- THE MONROE JOURNAi JLo 'who, VOLUME X. NO 16 MONROE, N. C, TUESDAY MAY 19. 1003 One Dollar a Year 4 4 4 4 public () pinion. Strong in InJiciu, Too. A '-, purse h.w 1m rn rai-jtl in on village in tienrgia for the lu tliiiitapoliscliauihcr.iiuid. Mis Lou ise ILidlcy, who ivTa-ntl !.i make np a lied abich hiitl Ufii occupied liy ltooker Washington. She as discharged by the hotel, but lias received many telegrams of con gmtnhil.o.is Had several purse. The olur line M'litimoiit is s strong with most people in Indiana m it is in tieorgi.t. Divorce Evil at the Top. Sirlt-;tirlt Ki-puMlran. The story of three distent in a wealthy and aristixT.it ie Xcw Ytuk family alio, between t hem, hud se cured four divorces, in not paral- Idled, of course, by the case of the two ln'others in a millionaire fain ily who are now in the divorce courts at the name time. Yet the two stories liclong to one liuneh. You muv yet hear of parents mill several married children all suing lor "lulls ' at the name time. The 5carch for the Other Half- J e M . In J.wrm-Ji u Haturr. Man n M-tit into the world mi finished. Nature seems to sav to hi in at the start: "You are incom plete. I have made that other part of von. lint I do not remember where I put it. You will have to limit for it." I have met many men who went ulxuit for years in this I'syehe hunt, muttering to the women they met, "Where do you supiose the rther half of me w as put?'' President Roosevelt an Accident ia, liian. H I'afkliurM. In Sun.Uy Srrnn.it. If ever there was such a thine as mi uccident the promotion of the Chief Executive to his iiiciimlM-iicy of the ollice is an instance of it. Aeeidentallv made Vice I'rosi dent by the enmity of a jealous eompatriot, w hat jealousy initiated the cnuy malignity of n t'zolgos coosutuatcd, and the thing was done. He happened lo Is- elose to the pool Ilcthcsda at t lie moving of the waters and the irresponsible I'ole rolled linn in. There was a providence in it, doubtless, but only in the sense in which there is a providence in all accidents. The Exploding lioy, hutt.Uy SrtiiM.1 Tour. A father or mother is an en gitn-cr. The Isiy is boiler hikI en gine all in one. Shut off the steam lit all points of outlet, and some thing has pit to give way. Of course nolssly wants either to waste slt-utu, by letting it ofl' into the air, or to have an explosion. The other thing to do is to turn it into the cylinders, mid let it run the. engine. Henry Ward llcccher tells how his lather used to pi a outline; w ith his boys. They dimls-d the trees, and shtsik down the chestnuts, and then picked the ground clean of tlieiu. Mr. llcccher nays: "Thus we spent our forces, mid I was a better Isiy for a week after one of those nulling expedi tions. The devil did not tempt me half so much then as at other times. Hut w hen, for any cause, 1 was shut up, no that 1 could not go out, and when I moped, the devil got big in me, and I went into ub normal mischiefs, not mischiefs of very great magnitude, but mis chiefs just large enough to procure me a whipping, and make mc un happy." Now, whipping an ex ploded boiler is a doubtful way of repairing it. All engineer who gives no vent to the gathering steam is liable to lie whipped by the law, if not by his conscience. Excluding the Ideal. SumlaT Hrliiitil Tlmrrt. It is wonderful how jiersisteutly and how stubbornly many persons will cling to an ideal less life. The worst oftVuse you ran coin in it is to offer to clean their sky -w indow s for them. They seem positively to love darkness rather than light. 1 igniics is not offered to us by his tory as being exactly a model of manners to royalty, tor, when asK ed by a kingly Alexander what gift he would receive of him, he only replied, "That you may get out of my sunlight." Hut when you have to choose between even Alexander and sunlight, there is noincthiiig to be said for the latter. In the rase Is-fore us there is no such excuse. The mind seems to say: Leave me to a life from which the bright firmament uf the ideal is excluded. Let me "walk on still ill darkness," whatever light In found alsmt inc. tio they are like 1'lato's men in the cave. Willi faces toward tho gloom, they are conscious only of the reflected shadows cast by the glories of a world of life which they never see. Their stolid idcredulity will quench the torch of your enthusiasm before it will be kindled by it. In answer to the cry of the discipline, "We have seen the Lord," they will lay down conditions before their entry into the promised land of the ideal, into the world of spiritual reality, Into the realization of the unseen, which destroy its potency to the heart, "Kxcept I see, I will not beleive." Made Young Again. 'One of Dr. Kiu'gs New Life Pills each night for two weeks has put me lu my 'teens' ngaiu" writes l. II. Turner of Ih-mpieytown,!'. They're the liest in the. world for Liver, Stomach and howvla, Pure ly vegetable. JJevef gripe. Duly 25c at English Drug IV s. From (Her the State. The (lark Manufacturing t'oiu-j pany (cotton hull I has Iseu char tered to begin business at Jones horu. The imnrMr4tors are Chief JiistiecCt.uk of the Snprcmecourt. ' his live sons and others. I hind M I. ; . . : I ... ft ... i jt i.iik is rrsnieiu mm . a. hu j ham CUik sccrctaiy and tira.Mi.cr. tiuilford county hist week voted f Umi.inhi (r ImhhIh o niacadaiiiic t lie public roads. Two prom i lien t farmers, IN-id and Edwards, of Chadburn. Co SHOT A MVS IN IIED. Crowd at Wilson k'u:hcj In I pin a Man to V hitc Cap Him, and When He lircd. Shot Him to Death. -S.-vcral 1'erson Held for Complication In the Crime. il-n. r . iflvial. Vxi hi'i. t . N - . lilM-rt, r i Torture l luatinc lor Someone. Tin re is ll alloy somewhere in Iheeartli'satiiK splu-iv, frw tnwan der luilier-cr it niav.ii b i!i.u that is woith any m in s nl.iieto capt lire. The UiIIihiii itx-if is a silk slim-tun-, Lit feet in iliauii ter. '.'M le t long, made of heavy yellow silk and covered w ilh a rniie netting. Wilson is in the midst of the This gnat aiiship is worth .Vs tlms-s of another killing in Us the mat k'l, and it Is longs, with midst and eleven uienrharL'ed with ' ) resi rvalnm whatever, to " ! ll w .... ..., ii liin.buseoiintv, met on the street. -'I J e ii.unier ,.i ! cicy . , , p " ,, and as a result of sn old feiidnU.nl I J","s suranee man Iroiii Ar Ami Hums hut ad. I-or securely ami as a result ot an old 1. ml ats .it then.untv i ill while d ' I-"'"" "f ' st-k running at large engaged ... , J ZrUZ v shot is a. l-n. i silk k,g. oil,-,! so as to tdr R " "'irfril...". ' ' Jk.,', the moMure, is a doc,,- .,,',. . , , , J Whooltheiu an guilt valid who'-'" '' guest" Hie captor of .i v .i ' , .1 isvi.t is n..t vet ollie.allv known. i"'-i'""l' " "'"' M c..i.gi.-e.u, .1 al sexeial i.l.u. s t,.' Ca ehu"; '"a' Ilen, of T1"S,,n'-r' " .MUy, good tor j L arm al. ... ,.,! ,,o.i; . M. . ,it theetvseas..i,. Ueie mc. ami Inns, .lute and! .... ....... "" . -": " iicksi-s was taken and the hearing ' '"!h'"i is one o: sev eral mat kuill Tor Ifulr M.t. 'Mr.1 l.if an.l ..... . . ... k.- .... 1-1 - - - --. -. . I.. i,,..... . a,n . ............. :i.v.i-i.,i,.,i :.-.. .in. i . . . ' A iKsparste Hluckadrr in Cabar rus- i i i i. ... The l.!.-kader. the f.-ii.m wii.' .i wlii.Le l.i .i!.lln.li ..! Ill law. Is al mii a- .1 cii-i r-nis , rl.ai a. ter as come m'.i a imuih ii i.Ij. II.-.-.in . ! .lliln f..r 1 1:.- hi til s.-i.liu,. nt .ii :e iMiiiuiiii.ity, an.li v. iv M..I.1I1...1 Is wil.lnl an I id. Ills late. We bale heaid :aM en .ugh of fie Siti.rd.tv night's jeseapade to kin. w the char... tel o 'the lellow liu hauling h.key fir n-lail and wl.o e.iuie to taf b ; .ising his .unlit to tin- 1. flu. rs ol j the law. 1 K.idei.th hiscoiiiini: w 11I1 asiiti i w.lspr. tt weiladveit.s. il.tud " lieu t lie 1 1 1; iroui the l.n t that lnieis 1 .sk i....s. 1 w ill go to Home to see Pope l . Kvery Cnthidic bishop in the world has to go to Home once iu ex cry ten years and make a jM-rsoual .e Hi. t of his diocese lo I In Pope. The attorneys of Krnrst Hay wood, who killed Ludlow Skinner ou the streets of H.tleigl. in I'cbn. ary, have made a (M'tition of hals'as corpus Is-fore Ji.ilge Doughis. to lie heard Thursday, alleging that he is unlaw hilly detained, and should lie allowed out of jail on Ihi.1. Woes of a Postmaster (icneral. Ni-S V'Tl ll. r.l.l. Postmitster (ieneral Payne's. nail these days is tremendous. Almost every man, woman and child in the country seems to have a grievance against the department now that the game is oh-ii. One woman has lost in the mails and another a black leather licit. One man in the country objects to the way his Itostmastcr hands It 1 lit his mail. and another w ants the ollice moved to li is stoic right away or he will vole for Cleveland. The most pathetic appeal of all came yesterday from a New York reprise, itative in congress, who is dailv threatened hv an Italian in his district, who has lost eltHi in the mails. The money has been tn.ced and found, but in the pro cess of red tavc it will Is- another cck U'fore the Italian can get it. He refuses to understand led tape and meanwhile the reprcsentatixe is iu constant fear of sudden death. Sweet Potatoes flavor Meat- M r. Peter Tw ilty of Heath Springs, one of the lest fanners in the State, sold here today to a merchant over ,V0 pounds of home raised hams and shoulders, some of the hams weighing its modi as folly pounds, lie also sold a cousidciahlc lot of his meat in Heath Springs this morning. He sold several hundred pounds some weeks ngo, and has more yet to market. Mr. Twitty fattens his hogs iu the fall of the year 1111 1111 especially line variety of sweet potatoes, raising hundreds of bushels for the purpose, w hich gives the incut a iieeuliarly pleas ant, sweet llavor. Mr. Twitty's meat, in coiiscucticc, lias ipiite a reputation, and always commands the best prices. His potatoes are also eagerly sought alter, and al though he has sold several hundred bushels of them this spring he has not been able to supply the de mands. I'tley't Check hook noUood in the Penitentiary. A.lif villi- l'..rir-ii..n.1 I- .if Hi. rlmrl.illr Ol.- i-n.r J, 1. Kerr, who has returned from a inci ting of the penitentiary directum at Haleigh, says the di rectors witnessed 1111 unusual sight at the prison. Young It ley of K.iyclleville, who killed a hotel clerk ut that place, had just la-en taken to prison when Die visitors were making their regular inspec tion. The prisoner, w ho is of a wealthy and well known family, took his check book w ith him. for he has something like tio.ntm in his own name. The warden re garded the book as superfluous, nnd told the young man so, but the mutter was finally compromised by a dessit of forty or fifty dollars with the prison oflicials, w ho said that this young prisoner could pur chase a little fruit occasionally, but that he would have to eat at Hie same table and the same food that was giveu the other prisoners w ho, while they had Is-en less fortunate in the accumulation of the goods of this world, had now been brought to the same level by being in the same place. The direct iont left I'tley chopping wood and eating peanuts. was taken and the hearing; adour.ied till toluol row 111..1 ling al HI o'clock. The evidence thus far connects four men w ith Hie crowd engaged in the killing, these Is-ing .1. II. Piver, a well known fish dealer: .1. H. Allen, a b.ukeeM r; W. W. Humes and tieoige Whitley. I .i lit aging evidence is slid to Is- in 1 1 ... 1 l 101101 i..iiosi io 1. .isi 011.- OIIICI, Strkcr Made Mourners Walk It, ; 1 the Cemetery. . II ... .."i . I- . . , 1 1..- r iiaiis .1! a .Ii.. ti lit. in:, ha. ks .it Hie Iuin-r.il ol P. .el Mai I !. I.el.l 111 liii.i ily !'.l.iv. wi re m 1. i.tlr.l l.i l..e .ii.lv I1..I1I ll.'-il v a homes to the place I the III 1 er.l. I'ioiii tliele th.-y walk.-ilto I he 1 In. n il and Ihciicv to I lie -e.il i it. IV, Uraix' then dllvels Is- l.itii-d to the union, win!.- the S;sk 1 Hi.-s , uinleit.:kerswho had chatge l ti..-liiueial. ate lion union In j . i v 11 i n. S.sk I'.ios. fin inli. d t he loaise. 1 liey als.1 tuiiiished tl.e . c.irri.ig.s to. the meiul-is ..t I In- 'I'.imilv. 1 111. 1 hi h 11 knieu vim ai d a hail doen I llieir r.ll'll.l' - at the churi ll. llay told iheisi ii ants. if tin uumii al I lag-- that ill. V w-mid have to PI f.-yn"- KM I.' .L n.il. I...11I... walk, lot I II. 1 1 l'l.e tin Italic lit. -111 aMi-nd.dat St. Louis on Thun-laj i ,., t.r , ?, 's.,,,x. 1 1.. .; 111 ;u any Inner:.! p..e.s.oi,i night ol iledicl period. Mr., y.-.Lv , ,!.,,. .,ru,i w , , ! to.11. ig.d by a 1..11 uui l.-i : 1111. wno na.i ciiirgeoi use pyio ...11 .., , . . , -.i, ... I 1 Si Jin Cunipt out on (idrwtlk hot And iookril m Aia (or out cool spot ; A:id tow-d he sr'cr ;aia would cat A lum.h of hrat-producin meat. Once more hs ' I-orce " reiored hit 11m, Although 'u but, he. t " Suacj Jim." IU l.oh-l..: -SvrrvLjJ m&Kes comfort possible on a sweltering day. lirtpi Him to K Coot. 1 fii.d technics at the World s ra:r dedi cation, had a .111 11. 1 M-r of captive liaMoons that vi ie to li-'ue iu a s ctaeu'ar act ial display, but sev eial of them cseajH il and lliesi' bal loons have Is-eu lallli.g ill dilli lcut parts of the count IV. One waste ( apt. W. II. Hich. engaged here iu cover, d by On 11 Y. lleiil me at S Weak? " I suffered terribly nd w trcmeljr wesk for 12 years. Ttit doctors said mf blood was all turning to water. At Utt I tried Ayer's Sa: tapirillJ, and was toon feeling all c:in." Atrs. J. W. f-iaia, HaJlyme, Ct. No matter how long you have been 111, nor how poorly you may be today, Aycr s Sarsaparilla is the best rpediciric yoti can take for purifying and en riching the blooa. Don't do;ibti. rutvour 3 Avhole trust in it, throw cway every tiling else. tne on iiiisini-ss. The crime, charged ns murder, occurred alsmt I o'clock this morn iug, w hen T. Percy Jones of Little Hock, Ark., who has Urn heie lor two months as the representative of the Mutual Aid lusutatiee Com pany, w as shot In death iu his Is d loom, the shot coming from a pis tol used by some man iu a crowd who hail broken into his room. lu the crowd arrested and lu jail charged with the crime are , I. H. Piver, Samuel ,1. Walls merchant fiiil.it- .loin. I itf on. i. f o.olir.i VV'liil. hey, pressman of the Wilson Times, . P. Croom, N. . Hariies, Law rence Morgan, W. .1. Hich, Tom Kiss, (iil aril. John Allen, one of the party, was shot and his con dit ion is such that he hits not Istii placed in jail. Two causes are assigned by the public and tumor for the killing. One of these is that Jones had Ih cii having uegio women as occupants of his room and that the crowd wanted to stop this: another that it was thought (hat Jones was acting as 1. detective and had caught on to some gambling rooms reported tols' iu iH'ration in the building in which lie roomed, and that the purpose of the crowd in cither case was to force him to leave town. The tragedy occurred in the I'ryar building, above the Vienna bakery, 011 fioldslioro street, just oil' of Nash, the main .street of the town. Just Is fori' I o'clock a emwd of men went up into the building and deiiiaiuled admittance to Jones' room, pounding 011 the door. Jones was iu IhmI and re fused to open the door. The crowd! broke dow 11 the door and rtisheil iu. Shots were heard, then a pause, and more shots and a voice crying out; "Oh, (iod, I am shot, some body help me!" Humor has it thai Jones, expect iug trouble, had armed himself with it shotgun iiml had it near the head of his In-iI; that when the crowd broke in he shot, the loail going into the wall, and that al this parties in the crowd shot with pistols, killing Jones and seriously wounding Allen, otic of the party. After the shooting the crowd scattered, some, it is said, leaving by w indows and going down a lad der beyond a tin roof, while others went out the ft out. John Allen, who was bleeding freely from a wound through the shoulder, ran out, and accompanied by two of parly, one of whom is said lo he J. H. Piver, was taken to the Wil son Sanitarium, where his wound was dressed. Jones was not killed at once, but diedalNi.it 7 'W o'clock this 11101 n iug. The fatal ball entered his body ulMiut three inches below the navel. When ollicers entered his room after the shooting he was found standing in his night clothes. Mayor Herring ipieslioned him and he said that he had Is-en uslccp, that a crowd rushed into his room, pon need 011 him and Is-at him. That he struggled out of lied ami got his shotgun, fired it, but it went wide of the mark. He was very weak when seen and failing from loss of bluish He asked that his watch be sent to his brother at Little Hock. At the uut.ipsy held by lr. Allert Anderson it was found that the bullet had made three perforations in the bowels and had landed iu Hie backbone. I.ATKU. The coroner's jury rendered the following verdict: "From the evidence we find that J. Perrv Jones came lo his death from a pistol wound fired from the hand of one of the folio wing con spirators: (ieorge Whitley, Hill Ward, V. ll. Hich. John' Allen, .1. H. Piver, W. W. Hai nes, W. P. Croomorfro.il Hie hand of one of these conspirators. Litter on during the day the grand jury, which is in sessiou here, brought in a verdict of mur der against ull the men who are un der arrest. I I Tlr tm'-t . K ll-!i...i AtmI Si-lt'... C- -a o. -i: lrru! 4 -... w ru aataoMtaa wi j ft. lento, III., and another hv ('. Ilinsey, at Worih-n, III. Hut neither of these Ii.iII.miii is the pi i.e U'.uer. This particular balloon, which was dispatched on its journey, destination unknown, was scut up by Aeronaut Carl Meyer after da. k Thursday. Ap.il .'!ii. Its only caigo was a message, written ou ollicial World's Fair stalioiiety, and signed nflieially by I'resiileut Havid H. Francis, con veying the information that tne liiulei of the balloon, upon pn seii tat 1. hi of the letter and a written statement regarding its finding, would he supplied with a piss to the World's Fait from May 1, l''o. to the close of the fair, IloccmU-r 1. I'-i'H. illogical balloon was lilhd with hydrogen gas, mole than oou feet Is-ing Used, al a cost of alM.I s.'oo. T his is MiDieietil lo keep the balloon in the air lioiii two to thtis- weeks. ll is al the mercy of every wind thai blows, and may Is' found a thousand miles liriioe, or it may wander around and when the gas has finally leaked, fall close to where the ascension was made. When the balloon arose il car lied a huge light that burned for possibly half at. hour, ll arose rapidly and w:is caught by a w ind from Hie southwest. The breeze was strong and the light could he seen mov ing uoiitiwest inrougii me ky. It arose and stun k another current aad struck oil due east and soon disappeared. I lie balloon w ill use and fall with temperature, until il finally descends. As il strikes the colder slrala of air the gas will condense' ami the unship will fall. When il strikes the warm atmosphere near the cart li it w ill expand and the balloon will again rise. This it will repeat many limes. Then it may be seen iu scores of places lie fore it comes near enough to eat tll to In- made captive. Joke That Cost a Life. !1-I.lll S-ll . Mr. S. L. Svv ieegood, w ho was in the collision that occurred la-lwecii the Hamilton and Saginaw last week, tells the Sun that he saw one too conliiling individual, who had listened seriously to a joke, drow n when he might have lived. The man in question was a ver liable landlubber and on Imai'ding the Hamilton 1 the boat on which Mr. Swicegood had taken passage 1, asked a friend how to wear a life preserver iu case of necessity. The friend jokingly told him that il should be strapped mound the ankles. When the collision lift ween the boats occui ed the iiupiii iug gentle man was one of the hot to grab 1. life preserver. .Securing it lirmly around his ankles he jumped over board and when next seen his feet were limiting about the water. II was evident that he wits struggling to reverse his position but the life preserver attached to his pedal extremity kept his head under the water. His Nwly had not Ihtii re covered when Mr. Swicegood struck for the shore. no one can sav. Hut it is a l.n 1 1 I hat many ot these men can lei! guns 011 their shoiildets as well as ' U.llles iu their pis kels. j it Is alvi lepi iteil thai the ow tier 1 of the traveling w hiskcy s'i.iji lin ! lilr ciistiinieis up and made tlieiu a spis-ch warning liu-iii not to gi In 111 away, declaring that he would not taken, lli.it he was heav ily ai mod and was .t going to fall alive into the custody of the law. This is i.u index to the chaiactcr ol I be man with whom law and or tier have to deal. The fellow knows Hie law, violates it, hoast. and haiangiies, under cover ol night, lo an audience composed of while and black, mi 11 and boys: men with jugs and guns who sH'ii. perhaps hall' the night in scan ning lor an opportunity to violate the law and get drunk on illegal whis key. W.e... 1 .1 -V taken 1 A Vision of tilory. mug Scotch girl, who was II in this count 1 v, know iug Quick Arrest. J. A. (iiilledgeof Verbena, Ala., was twice in the hospital from a severe case of piles causing '21 tu mors. After doctors and ull reme dies failed, IliickhV Arnica Salve quickly arrested further iuftu.ii.ua tion aud cured him. It conquers aches aud kills pain. '2'ii. at Kng liah Drug Co'a. SHVLOCEI Shylock was the man who wanted a pound of human flesh. There arc many Shylocks now, the convales cent, the consumptive, the sickly child, the pale young woman, all want human flesh and they can get it take Scott's Emulsion. Scott's Emulsion is flesh and blood, bone and muscle. It feeds the nerves, strengthens the digestive organs and they feed the whole body. For nearly thirty years Scott's Emulsion has been the great giver of human flesh. Ve will scnJ you a couple of ounce free. 8C0TT BOWNB. ChamUta, 4O0-4IS Poarl Stroot. Now York, ax. aad $um all 4naa, taken back to her nat iv c laud. u the homeward voyage she kept re peating over ami over again the sentence, "Oh, for a glimpse o' the lulls o' Scotland!" IHluv the voy ¬ age was half over it was evident lo those who were caring for her that she could not live to sis- her native land. One evening, just at the sun setting, they brought her 011 deck. The west was ull uglow with glory, aud for a few minutes she .seemed to enjoy the scene. Some one said ... he'r,'-ls il not iH-autiful f" She answered, "Yes, but I'd rather sec the hills o' Scotland." For a little while she closed her eyes, and then opening Iheiu again, and with a look of unspeakable gladness ou her face, she exclaimed. "I sis llietii 1100, ami aye they 're bounie." I'lien, w ilh a surprised look, she added, "I never kenned holme that it was the hills o' Scotland where the Prophet saw- the horsemen and the chariots, but I see tlieiu all. and we an- almost there." Then, closing her eyes, she was soon within the vail. Those Is-side her knew that it was not the hills of Scot la ml. but Hie hills of glory that she saw. Pet haps there aie some fair hills toward which you are now looking, and for w hich you are now longing, and ) ill may lie thinking that life w ill In- ineoiu plete unless you reach Iheiu. What hill it matter if. while you are eagerly looking, there shall burst upon your vision the King's conn try, and the King himself comes forth to meet you, and lake you into that life where forever yon shall walk ilh Him in white lie cause you aie found worthy. Now 1 10 Local Tax Districts. Itil.-iuli V !' 1.11.1 1 il--r.er l-.'tli There are now 1 HI local lax school districts in the Stale, just more than there were two years ago. There are over '.'0 districts that will vole 011 1 he quest ion with in the next month. The counties that are iu the lead so far lire the following: (iuilford, Alamance, Mecklenburg, Henderson, Cnion, Surry, Haston, Halifax and Hay wood. According to the letter from the siiiH'tinteiulent of the diUcrcnt counties, l:lt districts favorable to the local tax. and it is one of the objects of the school campaign this summer to reach the I.Hi dis tr.ct. Tomorrow night there will lie siM-akingat Ihinn for graded school. Senator It. II. White of franklin, w ill lie one of the speakers. On the '.'.'Srd of this mouth there will Is- an educational rally al Providence Academy, Handoph count v. Senator It. V. Ix-aslev, of I'nion, and Superintendent F, II. Curtis, of Hurlingtou, will ad dress the people for local tax. The election w ill lie on Tuesday, May Ubth., on the question of a sm-cial tax of :10c 011 the 100 for graded school. The strongest appeils lo take I In 1 r p! 11s in the funeral line wen- of no avail. A lew of the union carnages, wiie:, it was anils' able to the occupants, wire diivcii l.i the celie leiy by a d tl.-.t-til unite In that taken by the heals., a .d the l.ii.ii'y iu the uon union hacks. The maioiily of the union drivers icluiuctl to Ihcii tables. A Sure Thing. It is said that nothing U sure except death and taxes, but that is not altogether line. Ir. King's New liisiovery for Consumption is a sure cute lor all lung and throat troubles. Thousands can testily to that. Mis. C. H. VaiiMetro ol siiepheldlow 11, W. Va., s.iy: "I had a seven- case of Hiouchttis and for a year hied everything I heard ol, but got 110 relict. One Ixittlc o Hr. king's New Ibseovery then ciiii-iI mealisolulelv. It sintaili b!e for Croup, W hooping Cough, 4 tip. Pneumonia and Cotisiiuip lion. Trv it. It's guaranteed hv Fnglish jlrug Co. Trial bottles Ins-. Uogular sues .0c. and ifl. The Wrong Direction. an). I 'iiii-tililtl.ll. "Ff de dev il conies yo' way." said Hrolher Williams, '-kick him sky high!" Dal 11 never do, replied an old deacon, "lie ain't pop' la r up la.:" 11 1 . ni.'N- i . : I... !.. is.lhro' l.l. 'l !'..!!! h- iu. lr. ukf-tj. li 1 ..' i;v. ah Cd.. ll 1 1.. ...t It.-i.riy ! h..w to o,.. (1 vl l.k.k..EK." W-;l TtlG av:nns. loan anflTPUstuo vvt MONROE, N. C. A 5tartling Test. To save a life, Ir. T. (i. Merrill of MehiMiiianv. Pa., made a start ling test resulting .1. a woiuleiii.l cure. He writes, "a uatie.it was attacked with violent hemorrhages caused by ulceration of the atom ach. I had often found Klcctric Hitters excellent for acute stomach and liver troubles so I prescrilied them. The patient gained from the first, and has not had an at tack in 14 months." Llcetric Hit ters are positively guaranteed for Dvsiiciisia, Indigestion, tonstipa tiou aud Kidney tronbli. Try them. Only 50c. at English Drug Company a. f ('Hi. r 111 Dili .ji's 1 MM.itui.- r.uil.iiiii;, iliit-itly south of 'i'i l ti ..!i!in-.; t'tc C nil tho'!-' 1 iu iin.v I at. 1. r t!.t l.n. a of tl,c Stale ..1 North Carolina. Officers: R. B. ReJwinc, President; J. M.HBolk, Vice-Pres.; F. H. Volf, Cashier. Directors: J. M. Bolk. A. W. Hoath, A. J. Price, J. G. S. Lee, Dr. J. B. Eubanks, R. B. Redwine, J. W. Eivcus, J. 2. Grocn. I. Orr, lnv itl'S 1 f 1 I sii;lil, an I all " Issues rt 1 titn- IIHIIIM l,. mi. I 1 Huv,. .. lb a:. A.itli'.n,. d by 1 1 t C.01 aivr.: anv tl . t t lu tni-l cutters the !nr to utn, li t!u y 1 t.. Ilirall-l ( III l.t' II: IV c li ,1 . ' I" t .d . int. 11 .It - ..( 0 .il.. i 1 1 I 1 1 111- ! , U I I I' I.I. ll .. MI , ' I.-t!-'l t . I.. It.' I I I Mil.. am! at 1 1 . 1 ' -...mi' tai.e Iaii..v(- or t;ii.u ant. 1 l.t lull, liiolii'v lit ail lo. Makes I-... U .hi 1 :;. . S.i. lln;s I! .nk ti .ituri' l lil.-i 1 alls ti l l'"ll Ii lid minify. tin i 1. ...w;,. 'TI': . .,:..l : i lepo It- 1: wcis a:ul !.iit;e or siiull subject to check at t I. niti u i-t is paid. Acts as ageut for llM.lll.lls. 1 i soij.d eri'iicrtv. it 1, Vliiiiuislrator, Guardian, Agent, etc. :. i:; livnlual is eligible. nil 11. ;;iii.f,inv rt'initablr member of the until in 'i..t my m (is . 1 1 a r t; e . Hy this in ti I v 1I1 .vrisi;lit ol Iheir own couuscl 1 i'i 11 -. l.-ibility. i nt- 01 notes or other obligations. 1. veil security in tin land. 1:1 rn il 0 1 civil judicial proceedings. 1 sin. ill -inns lor saving a specialty. uiil I:. el liuiruwt-is fur those desiring to STATi: (!' OHIO, I'll! til- TlJI.MlO. l.l.t'AS I'ol'STV, f rank I. Cliaiiev makes oath that lie is seuiur pin tner of the 61111 oi f'. J. Cheney & to., dunig business iu the City of Toledo, County aud Slate almcsaiJ. and that sanl turn will piv the sum of One Handled p. ill. us lot each and rverv c.ie of Catanli that .innot he Hired by the use ot Hall's Catanli Cure. I-'kask J.Cu vm v. Svvuiii to tietiue me and subscnhcil IS my ircsrnee, this nth day of I'i. ember, A. 1'. issn. si ai J A. W, Gi 1 ASON, Not.ny I'lihlii', Hall's Catarrh Cine is taken in'ciii a 1 1 v , and aits ilirectlv oil the blood Hid inuciius siutaei-s of the system. Seu.l for ti'stimotuals, lice. F. J.CIIKNKV A t o, Tot.KiKi, Ohio. Sild by druggists. Toe. Hall 8 family pills are the licit. Old Mnrefiot (iny in Hid Age. t :..,.. l v 1-1". I .1. ('. Hose, of I'iuktiey, was in town .Nil ill day evening, lie told; us of a remarkable horse of his which died the l.llh of April. Mr. leiso said he bought the horse in February, I".-., when she was six; veaisold, which made her thirty three years old. lb-said she was one of the lies! horses he ev er ow n ed. was kind, gentle and would to any thing. She nev er ran unayi until just six weeks !.clorc her; leath. She was well and healthy up to the time of death and ate I wo bundles of fodder the night Isd'ote she died. Mr. Hose gave eighty live Hollars lor llie annual autl said that in point of service she had Is-cn worth live hundred dollars lo him. iiiiiiiiiititriiiitiiiiiMit!itttitiiitiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiitiiitiiiitiiiiitiiiiiii.itiiti.iiintiniiit.ri llllllllllllllllllltllllltllllllllllllllllllltlllllilllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllUIIUUMI44li W, S. HI.AKI.VLV, President. , M. 5TACK, Vice President. nii: RAYrtOND SHLTE, Cashier Bank of Union. Safe, But Progressive and Liberal. A motkin banking limisc with every facility for the prompt and cup-lu! h.ili.lliog el all business. Get one of our Pretty Steel Banks, carry it h -, .lcpt -it jtnit savings ami get interest on them. itiititiiiitiiiiitii:iiiitifiiiiiMiiiiitiiitiiiiiitiititiiiiiitiiiiiiiittititiiitiiiin'ir)nmiiH..i llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllliMIIII:lllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllmuilMU TRY The Corn s mpire Fertilizer Drill. Ashcraft's Eureka Liniment This Liniment will remove spavin, splint, ringlxines, and all cartilagi nous growths, when applied in the ear lier stages of the disease, and will re lieve the lameness even in chronic cases. One of the I most common lame- """"" ncss among horses j and mules is sprain of the back tendon, caused by over loading or I hard driving. Ashcraft's Liniment is a never-failing remedy. The ! Liniment is also extensively used 1 for chronic rheumatism and f r all kinds of stiff joints. For "scratches" Ashcraft's Eureka Liniment is with out an equal. A few applications is all that is necessary to cure this dis ease in its worst form. Owing to theCf wonderful anti- aerca. septic qualities, the Eureka Lini ment should be used in the treat ment of all tumors and sores where proud flesh is present. It is both healing and cleansing, entirely de stroying all parasites and putre faction. This Liniment acts as a counter-irritant and stimulant. Price 50c. bottle. Sold by English Drug Company fc V Ik: ar v n, f :? .; v'V'' e 4 1 1 It is the best investment a farmer can make. It will plant your corn, ftrtilic it, and cover it at the same time. Take cut yutir pencil, figure the saving of fertiliser, add the expense of planting the old way, and you will have your Drill almost paid (or at the end ol the season. The Empire is deciJedly the best on the market. No chain attachment; no links to slip or break, ami cause you trouble or inconveni ence, but a rosiTivi: I'Okcl: fki;d. Ask those w ho have iifc-1 it if it is not the best Planter sold. Take one home and try it; if you don't like it, we'll refund your money. You need it now. Thehjeath-Lee Hard ware Co. 1-

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