THE MONROE JOURNAL VOLUME X. NO 10 MONROE, N.C., TUESDAY JUNE 0, 1003 One Dollar a Year .. gen-ntl lr the lmslotlice iliart- lieo. A Chrisluiiev. assistant at Many of Them Said to be Not Half iriH.v flM- n,,. jollier depart -faying tupensea, r nd Many Es sucnl uss-;idi-d xtiltnat iuvestiga tablishrti Without kcason or Ne- cesaity-The Number of Frauds 1W-1.,',,,,,V,,W'. l'"i'li VIII t'l till Wl V rVtl.lllf-I HIII i i I i in the Department up to Date. There may I shake up in jaiVmtlCat .. allowance, resigned while under the rural tree delivery system of the government at a result of Ihe. invt siigatimi into tin- administra tion ill Supl. Machen who in now i under arrest for receiving bribe. ' One tbsr'"'; trout Washington ki that mm third of the mult- iu the Stall '! tieorgia. Sooth I'irii Iiiih. ami Mississippi anil Alaliaiiia are likely lo lie ttisctuitimied, Hiiti , Mill ..f ll...M m ...... ... , i.l v..- it. ...i ...... n Hint Miflrr the same t'ut. Many of these roiitas it ;ta slated, were estuhlislusl without any regard for their netd and their receipt do uot pay one fifth the salary of the car liers. The district formerly rep resented hy Senator l,utiiner of Ninth Carolina is plastered with route uf this kind, says the dis patch quoted from. The xaine au thmity gocitou to nay: It appears from the invest igut loll that roulrs were established in public (l)pinion. A ITM'RAI. A MIMTE. H: HONOR iil EN. Oil and Wafer. JiM-ph M. Johns, an Indiana lawyer, ai rested ou (harp of eon Kpirary with Miller in bribery. I. It. I iron, Washington btisi news tuan. arrested on charge uf eonspirieav with Maehrn iu brib ry. Samuel A. liniff, Washington ili(vi,icn, arrested on charge of romtpiiacy with Mai ben in lirib The Gainesville Dead Buried Very Mrs. A. V. MutU of the Chester Rapidly Recovered from the Chapter of the Daughter of the r.ffrcts of the Disaster. ! Confederacy, fins Them on a .... ..t!b. ....,.ji.l.. 4.1 Nuitllfc-rnl trf.. I III IV I 1,1.1 llllitlllll.r ..rrlt-n ll.r.aa.r .tsmi iiiiiii-riakers vcm in hoik hi jj illii'ir IIIH.U.-IWIIII ilnliti lliMkinrh I The Misilnlities uf oil and water ) t,M stni ts the hearsi-H made Ire i weui In U too j;real fur the ima''i ''I'leut triis to and from the rut naiion to crasp. ne w.,iist n;"s ; rem.-irr,. iw, ,., u,.lllv MW !,, M,i,it.-r in .-neri. no. in oui u :uer mr ,....--.. ) . P(, lolw. M,, ;l, ,.s hejil and another h;M now mdvedj'he inninil are worse, and thersl,.iv .,. ,i, is .lef l lie Black Crime of a W hite oinan and a Nero Man- ruht ki-'.d In a l'i!tk- I'n-tweeii I arnu-r a.i I C:i h I 4uwl.ia stAir Klllll. llalllltel of ( . r I ..... . . r.i: ..... j i uiiiiiier.ite eTiransoi iiiiseoiiiny j ii.iiiii'u in. ir oiaiuaiion. ! tlie I oiilcdf rate ensses of honor I t :i . t . 1 I ..IT,t, ! :,m K i ; ( I , ! ! prol.leni of illuminating the.i'-l eonstai.t attention. Uieal , (r)U ,.,vl!,-' i.rtHd iv. and one l world with oil fioiu water. And thiHe w ho lhoii);ht they were wise have inaiiilaiiuil that oil and water wouldn't init. (physicians luxe had no resl ,nee)(l. Haywood Allowed liail- kairitfti Ill-fa'"!!!.!. Krnest HaywiHHl, the Kalcigli lawyer, the slaver uf Ludlow Skin tier, wan tmlay released on rH'.IMK'i ImiikI, after a hearing of some days before Jiislu-es Doiiglaji and Wal ker on haheaN eorpus. S-veral minutes before noon the court house wait throni;cd with people, all inlenwdy eacr to hear the result of the aimlicalion fur ll'.,-M.UUl U....U.I .. l. L..t 'tin. aa.i, ""i ihiitii m v thesi' two sections named without 1 Niirroiiiided hy his four brothers, any ihismIiIc excuse save as a mat jollier relative and eight lawyers, ter of favor lo inemliers of coiij;revt j Justice loii;la aiiiioiiuivd that Hint that money appropriated by Justice Walker and himself had rulicres lor this pni iose was vs-j divided that the rase as pit-si'iited euded with almost criminal ex 'to iheui was bailable under the travajjamv. rule laid down iu State vs. Hern I.'ihiiIs have Ihn'ii recvived at don, and the ietitioucr was eu the deparliiieut show in); that on titled lo bail. It wns therefore or many ol these routes in iiiicatiuii 1 dei-eil that he give U,IHMI b;iil, the icceipts do not average " a ! with good security, for his upicar inoiitli, and that on others the'ance at the July term uf the Supe amount taken in docs not begin to! rior eoiirl. justify the existence of the route. There : quite it rush of people tu nil of these routes however, ! toshake Hay wimhI's hand, lleg.tve regardless of receipts, the rural bail in a few minutes, earlier reccited a month, soi A justified IhiiiiI was given by the Having thai will lie dlccled by , three brothers mid a cousin of llay' the iiliolislinient of a large portion j wood and several friends who just of the sen ice ill lie enormous. ified for fr.1,IMMi. This ImhiiI was ttllicials of the departiucnt are j accepted and llaTWiMsl released, lot blind to the fact that this lie entered a carriage immediately course with regard to the rural free 'and was dritcn In lo see his delivery service will uni t (he most determined opposition, but the matter is in the hands of Fourth Assistant I'ristow and he will pros ecute it. This proposed action on the part of the department does not mean that the growth of the rural free delivery service will be re tarded, bill merely that it will lie al lowed to take its natural course and not Is' I'm ci'il beyond all Isniuds of reason, as high ollicials of the jmisI ollice service claim ha liccu the practice in the past. I-'umth .Wi-taut I'.ri.stow will apply stringeiii regulations tocotcr establishment of routes, and the mere reinicst nf it cougiessinaii for one or more mutes iu his district, or the presentation to the depart ment of a petition .signed bv one bundled prisons along the line of n desired '.Ml mile route will not hc considcrcd Hiillicieiit to hi rant the installation uf rural service. Here tofore one hundred signers within twenty miles, plus the request of a member uf congress, xvits the stand ard rule by which unites were in stalled. In the future the class of people who live along the desired route will be taken into account, the business of the nearest presi dential or fourth class ollice will lie gone over, mid an cll'ort w ill be made to arrive iu advance at a deli iiite conclusion regarding the amount of business w hich the con templated route will transact and the revenue that will result to the department. TIIK I M:liTlli:i FKAl'hs, On Friday Thus. W. Metircgor, a clerk iu tliu rural free delivery wrvicc, and oiiet'. K. Alton, one of bin assistants, were arrested ou a charge of conspiracy to rob the government. They contrived to buy -IMHMJ leather pouches used by five delivery carriers, making the government pay rlS.Ono for them, w hen they could have been bought for fs,niMl, The arreatsso fur, lie aide these, hate been aa follows: A. W. Machen, superintendent of the free delivery division, sus M'iidcd, retnuved and arrested ou elutrge of bribery, Ihtuicl V. Miller, assistant attor ney for the poslollice dcpartiuent, removed and arrested on charge of liriliery. Jaw. X. Tyner, Assistant attorney (;i(M1(i mot her. Barn Falls on l-'orty Cows- clrl..t!t- olw,Ti.-r. Hy the collapse of a barn loft at Mr. (', f. M. Hire's Double Oaks Dairy, last night, 40 cows were covered by falling debris. Three of the animals were kiPed. The accident was due to the over loading of the luff with forage. Just utter milking time last even ing, hen the cows had been put iu their stalls for the night, the Uitt way nwl liurutd tliu cows uinlci'ii giTat mass of hay, straw, fishier and timbers. Forty cows were caught hi the crash. Mr. Moore's iieighboi-s were soon ap prised of the accident mid hastened I to his assistance, lty diligent work the rescuers succeeded in getting out .'I cows. Three of the animals were smothered to death under the wreckage. 5lartling Evidence. Fresh testimony in great quantity is const, iiilly coming in, declaring Dr. King's New Discovery for eon-1 so iu pi ion, coughs and colds tube iliieipialed. A recent expression from T.J. Mcl'arlaiid, lleutoiiville, Va. , serves us aa example. He writes: "I had bronchitis for three years and diH'tored all the time without being Im filed. Then I iM'gan taking Dr. King's New Dis povery, and a few Uitlles cured me." Fipmlly cITective iu curing all lung and throat troubles, con sumption, pneumonia and 'grip, tiiiuraiitccd by Kuglish Drug t'o. Trial bullies free, regular sixes .Vie. and iM. riuch Cry and I.lttle Wool. lil-.tlir Rtvonl. Beyond doubt the Lord takes rare of lawyers. Supplemental pro ceedings have been iu progress several days before Clerk Nelson in an estate worth not exceeding 100 wherein lour at lorncj sure engaged. A HtuiioKi'-.ipher is euiployad uml if the rase lasts much longer it will take the entile estate to pay for his services, provided the lawyers leave anything. A lire iu Allieuiarlelast Wednes day night destroyed the machine works of 1!. I.. Sibley & Co., and I caused damage to the extent of Jim Damps' yoonj wife while yet LI' i5tC!f. Some biseoiti made with (reattit pride. ' 'I niWKN W1W IIW ' 'ww"! But to a brid on caa't b rudt. " Let's est Force ' Brit, dear, "tit mr whim," It ssTcd th lift of " Sunof Jim." WW Force" when in doubt, e&tiL All "Sunny Jims low. "In our kowhold 'Ton' W M f millw iixl wrloom m 'Sonar Jan.' n4 Urn Hirlns 7""i dsl, lor w an all SUUAf Jut I DOW. a. 1 mipi." "W-4 Dogs in Ice Cream Parlors. C"lunilia !!'. Ice cream parlors in New York have paying patronage. It is fash ionable lor ladies accompanied by dogs lo have their ratline s-ts served with sweets at the same ta ble. Some of the "old fogies'' ob ject but their patronage being im material the tings will continue to toy with their cream. Lunger ana M ranger. tau! Km. I .rl The longer thai p.-Moilii-e de partment lut est igatioit continues the stronger the stench becomes. Stanly's Side of It. -unl KimT(.rM-, The decision of the I'nited States Supreme Court -the Court of the last resort t hat the Stanly county bonds are valid and that the couu ty must pay the bonds w ill corneas a disappointment to the many citi .ens of the county who had ex peeled the converse. It is unfortunate for the county that the lawyers who instituted the let ion took I he course that liasls-cu pursued, in making it appear that the comity sought to repudiate tin ImiiiiIs because of a technicality in the act which i'ave their ridit to issue. We have thought all along that the proper course to hate taken was to have admitted t In validity of the bonds, and to allege that the railway compuuv failed to live up to its colli ract, and secretly and fraudulently mortgaged the road for several times its value, taking care of the preferred stock holileis and leaving the county of Stanly Willi its nou dividend licar ing slock of 1imi.iiiio, or w hat is better known iu ranks as so much "wiilered slock." Respect for Him. clinrny nl Clnl.lri-ii. We have always had a great deal of resHs l fol the I'ood hard sense ol the man w ho advertised the only second class hotel on earth. Dwelling Together In Amity. Clitrlll Mini I Ii I l.ll'i'll. There are two newspapers in this State conducted in the same town, of the same political faith, whose editors are inemh'rs of the same church uud who for years have dwelt together iu harmony ami brotherly love without having ex changed an uglv word against each other. This is so remarkable a thing its to In- worthy of notice, but it is a pity that il is so rare. ho has ever liceli benelitted by a news paper war! Why should not edi tors, like luet'chalils, live iu peace. Robbing the Government- U-lillffliill M-Mlll-ll. liobbing the government is the biggest thing of late, and there seems to lie no end to these frauds. It was first announced (bat there wits irregularity in the free deliv ery system. Secretary rayne in Ins ( Unit to satisly the nation and to save the name of his party gave it out thai such irregularities were uot necessarily criminal. It soon developed that these seem ing ir regularities were frauds of the blackest lire. Then came a mini Iter of arrests, licpiihlieun officials of high standing are now under bond and the cud is not in sight. Grounds for L'nity- lintriulli' V. '"'f Andrews has had a some what meteoric career, ne wits n professor in a new Kngland I'm- vcrsitv and his free Rilver views made him persona lion grata to the trustees, lie then became princi pal of the Chicago Public Schools and achieved notoriety there by refusing to allow Kipling's Ueces sionitl Hymn to lie used iu the schools it contained tlx name of (iod. He is now president of the I uiversily ol Nebraska. President Andiews contends that he was mistaken in his views as to the free and unlimited coinage of silver, and that the reason for his error was the natural one of an un expected and unsuspected addition to the gold coinage of the world through the development of the Alaskan and African gold fields. It seems to us that this ground is reasonable enough for all lVmo erats to stand upon, who sincerely desire the reunion of the divided party and the defeat of Koosevell Kepnlilic.iuisin that will result from such reunion. Watts Bill Passed None Too Soon. ltluirt.m ltiMtrli. If this Watts bill had passed '. yeais ago many a man w ho is now poor would be well off and many a felluw would haw been saved the humiliation of a term in the lien. W'atterson Doesn't Like It- Frim Th. lwlTlllf CiHirlrr-Junnial'ii "Milk lit th Cin,wtiul" K.ilturul. The proposal to nominate Mr. Cleveland, in short and in flue, taking it seriously, is a proposal, first, to Mexicani.e the Democratic parly, aud through the Democratic party, to submit to the voters the issue in VJOi of Mexieaniziog the republic. They have shilig hill ami thither as the emergency ipiired. Many of the visiting doctors ir maincd over today, and it is ipiite probable that more doctor w ill lie mivssary to take the place of those already physically exhausted from the long strain. Almost a minute wits conducted for over an hour yesterday afternoon iu the desolated city of mill rot t ages. Most of the ccrcnior'c were .r.m ply a farewull look at the remains. as there wen- many funerals and few ministers. The scene in New Holland and the sounds which issue from the stricken homes are pitiable in the extreme. Very few homes are left standing. Those left are badly damaged, being wrenched by the leriible storm, and iu these shaky alludes lie the score of in jured ho so miraculoiisly cscaH-d death. As many as eight to leu they crowd into every available space, since very few houses are left intact. All that the uninjured survivors can do for those less fortunate is being done, and many willing handsale always near to do any thing asked of thein. Over .t.0on relief have been re ceived from Atlanta and additional iiuoiiuts are coming iu from all over the Stale, which will sued the total amount to ij'r.oiiii. t-how ing thai lieorgia is In-friending the stricken city in it noble manner. Congressman Tate todav wired the War Department for lifty tents and rations for one thousand r sons for thirty (lavs. The Slate will also fiiruikh till v tents. bv ii,.. ...e tiiM.,er came. i ney nave; , ,,, i ou(,,.nu.x luI li.i.lfrill I- il.llitr l.itlii.r . i i is " Is-stos lug the crosses. I hese cross es are made of old cannon iimm bv Ai;.i IVtu-c. a while woman, am! I b in y I;.., a negro man. n vt'teidjy brought to the -i,il. ;,l li.nv to si-rye ateim ol lili.i u m mi Tl...t- U..,.. U..l lit. It..!.. Waikup, for whom the, Ul' ,..' ,.. Slil'llll 11. ill ll l..u M I'.' ""'I colli icled ol ail altellll.l to :lv:tu'il a white woman, and the I Vint woman an a'ss-iiy to th" crime. F-tclt were loiu d gtiillv and will hate In sen e the x-lili-luv alsiye giten. The woiu.111 has a young daughler and he wa with her mother while in ;.ul. Judge Neat, who tiied the tax', made ar rafTeinents lor soimsuie to care l"i the child, but the nam whoa-'ieed ''-' r to do this has refused. ; i i ea tl -- -- ' j-:.ill. !. I I Big Excursion to S ilminKton Ii, w,rriii !i Hie M-coml annual ecuiion, t li ii lolletn ihunil. .11. I'm ?-'.."i'l. by the 1'iitehard Memorial liiptisi Sunday school, will be inn Wed uesilav, June '.'I. Two trains hall BkckHair .. l-.r Worst of All Experiences. Can anything Is' worse than to feci that every minute w ill be your hksl ! Such was Hie experience of Mrs. S. II. Ncwsoii, Decatur, Ala. "For three years," she writes, "I endured iusull'eialile pain from in lli(t ion tllol ytoitouili .itiil Imu-mI trouble. Dealli seemed inevitable w hen doctors and remedies failed. At length I was induced to try I '.led lie Bitters and the result wasj miraculous, I improved at once aud now I am completely rccov-i red." For liver, kidney, stomach ! and bowel troubles F.lcctrie Milters is the only medicine. Only .Vic. It'sgiiuntntccd by Fnglish Drug t'o. Near Sumpter, S. C, an excur sion train on the Atlantic Coast Line, loaded with negroes, was w recked by a washout last Wednes day. Capt. Cleiuson of Wilming ton, the conductor, and several lie grocs were killed. That Throbbing Headache Would tpiicklv leave you if yon used Dr. King's New Life Fills. Thousands of suH'crershave proved their matchless merit for sick ami nervous headaches. They make pure blood and build up your health. Only I'm'., money back if not cured. Sold by F.nglish Drug Co. The Ohio Stale Kepublican con vention met Thursday, uud lifter the opening prayer bv a negro preacher, proceed to endorse Sena tor llanna for re election, also Mr. Iloosevelt for the presidency, uud to write a platform directed at the disfranchisement legislation of the South, aud demanding a reduction of Southern representatives ill con-cress. Ashcraft's Eureka Liniment This Liniment will remove spavin, splint, ringbones, and all cartilagi nous growths, when applied in the ear lier stages of the disease, and will re lieve the lameness even in chronic- cases. One of the most common lame ness among horses and mules is sprain of the back tendon, caused by over loading or hard driving. Ashcrafl's Liniment is a never-failing remedy. The Liniment is also extensively used for chronic rheumatism and for all kinds of still joints. For scratches Ashcraft's Eureka Liniment is with out an equal. A fetv applications is all that is necessary to cure this dis ease in its worst lorm. j , Owing to tnc wonderful anti- " septic qualities, the Eureka Lini ment should be used in the treat ment of all tumors and tores where proud flesh is present. It is both healing and cleansing, entirely de stroying all parasites and putre faction. This Liniment acts as a counter-irritant and stimulant. Price 50c. bottle. Sold by English Drug Company 2 'A tlie South, and are gotten up aud presented to those put il led to weal them by the Daughters of the Con fedcraey. Mrs. Klult represented the Chester Chapter of her orgaui .at ion, there being none here. The i-mi'sc, designed to lie a badge of greut honor, are presented only lo those who have made writ ten application and showed that they were actual soldiers of the j Confederacy. No one else will tx I allowed to wear them, the I laugh ! ters intending to petition the srv jernl legislatures of the South to make it a misdemeanor lor any one lint entitled to wear these, to do so. I'erhaps such a law has already Urn passed iu some ol Hie States. While si ins or other representatives of veterans may own them as relics of the soldiers who deerveil them, they may not wear them. If an old soldier loses his cross he can get no other, as only one is ever issued to one man. Several old soldiers who had made applications for crosses were not present to reis'ive them on List Wednesday. Messrs .1. 51. Fairley and W. II. Martin received theirs later in the day. Mrs. Klutt pin lied crosses upon the follow ing: K. A. Ai nilield, Abies listtiilinn, Kla. Artillery. W. V. Alexander, company B, l.i regiment, N. C troops. W. A. Austin, company I, hlli regiment, N. C troops. J. (i. Barton, cmnpnny A, Mh regiment, S. C troops. S. K. ltclk, company I, 17tb regiment, S troops. M. K. Iloyte, company B, 'Jiltb regiment, N. (.'. troops. A. M. Crowell, company I, 1Mb regiment, X. V. troops. T. L. A. lavis, eompiiny F,Xdb regiment, X. C. troops. K. V. I loiiston, couipHnv C, loth N. t Imtbilion heavy srtillery. il. u-. U..i ,.,rr u, ml. regiment, N. C troops. S. W. I loticycutt, company B, 'Ji'ith regiment, X. C. trooiis. W. B. Lung, company I, -fsth regiment, X. C. troops. II. C. Moure, company I, 5:!rd regiment. X. (.'. Iroops. N. S. Ogluirn, compsny A, .'HUh rt'iritncnt, X. C Iroops. W. H. l'hifer, coinpsny A, 1st regiment, X. ('. troops. It. F. Richardson, company F, Istli regiment, N. C troops. J. U. Simpson, company B, L'Uth regiment, X. (J. troops. D. 1 Stinson, eompiiny B, l.'dh rrgiinent. X. C. troops. J. M. Stewart, compsny C, Mh battalion, X. (J. cavalry. I. C. Sikes, company C, Nib battalion, X. C. cavalry. i. II. Stnrnes, company B, 4-rd regiment, X. C. troops. L. S. Secrest, conitmny B, 2l!tb regiment, X. C. troops. J. M. Mitt, compsny A, -mil regiment, X. C. troops. After the presentation, Rev.J.A. Dorritee of Charlotte made a most touching speech, saying that he could desire no greater honor than to he able to say "Comrades to the old soldiers. He said that he had heard Dr. J. William Jones, ta'e's chaplain, say that w hen Mrs. Stonewall Jackson pinned the cross ou him he would rather wear it than to wear the cross of the U' gion of Honor of France. SLoiim XI' -l .s...'ilii In licllltll of the veterans thanked Mrs. Klultz for ber interest and Mr. I Ion lice for his speech, and paid a most touching tubule to the women of the Confederacy. "They fought the battles for us," said he, ''and they lime the Kiilleriiig, for every bullet wound at the front meant a broken heart at home Utile .Miss little Mull, sang iu fine style the "Homespun Dress, and the very happy oceu sion came lo a close. The Closing Exercises. liwlniila liaiti'tt.' The public exercises at the close if the school year should not he omitted. When a whole term's work is given over to preparations for loud display and hollow show such exercises would lw oien to objection, but w hen they grow out of the school's regular work and iu matter and manner arc character ied by taste, sense, brightness, and earnestness, they are uniform ly good for the children, for the parents, for the schools, uud for tin community. Irt the sour old cyn ics w ho have mildewed w hiskers on their views slay away from the ex errisp if thev want to but don't alsilisli the closing exercises of the schools. :.ii i i. . !.! , iu The lev ..! :! u :: .i.i tin .the l .It lib I t 1 c uc4 tour Hir Vitor if i anil in frettly i .th it. Ii ccrtimlr re . f, til color to (ray iv nairsort. Mrs. i K. i:i:n,Nr I'o-llinJ, Me. .1 t .'It I ti.f 1 tio t 'All I "Lit " I i 1-,1 sh i t . IM.. j The I ' Ic.ithi ( an-. the 1. r:v t.: t I ;:i to.- !..i . tit tr n II,. re tct:.ft ':X in. h Aytr's Hair Visor has tccn restoring color to r.r-y hair for fifty years, ari J t fails to do this work, cither. Ylu cart rely upon it fi't Mopping your hair Ircnt falling, for keeping your sca!p clean, anJ for niatiPk! your hair grow. ti ' ? j fcsi. Ail ,'rauiitt. .-.m.-.l ran, .i rfu.l will K.ra - HM ..ll.l fll ilw toju : -x I It(.. AtHrrM, OltOi. 1,I1. tl.M 141. tt,,U.- ti w.Fl.u.1 ItHHH Baggage car aceoiniiiodalions. Ki-ncshiiieiit car attached lo each tram. This is your oppoiliiuiiv for au outing at Hie seashore and lor a plunge in the sui'. 1 rains will tun rain or shine. V. tt. Wm i is, W. F. iMtH. . V. K I.VD-i'l K, F. D. l.i n.i o. Conimittis'. Disease laKts no summer vacation. If you need flesh and strength use Scott's Emulsion summer as in winter. 01 Sr.. ' I .i !' . I ' I S I . e ' au hour Hiait ; lirsl class eoaches. i lather an.l 1 large beat y eiigim-s, carelul en , ingtot'i n Kioieis ami ihm Ioih.. Cir-t timii - iro'll tlli-tr J leaves Charlotte 7 a. in.. ilmington '.' p. m. Kctiii uing lilt ham le.t es Wilmiugtoii .1 p. III. on L'.llh., leaches Ch ll h'tte I'J m. Second I rain leaves Wilunug. toil l p. u., reaches t h.u lotte at ii a. m. Side trips on Steamer Wilming ton lo Carolina Beach. Hid I'.im, wick. Foil Anderson, the Atlantic Fishery. Fort Fisher, the Rocks. SouthHirt, Fort C.isncll, Ball lb-ad Island and a trin ou the ocean. I'mlley cars run to Wrighlst ille very ;!i minutes for thosi' who wish to see this laliioiis iH-ach. Trains w ill stop at all the stations lor passengers from Charlotte to WadeslHiro. This is strictly a lirsl class ex ursion. No drinking or rowdy ondiict will Is- allowed. Ladies need not hesitate to go. Ample aeon. ions Im good board and lodging will U- made in Wilmington, and lis) of hotels and boarding houses w ith rates of board will Is- distributed on the trains. ltciiiciulicr lirsl train will l Charlotte at 7 a. in. ou the'.'lth ind reiiiriiing leatc Wilmington ;tt . p. iu. ou the '.'.'th. trains w ill lie in charge of Traveling Pas sender I lekel Agent II. S. Leant mil LiK-al Ticket Agent Colb y, ial.-s lor round Inp Ir all . , , stations lN-tweeii Charlotte and vAWUiO C. V"V xu-ixLV-iU Wadesboro if.'.-MI. Half tickets! fl.oO, for iM-rsons under 1-'. Ch Ifl Gooi Head N v i'i v (Mi. I. ii l-r-t l u ll I.l Ii.. il'.l.iiit P ,,t i; 1 1 I ii. i ik-, it rj CRUSH ED, It a.l ! t Ihc rlr.u :n--1 i in M i . i s t . drbvi l ll l.i !,.:.. 1.. tut.-v. ri. .i. i L.I i 1 1 nt tl.rir way through a : wire (''nee. The boys ramc up it'iuii ist as they completed ti.. u ik. The Brrrys niouut t ! k!y and the cowboys fired. T!;e t-id:st Berry, John, was a uiuitil but slaved in his saddle. I lie fit liters had Ihe freshest in units t ml s ,on were beyond -uTui.ttt: ritlc t inge. The cowboys ki pi tip a statterirg fusilade of huts. i . it ng hume the Uerrys did m t tlniik tttcy had been pursued ol the w;iy and they were infront f tie I, use when the party of wh )- rcJe up the hill a few y .r ls 1 1 the north. The shooting !hl;,iii immediately. Two ol the luiry buys were killed before tl. i y cuiid reach their rilles. The ul and the other two boys g it !e tlie house. There were ab ul twenty cowboys and they Maited on the gallop lor the house, ink tiding to lire it and burn the is out. The old man and b s attempted to escape from th. ilu r side of the house and mi! shot down in succession. Thri-e of the c -w bos were kill (.1 by the farmers while they were . Licit. iii'g the house. I want ) mr country produce of ul! kinds, see me iiefore you -ell. S. K. Doster. cftceccctx.'!'-,co3;oi5C5.X'oc r 1 :'C-viocx.cooooooocxx30 Driven lo Desperation. Lit ing at an out of the way place, remote from civiliatioii, a lauiily is often driven to ilfsiterution in ase of accident, result ing in burns, ills, wounds, ulcers, etc. Lav iu a supply of Buckled' s Arnica Sahe. It s the Is-st on csrlh. '.' ('., at lish Drug Co.'s. Gone to a Warmer Climate. A London clockmaker has plac ed the fullowiiiE notice in his window: "The misguided crea ture who removed the thermom eter from this door had better return it, as it will be of no use where he is going, as it only reg istered 125 decrees." Beware of Ointments lor Catarrh That Contain Mercury 1 mercury will surely destroy the sf use of smell Slid completely tlrraii;c t the whole systrm when fntc'iilit; it llimm-h Ihe mnrniift nnrlri- sinrh , ai linen miotiul never lie used ext-ept on prescriptions from reputable phy- sin.ilm, tlie tUnine lln-y Mill ilo i. : ten told to the good yon ran possibly derive from lliein Hull's Catanli Cure, inaiiiifACtureil hy I . J. Uicnrv & Co., Toledo, () ., rniiUiiis no inei ' cury, ami is taken internally, nctmi; Jiiertly upon tin' blood ainl iniu'oits stufaces of the system. lit buying Mall's Catarrh Cure he sure you eel the Keuuiuu. Il is 'aken internally. and nude in Toledo, Ohio, hv 1". J ; Cheney & Co. Tesliinoinals flee. i Sold hy di iiKuists, price 7V- bottle. Ball's family Pills are Hit- best. j 1 "Yes, sub," said the colored farmer, 'lightnin' bit two er my j mules at dc same time, en I hain't . seen dat lightnin, in dis neighbor-1 hood fuin dat day let dis.'" At- Imtr Constitution. The Corn Empire Fertilizer Drill. ; j't 1 'slTii '.i' L (. "v it ll is the brsl unc ymir corn, (t itiit.'e it out your pencil of planting, the ol. paid for at the en fit; ill l..w 1 L11K3 i uncut a f .rtnet can make. It will plant , an l i vi r it ti'. tbe same time. Take e the savi::g of fettilier, add the expense way. and ) u will have your Drill almost uf tlie .season. Empire 'Strength and vigor come of good food, duly digested. 'Force, a ready-to-serve wheat and barley food, adds no burden, but sustains, nourishes, invigorates." Come to see me (or chewing tobacco, smoking tobacco, cigars, etc S. R. Doster. Why Not Wear Smiles? One way to wear smiles is to trade with W, A. Stewart. You smile because you get what you want, when you want it, tit prices to suit the housewife that wants to save pin money. Satisfaction guaranteed. l'hone 2oi. Free delivery. I csrry nearly everything in heavy and fancy groceries. Yours (or business, W. A. STEWART. is decidedly the lest on the iiirkit. Nu chain attachment; ii.) links t 1 slip r 1 ir.ik, und t tii;e you trouble or inconveni ence, but a i'urn t. roKu: 1 i.i.d. Ask iho'e who li.u e end it it it is not the best Planter sold. Take one limnr and tty it; if j ml d. n't like it, we'll refund your money. Y..11 need it now. The Heath-Lee Hardware Co. O0O000CXOCXXKX-0 Tlie Franklin Tijpewrlter, t The be si Typewriter on the niaiket. Von cao pay more but you cannot gel a better one. Its work is always in full view uf the operator; it is simple in constrection; an.l has stood the test for many years, proving its durability. The alignment is always perfect, aud the price is $75110 to all. For lilt by the Monroe Hardware Co., or anjr of the unuis of C1 1 TKK-TOW KK CO., Boston, Mass. Southern Branch 216 Jenifer Buitdiug, Wasuiugton, D. C. Clla3