r - "- . ' 1 4 I Ji.-.isi i if me c ti a .it imvh - - - - rtzL --a-a- - - aa a tw . - war i . . pi 1 " Vl THE MONROE JOURHAL : COTTOS MILLS DESTROTED-rSrl --I buitJii.-;. N 1 au-1 i lti-ri.ti " " ' Untie.! ul rrJiu Ui " I lAMJON CUM. kUK AU heJ ,,, up ,!, tuli to 40 ll auJ llic oU patt 'l N"5- ' 1 Mn.t J..tu. The oll.er s..li..us ot the luiidiu save --- ia.-j: J Th l-axuM Kitr. IVnen lorty rull, ,n.i.uc rm C. V. BEASl.FV, ( ....... K. t. KfcASLlY.i WTl IN IN S.H.TH CAKUUVV Tl tSUAV Ju i j. iil"-.i4 I ik i-tii-it-" 'l a ri '! .l.-ir. A miioU iai li lh.it lul ti-o J.'' tl I'l.'1 'as M-atti-ri-il al.ni: tin lll-lll-trlol lu-.. Hlltl'll Mill V. " l -I Ui-u Irlt-i Ally lui-il t tin j-nMiinl. .iti ilii hut It.ill a nub Ill vita lll.lt-tl liH "l llt.H UI1I"1 1G ttittil ale tcj .. w'i ttr Jiircui 1 tir i. '. i rflll"S. We s.trcen.iet much ..I our space lhti week l the p .-. -l the itt lul ilis-iiUr on the I'ucoltt met1 in S.iulh l -trulim Time are n. wot ill tJ express tlie utter How o( it all, anJ M 'te it. all the oc diiuty tun of mot L.k into in smtu'aiue. I en the flsH-ils ti the West which are )et so ieie as to threaten a prt ol St l-oui-i. are not ci-mraral-le in i!i?.iier to our own, became both of the suJ Jcnnt'ss of the latter, an I "f the ihut thev came hiine I u so nearly. It should nut be f.'tt-'.tten th.it the TacoKt coiii'Jii h. null were swept aay .itur Ja is the Mine that suflcieJ at its i ' at Gainsville, fieorgia. K c clone on June ficM. Th se h believe in the theory that whatever happens i purely .u i dental may be at a ls to ,k.nk why two aeculents of tin luiu. shoulJ come upon tin- imp.in While these who holJ t ' ihr theory of direct piovi.ienu .l aau ference, are e.U.il!v unable t guess why this company, wl.i.-h seems to have been holJm a Ian anJ just course, sh 'ul.1 s sufter The company's stock. b tea. n of its excellent nianii)-emtnt. worth $ia on the share i f f i' It is now worth, certainly . J; maybe more, this dcpeintii j- up -n the amount of Roods and matuial that can be saved. It -eems be the opinion that ail the de stroyed mills will be rebuilt. ut the (titer Cause! the k'ise Thou-nd, 1 IVrW arc '!''' lr anJ W ithuut l:m-4 ment. ; !,, ,,-, kt-J. the j' i w .j lu.ih aii.1 i.kim an.! U-iIrr ij.mii air II I'll IV .IHS . -, : inr oi.! Mi. u toi M.m.u on Mtltmnc ,.,,.t..i ,i it,. b..:i. A, a n-ult ut' a )"'' loudliiilM ,4.jr jnaie'eiit U rll --ine ul nil tin li.-.i.i.tl.-r ol tin IV.'I. I ma. t .nrt tlut a lecxrir-l a, i-itr in -'i t i ainiiiia. i nii" nilU in. ir Snait ilililOi I'I't l.a.ilU or Hi Liil '. the """l" J. n ilh a tl- tt DM " ,a 1 IniUil In a K-luii; iaf I- l"l ! .r nnmalnie liu iimiual wali-r tS ' i I,il. liu cut in pii tun ln an ' niiKw ut' iil!i! -m that a jpa'ail and -ili nod. As I askisl .ii. sii..ti I U-.iiii.- tliv o utiv ol a L'Iiiumin t.iikatm ''iii. all !' ii !i!!(s l:ki sliaw ami I m an r.-iiuuiK- uii lu lli 'i'i m il;lt !! I III! 11 ii'il had -it t'Miytliiiii; l -t IVyunJ It Mi-hot Water' tii cra-li H at the rT .MarW.T.keUpCUt.n,..s.na 'Tu La.. 1 ilUirM I Jk l" hall anJ Churns ...ii i. I ni the !,.(- ' Them to Hits -.-lixh lc ul -air.. I,a. un: Jt... etv l ite ckMiJlHirst attkajwaurs ....'".. .,.,,,., . i ! Ii..iii I..LI .n.ti. ili the villi fi.iau.i a ...- --- -.n ... , ,,.,. ...... I,,., .a an is- i t . iirairl . Hiurli lam. ami ilii ii lnlll after tlaxliht the I ivel al- 1 ! lilt :t-a l! ilii like "Milne l lli-li tl.i (lr.i.!elll i! mr " .la. I I our. I ii u it It lny watt h tu my li.ilid." lld .l.'loi llelidel. one ol .1 i... ... .-I.v I " III. I Hie li.ile null I h. lam i . I li e ..i.uiria i-"-a .1 i j.r II I ..:; In I'ei 11 ' ,.,. tulaiiy or nkl "y I'M . ...... . ., . s,a(! I '- '" S""J. "' ''ii'V's ' , r ,.. ..;i y. i .,u, I ; i tm iie i. ii ne. I away., i .... ,i... .i.-i a:i 1 li,iii. ,! at ti e I vl . ! the i a !. h - I Hot ! ,... ..- ih,t ;t a ! a h-.I, a O ' en a .!m v.U !'. ' ! ail s et i '".'ii ill 111 the r S.i.i-s .'. I. " .1... . ..... I-.-, .ii 1 i w is t.Mn in .' ak.' ape. iiiiiiiiiii i i I lie toiiiiU r ol lie Ut eeii kitiiwn et. ami may nt I U I'm .1 Inn-; Iiiiii . I he tiviiieiHtoii. II rent, iiniilisi'deiited by any tliinaT that has eei nt ii -ell U- Inn III tills Met:.Ml. whllleil I lie liiiiii iii.iMiiiry el I'lc is'tti'" iiiiii' r i m Hu ll I.. iinil.it ions as II lin y Well lull hillside dill lies. J lied. s al lies l low wtllteil the tenih.e sl"iy . Tasolct Mills I tr-t tutio l'ai..i.t Millv .Iniiet.. Willi' lues. vmi.imio 111 null and ntln i ii.ipett Willi 1 '' ten in ileluiileiX "ill "! i lnpl.'V lilelll. Illie sillll t..t.ii ot the ill-visli I lh.lt Ins l.i.l!le.l this wltiiie si , II. .11 It. .Ill flirt. mi t I .- 1 . ,. sitn e the .l..hiis..w n ll...l has then U eii sin h a al. Unity "I lite w tli is and sin, ill w.. in h i thai the iid, il'it nils !' I hi valley a'.- I ml. i awl'nl siiinie at the ir.'.oei mi; t! ll'ir i a!ii u . l!i L!t a it . r ! at al ,.tlt ll 'it. j ll e lii thin way l!,.it i ' :.v : ; thx. a c tl ii lu!ei. !-'t ! '''' I; 1 1. is an,. lv to ae et ! I'! 1' leitv t.e un ."it in H" stieain l". lui' Hr a . a . ilit in a : liij'j ' I an,! h aw n ."it in tl- sti earn. II I. Jy was i aiisl-t ..I la. i . I li.lt f tm.. s ,a'. al.' l. a ii. 1 in :! the . ' . I.i;,. .lla.lt III. i '''I, 1, l I... t. I II ..! i,i: .ii. i i ,.t ii i i-i '. tr t: i. d.s.ii.11 ...ii that .'iilii.nis a. sielie III. HI. The lh..lll.lll..l HeelM' till! the i'..iiilniisl I'l' al.o e I lilt. hi i-.ii !y th is aU.nt ii .i i I.h l. W llliin . at et the mill ..1' In. 01 I IM I' had Ueii the del. lis latin I h.-le is .ke ,isi in.'i iiii ; in li.'in th it p.. nit and a erne I. it in h..iisi.s a!. .I,; the i I aw i and It a iii!.'li' ! ! I. II,!. . W ' . 1 SI 1 11 I- 1 i i.t I in.; . I -C ;. ) t a V s. II it l" At th I. is I lil. minutes alter the I lu te Were III. III. vi ; u'fi.M'k i hi nt 1'' liet III 'h. I'll! laini I., the mhl VI I ..'.;,'. k It had al.U lusher, but was V! oM.s k Maek lei in li hllilsl. iiiieoll : r. wenl Ii. to the ell Suddenly the waters I .se and sli ike the ike a baltiiiii lain. Kit by ai tinlly vtw the toni nt I'-. hii;lu'i ami hihet. and he had l.aid'y inn the i.-nlh el the build iiv ;til a:: . ! i plan- ! vilely In t .it- h si i hi title w as ,i! I he llo ' I ! lie t all. "I- I'.lll no llles i le l..s in tnill N". .;. and I he o..' I it.tlil 'is at I en 1IIM' ..I I III II .1 .'ll KlM'l s f. i , In. h is Ml-' lsI..W t!.e 0I' tli .:.e and .i1 ...tit '.."I lids In 1 'W I he In:;'. ittsl III II. II lil water was a! eaiised no i .il. hln. in. I isi-ii rotiside m .1 tm li.li ll'. Kllbx. the ll sfioiis ut dan iiiu 1-H'iii. sts-tlH'd l.iiil.hn tins sr. Ii.at . ! tin i-.Mik.liv. I ne mil. js-nti.i ate .-, ui-Mlali.t! r!l to J., (.ul mi. I e , haie a lalo..o it liunc iin'i..iji "til anJ the ilisaslrl n-c.us t.- I.axe I. an.! Ihi-'ii ullftlv un I it'l'air I It i li. int lr." al.l Ul. J .m llrll.let t nil this rt.uini; t'.ru t .nuhl n.-eii, wmru and cl.il Jien air n-etit U lrJ hun-jrv. lassl kltew what aii tl will llirau tollKH ; I . and teiwal.l I In; tt st.lt til air i .1 .liu ail the, ran 1.1 on.' au li.rt, lull altra.lt-their i- .sn .!islirs llirl ( all , I al'irt t lrt. I.t- lllt ss Is over the (lair and th usall.ls ..f si''le I.h k i.ufsstiiitx tn lunis and ifi '-II as ttisl a!u;." m l Mr llrllder. "In ,,t !.,.sr - S't s 1 ! slttlliK i'U 111 : hat.ss and finii; as thiv aw the mill safl awav l li e t',.illast Is-Uren till ptrlty lit Ii,- Ii. nsrs ..n the lull al l.inxetsr and !',. airt-kar in the Hallow vallry be I t,.i,i.l Iimt pity t. hrall it st ;t. I t;r i ataes h.. fair atlJ i all. n. wrir l-uill lr H-..ple wlm i , k ii.le in lhtil:rltr and thru I I.. r . ir !i.. U'.k .r.rd etl hvme ' a ! ,!m. H eir f .i.lrntr.Uy and who m- r.l II. e pi , ii,l null as a hmnail ' t! i that w,.iil.l hrj anJ ! 'the tl- to tt-i l.i ut I i:. I . il t!o si.. .1 '.. . I I I ll .t 11..- . It L.il -Is ,n I '..i.i W ll It' i .i u :.i i .it i.. id th. th. th : t ,t n: I is.' i ! thl' ,il .. ,1'il.lti I .I'll .tt ti.li- I.. i.r I- !l ,il. ht wi ,t.,'s tli it ll f I . a:. ! iiai. -t pi-.. t: I I. Our rnnte mtiorarv. 1 he Ki'C Til ' i i ,t i I -'1st ;iloi- the j-u-at siiurtiin ol i.reensooro. is '-' Aimwi. . M ils S,.s. I and isihe we made no reinaiks In di II use j ,.,, ,., (-..tiii the uaiuiilj of the C'.ouemor' action in pal-(waterway whuli liiiiiish.s tl..-' . . , ,, ti-,,1 ' li'iwel t.'l I he ll. ills. ..ie idea ..! donint- the man Murn.w. ol j,,,,,,,.,,,,,, , ,h,, , l m.,j u-. ford county. !n hu. I been Ku;i,.v ; -iiiheie.l imtn the lot tint il i of a heinous crime against a j not km.w n at tins w t it w h. ih. -i ' ... . , .,:.. : I In il un has Ut n wash, d away youtiRBirl. We were pr. testna. , u aj-ainst the llippaiit and 'toles..li ri,M1 ,,,,, N m.d i ,.:iti m-s l.i t In criticism indulged in by pets n- i.unth s'.uy of the lirt null, ai if the f.n t 1 In : Helmut "t 111. . ' im miii niiia lives Wi le lsl jjulliy In lltl-ll e.tl break I. ist whin tin vniml ul a iiii-ibt v I Uslt t.l' water-, bloki then- eats. I'n.iu Ih. ir ii.lta. s thai hl t In- hillsides the) w it llev-ied a srl'lll', t.'l' there W a It I ....it it I. il 0 lil tt.i'll lh.' air st 'i HI s. '!.. t'.ae . I ii, i u I. -i M I., , 1 I. it -i .t ,,i lea th . I , . I', i not in p jssesst.m o Record was on the emuiid. and knew the circum-lances of this case, and if it d-lt that the C, ernor had ma le a mistake, cer tainly it did it.i dm? in sayinR ativ II,: -!.: i.u i a'ti-l l .i u.h si: ; ... ii" ,t th r u . v t ! I , ..! I 0 t'1-.'ll -I J.!' ., . l-Ml il 'll ,'i , -I pi -M..I. , 1 , ! ti r h-. - ill in,, u. t i I . a, Hi's. .,i.' ,!:s o.y aiV I. .1 I i ,, ' Il t . . t!M' 4 ' ' - - in. hi-:,; ll., .ill I 1,1 n il, th I Ir ta I i I ! , i ,:t.. I Ih ualiv noi i inn i nioiii many l banks, that will Tl... . ,i ,,o il. o tv,. .as.., out i them to '-.-1 lo un . , , Iim-..ti then- in. in. ox. W iih i. in remarks upon was a wholesale m- f , , , ,,, ,,, titnatioii that the Courts were use- j ,lt, ,;ln,.j . m tt.tini iit.il swtn- less becaue the tj. Aernor some- in-; lunl.- that i ii ted u.utli ., i ., t , r .,., anil south fan .lit was swept away times pardoned - and a reason,.. ( ( ble deduction was that lynch law 1 ,.II)XV ,.t . ,ul ,.,t n , ,. s would be the proper thing. This , ..i w luuu had h itene. ...w n t.. tin .u.. i.;.,. i ,.( ..u. r t. lit ! waler's side in hnpes ill U'tti' ahle which we declired was calculate to 1 i t a. r..ss to then w..i k. Lai 1.. .1 un the hill. Iim mi s!t n ken. In to help on rather than In hinder ihmiiii.s it is vnd that the the crowinK disrespect for the law j to-- iimn- than Jo , , . c . , ., ,,;. I In l'icsl. t. ri.ut i hiin li, which and the coutts. huch talk as this . , . . 1 1 ( was pietllti siiii ly lui ale.l on the is quite a difL-reut matter from ,,,., side nisi u'tween the nulls. It ol 1.1 II telling the Governor when you, was tin- lit -st hiiihlin-; I" t;". . .1.-1 ... l...i l.. 1... ,, ,1. stnml nut nil a litlie I'll. lllollloix know i c LiLii. -uitti nc i..t.s . ...is. r ,. . . .. ' land that made it a -.-real In. ilk lor a mistake, but tellitiR htm in a ! ,-. WiM,.rs. The H.hhI sillied m square way and not as if he dioiild ' it in a twinkling It had senei! be recarded as an object ol cor I" a sa-hoolhoits.. and plaee of w,.t .... , ship lor ecerv i-oii'.'recati. hi in the ruption. While our spare i vtry j vtn'.1:,, ullU-ll(, ,,, K,,.w ,,, , limited, we must make room for a j j,!,.,,. j, proportions, and was the -.ri l ibr noiiarks of The Char-' most historic liiiililim: in lhtil - it lotte Observer upon this subject, they are so timely and wise; If we mik'ht be pardoned a sug gestion it would be that the (iov ernor might do well to rd slowly in setting aside verdicts and sen tences in the cases of conspicuous criminals, convicted of great felo nies, whtre the matter of guilt was not in doubt, and do more lane. For a lew un inili s its line masonry withstood the hat lie ol the Niacin a like onslaught, then with.iiit a moment's warning the I'.iunilatioti guve way mid it went dow ti on the inaelstroiii as ll it had I hi - it iiiade ni straw . Hardly had the fascinated spec I. It. us reroieli-d I'loiii this scene when the little Hat of buildings coiiiprisiiig tlie post 1 1 Hi i -e, market, burlier shop iind lilm kstunli ,sli... 1 his Heet Is aU.llt iO leet llila I ',!'' l:' th i i the usual walei leM-l. I'he j I. .11, ill t .HI lit l. slil. ills hele ll, I lll.ptl paled. I'll! skeptical I'l d.111 . I. V'.d ll.e I I'e thai bi t. !! In. ll j et th. Ill Is ..lie el the s,. litest ,,l lllii. Ills in l.l ol .'t till' l-.n.t.'lll 1 i I hat ! he I-i- III the at. I . is ' . .eised lo a i !,,ii lluiisl that haul I. as a ..'. . d.-nl in hist., i . I lie in el did ii"t Use i." feet. ,i I. is Im ii I. J...H..I, but it l.-se to . I, and a I '.! "I lit it height w . sii.iiij and hi, ..id eii.ui.ih t. el.ii. i .i 'ii '.o h'.iis. s in its iiisp ami li .n.', : . ! ' t ti. in like chips. I he p.. pill. l. e i.f tl ' ' ' I; -, , t sinet vi w t he w tier I Ise ai d I : ii.s', .,d ,, i inn, in-; t.. the n. mi io i hill, I hey. "I iinli.y el III. III. Walt. I ' 'lill t he I III II 1:1 had ctept Ul U'hll I 1 "' ' ' i hoi hemes and had i ul "II I ii, i i n.i est ,l.. i'! I I '.i:,.l:i'. "li sh.n p kli..lN thai .' . -I (.,.! ' the I, ll i.s ,.f the I'aci.'.ct I'tver Im , ,i -1, : ,is i, I ,!,,,i',c s.i 1 1:. 'iiiiiabll.lt ' s . ' ,, I;, v.! si u, I 111. el death. In " h'.llse wen- Miss l iela le.vi. M s, I" i . V. Knl.. Mr. and Mis. Sen ' .n.-iiaie, r. and Mis. I. alia d I -. iih.l Mi. and Miv .Mm I . ',' ' ' ( Liens .ii,, lluee i hlldtell. V h-'ll ' " they .ilsnoel.-d thai they w. le st, an; i't I loltiidid b W'.llel lh,.t lose stead.i.V , :.,t;. Ill Un- h.'llse. ih. Y i it'libed t. thi ll h.i-1 t .... i . I he .,.isi' g ie a and was I. II I -e. I . ,.i ml' 1st ir. 111! Willi lltl ll, hal.ilai'ls still hi.hlni, t.i the t ...if. The house was .lashed a:;iiiust a ib'.lllllg pile of tiiubel and Weill asiitider. Mis. ihuiis and Ihue i hildii li wen- di..w In d al niiti'. I Ittens la hi in his ai ins the y.iiing .1:1 Lint. i. ' , i si i In'. I, .i L.il.. and Iin d t..swiui I v tie- .ess -j ml hold t In- baby's head aliote i: . i t ! . . i-. j .,.,1 . I he high aves siibnielg.-d I ''". I I,,,,, ,,1,1:1. ;,., . lilted the llll ttll's j head I h II of the I"! lent, lie saw ,,. .' . ' - " itli.it it was ile.nl. I hel'. Helen ol t tt. .11. S. I .. .1 11 III- '.. I he le ,,11 his ,lllli , he st I llgjled w itlt the today's I II.si imu -n.es no l( ,(i lent till he was tesi iie.l two e Ig 'el 111-11 aeeo'llll Ol I lie il is.l-s. ei liiliis lll'IOW. .'lis, llliin ,1-s In the flifton Mills. I'he il.nuag. liiovMtiil is allet the In. Use went t.i piopeiiv may not U-so pi. at ,i- into the stieatn. wasal hist ti poll. d. but the loss (ll, w .tujgti.in si ml his bride of lite is larger than was at ti i -I d,i , la a way t hat seemed ghu ions stated. to the spei l.llot ,. :' laiiu'liare A. II. Twiclicll. plesiih-ul. and s,ied his wile by the hand and .I f. Hi. ins, iivsisiant treasmer oliviliiii tiny came clear of the th- tin. -e nulls, h.nc Usui hete to ttieik.d holts. lie clutched her dak. They estimaled that the , ,,.,i t,. him and si am to a lloal thlee mills have sullercd a loss that i mass if 1 1 rill w nod. 1 hele, III w ii! amount to at least el. '.',ii.iinii. j j,; ,,,, (hey chin;: to eat h The No. :i null, which is located ai jn., ;,1 s.,h; togethei-. s.i thai nil Excursion Through Railroad Rates to BI:LK BROTH I; R5 DOWNhALL IN COWLEATHER. 1 a, tit's' Tin Sui-tsris. -li. Ili.nt .' Tin Sui'iH-is. sii. Iioni .-'i tti a' tilt So I.. : s i. it SV I. lul.l'.-li s Minis an, I ii,-ts, all km, Is and Hli ; Jl ill in .ill kni ts t, Mi.hs. Malr Srnalol J. T. Jolinnoll, of Si ii i.iiil iii ti it'iintv, a line tor atiiiile t ..lay uJ hot tonicht lor W i-hitit.-n, whfir In will ask the I'li'si 'flit lo ie aul t.i tin sufleirrs. I .-iv t t tl will If ma.lr I'v the null ,s.t., 1 1 .-.ii 1-iit c .i.lf an. I uth .1- , tl'tlilsti intit,.li4lt IH'trsslllr;., 1,1 , haitlv c.niii t t'.'kUii to. .pin kly. I ur ail ii.'it t:., !. li-titli ot tone a total , ! 'i. !-.i! v ". - people alt cut ot . i-i. on. Tt a, I helpless as t hlhlll'll. I am ii at 1 1:: ton. a ci'i ttam l , iu, t-e Un.- in.' I .'.ited null N-. t an I the inaiu . Hi. i-t ol the cuip uiv. Mill N .. - is a in i if hfhm hen 1 he plant licit ts f. it tm to bt'iiin iiprta le :is in thr near laini. ll.oiii.li .'in I at a . .is;:al ( Ian, t that to ept-ratc .it all that p'.iiil must have tie ma , hi.-.t-iv. s as nnhtattd in the lust lep a t-, n.iil N . Mitictr.l almost as ; .MKMiiaB i'n h as the ' "ii.r: i' null '" : al-, need an rutin- ..iltt'.t t li- im I . huieiv. It as at tin last null that ol damage by the I1o.hI at tM.lM'U. liu- Jjiiutr I., a Ijoimtii; pro-etly was iiiin .:.iiii,iiihi. illy eij;i jier the ti l itest. All tin- w.,m houses wrie know n to Im' il.-ad and This cargo of Shoes, Clothing, Hats, Dry Goods. Millinery, Gent's Furnishings, Notions, Etc., has just landed and the whole outfit goes at WRECKAGE PRICES. Sobeaisy! Be aisy ! And if ye can't be aisy, be as aisy as you can. This is the greatest sensation of the season and no doubt will create an uproar in the camp. We'll show that while de cork on de fishin line may do a heap of bobbin' around, it's de HOOK like our low prices dat do de business See ? RAINBOW IN MID OCEAN. Tins lrsA-til-muir litiist-.,sl.. l.awns and iau. tties. w.itih i ' . at - V h-itit h I'lrtaln. w.titli i.s . al V Ma.li.it ami i.iniilt mis. worth inc., l 7 ri TABLE LINEN SPECIAL. lirmiiants TaMr I. men in J. and var.K U-iU-llis. woilh .Vs.".. Sss- an.i l JS p. t ai.l. ..ur prtvi V- . "N and W Bi! 1. 4 Sampli N'ipkins at Irss than wh.ilrsalr i-..t, I vat.l wi.h- Tahle Il.imask. morlh ., I.w lilts tale otih 4 ' vat.ls wi.li- HU-at ltrd IamsW. ;v. kind. Cl.tl pi l.'l. vrrv t'ht-.ip. al -VOt" SHSlll pn.rs niatk.'l "tl Towel. Shrrts ami pillow l. ist s, phiitl. Iirtn-tlli tir I or Ul ta ts MEN'S FURNISHINGS. I.-m ti i'o'.l ir M n t ;--t," h:i t, ir. .i :. t il " M t 4-V !it!i lr.irft. -nh .;' . t JW Snsj-sTiitlf i h tt uiii in ihr ,trU h Jl.... V" l"' 1 'f t..t .t! r-, , .it y. j t j ur 10.000 HEADS WANTED To till out Su m Hats at It, its. Can lit any ste t-i.tiu. 5. I... is. i. 4-s and s trills LITTLE NOTIONS-LITTLE PRICES. put .'I Miri'ts PaJHT ( H,'rs M ! tl. II in I., t. hi. l Ian lil t, kill; - P., pel Pius .. .. V.o ls spo .1 Thr . P lp I- ee.!h s ... Th 'i - oi l o- ! out- iliiiis it-, lu j;t lit T il letil, Noll' p.uliuttlls al ti le 1 im.let ttir t-toad Walk throuli all dr. Belk Brothers. Cheapest Store on Earth ! Wholesale and Retail. 11 a- M il ial thousand halm ot lotion and il, dli, V' h.ni.rs and a l.ilti until! ii ,. i, lit linusrs, I It-h It. .in (i-ilii; the lal.illlllt.- hi.- w n. l.i s ii tin 'company will not hi ati.ti I t . ir! un I tlif noils "ll the" pi. s. i,t sites. I, nil null is a!, .nit I .' tret .il otr tin ali h -I. u-slini; m alia: i' ..t.tlli.t i dm-i t i a;.nnst i.il, .lis hi!:. II .1 .i s ll H seem lost . ,.t. 1 in ly n thill,.- HI- in th. I it i , M t,U .i: l-i .-! pi s -! , l-flliu I r,-,i t!,r '.i. , ,1 to ki i'p thr ii. ni. C 'll. C al I s'liliii.t-l , a . il. it. It to tin s i IC U l' lllotl m' l, t IllilllV yet llll;ltl..lllltl'tt I.H-. .s III. Iliy lis l-JdHHI pelsolis ille Hill uf w ul k iind dependent wholly iijM.li i ii.it ily. I'lllids tor Ih. ll reln l sue hetlio sa itl iii troin nil p.tits id the f.illitiy. i1ii.iiiiii liii lli I ell li' i.iltd lip llll List nit.lii. I'iipt- . t . lli-ulli. president id' the Ainei lean C.'tt.ni Miiiiiil.u l un i s" ul, mil at a In kh I , SWH i.nioM. i-itlled II liu elili-.' "I' t!,r p;-. iit w..l.-i MM1, ,,((., ,,,.,,, uf theus.i and it 1-i-rUll.ly ..,.. ,., . ...l i,u.k stelis In tle.it II. It t.l Ifl 'llld I'll till- !' ,t. s ll mil hi uit.-ii-sliiii; - ... i 1 1,., si, , nt h ,.,, , , kl, tt tt the Ui.l ... 1 h. hole sch. ditiesi.t IheN.u ll ,.,:!(, used III' 1 ,.!l ll.a.hlll.n: tin el II Hint ,-si-ilis..li .1 n -- l i olt l nulls, i,t t i .1 Ihi in, uni , ill I linked. Il.-i-iill.si' ul tin' w.i.shlUk' un lia . i ma him iy, and I nn.h-i ;t way id lil idi.es Ix-low liesler the st.eid tli.tt a ii'pirsi'iit ativf it thr SoiilMiiiid lias liii-n siiiiIiii its I Hap. i I oinp.iiiv . .iim- South today to n.,jlls ,, , Hanlii hy way ul' ( ulntn . It, i tin- la.ol. I pf pit- any fni.iiin.il M: jin ;, (.,ltl,,.t-i ion was litnken as.,..t.,tice that iniiiht In- lift led. i ' , , .Jj,,,,;,,.,. (it lite Mill otlii laU heir ill.' po.sititf III i t . i I" th it ihe noils i in i t t t-ii t ,iti, .it and iisi I' O.t'l M.C t ssllliil pic-i lit t . null roxOs'Osxrc YOU NEVER 8 la AW o a njoro complete 8 implement stock, il than we are now h showing. Tho i best known 8 makes. o ! 1 i 1 I,, ii I'pttit ni ili..t .ill ul th lotd ur in ni i.-i. i-il,.- . . I ll.rt I. , ts it I, i I 1 1 1 1 1 Utiit! ynnr rhickcii and fk'Ks i ll. a. II pt ll V t ' t',.' I . il- ,,l tl. tl.i n. tin- 'en in !. I' M' I' I . ll, v I I li.r ll .1 l' s tl. It ItlUsI ,.t the i mitl.ius , I he S ntk ul the Clifton Mills. I In.. ,s IH It I U ll Hait i '-'I'l We st . I 11. . While. in tii-cd il Insli ins.it 1 r.irk'.r. poll I utiw'lse and is the l.uoost pl.n.l ill the llll'ee, is.illllost a lol il w te. k. A I h mt hall "I mid No. I is ' .ue .Hid tW'ithiids id mill Vi. -' has 1-41 li swept aw ay. I'tesiih-nt I w it-It ell "live tildets lod.iy IuIh.'iii to lu.il'iow the work uf Ii liili'il.l' on the hanks heard. Hie dlill wood n.shi'd 1 n-t a latoi-r mass .uni separated, and Sw i.niiari- and his hiidi- went under the waler lot ked in a last i inliiittr, I It t.i i .-.I In, ii did with a Mis. I l;.ti!e . lui i also Ii led .Mr. and toward miticatiriR tlie harshness neut tluwn Is-foii' the mi iislun-; of some of the courts visited upon Ihsod. ihe.si linililiiik's were near the poor, the humble, the friend-! tin- chinili mid at the I'. nil uf Un less for mere petty offences. It ''.l '' ' tm !''' VH'W. is beyond cmitrovcrsy that this class is punished out of all pro portion to the more fortunately circumstancedthat the severity of their sentences is out of all pro portion to the gravity of their of fences, and that often the main fact, that of guilt, ii not too care fully investigated. This is the class upon whom the divine attri bute micht be exercised more fre quently than it is, but for whom, by reason of the very fact that they are poor and humble and friendless, it is rarely invoked. Upon the general subject it is to be said that we are all to ap pear at the Grand Assize, and we are taught by our holy religion that if all receive even-handed justice, none will pass muster Every mother's ion of us will want it seasoned; so, therefore, itii well euough when we find ourselves inclined to blood-thirst-inett to remember That in the course of justioe none of as should see salvation." That Throbbing Headache Would quickly leave you it you used Ir. King's New Life rill. Tboumnda of suffer? r have prori-d tlwir niatrblr-M nirit fur sick and nervous beadaeli They make tnim blood ami bnild un yonr health. Only 2V., money bark if j uotcnresl. Bold ty fcugunn i'rugvo. Thev went tluwu iii the rush ul water mie alter the other su quickly that the sM-ctaturw differ iim tat wbii'U went tirs-l. Ily thin time the river Imd risen 111 feet blither until it wulcrn were xiirgitq; thruiinh the third ntuty w indows of the nulls built Id with sliuul ordinary fi-eshetn, but in nu I'l.nteiiiplalion ul a IIihmI nl Mich iirtiiHii'tiutiH iw the existinjj one. The walls uf the bililditif; known a Niw. I mid '2 mi'ls were wen lo be lifinliling and the crowds uf v il Indent, were wati'hiii( theiii clusi'ly hen a acene on the red torrent ur resti-il their attentinn. A raft which loukctl like the side uf a house was cumin-; down (he gmit red turbid iuuhhuI' watefs at liirhtiilni: HMfil. siatcU on tlie mfler near the edire wiw a child in bin niirhl dresn, A rilt in tin clouds bail let the sun throti-li briL'lulv and Hie faa-e of the Uiliy wan turned up to the light, pule and appalled. The raft Htrnrk the falli just below the dam with an ugly riiihhIi aud theiJiild KtepMil on into the water. 1 he great tor rent turned the littUs body over and over, dashing It against the rock until it diKupieaml arouml the bend of the river. In a brief space of time the great wai-cbon lu which were stored some 11,000 hale of cotton waa swept awav. Three thousand baler- of good and .1,t4!l bales of rottoo were km. In this wreck. Hardly hid lbs wartbouM wrecked mills N..s. I and .'. lie looked .it Kul.v and .I. I'., liner. Miss the utter mutilation ,, mill N... ,i i,,,,., an, yits. lutiiy were earned and -.nil uolhin.'. Ihetii'iiie ol ,,ut mi,, ,,, waler and drowned null No. I w ill not l- sell led nut il j ,, y,is. It.uley wascaiigbt .l...it "f the duet lots id I he I o. .. n imii ils IhI.iW I'llliyi'lse liltuti Maniilactiii ing I ouiintny. ,,,,,1, muu, u. , .. ... ..f ulnnk. u lie held III the near Inline. 1 twnlud in the eddy iiulil she was I arrived at l 'unwise this eveti-1 ,,,, ,,i I v a rope that had Im-i-ii ing an huu r IH-I'ute dusk and iii a !,,,, n t,, In r i esi iu. l.nei iaui;lit liniment was staudiug in a i-.uip "I , the brant lies of an oak In e and re mill opera! i wi- w Im ilisetissed unly I m u;i, , (here till he was rescued by one suh.ecl. They se. Hied st iinne.l : ., ,;,t that was l.iavely manned, or listless, fur lis yet tin y ate un j Mm. K.il te l...n' and In l' son. ( ial aide lo appiclielid full) the ti l I il'lej l,,,,,! .uhg. and his In ule. and her ellis'tsuf llm disaster. I'.isl hni' ;t, iat,. were hurled into the ruws uf putty white c.ilta.s I t in i .-nt. Mis. I.uitg and lnr walked tu the edge uf a liili lull oting.-i sun were sum-. I by catch and luuknl dow ii. The sigh! is not , lhjl th,. Iiiunhes uf a tn-e, but tu U' liiigiitteti. Tw.i hilti.li.'d (..tiLind ,otig and his In ide were yards iihiue I he tiestle over lite 1 ilt,,w lied. I he Isidies uf hoi f Suiithern railway then slum! yes tcrday the latgest mill in Spailau burg cuillity and nne uf the l st known plants in the Smth. n lhisstut tuilay theie is a liuiss ul debris scaltered unevenly ahmg a level sandy Iteach Ilia! lies close to a uilicklv rising t-lllT. ( f all the these sople have Isett leeim-ieil. The greatest loss uf lite is.tl Mill .i. the lllltllest null ilowu the riM-r. ll is s.ud that at least ,"o uMialnes here li.sl their lics. Ihc unly names ul' the dead that are uhl.iin.tlilf now arc Mr. and Mis. II. H. Johnson and loiirthil magnificent strilctuie unly one ; ,1,,.,,. )r. and Mrs. K. A. I iith-y building ri'liiains, the picker ami and Iim- children, ."several uf the cbitb room, a Kinall. high building finidivn uf T. M. Mas-ay acre that lowers bleakly alMHf tlit- (loW m-il. hut lie ami biswil'ces wreck and in iUlonelinesH weins tit t-Hi. Massey h tinsel f had an 1 v acccntiiatn the ruin thai is at its l-an-dunuy e-tca-c. He was car foundation. Ituwn the wiiiilingj ried through the No. '.' null out bill and through huiidieds of ituiv through the utH-tiing at the far cud ing jMsiple I walkiil to the riverf th,. building and swam to the Hide. Almve the turn machinery I niuire. were the footprints of a thoilsiind j In the rniifusinn that nrressanly iMTsuns. Willi the fall of the tide' prnuls here it will I several days bad come the fullmte of desolation , l hue the tun um "i me u rrpottra. and oil a straight stretch fur MHltunsi-rvative esttti.ale. make .death IIM ui m iran 's -is..,Bj ..... . . - Whs-it Our ko lluiise i-i upl ositc J. J. Lorkliatt Co.'s st re. I'h Mie ns when yon want Ice. No .V-('M'!l-f W'.m t M k. Waxhaw Institute, Waxhaw, N, C. FAI'I l.'l Y : J, R. WALKER, Friacip-il, n ,,,1,-iH II,. I I', , 1, fii-t the steel from over I,."hmi looms, ""l. . I 11 -Is ....I- ( 1 1 thai bad rested on the i?t .lour of b".' the mill rose nakedly ami gleamed 1 A com(r bn.li;et, practically under oecaHioiial sunlight. a) the bridges eicept the big trrttle ing on a mans of masonry tbut waa t, Converse, have been carried away still half encircled by water were by tha l'acolet. Commuuicjtioo with the remuanl of a splendid new en j nearly all puiult bat been blocked gine, so rriiHlHit and wared as to and complete intellnence ol the re- Wit , .n i, ..: B.N.NISBET. 1. I .t',i,n-fft 'utittii."- Vrthit .-.I imrnni't- 0. E. CUNNINUHAM, t.-lirf "f 'in t a riviH-r. Thn-r , inr- t ttiiM- l'nm.t' lh Mrtiin til ll tirtit-"li4l' 1 i-l -uni r t I A- -,,. H1.-I1 n-t.) I'limarj H-nitm ii ta (TIU :iiif 1 .1 liit t nu tint' t it ht-r I- Mil d i, .f ft.' MRS J. R. WALKER, . '.l(ii- -. I-!.- Iii-ntt!"' i" I ti' ruitifiitnl M n-ti . mti.li tit 1 it l iii ll Hi ' t ritiii,. I. tt. ii. r ..f YiaM . r- "-"- llllttll Ih.-lllMt Mtl-lr ((. ('H'lllll'Hl I i' da i. ...L u i.rii il ilil:tj'iatl ""i'l.r ' pi,. !ioi',ii-iu."ti!e ."loud hiitst,' and several ciy laige In luges He r. -nan. s a n.istiiytii tat as oiiuiu i sti.ijed. c in rim I. lu sidetlts lu-li- stall- that tin- 1. nil was 11,. I liraiitT than it ul u n I- at this linn in Jniii'. im 1 . t 1 S. II. Hudson. c. 11 I -Iv I- mm tint at s .iiir pl.u r j - - , !.,' t . k iin 1 1 a . '. old i-i'i'iird and Nice Meats Our llobhyl ii, u'.i ini'. !,," 1 .u oil i in 1 ft. in. 1 ,ntliing in tne line 01 un- ..,,1. ,t 1 i.nr Iiidi.iV. , ., . ., 1 . , 1 1 1111.1 nu ..' ... - - ,1.1 II, l nil' 1 1 hi 1 lo ll .' I I - Ki li;.' M 'Uil' , 1 " "- " t mis, ,ii.,,it . I iln-s tt . 1111 net e. . 1 I, .it., imhi .ih l. 1 h.id only I, ,1.1 .1 d.iin,!.t m this pl.u-i-, hut it ' phone No. 91 J !i t- ,h 'l t s -e! 11. i' as inui'h its a sii;lil ..! i,iit.-t n w.aild hair ilipussid thr t'i-t s.i','t,itni In, 111 the uiitsiih wotld. Aiti 1 ilalk I st .ud on thr Inii. Imdi tu-i-tlr hut tin- I'ai oh t iin:l I., ki d thiuiicli a ili.'.uv mist at thr while I vill.ur el Cuinrr.se ri.-i,hiii''s h hii-li st uni nit the tirrln. and talkrd, aid ht-ie and theie a thill huhl tir.uiird out of a mi, ill loom, Mi-u walked with tlnir lirads dean if id .1 i..it.... i -ki I'll! lilllii aim l-vt ll tur ciiii, ut 11 ion apathetic. A cliiirt lt hill rani; and made the mil)- mitnd above ths tt-.le bi-low. tm.veisc was 111 the ,,.,., ,.( i ,.,. i.,,,. t-.,.. - i . 1,,'ii h ot ilrs'..iidrn. y. It is rep. nt. J l i-ir that the I). K. C, iiiwt.se null at Lawsoii lo.st 1,1 htles ot c.ithui and four hoiisr-i. It ti, also said the Caiiipohell i Oil Mills an I the Tu. apaw Mills, on the Tiger 1 it r, have I r. u ih-slioyed 1 he otilv t.tlu-r iiews.api r man line n A. II. William, editor ut the Kich nu, nd Nrns ' -ader. lie arrived at u ion on a roimlruction tram and at an early hour tint evening, helnrc I atii.ed, he had run ailed Albeit Ked (rain of Chailtitte, who had been sent In re to meet J. C. Ahetnethy of the Uhsrr -. i.siu u. at voiu.,1- hi.i this tiioiuiii;. Mr. Williauia will he in this section (or several days. The first outsider to vim! Converse was Isaac Avery I'luler, a ymiiig law er, wlm was l.iinii-rly a resident uf loti;aiiton, and now lives in Spartan lung, lie swam l.awsnu's l'oik with Ins clothes tm Saturday inotuiiig, talked with the mill ollicials and made a report Saturday evening to I'tcsl dent I wttchrll, in Spartaulun g. Hallway ottii lals inform me today H al an eiioiuiiius hitce is at work le hiuldiiig the two bridges and repairuiK the three others that were injutej. The greatest blow l.i the Southern mil be in Hie hloi king of ti.itti", for il may be weeks before the main line between Charlotte and Atlanta call he ellei tivrly us- I again, ll la tepoittd here tonight that there was much loss of life in the mountains a'love this place. Paris uf houses and household atutf were een floating down the river, and it ia ttiuoglit "hat bodies alsu were carried with the tide that begao higher up. As an illuttiatinn of the force ol the t .rient, 1 have endeavored ever aince I came here to et from eye witnesses tunic idea id the picture that the mills preecnled just as they auccutnbed to the stream. The answer uniformly suggested titanic violence. At the Convene null there was no crunihlmr away, no -tradual breakage, but the eiitti structure aeemed to collapse like an egc the II, eniitliu( a fine cloud sf dust and smoke. A secood later it floated in tit hilt in the ttreaiu. That immense amukettark went down at easily as il were made of paper. The floods wielded a (rest giant's band that did not press but struck, and crushed instantly everything ia its path. Latest Report. The latent report fix the amount OlalVKIi CHILI, MI) PLOWS, KKN'.TCKY (iHAIN DRILLS, wood's in Dims AND MOWI'.KS. IIAKNMSS, l'LOW (Jl-AIL 1 ys ' MS ig s - J WS 'ST i SVI V t V'rtts.' ooxxxxCsX:xxxvxxy wffpnni-irmimmuinirmiim in n 1 1 i 1 ill 1U 1 1 i I 1 1 IlIITri g llll lllful ItMlloll ml J. K. WAI.kr.R, Waxhaw, N. C. INSURANCE A. LKVV. MRS. A. LKVV. If you will permit u to demonstrate to you the need a i t... ..... . , i ; . r, 1 1 1, , i !M Ul lllllliaill.C, B Hie l.l.aiitu Hint you will no longer be without it. Level beaded men realt.e the importance ol Insurance; but we wish ty talk lo those who are not fully aware ol the advantages ol Insurance, and respectfully solic it an opportunity to give them information. Hcst and strongest companies represented. Gordon & Thompson, Wo have supplied thousands of the good people of Monroe and Tnion County with their spring DrvOoods, a ' Clothing; and Millinery hut there are others who have not yet bought and we are ready to "WAIT ON YOU now with the determination to give you better selections, better bargains, and better and prettier goods than you can get this side of Haltiniore. Now is the time. A. Levy's is the place. A. LEVY. MUS.A. LEVY. iimujjuujjjiiiuiuiuAiii n-Jinnmimnnminimfflm f 'Lei tha GOLD DUST twins do your work" To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine TMet$. mA Ctarw CHa ia Two Darya. on every tot. 25c