THE MONROE JOURNAL Telcphooe No. 19 TuesJay. May 3. IWJ. Mm. It. T. IUrrt-tt mas Nlru-ken with wralyiJi Sunday nftpruoi.a. I Mw Lula fhiiiM-y of Cuarlnlte U V toiling at Mr. II. L Crwwcll'a. Mr. V. M. WaKk-a War. It night for a visit lu hiwu iu a Kith ' west (ieorgin. j 1 He rrrt ion for tlx- ctil.irgrm.-ut if the Wi )) CuaiM-1 tinMUti Scl ool district b am cjrrit tl et r- il ... . .. r . I On tide mac..nii.U-MvnarlvLiua " " .me .--h.m.. iu.-:iir " 1 atitt ! again! it. The Y.-!ey t'baiM-1 liuntltiradril . , . , -.i..'inif.... H..I Tk-krta fur the t liicago I.U- , Club are on I Hllllgl- Cos. sale at The V. lU-st-rvitl M-.ll-s .) IVaUsly fuuil. her. J. . Nelson and mife or g,-uvtA adiuiiou. .Timid L'5 iiariiHir -ui ruiiua im .nu e-liK ' Mr. J.S. Little k ft Kiidnv iiiuht Mr. Ij-iiest I5urn-tt of Charlotte ftr statwvill t licit bis brother. and lr. W. V. ltnrntt of IV h land are here attending the U-ilsitK-of thi'ir mother. For the pt few day there ha Ut-ii ciiiuiiHiifcnii-iils galore iu I'liion county. Monrtie peopl.' have Ihvii pretty regular attend ants. The road roiiiiui!iiiiierH of Mon ro township met in uuuitlilv mh siun yest-r.l;iy. Mr. J. M. KairU-y waa re clevL-u timiuiissioner for a term of three yearn. The following iittlcer were elect cdat Waxhaw tuduv: Mavor. J. II Secrest; alderuien, J. M. Niven, II. V. Itroum, T. K. II. fslepheli Doll. The Journal conpnit ulati our neighbor towu of Waxhaw oil the that Kite im to have a cotton need oil mill, another evidence of that toon' h vutcrpriM- and push. Mr. Sam Hudson has lionglit Mr. F. U. lU'iiderson'g interest in the grocery liusincss of Henderson A Hudson and will continue tliebusi uess at the same stand. Mr. K. 1). Marsh of this counly has Im-ch clocti-d first tlel.ati-r for the lai.eliau sucietv at Wake For est College for the anniversary of next Feliruarv. This posit ion is one of the In-st college honors. Mr. l' A. AriulU-ld seiit last neck iu Stanly and came hack with u lish story. Went over to the "Narrows"' and caught three fish that made live messes hut caught 'cm w ith a silver hook. licv. M. A. Smith preached the commencement scrmou at Wed dingtnu Academy Sunday. The ad dress is to Im- delivered this after noon hy Ifev. J. A. II. Fry of Con cord. Willie Helms, a stepson of Mr. John I 'y run of Wiiigate, died in a hospital iu Charlotte last Tuesday and was buried at Wiiigate Wed nesdiiy. lie had Ihtii sick a long w hile ami was a great sullcrer. Mrs. Joseph ItiiHim died at her home iu north Monroe last Tuesday night, and w as buried in the ceme tery here Wednesday afternoon. She was u good woman mid died in the Christian faith. She was t:l years old. The list takers and assessors of the various towiisliipsuie requested to send in the listsof their appoint ments to The Journal office at once and the same will lie published in The Journal next week. List takers should not fail to do this at once. This notice is given at the request of the county ctuiiniis tiioiiers, Mr. I!. C. Hcdtliiigtield, n mem ber of the corporation commission, was iu .Monroe last Thursday and met the list takers and assessors of the counly, ml but two of whom were present, a:ul instructed them in the duty of listing and assessing taxes. I lei caller no one ran list his property la-fore the register of deeds. If you fail to list before the assessors and list lakers of your township you will pay double tax. The follow ing uflicrrs were elect ed by the fire company last Thurs day night: Chief, Ir. S. J. Welsh; assistant chief, Davis Aruilield; foreman, Ir. W. II. Houston; first assistant foreman, (i. K. Flow; sec ond assistant foreman, John Cor ivll; treasurer, J. W. Hill; secre tary, Wulter llelk; surgeon, Dr. S. li. Stevens; chief engineer, John Coirell; assistant engineer, J. W. La 'lair; janitor, ltrown McCorkle; counsel, Frank Aruilield. Mr. J. M. McKwen of Mint Hill was in town yesterday anil showed Tho Journal oflice a curiosity in the way of an old newspiilM-r. It is The Charlotte Journul, dated April 8, 1H 7. The startling item of news hi the old sheet is an account ol the buttle of lliicmi Vista, which was fought ou the '."-'ndol I lie preceding February. This shows tho way news traveled in those days. The old paper was found among the ef lecls of the late Ivcuben Wedding ton. The Supreme court last week handed dow n a decision in the case of Mrs. Martha Ioekliiirt and oth ers ugninst Mrs. Lizzie Covington, affirming the decision of the lower court in favor of the tlelenilunt. This suit was brought by the plain tiffs to annul the will of the late Jas. (I. Covington, by which the Covington home phut' in Monroe was left to Mm. Covington, the suit resting on the contention that the will of Mnj. D. A. Covingtou provided that in case any of (lis heirs died without issue their portion of tho real estate should re turn to the other memln-iu of the family. Tho Mr. Prospect community vesterdav put itself in the van iu the rapid progress old I'uion is making in educational develop ment, by voting special school tax npou itself. The uuiiiIht regis tered was r!, the number voting 4S ;W of whom were for and only 10 against. We congratulate the people of the community. The trus t-e are P. W. Plyler, li. P. Plylcr, A. L. Helms, W. L. Prealar, P. V. Kichardsou, H. A. Lattaan. They Little, who is danger He w ill In-gone for m-v Mr. P. M. ously ill. end day s. Prof. K. C. linsiks went to lull eigh last Thursday night to Is-gin his duties as assistant to the State SuH-riutendeiit of Public I list rue I ion. He w ill lie in Monroe ugaiu ill Iwo or three weeks. Mrs. W. H. Price of Love licvrl is visiting her daughter, Mrs. II I, Crow ell. This is the first lime she has been iu Monroe for four teen years, her health U-ing very kid. Prof. J. D. Hodges, who taught school here twenty -live years ago, and w hose rigorous discipline is yet reiiicuibered bv some of our middle aged citizens who were then young hoM-fuls, sM-nt Satiirday and Sun day here. He is now suM'rintcnd cut of education in Davie county. Mr. Ik W. llaker has closed : contract w ith a cotton null organ i zation at l linton, is. i ., to make a million and a half of brick, ami will at once move his plant to that plait-. Mr. Hiker was preparing to begin w ork licit' and had ordered new machinery shipped here, but changed his plans on account of this contract. An industrious daikcv was heard to remark on the street e.u h one morning last wt-ek: "Well. boss, Fse Ihtii liviu' licit- cls-r since dc war, an' dis is tie fust time dat I els-r couldn't get cr lit tic snicker w hen I wanted it 'fore hreakus if I had de money to pay fer it. It sho do U at all. Dis here const ut ion's g 't cr Is 'pealed or Niimpun done." The town alderiimn w ill have a meeting this afternoon or tonight to consider the advisability of abandoning the artesian well w liich Ihey have for sometime lia.l-a man trying to remove an olistruetNiu from. 1 he task of gelling it cleared out now aps-ars to Is' a hopeless one, mid the mailt r of abandoning it, taking up the third well, or dig gllig a new one, will In- discussed. One well is at present furnishing the entire supply. The following Monroe people went to Charlotte to hear Nordica yesterday and hist night: Mesd. lines Koseoe I'll i lei, A. M. Croxton, D. . Houston, A. A, hiiiev and C. W, Ayscue and Miss Dla liruiicr, Miss Pat Adams, lVaiHirillin, and MesihimeM W. C. Heath, Julian tirilliu, J. S. I last v. (i. D. Kiuoin, S. II. (ireen, J. J. Crow, II. A. Morrow, and lev. (ico. II. Atkiu son, and .Messrs. Iilcliu Wolle, Joliu Stewart and F.d Crow, i ItOKKLWS litT FINE U AK. Closing 4 Wolcy Chand (iradnl ! I S.hUd. The Vn CaplurcJ licre Are Nm i ..,!h aiolma. w ilh lln-.-l.s-in Federal I'ri-cn IJvward of le.e to l h.M tliio mouth, will $fiIO.iK - ,WlhoUs ol lUe Safc- Crackin; Ar'.ists- Sherirl K A. Horn and the irv era! other !. atlciidtd ouirt at liitt in ille. S. I'., lasl -k. all n-tui:i-l Fiid.iv. The men who were caotuntl lu-re in ;oi Im!i!v hate uiole lli.ui uur l.uu jid pltMie s . Mlpp rlrd wl.i!y la p.i't ' I---..1 il ;..ii. a pioHit ion ! liji in t i:i; T My Customers. I have laiught out the local mar ket of Moiau irilliu and will inn al tin- same Iaiid, in t to l.uu Uu 's jewt-ln stor-, I am very grateful to my ciis:i.iih-i for I heir l n-l- id tin- past ami l.o Ihey ill is -lit 1 1, lie to give Hit- their IaRE & LER, THE LEADING DRY GOCDS, SGIiO'iS, flOTHih, GUTS' HRIISEIIGS, E1T m SHOE SI02S 15 I0JE0L lu i;..-mi ll ili!ritls. liid in li,i a'K-;v i s.i.iu .. n.iiii:;, cn.uiiu. m.ltet I I" give g.l iiital. fair w. i"hls.uid il I litoll c. ll:it s S 1...4 , liev. M. Mci. Shields, who preached at Wesley Chapel Thurs- iv, is a brother in law of licv. , V. Watson, who will Is- pastor of the Monroe liuptist church after June 1st. He was iusliuiiieiital in getting Mr. Watson to go to lias touia lour years iigo. Mr. Shields sail) that when he left home to come down here last week, some of Mr. Watson's memlicrs lold him if he saw any Baptist preachers w hile away like the one lit' got for them Is-fore to bring one back w ith him. Mr. J, K. Klird went over in Stanly last week uud sold a nice large monument to a man who is not yet dead, old uncle Andrew lloueyeiilt, well known by all the )ld cop!t of the surrounding conn tl v. Ihc old gentleman is now in Ins !!."! li ear, but has Ih-cd con lined to his bed for four years. He bought the monument for himself, his first wife, and his present wile, who yet lives and is only about 40 years old. The old man says that he has caught w ild horses in Stan ly in his youth, shot liutl'alo and killed deer innumerable at the big salt lick, now the city of liig Lick. Miss I'.tta Williamson and .Air. Wilson (irilliu were married in the Presbyterian church last Wednes day evening at 7:.'K. Tho cere mony was performed by Jlcv. J. A. Dorritce of Charlotte. I he wed ding march was pluycd by Mrs. H. II. Luncy. The ushers were Messrs. Wrislon lice and Clyde Motgiin; the hi'idcmiiidt, Misses Katie Fair- Icy, Maggie Crowcll and Janie lyce; groomsmen, Messrs. John l eiike. Clarence Houston uud (ilcnn Wolfe. The groom came iu with his Is-st man, Mr. eil lvcdlearn. Ihc bride entered with her sister, Miss Margie Williamson, who acted as nni id of honor. The church w us most beautifully decorated for the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. (irilliu left at oic-e for Washington city. The bride and groom are among the most popular young cople of the town. A short man-chase wus the di version of Policeman Lancy, ('apt. Fletcher and Mr. A. J. Hohr lust night. About Rundown yesterday evening while the colored family that live on Mr. gain Helms' place three miles south of town were in the field, some one set fire to their house. They discovered it in time to put it ouL and scut word to town, when tne men mentioned aliove went out with the dogs to trail the would-be incendiary. The dogs took a trail and followed it to rock wall, but no further. Here, met yesterday sftemoon after the, tho men were told that a Degro election and at once began to (lis- had been seen to nioont a mule cuss ways and means. Their first about the time of the Are, and they effort will be to build a good school came to the conclusion that is why boose. Uie trail was low. l-k-oK. . .1. III'M VI I TT. The Marshville coiiim-iivmt-ut is in progress today. Dr. .1. C. Howe preached the sermon Sunday to a large congregation, anil thc addrcwi was delivered IihI.iv b Hon. Stephen McllllWe. J'rof. S, J. Iliiiieveutt and wife, who have been with ihc school Iwo years, will not ism t nine longer. Prof. HiiiH-ycutt will probably take a university course. He is a lii.e teacher ami has made a success of the school. It is with real regiti that we Icani that they will not stay longer iu the counly. Our lust wishes go with tin-in. n-4 do those of hosts of others of the county. A Fine Recommendation. Mr. W. J. Kudge has received the follow iug line testimonial of the excellent program given by the Chicago lilts' Club, which sipHars here on the l -th. It is w ritten by Mi's. J. W. Yates who is now in Abls-ville, S. C. as follows: "I had lilt) pleasure id hearing the Chicago lilee iu the opera house on the '.'othof April. It was an altogether charming pel bu m ancc Iroiii tlic Inst to the last mini Is-rof the program. K.u h selec tion was line and was received by the audience with rapturous :ii ilause. -Hi-member Now Thy Cre ator was grand. I want ou Moii roc people, uud cmicci.iIIv tin- inn sic loving ones, to give llieiii u full house. I w ish I could hear them itgaiu. I'm sure you'll get your iiiouey's worth." The count v conimissioneis. Messes S. K. Delk. A. J. Brooks and II. ! I I 'rice, nut iu regular monthly j session yi'stenhiy. 'Ihey were not! able to finish up Hie business, and' took a recess till tomorrow. The j i jin y appointed to lay out the road I from the Mt. Canncl section to ;he Duster road reported Unit the same had Is'i'ii done, and that tin- dam ages had turn claimed and assexM-d. Tlic report was accepted uud tin road turned over to (lie supervi sors. A pet it nni vvas leeeiveil from rilieus of Monroe township asking It r a new load Irom the illoiigli ' by road to the I'lice .Mill road and j ordered nilv citiM'd. A im-i il ii ui I - i was also received asking lor the re opening of the load Irom Mon roe iy way of J. 1). Medlin's to a point near John I'istol's and or dered advertised. I 'el il ion was filed for a public mad from Wax- haw to I Vm.i I it h, leaving the Wax haw uud ( isccol road near S. M. Howie's residence and by way of tin- Mc.Miu i v loi ilon lu' mile creek. Onlcrcil filed and advertised, 'Squire Lancy Has the Fowls- t',trh'-niVm-)' cf Hit' .luiiriiiil Allan, May I. The weather still remains cool, bill the tanners arc going on rapidly with their work, (lue mini said In- believed he would hold up until spring opened. W heat and mils still look promising, although tliechiiich bug and red tu-t are beginning their work of destruction. Tin-re is an iibuniluiit crop of fruit, especially of peaches. I think warm weather isat hand, for Hob While" can be beard, uud that is it it indication of spring, and the protection of the law is in their favor. Miss Almella Harris of Allan was married last Thursday in Ashe villc to Mr. Merchant of Hendi-r-sonville. Mr. Frank (lay of Augusta, (hi., son of Mr. I. K. (lay of Allan, is to be married on Wednesday, th inst., to Miss Sarah Jam- Broom, daughter of Mr, X, W. Broom of this tow nship. Mr. Brown Luncy nnd sister, Miss Carrie, of Chesiei field, S. C. spent Saturday uud Sunday with relatives in this vicinity. Mrs. II. (i. 1 1 "bh kiss is still lin gering on her lied of ulllictiou. She is no iH-tter. Mr, J. C. Lanev had a turkey lieu to come "11 with nineteen young Inrkevs, hatching every egg. He has ;lj tin keys, 10 goslings, 100 young chickens, and Ih-cs swarming every day. These keep him busy. Tho Ih-cs bile sometimes, mid oil, how it hurts! J. C. I.. An Important Request to Certain FrienJs of Temperance. I w ish to meet one rcpri'sc ututive from each township in Monroe at court house, second Saturday iu May, ut 2 o'clock, to plan temper ance campaign lor I nion counly. I ask the lollow nig to be present or see that his tow nship is represented by some other good man: liiilonl, Jcrre C. Lunc; (ioose Cn-ck.T. L. A. Helms; Jackson, It. X. XisU-t; Umes Creek. T. J. Hugginsj Marsh Villi', a 11. Maish; Monroe, II. D Stewart; Xcw Salem, C. J. H-as- wellj Sandy Ilidgc, W. II. Philips; ance, D. J. Hi-mby; also It. ( . Ashcraft, wcrelary and treasurer of league. J. It. Wai.KK.k, Waxhaw, X. ('., President Anti Saloon League of Union County. Cotton Seed Wanted. Until May Hllh we will pay LS cents for cotton seed; after that dalo we will buy no more seed until the new crop comes in. Mokmok On. Mill Pure New Orleans Mola'sei at 75 cents at S. II Hudson's. If yon want to borrow money go to the Savings, Loan and Trust Co. l-..l.r ... .11 1 ..... ("!". '- . T , " V V "t ll.i kmd mt-ii ii ii-ii noil r.tliv icii-ii oi on .ik j -. , , , - . iii i . a. ' I ills 4-ti.N. IU. Ill rfllll ...OIII III.' INt.'lll. 1 ; . . . ' ,1 II lt. I -w-iitt-uistl lo live years in Ihe Fi-d jeral pnsonut Atlanta. They uie: j .l.i lues Ling, tin !-- Logers, iter Wood and II. R Wilson. hi ll tin ir seiiti-iitt-s air complete tliev will no douU Is- held for trial j in the Stall- cunts for ale robbing at Charlotte and Matthews. Mi-ssis. Frank Aimlii-ld uud T. J. Ji-iolui- of Monroe went tolintii villi-and :ipM-ariil for the men. 1 III- I lilted S,li- giivi-lllllll'lll h.i-s a standing it-waid of ?Jini f.u I the captuie of any man who roba postolliee. Thi'lv is therefore s:mi j reward for soiiiclmdv for the cap jture of these four. The olliii-l I heii' who did the wolk will doubt i less get the in. .licv , as they me ccr tainly entitled to it. At the (iris-iiville t-oiiit laM wisk. allot her M-t of meii were tl led i- - ....l.i.; ..... ...o: Tl ......... ... . . .V i . i ; '.. .. ,ICM t'lltllll.l ,11111 1.111 II 1 I t . .11 . W lieu one of t Ilex- men w as put on Ihe stand, I'liliit-man Williams ot j Monroe instantly hi him us a tramp whom he had mri-sti-d here for vagrancy some nionllis ago. When taken 1 p here, he up h aicd to Is- lueii-ly an iiiollensive Iramp. and was turned I. him- w ith nut any punishment. The CI line of safe blow iug is won detl'iillv prevalent in the South now. Two separate bauds of rob-Is-is have Ist-u ai rested by I'uion county olii.vrs alone in a short time past. I liese wen- the ones just spoken of. uud those arrested at Maishvil'ie for Nile cracking al Moivi-n, the leader of whom, Tre vor, has escaped the pcliltciit iary . All these fellows appear loin- from cities of the Xorlli. Il must be thai they have the idea that the South is a line field to oi. iale in wihoiil daiiger of Is ilig detected. ill which support ion they si-t-m to have made a feaiful mislake. '1 heir luoi'.e of sale blow iug is in leicslin. It is said Ihey force small steel wedges into a safe door far enough to make a small era. k. l'utty is then placed aioiiml this crack so as to liiake a little tlllct, which l tilled with lllllo glycerine. I'poii the llni.l is placed a dyiiu Hi lit- cap, which is fastened to a fuse. lieu everything is in read iness the fuse is lighted, the cap explodes, and the concussion iu turn explodes tin1 nitroglycerin!-, vv hich sends the sale door to smith OK KIM U F eiei-ns. Cotton Oil Mill for Waxhaw. Cf . -(M'li.l. ni-. "f Tlx- .li.itnm! Waxlniw, May I. Waxhaw is to hav e a cotton seed oil mill. A com panv has been organized, cii'ipi.v .l of business men of the tow n. Mr. J. I.. Iioilmail will lie president. .1. M. .Niven secretary and tica.s n i it, and II. W, Broom general manager. The plant w ill be located on the Broom lot where Broom Son's giuueiy was binned last fall. Brick making will Is- begun at once, nnd the company expects to have everything lu readiness lor the fall trade. Tin' mill will be id twenty tons capacity and will have iu up lo dale ginnery attached. Mr. J. 1.. Walkup, I'tipri'scuta live lor (he Frcshy tcriuii Standard of Cliailolli-, is spending this week it home wild his latnily iu Wax- haw. Miss liuhy Thompson, who has lieen visiting in Lanes Creek, will be accompanied home' by Miss Mary Pucker. People's Literary Club. The next meeting of the People's Literary Club of I.ancs Creek will be held at lielilah school house on Saturday, May I Hth. exercises be ginning ul J o'clock. Tin- follow ing program will lie rendered: Song. lii'citalion Miss Lee. Fssay Miss Connie Home. Declamation -Mr. May Belk. Spelling Match Conducted by Mr. Charlie Simpson'. Sketch of (ieorgc Washington l.cla Thomas. Adv ice to Young People Mr. A. V. Williams. Heading Miss Susie Williams. Fssay Miss Inez Little. Budget d' Fun Miss Kcbccca Luiey. (Question Ihix. Home seekers! Lookup in this issue the advertisement ol Hie auc tion sale of lots on easy terms by the I'uion Peal K-late Company. After one of the hottest lighls iu the history of Charlotte. Mr. P.M. Brown. Democratic nominee, was elected mayor of the cily over Mr. T. S. Franklin, independent candi date, by a majority of '.'JO. .Mr. Brown received L'.'OO voles. Our local Life Insurance Com pany will receive members ut a vcrv low rale until tliev get itoo incuilx'rs. Xow is the time to join. Urunt-r & limy fell "Force," the line prepared food which strengthens and invigorates. The business of the Savings Iian and Trust Co. is growing steadily, (.live it your deposits. Communication From Mr. Mc Necly. Mr. F.ditor- I desire to recom mend the new insurance company this has just bern organized in our county, the Union btncvolci.t Life Insurance Campany. I have taken a policy in it and think out people should avail themselves of this offer of cheap insurance, it being the cheapest insurance one can get. Respectfully, Jas. McNeely. I the cv lt !l till- til x hool 111 Noith I ir.-iuii. iu Iii." ts.udi splendid building has Li u couiiilcti'd and will mh.ii l- piiiit.-d. In il is a nice uptight piano. 'I lieie are seveial f..itiiait In. lit-, and the house is a Iwo Mol v i. lie. TI.e sit-i.nd -i..ii has . c.-d. 1 lie J .-ii.g i verews l.i Tl.llls il.iv was ail : 1 idcit I.h.iI sll..' i-ll-l.t. Il -h..llld l- n illelu lK i. this s liooi is a strictly I. H ll ... e. l l I..I Ihe pi-.. pie i. that l oliillillllll v. Ml. ... I led by II. .'i.iveh.-v and luu for eight lieoith- in Ihe year. I he glade ol wolk runs 1 1 iu Ihe piiiuary as lujli us tin- advancement of the ehlblleii of the fi.muiuiiil y icipint-!. The closing ei I. Ix .1 one whole ilay, and tin- people of tin c.mmiihiiy tin in d out and pic HI. k. d oil the "Colli, ds. Thllstheic illleli st III lllls s Ii.h.I is it nielili-d ..ud its value to tin in doubled. L- thi'V love it. take a pude in : it and - ..iv for it. In tin- loreuooii ; L'eV. Mi-4i. Shields, Ihe young j I Presbyterian pa-tor at li.isionia. ! pica, bed a splendid senium, his illicit.!- Ising I in- sttoiii-uiciit llf liiisi. .iier .iiniH'i aiiiin-xses vil li' made by ongrcsinan LoIm-iI , N. Page and Mr. li. F. Beisley. The I 'll. of all Ihe peoj.l.-." and Mr. Page on Ihe value ol individual ell. .it in education. It so ha pi msl licit the tvio piicii-s well almost i-ont- .It-ti i. ul - of each olhi-r. The pi ineipal. Pr.'f. Dairy uiple, then aiiiioiiiiei d that tin- two gohl medals would Is- liie.sentnl. oin- U-ing given by Mr. P. B. L'edwiue of .M.iiiroi-, mid I In- other by Mr. I Sam T. Howie, now of Charleston, S. ('..sou of Capl. S. (i. Ilowii'.j I hey were o tiered for Im scholar-1 s'.ip during the year and wen- won l.y Miss ilnia Wiiiehesti-r and Miss Blight Misuf. Tin Profess., i" l.inisi If had oil. red a plie .r each ln.y ami girl who missed attending , no day iliirin the entire session, i II.. loo.ollliei'il Itiat folll' of lliesi. CLK l.rics had liccii won. The wiliticcs were Jane Presley, Pearl Price Hampton Price and Fail Price i he honor roll was given ns fn. lows: Putt to Price, Amy House, tir.nlv and .1 .inns llaulicid. Fail and Hampton Price, Lelia. Lester and l.i si' vv in. iicsi.t, vv iniiie Price, Main ice Pi ice, Cleveland Moore, I i i ii li i in and Preston I law field. erni' Moore, Yennic lleluis, .1. ill n Winchester, Blight Presley, Amelia H.iwlielil and I 'at lie Woe- lev. Prof. Dnlrwiipli' has won much praise for himself from the patrons ol the school, ami Ins assistant, Miss Price, has given perfect satis faction. Ihey will Ixilli continue w ith Ihe school next session. The exercises showed that IlieV, as well as their students, had done woik during the year. Tin-pro griini can icd mil in the evening is piiiilid III last week s.loiicniil. g.Kl ib lively. U- sine to call on Ille or 'phone when 111 ii.-cd of any thing iu the lush meal line. l;. sct fully. II. .. Will II . MTeadfiiiarlcrs The Sav ings. Luu and i'nisl Co. pays iuti-n-st ipincleily on small amounts i1chv.iIi d. Stall an -i fount with il and have your did dit-ii lo do it. Th is in lood c i l the Kii" Foioe," an ! it is an i.lctlJ F. r s,ilc bv I '.rum r 1Lh 9 Special Notices' for Gents' Clot! ling. A.lvtTtist'iiienU mill 1 1- iii-.-it. d this r.iluniil ut llir pi let- ul i.iur ten! wotj, rati iu,itic-. iin.nis tip it-lii tl o 1 in tii-i Mrs XI M. ATI K AM .i, kl MS . -II v It tl-1 l.i- Mld hy It c srttteuu-ut utut be ha ! -otnmittcf . riea-p t! i juyii.i; ymii mjtrr mi I I i-'i.l to the me is Milti. nail u. -t., a.- . tt.ttl t natirt i not mul.-rll hl n n:s. A it-iit. Spring and Summer line now ready. Also youths' and boys' new cuts and weaves. Neckwear, all the colors of the rainLow. Shoes, Shoes, Shoes! For men, women and children l: C. Asia-mil, Cilv I t. as. W A l t II khI AIKIM. I-St 111 t'.ll 111 IMIl f I hc t lu .ip an. I as K..i,it is me ik-sI lu itlililv. Ml uo:k tctmi antretl. V. Ol'urli, at ( ijnil ..'s sl.trr. ;j linos HERE before you buy ANYWHERE. ; cm l i' v M i-.n ; O liiiaiki-t pile.. OS1 l-.ur ol - I mil touv a -i ej al biiitifsl II. . While. I'M I .III 1)1 K" Li tacit s in case, viitli 11 I tilllTlt-il SIH'C V. II. Vk- MJ's njme on it. Kt-tuiu I. Utii. 111 I'eoplr's Mutual l.itt- liiMiraur- Ctiiiidiiy is now it tilv fr Imisi iil-ss. W ntt to ur call an K. V. I.iin- IIHilhl. See all t ILiee. j CAKIiVevi-ivlliiiu; you have ill old liun to J. I) I'aiku. RI.MT.MUPK yjti cm i;et the best f fii h niral at J. 1). I'aihri mar- i Kit. I'huiie No. .(i. GO lu or a ;S the Calf (.a a luce lunch nice mt-al at any tune ot ilay. K. K. Wat!. ins. Manager. S. yunr t ltoc. K. Poster ln'fore yuu buy Kai'tlen st-etl ami i-eej po- I ANNOUNCEMENTS. nni i ' r it. in it ril n I'll lill l.C. it i i in. is in i. .in ii MC- I In- .1 .. I I . .. m If - II n . ..ii. I. .Ian- 1.. Mil rs N 111 K N s III- II. I- I I.. I M,. .1 VI s i -or cos i.i. iii ii r-.i t mi I !.. r, I. tl -li uc Jt'll I I1H K t"U t ol ii. VVMi I I . i . ' . -ill. .li . f'H I: I1KIII.. at VI. I II M Mi H..H111 ... -.-if .. .-hi. II HI ti'.li lnn- f. i r . - t M..i SKI.I I , Our Shoes Talk. Battle ftxe. Stone Crulicr V anil Otncr Reliable Brands. We have walked the earth over. We have seen all kinds of shoes with our many eyes, but j have not seen any that equal us. Our soles are pure, i nero is nothing: within us that is shod dy, and we are strong and durable. When the hair was taken oil" us, unliko Samson, we did not become weak, but grew stronger and stronger as time passed, and to-day our strength is felt all over tho world. We tramp fill nations, and expect to tramp the earth when all other shoes aro forgotten. We are made in all styles and grades for men and wo men and those who wear us will always be well heeled. We are sold in all styles and can always be found at ..J. Y. Doster's.. 1 1.. lll'.. s I I III. .THIS 1 Ii. Ill l hi.'.- .in - :t it ....inii.i,...- I,. ii I-.. CONDIINSCI) STATK.MHNT BANK OF UNION, I I..T. I. .. "I is- ll IB i ' 1 1 1 1 . N tt Kl ii i..i. .in..-.- no .. If n .1 i iH.srm. ii i it . n ..i i, ..i . ., tt I K t- I I I I'll el Ins . Kl. t li.-i.-'.t iimti.imiT in. -. If ti . ..'i. f .-..It. .11 w. If'i. . ill M..H llf K lit i Kl I tit. Mini:. l.i.. i. in. i 'iii; r .ii-1 Ill -s, .( Hi . s .1 ! - i- llj:...'i. 7v . K V . .-i.l.'iil IP's i. iframar'iiffS TH;NEE,D INSURANCE If you will permit is Id demonstrate to you the need ;( Insurance, c are satisfied that you will no longer be without it. Level headed n-.eti realize the importance of Insurance; but we wish ty talk lo those who are not fully aware of the advantages ol Insurance, and respectfully solic it an oppottunily to give them information. Host anil strongest companies repicscnted. Gordon & Thompson. i Election Notice. Nuliee is lirreliy ivtu to tlic jus I tiers nf the prace and tlic nullity rum inisMiMM is uf I'liinii fiHjuty, ainl tlit aldrrinru of Moiiinc, the roniiiiissiiiu. j cm of Waxhaw uul"li ille, to I inert in the nun t house in joint i si oil on the fust Monday in June, il being June ist, iijoj, for the purpose I of rlei-tnii! cotton ueiehtrn lot he tuwiiH of Monroe, W.ixliau and NUr.-li-ville. A. J. I;K00KS, th in. llounl Co, Com. Valuable Timbor Land for Sale Hy i Mm- "fun hl.-r nf llti mijhi i..r ( i.ih i ..f I n ifii -miihi . tnuli- in 1 rii- hnif f"i h lllllllt-.i J .ill.i. H'lnMhl-lMlMt .if nr I Kf in. '1 ri-H4,.., - t i, K Hirln', I All! - II lit Hli!i nllrUiHI. fit tlH'i'..t I).,,)., .t'.iir in Mmiihn . I ui"ii i''unl , Nnr'li i k r 1 1 1 1 tt , nil Millll , till' 8th day of June, 190), it tiit. t i( ImikI t Itiir in Huf'T-l t" Mlil i'mhiuv. N. r,, M'iji.iiiiim ih Iniid- i I mulf lull k. K A K..!..'---i, th. Willi t. ol lillltllnL' i H'l k, Imllluli il H- H U iniiiiiir Hi it '-tflltt' nil tin- m -i -ii M .iittH- i"it't, run .:i a.-'min- in h -?;il.. t. ;i l. i'-, ilit-iirc N W. ' -U,iiii. if ; -i;,ki-t. -i '. J Hicm S . i; H . .1'. In. ut-. ;.. imk- t.. m -tuk.' i.v ;i I. j - n n ;i I r r, i-Iihh.- i.. -rnU, thrii.-c N . a rh.titi.-l--ik.. It'.HI'lnf On IHC' lit K IHrh.iiii- itn.KlM iMtU l. M 'lllki- l. i li j - , III- lift- K U A l li.Mlls. i ! " inik- t.- . l- j'-, I'.i-.'.-.- :r, K If l-'iilltl- It -l k- IU IT Ii J - . Hi! IICI- ih t vSiiln. t.. tl t i I. j - . th.-tli-r 11 1. III.- r..a I 1 1' cllMltf lit t ill' U'iMlllH HI. ' "II till HI M li I'll Hi'lc iii. .rf ..r . -. cm i ri In Ur 1 Ktmii - t, M I hhc mii.I w if-, i-v . I iviri.icr.'.l iu .f 'It.' i i.l- t.f tin- K.-i.'1-tiT ..( c.N .f I 111-ll i-.'HIlM l i m- mm,. Until cn-'i, ri-niti nilcr on n rri. lit of i it 1 1 1 in. mt It-, with iii'tu--i from itiiv nf -lc, 1 l.v U.h.I mi. I H..rMV,-, Drink Eu vita, Tlu- new f.nintain diink tlutt is just the thins. It makes J'OU t) 'eel Rtiri.l, because it baiiihe all your troubles, and makes you ej.i l y ni ate living, l.tivita is non-alcoholic and non f stiir.iilatitif,'. Il is one f the greatest digestion aiders on a I'.ntli. Yuu cm eat y tut want ami as much as you want J ami never be truubletl with indigestion if you drink Euvita. It is nut a drug, but a pi re wholesome beverage, anil equally I .is .1 4 C. N. L-li;:hilul in summer as in winter, lie who drinks Euvita drinks health. 1'on't fail to give it a trial. Five cents, at Simpson, Jr. 's Soda I 'oiitilain. . I'm.. Ill ti.e Tin. i.'.iii ... ! mm ).iir. l.rt-. . i.'r i. full. ..111 V), IWU J tt I VM V . A.linr.. .-. I .. ..I V.,r. I. Krtin. .I.'.'.' A.lnn... I. T"!.'- A A. I I.l nx.l K . . VV ill. mil.. All) To Whom It May Concern. I hereby certify that I have this day applied for insurance in The Union llenevolent Life Insurance Company. 1 know nil uf the ofli cors personally and have entire confidence in their integrity and ability, and believe their plan ol insurance will prove under their management highly successful. Frank Akmi-ikld. KALI H tHiillS Of M CHICAGO 6UI CLUt. Clever Entertainers.' This Rili-nilitl Club will lu lu Muni-no on the night of Tuemliiy, May lJth. They will give to Monroe an filler taininotit of the highest order, cienn, lively and clever. deceives the grealedt pmiwe from press and ioipli This is a sample: "The Chicago lilee Club was the attraction of the Lyceum Conine last night, and proved a very iu ing one. Each niemlier was encored and aeveral more than twice," The Latest. !i We have just received a new lot ol Shirt Waist Sets In Gray and (hodicd 5ilver for Heads, all colors licit Pins, the SO cent lot, for.. .25 cents .25 cents . 25 cents Close out lot 50 cent Hat Pins lor 25 cents W hen you pass our store look at the display In our window and take your choice for 25 cents- The W. J. Rudge Co. iiiiititiiiiii'iiiiiiiitiiiiniiiiiiiiitiHiiiiiiiiiriiiitiitiiiiiiiiMtiiiiiiiiiirintiiiTmTiniTtirrt IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllUlMNMIH W. S. BI.AKCNEY, President. A. M. 5TACK, Vice-President. THE RAYHOND SHUTE, Cashier. Bank of Union. Safe, But Progressive and Liberal. A modern banking house with every facility for the prompt and careful handling of all business. Get one of our Pretty Steel Banks, carry it home, deposit your savings and get interest on them. iiimmnmiititmiiiiimiinrnifnitiiinfiiisntiitrrtitwitMmmwmiiiMnmiii i tuuuuuuuiiiwwtitiuiiiuwwiiiiuiawmKiiiHiiiiiiiimHiiiiiuiiiiirtu t

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