. ii ami l.molai ie lion -as :i!ni kit ! x.oiiiiii ami li:UI r. u in a si.i.e ol .osi.uit alaim. ii aiui; is as in ii. r a r.uv tratt vi i'li t!n :u at it is aiuoiij; the lie low in Ai.iSs. Where iv luv oi;ii pi.isms and what lias ! ouie ol my !.oe i"l ail;l eial' lilt I. Aul'. i me kiinl shrub ( l!ic n iii.r of it. Then thev pile em a k-ra- moss on the numl o ro;i!i.l i!ie !:rul, t!ie lurU lit"i lon envn lii, hich tliey have b-.-kin from elT the branches ,f trs ami stsik thnn into the ( .-o '.I'd so thai !u v lean apiinst tiie t"i of the shrub like the frame ork of a siiiaU tent. One nJv i Is ft i ;h ii for a ! mr. Wiien the latie house is liuilt, the biros at oitce nl to work to t 'orii lliei-.l l ol live s! ., k I' tile vlllo elie: pies. It is the i-tpies 1. 1' ;!i:iii.i! lueeiKii the e ! 11 ;.'..i:i;. The per ecu! In the s.i-ii K'i has l I tli-l -Ms, ; !'. ill time per relit m ike their j::ir.l rt. The husband li.r 1 iIim-s the heavier ork, tiil all .ir uni.l toe l.oiie he clears oil a spa.e for a lawn, i-rryins y ev ery stone atij stiik nj every hit ' of straw that is in the way. lie then jt-owrs the space with the finest ;iii a mollification 'r"" """" fit'L "J 1 1 tin. ami follow tiK.t: the velvety lawn he lav many 1 law ami pi u i , fretly U-rne ami pink flowers, and Ipplil It loll ill pi Corn lir.Cslins. 1 nt. sivt.i ii p. r 11 i'Ui. v licit been 1 1 : : ' t il'i and a lew 't -'". II .I'll lot he Wo! !i h is . .1 ibuie w itli .1 iilatil The oiilu aiy 1 b V oil s . I U lliolls II !ll-tl V Jell, t s. II I 11" this w ha ll He , there ' iiVol C Ulfi'l educ.i :;pr stab 1 1 to elevate the lu ban fore, ipiite icudv to c ab!- the advisatuuty ot a ! elite tu discuss the .plestlo tiotl in the S -utii vi'th aiousiin; nib rest i:i ! 'mm: meuts in the st ho is aiu lished for both r ices in t!;i our rjtititry. Alter tin t lie r coo, i. lei 1 Sale, in tin- ti in- -pu tot V pitahtv. aiitbori.-'.- I Pi A!' such a coti'ereiH'e at C' . j n Spicks m the h'llowiuc Miniu:. 1 .1:1 I to i:iit" suitable persons to alien. I it as tue KUests ol tlie Capon inin(i Hotel Company, locally out this object, Pr. Abls'tt a..s..c:ate. with himself as a provisi il c inmittee, a iiiiinher of Southern gentle men inti rested in the sul'jeit ol education, .itniini; Ihein beuis Dr. J 1.. M. Cu-ry, Knht Kev. Thomas l. Pu llev if Kcit.itkv, I 're a ident Julius P. Preh.-r ol Koatioke College, an. I Kev. Pi. H !. I ii.,eil. prim ipal nt I lauiptori Institute. Ab tho,n;h the lust i-on'cii'iir e, held earlv in the summer ol iv, and piesided oer by lushop Pudley, was not laice, so tiiiuli interest was inanilesteil and so many e,o.-d p.ipen weie lead and ad hessrs made that the piomise ot f 1 uitl ul trsiilts from these discussions and the punted rep its of the same f.iroinaipd thoe piesent ta teel that thev utie eiitciu i; into a permanent or.iuu.iti'Ut t.u iiuptoMUL; the schools ot the South. Ot cour-e, they had no idea lliru t!i it out of that small u.Un erini; oiil.i mm- su(h pnwrrinl and bei-o'tKi nt .ii;Micies as the Southern and the (iem K h: ation Hoauls. 1-toin the foreoiui; statement it will be seen that the conteieme onijinated in the desne to I enetit the South, not , by iinpuMiii; any new system or ideas upon it, but simply bv imlucini; South' eru rduoatoi s and other phihmlhropic per-oiis from all paits ot our coiuu."ii coimtiy to meel once a year lor the discussion of the general topic i f edit- : cation in the South, in the hope that there mii;ht be discoveied methods looking h wauls the solution of souie ot our most piactical as well a a ditli- i cult problems. That was the Lenevu-i lent purpose of the t'oundint; of the. confereuct, and that has been its' fpirit in the three meetings at Capon Sprincs, the fourth at Winston Salem, and the fifth at Athens, Oa.,ayear' Ki). The larue altendaiue at llie sixtli conterenee now in session ill our city is the bt.j.t evidence of the in ns sclio, I lund. 1 cannot conceive ot , a liner educational investment than' in.nle woiuleltill process.! sn this, uoere one phiianthr pic dollar is eiiiio that for a th.iils.iinl Ve ils In met bv another philanthropic d llai :al l"-'ti ell lo t' a vi aje ol a s.n e. aud 1 0,11 local d -llai s, all tlom pi, v air yr r!,.M..,nil slid "tln-ie Is still a s.uiues. and at the same time a h li . ,.,..,,,.. ..,, ,i ,,i i,.ii,,raiie.v :i soil amount ol Meioiisiiess ami a tie Is .'lice ill d .li s , ei , 1 p see. I ploilll. !.o tliOIs.i:ill told. pi two je.lls. i t year, a a nt inn 1 lr.. 111 this 1 orn n-rle 1 a .1e.1l 1 1 II ' 1 1 1 -r ol otlspiili; is elicjiu.iiied to vote a; an.iuil t.u that wi.l penuanriitiv. do-i: e the . otu len-'y of its s -b -oi . j II ti.i pi .positifU sh miI. be kept up tbrciislieiit the canity the f i... o .oven ! v llie (ieneral f lu ation b co 1 will icsalt ill the uisiuu o! Jj-v, ...o in the count v by pru ate subsn iptioii and a tax tor schools an . . u li I . :i c a-.t:o:a!!v to ni'ie than fio. ooo. I'n d .iietedly this t in would be voted s. -in. tin e in the near future without a:.! :r mi any outside soinre; and it is p: per to say here that I had the piomise ol fl.500 fl ml liieeiisboio pe-.ple lor slinoilatint pin pose bet ue the ijeneral Education H aid atted j tu duplicate all we w, uld taise. 11 t ' ejieedim; 54,.ko, but without the I stimiiltis of its teller mi.-, otfel we eoiihl not have hoped for a l.uce fund, and the volmj; of the special 1 01 il tax in thetillal distinlsot (eull ud county . 1. Id have been postponed to a con siderably later date, lu ies thau two years from tie date of the (jieenshoru conference it is probable that liinlloid enmity alone will have mote special school tax com munities than all the State ot North Carolina had ten years ai;o, includiiii; its towns and cities. We ran conceive of 110 finer w uk than tin", liod Almighty himself helps those who help themselves, Pr. Mr 1 Iversivs duly that this woik would probably have hw il done without the stiinuUtiue, woik of the conference, but in the meantime more ol the boys and tills of Ninth Caiolina and the South would lose their oppot tuiuties in the tare of life. I'l 0111 ah of the above it will be seen that the erf oils of such of our friends of the Notth who are enlaced in this woik are prompted merely by a friendly de sue to do i;ood, and that sin 11 aid as they may be able to Rive mines gener ously and unselfishly, and with 110 dotmatic conditions. It shuuld be le reived in the same spirit. meinloiis am. unit of 1 .1 1 n. ami llll'irtlessies.s lliteiuuiiole.l With their eltlensliip." j II Mi. level iml U eti au ohl -illen ot the South he Would have said: 1 'llelote freed. Ull c.lllie the lie Ji.. as il.u lie. niotal. in.liisti ions, and I as intelligent as tIlolls.Hl, Is of the lllli'illlcateil while I pie ol tin- 'South. N"t an oiitr.ioe was . m mitteil by them ililt'llio the war 1 1 .nil the I'otolii.ti' to the l::o 4 i l imit'. There was not acuivi.t -.imp nor a hain .11-4 in ail Ilo- 'South I he tu.ili iaoe rehitloii t ,;k , 1WII, 1Mv,.s. we l.iilliliilly ol.s.'1-veil. ami ne-io lam 1 ,-1 ,,1,,. ,, eeie.set1e vi ulth t tiles w on- eoiiti-ute.l ami happy .bu , , , , t. ,..,- : most of them had kind masters .m, 1 mistresses, who would i;il up in Crime Auainls a ChilJ. hi ami V.IIAIt: 111 sie. shape color and coinp.'si 1..11, a select "hi an 1 1. in. ule w Inch w ill del .-lop :lll feature of llie seeil or plant. Hi 10, ' 1011. . I s.-lei : inn, those l.i'ililile at'llblites e.l I lie ' I 111 l ie t h ll.lriel sH s el the p' lilt, ai.-l t!o' Usefulness atlilllll p ., t. to. 1 1 1' -1 -1". .p 1 ncrea st il. I'o illllsl i tie the point : We I. lie ! II aide, lo, si-let'tillj: e.tls I1.1V 'li It'll. sh.iliks, to im lease (he it ntll .. ! he shai.k 01. illy Iviofeet i:. li . e eats' sti, t t l..;i. Ill selt-et ili e.l' s w Itii tail -laiks. ve have lt.-eii alto ;,i u t t.-. is.- the hel,.lil of the t i!k a'tiios', Ihiee lot I Hiiut'ieals. st let 1 111' e 11 s lioiii pi. nils h.iinv II ole if. IV es. we have broil ;il.!e to . in to. ise tiie average w idlli 1. 1 the it'll, an.l In st-.reliu ears !i..;u oltetl as the llowers fade he take tin 111 away and brim.' fresh one. This ho.iso, which is thro feet io!!) an.l a foot lnirh, is very larp f ir two l.'.tie Indeed, th hoii-e is Bin pie eiioticli to accoiiinitv iate a faiiiilv of tacntv. Tlie par- is Iaroe in proportion and 1- sotut tiiias -in f.-et loup ami even lnt iiT. It i sa .1 thut t!ie H'ople think mi in in li of these birds that tl.. v 11, 1. r harm them. Ami now you iini'. wi-li 10 know how this lit tle wi.lbar Is t'.res-til. The toll of hi- li. i.d, his t.u. k, his uus 11 mi his tail nre brown, uinl his breii-t in a ere. n. -h nnl. lu size he is alniut as lar.c u- a robin. Th Cat and the Doughnut. Tit - is a true story that my .T.ili'lUlt.thtT bctl l:ic ill.out her I'ttt Blitl t!o. She tist-,1 to lititl tin- cover n:f lii r iloa' himt jur and also no li. I" that lor iloihtnits iIimiji- T! ;;t Or.- tluv she heurtl a iioiso and it her cut was on tlie shelf t1., t'.ouohliuts Were kept. 11 it pi t is paw iii the jar nnd .b...o!in.:t ami piislutl It I. ami the tl.tir. who was ioo',:'i' up at the out, caupht tlie doii'jf.ntit iti le-mouth and ate it. Wb-ii th.i fo'itnl tluv were ra 1.1:. t!.e .i.-ttsl ierv -raillv. tur !'i.;.r 1. ..:-.! I ri. in!-. ' f'C I f .lr, olT liillilsler to their ;ttH-s had to be punislii d. ft Suit of the Alabama Negroes Dis missed. , ii-I.iii.'-..i. l.:.i,.t.'ll. .TUl. I'.y it divided Ih'iiiIi live to three Just tee Iay lieinjc alisent, the l iiiled States Stipienie 'out I lotlay denied the npplicat ion of 1 dm k.stin W. (iiles on Isdialf of him hi Had in .Ull se. ami so tlo I'lil Willie I'll'i tlreii, lull it seldom had to lie done. Talk altoiil the shackles ami tin' chains of shivery, Il is all rot ai d iiuaotiialioti. Our rhiidieti have a master until they aie 'Jl. The no .'in bail one all his life. and. is Mr. I'arkhiirst s,m. most ,.f iheni neo. I oue, ami 11. f.l oue now, ami so do tllolKinils of white peopio. The fact Is there are lew people who have 11.. I one. I do li-.t iidniit thai I I1.11 e. but 1 hai e a mistress, and that is the sumr I hilt;;. There is nut a t h rk in a store, whether male or female, h it ! is under the control of soiiii IumIv : imt a conductor on a railroad tun a s iilor mi a sh'p nor a pupil it; the schools imr a poiit'eliuiit ill the towns. Nine tenths t.f the people in eii liieil countries are siil-oidi lute to the ol hi'i lentil, and it looks like everybody ill these I iiitetl Stales Iteloii,' In Teddy Knosevclt. save a lew In sult's nil sell ami soiui Mississippi lieais. The oltl time slave (ot a pood, fair etliieal ion from contact with their master ami their master's children ami that is where they had the ailvatil,i;.'e of the poor whiles. Most of the f.imilv set Soai t hiii p. 11 1 .es hav call tlay been sr. .111 in,; the sinroiimlin ' toinl ry I'.r .1 -Iiii I'attis, who last nilit tliUillialil ilss.iilitetl the t'll year ..'I tl iii.-i,:.'! ..t Nir. and Mrs. .j. I-'. t 1l.1w.1v oi this it . I'.it l is, w ho is iiii rvpoi I tep.ii'ti. came to Asi"il!c creasiiii! interest in its patriotic mis sion and of the crow 1111; appreciation 1 self and o.lMHI other lieproes in of our peopio in its beneficent work. j Monlpomcrv enmity. Ala., to colli - A Rood deal ut misconception, it Bretns to us, has urisdii on this subject, some persons and newspapers bavmc fcotie so far as to pretend to believe that tlias is a wholesale effort of the North to establish social equality in the South. Some fifteen or twenty pel the registrars of the county to place their names on the rcptslru tion books. The case win ltrniipht in the Kederal t'niiil fur the dis triot of Alabama, allcu'ini; the de privation of their t ipht under the fourteenth and til' teelith iiliieliilllicllts, hut the court onm t o tl : s no,, ,, do some woik ill llie e.'tt..i mills hen'. He secured I't-aid with the Ca'iw.iy family.. a ' 1 1 1 s 1 1 1 1 1 l : 1 s his re, pet till tit lip pel anee that last nlhl they did in. I hesitate lo leave him alone 1:1 llie l.olls.- w lib their, hlltll. II W lllle they weif al a in iplihni 's Inuise not lil'ty sti psawiiy. loll 110 s,i.,;n i were the Intither .liol Lit tier out 1. 1 llie house II the ilt Il Itroke loose in the mail an.l e.ilclilli the child by thej tlllo.i! he l linked her lido iliseli siliihty and ilraiuj; her iiitn an ii-1 1 . 1 : 1 1 ! . 1 0.1111 thi ie ilttetiipteil to iii't't.liipllsli his pin p ise. He i'ailetl. I lloweiel , ow 111.; to Hie ret ill II of I ho i parents w In 1 came into the house , lt the liai k door, lli'iinn;; thein . . . 1, . . . 1 .-. .1. .. : .1.1.. I , leiiiiniii 1 ai 1 is n il uie iiiseiiMiuc , ,, f,.,, ,.. 1 nun an. I uiaue hlsescaH' ny llie front dot.r. The alarm nils soon piveii and liotlies of men heinled by Mrs. t'al nway's two sous started after the litlid, who. up to this hour, has tl in I'luditi); capture. The Senator too (iajr. li !o . '.-I I .... - . -.,-.-'. Senator Clark, uf Molilalia, one of the i n best men iii the I'liited Slates Seiiatv, is Iihi susceptible by fir, and hence he is in trouble. A handsome y.uiiio, woiiiau Utok apent cillnl on the S'tialnr and caupht him at once. He not only lioupht many b.Miks but he invited the yoiitiK lady to dine at the Waldorf Astoria, .lust how lunch he spent in i liaiiipapiie ami just how pay he pot doth 11 it .M l appear, but doubt less w ill lie lifoiiphl out in inter estiup evitleuee Im-Ioiv the full is oier. for last week the youthful female !,Kik merchant commenced ptoceetlitip apaiiisl Mr. Chirk. She claimed that he promised to marry her and she want f l.'iii.tHKl tlaniiipe for liteach nf promise t l.iik is rich ciintiph In .stand il. A pirl w ears 1 ibliniis so thai thev will show throuph summer cluthe ami then pretend to lie cmlutrraMH- etl il Mill notice II. 11 IflT Tl 0 L U CO LO SHOES. THE I EST SHOE IN AMERICA POta Si W9 $200 TAME NO SUBSTITUTE MAKERS CRADDOCK TERRY CO. LVNCMBIRO-VA. Wo Have It ! Southland BsHe it. Uivi Southern Giil arotholK'st shoes (hat can ho niado fur tho nionov. a .' .. ' -"T-VVJr w lrw. a. . if" SCUTriEFiN MADE tok SOUTHERN MAIDS Big Special Sill Sale. Yard wide Black Taffeta, $1.25 kind, . . . 98c. Corded Taffeta Silk, worth double tho price, . . 38c. Yard Taffeta Silk, in white, G7c. Our Millinery Store Represents the brightest thoughts of tho foremost de signers of this country, and the way our trimmers are at work shows that we have captured this whole section. Biggest trade we ever had. Now, in order to get your hat in good time, place your order as soon as possible. Crowds are still flocking to jBELK BROTHERS t Choapost Storo on Earth. I h i i i i 5 Irish Potatoes. l!ii;ht or ten bim-ls of Irish potutjcs, rlitap. Any kind )ou want, lor seed or ealin-; purpoe. Cynic ta see me Indole v'u buy. S. K. ! I .k. Nice while kraut at to rents gallon al Flow's store. y.ara ago there was a inramirc before .dismissed the cases for want ol" Congreds known as the "Illair Hill. "jurisdiction, anil on that ipiestinn which proposed to divide up certaiu it was bniiij;ht to the Supreme funds in the national treasuty aiiioiiR j rt nil npK-!il and by ceitilicate. the various States for educational pur-! .'m-Hcc Holmes, in deliveriiiu the n i or iv toiin tin. so ii lie 1 1 iiesi it in poses. Suiitlipni journals cried out loudly that the South should not ac cept her part because it was contrary to the doctrine of States' rights! Hut these sane journals were willin to go on calmly in the discussion of out worn tariff platitudes and let the chil dren contiuue to crow up without the means ol fittiiik themselves for enjoy ing the birthright ol every American. lha cry ot the present is on a par with that. From the clipping r opied above il will be teen that this matter ia as much a Southern movement as a North em one, and what Northern aid conies wilt come under Southern direction and in conjunction with local self help. The effort, so far as giving is con cerned, it simply to do lor the rural schools what the Peabody fund bai all these years done for the city and town schools, with never a kick I Another cry has been mide in regard to the education of the negro. This move ment stands towards the negro in the exact position that Mr. Grover Cleve land so aptly outlined in his New York speech week before last, and which has been to highly praised by tome of tbs journals which are now looking with an unfriendly eye towards this ducalioosl work. Dr. Charles D. Mclver, one of the of jurisdiction and the merits of the case at bar were sn iiiterwnven that it liecaiiii necessary for llie point to take tip both, for it was impossible in a suit like this, that the relief sought should lie granted. It would be an extraordinary and unheard of extension of political relief. Good Insurance- To ib.- K.llier ..( The Journal: It afforda me pleasure to recom mend the I'nion ltenevolent Life Insurance ". lo the people of I'nion county. It U the cheapest form of insurance and is at the lame time a benevolent I nst it ut ion. Our people should patronize it lib erally. W. S. Lke. The Savings, Loan aud Trust Co. pays interest quarterly on small amounts deposited. Start an ac count with it and have your chil dren to do it Home seekers! Look np in this Issue the advertisement of the auc tion sale of lots on easy tertiis by the. Union Real Estate Company. Bring me your scrap Iron. J. D. Parker. A barrel pickles. of nice Cucumber S. R. Doster vanls cniilil read, not ithstautlin there mis a Ian fnrhiddin-; their: succeed. U'iiiL' taiiL'ht. shackles ehailis!i Where is m crin.lsi. and my The King Smacked l our Times. liike and my 'iivf The nero, cspc Ibniie. April J7. Kin; Kdward cially I host' of the copper col 1 1 arrived here from Naples this uf- typed don't mean mulattos, are j toi 110..11. ami is received by Kiiic natural born mechanics. We had Victor I) niiiiiel in person, who in (icoroiii more nepo cat pt iilers, . escorted the visitiuj,' Hovcn inn blacksmiths ami shoemakers than ,throuj;h theihuseli packed streets. thi'iewei'etthitesofthe.sauielraile.'ll'tir .Maiesties received a great These kind of mechanics are in llie popular ovatinu. Kinc Kdward, State now, but I hey didn't come! ho was standing on the plallnnn from Tuskoccoe. For several ycais;'l his railroad car when the train I have Imimi Inokini: for a lalMtritij;! reached the station, descended iiuduiitt- of that school or any olh-1 '' almost before the train stop er ncjiro school, but have iwt 'found pod. K inji Victor Kmniuiiiicl one. A New York friend tnld me . "'epped quickly forward ami the not Ion-; hjjo that I cniihl 1 1 1 it I fifty ! two moimivhs embraced and kissed of them as waiters in hotel iu New 'each other four times, the Italian York city. That is all right. The Kiiig say ing ipiiti Iibly in Fug money fur their education came bsh: "I welt ietith all my from tip there ami we can spaicthe heart to Koine." The crowds whole turnout. ".fust ci -ged along the Utiile, followetl by the from bondage and ignorance ami Kings numlicrcd Iu.oihi, included ; 10.0'Hi to ltiniillntisliantl a great many A 11101 leans, as show 11 by the niinilier of Stars and StiiK'K dis Jilai ed. To Whom It May Concern. I hereby certify thai I have this day applied for insurance in The Union linevolcnt Life Insurance Company. I know all of the offi cers personally and have entire confidence in their integrity and ability, and believe their plan of insurance will prove under their management highly successful, Frank Akmi ikld. If a woman can't find any disn grcealili gossip to tell ulmut ims) pie she knows she can get almost as of telling it nt stilt strangers. Heakii L i 1w1.11 .nji.xasn -ti " For 23 years I r.svt r.i :r misted taking Aver't Sjrsstaii.'l every spring. It cle:.s:s nr blood, makes rr.e feel iirnnj, t::S doet me gooj in eveiy way." j John F. Hodncne, lirooklyn, N.T. Pure and rich blood carries new life to every part of the body. You are invigorated, refresh sd. You feci anxious to be active. You become strong, steady.couregeous.That's what Aycr's Sarsaparilla will do for you. IIJtatMIM. ail tnnWi a.k rtmr aw. hst b at of arr't Sirr.ll. H kttowa .11 !! Iklflkraka irf UmiirmtiM. SoMuwluaeluU UIM .. j i. aria Co.. Lmn, Mm. This is to state that we have applied for polices in The Union Benevolent Life Insurance Com pany, and we heartly recommend the company to those who desire insurance at the lowest possible cost. This is a home company and our people should give it a liberal patronage. K P. V. PlYLER. Mrs. P. P. W. Plyler. E. C. Williams. All the Groceries that a family of five or six could use in a day can be purchased here for a very moderate sum of money. Hut low price is not the sjle point upon which we make a bid for business. High quality comes first. Then low price. Good family flour $1 75 sack; gallor. of molasses 1 5c. ; granulat ed sugar IS pounds for t 00; and other things in proportion. Country pioduce bought at h it lies t prices; call on us before selling. M. C. BROOM. Old Dispensary Stand, Phone 63. Produce Market. The following are Hit prevailing prices being paid on this market to day, the date of issue of the paper. The market it of course tuhject to fluctuation: Onions, 90c to $1.10 per bushel. Irish potatoes, 6c to yjc per bushel. Sweet potatoes, 50c to 65c per bo. Chickens, hens, je to joceach. - Chickens, spring, according to siae, 15c lo 15c each. Ecus, ue to tic per donen. Guineas, is Je lo i8e each. Mutter, use to ijc per pound. Hams, ue to 13c per pound. Dried applet, 4 Sc lo 5c. par pound. Dried peaches, 6c to 8c per pound Cora, 60c to 6jc. Cotton: , Best 10.00 The Loudest Gun Is not necessarily llie best sh'-Hitcr. We make no pre lense of earning the biggest lock in M.inroe. but we do sell Good Fresh Groceries As cheap as anybody and pay the strictest atten tion to our customer's wants (iive us a call. t Prompt delivery. Phone 201. W. A. STEWART, Next door to Heath-Morrow Co. Notice of Administration. lliviiiK litis day nalifird hrfoie E. A. Arniheld, Clerk Supeiior Court of I'nion county, N. C, as administrator of Welt-h Dunlap, deceased, all per sons holding claims against said estate are notified lo present the same to the undersigned administrator on or he lots the 13th day of April, 19114,01 tins notice will be pleaded iu bar of Ihi'ir right of recovery, l'eraont in debted to said estate art notified to make immediate payment and save cost. This the ntliilayof April, looj. THE SAVINGS, LOAN AND TKL'ST CO., Administrator of Welsh Dunlap, deceased. Kedttiue & Stack, Attys. Administrator'! Notice. Having this day, after due tualinca, been granted letters of ailniinii tiation upon the estate uf W. K. Hasty, deceased, by E. A. Armfield, Clerk uf the Superior Court of I'nion couuty, N. C, thit it to notify all persons iu dehted to said estate that immediate payment of such indebtedness is here by required; and all persons having claims against the estate of said intes tate are hereby notified to present the time to the undersigned utor before April 21, 1904, or thit notice will he plrtded iu bar of their recovery. Thit April 17, 190J. THE SAVINGS, LOAN AND TKL'ST CO,, Administrator uf W. K. Hasty, deceased. By Adamt, Jeroms & Armfield and E. C. Williams, Atlyt. City Tax Salea. ht virtu f the Vt Tat l.UI In Bit ha nil for fitii-t-tisin mud th fT'Ur lh-tvsa dim-itriat llir fileMtnn tsf UtM sflbi lh TftJ f Moiipsp, 111 sas 1 1 B puMic urima, t hr rHirt htmm t-irlii Moiin-r. 4n i Monday, the 4th day of May, for lh iMiriw-r tf rill-rrtln thi litw ilnf mi th- pnfi'tv W th ptrnti nanwil hlw. 1 lh ftllt tng lantlw irttn litu Iw-lmtrln in , lh ttrsfi nainrsi tx th? taira ipHHitW Ihrir 1 iMMHI. Tli: RAMI. LA KM. TaXia Ml. , H-liw-v i P., iwt I ht nr tr hav m Spring g is I'n.iJ, I ".it it's better w hen f.i'lnMcd up with a few pieces Pretty New Furniture. VVe can jjlvc you any style nt a low figure, ntid guaran tee it to be tha prettiest and most durable to be had. Look over our Mock. T. P. DILLON, furniture Dealer and Funeral Director. Store Phone 7; Residence I'hone 84. phudi 1 A. LEVY. tl.l ISttt t'r.iw.ll. U Htl"tfl, Hantl.1... 1 M4 nr. WBIi-r vrk S4I i-miii.W4l. W. T I l Itt.Sw.r Mns-i. I Miliar? , D A I lot rltlf j lonuF. t 4 If Iiim Ar attf pa. .1 ltpf.rv ttar nf mW wllh 111 t Yon ran Wallace'. irft Uti at I'hone 3. Cadieu A iHt, the tta Nit. April t, !. ultt lr r-h -ald I, H'tniH. ! fkW nf l-.tllt and I llr Tail ollnM I irmnnnri TiTrnrnmrntnriTTnriTm m I MRS. A. LEVY. Who Will Lead Ttys Spring? Why A. Levy, of course. He always does. If you will notice tho great work going on at his store you will see that he is opening up the finest stock of Dry Goods, Clothi im' and Millinery s ever brought to Monroe. He has just come back from the big Northern ITarkcts and his goods are now rolling in on every train. The ladles In tow n and country are invited to come In and Inspect our fine lines of dry goods an J millinery, all that the prettiest material and the skillful fingers can do for you. And as for clothing everybody knows that Levy's "High Art Clothing" Is the best tor fit and wear sold in America to-day. All that our friends and customer need to do to get suited w Ith the best goods and carry off the bargains in any of our line of goods is to come to our store. I A. LEVY. xmnnj MRS. A. LEVY. nnriL'jjJiiiiint To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet, jb SalslMkMtaMhtMrt l2o-tW. This. liS-nattrr. vf?- yVTSr Crw Cris ta Tsr Days. on every n