F I I' ii f -1 I' 1; i 1 i THE MONROE JOURNAL TALMVi W,TM E m,,1E lm.l fairly teeming with gold." And a "pan lull of tlirt may U C. M. HEASLKY, i R. F. BEASU-Y. P1"'""- TVESPAY May if., ijoj. The rullowinf-l p W ork. HAS RESPECT FOR GRANT, j Three IVrsons llurtwj to IVath i. Mr. Wiiter Has Nothing Against takeu up frtMii any spot ou the kind Bill Arp on Northerner and . . ,., i Uroxer The Negro Need Forty i',- h'ol J 'ihTuii'g ul',htur' j I'UZ Acres and . Mule-The Sfm j Ai..r. tlul' t0" ,0 Rc,orm Hi R with; It was vr.y e-Jr midnight, .. i ol r'atr- Kencwing an Old V'.;,!!. v'.i it. .1 n.ii,..r Tooth Brushes. !! '' the t'.-j. U. u lulicl lolie." ami It was "lit tic t'li'cll." "IK' ch'ch." it l.sceHaiu iv ihe negro's ioy, ami ui.itix ol servers, think it also a source ul much ul his sorrow. It is the sine IM Hull lit Ills exislcllcv. 1'ur it he will work ami I n hiuixlf. may ml wmk lor tlutho m t'lHnl. tur nOcii it is easy tu lug (linn. Init In- will I.iIht fur inoucv li put in the lu-kct or rather on tli tabic, fur tin- iicgin picat hcr arc s1ihm.iI ami lake up their m1 On aunthrr pa;e of Th Journal ill be found au at tide, copied (rum the llit ileal Recorder, uu the usr'.rs Hex o( pluluhili, u laws that aie Out folio cd up Ly pi per citoits tor Ihr appitdit-iisiuti auj pmiistimrtit cd viu lators of the law. While it is tiur that any law, tu he eliective, must te haclrj by determined puMic seutt unit, it is doiihiv Hue ut ail laws reg ulating, or altrinptini; to suppiesg, the h.paor tiaitic. Whylhisis so should he ver apparent Id any one who t'uuk Ui a iiivIihmiI. 1 list, l!u it- aie c uiJei ahie pecuniaiy rvaaiJx in ilucnn; pcrs jiia lo violate a la uf this. LiikI, inJ seouJly, thcie i jUais a luge ptr criit. 111 any oiummni) reajy to aij a:ij al ii the la hiraiier tur tlir s.ike ol gi'ltinij Jn.l uini; villi out I'liliishlnelit l!ie i;o. t!s uliidi he uuUvi fully hanJles. These too cui.'i turns Jo nut attach to any other LiuJ ot law hiealiiiiii. Kcpi-.il the la against receiving stok-u 5, !s auj btealiun would inciease a kuuJieJ (ulj. But the ruK-.it-, afltl luiiuuii; the risk ot heuiij Jeti-ctifJ in the act, Liions he canuot fin J pel i 11s teaJy auj anx ious to buy aii.l conceal hi cooJs, lieuce, halt of the iii.hicciiient is le moved. So L iij; as thi ie are incii ansious lo I liuns. Tin- moil air nut lull' utter noi'J -nci 1 1 hisiey. auj i j;u.al ci a till' Wuiurii, I nit liny ) liKht I'eiialties aie attache.! to vioia- ' ln';;4ai. ami ill th.s low 11 ! tionsof the !.., tl.eic le s. me ' llav ' '' I"' a Lai I a llu-i rn,w ..1,.. 1,,. . 1. 1, nlii'i' lu!k-wiili tin- iIiuiiniikU ul to sell it Hot attach j'roper i-i uai ties, ami let pul !u- se!itm;ciit deiiiaiul an ruforceiiient of the luvi, .m l the violations ul he r tIi.i e J to a mini iinuni. T.ie I'm !! county as an e aniple. I.ii;lil inonlli. .1,0 the ,il men of Mouioe leiusi I i ciont li cense. I .'o-ie was ;t 0 eniphatu-t-:i ally attache 1 1 1 the seliun; e-f whiskey illeallv and no ul iic m litimeiit li.ij been w 01 led ur to Jeni.nul that the iilet.ii li.iil.,' he .-t l i'cd. 1 he illi.it seliel.s confide n J th.it they w or e l i;n nnit; a inioiMii.tii ti, m p! 1;. tlit-n tiade, an 1 tht-o I ;:snie.-s ;hmii.-hed Itut a swnt ai: I emphatic and una.i. taiial'le cli.iiii;i' imiii- iit'oii tio ;:i alti l ' the se.-u 11 ot the hv-L.hiie, td a law as iasse-.l which pi. I Ihe 111 liter e n a dim rent ha .i. 1 101 law s i.,l 11. ..la man roiivictril of mIihc wIh-m vuu lawfully in I'm. i.i cuiiut v shook! k" iip.111 the i ham c uii. Time were no ifs nor amis, .u.,1 no .n-cietioa I r Ihe court-comictioii ii.carit Ihe Ci.nl.il roads, tor while 01 il.i. k. Ii.ithrr, the law javc oii.e help towards the' dcteelioii ol the i tu icier, and thus made it easier than it had picwoii-ly been to cat. h them. I uilhi r, slid, a Kociely ol earnest .'iti.vns was foimed for the pin p. -c ot fuither aidini; tie otlicers to cany out the law. The i ! feci was in laical. Ill J ..t'.cndi I s stood still ii feu ami i.uc, ami hs vicious ones wt te p:u k to dt:o.t. S.o,:c o! the mole i. mils ami suhlilc no doubt Kile mill s,-ll k!hm- at unlv 'i i - ' teiit live iinls rat ii till all ft tin- 1 -.. Kmwm h ... I... .1.-.1 . 1 .- . . . '' I.. .Lit .. II... I.ii: L.r 11. ... .... 1.. -tll.m" IMIHl.II M.H IK l t.lkt'll tin,.,. Il'tl.. trr.ii I .-'.il lr..,. ... .... " V - 1 - .. ... .i ,.,.r .l.il,,ii I lit limliliii . I. Il.r ,iii. r rum mis we ai jue in 11 i.iu. 11 no v i Vini i It . h,in n.'i . hill 1,. Iw,,.,,... muu'lilH',,. Ilian ,1, ;1 n!, "tL "' iT,"" iM Y?' 'Wvmii the ,l,v, !.,,, lie ..i.l,!t:eti,li.?, it, ,.t,r .1,,,." , " ' Vl ' .'I .T i" ,. Cr 1 .. ...i;.. 1.. 1 .. . ... ' . . J. i.i!lralli ami In family, who iiiiiiiui nit--t aiv-iia 11 ' it in mi 1 tnvte hie ii: tmu'. Ii,t I . ... . , , , .C-r,il.. w.,.ii.. t . 1...1; !... 1 ..1. .1 ... .. kepi iue.i.itva.siiii.iniiiiSBim4. : ,"- -" .....t-.v iou i.ii.e linn-'s are me u,uaintantehip" Didn't Want a Hloisinjr Too Small to Count Itwsnt Care lor fotatoM ularly Hro. Tile tatting erous. Miter. iiinue er nickl Uiy euilietluiie, ami the Mr.u stuiHtl ami l'kiil iluwu tu a hilt manner uf U -iii- huhw.iy man it aj.stli.it li.ul hi l.l him up. U-iiio, a Mraiiiiir. lie if a suii.n-a .1; , fIMt ,.f N,1 steak, lie lia 1 u. a Muniuc man wmili! nut lnve'i,.,,! ,tli, ,. , 1,1.1,. ,r iriv Neil. lU luiv litui stmnl a ta-.-tl j,.,,. :t,.tti-t File cuisuh-il I nn lillie niv. r xs Mack a. Fi.t ami ,-vLiimin,; with Krvat iitictiuii. with a lie.nl lliitkly knulieil with -;!(s tiud: I hail a lwuml l.e spiral kinks. He uiav have Urn l.reakl.isi:" Iiiiiiia . aiiilhe ii irii.un'iX slim t uii.l..t'l..-s.I.i.theha.ll!ntp;.riu.i . . , , ...,.. .... lui-. ami it w.is t.-r .le ... . .... ...... . ini.liu . . the 11 ish puialu ;h'i-r li.i ih -pal l 'eil. 1'uiks toll Ustli.lt their ;l'i' liu lHit.il,. Im 's this M'.tl'. " " li ;if AiUuta l.u.iii iii..!i tliiocswcres.ru issuing In.iu the Ii ilidsuine leu risHH lr line ilwellln limlher in the itniirjj itiun artw lin.''et. b explain why he h.nl in-t lveii Fur 11 inuv.a ur mure tat s? ihil 11101va111ls11dth.it thuuli lie was ,!re'i liste '.t-i n a -tU-liinif un.l w sit m fur ti t- ii.iriiH i. ben I lav her l.tttr mi. I h .,!, ! tin- in o . Ii 'i ri.tl lis; : Oor haiiti'u !i h r little t.tu..! ::ij tile !t lephute Ul!s. ' Mil l II In n im htitt sao he.!. tlie Imt heir this v ear.'" slid Ml. I' A. Aniilnlil. "luii't ask im that, fur I d.'ii'l know. Ih-s:, lis. I iluu't e.iir. I ts t nullah ..-me tu knuw that tin air nut. lule I I iluu't like putat. k s a. a rettlai d ot. I want tin-in thus-tnu. s.i d. iv fur llitre hiimliril ami il fuur lavs, the Ii liiain.lt-r ut the time 1 1... 1 . 1 1 . uumv m . ... passina........ l.ie: , ,,,, ,., j, , , ,.,,, pla e. I.utl.y letttu- the lurlhir,. !, ll(1,vU Us .,,, ami .s.stei-r -...... esistelt .at li.rt ,- j ,w , ,., '. u reii-e,.i,.e riKl.t up ami lay the ,.. l u u. ,.,ppv vt. inuiiev mi the table 111 trunt ut t he , , c ,- ' . - . . . , Ull lift . pulpit. I 111. is supposed to U the;' ir.ptiu.il wav, ami the prrachei; . ' knuw that it' l.n.i-s Uttei eulltr i .V1;"' oil .011 cllllll II. s,(!U 111. ,1 M. l- !k Hil l the 'pllu lie u , l.ldv 1.1. . ul luw II. "t '.III I ti ll Vull some ulie I so who would oive s. iiiii-thitu.' let ... .. I ii... ii-i...... I.. .... . , me sir, i ut. hoi. nn;. uniis I ni..rii?, .S"V 1,1 "I se out tu ti,i! i i ilullar tu pul 111 He e leettuli lutiiouer. slid 1111 uhl time ilatke.v tu Ihe writer oil a S.itui'il.n alter having thme soim uihl lulls atmlil tile plat e. "1 .1 aeiuiis, l'neie," was 1 1 11 10 ply. "vuii eeil.unlv tlmi't put in a ilullar al une time .' In. I I. . -I like I'll turn hid ins. ll ti.tt t enough hen I drop in a dime." Huh: Why. el I didn't pul 111 liu lion 1 '11 1 : 1 1 . uhi'li ilu l.awd bl 'sseil 1110 'i-oliliii' to my oililtl'.lilt 'ml Ih' so siuail i.it I wouldn't knuw he'll a dun lilt at all." my ft lend Muii,.w. Mi ruw uiei the wav. II tu jjive yull tell iluil.lls. hull. He'll li-il sh-lili-d llull't." II. A. M..t !1 In- -l.n! nti I s um the vstiH' running to toil its h-..ii.t t'. u , but they didn't stny tiie t:.!!.u!s. l'tiey ha I tu IZ bick in. I I uk Mf'.er tilt? Iihii t ims. 'e!!. t:;.. ie i autliltii jTettiei in nil 'iitn-e t'j-iti I. tile i.r.i i.l ut lint'ini .liickeiis and mx i t'litll is tl.ev n re i : e.i!e.l H i iallv b 1 luake little c'i! ireii h i'V. It mh-'ii t!:t t!iev 01 ig'tiii't'd in a littio tuan uf '.hit ii-.itie en the island uf .lava a 11 1 hive Urn t; nisplaiitt I tu ut fur c -uiiitrie. I'hey -ire n un.e 'm ! M! a leui ta'il rnuster u ill attiuk hiiI !i;p a ordinary uitliu t ck uf live .time it we'ut. I'ln m little dteti ci'iue tu -te me every div f. I tu colli I ut t:.e while 1 am :.k an I tt;i ir presnue i the liel liiedltuln I :..-H'.' fu'if.d. 1'iie h ip i:n.s I'f mil i lnl lreii i the b.u u't t !i: titr 'M i .'e Mti I my desire tu i.vo i liiu.nlv lor tu, ,r sake. The i'.,n-r mm- f'.'i! id' lc' t!iiii, liut they wuti't luiLpa;!. it 'i the ll'lii one. t lark II ivvi-ll ivrut a tliuusitid -. 1 "I'M! liu' a Ii pei-t !l ahutit lif ii't. That wa. ll-ht. I '. ov e tii ire te-p.v! fur 1 11 tun', 1 i"inl's im v lii .rifir imv lu man wii.i ,,! that -i,e, but Mili ii:l t" i.tiiU-rs-aud li-ia l.:u "T hi- lii oli tu .,iv man. v. -I I inn' I rv 1 1 vv a -.til 111 pul'lie." s.inl a !. 'i con 'cn,o yet sell h.pi- 1, Out it that they will 111 tune be I i The anti w hil ev h-.ii.ui s th. in; formed ov -r tin' c. uutv a specific pin pose of (im:i and e td ct to the .-euliiiu-nt vi ists aaittst tiii . vil, an 1 to the piesuit i-v i lhul I-,. t d ted onell up. it .lie bi le '01 tl e due, to n Inch ex maintain n.lltloi.s . Mi. 1 '1:1 1 1 Is Atiulii Id. w ho 1 a lawyer b.v pi uti sstuii and a philuu plnr l. liirth ami 1111-.1t1.1t i. m . thinks thai the philatithrupisi who are spi'lnlni;; iiuuiev mi the 111-10 slimiu! turn thi n rllurts in another liiri i tiuu than nun h id 11 ha lienluliiie l.tkeii. All iivei the full lit rv their are sehuuls tut tile lll-llel i illli .1! lull ol the le-..es. iii.iny uf theiii llieuliiical si'houls, estalilislii'il I iniiii maiden l.nlii-s ami vv olows vv nh surplus cash who. knuw about a tiiiit h ul' nej;iu eliar ' acti r ami m ed a an leelanilei kliiivvs ul ul ,111-0 cull lire. It is u' ipiesi tun u' they ate dm i. any ..ml j whatevei'. Mr. Ariulield thinks that the in iiii needs tu lie runted , ill I he soil, and if tin money w Inch ;;oe,s tu e,n h the In all abuiit j lie.iveti ami iiuihiti' about U-m- a iitli'ii ami viotker 111 the w.ui.l, wi-te invested 111 iaml ami miiies ami these sold In Ii 1 11 1 oil ea-V lei ills, tl would eil'eet 111m e tuvv at d luaktii t In 1.1 iiseiul, ef n-lianl. Iiunesl and tndiisli mils than any tin 11- else. tenl.iv . w hu ts an iisioiin it tu d-i that suit ut iliiu now. "I had a li 1 f 11 ' I'w.i at pi. net Uleet III-. .111.1 uhlie the pli'.lrhel w.i !. lisle,' I had a pie. ul :uo nt licit he was j;uiii- u 1 .ill mi 111.' I., pray, tli.il vetv uilit. lie wa talking about the "eliM-l.iu s..i Idier." and I lie-.m tu li.iine m ' pi aver aluiv th it line. I dn .. I up my i-hiisiuiu ,,iii't 1:1 lull 1101 ' Im 111 w ith iiiu ai tu and a!! m i es : siiiy a. coiiHi'tiu'iils, ami vv.i u nlv . Sine elioiuh the plr.lt hi t ealled nil ' 'lie lu pi ,iy , ami I knell duw 11. ! Vmi" 'Well, d.dii't yuii .1 it ail i tiaiit."' i ""l II lilt I'f It. I U Oil klOUV . .Ill.lt si.hliel deseltod n,e. and I i didn't thins a vvmd about htm ill ' II wa all iivei " llujt IlV. tin ! t ' :: i'.oii! a f t ie !.' !l V . I! li till I- - ; I i : ii r en :.:i I 1 lr il.t' nil. mi t a e p: u'lle-ii -eeiii tu e pu-;i!at une now ti:i: 'ii.- u n iittl liielhveii. The i'i'li-is u!iie une h.lpsclntl In ln pass! Hi; the Im list al the time anil retsiu 111, 11. o th.it tin- lives of the oe u pint weia- en-l ini r. d. nave the a' inn. Iiylh.it tune the tire hail iiiitd nal headway, so it wa with ililiiiu'tv tint lui in I ul uf Ihe I, ill. 1. ith faintly made their may thiuii-h 1 luiidsut siul Miitnij; smoke tu ..ien air. l ive ul tliu-se in the luilhlllii; Managed to j;i t out, lint F. W. I' iviie. the Ii li vi.ipli uM-ratur. and a in iu w. .111, in ami h.-r tlaiu hler Wi le lust. J lii a heit while alter the lire st.iUida latof erowd gathered ut the M-.-ne. ami with luukiis ami 1. 1 ii I liuse tiny fought to iave the I ves ul ihe thlre IhTsoIIs. Imt till late fuur uf men wa 11. helpless, a Mr. (iallitalh had Us ii Imt 11 tew miuulis I lmi'. tur it s. inisl thai ihe du, iiintl man and servants had Li ked their il.sus, and Umii' iivt riume l.y Miiukeweiv Miwerles to help tlietust'Ives by fuluitij; to w iiiiluw uk'iiiii finm their mom. It was t wu 01 thnr hmlls U fure the liiiilies were fuiitul. TIicIshIh uf the servants were luirii.il to a lisp, while tint ol the oierator had almost Urn eousuiiieti. Hi! head, at 111 ami hands were miss ' 11, ami hi Ik.ilv would have Urn ', vv holly e. 11, sinned had nut a lare ' tiumU'i' wurkeil almost Irani n. illy I t-. .ive the leu. -Ill's. Mr. I'.iy lie a a 011 11 man w hu ! a ful sometime 1 inplnved by the j I't.sial li ltviiiph t'.iiiipany in Hu h tun ml. I I'ei he went tu I uliinibia. . t'., wh.-re ,e leiiiatlied lllilll i:.uiit two inmilli ao. rioney and Ik-pravity. Icall-U. Ue'i u Charter lor kadrnad (nun Snlis hurv to .MonriK'. Thanks to the 1 done by the e od have taken it up reduced to a and county. uk that has been u:d tine men wlu the evil has been miuiiioiiu 111 this town The pia .cut work is fot i .- ., v-. ' ' , Thetiillel.il Assembly o Nottli I aiultmi passed ,ri act im-utji.uat ( Hi" 1 1 1 -1 1 1 1 l.'iilwav t'omp.ii.v with a i'.ipit.ili.il urn of i.,."..iiou ami pi iv ile-e to iin-it-a!- b. two ami a half million. I' 1- stated tli.it tin company is e,imp...ed ol a 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 ' 1 of Weill hy S.iltsl.niy citt .'.lis desire tu reach the iiluiiid nit nun ure. timber, water power, sii :u iiit-i reuils, minora! spinas ami other line n uitrei s o tin il eum. 1 In- route of the load Will be Irmii I ,inl mi via 1 u-i minimi. U iiisbot ami Salisluii v lu sume polllt otl tile 4 '.II ii I ll.l I ill! 1.1 1 ill l llioll 1 ouiit v . piubably Mut;i',..., j inikin-the line s. inn-t h 1114; mora huu. lied mile in leiifllt. ! t.suil 1 ! Iliufu e hi- at 1 -t lutivitnc.l th luve-sut their !! -! list-. I . In't i'loi-- tie v. hat I'lUiikeV W.l-I: II t . Tl iv 1 - t 1 du Willi lil.lt '". 1 t t .! 1.1 j'i 's .t j.;t. 'o.l I -of by I', iok, t's I itc i'.ii-I In . -niij; t ' 1 Apeii I it in iininil i. turn.,: t ' .la 'iriidie ati 1 he viv. ho c PI ft -tu; mi I..,, vv lode race I,, upply. 11 tlie ii vvi'li hiotli brii-h e. 1 ii'i' ill 1 !.':'. ativthiti,' t jet ri I i t' t Mi. "ley that keep, on piling up. I ie 111. jlit 11! I a si le f i' toi'v I 'I t '. !hp.c!is. ;c.kitij ii'iuit (iciieiiil lii int. re'iiii! U no' uf In. iirijti li 11 lit t-i'iili tit I i t iiit pifh, H'ld that t cue lid- n.e of :t 000 I thltl nil ulli I ti.y b-. uliu, when 111 e, iu:k, nut lutisT liu.., wa invited by s one c i-i...'ii l'"i.ti ! to take 1 1 1 I" v. ;'h them and ee the tmn'i. I tiey .i.-pp. .! in limit .in I 11 1 v Ii .y he .ved h sio'i tin I s 1: I, 'Ve-, tl-'i''s ul I li, . l,ee Ihe jii'sli'.l ni -iter vv hu ever live I, an I th, re's vv hid he sa, I ., j, tu 1 -i . . x vv lu-n lie u.'ive ti .'iiit buck his saaitd, 'Let 1 s h'iv 0 po, ice." " When in i f '"1 ed of III- llllt:,ke he stud: ' "U i ll. I vvii-u't thole, of e-iur , ' b'.t 111 v father wa-, mi hint's what I li iplH'tu ! ii he told ine I n'tteriil IliS swot, I tu I', i'i Lr iv e il I r I 1 1 'v ''I 'I 1 Our Know Bai 2'ains No Bounds! 1 be, "as good" ones are hard to find if you do find as they won't be as cheap as ours. jood. Silks and Dress Goods. The most comprehensive, the most elahor ate, hy all odds the must worthy showing e have ever made, and the prices - well, you will he surprised, that' all. Corded Taffetas, worth ON:. srxia! at K. NYash Silk., worth 5tW. spvcial at .U'c. Yard wide Tafleta Silk, no Utter (or Jl Is, tipevial at c. Mi Inch w ide Jnp 5ilk at 50s a yard. .VH inch white ilk at 75c a ard IVau de Crepe Silk, in all shades, the latest thing in Silk.v at -S; a yard. Ihe Celehrated IWtha'ldi Silk, yard wide, special at $1.25. This 5ilk is guaranteed in every respect. Wash Goods. Another big lot of Mill Ends put on .ale todav. I2)c I'K at 7! a yard. I lie Law n at 7'c a yard tiood Calico at i) cents a yard. Illc l awn, beautiful patters, at 5c a yard. 2lW Madras at Ilk. Full lineol White Goods tor dresses, waists, etc., at prices to suit all purse. ! We are Dluneine ahead, cantivatins more and more neonln every week with our surprising bargains. It's your privilege c to choose freely from these values now. Better ones couldn't I t I I I 1 h 1 1 1 Miscellaneous. 7.c 5tre!Cth Scam Drawers.special at $!. Shirt., "special ot Susendei s 5c up. 511 den Socks worth 2ik. the lot .pecial at Illc a pair. KV Socks at 5c a pair. Specials to ofivr In Clothinvr. See it. Shoes. The brightest, the snappiest 5pring 5hnes produced are here for your seLttion. Children's, miss.' und liJie.' Oxfords, Pat- Feather, llluchers, anJ Strap- K-l; "t 1 We sell .)uwn (.lunlity Oxfords $2 5l and 5.t (1); all the n.-w shap.-s: see the-n. A Millimrv Ucaiitv Show. A surprising exhibit of New 5pring Millinery. The Paris Hat anJ our own matchless creations. We are splendidly equipped to meet your millinery vvjtnts. Slmwing an endless variety of choicest Netting at jut the price you want to pay. New Pareols. the latest and prettiest for summer, Just received and at prices that u ill interest you. Come lo this store for your want and you will find it. BELK BROTHERS Cheapest Store on Karth. In Jiiilca, twenty centuries ac 111.11 e,-'t r.cli 111 1 vie Kmuril way i,'y. ami that vv.,s by (rand and j picsst ,11. Ikiue, iiatufal'v, the '. eiirl that it wa. us tlillicult (ur a wealthy man L le (jood as (or inn I tu e.i tlitotii;li the eye id iit.il e. 1 lc;i. ids 1 the atiSiilule iiiucti 'ii bclvveeli puvettv and d.iiicss. Spiritual piincipks re- . :i . mi. luit their applications NVayne County tlirl Kill- C.oeeC)CCOOO0Oe 0SC CCJ C (,.,1 tul use .111,1 the puipo.se. of seem; that the filthy ilefieisof the law will not have the courage In anam establish their biisi lies ill Ihe cumin unity. When will it he understood that law breakers can never he law enforc ers? The horrible murder of the man ' Hauled 40 1 laics of Cotton at a load "It luoks like the I h, 11 lotto (lb server want Cleveland." Mid .Mr. W. II. I 'infer the other umi tiin between stietves, as Ihe wniklneii pulled ilow n tl Id limit wall uf Ihe People'. Hank building pie paralory In pulling in a new j-lass limit. Ami there appeals to lie a (.'.mil many mure of Ihe same turn uf 1111111I." he eiiiitinueil. "In fai l, I iluu't know that I've nut anytliiu a'iti him, myself." s l ate take 11 puny mortal in ! rj.ids 111 I'.nejand," said Mr 1 1 1 .' 1.1. I,- 1 - . . , 11.1 niv. 11 11,11111s .1,1.1 losses 11 1 1 Ke 11 1 Hi I.IUVVIslle, ,'lt tile 1 1 rant -iir: 1 n-lere.l ielUT-ll Leo iltld u bi.ek to him und have peace.' " 1'uil vve vvtiiit no i,!i ml Ihe neupie I hxie. We want 11 1 , We wouldn't L' 1 1. We life avvav t,i niivli ihe i.,-t ,:,. Ileum I. til li'h iin;"'. OpTt ssion, traud and . h.u.t il'lcncss arc still sin, but y ale 11 t Ui day nniveisal , 111; the rich, ni r ale the pour pi nor in ceiier.il moral feeling th - vvialthy. Natural and Ui-e-1 clipatluil did but brim; wealth li e yens vvlun lilit'ttiirii gave 111 il I rtii to mural liulhs in llll'C. Ut!,'' s a c. it 1111 aui.Hiiit ol pr .'petty, im body choi s.-s the pauper .IS all I.L'.ll. Alter Mr. I'i rpont M-n,,in hid I ..11 li d tin.- t ' ill ii-. x ia t lie sec rlid c.il'in o n pi'laiik, he was Mil), j.itcd to an col time tiiade on wealth. An 1 Id man with white hair p unted his linrjer at the lin ar.i 11 1 and cried out: "(in to, it..', ye 11. h nn 11. weep ami howl ( r Joiir miseries that shall conic tin I. t.,,1 ',.i.r ri. t.i.j -.. ..... US I ,-'!- I "IB vui- riiptcd an I your p,arminfs nu-th- 11,11 lo v uteri. " Mr. Carneeie was on the ' can here in ship and was d uil tlcsi included mure slave in the diatrilie. Such a whole ed a Hull. ...I I: Let mi-ink hive une Junes at Wilson, told uf on the first pane of The Journal, rautiot be con doned on the siouiid thai the man was living u ittnn0r.1l life or that the crowd of Imodiums who killed him in tended only to whip him. It speaks oinething for the coiiiitiutiity that the: Hess, officers went to work at unce to fix the eilitie responsibility for the crime. The Gastonia Gazette nominates Mr Cleveland foi president and Guv eruor Aycock for vice president, and ays there is no Democratic Stale which the combination couldn't carry nor a doubtful one which it could not hope to win. The Ane,lo Samm of Kuckinr,ham in four years old under the enrelleut ed itorship of Mr. A. J. Maxwell. The paper has, says the editor, striven lor character for honesty, truthfulness, nd fair dealing. The lalue of t newspaper of this rharacter to a com munity is inestimable. Mr. Edward II. Atkinson of Huston, a well known statistician and writer in economic subjects, whom the New York Sun calls Aladdin Atkinson, made an address before the cotton spinners la Charlotte last week, aud succeeded in ciealiog the only unpleasant occur ence of the occasion. Though in vited to speak on a specific subject, he went out of the way to give hit New Englaud views about the negro question. Down here now we have gotten to the point where we can re gard such men as Aladdin with iudit fereoce, and indifference to such is more biting than 1 heavy frost to a young bean patch. Drove a Bad Bargain. ''Se bew, young unin," Mid the uiin lister, "yon never paid me that fee for marrying you." "You re mighty lueky that I haven't a&ed you for dauiagfu." T was teiiiiii,' a party 1 I i;ti!lu. men s -me tune as-. about seem-; a tvv i-hore team pulline; f, itv el ruUmi on flic 111 ic.c! on W.i I...V11 11 lice c.i I , . , ,ie Ih.'tn v ho wauls tiieiu. - r.-ji irt s-iys the li.e llio-i eiiiniii'il I). 1 I ol mir jiu illation and is iiii'trn-inu j in eriuie with fo'it lal rapidity. ; I he tifui'oes who ean tei l nil.! vvi ite tire 1-ir unit e eriiiiinul limn ! 'hose w Im t-iiitiol The heroine of this toiy i the little I.' year old daughter of Mr. W, II. Sas.sc r, of liiuk Swamp township. She did nut enter the arena a. did I rsiis in Juo Vadis" to Hiive the life of the beautiful l.yoia. killing a leim imis bull, but she entered the euw lotto ililve a 1 o day a cood and help ; juuiij; bull out into the lane. A 11 niiti. rally p 'SSt'SSt'9 and : '"'U as the annual saw the (till he made a rush ai iter w 1111 tu be-ni down. A. ipiiek as tliotight she iiiiiM'd to one side and let the l'iist pas on. When he found that the triil was uninjured the 1111 iiual made another ami a more de perale head lull).' lush oil the Hill, vv hu ilj.';ini leaped to one side and seized a pilchloik anil plun;hed il lulu ihe side of the animal it. II passed. The maddened brute paw ed the earth for it few seeouils and loll dead at her feet, Ihe prong ol the instrument having slunk the animal in a vital part. I'lie yming n'n Ts father wa 11 w itness to the oe I ourrolices ami w;Ls iininine; to the cow lot to save Ins daughter. Iile when she hud the enraeil brule a corpsi' at her feet. The young lady i now the- heroine ol the neighbor hood. The ilespeiute encounter look plaee last .Sunday afternoon and has given the ieople of the neighborhood something to talk about ever since. soulcd condemn itiun of a man, merely because lie ii rich, apart (rein ai.y use he nukes of wealth r.rrics us bark tu the early days of history, when weallh itself meant depravity. Our circumstances mikes it right (or us to judge 111 'IK v inure discriminatingly. I Spring Cleaning Is go.ij, hut it's better when (oil jived up w ith a few pieces of Prctfj New runi'lurc. We can sivtf you any style at a low figure, nnJ gu.iran- anJ nt a low figure, nnJ gu.11 tee it to !. the prettiest must durable tu b. lu;l. Look over our .to:k. o O 0 CI I c o ! if (' o v (I o t T. P. DILLON, l urniture Dculer mid Tuneral Uirector. Store Phone 7; Residence Phone HI. I'. i.ird meclitig Tins alter ull the business u nig had been disposed i.iV n gli 1 the mea nt and ti.. board had re-.-lvcd ttscll int. Committee o( W hole on the stab o( L'nion, "and a trio ml of mine called me out to one side, and in j a CcmtidiMital sort ul way, t jid ! ine that as he knew 1 was a truth-! tul man he believed every vvvt l a .strong man uses a hand ball. Apparently she keeps no rceonls of her actions, else she eolild nut do such incongruous thing. A few short weeks ago the pretty Hew Methodist church here was all ahla.e with splemlor and happi ,loy and gladness tilled the and the light. seemed to bin n w ith even an increased bi ll liaucy. It was a wedding scone, I lie very li 1st one to be witnessed in the new church. Two young hearts ami bunds were joined lor life, for better or fur worse, and no iiiliiuatioii came from the land of secret. that the young bridegroom full of lit" and hope and ambition, would lie the lust corpse to rest lie lore the allar of the new church. there were out men and women whose lives had burned to the socket, why should I teat h not seize their bodies and lay them first be fore the altar? Another toss by Fate eall it Providence- if you will, and man, the proud king of breath ing creatures, is as nu element in the war of iiluins, tossed hither and thither by an outer and an uii k now ii power. "Capt. Ikirnes, Col. Akers.'' 'From Virginia f "Yea. Ami you J" "The same." "You were iu the war, I pre sume, Col. Akers V "Hud a reserved seat at Hull Kitn." "The devil you did! vVhy don't 1 Know you r' "I guess you do, didn't yon" "Of course I did, and I've been wanting " It wan only t apt. Itarne of Mon roe and t'ol. Akers of Tennessee renewing an old aeiiaintanceHhip. Brother Bill Fife sends ng a lot of beautifully priuted pamphlets describing a rich gold mine in Cal ifornia ealled the "Golden Hocor ro," which consists of "acres of. Wallace'a. l'hone 30. The negro i1 W'e need tu know not onlywhetii tour and one half time a criminal - cr a man has money, but how he in Nev Liiulan.l, where he is cl'.i !(..t it and what he docs with it sou ih. v.hcie;i( 'pi obtained it bv fraud, rolit- i ieil bribery or grinding hope and i l ie out ul his fell )w beings, no kills to i Ii uiiy or education will Wind ! ited, as he is in tl he ha not b -i n educate is to be done in nit this, "Tooib. brii-hi'-," savs Piuuker Wa-hiiitr I ton. Surely lite nnui wa piking-, I hut tlmf tiie wif it rea 1 over his own sisriiatiiiv. IJeiorin the lace wiiii i"oiu i'i'ii-iic. it there is nn vtliinr in the world iIih: a negro d. es n,,t vv ant it is a tooth bl u-ii make loin ct hi r than a bad man. Ii, on the other hand, his money has been and rcuui.is tli2 meant of honorable and humane employ ment, he is doing good, even if h.: d us n it indulge iu gift. He may add lo his merit by gifts for iin- rl nit is the tegular use lie makes of bis property. It is a No. it seem to he now a hnhlcd ll,llt; ll,l,lK ,u Kivc ay three by northern pliihinfliropists that."""'1"' a )' if Jour income the southern negro has been pretty ' 'ix million. It is a great thing well ruined by their blunder of,) to use fifty million, or fifty forty years ngo, when there wa- thousand, a never to wroni? or not a criminal negro in t .eorgia. ; t0 debauch a workman a rastomer a ... ow tuere me .ear ...'mo , g Tha pos,ession i,,.l, ir.,l.J i J"i.. '.. ; ' my ' these l.iys is one of of Alabama, published not Ion " ' "'e hi?hfst l"ivileK- -)nce it asro in The C..iistii,,tjn the unmi" ! a."owei1 the owerlo bs charitable, iiiious opinion of the niedical pro- 'JW charity is the least noble 1 hl'l'i. is Sum II l,-.n .. ... t 1. .. ( that story, and knew it w..s s .. i j Inv ,,,,,. ,,mv ,.,! I ,.,.vv him hni, Iv i it'll mo ti t lit f i M i i i t. :. ..' t. , t i i . . for (earohtijuiingiiiyieputati.!. I Never htid one pulled or plu-.re.i . W' l"it f,r, ,,,,)re ' I nit I received a circular a few; or to ache. 1 love to see him days ago from a round bale cotton nioiilhinx a waterim l .n pre-s concern in which they re produced a photograph of ;s round bales of 250 lbs. each being draw n by a single horse in France, which is nearly e.jualy to my forty bale story." "I was speaking tu a gentle men in F.ngland once about see ing this forty bale load, and he said that wasn't much of a load, he had just seen a man titled for putting more than 12 1-2 tons on his wagon, which was the limit fixed by law to,- the protection of sto:k. imprrnn nn nrn ititit r r. vi in m i ri i f 1 1 m n vrn nimrm a a t rMr At ic 4 1 imm' B HA. lili! l. j .Wlt.l. n. lilil 1. ion that the negro was tapidiv ' a",onK 'he opportunities which it degenerating a a race, both mor Rives him. It gives him the op- ally and physically, ami was ties portunity to be just. It enables tined to extinction a sine a the him to keep hundreds of his fellow urth Ariif.ei.-un In.il.ii. I it. I it. - . .. . ... I ll tell you something else I Calhoun, of town, a man of Z, T, 'VZ have known in England." cont.nu- large and lo,, ext.c, icnec t,.. ,0e,, and ,0. '.rea the8e.e.m" edMr Entwistle. without giving his me that before the war he hud an : P V. no1 !"ey Wfre ',U,cr auditors time to recover from the extensive practice on the negro ,m';h,ne of inferiors and charity shock. "I knew a cotton mill plantations and never had a rase;r ckers' DUl " " lney wer me(1 or tutierculosis or consumption, i "e ri""5;". wnn lives as import but now they were eoninwn and as) Jnt. i'h ambitions equally rea for other diseases, not to lie men-: s ;nable. tinned, they were found in niostj families and in both sexes. Happy Folks. I am constrained to mention ttiia I "t""'-n-i.i A.iirti-r. as a warning to those who have to j Ir. XlcCanless has an abundance which was conveniently located near a railroad depot to haul its product twenty-two miles to an other railroad point, because they could haul such immense loads over the hard level roads that they couM haul it on wagons that dis tance for less than the freight charges." A barrel pickles. of nice Cucumber S. R. Dostcr hire nurses and chambermaids. iof rood. firmrahlHurein hiararcW The time is near at hand when j Dr. Laney has plenty of nice cab every one will have to go before huge also. Nearly all whoeultiva- an examining board and get a cer- ted gardens have potatoes, ami this week will usher in beans and peas. Car Kan Over a Whole Section Crew. 1 i.-t. rlVi.l a.lu rli-i-r. We got to press a day late this w.-ek, and we have just received (he new sover Ihe 'phone that a ear gut loose ut Kuhv this inuruing and in guing down the grade ran over the section crew, killed one negro, culling the leg nil' of another, and badly mangling a third. Mr. Tuiiipsoii, the section master, was kl..lr .,.,,1 11... .iw.u- .... r-, ill... m 111 111,: , a, .u, i.ii. .n , i ami lliiiv wi.rii mi Mm tn. stln neruss ! vJ Crews' branch when the ear struck them. Come to see tne for chewing tobacco, smoking tobacco, cigars, etc. S. K Uoster. I want your old Iron. J. 1). I'arkcr. Our Ice House is opposite J J. I.ockhart & Co.'s store. Phone us when you want Ice. No 36. Camel' & Wallace. liiing your chickens and eggs' to S. II. Hudson. I Wo have supplied thousands of tho I ?oo(l people of Monroe and Union County with their spring Dry Goods, Clolliing' and Millinery hut there are others who have not yet bought and we are ready to 1 WAIT ON YOU Produce Market. The following are the prevailing pricrt being paid on this market to day, the date ol issue of the paprr. The market is of course subject to fluctuation: Iiifdi potatoes, 65c to 75c per bushel. Chickens, hens, iyc to ceach Chickens, spring, according to site, lac lo 20c each. Kites, lie lo 11c per doen. Guineas, 11.4c lo 18c each. Mutter, use to 1 je per pouod. flams, uc to 13c per pound. Dried apples, a c to sc. per pound. Dried peaches, 6c to Sc per pound H Cm fi... In M Cotton: Best ii.oo now with the determination to give you better selections, better bargains, nnd better and prettier goods than you can get this side of Baltimore. Now is the time. A. Levy's is the plaee. A. LEVY. iiiimrHiiiniTiTiii MRS. A. LEVY. E mnn uiuiuiiUijLimiJjijjiuiiiijTini tificate. Hut I fee my little children corn in? nn tha winding wav and ) You can get ice at C'adicu & race 1 roblem must tike a back tsol. VIU, AKP, Pure New Orleans Molat-ses at 7S cents at S. II. Hudson's. To Cure a Cold in One Day . t a? n y rax 6 Leaxauve Dromo vimne Tablet, jo (v CaresOriB at Two Dy, on every

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